Betrayal Book 04


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Things moved very quickly after that, Julian and Matt returned to the UK and a couple of days later we were joined by a tall and extremely fit looking young man. Gordon introduced him only as Paddy and he was to be our security for our trip into harm's way. We were to rendezvous with one of the fleet support ships returning to the UK from the Gulf of Oman. This rendezvous was to pick up arms and other equipment required for Paddy to fulfil his mission of keeping Amanda and I alive.

Chapter 5 – The little deception prospers

Before we set out to our rendezvous, some techies came aboard ostensibly to overhaul our navigation equipment, but in reality, they fitted the encryption software and updated TAGHTA's communications equipment.

We sailed immediately they departed, the activity aboard TAGHTA had drawn some comments from the Marina staff and I felt it best to leave port and let our presence become a memory.

Paddy turned out to be a little taciturn, even his answers when asked a direct question were little to yes and no. Amanda tried to draw him out by asking open questions, but he kept his replies to the minimum number of words possible and some questions, he just refused to answer, telling us we didn't need to know. He could sail a yacht though, and took his turn at watch keeping. If we were to keep to our schedule, we would take some hard sailing. Routine settled in after the initial shake down to get the cobwebs out of our system. We operated a four hour watch keeping pattern and as the weather was so hot, we spent much of our free time on deck where there was at least the breeze to help cool us down. The dress code started out with shorts and in Amanda's case bikini top, but she soon discarded the top sunbathed topless, she did retain her bottom half however. I did notice that when I was on watch, Paddy used to join her on the foredeck and though not talking much, kept her entertained with a series of conjuring tricks. Amanda never expanded on this and I never asked her to either. The days wore on and we were steadily getting closer to the danger zone. We passed the Sudan on our starboard side and on towards Eritrea and the start of the bad lands. We were running short of fresh water and had to use sea water for bathing.

Amanda and I kept up our video diaries even though there was certain monotony about our reports. Eventually we approached the numerous islands lying off the coast of Eritrea, the largest of which housed the Dahlac Marine Park, but it was the countless smaller islands that posed the real threat. Any of these islands had the potential to serve as a base for pirates. Our only hope was that the pirates would be unaware of our presence and I charted a course well to the east of the islands.

It was just approaching dusk and Paddy was at the helm, when he called us up on deck. He had spotted an approaching craft, low in the water and powered by an outboard motor. There were three men aboard and they appeared to be armed. He told me to take over the con, while he went below to alert his CO and get prepared. He just had time to come on deck and hand me an automatic handgun. We had rehearsed this scenario many times over the last few weeks and to remind Amanda to try and entice them to go below decks with her. When we had rehearsed this earlier, she had asked, "And just how am I supposed to do that?"

"You're a sexy lady, use your imagination, but get them down here where I can deal with them one at a time. The guy on their boat is the only problem, somehow, we need to get him aboard as well or he can stand off and pepper us with his machine gun."

He disappeared just as we were hailed by the biggest, blackest man I have ever seen. In fractured English he ordered us to heave to. I had no option, they were pointing semi-automatic weapons at as and to reinforce his demand, he loosed off a few rounds over our stern. I swung TAGHTA into the wind and the way came off her immediately. Amanda dropped the sails, but we were given no time to furl them properly, so the lay strewn on the deckhouse roof. I had no sooner done this and the leader who had given the orders climbed nimbly aboard. He looked at me with his gun pointing straight at me and asked if there was anyone else aboard. I was too terrified to speak and just shook my head. Amanda was standing beside me, clutching my arm for support as he motioned for her to come to him. She refused, clearly terrified and he reached out one of his great paws and pulled her to him. She was still wearing only a bikini top and shorts and he held her away from him to inspect her body hungrily and then smiled. "I'm Soloman, you and me," he said threateningly pressing his automatic into her breast, "We have some good fun together, eh?"

I found my courage at last and moved to help her, but the second pirate had boarded by this time and shoved his gun under my chin to discourage me.

Amanda found her voice for the first time and pleaded with Soloman, "OK, I'll do whatever you ask, but please don't hurt us!"

He laughed at her and replied, "After me, you have to take care of my men, then we'll see whether you live or die."

Amanda, to her credit, looked him straight in the eye and begged, "Please, can we go below, I don't want to do it in front of my husband, and we will be more comfortable on the bed in any case."

He looked at his mate and ordered him to guard me while he went below for a little fun with Amanda. He promised him he would be next, but only when he was finished with her! I think he only spoke in English to his mate to torment me or maybe even provoke me into doing something rash.

Amanda led him below and I heard her plead with him to let her take her own clothes off, he didn't need to tear them off. I heard him command her to take his dick out and suck him and then silence, not a sound apart from the sea lapping against the hull. Then, I heard Amanda call out and curiosity got the better of the pirate guarding me and he started to bend down to peer into the brightly lit interior of the cabin. Realising that he was neglecting his orders, he called out something to the third pirate in their own language and emphasized it by grabbing his crotch and making the motions of fucking. Whatever he said had the effect of bringing him aboard, relieving the second guy from guard duties and letting him move to the hatch and lean down to watch in expectation of seeing his boss fucking the white woman.

No sooner had he bent down, than a hand grabbed his collar, twisting his torso and exposing his back to the large knife wielded by Paddy. Paddy didn't hesitate, he plunged the knife deep into the back of the pirate and he went limp in his arms.

The third pirate was slow in reacting to this sudden assault and started to swing his gun towards Paddy, when I cracked him over the head with the butt end of my pistol. He went down like a stone and Paddy jumped on him and finished him off with his knife.

I just stood there stunned. Yes, we had rehearsed just such an assault on TAGHTA, but I was struck dumb by the savagery of this attack, he could have taken him prisoner, there was no need to kill him, he was unconscious and no immediate threat to us!

Paddy took command of the situation and ordered me to help him load the bodies of the pirates onto their own craft. I helped as best I could and Amanda, still naked and in shock, automatically started to clean up the blood staining the deck before it could be absorbed into the wooden deck of the cabin.

Once we had gotten rid of the pirates, Paddy set some charges and we resumed our course. We had only sailed a few hundred yards when a dull boom resounded and I turned to see the pirate craft slip beneath the waves.

Amanda was dressed when she joined me at the helm. She was very quiet and subdued, as I was. We needed to have a talk with Paddy urgently. We were both just starting to realise just what we had gotten ourselves into! This was not like in the movie's, real people were killed right here, right before our eyes, real lives extinguished in the blink of an eye! OK, so we were not supposed to be aboard when an actual assault took place and if things had gone to plan, then we would have been in ignorance of the gory details, but things hadn't gone to plan and we were now faced with the reality. Now we had witnessed the brutality for our own eyes, did that change our attitude to the 'little deception'?

Paddy had contacted his CO and he wanted to speak with us both. We trooped below, leaving Paddy at the helm. Surprise, surprise it was Gordon McLean on the other end of the call. He apologised for putting us at risk and ordered us to maintain our present course. He assured us that he would be with us in less than one hour.

Amanda and I were still too shocked by recent events to even ask how he was going to get to us. Numbly, we started to prepare our evening meal, now for four instead of three. Before the meal was ready, Paddy's favourite, beef curry and boiled rice, we heard the sounds of a fast boat approach and within minutes, Gordon was climbing aboard. The RIB manned by RN sailors kept station with us as we continued sailing towards the Gulf of Aden. Gordon shook my hand and then turned to Amanda and opened his arms, she literally fell into his arms and started weeping profusely. After a few minutes, she disentangled herself and went below citing her need to check on dinner.

Gordon, Paddy and I sat there and Gordon conducted a short debrief with Paddy. I think this was more for my benefit than theirs. Paddy had obviously told him about the evening's events on the radio. To his credit, Paddy held nothing back, even about his dispatch of the third nameless pirate. Amanda had re-joined us by this time, looking a lot better and dressed in blouse and jeans. A seaman was called aboard from the RIB to take over the helm of TAGHTA while we all went below to eat. Gordon pulled a bottle of brandy from his bag and poured liberal amounts into each of our glasses. Over the meal, he got us to talk about the assault and led us into revealing our deepest feelings about what had happened.

Later, I thought about this a lot and realised that by getting us to talk openly about it while it was all still real and fresh in our minds, it had an almost cathartic effect on us. He is a very clever man, that Gordon McLean. He had also ensured that the cameras were recording everything and asked us to review the complete footage, not tonight, but tomorrow.

He asked if we were prepared to continue and Amanda answered for us both saying, "We've come this far and to return to Sharm would be an admission that we have failed. We want to see this through to the end and you can forget about taking us off TAGHTA, we're will not abandon ship at the first sight of trouble!"

Before he left, tried rather half-heartedly to get us to rethink our substitution when we entered the high danger zone, but she was adamant and would not be persuaded. Before he left, he donated the rest of the brandy and Amanda and I tried our best to finish it off. Paddy made sure that it was empty long before morning. He had also remained on watch all night, leaving Amanda and I to have a night's sleep together uninterrupted. I was awake early and felt guilty when I realised that he had allowed us to sleep, when he must have been exhausted himself. I relieved him and sent him below to catch up on his sleep. Amanda prepared breakfast for us both and we sat at the helm recounting our thoughts from yesterday.

Around lunchtime Paddy reappeared and he prepared lunch for us all. He thanked me for my intervention with the third pirate, he doubted whether he would have got to him in time himself. Turning to Amanda, he gave her a huge hug and told her she was a superb actress and she could not have provided him with a better opportunity to take out Soloman. Apparently, she had turned him so that his back was to the shower unit where he had been concealed. From there he said, it was a simple execution. The cold way he uttered the word execution, made me realise that he was not like us! On the surface he was a quiet seemingly charming man who could perform conjuring tricks, but on the underside, he turned into a cold calculating killer.

Amanda and I went below and reviewed the video, from start to finish. I watched with some detachment as the scenes played out. It was not like watching a film. We viewed each camera's footage separately from start to finish, so the deck camera had picked up the initial attack through to our loading the bodies onto their own craft. I found it far harder to be detached when we viewed the footage from the below decks cameras. I had to endure Amanda stripping and pulling Soloman's huge erection out of his pants and starting to slow wank him, before Paddy had intervened by cutting his throat. I had not realised just how much blood had spurted out when the knife was drawn across his exposed neck. Luckily, Paddy had twisted him away from Amanda as he killed him and none of the blood landed on her. Most of it had spilled into the shower tray as that's where Paddy lowered him down with the life pulsing out of him. I can't say I felt any pity for him as he had been about to rape my wife seconds before. God knows what would have been our fate had Paddy not been there to intervene so effectively.

A shout from Paddy brought us both back topside PDQ. A local Coast guard cutter was approaching. As it came nearer, Paddy disappeared below decks and called Gordon. I greeted the officer commanding the cutter, he did not appear to be any less piratical than Soloman and his crew. His uniform was dirty and ragged and he was just as menacing in appearance. He came aboard and asked us if we had seen a fishing vessel with three men aboard? He said they went out last evening and had not returned. He explained that we were the only vessel close enough to where they were going, who might have seen them.

I denied all knowledge and he was clearly not satisfied with my denial. All the time he was asking me these questions, he was staring at Amanda as if mentally undressing her, not that he needed much imagination for that as she was dressed as usual in shorts and thin tee shirt. I could see her nipples pushing against the tight constraints of the shirt and obviously he could to. Paddy appeared and placed himself between Amanda our interrogator. He asked if he could help. The sheer size of Paddy and his physical presence must have persuaded the officer that further questioning was a waste of time and he returned to his cutter and they veered off heading towards land.

I suspected that the local Coastguard was in cahoots with the pirates and they knew full well that TAGHTA was their target last night. I shared this with Paddy and he agreed with my assessment and went below to report back to Gordon.

The remainder of our cruise into Djibouti passed without incident and it took us the rest of the week to achieve. Our arrival at the port was low key and we went through all the usual formalities when entering a foreign country. We were well versed in this and thanks to Gordon, we had all the necessary paperwork and brides to hand to smooth our path. Our principal reason for stopping here was to replenish our supplies, so leaving Amanda and Paddy in charge of TAGHTA, I set about purchasing the necessary items. Drinking water was the number one priority and the local chandlery soon had crates of bottle water piled up on the quayside. Paddy arranged for the local water supply to be connected and we topped up TAGHTA's tanks. We would only use this supply for our ablutions.

A taxi at the dock gates transported me to the local markets where I soon arranged for the necessary items to be delivered. When I walked back through the dock gates, I realised that this was not a city to be a stranger in. I had felt threatened from the minute I exited the dock gates until I returned to TAGHTA and I shared my concerns with Paddy and suggested we leave asap, he concurred.

Chapter 6 – Pirates Ahoy

The decision made not to tarry in Djibouti any longer than was necessary and we sailed the next morning. Almost as soon as we departed Djibouti, we were sailing in Somali waters. Our briefing indicated that the most dangerous area for piracy was once we had rounded the Horn itself and this was a good five hundred miles or four days hard sailing between where we were an there.

Paddy's attitude had changed dramatically since our encounter with the pirates. He now talked openly about his life and confirmed that he had joined the Special Boat Service from the Royal Marines.

The fine weather continued and if anything it was too hot. Below decks it was stifling even with the fore hatch open. We took to sleeping on deck as it was so hot. Clothing was still minimal with plenty of sun bloc necessary.

Second day out and I was on afternoon watch. Amanda was lounging on the foredeck when Paddy joined her via the forward hatch. They were chatting away and she was soon laughing and joking about something. I was too far away to hear what they were talking about as we had a good breeze and the sea swishing against TAGHTA's hull drowned out their conversation. At one point, I watched as he rose on his knees and started rubbing sun bloc on Amanda's back and as I continued to observe he dropped his hands lower and was massaging the back of her legs. I knew that the back of Amanda's thighs were particularly sensitive and a massage there was a sure-fire way putting her in the mood for sex.

A short while later, she came and joined me and said, "Bill, I feel that we owe Paddy more than we could ever repay and he got such a hard on just now as he applied the sun bloc that got me turned on! I could even smell his arousal."

She paused and looked to see my reaction to this. I could feel my cock growing even as she continued pleadingly, "Will you consent to letting me fuck him? I'm feeling so randy and I want to give him more than just a thank you and the only way possible at present is to fuck his brains out. The thought of fucking him first and then giving myself to you is another of my fantasies. Can I? Please....."

I leaned over and kissed her and she hugged me, pressing her naked oily breasts into my chest. I could still feel the impact from her hard nipples on my body as she skipped away to meet her new lover.

It was two hours before I saw them again as they emerged from below decks. They both looked totally shagged out, not surprising really, as it must have been over 40C below decks and this combined with their exertions would stretch the fittest of men and he was one of the fittest men in the Navy! Amanda was holding his hand and he was rather sheepish looking as he emerged into the rapidly darkening evening sky. I asked them if they had enjoyed themselves and his neck and face went bright red. Amanda giggled and said, "Come and see for yourself."

With that she grasped my hand pulled me with her as she returned to our bed for the second time that day. She was still stark naked as she hadn't bothered to pull on even a pair if panties when she came for me. She drew me down onto the bed and started to kiss me, using her tongue to probe my tongue. Her mouth tasted rather strange and I guessed she must have sucked him off just before coming for me. She stripped off my shorts and straddled my face, her pussy was still gaping open and I could see the fruits of their love making drip out just before it hit my face. I started lapping it up and used my tongue on her clit until she ground down on my tongue, at the same time undulating her hips as if trying to force my head into her pussy. I was struggling for breath and had to push her off me before I passed out. I turned her over and placed her legs on my shoulders before plunging my raging cock deep into her slippery tunnel of love. I could not last very long as my imagination had been running riot about her last two hours with him. If the first time had been plain raw fucking, the second was proper love making. She took her time and used her tongue to get me hard again before getting astride me to slowly ride up and down on my pole. She gradually increased pace until we both had simultaneous orgasms.