Best Served Cold


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The pair also agreed that there would be no random texting during the day.

"I don't want to have to worry if he picks up my phone for some reason," Tally said, not having to explain whom the "he" was.

While most of Tally's spare thoughts since Friday had been about what she was calling her new adventure, she realized Monday afternoon that she and her husband did not make love at all during the past weekend, a very unusual situation at the Teague house. Upon further reflection, she didn't recall Stephen trying to initiate anything. She knew she had to pay more attention to her husband while she was involved with Devon.

Even after 23 years of marriage, sex between Tally and Stephen was still an enjoyable experience, she felt. They probably averaged twice a week, and Stephen always made sure his wife got her share of orgasms. She always joked that he ate pussy like a starving man.

Admittedly, sex at this point between the two wasn't the scorching hot event it had been when they first met and married. They had their peaks and valleys, as every couple does, but things had picked up when their son went off to college and left them as empty-nesters. Stephen had upped the ante a bit with his aggressiveness, and Tally had responded to the two being alone by being louder and more physical.

Tally was well aware that she still turned men's heads when she was dressed up and walked into a room. Her husband was still fit and attractive, as well, but she wasn't wrong to think that she was the one heads turned to first, even other female heads. Her large, still-firm breasts were truly works of art, and on the rare occasion where she went braless, she knew there were plenty of male tongues hanging out.

Monday night, Tally climbed into Stephen's La-Z-Boy on top of him halfway through a baseball game. She was dressed in a pair of short jean shorts and a cropped T-shirt without a bra. Her erect nipples dragged across her husband's chest, easily getting his attention.

"Mmm. Does somebody want to play?" he asked as he wrapped her in his arms before dropping his hands to her tight ass and squeezing.

"Please," she whispered as his hands fought their way into the back of her shorts underneath her panties.

They kissed passionately while he continued to massage her butt cheeks. Before she was aware, both her shorts and panties were halfway down her legs and Stephen's right hand was rubbing up and down her pussy lips. Her moan morphed into a squeal when two fingers lashed her swollen clitoris.

Stephen pushed his way out of the chair and peeled his wife's shorts and panties completely off her body. He smacked her naked ass before grabbing her shirt and yanking it over her head and off.

Aroused and surprised by the speed at which her husband stripped her, Tally happily shrieked when Stephen swept both her legs off the floor and lowered her to the carpeting beneath them. He rubbed along the length of her slit with his first two fingers, then gently pushed them into her mouth.

Stephen was very aware that although Tally denied it, she enjoyed the taste of her own fluids, and that very often pushed her to more inspired heights. She didn't disappoint this time either, eagerly sucking her fluids off Stephen's digits. Stephen then yanked his fingers from her sucking lips, planted his lips on hers and not so gently yanked on her long nipples. He quickly slid down her body and buried his face in her squelchy pussy, running the flat of his tongue over her opening and getting rewarded with a writhing, loud climax and a face full of her cum.

Stephen growled at that point and moved his tongue up higher, flicking her clit first one way, then the other and getting another screaming orgasm.

"Aarrgghh! Do me. Do me now!" Tally wailed.

Stephen was shocked at Tally's words, the first time in a quarter of a century she had ever put together a sentence during sex, but right then was not the moment to review her tendencies. He crawled back up her body, stopping briefly to suck on both of her nipples for a few seconds, before doing as she requested.

Another climax ripped through Tally's body as Stephen barely slowed down. Two more followed before Stephen let loose a torrent of his own cum in his wife's pussy.

The two briefly lay together on the floor, with Stephen resting mostly on his elbows to keep most of his weight off his wife's smaller body, before he got up and went into the downstairs bathroom to get a pair of towels. After cleaning himself, he tried to dab at the large wet spot his wife created on the carpet.

"Oh, hell, I'm going to have to get some carpet stain-cleaner, or we'll have to get some new flooring in here," Tally giggled.

"Sorry... sort of," Stephen responded with a large grin.

While she was cleaning up, it didn't escape Tally that twice in the last four days she had been taken in rooms other than her bedroom... by two different men. She started to get aroused again, but realized quickly that her husband, unlike her lover, could probably not get hard again in a reasonable amount of time to make love again.

The next night, as the pair was getting ready for bed, Stephen informed Tally that he had been told the couple's next-door neighbors and long-time friends, the Petersons, were going to become grandparents for the first time in a few months as their son, Robbie, and his wife were expecting.

"Jack's really excited, and he says Karen is through the roof nuts about the idea of becoming a grandma," Stephen commented.

"That's really great for them. When they know what the sex of the baby is, I'll have to buy a baby gift," Tally said. "How old is Robbie now?"

"I'm pretty sure he's 26 now. I think he's four years older than our Jeff," Stephen replied.

The answer caught Tally flatfooted as she quickly remembered that Devon was also 26. She unknowingly grimaced.

"You okay? You look like you ate a lemon," Stephen chuckled.

"Just stepped wrong a bit. This getting older thing isn't for sissies," she came back with quickly.

"I can't wait until Jeff starts having kids, after he finds a girl and gets married. Then I'll be married to a GILF," Stephen said, waggling his eyebrows up and down lasciviously.

"Is that all you men think about is sex?" she teased back, having regained her wits.

"Not the only thing... but close," he responded. "I wonder if I should be worried about you around all those college kids."

Tally quickly turned to face away from her husband so he couldn't see the deep blush on her face.

Stephen noted that his wife seemed a little distracted on Thursday night, but he was horny, so he went for selfish and initiated sex soon after Tally slid beneath the sheets facing away from him. He ran his fingers gently up her back to her neck, and when she scrunched up her shoulders he leaned in and ran his tongue along the same plane. Her slight squeal told him he was on the right track.

An hour later, Tally was lying on her back, breathing heavily and feeling like she was a boneless cat. As usual, her husband made superb use of his talented fingers and tongue, and Tally came four times before Stephen finally filled her with his seed.

Stephen lay with an arm and a leg over his wife's exhausted form. He assumed the languid smile she had on her lips was completely in appreciation of what he had done to her, but in reality he was only half-right. Coming down from her arousal, Tally was thinking about which lingerie she was going to wear for her next tryst with Devon the following day.

She wound up choosing her black lace plunge bra, knowing that with her blouse half unbuttoned at lunch, it would show her big boobs compressed into the opening when she sat down. She also chose to wear her frilly-top hold-up stockings, knowing nobody else except Devon would see them, unless... ah, the possibilities, she thought.

Dr. Cyril Grover wasn't the warmest of people, and most of Tally's early morning interactions with him in the years she had been his administrative assistant consisted of a grunted good morning and a passing nod with his coffee cup in hand. She had worked for him for a decade, and the only long personal conversation she had ever had with her boss was over the birth of his two grandchildren. She had caught him several times taking awkward, stealthy looks at her chest from time to time, but for her that was completely normal with the male half of the population.

"You... you look very nice today, Tally, not that you don't every day," he mumbled when he walked past her desk on the way into his office that Friday morning.

Tally was almost too shocked to answer, but quickly recovered enough to mumble a quick thanks. It was then that she noticed she hadn't buttoned up her sweater after she tested what it would look like half unbuttoned in her mirror at home. She blushed hard before doing up two more buttons. At least Stephen had been gone before she got dressed this morning, or he most certainly would have made some sort of comment.

Not coincidentally, Cyril came out of his office five minutes later under the pretense of needing a file. He tried to be subtle and glanced at Tally using his peripheral vision, and she spotted his disappointment when he saw that she had buttoned her sweater higher.

"Men are so easy. Doesn't matter if they're 26 or 60," she thought to herself as she suppressed a smile.

Tally felt her pussy moistening when she spotted Devon's car in the parking lot at Nelson's. She still had no idea what magical spell the young man had cast upon her as she had never before had this kind of sexual reaction to anyone. She parked her car next to his in the lot, then checked herself in her car mirror and undid the two buttons she had buttoned earlier in the business office.

With her cleavage line starting high up on her chest, Tally turned several heads when she walked through the restaurant toward Devon's table. He saw her coming and made no secret of watching her big boobs jiggle with every step as she approached. The sensation of her boobs jiggling made her nipples stand straight out, and the reaction of the young man watching her made Tally's arousal level rise quickly.

"Subtle, Devon. Real subtle," she practically purred when she sat down.

The two spent the meal again getting to know each other better in ways other than carnal, although to be truthful, the young man wasn't putting in nearly the effort that the woman was. He could tell by her actions that he totally owned her, so the rest was just gravy.

When they were done eating, they got into Tally's car and she drove them to her home. As they pulled into her garage, Tally could feel her heart rate elevating. Her panties, already wet, became soaked as she thought of what was to come.

Devon didn't disappoint, although the sex wasn't quite as wild as their initial session. One advantage, though, was that they had a little better physical connection as far as knowing each other's body a little bit.

He let Tally put her purse and keys down before wrapping her in a passionate kiss, which caused her to moan into his mouth. He ran his hands over her tits and felt her nipples harden in her bra. After they broke their embrace, he led her by the hand into the family room and started to unbutton her sweater. She barely had enough presence of mind to realize what he wanted to do.

"No. No, Devon. We can't leave wet spots anywhere down here. That wouldn't be smart. And not in my son's room, either," Tally said.

"Oookaayy," Devon said, looking properly chastised. "You can't blame a guy for trying."

He took her hand and led her to the master bedroom, then slowly removed her clothes while kissing each new body part he exposed. He saved her panties for last as he was enjoying watching the wet spot in the crotch grow larger. He dipped his right index finger down and gradually slid the wet cotton material into her slit. Her moaning grew louder as he continued to do that.

Tally had no idea of how long the two stood next to the bed as Devon rubbed her slit while pushing more of her panties into the opening. He finally felt her body shimmy and legs give way as she came hard on his hand. He caught her body and guided her to the bed, pulling her panties down her lifted legs and finally off.

With her legs already up, the young man slid between them, keeping her legs up against his shoulders, which bent the woman in half and had the effect of tightening up the feeling of her pussy. He groaned loudly as he entered the woman.

Ten minutes later, both participants were groaning and sweating when they came almost simultaneously.

"Fuck! That was great, woman!" Devon announced when he finished filling her soaked pussy.

Tally's legs fell like wobbling bowling pins when Devon pulled his cock out of her. He stood and stretched while she caught her breath, then he climbed back on the bed all the way to her face, dangling his mostly limp, slimy dick over her mouth. She stuck her tongue out tentatively, and that was all the invitation the man needed, dangling his manhood into her open mouth.

Tally started getting more aroused when she tasted herself on Devon's dick as it felt reminiscent of when Stephen made her suck his fingers after placing them inside her vagina. She seemed to find new energy and enthusiastically started bobbing on his rapidly-hardening tool.

"Oh yeah, babe. Do it. Do it. Swallow it allll!" he enthused as he shot rope after rope down her throat.

Tally was no stranger to blowjobs, but through the years she had become less willing to swallow for her husband, often pulling off Stephen's dick in time to place it inside her pussy for the big finish. Devon, however, didn't have any way of knowing this, nor did he give the woman much of a choice, keeping his prick buried in her mouth until she had not only swallowed it all but had also cleaned off the remnants.

Devon rested beside Tally as she caught her breath. He kept whispering softly to her that she was the hottest woman he had ever fucked. She smiled brightly.

For the second time in two weeks, Tally was surprised when Devon needed very little time to recharge, forgetting again that her lover was 20 years younger than her husband. The two had been lying entwined for about 10 minutes when she felt him start to play with her big boobs, first rubbing, then pulling on her hard nipples. After a few minutes, she felt her pussy start to lubricate prodigiously once again.

Devon felt her start to wriggle in place and knew she was ready to engage some more. He slid down a bit and grabbed a nipple between his teeth while three fingers slid inside the woman's drenched pussy.

"Oh. Oh. Oh. Ah. Ah. Aaiieee!" Tally wailed after a couple of minutes of playing by Devon.

Devon stayed hard on Tally's box while she worked through the hard climax, then leaned across her body and gently bit her other nipple. He slipped his diamond-hard dick inside her pussy again, then rolled the two of them over so that Talley was sitting on his lap with his dick buried inside her to the hilt. She was moaning and babbling incoherently until he started lifting her higher and slamming her down harder on his phallus.

"Fuck. Fuck. Oh fuck. Fuckety fuuucckk! Tally screamed out as she was hit by yet another monster orgasm.

Devon continued to bounce her up and down until she regained her brain and started bouncing on her own. Ten minutes later, he again started to help her bounce as he started coming with a roar.

The pair snuggled together whispering and giggling for about 10 minutes. For not the first time, Tally wondered what power the young man had that made her lose control so completely around him. Sure, he was handsome and well-built, but it wasn't like he was Chris Hemsworth.

The pair got up and dressed before Tally drove him to the restaurant where his car was parked. They kissed deeply before he got in his car and drove away. Tally drove home, showered, changed the bed sheets and cleaned up. As usual, she was preparing dinner when Stephen walked in the door.

Lying in the darkness in bed that night, Tally had to admit to herself that she was having an affair with Devon. Previously, she had refused to even admit to herself that she was cheating on her husband, but after spending two afternoons having sex with another man, she could no longer deny the obvious. She also couldn't deny that she had no answer for the hold Devon had on her. Maybe that was the reason she felt little to no guilt over what she was doing.

"How about we both play hooky from work on Friday and take a long weekend somewhere," Stephen asked his wife Sunday night after the two had another very successful coupling.

Panting heavily and feeling very mellow at the moment, Tally really wanted to say yes, but there was no way she was going to give up a Friday with Devon. There was no way to reschedule with the young man at this late date.

"Aw, babe, I wish you had asked me earlier," she answered after a couple of seconds of hesitation. "Cyril's got me on a project with a couple of our business partners in town, and you know how he gets about deadlines."

"Yeah, I do," he sighed in return. "Maybe I'll try it again sometime later in the year."

"That would be a good idea," she said softly.

Tally and Devon repeated their trysts the next two Fridays at the Teagues' home. The two both thought the sex was outstanding. Devon had no idea why Tally seemed to be so eager to please him, but he wasn't going to turn down outstanding sex with a hot older woman. The fact that she was married only added to the excitement, he had to admit to himself.

Devon particularly enjoyed taking her ass on the second of the next two Friday afternoons. The pair started off fucking in missionary before he pulled her up on her hands and knees to take her doggy, but after smacking her ample bottom, his plans changed on the fly.

"Hey, you got any lube?" he asked.

"Not any K-Y or Astroglide. Would Vaseline work in a pinch?" she answered, not fully sure of why Devon was asking.

"Sure, go get it and get right back here," he said.

Devon quickly slathered the fingers on his left hand and the woman's asshole, the latter causing her to giggle and squirm. She jumped when he gently pushed one finger into her ass as deeply as he could and then held it there. He slowly started to push it in and pull it out as Tally groaned. The groaning continued when he added a second finger and repeated the in-out action, but within a few minutes her groans of discomfort had turned into moans of pleasure. She sighed loudly and pushed back on his hand as he started in with a third finger.

"I-I've only done anal once before," she announced. "Neither of us was real thrilled with it, so we never did it a second time."

"Well, you and I haven't tried it yet. I think we need to give it a shot, too, if you've done it with your hubby," he said, knowing full well Tally couldn't deny him anything.

"Just go slow, lover. I'm sure it will be great," Tally said.

Although she enjoyed the anal sex with Devon, Tally's just-taken ass was sore when the two were finished. Devon noted with a smile on his face that she was walking a little gingerly when the two walked into the garage so she could drive him back to his car.

Maybe because she was preoccupied, Tally never noticed Sam Mitchell paying more than a little attention to her car as she pulled out of her garage to take Devon back to his car.

"Hey, cut that out!" Tally bit at Stephen when he whacked her gently on the ass and headed for the master bedroom to change his clothes a little later that day.

Stephen stopped dead in his tracks and look strangely at his wife. She caught the look and did some quick damage control.

"Sorry. Might have tweaked a glute earlier today in the gym," she said apologetically. "This program I've been doing for the last few weeks is really kicking my ass."