Best Day Ever


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Tom's hands on my bottom began to squeeze and I felt him push himself against me before all motion stopped and he grunted and panted into my ear. As we held each other breathing heavily I finally understood what all the fuss about sex was about! I'd only had a small sample of the feelings it could generate and I was eager to experience more.

The pulsing air was still buffeting us and Tom moved away to slightly stiller water. I looked around and nobody gave the impression of knowing what we'd done. Tom loosened his grip on me and I unwrapped my legs but we continued holding each other. He looked at me and said "You look a bit flushed."

I smiled "So do you!"

We both giggled and I said "That was the best thing ever!"

"It's the closest to actual sex that I've ever had, that's for sure!"

I giggled and said "Let's go and lie down for a bit, I've had enough of the water."

Tom nodded and holding hands we exited the pool and returned to out loungers. I felt more alive than ever before. I loved the feeling of all the eyes on me as I adjusted the lounger before lying down. Unlike Tom, my nipples were still erect, standing tall as ever. Even I thought they looked sexy as water droplets rolled down them.

I was usually very careful in the sun but today I couldn't resist lying down and enjoying the rays. After a few minutes I rolled over onto my tummy, letting the sun caress my backside. I closed my eyes again and then heard some familiar voices. It was the Chinese girls I'd seen earlier! I listened as they walked past, and despite only picking up snippets of their conversation I knew they weren't happy being here.

I opened my eyes and watched as they made their way to a small building located behind the pools. They were both wrapped in towels and looking around nervously. Their male friends were walking behind them also with towels around their waists. They went inside the building and I could see them turn left and walk down a short corridor.

"Hey Tom, what's in those buildings there?" I asked and pointed.

Tom looked over and said "Um, I think there are some more saunas. Do you want to take a look?"

I nodded and we stood up, took our towels but didn't bother covering up. On the way we passed one of the other pools and I bent down to feel the water. This one was also warm but much clearer, so I guessed it had no salt. It was similar to the pool indoors with some jets and bubble loungers just much smaller. I lingered there longer than necessary, knowing I was giving anyone behind us another detailed view of the parts of my body that were usually hidden.

When I finally stood up we walked the short distance to the entrance and stepped through the doorway. Directly opposite was an open plan shower and to the left and right doors to two saunas. I knew the Chinese girls had gone left so I walked that way and looked at the sign describing the sauna. It was hotter than the one we'd used before at 65-70c and I said to Tom "Can we try this one?"

I stepped inside and looked around. It was quite well lit thanks to a window along one side. The group I'd followed were occupying the benches opposite the window. The two girls were sitting, still wrapped in their towels and looking rather uncomfortable. Their male friends were lying fully exposed on the lower bench. All four of them were staring at Tom and me as we considered where to go.

Seeing how the sunlight illuminated the benches by the window I knew it was where I wanted to be. I walked over and did my best to show off my body before lying down on the lower bench with my feet facing the others. It felt much hotter than the first sauna and I was already sweating. Tom took the upper bench and it was fun watching his penis and testicles swing about as he positioned himself. Inexplicably, it excited me knowing those girls could see him like this and I felt proud that this good looking, fit guy with his large penis was with me.

This time I used the headrest from the start and if I looked straight ahead I could see the others clearly without having to move. The girls were looking at me and whispering to each other. Their male friends had both tilted their heads in our direction and I knew they could see me as clearly as I could see them. The organs between their legs were soft and didn't seem as impressive as Tom's although I couldn't say for sure as they were mostly hidden by their legs.

It was amusing to think that the girl sitting there uncomfortably huddled in her towel had inspired me to remove the padding from my swimsuit and begin the odyssey I was now on. Knowing I had a captive audience was just too much and I had the urge to show them even more. I rolled onto my side and then onto my knees using the pretence of adjusting the headrest and towel. Bent over as I was, I knew I'd be giving the others a very explicit view and I hoped for some reaction from the boys.

After taking longer than necessary, I lay down on my back again but made sure to keep my feet further apart. I looking at the four of them, through half closed eyes, I could see I had everyone's attention and that the guys were struggling to hide their natural responses. One of them had rolled onto his side, perhaps to hide his erection from the girls but letting me see the full extent of it. The short but rather fat tube poked out from between his legs with the exposed tip pointing towards me.

I felt a burst of heat and moisture between my legs and let my eyes drift to the second guy. He was still on his back but had raised his knees. It didn't keep me from seeing his penis, which, unlike Tom's, stood vertically to his body and had a slight curve towards his feet. It was longer and thinner than the other guys but also not as big as Tom's.

Sweat poured from my body but I could still feel the additional heat and wetness between my legs. I wanted to tease them further and slowly also raised my knees, keeping my feet apart as they had been before and then let one leg drop slightly to the side. After a few minutes I sat up and slowly wiped the sweat from my breasts making sure to let flick my nipples as I rubbed over them.

When I looked over at the group they all looked away to try and hide the fact they'd been watching me. One of the girls used her foot to tap the guy lying on his side then said "Can we go?"

"Just a bit longer" he replied.

I suppressed a smile and wondered how they were going to deal with their erections when they left and in the showers. The girls didn't seem happy and, a few minutes later, asked to leave again. This time the guys reluctantly agreed and I watched as they tried and failed to get up and hide their arousal. The girls seemed angry and left in a huff as the boys were still trying to hide things under their towels. After they left I said "Tom, are you also ready to leave?"

He sat up and nodded, so we both stood and gathered our towels. The two Chinese girls were still wrapped in their towels outside the showers and glared at me as we approached. They obviously hadn't dared strip off to use the shower and were waiting for their boyfriends to finish. Tom and I hung up our towels and stepped into the shower room. The other guys noticed us enter and watched me with interest. I could see they were as hard as before and made sure to give them another nice show as I washed.

It was clear they were delaying their departure in order to see more of me and only left the shower after Tom and me finished. Their girlfriends had left and realizing this, the guys quickly wrapped their towels around themselves and rushed outside to catch up. Tom grinned at me and said "I think you made them happy!"

I laughed and said "It looked like it. I hope you don't mind?"

"Nope, in fact I think it's really hot for other guys to see you naked and get turned on!"

This was music to my ears and I smiled and said "It's funny, but I also liked the girls seeing you naked! Shall we try the other pools?"


We left our towels where they were and stepped outside again. Ignoring the first pool I headed over to the smallest one of the three, again enjoying the sunshine on my still wet skin. Tom was at my side and I could see many people looking at us as we walked together. I was sure we made an attractive couple. This time, instead of bending over I squatted down to feel the water. With my knees parted I leaned forwards and tested the temperature with my hand while taking a quick look between my legs.

My public hair was flattened from the shower and my light brown lips had parted revealing the pink tissue of my insides to anyone that happened to be looking. I stayed as I was and turned slightly to Tom, "its freezing!"

"Yeah, it's like the pool inside, do you want to give it a go?"

"I suppose so!"

He helped me to my feet and we approached steps leading into the water. Still holding hands we took the first step. I screeched loudly, and hopped from foot to foot, mainly to make sure everyone was looking at us. Tom laughed and said "It is pretty cold, we can take it slowly or just jump in."

"Slowly please! I don't think I'd survive the jump."

We continued on, one step at a time, always pausing for a while. I was getting maximum exposure until we were submerged in the cold water. Tom dived down and I put my fingers in my ears and did the same. It actually felt really good and we swam around a bit before we started to feel really cold. Our skin was covered in goose bumps as we came out and I ran directly for the warmer pool next door. Running naked was another new experience that I enjoyed immensely.

Once Tom joined me I wrapped myself around him. He grabbed my bottom again and then walked around the pool until we found another one of the jets. He let it blast against my back and then lifted me slightly, making it massage the crack between my cheeks and my anus. "Oh!" I exclaimed when it happened the first time and he smiled and said "You like it?"

I nodded and he kept me in this position for a while. To my disappointment, the jets suddenly stopped but a moment later the bubbles from the underwater loungers started up. Tom carried me over and then let me down as I climbed onto one with him taking its neighbour.

It felt really good and when I saw a few more people entering the pool I rolled over and let the air massage my front, being sure to raise my bottom above the waterline. My nipples and pussy were being stimulated and I bit my lower lip at the feelings of pleasure. I remained like this until the bubbles stopped and then rolled over again to find many more people in the water than before. Most of them were older men and I sat up and stretched my arms up, proudly displaying my breasts and nipples that were quite flushed from the stimulation they'd received.

Seeing a clock behind the pool I realized that time had flown and that I'd have to leave soon if I was to catch the train home. "Let's dry in the sun for a bit and then I have to leave."

Tom nodded and was about to head for the stairs but then watched me as I basically crawled out of the pool directly from the lounger, being sure to give the old guys in the pool another good show. He smiled at me and then followed. We walked hand in hand to get out towels and then rested on a pair of loungers' right next to the pool. I lay on my front first and let the sun dry my back before flipping over.

I really wanted to stay longer but had to get going. I said "I have to go, but you can stay if you want."

"Nah, I'll come with you."

We gathered our things and walked back to the main building. The place was busier than it had been and there were many younger people and couples. I suppose this was when the after work crowd could partake. I loved the eyes on me as we walked towards the exit and was sorry to have to go. Before leaving the nudist area we wrapped ourselves in our towels and stepped outside.

The changing area was also quite crowded with people stripping off and we had to wait a moment before we were able to get to our swimsuits. They were dry and we didn't bother to put them as we walked to the main changing rooms. By chance, Tom's locker was in the same row as mine. I retrieved my clothes and decided I wouldn't bother using one of the cubicles as this would be my last chance to show off my naked body today.

Without a care in the world I removed my towel and used it to dry my hair. I watched Tom staring at my tiny breasts as they jiggled. We weren't the only ones in this row and I sense other eyes on me. I put my towel on the bench and looked in my bag for my hairbrush and comb. Without a stich of clothing, I walked to the mirrors against the far wall. Tom's eyes followed me and I could see him and some of the others watching me in the mirror.

Tom grabbed his underwear from his bag and quickly slipped it on under his towel before taking it off. I smiled and then casually walked back towards him, judging by the bulge in his pants I knew he'd enjoyed the show and I made every effort to let everyone see more of me as I slowly got dressed. I rummaged in my bag before removing my neatly folded clothes.

I first put on my underwear followed by my knee length skirt. I'd arrived wearing a well-padded bra and a t-shirt but I couldn't face putting that thing on again, so I just pulled the shirt on with nothing underneath. The shirt was quite tight and the effect was now similar to when I'd been wearing my unpadded swimsuit. The twin protrusions of my nipples were unmissable. Before today I'd never worn clothes without a bra and would never have let anyone see me this way!

I flicked my hands through my hair, loving the way the fabric of the shirt teased my nipples. Tom was still in his bulging underpants and gawping at me. "Are you planning to leave like that?" I teased.

He blushed and shook his head as if coming out of a trance. "Um, no, um, sorry. You just look so good!"


I was about to pull on my socks when I noticed that I was feeling very constrained. Lifting the hem of my skirt I reached underneath and pulled off my underwear. It was much more comfortable like this and I felt a frisson of excitement at the thought of travelling home this way. I took the bra and undies and rolled them into a ball before dropping them in the garbage can.

Tom was dressed and was grinning when I returned to my bag. I slipped on my socks and shoes and then we headed for the exit. "How did you get here?" I asked.

"By train, any you?"


"Great, then we can ride back to Basel together."

At the station we held hands and talked as we waited for our train. There were a few other people waiting and I thought I recognized some of them from the sauna. Whenever I saw one of them looking at me I felt a surge of excitement knowing that they'd seen me without anything on.

Once seated in the train, Tom put his hand on my knee and slid it a tiny bit up my leg. I loved his touch and, knowing we didn't have much time, I said "Tom, would you like to see me again sometime?"

He smiled and said "I was about to ask you the same thing! Of course I would Su-mei!"

I smiled and had the sudden urge to kiss him. We both leaned towards each other with puckered lips and heat formed between my legs. Being our first time, it wasn't the greatest of kisses, but I still loved it. I felt Tom's hand squeeze me leg gently and if we'd been alone I would have pulled his hand higher so that he could touch the wetness waiting there.

All too soon the train pulled into the station and we got off. I had about 15 minutes to catch my connection to Zurich so we exchanged numbers and promises to call each other. After a further (and better!) kiss we parted ways.

As I settled into a seat on the rather crowded train to home, I closed my eyes and thought of the events of the day, it had been life changing and I still couldn't believe it! I was already excited at the thought of seeing Tom again and I decided the first thing I would do when I was home was shave off all my pubic hair! The gentle rocking of the train was all too relaxing and I soon fell asleep...


More will follow if there is sufficient demand!

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bobslutsbobslutsabout 2 months ago

Did Shygeek,

Great story!! I'd love to read more about these two sweet "lovers". Please post another part , even at this late date. Everyone would love to read it, I'm sure. I'm anxious to see them in bed experiencing all the sexual fun they desire. Love it!!

Love, sucks and fucks,



Voxman314Voxman3148 months ago

I wonder how telling it is, in the seemingly rare case that the male half of a romantic main character doesn't have downward facing dick, they don’t have PIV sex.

Still really hot, all their almost-sex shenanigans. I'm disappointed that this didn't become a new series. Bias against uncurved penii?

Despite the above, I'd love to see more of the Fear series as well. Thank you.

biSalguodbiSalguodover 1 year ago

I would love to be Tom so much fun I love huge nips

bigtigerbigtigerabout 2 years ago

Really, really stimulating. I am just sorry that a follow-up hasn't been written.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Great story. You paint a great picture with words. I want more

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