Best Day Ever


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When I hit the more extreme slides, the age of the participants changed and I found myself surrounded mainly by male teenagers and young men. I was really enjoying the attention and took less care with what my suit was revealing. After one particularly violent end to a ride I climbed out of the pool and noticed a lot of giggling and stares directed at me. A young man approached and said "Um, excuse me miss, you might want to fix your suit!"

I looked down and could see that my pubic hair and lips were fully exposed! The covering between my legs had been pushed to the side and now only formed a thin strip. I blushed and turned away in embarrassment, quickly adjusting the suit to provide sufficient coverage again. I acted upset but was actually enjoying myself. The guy who had warned me of my predicament was waiting and as I turned back he said "Don't worry about it, it happens all the time!"

I smiled at him and shyly said "Thank you for telling me."

He smiled and said "My name is Tom, are you here alone?"

I nodded and said "Yes, I'm Su-Mei."

Tom was a handsome guy, slightly taller than me and with a fit looking body. I guessed his age to be in the early twenties. I started to walk away and he followed before saying "Um, Su-Mei, would you like to try some of the other slides with me?"

I hesitated and he said "It's much more fun when you're with someone and I'm here by myself as well!"

I looked at his clear blue eyes and felt a surge of attraction. "OK Tom. Thank you."

He grinned at my reply and I saw him give my body a quick glance before he said "Follow me and I'll show you the best rides."

I did as he suggested and we chatted while we waited for our turn. Tom was from the UK and living in Basel with his parents. At 19 was slightly younger than I'd expected. He was also planning to study in Zurich and had lots of questions. I enjoyed talking to him and he really seemed interested in what I had to say. After each ride he used the pretext of checking for any exposure to look at my body. I was almost disappointed that the incident wasn't repeated and that the only thing that popped out were a few pubic hairs.

After another particularly harsh landing, Tom shyly pointed out that quite a bit of my bottom was visible. I twisted around to look and found that my suit had bunched up on one side, exposing my entire cheek. I laughed and, to Tom's apparent delight, instead of covering the exposed cheek I pulled the other side of the suit inwards so both my cheeks were equally visible. I said "It's my best feature so I suppose I should flaunt it!"

Tom laughed and to my delight said "I'd say it's just ONE of your best features."

As he said this he stared directly at my chest making it clear what he meant. I blushed with pleasure and a feeling of warmth swept through my body. As we walked to the next slide I noticed Tom adjusting his trunks a few times and I wondered if I was exciting him sexually?

The feeling of my naked buttocks in direct contact with the surface of the slide was another new and pleasurable experience. I knew that, whichever swimsuit I purchased next, it would have to be designed to expose my bottom in this way.

The best moment for me came when we went to a slide that required us to share an inflatable tube shaped like a figure 8. Tom helped me sit in one of the holes and he took a seat in the other. We were facing each other with our legs hanging over the edge. As we pushed off the tube spun and we raced down the slide spinning out of control.

I was squealing in delight and I could see and hear Tom laughing. After many twists and turns, we hit the pool at the end. The almost instant deceleration launched both of us out of the tube and I ended up landing directly on top of Tom, gasping for air. When I recovered I could feel my nipples rubbing against his chest and found it to be a rather enjoyable sensation. He helped me to my feet and I made sure to hold onto him tightly as we stood in the water. I felt a solid bulge at his crotch pressing against my body as we moved. This must be his penis! It seemed larger than I'd expected and I tried to imagine what it looked like.

Tom's face was slightly flushed when we stepped out of the pool and I said "I think I've had enough action for one day. I want to relax in the sauna a bit before I have to leave."

Tom nodded and said "Would you mind if I join you?"

I smiled and replied "That would be great! I've never been to a sauna before so I'm not really sure how to do it."

He grinned and took my hand "Let's go!"

I'd never had a boy holding my hand before and I wondered if this could turn into an actual relationship. I'd always found western boys attractive but had never thought any of them would be interested in me. Once we returned to the main pool area, Tom pointed out two structures I'd seen before but hadn't really looked at. He said "One is a steam room and the other is a sauna. We'll need towels to sit on for the sauna."

I nodded towards my lounger and said "My towels are over there, where are yours?"

He pointed to the other side of the pool so I suggested "Maybe we can just share mine?"

"That should work."

When Tom saw the towel I'd been given at the entrance he said "Oh, you have access to the proper sauna area!"

I was slightly confused "What do you mean?"

"There's a whole different sauna area through there" he replied, pointing to a doorway on the other side of the pool and added "You must have paid for using it that's why they gave you this towel."

"Oh, I just asked for access to everything! What's the difference between the saunas?"

"I don't know, I've only been in this one but if you've paid we should try the proper one. I can get in with my wristband, they'll just charge me something when I leave."


I took both my towels and walked with Tom to the other side and then through the doorway he'd indicated. We found another turnstile and I scanned by wristband. The light went green and I entered the hallway on the other side. Tom followed and we walked towards the door marked "Eingang".

"Hold on!" he said suddenly.

I stopped and looked at him. He pointed at a sign next to the door and said "I think we have a problem!"

I looked at the sign and tried to understand the pictograms. There were pictures of a crossed out camera, mobile phone and what looked underpants and a bra. I was confused and asked "What does it mean, we don't have any of those crossed out things?"

"'Nacktzone' means nudist area. You have to be naked beyond this door!" He pointed at the picture of the underpants and bra and said "That means no swimwear!"

I laughed, thinking he was joking and said "Yeah, sure! Nice try Tom."

"It's true! I'm not just trying to get you naked, although I wouldn't mind." He said with a smile.

He seemed to be serious but I wasn't convinced. Surely it couldn't be that men and women walked around totally naked together! Across from this door there was another entrance with sign saying 'Umkleide'. "What does that say?" I asked pointing.

Tom looked at the sign and said "Changing room".

I walked over and took a look inside. There was no door and not much inside, just some benches against the wall and a row of hooks. Numerous swimsuits of all types were hanging on the hooks.

"Do you believe me now?" said Tom as he followed me inside.

It really looked like he was telling the truth. "Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed.

He gave a sheepish laugh but said nothing.

"Are people naked in the other sauna?"

"Nope, you just need to sit on a towel. But I know that in Germany it's common for people to be naked in the sauna, it must be the same here."

"Men and women together?"

He nodded.

"Wow! I mean in China there are bathhouses where people are naked but it's never mixed."

We stood in silence for a moment and then Tom said "We can go back to the other sauna if you want."

I was considering his offer when we heard voices and the click of the turnstile being used. A young couple entered the changing area and nodded at us in greeting. They placed their towels on one of the benches and without hesitating, began to remove their swimsuits. The man stripped off his trunks revealing the first adult penis I'd ever seen. It sat on a rather large and hairy pair of testicles and was a smaller than I'd expected after feeling that lump in Tom's trunks. I didn't want to look but felt compelled to stare.

The women had untied her bikini top and after hanging it on a hook pulled down her bottoms. I was jealous of her large breasts and although she was slightly overweight I thought she looked very attractive. As she turned towards me I looked away but not before I saw that she was completely hairless between her legs! They picked up their towels and smiled at us as they walked past.

Tom and I watched as they left the changing area and went through the other door. "OMG! That was wild." exclaimed Tom.

I bit my lip and my body trembled in excitement and fear. I remembered how I'd felt when I saw people looking at parts of my exposed body and the desire I'd had to strip off and be completely naked. I never expected it would be possible and now here was the chance to do exactly that!

Beyond that door I could be naked without getting into trouble and I could let strangers look at every part of my body. I made up my mind and said "I'm going to try it! I've already paid the entrance fee and this suit has revealed more than it's hidden." I said, gesturing at by bulging nipples.

Looking at Tom I could see he was as excited and nervous as I was. I wasn't sure he'd actually go through with it so, not wanting to miss the opportunity, I took the plunge and placed the towels I was holding onto a bench and then slid the straps holding up my suit off my shoulders. I hesitated for a second and then peeled the still wet fabric down to my waist.

I looked at Tom and he was staring open mouthed at my tiny breasts and giant nipples. I felt a surge of adrenalin course through my body and it gave me the courage to continue. I pushed and wiggled my way out of the tight bottom half and then let the suit slide to my feet where I stepped out of it before picking it up.

Tom was still frozen to the spot and his expression hadn't changed. I felt a rush of heat through my body and the sudden fear that we would leave in disgust. Feeling suddenly insecure, I turned away from him and was visibly shaking as I hung my suit on one of the hooks. I waited a moment, took a deep breath as I steeled myself for the inevitable disappointment and then turned around to face him.

The next words he uttered weren't those I'd been expecting "Su-Mei, you are so beautiful!"

I gasped in shock and said "What?"

He looked me in the eye as he said "What do you mean, What? You're amazing!"

I felt the colour rise in my face and I looked at him in disbelief, "You really mean that?" Before he had a chance to respond I said "But I have nothing here!" and indicated my tiny breasts.

He smiled and said "You're absolutely perfect. I love small breasts and those nipples are just out of this world!"

My heart fluttered as I heard his words, was it really true that I'd found someone that thought I was attractive. Tears of joy began to flow and when Tom noticed he thought I was upset. "I'm sorry Su-Mei, I didn't want to make you cry."

I laughed as the tears continued to flow and before he had a chance to speak again I rushed forwards and wrapped my arms around him. I said "You didn't upset me, I'm just so happy. That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me."

I felt his body relax slightly and his hands wrapped around me holding me tightly. After a few minutes I let him go and stepped back. "So, are you going to join me?"

He looked slightly flustered as he said "Um, yes, I mean I want to, but..."


"Um, seeing you like this has got me excited."

He blushed as he said this and I thought he looked very cute when he was unsure. "So, what does that mean exactly?" I asked naively.

"You know..." he said while gesturing towards his crotch.

I stared at his crotch and could see his pants were tented. I smiled and said "Is that your penis?"

He blushed a darker shade of red and nodded so I said "Is it a problem?"

"Um, yes! I don't think they'd be happy if I walk around in there with an erection."

I giggled as I imagined what he described and said "When will it go away?"

"I really don't think it'll go away as long as you're naked!"

I giggled again and felt a rush of pleasure, I never imagined I'd make a man feel like this. "Can you do something to stop it?"

"Um, not really. It usually only goes soft after I come. But I can't do that here!"

I was confused "What do you mean after you come? Come where?"

He looked even more embarrassed as he said "You know, after I have an orgasm..."

This time I blushed, I felt a tingling heat and a rush of wetness between my legs. "So you have to have sex before it goes away?"

He nodded and sex "Something like that."

If we'd been somewhere more private I think would have let him do anything he wanted with me but this really wasn't the right time or place. Instead of offering anything I said "Can you show me your penis?"

He glanced around as if to see if anyone was coming then said "I suppose it's only fair, you've shown me everything."

I watched with mounting excitement as took hold of the elastic waistband of his swimming trunks and began to lower them. My mouth went dry as I realised I was about to see my first sexually aroused male. He was going slowly and I could see some pubic hair appear and then he pulled his trunks forwards slightly and I could see what looked like a thick tube of pale flesh begin to appear. This must be his penis! It was thicker than I'd expected and I could see more and more of the shaft as his pants went lower and lower.

It was so long and I still couldn't see its tip! Tom paused and pulled his pants forwards again before moving them further down. Suddenly his penis came free and surged upwards hitting his tummy with a slap. I gasped in surprise and covered my mouth with my hand. The tip had a pinkish red colour and was shaped a bit like a mushroom. It was thicker than the shaft and the whole organ looked amazing but also a bit frightening.

Tom continued lowering his trunks to reveal a large pair of testicles that had hardly any hair. I couldn't take my eyes of his crotch and watched in fascination his stiff penis and loose testicles bobbed about as he pulled the garment all the way off. I continued staring as he turned and added his swimsuit to the hook next to mine.

When he faced me again we both looked at each other's totally naked bodies. My mind was in turmoil again and I had all these strange feelings that I'd never experienced before. I was imagining touching and kissing his penis and then I tried to image how it would feel entering me. My legs suddenly felt week and I felt dizzy. Tom could see something was wrong and quickly stepped forwards to hold he steady and then lower me onto one of the benches.

Hi penis brushed against my thigh as he did this. It felt hot and very hard and left a smear of clear fluid behind as it slid over my smooth flesh. "Are you alright?" he asked worriedly?

"Yes, I just felt dizzy suddenly."

He sat down next to me and I could feel his hairy masculine leg touching my own. He carefully brushed some of my hair out of my face as he said "I'm sorry to upset you but you said you wanted to see it."

I nodded and said "It's not your fault, I've just never seen one before and yours is so beautiful."

He looked surprised and said "You mean you've never seen an erection before?"

I nodded shyly "Apart from that man's earlier I've never seen a penis before."

"So you're a virgin?"

I blushed "Yes."

"Wow! So am I!"

It was my turn to be surprised. He noticed my expression and said "I'm actually very shy around girls. I noticed you earlier at the pool and thought you were so beautiful but didn't dare approach you because I was sure you wouldn't be interested in someone like me. When you had your little accident, I just had to help and then you seemed so nice that I had the courage to ask you if I could join you."

"But you're such a handsome guy you must have had lots of girls chasing you?"

"No, not really. All the ones I liked ignored me and the others just weren't my type."

"So you've really never been with a girl?"

"Nope. Not even a kiss!"

I giggled and said "Just like me!"

We both laughed with each other and looking at his penis still thrusting upwards from his lap I said "So what shall we do about that?"

"I suppose I could try to hide it under a towel."

"That's a great idea!" I jumped up and grabbed a towel, noticing how his eyes scanned over my body as I moved. I loved him looking at me like that and handing him the towel I said "Try it!"

He stood up and took the proffered towel, wrapping it around his waist. The towel was quite long so he had to wrap it around multiple times with made it pretty thick. When he was done I could still make out a slight bulge but it wasn't too obvious if you didn't look right at it. "That looks OK!"

He looked down and nodded. "I suppose so. Shall we go in?"


I grabbed the other towel and tucked it under my arm. Taking his hand we walked to the door and paused for just a second. "Here goes!" I said as I pushed the door open and we walked inside together.

It was a bit of an anti-climax. I'd been expecting crowds of naked people to be standing around but instead we found an empty hallway with some cubby holes for belongings and towels. No one was about. Tom pointed to a sign with a map of the facilities. There were many more options than we'd expected and it looked like there were even swimming pools!

Hearing some voices we turned as two middle aged couples appeared around the corner. Three of them were totally naked, just holding their towels as I was. One woman had the towel wrapped around her covering her breasts and everything else. They smiled and nodded at us and I could see all of them stare at me for a moment before continuing on their way.

It felt so liberating to stand here naked and not care what they thought. Five people had seen me naked now and I hoped it would be many more before the day ended. I felt Tom's hand squeeze mine as we watched them go towards a glass door. The women covered by the towel, removed it and revealed the best body of the bunch! One of the men opened the door and all four of them quickly stepped inside the rather dark looking interior.

Tom looked at the map and said "That's the Finish sauna, it's almost 90 degrees hot!"

"90c! Maybe we should try something milder first?"

"I agree. How about this..." he pointed at the map and said "It's called a Bio sauna and is about 60c."

"OK, lead the way."

He took one last look at the map and then pulled me along the corridor the others had come from. Once around the corner we could see that the place was huge and that there were many more people here than we'd first thought. Tom didn't wait and we turned down an aisle on our left. There was another glass door and a sign saying "Bio sauna" with some information below.

"This is it." He said.

"Now what."

"According to the instructions we go inside and sit or lie on our towels. Remain quiet and stay for about 10 to 15 minutes. The main rule seems to be no sweat on the wood!"

"Sounds easy enough!"

Tom smiled and reached for the door handle. He opened it and let me enter first before following. The room was empty and had two rows of wooden benches all around its sides. The air was hot and humid but not overly so. I walked towards the furthest corner and said "How about here?"

"Fine with me."