Behind Closed Doors


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I start by implanting the suggestion that the temperature is rising.

"Let me open the window," Mr. Stern.

But this is not enough. Soon all the sweaters and blouses are off. But this not enough either and in no time the whole family is enjoying a nice dinner in their underwear. I laugh for a while listening to them not even noticing the incongruence of their situation.

"Martha, could you please...?" says Donna in her pink yet kinky bra holding her glass.

"Coke or water?" answers Martha in her lame, thick and formless panties.

"And your geography teacher told me that you should pay more attention in class," finishes Mrs. Stern in her black G-string.

"So girls what are your plans after the graduation party?" asks Mr. Stern in his Taz boxers.

"Well..." starts Rose in her flower patterned underwear.

"Be completely honest," I command her.

"... Donna's going to go to a party in the suburbs with Jim Emerson, there'll be drugs and guys from the university and I guess she'll end up blind drunk, raped and ditched in a hole somewhere," she turns red realizing what she just said but she can't stop, "...and I plan to have all my holes properly fucked by one of my boyfriends, honestly I don't know which, but I really don't give a shit."

Silence falls all around the table. Donna murderous look pins Rose to her chair. Both Mr. and Mrs. Stern look at her daughter with the most absolute dismay in their eyes. Martha prays silently.

"LAUGH!" I order them all.

The first one to burst is Mr. Stern, soon followed by Donna and Rose, Martha and Mrs. Stern finally join in and the whole table discards the comment as a good joke and resumes their conversations.

I need to make Martha mine before I can move on with the others, the Master made that extremely clear, so I order her to excuse herself and go to sleep.

I'm waiting for her by the bathroom door when she finally arrives in her white nightgown.

"Oh! It's you," she says.

"How are you Martha? Are you happy with your visit in the big city?"

She's confused, still under my spell but with no clear instructions. My presence here unsettles her.

"Yes, I guess so, kind of intimidated..."

"Intimidated? How is that?" I continue casually inviting her to follow me in the bathroom.

"Yes, it's not the first time I come but every time it's the same thing, kind of... intimidating."

She starts to brush her teeth facing the mirror.

"Is it the people?"

"Huh huh," she says the mouth full of toothpaste.

I stand behind her starting to play with her long blonde hair.

"Is it people like me?" I whisper to her ear.

She spits and turns around.

"Your... your reflection?"

"Yes what about my reflection?"

"You don't have a reflection!"

"Yes, I know, it's quite annoying actually, it's a situation that has been going on for a few days now," I say pushing her hair to a side revealing her beautiful neck.

I bend over leaving a gentle kiss on her neck bone. She whimpers.

"Marisol... Are you... Are you a vampire?"

I look up.

"I am," I say before sinking my thirsty fangs into her flesh.

I must confess that the blood that starts filling me up is absolutely exquisite. I release her, make her face the mirror and tear the night gown from her shoulder.

"There, look at yourself, you shouldn't be ashamed of such a wondrous body."

I lift one of her breasts and start teasing her nipple. She turns red disturbed by her naked body, by the bliss gathering in her loins, by the pleasure I give her. I push her hair off her shoulder and bite her again. She moans. My hand leaves her nipple and slips between her legs. I press between my fingers her highly sensitive clit, making her come as I slowly kill her.

There must be something special about virgin's blood I think as her dead body crumbles to my feet. I feel so strong, so full of life and lust. Her blood on my face draws the contour of my traits in the mirror allowing me to see my fangs for the first time. I laugh wiping my face clean.

I turn around to find Rose looking at me.

"So this is it," she says, "it does explain a lot."

"What does it explain?" I ask a bit aggressive.

"Well you know, the dead bodies, the cops, the family in underwear for Donna's birthday, the tremendous orgasm and the consecutive night of finger fucking myself that ensued last time we met."

Suddenly, I realize that she's not under my control anymore and I can feel in the distance the family slowly waking up. Probably a secondary effect of the rush given to me by Martha's blood. I quickly extend my mind over her parents and sister to keep them in check but I leave her with her free will. I want to see where this conversation takes us.

"Well yes, I'm sorry about the mess but it's in my nature now, and you very well know that one can't go against her nature..."

"I never really liked her anyways," she says looking at Martha's corpse, "she was a judgmental bitch."

She smiles.

"So what's the plan? You kill us all and go on with your... unlife or do we at least get a chance to be... turned?"

"I don't know; what would you prefer?"

"I'm about to finish high school, I don't have a clue of what I'm going to do with my life, so I wouldn't mind. And anyway any kind of life beats death."

It is my turn to smile.

"Are you sure? I mean, you won't get to have a normal life, you won't see the sun anymore, you will definitely have to kill people to survive. Are you sure it's what you want?"

"Normal life? With the present economy, if you're lucky, normal life is killing yourself in a boring job. As for the rest you clearly don't seem to mind, so why would I?"

"Good point, so why don't you come closer and see what we can do about this terrible human condition of yours."

She gets closer to me, pushing her hair to the side.

"So soon? Are you in some kind of a rush?" I ask.

"Well you know I'm not really into girls..."

"But I'm not a girl," I answer falsely chocked, "I'm a vampire and you could say that the mortal boundaries of heterosexuality and homosexuality don't really apply."

"Okay," she says before sealing my lips with her own.

I happily return the kiss enjoying her warm tongue against mine. Our hands start exploring each other's bodies. While I release her of her underwear, her middle finger finds its way into my butt hole. I startle.

"Rose!" I say breaking the kiss.

"Don't you like that? Boys sure do!" she giggles wiggling it around.

"Of course I love that, it's just that... I never pictured you such a slut."

And we resume the interrupted kiss. Her thumb and little finger resting against my butt cheeks, her middle finger working wonders inside my ass, it leaves her with her index and her ring finger to spread my drenched labia. I come trying to break the kiss once again to loudly express myself, but this little Rose's teeth have captured my lower lip preventing me to do so. She bites a bit harder, breaking the skin. I come again as my own blood fills our intertwined mouths. I surrender myself to her lust letting her drink my blood. Finally with a wet noise, her machiavelical fingers leave my privates in peace or in pieces actually.

I rest against the sink, unable to stand, looking at this eighteen years old slut who just overpowered me.

"So do I qualify to be turned?" She asks me mischievously, a finger still drenched in my fluids on her chin.

I jump on her slamming her face against the tiles of the bathroom, my body pressing against hers. The beast in me has taken over and the beast wants blood. After a long lick at the warm skin of her neck, my fangs tear through her flesh covering me in her blood and I drink.

The edge of the hunger disappearing from my guts, I slowly retake the control of my urges. I start drinking slower, I pace myself on her heart beats, letting her life come to me on its own terms and when I feel that she's about to pass I release her.

Through her blurry eyes she looks at me, begging me to make her mine. I indulge her.

I'm cleaning myself in front of the mirror when she comes to her senses. All life has left her face but deep into her eyes, I can feel the same madness that inhabits me. She smiles revealing a pair of nascent fangs.

"My god! That was quite a ride," she tells me.

I help her stand. She looks at the absence of reflection in the mirror before turning towards me.

"How do I look?"

"You look good enough to eat, my sweet thing."

"I'm sorry but you already did that."

"You're completely right."

"I'm starving," she finally says.

"I am too I answer. You took quite a lot from me. Let's go, I wonder how the birthday party is doing."



In my absence the birthday girl and her parents have continued as instructed to enjoy the party in the kitchen. When they see us entering the kitchen naked and covered in blood they smile at us.

"Oh you're back," says Mr. Stern ignoring our indecent attire, "I'm sorry but we finished the cake. Maybe we can pop that bottle of bourbon I bought last year to celebrate, what do you think of that darling?"

"Well the girls aren't old enough to drink but I guess that for Donna's birthday we could make an exception, let me get the glasses," Mrs. Stern answers.

I turn to Rose.

"So who do you want to start with?"

"How about little Donna here?"

I smile and I order Donna to come and take her father's seat. Compliant she obeys. Rose approaches her sister from behind and pulls on hair. She bends over and without further delay she sinks her fangs into Donna's neck. I spread the birthday girl's legs, and kneeling between them, I bite in her femoral artery. Under our combined assaults, Donna falls into the most absolute ecstasy. Her panties soak with delicious fragrance and as Rose knead on her sister's breasts, I stick three finger into her drenched cavity. Donna screams her pleasure while we rape her in front of her parents.

Finally I stand and force my pupil to withdraw. She looks at me with despair, but I signal her parents behind us and she accepts.

"Turn her," I order Rose.

Mr. Stern has generously poured five glasses of bourbon. I grab the one in front of me and take a sip to wash down Donna's blood. The Sterns look at me, smiling. I smile back. Finally Rose sits and grabs her glass.

"Let's make a toast," she says turning towards the twitching body of her slowly turning sister. "to Donna, may she live many years!"

"To Donna!" we all say raising our glasses to the new vampire.

"To me," she says through her newly formed fangs grabbing the last remaining glass.

I leave Mrs. Stern to the girls and turn towards the man of the family.

Something must have slipped through the mist of my control over him as I find inside his boxer a hard and throbbing dick. I start stroking him through the fabric, looking how my pupils have laid Mrs. Stern on the table. Impatient for her first meal, Donna has already started feeding on her moaning mother's neck. Rose has stuck a finger into both her sister's and mother's pussies and she prepares for a clean breast bite.

Having seen enough I turn back to Mr. Stern. I help him out of his boxers, step across his legs and slowly let him fill me with his dick. As I start rocking my ass, I release him completely from my control. The fog clogging his mind starts lifting and the poor man watches his daughters lapping each other's face of his wife's blood. He screams. I rock harder, I don't want to lose him, I want him to come but I also want him to suffer, not that I'm a bad person, just for the fun of it.

Making sure that he doesn't miss a bit of his wife's rebirth, I push his face to side and let my fangs penetrate the soft skin of his neck. He convulses in pleasure and suddenly the chair decides that it won't take anymore from our abusive behavior and breaks into pieces. Mr. Stern and I find ourselves fucking on the cold kitchen floor. I let go of his neck when a powerful eruption of molten lava fills my guts. My three new sisters are looking at me. I smile.

"Why don't you have him join us?" I suggest as I collect the man's sticky juices slowly pouring down my leg.



After a while, I felt that the Master was growing impatient so I left the little family in a tremendous orgy of sex and blood. I had to promise Rose that I would come back before dawn to have her let me go.

The Master is pleased when I tell him about the cousin.

"Yes", he says, "it will do perfectly, now Marisol, for the last time, come to me, feed me, make me free..."

His terrible fangs fall on my neck and the most horrible pain engulfs me. I scream but he doesn't stop. I grow weaker in his arms. I beg him to let me go but he goes on drinking the soul of the virgin and he drains me. Tossing my dried carcass across the room, he finally leaves his flat ready to take over the city.

Broken, beaten, exsanguinated, abandoned behind closed doors, I allow death wrap me in his cold embrace and I slowly drift away...



"And in local news, a large explosion wiped out a small apartment building in the suburbs. The sole survivor was rescued from the fire by Detective Larry Mallahan from the metro police that happened to be in the neighbor at the moment of the facts. As we speak only two corpses have been retrieved but the authorities fear at least seven to ten more dead to be found in the collapsed building."


Six months later

It's the end of the summer and the nights a starting to grow longer and colder in Northern California. The students are hurrying back to their dorms as the recent wave of disappearances has made everyone a bit concerned. Rose knocks on an old wooden door. On the door there's a sign; it reads: "Berkley Catholic Students association - tonight God and sports competition, how to make them work together."

Waiting for the door to open Rose gazes at the sun disappearing behind the old buildings of the venerable university. She just arrived a few weeks earlier to start her semester in the prestigious establishment and she has already made lots of new friends. She spoke with her sister last night and apparently she has been doing almost as well on the east coast in Boston. Donna told her that their parents are now enjoying a second honey moon in Europe. According to Dad they don't plan on coming back to the US for at least a couple of decades, but the girls are more than welcome to join them there for holydays.

"Christmas in Paris does sound nice", Rose thinks when the door opens.

A small framed Asian girl is behind it, early twenties, a long and slender neck, beautiful curves and a perky nose. Behind the Asian girl a long and dark corridor, at the end of the corridor some light and voices coming from what must be the conference room.

"Good evening, my name is Kiko, please follow me, we were about to start with the opening prayer."

"No I think I'd rather have you right here, you'll make a delicious appetizer," Rose answers grabbing the girl by the collar of her white shirt.

The aggression fills Kiko's look with terror but Rose soon takes over the mind of the Japanese American student. In the shadows of the corridor, Rose sinks her fangs into the girl's neck. Just a few yards away a group of students walking back to their dorms chat about the lecture they just attended. Kiko's moaning finally stops with the unsuspecting religious group finishing the prayer.

Rose licks her fingers clean of the girl's secretion, wipes her mouth, pushes the Asian girl's arm out of the way and closes the door of the old building.

"Good, a new face," the speaker says when Rose enters the room, "please have a sit we were about to start."

To get a better view of her evening's meal Rose sits in the last row. Twenty-something chairs facing a small dais, on a corner a table with cheap cake and cooling lousy coffee. The speaker starts his opening statement. There are eight persons in the room including Rose and the man on the stand. Of the remaining six, three are girls and three are boys, all deliciously young, all but one of the girls deliciously virgin.

"Balanced nutrition is of the upmost importance for a healthy vampire," Rose thinks.

Rose starts playing around the minds of her future victims. Oddly the audience starts to feel strange warmth spreading through their loins. Just like her Mistress did on the night of her rebirth, she makes the students forget about her. She walks to the stage and stands before the man speaking. He has reached the last page of his speech. Rose drops to her knees and opens the man's fly. She feels a bit disappointed by the object she discovers behind it. But it doesn't matter she thinks a she swallows it, there are others to fill her... needs and from what she pictured in one of the men's mind, she won't be disappointed much longer.

Soon the speaker is so overwhelmed by pleasure that he is unable to answer the questions coming from the assembly. He finally comes into Rose's mouth. She drinks the warm virginal semen before standing and looking around. She could kill him right now but she needs him to focus the attention of the group.

In the front row one of the girls, a beautiful blonde with a white head band, is frowning, she must be starting to fend off Rose's mental domination.

Rose walks to her and sits by her side. She forces the good girl to look into her eyes and washes away any lingering resistance. She bends over and lets her tongue run over the offered neck. The girl shivers. Rose extends a hand towards one of the men. It is more than time for her holes to be filled. She starts stroking the blushing cheek of the girl. The man approaches and helps Rose out of her jeans. While sucking on the aforementioned more than fulfilling dick, Rose spreads her legs and guides the girl's hand between her cold thighs. The vampire moans.

After a while of thorough slurping noises and drenched fingers, Rose helps the men out of his pants and soon a strong erection replaces the girl's fingers. Having outlived her usefulness, the blonde receives Rose's fangs glad fully. Her blood is strong, musky. Drilled from behind, Rose drains the girl in less than a minute. Rose lets the man come into her guts enjoying how he convulses against her naked ass. Her face covered with blonde girl's blood, she looks around for her next victim.

Just a few rows back, completely submitted to Rose's lustful control and probably influenced by the steamy sex of the front row, the girl who wasn't a virgin has inadvertently started touching herself. The scent of her secretions delightfully reaches Rose's nose trills. As she's about to ask a question, Rose slips a tongue between the wet fingers into the exposed pussy and after pushing the hand aside she drives her fangs into the moaning girl's pubis. The hands of the girl are all over Rose's hair. The ecstasy is so intense that she's unable to finish her query but the audience does not seem to bother and the discussion moves on.

A wave of lust washes over the audience. The boy that drilled Rose approaches the last girl. He forces her on her back on the coffee table, lifts her skirt and starts fucking her. Rose stops drinking the girl and makes the two other boys come to her. A dick in her ass and another one in her pussy, surrounded by a chaos of knocked down chairs covered in random pieces of clothing, the vampire resumes her feeding on the girl. The poor girl dies in a whimper of pleasure. Rose makes the two boys come into her mouth before draining them too. Covered in blood and sperm she turns towards her last three victims and releases them from her mental submission. Puzzled and ashamed at first they look around stunned at the naked demon and the four dead bodies. The small old building fills with screams of terror. But Roses doesn't mind she has made sure that the campus Police would look the other way tonight.