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A young man's fealty is in doubt.
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By Woodmanone copyright June/2012

There are no descriptive sex scenes in this story. So what's new? Same ole, same ole for my work.

Constructive comments, emails and critiques are requested and much appreciated.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story and I hope you enjoy it.


"Don't hit me. Please, for God's sake don't hit me," Jerry Smith begged. The man Jerry was pleading with was Ben Stillman, known as Big Ben on the street. The nickname was due to Ben's size, he was 6' 6. If he'd had been shorter, he would have been called stocky; he weighed 270. Instead, he was considered muscular and not someone to mess with.

Ben was holding Jerry off the ground with one of his big hands around the neck because his boss, Moe Farrell, had ordered him to collect the money owed to Moe by Jerry. Moe was among other things, a loan shark. He was also the boss of a small time criminal gang on the south side of St. Louis. His 'gang' was involved in loan sharking, protection, and gambling. Moe didn't have the 'scones' to get into drugs or prostitution, but he wanted to become affiliated with the family that controlled the crime in the city; Moe was a wannabe wise guy.

"Look Jerry, just give me what you owe and I won't have to hit you," Ben said as he sort of shook Jerry like a dog playing tug of war with a piece of cloth.

"But I don't have the full amount," Jerry complained. "Moe will just have to wait."

"Moe's not a very patient man. I don't think he'll like your answer." Ben sat Jerry back on the ground and shook his head. He really didn't want to rough up the little guy, but it was his job. After his parents died in a tenement fire, Moe had taken in the orphaned Ben at age 14 and took care of him. He'd given the boy a place to live, food, and shelter.

Ben had started working for Moe when he was 16; running betting slips from the neighborhood stores and parlors to Moe's office and other things that a young boy could be counted on to do. Ben was now 26 and had been working as an enforcer and collector in Moe's organization for over four years.

Ben sometimes had to get physical with Moe's "clients", but not often; his size was usually enough to convince the delinquents to pay up. When he did have to actually put hands on people, Ben tried to do little permanent damage. He'd several times refused to cut off a man's finger or ear or any number of other gruesome suggestions made by Moe. Although not please with Ben's refusals to go ballistic on customers, Moe had to admit that Ben's collection success rates were the best of the group.

"How much you got Jerry?" Ben asked.

"I've got $2000 and can get another two by next week." There was a small inkling of hope in his voice.

"That will pay last week's and this week's interest," Ben stated. "What about the principal?"

"I can't get that for another month."

"Well you know the drill," Ben said. "Your interest is $1000 a week and if you don't at least keep that paid...well you and I will have another discussion: a very unpleasant one. Give me the money." He took the $2000 from Jerry and walked to the door.

Just as the little man started to breathe easier, Ben turned. "I'll be back next Friday for the $2000 you talked about."

"But I'll only owe a thousand interest by next week," Jerry protested.

"Consider it a collection fee," Ben replied and almost stomped out of Jerry's shop.

"Damn I hate this job," Ben said aloud as he walked to his car. He continued his complaint silently, People like Jerry make the mistake of borrowing money from guys like Moe and don't think about the tremendously high interest that Moe requires. He snorted a laugh. Moe likes to call it the 'juice' or 'vigorish' because he thinks it makes him sound like a 'wise guy'. I hate hurting people, hell I hate scaring people. Wish Moe would let me work in one of his warehouses or his club or even let me leave, he continued to himself. Don't know where I'd go or what I'd do but I'd find something.

The warehouses and the club were Moe's half hearted attempt to appear legitimate. Said warehouses were actually a profitable enterprise. They accepted, stored, and set up deliveries for any number of goods for many different businesses; the warehouses were also a good way to funnel stolen merchandise.

The club, called "Acquiescence", was what was referred to as a gentleman's club. That meant, several young ladies would dance, barely clad and usually topless for the entertainment of the mostly male clientele. The ladies were also required to get up close and personal with the customers by doing "lap" dances. A job at "Acquiescence" was one step, sometimes a very small step, from prostitution.

Moe had taken over a neighborhood bar from a client that couldn't pay his debt; it was either give up the bar or go to the morgue. After watching a series on cable TV about a crime family back in New Jersey, Moe decided he wanted a club similar to the one pictured on the TV show. That's when "Acquiescence" was born. Moe was thinking about stepping into the world of prostitution and thought the club would be a great place to "show the wares", so to speak.

Ben walked into the little coffee shop that Moe used as an office; he owned both the business and the building that stood on the border of the Hill. "The Hill" was a closely knit conclave on the mid west side of St. Louis made up of mostly Italian immigrants, their restaurants and businesses; Moe thought it put him closer to the big boys. He doesn't stop to think that the family that runs organized crime in St. Louis was bossed by a Swede, named Gustavsson, Ben said to himself. Moe still believes in the old stereotype of Italian mobsters being in charge. Ben laughed as he walked over to the booth in the rear of the shop to face Moe.

"Here's $2000 from Jerry Smith." Ben said and dropped the money on the table in front of his boss. "He'll have another $2000 next Friday. I told him the extra thousand was a collection fee for me having to come after him."

Moe picked up the money, counted it, and handed Ben five one hundred dollar bills. "Good job on the extra fee Ben. When's the jamoke gonna have the principal?" Moe thought talking like a gangster would help him get in with the big boys.

He really sounds like a character in a bad movie, Ben thought, but he didn't dare say it out loud.

"He said it'd take another month," Ben answered and then quickly continued before Moe could protest. "Smith knows that the vig is a $1000 a week. He won't get behind again."

"You're too easy on them Ben."

"I've never failed to get your money when you've sent me after it," Ben defended himself. "It's not always necessary to break fingers, or arms or legs."

"Louie's a tougher collector than you," Moe said.

"Louie beat two guys to death last year and crippled another one with that knife of his. The crippled guy is still in rehab, not able to work or make payments on what he owes you. Where's your money from those three deals? What did that cost you, $40,000?"

"Got another job for you, if you want it," Moe said. He ignored Ben's statement and questions because he didn't like admitting that his pet pit bull had gone overboard and cost Moe money. "On second thought, maybe I better send Louie."

Ben waited for Moe to go on. He's too full of himself not to show me that he's the boss.

"Got a Mortadella that owes me $10,000."

"Mortadella?" Ben asked.

"Means loser," Moe answered looking at Ben as if he were stupid.

"Okay, a guy owes you money. So what else is new?" Ben remarked.

"Problem is this Peter Johnson, died before I could collect."

"Did Louie go talk to him and cost you another ten grand?" Ben asked, not caring if it pissed off Moe.

"Careful Ben. Don't be a smart ass," Moe admonished, trying to look mean. "You're not too big to be slapped down a notch." Moe took a sip of his coffee. "The jabone has a daughter."

Ben's first inclination was to ask Moe who he was going to use for the slap down. Although one of the youngest of Moe's people, he was also one of the toughest when the need arose. Instead he asked, "Jabone?"

"Means asshole. Anyway he has a daughter," Moe tried to continue.

"Where do you come up with this Italian slang and names? You're Irish for God's sake." Moe frowned and Ben held up his hand. "What's the daughter got to do with her old man's debt?"

"Quit interrupting." Ben nodded and Moe continued. "Anyway," Moe stopped, looked at Ben to see if he was going to keep quiet and continued. "I want her brought to me."

"Why?" Ben couldn't help himself, he had to ask.

"Because I'm gonna offer her a chance to pay her father's debt." Moe looked pleased with himself. "Actually I'm gonna tell her, not ask, that she will work in my club until the debt is paid off."

"How old is she?"

"She's legal, 22 or 23, so she can work in the club."

Ben shook his head. "What if she doesn't want to work in that kind of business?"

"Loretta, that's her name by the way, won't have a choice," Moe replied. He leafed through a briefcase and handed Ben a piece of paper. "This is the girl's address. Go pick her up and bring her to me over at Acquiescence this evening."

"Maybe she won't want to come."

"Persuade her Ben. You're good at persuading people to do what I want; that's why I keep you around." Moe waved his hand to dismiss Ben. "See you tonight, anytime after 8."

Ben drove to the girl's address and waited for her to come home from her evening classes at Forest Park Community College. A little investigation had told him that Loretta Johnson was a substitute teacher and was working to get her accreditation as a full time teacher.

When the young woman got out of her little subcompact car at 8 PM and walked to her door, Ben got his first look at her and thought, just the kind of girl that will be a big hit at the club. She's tall, must be 5' 9 and she's got that healthy, voluptuous, type body that makes no mistake that she's all woman; no stick figure, runway model type here. That long blond hair and big brown eyes don't hurt either, Ben finished his thought.

I don't like this one little bit, he said to himself and he walked to intercept the girl. "Loretta Johnson?" Ben asked as he got close to her.

Loretta turned and looked at the hulk of a man talking to her. "I don't know you," she responded and quickened her pace toward her door.

"My boss, Moe Farrell, wants to see you," Ben said and stepped between the girl and her door.

"I don't know him either. Please leave me alone," Loretta replied.

"Miss Johnson, you don't have a lot of choice in the matter; you need to come with me."

Before he could say any more, Loretta pulled a spray canister from her purse and pointed it at Ben. He moved with a speed that surprised most because of his size and grabbed the canister from her. Looking down at it he shook his head.

"Were you going to spray me with Mace?" He asked and smiled at her. Ben was impressed that the girl was willing to fight to protect herself."

"Yes I was, and I'll cut you if you don't leave me alone." Loretta threatened Ben; holding a box cutter with the blade extended.

"Miss Johnson, I'm sorry but you're going with me. Even if I'm bleeding, you're still going with me." Ben took a step back away from her and added, "I promise that nothing will happen to you."

"Who is this Moe Farrell and why does he want to see me?"

"Your father owed him a lot of money, $10,000, when he passed away and now Moe wants you to pay the debt."

"I don't have that kind of money. I'm a substitute teacher and a college student."

"I guess that's what Moe wants to talk to you about," Ben told her. The more I think about it, the more I'm not real happy with my part in this, Ben thought.

Loretta shook her head; both in denial and refusal. "I'm not going. Leave me alone or I'll call the cops," she said as she took out her cell phone.

Ben sighed, reached out, and took the phone away from her. "That wouldn't be a good thing Miss Johnson: and yes, you are coming with me. You can walk or I'll carry you, but you are coming with me."

The girl's shoulders slumped; she knew she had no chance against this giant of a man. Nodding her head, she let him lead her to his car. Once in the car she leaned against the passenger door trying to stay as far away from Ben as she could. Loretta stared at the floor board until the car stopped. She raised her head and looked at the building where they had stopped.

"But this is a...a...." Loretta stuttered.

"A gentlemen's club is the most genteel name Miss Johnson," Ben replied. He saw the look on her face and thought I'd better prepare her for her meeting with Moe. "I think Moe's plan is for you working here until you pay off your father's debt and the Vig."


"It's the interest on the loan your father took from Moe." Ben hesitated and added, "The Vig is a $1000 a week; right now that amounts to another $3000."

Moe looked up as Ben escorted Loretta into his office. Even with the door closed you could feel the bass vibration from the driving music from the club. There was a large two way window that allowed whoever was in the office to watch what was going on out in the club.

Loretta looked up just in time to see a dancer do a split while hanging upside down holding onto a brass pole; her rear end faced the window and the thong she wore did little to cover her butt.

"Miss Johnson, have a seat," Moe said and motioned to a chair in front of his desk. When Loretta still stood there, he almost shouted, "Sit down." She sat down and turned her attention from the dancer to Moe.

"Maybe you better study that girl Miss Johnson; that's going to be your job. Well, at least until you pay off your father's debt."

"Are you crazy? I won't do that, I can't do that."

"Oh, you'll do it, and more," Moe said in a menacing voice. "Or else."

"Or else what?"

"I'll have Louie here persuade you to see things my way," Moe said motioning toward the other man in the room. "Louie likes that sort of thing."

Loretta saw a man step out of the shadows toward where she was sitting and shuddered at his appearance. She could almost feel a wave of anticipation rolling off him.

Louie was a close to a direct opposite of Ben. Where Ben was tall at 6'6 and muscular, Louie barely topped 5'10 and was thin and angular. Although Ben moved extremely fast when called for, he was a hulking presence, like a bear. Louie was almost gaunt with very quick, jerky movements, like a weasel. Ben had dark hair, worn close cropped to an inch and a half and his eyes were a deep dark brown. His tanned complexion just added to his resemblance to a big Kodiak bear. The only mar to his rugged good looks was a 3 inch scar over his right eye; the result of an altercation between Ben and one of Moe's unhappy clients.

Louie's hair was so blond it looked white and in spite of a receding hairline it was worn long, hanging down his back in a pony tail. His very pale, white, complexion coupled with the hair made him look like an Albino; a resemblance that was proven when he removed his sunglasses and stared at Loretta with red colored eyes. He too had a scar but his ran across his neck, almost from ear to ear. That scar was a result of a knife fight when Louie was much younger. He'd killed his opponent and still carried the knife he'd take out of the dead man's hand.

"Hello Miss Johnson," Louis greeted the girl with a high pitch, scratchy voice. He bowed, pulled a flick knife, the souvenir from his youth, out of his rear pocket and started cleaning his fingernails. "I look forward to working with you."

"You'll begin tomorrow night; as a dancer to start with," Moe ordered the girl.

"What do you mean to start with?" Loretta asked.

"There are other things you can do to earn money."

"You mean become a prostitute."

"Prostitute is such an ugly word," Moe replied. "I like to call my girls escorts." He saw the stubborn look on Loretta's face. "It's your choice Miss Johnson; but either way you will work for me until your father's debt is paid.

Moe pushed a button on the intercom. "Summer, bring some costumes into my office," he said. "About a size 10, I think." He looked at Loretta and she nodded.

"How long do I have to work for you?"

"Until the debt is paid, including the juice," Moe answered. "The loan was for $10,000, the weekly vig is $1000. I expect the vig and at least $500 toward the principal each week."

"That's $1500 a week," Loretta protested. "I can't make that kind of money dancing."

"Then you'll just have to work longer or become more than a dancer. Any week you don't pay the vig, it will be added to the debt." Moe sat back in his office chair. "And don't even think about the cops; Louie doesn't like cops. Do you Louie?"

Louie gave Loretta an evil grin, shook his head, and flicked open his knife again. "No, I surely don't. They make me all crazy and stuff."

A short, almost plumb young woman came into the office carrying a small duffle bag. Moe motioned to Loretta and the girl put the bag on the floor next to her chair.

"Summer, this is Loretta," Moe said. "She starts dancing tomorrow night. Show her the ropes; you know where she can dress, how much makeup, and how to treat the customers. And think of a stage name for her; Loretta isn't sexy enough." Turning back to Loretta he added, "Today is Thursday; I'll give you the weekend to get used to your new position. Hell, I'll even cut this week's vig just to show that I'm not such a bad guy. See you tomorrow night at 6."

Moe pulled a credit card out of his wallet and handed it to Ben, "Take her shopping tomorrow and get her some more clothes; you know the type she needs. "Don't worry Miss Johnson; I'll foot the bill for them; after all you'll be using them to make me money."

Moe opened a ledger on his desk, waving Loretta out of the office. Ben and Summer followed her.

"How about Tawny?" Summer asked Loretta as they left the office.


"Tawny; you know for a stage name," Summer answered. "With all that blond hair and those big eyes, it fits." Seeing the troubled look on Loretta's face, Summer's eyes filled with compassion. She had once been where Loretta was now; a good woman forced into a type of life she didn't want. Summer continued, "Don't worry honey, it's not all bad. You can make some really good money and most of the men aren't really that bad; most are just lonely."

Ben waved over a taxi and handed the shocked girl into the back seat. "I'll pick you up at 10 AM to go shopping; be ready to go," he said. He handed the cab driver a fifty. "Take her home and help her with her bag." Ben returned to Moe's office.

"How about cutting her some slack?" Ben asked. His voice was close to a challenge.

"Why should I?" Moe replied.

"C'mon Moe, it's not her fault her father was stupid. Cut the vig and let her pay off the loan." Ben's voice was milder.

"I think she can make a lot of money for me."

"Not for long; she'll make enough to pay you off in three or four months," Ben argued.

"Not with all the charges she'll have to pay to work here," Moe said with a grin. "You know, shift fees, dressing room rental and payment for the drugs she uses."

"She doesn't do drugs," Ben protested.

"She will before the month is over. We'll slip her a little, just to help her out you understand, and then she'll go into escort work to make more money."

"You're an asshole Moe," Ben said angrily.

"Louie doesn't like it when people call me names, Ben," Moe cautioned. Louie stepped around the desk and smiled at Ben. "I'd hate to have him get upset with you."

Ben's smile made him look like a big bear even more. He motioned to Louie, "C'mon Whitey, you're an asshole too."