Beth's Boy


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His Hard Attack had finally subsided, whatever woman doing it to him getting tired of the trick, or perhaps sensing that other women now had a hold of him. This allowed him to be able to walk again, albeit it with a bit of a limp. He kept trying to walk slower as he approached the entrance to The Red, but Britney and Heather didn't give him an inch, yanking him forward by his cock, forcing him to keep up with quick, jerky strides.

Jack was almost surprised at how few other men he saw were fully nude. He flushed red in embarrassment, but it took only a glance to know that, clothed or not, every man was sporting a diamond-hard erection, and nearly all of them were getting hit with tease spells left and right. Jack didn't even get twenty paces through the main entrance before he started feeling little phantom zaps and flicks and pinches on his cock and butt. Britney and Heather looked back and giggled whenever he stumbled behind them from a particularly sharp zap. His Mom, however, didn't even spare him a glance.

They stopped in a clothing shop, to peruse the dresses. Britney noticed the changing rooms had no doors, and were situated such that the store windows on the left gave everyone a full view of the changing women; customers tried on their clothes in full display, their hot bodies and lingerie giving the guys a cock-teasing show that left their dicks quivering.

Britney nudged Jack as they paused outside the store's entrance. "You want to watch Mommy and her friends get changed?" she said, winking at him.

Jack shook his head in protest, even as his cock flexed at the thought. He still had his Gag Spell on, unable to part his lips. Britney giggled. "Too bad," she said. "Why don't you have a seat over on that bench?" She pointed to a wooden seat where a couple other men were staring, utterly entranced, at the women trying on their dresses.

Jack wasn't keen on the idea of sitting between two other guys while naked and hard, but Britney gave him a light push towards the seat. "Stand if you like," she said. "Just keep an eye on the windows."

Jack positioned himself several feet behind the bench, leaning on a support column that the sitting area was situated around. His back against the cool marble, he tried to ignore the attention he drew from being one of the few fully nude men in the area. Instead, he watched the windows, as ordered. To be honest, there was already quite a show going on, and his cock and balls ached watching several young women strip, then take their time choosing what clothing to wear. Everything they did was with a slow, sultry deliberation. The women knew exactly what they were doing, drawing out the sight of themselves for maximum male frustration.

As Jack's eyes flickered over their enticing figures, one young woman in particular caught his eye. Even dressed only in red panties and bra, he recognized her dark hair and lithe figure, and even though her back was to him, when she turned her head a bit, he recognized her profile. It was Judy, one of his co-workers at his store. He gulped, and tried to force his eyes away, but it was too late. Judy turned quickly, and snapped her gaze right to him. She blinked, then grinned as she recognized him, and he found his eyes locked onto her.

In a panic, he risked disobeying his orders, and turned to try and walk away, but he felt Magic seize him. He was pushed back against the wall, and a hot, wet pressure enveloped his cock. Judy winked at him, grinning, and then went back to looking over her dress, holding it up against her, keeping her back bare to him, then slowly slid the thing on. The Magical pressure, a phantom pussy, slowly moved up and down on his cock and he shuddered with pleasure, breathing heavily.

Other men watching the show noticed this, and shifted uncomfortably, edging away from him a bit, though a couple men stared almost enviously at his bouncing, dripping cock. For nearly ten minutes, Judy forced Jack to watch her change, all while fucking him with just her thoughts. Jack whimpered as she coaxed him with an almost painfully slow pace towards climax. When she finally exited the booth, satisfied with her choices, she turned and winked at Jack, blowing him a kiss. The phantom pussy squeezed his cock and he edged so hard, he yelped loud enough, even through his muffled lips, to draw the eyes of everyone around. Laughter and some clapping filled his ears as he was left dizzy with the aftershocks of his failed climax.

And then it was Britney and Beth's turn at the booths, Heather apparently passing. Jack whimpered as he was forced to endure the shame of being aroused at the sight of his own mother in her underwear. He heard giggles from girls around him, and he was sure some were mocking his thoughts, though he couldn't turn to look and see if he was the one being pointed at. His cock was still twitching when, twenty minutes later, the three ladies came back out, Britney and Beth each with a bag.

"Well, you had some fun already!" said Heather with a laugh. No doubt they'd sensed the surge of his edging from Judy and laughed their asses off.

"Be a good boy and carry these, would you?" said Britney. She held out her bag, as did Beth.

Dutifully, Jack obeyed, hoping that maybe they wouldn't tease him quite so much, lest they risk him dropping their goods. Then he remembered they could control his body so well, it probably didn't matter. He gulped in dread and stepped in place right behind them. He noticed several other men giving him sympathetic glances, but no one, of course, could do anything meaningful to help him.


Three hours went by as Jack was dragged from store to store, and the women took their time perusing through the goods. They didn't buy too much more, just a few more articles of clothing, some jewelry, and Heather got a short stack of old romance novels from the small bookstore (as if anyone really came there for serious reading). Jack, of course, had to carry all of it, while being sniped from all sides by magical teasing flicks, zaps, strokes, pinches, and kisses, even as Britney and Heather kept the psychic leash tight around his cock, tugging it frequently to move him along. He edged at least a dozen times.

The three women even stopped at a couple of the "tease kiosks" of naked men strapped up in the middle of the halls, taking their turns stroking, sucking, and tickling their cocks and balls. Jack tried desperately not to be envious of the men as he watched his mother deep throat them until they were gibbering pleas for mercy. Tried and failed.

Worse still, Jack got mistaken for being one of the tease toys! And Britney and Heather tag teamed one of the floating men, Beth went off to bathroom, leaving Jack to stand a few feet away from the show. Setting down the goods he'd been carrying, he stood tall and closed his eyes, trying to get some measure of calm while his three slave drivers were distracted. Unfortunately, several women took this as a sign that he was part of the tease display. They came up to him and started brazenly touched him, grabbing his cock and enveloping him in phantom sucks and squeezes. One girl even leaned down and sucked him with her actual mouth for a few seconds, while her boyfriend was forced to watch, his cock throbbing in his pants. Jack, still not allowed to talk, was unable to protest as he got mobbed by the passing women. When he tried to back away, he found himself frozen in place, unable to escape.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Britney and Heather giggling off to the side, watching him be used. It wasn't until Beth returned that they finally stepped in and explained to the other Sex Mage shoppers that he was not, in fact, one of The Red's free Tease Boys. Jack was pretty damn certain they all had known that, but he was in no position to call their bluff.

He was, however, close to the breaking point by then. His cock and balls were on fire with pressure and sensitivity and constant teasing, his mind frying from all the sex. Part of him was yelling himself that if he had just accepted his mother's deal in the first place, he wouldn't be in this situation! That part was beginning to sound less and less crazy.

Jack felt tears well up in his eyes. The whole time Britney and Heather led him around, Beth acted like he was barely there. Had he truly pissed her off that much, that she was content to not only let her friends use him for their pleasure, but she felt no sympathy as hundreds of strangers teased him blind? He knew she'd wanted to help him, but the thought of sex with his own mother repulsed him, and he didn't dare start down the slippery slope of becoming her plaything. Such a fate would be the worst thing for a man trying to make his own way in a world full of Sex Mages. Or so he'd thought.

Right now, if he were being completely honest with himself, he'd be willing to fuck his mother right here in the middle of The Red if it meant he could leave this insane cock-tease free-for-all, and finally be given relief before his sanity completely snapped!

The women weren't done yet, though. They finally decided it was time to catch a meal, and had settled on a nice looking restaurant, the one staffed by the cute girls who loved to pitch in on the teasing. The hostess beamed seeing the nude, very fine body of Jack, and as she smiled at him, he felt a peppering of psychic kisses all along his cock until he shivered and twitched in place. The women laughed again, leaving him flushed, and the hostess led them to a table.

"Ah, this was such a great idea!" said Heather.

"I know, right? God, I haven't felt this jazzed in, like, ever!" Britney glanced at Jack. "We might have to put you to use when we get back to your house. It's taking all I have not to just rub one out right now!"

"You know, you could go to one of the dungeons here," said Heather. "They've got guys ready to go."

"Nah," said Britney. "We've been here long enough. We should leave after we eat. Besides, I've had Jackie-boy's cock on mind all day today." She winked and his cock twitched as her thoughts tickled his over-teased organ.

Jack could only whimper. The chairs had arms on them, and Heather had immediately clamped his arms down along them, as well as magically tying his legs to the legs of his chair, and his torso to its back. Jack sat fully pinned down once more, his throbbing cock just barely poking its tip past the top of the table.

Just then, the waitress appeared, a cute, petite brunette, whose smile would have made Jack's heart skip a beat. She smiled and greeted the woman, while giving Jack a knowing grin. Jack could only whimper as the psychic mouth paused to suckle his cock head, sending sharp twinges of pleasure shooting through him. He flushed red with humiliation, being so displayed to this stranger, and helplessly teased before her. In another life, she looked like the sort of girl Jack would ask out for a date, but in a world of Sex Mages, she was another wicked tease who would bring him to his knees just for a giggle.

The waitress, who'd introduced herself as Carrie, took the lady's orders first, naturally. Beth got a sandwich, while Heather and Britney ordered salads.

"And what will the young man be having?" said Carrie, feasting her eyes and senses on his hyper-teased cock. Jack felt her thoughts caress his mind. "Jack, right? Heehee, looks like your jack-in-the-box is already sprung!" The four women laughed at her incredibly lame joke, more due to the young man's deep blush. She paused and motioned towards him while looking at the other women. "May I?" she said.

Beth waved towards him with a thin smile. "Please, he's untaken. Do whatever you like."

Jack wailed in his mind at how casually his own mother was willing to sell him out. Carrie reached down and let her fingers lightly caress his cockhead. His hypersensitive organ twitched and jerked under her light touch, and the girl let out a shuddering breath, shivering as she absorbed a strong hit of his lust energy.

"Oh, goodness, you're really putting the squeeze on this poor guy!" she said. She giggled and pulled her hand away, licking the pre-cum off her fingertips. "Well, will you be eating in that condition, sir? Or would you like something to go?" She giggled. "I'm afraid I can't get you something to come, unfortunately."

Again, another round of laughter from the ladies as Jack flinched at such lame humor. Maybe in that other life, he would have asked her out, then changed his mind once she opened her mouth.

"Aw, don't be like that, sir," she said, reading his mind easily. "I can promise you, my oral skills are top notch in other areas."

A second psychic mouth joined the first, performing a slow, sensual suck that made his eyeballs bulge. His hips jerked in place, his toes curl, and he let out a shrill moan. If he hadn't already been pinned down with magic, he would have bucked himself clear off the seat. Carrie winked at him, then released him right as he edged fiercely. She released her mouth spell, and Britney did the same, letting the poor boy sag into his seat and catch his breath.

"He'll have the same sandwich as me," said Beth. "But we will take it to go. It might be a little dangerous for him to eat right now."

"Aw, what a nice Mom," said Carrie. "So thoughtful and protective." She gave him another wink, then went off to fill their order.

"Wow, what a cutie," said Heather. She grinned at Jack. "Maybe if you jerk off thinking about her, she'll send you some helpful little spells later."

Jack could only whimper in response.

"Okay," said Britney. "I suppose now's as good a time as any address the elephant in the room. You, Jackie-boy, are going to find your cock tortured like this all the time, until you get a woman to look out for you. Right now, the only woman you've got is your mother. Sweet soul that she is, she seems more than willing to help, but you've been nothing but a brat to her for even offering."

Jack tried thinking his most sincere apologies and pleas to his Mom, but Beth just gave a little "hmph" and looked to the side, becoming suddenly very engrossed in her phone.

"Aw, Bethy, don't be like that," said Heather, in a voice of mock-concern.

"He made it very clear he doesn't want my help, so I don't know what else there is to say."

"Well, I'm married, and Brit's already got a full plate of boys," said Heather with a grin. "So, neither of us can really take him. Not full time anyway!" She nudged Jack and he shivered as another jolt made his cock jerk several times.

"And you're a bit young for me," said Britney. She reached over and tapped his cock, and his whole body clenched as a surge of tension and teasing pleasure went through him. "Not that I'd turn down a quick ride on this thing, mind."

"Fuck him all you like," said Beth, not looking at her son.

"I might take you up on that," said Britney. "Still, it would feel like cheating to let my best friend's boy cum without her permission. Don't you think Heather?"

Heather reached over and tickled his cock head with her fingertips, letting out a soft moan of delight. "Oh, definitely. We wouldn't want to be disrespectful, unlike a certain little brat."

Jack tried to plead with them in his thoughts. He was afraid to fuck his own Mom. He'd be seen as a freak.

"It's not that weird," said Britney. She leaned in close. "Believe it or not, well before I got the Magic, I was already a hell of a cocktease." She grinned. "And I learned everything I knew from a friend of mine, her Mom, and her Dad."

Beth and Heather's eyes widened. "Really?" said Beth. She was rather skeptical of this story, given she'd never heard it before. But she sensed Jack's attention was now focused on Britney's words. Britney turned her head just enough that Jack couldn't see when she winked at the other two.

The two ladies grinned. Britney was fucking with the poor guy, opening up the possibilities in his mind. "Oh yeah," she said, leaning forward conspiratorially, in a way that just happened to give Jack the perfect side-view of her cleavage. "Her Dad had a raging foot fetish, and some nights, her Mom would make him lie on the floor and use his face as a foot rest while she watched TV. Meanwhile, my friend would lie between her Dad's legs and play with his cock. He was told if a single drop of cum got on her, he'd get caned on his ass for being so disgusting as to get his goo on his own daughter. There was a four month period where they were doing this little routine every weekend, and a couple times, I got invited over to participate. My friend was so good at sucking her Daddy's cock, she could hold him on the edge for hours! I had to practice on a lot of boyfriends to get that good, but that's where I first learned all about edging."

Britney chuckled. "I haven't talked to that friend in ages. I can only imagine what she might be doing to her Dad now that she has Sex Magic!"

Jack jerked in his seat as he felt another phantom mouth close over his own cock, slowly, lovingly sucking him. He squirmed and grunted. He was still locked in place, restricting his movements, but couldn't help but fight against the invisible bonds.

"My husband's sister fucked with him all the time with her Magic," chimed in Heather. "I met him when he was her plus-one at a Rock Party. Poor guy was totally her dog. Sometimes she still comes over to give him a walk, if you know what I mean."

Jack writhed in his seat as the oral spell continued. He was so hyper-sensitive it took him only seconds to edge. He looked at his Mom tearfully, and begged her in his mind. Please, Mom. I'll do it! I'll do anything you want! I'm so sorry I rejected you!

Beth finally looked back at him with a frown. "You know what it means, Jack. Do you really think you can handle it?"

He didn't care. He was going to go insane if this didn't stop. He nodded vigorously. Even if it meant fucking his own mother, he had to make this cock-tease nightmare end!

Beth smirked and said, "I'll think about it. Right now, though, I'd like to enjoy my meal."

Right as she said that, Carrie came back with their food, and she giggled seeing Jack jerk and whimper in another edging. When he hands were free, she reached down and gave his cock head another tickle, and Jack whined pitifully when he felt a matching psychic hand tickle his balls.

"You poor, poor thing," she said. "So much pressure in such a fragile body. And in such a beautiful cock! You must have been a bad boy, huh?"

"Oh, he's a very bad boy," said Britney. "He wants to stick in his own mother! What a weirdo, huh?"

Carrie's eyes went comically wide, then she burst out laughing. She let her psychic hand move up to squeeze and stroke him, keeping him right on the edge. She pat the sweating, writing boy on the head. "It's okay sir," she said between laughs. "My brother has the same problem!"

Jack went red as a beet and completely gave up as the other women laughed along with her.


Jack didn't think it was possible, but as they finally left the Red, the torment of his cock only got worse! Heather and Britney climbed into the back seat of the convertible with him, and as Beth drove them home, both women took turns sucking him. They barely waited for Beth to fully pull into the driveway, before they leaped from the car, practically running to the door, floating Jack behind them. Once Beth let them in, they pinned him to the living floor and immediately started stripping.

Britney was just fast enough that she beat Heather to his cock, impaling her already dripping pussy onto the helpless boy's organ. She shrieked and shuddered, nearly cumming just from the first touch. Heather, letting out a hurt cry, wasn't to be outdone, and she immediately sat on Jack's face, using magic to compel him to start licking just the way she liked. The two women satiated themselves on the helpless boy all while his mother watched.