Best-Case Scenario Ch. 04


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"That's right... that's what I need, don't stop..." she whispered softly.

"I'll take over here," Melisande said, seeing that I was having an awkward time of it. "Kiss her lips instead, I'll take care of her tits for you."

I straightened up and met Jayme's lips with a deep kiss. Melisande moved behind her and began to rub Jayme's breasts on the sides, spreading wet saliva over them. Jayme seemed to love it, and as her secretions made her pussy wetter, she rocked harder and harder over my cock.

"I'm almost there, p-please don't stop!" Jayme cried. "Oh fuck, I'm going to come... Oh!"

I felt her whole body shiver, and just as she climaxed, I followed up with my own, filling her pussy with my cream.

We sat together like that for a moment, and slowly, her body relaxed. Melisande appeared beside us once again and we kissed as a threesome, caressing our tongues together in our common center. I started to pull out, but Jayme stopped me with a quick tightening of her thighs around my waist. "Stay in me just a little bit longer," she cooed. "It feels so good, I don't want you to go away yet."

"Remember, I get some too," Melisande said.

"Oh, you will, lover," Jayme assured her. "Don't you worry about that. I'm sure this stallion has another shot in him for you."

* * * * *

After about five minutes of kissing and caressing with Jayme's pussy still embracing my cock, she finally lifted herself off me. The girls produced a couple of warm towels to clean up with, and we poured some more champagne.

"You know what?" Jayme said. "We haven't been taking full advantage of our surroundings. Sandi, let's pop the top!"

Melisande keyed a switch on the console, and a large section of the roof slid back and out of the way, leaving a square opening four feet on a side. Since we had been essentially driving in circles around the strip, the car was moving slowly enough that we didn't have to worry about a strong wind.

"Um, can't people see in?" I asked, feeling a little self-conscious.

"Nah, that's the beauty of it," Melisande assured me. "The interior lights go out when we open the top, and there are a series of bright lights pointed up around the outside of the opening that dazzle anyone who might try to look inside. We get the lights and the night air, but no one can see us unless we stick our heads out."

"Besides, let 'em look," Jayme grinned. "All they'll see is two sexy women and a hot stud doing what comes naturally. Come here, Sandi, let's make out some more."

The girls slid off the back seat once again and kneeled on the floor facing each other, then started to kiss again. The wind through the open top blew their hair into swirls, and the neon lights of Vegas reflected off their bodies as we passed the casinos. I sat back and enjoyed the show.

* * * * *

After another half hour of cruising and kissing, the driver called back and said we were approaching the club. The girls reluctantly parted from each other and started to collect their clothing.

"Sorry, we all have to get dressed again," Jayme said. "We can't very well go into the club without covering up."

"Don't worry though," Melisande assured me, "we'll be getting down soon enough. I still want to feel you in me, you know."

We all got dressed, and as the limousine pulled in the girls checked their makeup and hair. The car stopped and a moment later, the driver opened the door for us. We emerged into a round driveway in front of what looked like a renovated hotel, with a fountain in the front and palm trees surrounding. We actually weren't far removed from the strip. Since all the windows were blacked out, it was impossible to tell what the inside was like.

"I do hope you enjoyed the ride," the driver said to me with a wink.

"Oh, we did," Jayme assured her, blowing a kiss.

I tipped the driver a hundred dollars, and the girls escorted me into the club. The heavy front door was opened by a large man in a tuxedo who looked like the sort of person that Chuck Norris would have second thoughts about messing with, but of course, I had nothing to worry about; I'd paid my cover charge.

Once inside, I was surprised to see how normal the place looked. I had expected blacklights, strobes, smoke machines and gyrating strippers on stages; instead, what I had walked into looked more like an upscale piano bar, and indeed there was a large grand piano on a stage overlooking the lounge area. One thing that did set the place apart from most clubs was that there were a lot more women than men, and all of them were gorgeous and wearing outfits that left little to the imagination.

Melisande whispered to me, "We keep it fairly clean on the main floor, here. Upstairs is another lounge, and that's where things get a little more wild. We've also got some private rooms, of course."

"I hope we'll be using one of those before the night is out," Jayme said with a smile.

"So, should we go upstairs right away, or mingle around here first?" I asked, unsure of the right protocol in this situation.

"We'll do whatever you want," Melisande said, "but it's nice to hang out downstairs for a little bit. I've found that when guys do that, they usually end up having a better time for it. Besides, one of the club rules is that alcohol only gets served on the main floor; upstairs is dry."

"Unless you ask for a champagne room," Jayme added.

"We don't need to stay down here for too long, of course," Melisande said. "I mean, you've already got your dates for the evening."

I looked around, and realized something that I should have understood at the start -- the women were circulating not just for atmosphere and companionship, but because they were enticing guys to go upstairs with them. The lounge on the lower floor, it seemed, was essentially for shopping; the real business was done upstairs.

Then again, it also seemed to me that plenty of the guests seemed to be in no hurry, and I reconsidered my first conclusion. It struck me that there were probably a number of "regulars" to the club that came largely for the ambiance of the first floor, and perhaps made trips upstairs only occasionally. That was about as far as my thinking took me before I saw someone I recognized.

At first, my mind only registered that I had seen this woman before, and for a brief moment I felt the beginnings of a panic surge -- this was NOT a place where I wanted to be seen by someone I knew! Almost as quickly, though, I remembered where I'd seen her before, and I relaxed somewhat. I didn't relax entirely because the memory was of the kind that doesn't lend to relaxation.

"Desiree?" I inquired, touching the woman on the shoulder.

She turned with a smile on her face. "That's who I am," she said.

"I don't know if you remember me... three months ago, Excalibur hotel?" We, um, got together?" I suddenly felt very awkward; how does one greet a woman when you knew her for all of an hour, and yet had sex with her twice?

She smiled even wider. "Yes, I remember you! Xavier, wasn't it? It's great to see you again!" Desiree took my hands and gave me a slightly lingering kiss on the cheek.

Desiree had the unique position in my sexual history of being the first escort I'd ever hired for an incall, during my last trip to Vegas. She was also the first black woman I'd ever had a sexual encounter with. Her skin tone was a creamy mocha, her hair straightened and subtly streaked with highlights, and her eyes were dark and inviting. Her breasts stood out as very large and full, something I had asked for specifically on that occasion. Tonight she was dressed in a shimmering gold two-piece outfit comprised of a low-cut top that was little more than a bikini and a long skirt which rode low on her hips. A translucent scarf draped around her neck covered her without hiding anything.

"It's great to see you too, Desiree. I assume you know Melisande and Jayme?"

"Naturally," she said. "Are you ladies showing my man here a good time tonight?"

"Nothing but the best," Jayme assured her, leaning up against me and embracing my upper arm.

"I was hoping you'd come back and find me sometime," Desiree said to me. "Come on, let's get a drink together and catch up."

The four of us found a booth and ordered drinks. I sat in the middle of Desiree and Melisande, while Jayme cuddled up on Desiree's left side. "It's so great to see you again," Desiree said. "I remember how much fun we had together... you gave me a fantastic ride, honey."

"He gave me one too," Jayme purred.

"Still waiting for my turn," Melisande added, her hand stroking up and down my thigh.

Sitting close to Desiree as I was, I noticed how the gold tones of her outfit continued in her makeup. Her eyelids had been stroked with gold, as were her lips, but not so heavily that it looked like a metallic paint; the effect was subtle, sparkling, and lustrous. Her nails had been painted in pure gold, or so it seemed. And, of course, she wore golden hoops in both ears. I couldn't believe I hadn't noticed it immediately, but even her eyes had turned golden. They were contacts, of course, but if it hadn't been for the unnatural color I never would have guessed.

I made up my mind right away to splurge a little further on my evening. "You know, I'd love to turn our little threesome into a quartet," I said. "Are you busy with anything this evening, Desiree?"

"I'm ready to get busy with you anytime," she replied, licking her lips.

"Oh wow, this is so exciting!" Melisande exclaimed, her eyes twinkling with delight.

The waitress came over with our drinks, and Desiree motioned her over. "My man Xavier here wants to take us up to a private room," she said.

"All right," the waitress said, and turned to me. "Do you want a regular room, a champagne room, or a fantasy room?"

"Uh, what's the difference?" I asked.

"Oh, you haven't looked at the menu? Here you go."

I took the offered menu and opened it up to find not a selection of food and drinks, but pictures of rooms and women. I saw that a standard room (which looked like an upscale hotel room) was included in my package, but that if I wanted champagne I'd need to throw in an extra hundred, and a fantasy room (of which there were several options) would run me two hundred more. Another two hundred covered Desiree.

I pulled out my wallet and counted out four hundred dollars, passing it nonchalantly to the waitress. "That should cover Desiree, our drinks, and a champagne room," I said. "The company of these three ladies should be sufficient fantasy material."

"Oh, definitely," the waitress said. "We'll have it ready in about ten minutes, so enjoy yourselves in the meantime!"

Jayme raised her glass. "Here's to tongue kisses and multiple orgasms," she said.

"To lips and nipples," Melisande added.

"To hot and lusty ladies," Desiree said.

I thought for a moment. "I've got nothing to add to that," I shrugged, and clinked glasses with the girls.

* * * * *

The room was stylish but not over-the-top like the limousine had been. There was an enormous bed, of course, and a pair of oversized chairs; Desiree directed me into one of them. A champagne bucket and a small table with four glasses were about it for additional furnishings. The windows were draped with heavy blinds, and the lights were dim and slightly red in color. Soft music came from speakers in the ceiling.

"I think we should get started right away," Desiree said with a smile. "Would you girls like to undress me?"

"That sounds fun," Melisande smiled, and gently pulled the translucent scarf from Desiree's body. Jayme, in the meantime, slipped her hands into the waist of Desiree's skirt and began to lower it down over her hips.

"I remember how much you like to kiss deep," Desiree purred. "I'll bet you like watching women kiss each other deep, don't you?"

"He loves it," Melisande whispered, a moment before her tongue ran over Desiree's beautiful, full, dark lips. Desiree responded by sliding her hand up the back of Melisande's neck and then pulling the slender girl towards her, opening her mouth over Melisande's tongue and moaning hotly with lust.

"Oh wow, that looks so fucking good," Jayme whispered as she stood up, having let Desiree's skirt fall to the floor.

"Mmm... you want some, baby, come and get it," Desiree invited, pulling just barely enough away from Melisande to form the words. Jayme pushed her way in close and took her own deep taste of Desiree's lips... but she had the black woman to herself only for a moment before Melisande joined in, and then they were tonguing and licking and sucking in their common center.

Their fiery three-way kiss held my gaze so strongly that it took me a moment to register that Desiree's top had just joined her skirt and scarf on the floor, leaving her totally disrobed except for gold bracelets and heels. On either side of her, Jayme and Melisande ran their hands up and down her body, pausing to stroke between her legs or to cup her enormous breasts. Her wide, dark-chocolate nipples glistened with the same golden luster as her lips.

"Suck on these, girls," Desiree commanded, thrusting her chest forward and pushing her two lovers down toward them. Melisande and Jayme both put their lips to Desiree's hardening nipples, and as the sucked and licked at the sensitive buds, Desiree zipped their dresses down in the back to let them fall off. Neither of the two girls had bothered to put panties on, so just like that, all three of them had shed all their barriers, their bodies on full display.

Both Melisande and Jayme had very pale skin, almost milky-white compared to Desiree. The contrast in both color and body shape somehow made for a more exciting image than if they had all been similar in appearance. Perhaps the enticement lay in the display of such different forms of feminine beauty, coming together as more than the sum of their parts.

Jayme looked up at me after a moment, her tongue still circling Desiree's nipple, and then Melisande's eyes focused on me as well. It was Melisande who spoke, her voice a husky whisper, "You want to know how this feels... don't you?"

"You want all three of us together," Jayme moaned.

"You want to feel our lips and tongues... all at once," Desiree finished, and then they were coming toward me, kneeling down around me with their faces touching, their lips wet and panting, closer and closer, until Desiree's lovely golden eyes were all I could see... and then they pulled me into their kiss, and I felt three wet, probing tongues reaching into my mouth.

I could never have imagined anything so incredible. My head swam and for a moment I felt so dizzy, I seemed to be falling off my chair. I couldn't tell whose hands were unbuttoning my shirt, zipping down my fly, pulling my clothing from my body until nothing covered me, except the girls themselves.

Soft hands took hold of my own, and guided me to touch soft skin, naked breasts, and the tender, delicate lips between two pairs of slender legs. I could feel their moaning, and their pleasure... and then I felt a soft warmth over the straining head of my rock-hard cock. Slowly, Desiree enveloped me, pulling me inside the tight, hot wetness of her sex, and I felt her shiver as I penetrated all the way into her.

The girls never pulled away from our intense four-way embrace of lips and tongues. Indeed, as Desiree drew in a deep breath and moaned out loud, the other two seemed to renew their attentions from either side, both of them drawing in closer and intensifying the kiss. I began to feel almost smothered by them, but I didn't even care.

"Fuck me," Desiree whispered.

"No, fuck me," Melisande breathed, and her hand found mine between her legs, where she wrapped a fist around two fingers, then put the tips of them right into her slit. "Fuck me this way now, then do it with your cock when you're done with this hot bitch."

"Fuck me too, you have to fuck me too!" Jayme begged.

And just like that, I found myself pleasuring all three of them, and they moaned together with each breath... and I couldn't even tell the moment when I went over the edge and filled Desiree with my cream. But I felt her pussy squeeze my shaft, and her lips pull away from our kiss as she arched her back and thrust her massive tits outward to bounce in rhythm with the thrusting of her hips.

Then Jayme's pussy tightened around my fingers, and she also pulled away, her breath coming in gasps... and finally, Melisande gave in to her sensations and let the ecstasy take her over.

I opened my eyes just a bit, and saw the three of them above me, holding each other as they climaxed together... and Desiree looked down at me, her full lips panting and her breasts heaving, and her golden eyes seemed touched with fire.

* * * * *

"Well," Jayme said as we lay back on the bed after disentangling ourselves, "that certainly got very intense very quickly."

"What else could one expect, with a group like this?" Melisande said, smiling over her flute of cold champagne. "I mean, I doubt there's a lustier quartet in Vegas. Once we got started, I knew where it was going."

"You're just as hot a fuck as I remember, Stallion," Desiree purred.

I still found it difficult to speak, so I took another swallow of bubbly. I lay in the middle of the bed, of course, with Jayme up against my left side and Desiree leaning up against some pillows to my right -- her huge breasts made it difficult for her to cuddle up quite as close. Melisande reclined down by my legs, propped up on her elbow over my left leg (and both of Jayme's), while I had kicked my other one over her waist. Her free hand held her champagne glass, which she seemed to like rubbing against her nipples so the chill would keep them hard.

"I've never actually kissed two other girls at the same time before," Melisande grinned. "That was really hot... and Jayme, don't take this the wrong way, but Desiree has the sexiest lips I've ever felt!"

"I can't argue with that," Jayme smiled.

Desiree looked pleased with herself. "Well, you know what they say, ladies... once you go black, you never go back."

"The three of you are really intense together," I said, finally managing to find my voice. "It's enough to blow any man's mind, watching you do each other."

"You didn't even get the full show," Desiree said. "You watched us kiss and you watched these two hotties give my titties a lickin', but you know that's not all we can do to each other. Right now, I want to get a taste of those sweet little kitties."

"Mmm, my pussy wants your tongue, baby," Melisande purred, her eyes narrowing and her lips curving in a tiny, seductive smile.

"I think a little hot lesbian love is just what you need to get hard for Sandi's cunt," Jayme said, looking up at me. "Remember, you promised her you'd let her feel that big cock inside her... and I know you've got one more shot in you."

"Tell you what, pretty girl," Desiree smiled, as she leaned over the top of me and met Jayme's lips with her own just in front of my face, "mmm... why don't we take care of getting our man hard, so he can give this sweet little plaything what she needs."

The girls all got up together to move into their new positions; Desiree put a hand on my chest to indicate that I should stay right where I was. Melisande reclined next to me, propped up on the pillows, her legs spread and her hand stroking softly between them in anticipation. Jayme started to lean over and take my half-hard cock into her mouth, but then Desiree stopped her. "We'll give them a little show first," she said as she took Jayme's naked body into a heated embrace.

I glanced over at Melisande, who smiled as if she'd just been given a chance to meet her favorite celebrity. She slid up closer to me and rubbed herself a little more vigorously, watching with excited eyes as Desiree pulled Jayme in close, her own massive breasts seemingly overwhelming the other girl's more modest bosom, and then the two women slid tongues into each other's open mouths.