Betrayal Book 04


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The next six weeks were idyllic cruising the Greek Islands. We all enjoyed it enormously and resolved to spend more time there on our return voyage. We didn't know it at the time, but we were fated not to return to the Med via the Suez Canal.

We put the girls ashore on Cyprus for their flight back to the UK, promising to meet up with them during the September publicity tour of the UK. We both missed them more than we realised, TAGHTA seemed strangely quiet and empty without their bubbly enthusiasm for life.

We had a short trip from Cyprus to Port Said at the head of the Suez Canal. We were briefed on the regulations of the southbound convoy we would joining and our allotted position within it. Security was tight and our guard came aboard shortly before we departed on the fourteen hour transit. Our man was a young contract guard named Rushdi Gamal. He spoke quite good English, but his accent was hard to understand, but we managed to communicate ok. He was dark and tall with a large moustache, but even though his English was hard to understand, he was very charming. He was obviously much taken by Amanda, so much so that she went below and changed into something a little less revealing than the shorts and tee shirt she had on when we first met him. She came back with a white blouse and knee length shorts. Her blouse was unbuttoned to provide more than a hint of her deep cleavage, still, I was amused that she had changed her shorts and tee shirt only to dress in a manner that afforded Rushdi with more than a decent chance of seeing her breasts.

The convoy slowly sailed south and for the next few hours, I was amazed at the scale of the Canal, it was huge and without any lock gates to negotiate! I was at the helm and Amanda went below to prepare some food. Rushdi was sitting beside me, staring right down into the cabin, watching Amanda as she moved around the galley. As she emerged with a tray of dishes, the wake from one of the larger ship also in transit caused her to stumble and Rushdi caught her under her arms to help steady her. I noticed that he had a firm hold of her right breast and as she found her balance he was very slow to release it. I was sure I saw him tug at her engorged nipple just before he finally released her. Amanda looked at me and winked. I just smiled slightly and wondered what she was up to.

After we had eaten, she went below to tidy up and Rushdi followed her down. I thought he needed to visit the head, but when he failed to reappear after about five minutes, I checked the self-steering, course and speed before diving below to see what was going on. I found them at the small chart table, she had her back to him and his dark arms were circling her body. Her blouse had been unbuttoned to the waist and his large hands were caressing her breasts. She was moaning in her desire and thrusting her backside into his groin. He froze in position when I joined them but relaxed a little when I held up my hands as if in surrender. I moved to join them and quickly unfastened her shorts and with one swift action pulled them down.

Amanda stepped out of them and spread her legs giving him access to her moist cleft. He didn't need any more encouragement from me. He swiftly released the belt holding his trousers up and allowed them to drop to the floor the floor. His rampant erection bobbed and swayed as he tried to enter her by now sopping vagina. She was twisting and swaying in an effort to get his tool into her pussy. As his hands were full, tweaking her proud nipples, I grasped his hot manhood with one hand and guided him into her waiting hole with the other. He started to rock back and forward and she leaned further over supporting herself on her elbows on the chart table. He increased his pace and they were soon slamming into one another in abandoned passion. I wanted to stay and watch as he took my wife, but I had been away from the tiller too long. In this canal, as wide as it was, I could not leave the helm for more than a few minutes and had to leave them to it. I did have the foresight to try and switch on the cameras but found Amanda had beaten me to it.

Once more at the helm, I made some course adjustments to keep us on station and I could hear her cries of passion over the noise of TAGHTA's diesel engine. They must have kept at it for over an hour, God knows how many times he had planted his seed in her hot cunt, but it then went quiet for about another hour, before they started fucking again and her screams were so loud, I feared that people on the banks would be able to hear. They rested again and after another thirty minutes, Rushdi came on deck and motioned that he would navigate TAGHTA and leave me free to find my wife.

I quickly demonstrated the simple engine controls and rushed below to find Amanda lying on our bunk with her legs wide open playing sensuously with herself. I could plainly see the evidence of their passion, some still oozing from her pussy, some dried on her thighs and some pooling beneath her on the sheets. She looked at me, her eyes glassy with lust and opened her legs even further in a brazen invitation for me to help myself. We still had not spoken one word as I delved between her legs and started to us my tongue on her ravaged cunt. I had never tasted another man's emissions before, but I was too turned on to care. My erection was painful and begging for release from its constraint within my shorts and after bringing her to one orgasm orally, I dropped my shorts and plunged my throbbing cock deep into her sloppy cunt as I could. There was no way I was going to last long and after two or three thrusts my eruption blew more seed into her receptive hole.

We lay together, passion exhausted for the moment and she asked me softly, "Are you ok with this? I know it's too late to go back now, but it was all a spur of the moment thing and the situation was so slutty, that I could not stop once he mauled my tits."

I kissed her and assured her that I was as turned on by the sight of them, his dark skin against her tanned brown body as she was. I suggested, "Next time, if there is a next time, make sure it's somewhere where I can watch and participate. Having to navigate TAGHTA denied me the chance!"

We kissed some more before I got up and had a quick shower before returning to the deck. We were almost at the port of Suez at the foot of the canal. This is where we dropped Rushdi and the Red Sea proper started. We took Rushdi to the quayside where he was very reluctant to leave and made it obvious that he wanted more of Amanda's luscious body, but when he saw I was adamant about his leaving, he had the good grace to thank us both and left us with a huge smile and a story with which to regale his friends. Before he left, however, he handed me an ancient looking revolver and showed me how to use it. I hid it in the little compartment next to the binnacle.

We decided to anchor offshore for the evening. Amanda and I reviewed the recording from the cameras below decks and it was definitely not one that we would be forwarding to Inter-video. I downloaded it onto the memory stick and deleted the original from the camera and computer memory.

Amanda and I were both shagged out. It had been an eventful journey, one that had taken our new marriage into unknown waters, both physically and literally. I thought, we have a lot to think about and I needed some time to reflect on what had just transpired. We prepared our meal on-board that evening and retired early for the night, sleeping spooned together. The next morning, one look at the parts of Suez visible from our mooring made us decide to push on immediately. We had over two hundred & thirty miles to our planned winter bolt hole of Sharm el Sheik and from the Google Earth information, few places of interest along the coast worth stopping for. So we resolved to set sail and wend our way south to Sharm in a single hop.

This part of our trip took us just over three days, mainly due to variable winds. The scenery as we sailed south grew steadily more spectacular as we approached Ras Mohammed. The mountains rose almost vertically within a mile or so of the beach, They were all shades of light grey interspersed with almost pink shaded outcrops, culminating in craggy jagged peaks. We passed Ras Mohammed on our port side and into the Gulf of Aquaba proper and on to Sharm. We found a small natural harbour with lots of beautiful motor launches anchored and decided to anchor there.

There were literally hundreds of Wind Surfers scudding about everywhere and we had to be careful navigating our way to our anchorage. Once anchored, we unshipped our little inflatable and went ashore. We had to check in with the local authorities and pay our harbour dues and we did that first before starting to explore. The bay we were anchored in was near the Old Market place and we were both fascinated by the sights and smells of a traditional Egyptian market. It was possible to buy anything there, from exotic spices to leather goods. There were also plenty of touristy places as well be we gave these a wide berth. Amanda had taken over the role of camera operator and was busy recording everything. The area also had many large four and five star hotels and Amanda was keen to check in and have the luxury of a long bath. We picked one at random and checked in for three nights. So we returned to TAGHTA and grabbed what we needed for a short stay. I had checked with the local harbour master and he gave us the name of a marina manager who would take care of TAGHTA while we were back in the UK.

A quick check with Reception and we found out that we were about three miles outside of the main commercial area and we decided to check that out the next day. At first glance it did not appear to be where we would want to spend the winter. The weather was wonderful, but it was hard to see if there was much in the way of rental properties in the area. We dined in the Hotel that evening and found the service excellent.

The next day we went downtown and spent looking for rental properties and touching base with Matt via the Internet. It was now nearing the time for my return to the UK and I had persuaded Amanda to come with me. Matt had organised the tickets and we were booked on a flight to Gatwick the following week. The next few days were spent relaxing by the pool and snorkelling off the reef. The nights were balmy and the hotel provided evening entertainment, all the usual tourist stuff, belly dancers and so on, but the troupe that performed the Whirling Dervish dance was easily the highlight. I tried to get Amanda up to try the Belly Dance, but she was not to be drawn. The time soon passed and we contracted with the Marina Manager regarding TAGHTA and he was more than happy to look after her. He even provided a berth within the Marina proper, so she would be safe and secure. I was relieved at his open and friendly approach and the costs were pretty fair as well.

Chapter 3 – The Series Launch

Our return to Gatwick was as scheduled and Matt was there to meet us at the airport. He had us checked in to a reasonable hotel in Central London convenient for the TV and radio studios. As one would expect, this was the business face of Matt and there was little enough time for pleasantries. He outlined the schedule for the next few days and I was staggered by the sheer number of press interviews and promotional skits I was facing. Amanda and I discussed the schedule and she decided that since she was not required, she would go to her sister's until I was free to join her later in the week.

We parted the next day and I was immediately thrown to the wolves or that's what it felt like. The first episode of the series was to be broadcast on the Monday evening on BBC Two at the prime time of Nine o'clock. The book launch was the same day and before all that, I had slots on early evening TV and morning radio to promote the book and the series.

Matt was there to guide me through it all and after a rather nervous start at the first broadcast on the radio, my performances improved and he told me I was a natural. I enjoyed talking about our adventures, but it was difficult to answer specifics, without giving the game away. One particularly tricky moment came on the early evening TV show, where the interviewer right out of the blue stated. "I see you are still wearing a wedding ring, does this mean that there is a happy ending to this series?"

Nonplussed, I hesitated and then recovered to say quietly, "I have never taken my ring off, even after our divorce! As to whether there is a happy ending, well, you will have to wait and see for yourself!"

Amanda phoned me almost as soon as we went off air and she was crying. "Is that true about your wedding ring?"

"Yes, it's true. I never ever felt the urge to remove it."

She went very quiet for a moment then said, "I love you. Please come to me soon!" With another sob, she hung up! I tried, but I couldn't see the significance that she had placed on such a simple gesture, maybe it's a woman thing, like man flu I thought.

The day following the first episode was bedlam. The show had proved a big draw, maybe because the other channels had a weak line up that night, but suddenly we were inundated with requests for interviews. Matt had set up a joint interview with Chris, Toni and myself, but at the last minute this was changed to include Mary Adam and her father, John. The press conference was bedlam, with forty different newshounds vying to ask the questions. I waited patiently as Matt tried to restore order, but it was John Adam who took control. He stood up and bellowed for silence, he had a very loud voice and suddenly the room went quiet. He then said, "We are prepared to answer your questions, but please don't ask questions that were addressed in last night's programme. The events happened just like you saw them. That part was not a reconstruction, but actual film shot at the time from TAGHTA and from the Search & Rescue helicopter. In our subsequent interview ashore, we confirmed the events and gave Mary and my perspective on what happened. All I want to reiterate here and now is my deep gratitude to Bill Cairns and his two young crewwomen, without them Mary would have perished!"

After that statement, the rest of the interview went pretty smoothly. We all got together that evening in the hotel and I treated them to dinner. The following morning we parted once more, Mary and Jim back to their fishing, Chris and Toni to University and me, well I had the rest of the week off and joined my wife at her sisters.

We had a good few days together before I had a week of book signing sessions up and down the country to do and then, we were free to return to Egypt. On the last night, we had dinner with Matt and Chris. He presented me with a cheque explaining that this was the provisional payment as per our contract. I opened it and was astonished by the six figure sum. I showed to Amanda and she just smiled. It would certainly relieve us of any financial worries full stop. He told me that Chris and Toni had also received their cheques and were very pleased. Chris nodded in confirmation.

The following morning Matt and Chris dropped us of at the airport and I kept getting recognised by fellow passengers and airport staff. It got to be a bit hectic, so the airport staff arranged a VIP check in and escorted us through security. At Customs, we were shepherded into a private room where two men in suits awaited us. This was unusual, normally we just presented our passports and walked through. Before I could ask what this was all about, the taller one introduced himself as Gordon McLean, his associate remained silent and things were starting to look ominous.

Gordon explained that he work for Her Majesty's Government but failed to nominate which branch of HMG it was, more ominous still. He said, "we will not detain you for long, but we have some questions and a proposal to put to you. Are you prepared to listen?"

Naturally, we said yes and he asked us about what we knew about the pirates operating off the coast of Somalia? We told him, just what we read in the papers as heard on the news. He then asked if we knew about the wartime Q Ships? I knew that they were disguised armed merchantmen used to lure U Boats and sink them. He was clearly pleased by my answer and then came the proposal.

"We want to use your new found fame and your yacht, TAGHTA as a modern day kind of Q Ship! These pirates are a severe embarrassment to HMG and with your face is now pretty familiar, thanks to the Internet, so you will be a tempting target for them. You don't have to worry, we have planned it so that you will be very visible up to the point where an assault is likely to happen. Before that point, we replace you with our own men and take the bastards out! We have yet to work out all the details, but this enquiry is just to see if you would be prepared to help us out. HMG would be very grateful if you would consent to assisting us on this operation. I hope you will assist us to protect the sea routes form these vicious attacks?" he asked hopefully.

I protested, "It must be a nearly three thousand miles plus from Sharm to Somalia. That would take us a couple of months to even get into the area of the attacks!"

He said, "The Navy will need time to get the right resources into the region. At the moment we only have surface ships and helicopters in the region. They are too easily spotted and for this operation, we are proposing to deploy a submarine and some SBS operatives. They are all presently committed elsewhere, but we have a new class of boat coming into service and this would be a good proving ground for her. To put it bluntly, we need someone with your high profile to tempt the buggers out."

Worded like that and playing to our sense of patriotism, we were sort of in a Catch 22 situation. If we refused and word was released to the media, we would be screwed and the series shot to hell, if we agreed, we were putting our lives at risk. A lot of things can go wrong at sea, one missed rendezvous was all it would take and Amanda and I would be in the firing line and these pirates have been known to kill.

Amanda looked at me and whispered her consent in my ear. I said, "We will agree to take part in this operation, but subject to final approval of the operational plan. One other condition is that we want to continue with our video diary and filming events as they happen."

If Gordon was alarmed at this he disguised well, instead he looked relieved at our decision and muttered, "I'm sure we can work something out, but we won't detain you any longer and you will be contacted in Sharm within the next few days."

With that they left and we boarded our plane. One change though, we had been upgraded to first class!

Chapter 4 – An interlude then the operation begins

Once back in Sharm, we proceeded to prepare TAGHTA for a long voyage, provisions were purchased and we used the Marina facilities to have TAGHTA's engine serviced. We also procured new maps and had the navigation systems checked out. All this took us about a fortnight to complete and we were all set, but still no contact from our man at the ministry.

We took the opportunity to sail from Sharm and headed further into the Gulf to the town of Dahab. We sailed the eighty miles or so Dahab. We found the town run down and what once must have once been the in place to be, now fairly seedy and badly in need of a face lift. The town was a haven for wind surfers and divers. Many of them were not locals but from all parts of the world. Some of the accommodation they lived in was more akin to a beach bum lifestyle than anything we have seen elsewhere on our travels, they were little more than shacks tucked away down narrow alleys.