Better Than New Ch. 03


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"Well, everything go according to plan?" I asked.

"Almost. Dave and I decided to take a little spin in the country, just to make sure the supercharger worked," Warren grinned, almost laughing aloud.


"You should hear it, Valentine. I've never heard a sound like that in all my born days. It was like a song, wasn't it Dave?"

"It sure was. I think we turned some heads when we came back through town," my father said.

"I'll bet you did. Everything check out okay, Dad?"

"Yes. Oil and water temps were right on the middle of the gauge, and the brakes and clutch were fine. It started on the second crank, and came to life like it had been running every day. That sound is something else. Gives you goose bumps."

The shop had come to a standstill as the car arrived, and it was getting a professional inspection both inside and out.

"Is it true this car hasn't been restored?" Tommy asked.

"Absolutely. Amazing, isn't it?"

Tommy just shook his head in wonder as did several other men who were listening.

I felt Doreen as she came up beside me, and seconds later was joined by Carolyn.

"It's even more striking here in this light," Doreen said. "I can't wait to see the Bugatti when it's running."

Carolyn had walked over to the Mercedes and gingerly touched the steering wheel. "It's so big. Huge headlights, and two spare tires. It's amazing."

"Is it true a Nazi officer owned this car?" Doreen asked.

"As far as we can tell. If you look on the dashboard, you'll see the plaque.

Doreen walked the car and peered in. She was focused on the plaque, then turned and came back to my side.

"It's so strange to see the Nazis invoking God when they acted the way they did."

"Is that what the slogan says?"

"Yes. 'Gott mit uns' means God with us."

"I didn't realize you spoke German," I said.

"Yes. My grandparents had our name anglicized from its original, Goering, when they escaped Leipzig after the war."

"I assume Leipzig was in East German?"

"Yes. We were lucky to get out before the restrictions were too great. My grandfather was an engineer, and his skill was valuable in this country, so we were allowed to immigrate."

"And you speak and read German?"

"Yes. I was brought up to be multilingual in German and Czech. Our original home was in what was called Sudetenland, part of Czechoslovakia. That was a long time ago."

"Are your parents and grandparents still alive?"

"My grandmother is eighty-nine, and lives with my parents in Virginia. All my other grandparents are dead. My father is still working for the U.S. Department of Energy. He's been involved in alternate energy development for many years."

"You must be very proud of him. He's doing important work," I said.

"Yes. I am. But I don't see him very often."

"Well, it is a long way from San Rafael to Virginia."

She looked at me as if she wanted to tell me more, but then looked away, saying nothing. It was that strange, blank look that I saw only once in a while now. I wondered what she was thinking. What was it that she wouldn't or couldn't tell me?

Thursday, February 11th, 4:00pm

Doreen walked to my desk to pick up the last of the signed paperwork for the day.

"Are you free to come to my place on Saturday night? I'm having a little dinner party for Carolyn and Paul, and I thought you'd like to be there. We can celebrate your birthday at the same time."

"That's sounds very nice," I said. "I'd be happy to come."

"Why don't you come over about four-thirty? That will give us some time to visit. I won't serve dinner too early."

"I'll be there," I smiled. It sounded like a very pleasant evening.

I stretched and stood, trying to work the kinks out of my body after been at my desk most of the afternoon. It was dark already, and fog off the bay was working its way back up towards us. I toyed with the idea of another coffee, then rejected it, knowing it wouldn't taste very good this long after it was brewed.

"I need to get more exercise," I said aloud, more to myself than anyone.

"Have you played any golf lately?" Doreen asked absently.

"Nope. Paul's been completely occupied by Carolyn, so I haven't had a chance."

"Well ... I play golf. Seems to me, the last time we played, I put a beating on you."

I could tell she was baiting me. "Okay, Doreen, if you call four strokes a beating, I demand satisfaction. A rematch."

"All right, but it was five strokes, and in my book, that's a beating."

"So just when will this rematch take place?"

"If you're not doing anything on Sunday, we could play then. The weather's not supposed to be too bad."

"Sunday it is. Do you want me to book a time in the mid-morning?"

"Sounds about right. We shouldn't be too hung over from the night before," she teased.

I picked up the phone book and called the pro shop at Sunnydale. It didn't take long to get a tee time. It didn't sound like they'd had too many bookings at that point.

"We're on for 10:16. Want me to pick you up?"

"Sure, that would be nice, thanks."

Saturday, February 13th, 4:25pm

"Hi ... come in. You don't do fashionably late, I see."

"Sorry, didn't mean to be too early. You look very ... nice," I stumbled. She did too. A tight red sweater and a black, floor length skirt. I was reminded again just how well she filled out her clothes.

"You were about to say 'sexy,' weren't you." She was smiling slightly as she accused me.

"Guilty as charged. Can't put anything by you, can I?

She ignored my confession. "What would you like to drink? A beer?"

"That'll be fine, thanks."

Doreen was back shortly with a filled beer mug and her usual glass of white wine.

She sank into a large over-stuffed chair facing me. I had chosen the sofa. She raised her glass and I responded with my mug in a toast.

"Here's to my first dinner party."

"Health and good fortune," I responded.

"So far, so good."

I looked at her with a questioning stare.

"My health is good and I've had very good fortune in the last year. I was ready for some."

"I'm glad to hear it. I don't know much about your past before I met you. I know your grandparents escaped from East Germany, and your father works for the government, but not much else."

I got the distinct impression I had just asked the wrong question at the wrong time.

"Let's save that for another time. I needed to get away when I was out of school. I spent a couple of years at a community college in Alexandria, then moved out here. I got lucky ... sort of ... when I got the job at Beeson. Mr. Beeson Senior was running it at the time. I'd been there ever since until you rescued me," she smiled reluctantly.

"Where did you pick up the rest of your education? That framed diploma on the wall in the office says you've got some kind of degree in commerce from U.S.F."

"It isn't a diploma. It's a master certificate for supply chain management. I took it online. I also took some marketing courses. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with my 'career,'" she said, using her fingers to form the quotation marks. "I didn't know until I came to work for you. I get to do everything at your place. It's as if I'd been waiting for just that opportunity."

"Lucky me," I smiled.

"No ... lucky me."

"Do you see your parents often?"

"No. My father travels a bit, and I try to see him whenever he's in the Bay area. Maybe once a year or so."

"That's too bad. Maybe you should think about going back and visiting. I'm sure your mother would be happy to see you."

"I can't," she said, looking down into her hands. "I'll explain it someday ... but not today. We're supposed to be celebrating Paul and Carolyn's engagement, and your birthday." She forced herself to smile. I knew well enough to drop the subject. I had already upset her twice by stomping into her personal life without thinking.

"I'm sorry, Doreen. I'm afraid I'm being far too nosy for my own good. I apologize."

"It's all right. I'm willing to tell you, but I wouldn't want to be interrupted when I do."

The dead air that followed was finally interrupted by the door chime. We both stood as Doreen went to the door and greeted Carolyn and Paul.

Saturday, February 13th, 11:05pm

"Thank you so much for the party, Doreen. It was lovely. The dinner was excellent. As soon as Paul and I are settled in our new place, we'll have you two over and you can test my cooking."

"That'll be fun. When do you move in?

"April first ... April Fools Day. How's that for risking our necks?" Paul chuckled.

"My advice," I said, "knowing you, is to suggest you move in the next day. Don't tempt fate."

"You could be right. But ... like everything else, I'll let Carolyn decide. She's way smarter than me."

"Good night, you guys. Have fun," Carolyn said with a not-so-subtle wink.

I was about to move to the coat stand when I felt Doreen's hand on my arm, holding me back. She closed the door and turned to me, wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing me deeply. I had only ever had one kiss that was as passionate as this, and that was on New Years Eve.

"I've been working up the nerve to do this since before Christmas. I chickened out then, so I decided I'd do it New Years. You know how that turned out. So, I've been waiting for almost two months to tell you how I feel about you," she murmured in a husky voice.

"What about the 'no office romances' thing?"

"I chucked that away a long time ago. I figured that if I waited too long, some other woman was going to snap you up and I'd be left out in the cold. I wasn't going to let that happen," she growled with a determined look.

"So ... I'm the chosen one, huh?"

"Yeah. Does that bother you?"

"Well ... I should say yes, but to tell the truth, I've been trying to figure out a way to get past your 'no romance' declaration for some months."

"So ... then ... you are attracted to me?"

"Of course. Don't you look at yourself in the mirror? You're a very beautiful woman who happens to be smart, honest, and dedicated. I can't think of anything that you don't have that I want. I was just being careful. You react funny quite often if I put a foot wrong. That kind of kept me off balance, to tell the truth."

"I'll try not to do that any more. I'm probably being too aggressive, but ... can I tell you something ... something just between you and me?"

"Of course."

She stammered and stuttered before she came out with it. "I'm falling for you, Val. I can't help it. You haven't done a thing to encourage me except treat me like someone special every day. You've barely touched me ... but ... you have touched me. More than you know."

I leaned in and kissed her as fully and intensely as I could. I got a very nice response. I pulled back a bit, an unspoken question on my face.

"There's only so long a guy can go lusting after a beautiful woman before he cracks," I whispered.

"There's only so long a woman can go lusting after a wonderful man. I'm afraid I've already cracked."

"Then I'd better help put you back together again."

"Yes. Please. Put me back together again," she moaned as she led me to the bedroom.

Sunday, February 14th, 8:15am

I was greeted with a croaky "Good morning" as I opened my eyes. A sleepy, tousle-haired Doreen reached out and stroked my cheek gently. I had my hand on her hip, and instinctively, I pulled her to me.

"Good morning," I replied coarsely, carefully avoiding her mouth by kissing her neck and nibbling on her earlobes.

"Happy Birthday," she said as she closed her eyes while I continued my kisses.

"Happy Valentine's Day," I answered.

"It certainly is," she grinned, reaching for my morning erection.

"Ohhhhh ... babe, can I have my birthday present now?"

She pretended to think about it, before swinging her leg over my hip, pushing me on my back, and mounting me.

"Thank you," I groaned, "it's just what I wanted, too."

"Good ... because I got what I wanted for Valentine's Day. I got a Valentine, and it's all mine."

"Looks like both of us got what we wanted."

"Hmmmm ... ohhhhhhh Val, keep doing that."

"I thought you might be a bit sore after last night."

"Just a little bit. It's been a long time since I've been with someone. You're just too good to resist. You and I are very good together you know."

"Yeah, I got that impression too. Too bad it took us this long to figure it out."

She was silent for a while before, "I had to be sure. Even last night I was a bit anxious. You took all that away. You were so gentle and giving. I've never had anyone make me feel the way you did. That washed away all the uncertainty."

"I'm glad. I couldn't handle it being a one night thing. You're too important to me."

We were quiet for a while until my stomach decided to announce the need for food. Doreen laughed as she heard the rumble.

"Come on, let's get something to eat before you expire. You're going to need to keep up your strength. I'm going to wax you at golf again." She wore a sly grin and a raised eyebrow.

"You go ahead. I'm going to shower and use the bathroom. I'll see if I can clean myself up a bit."

"I like a man with a rough-hewn look. There are some new toothbrushes in the top drawer, and help yourself to the shampoo."

I kissed her several times before I forced myself to get out of bed and head for the bathroom, naked. I got a low whistle from my new lover as I made my way.

I'd been in the shower only long enough to shampoo and rinse my hair when the glass door slid open and Doreen joined me.

"We might as well do this together. You can wash my back ... and other places if you want."

"I want." I picked up the bottle of body wash while Doreen was soaking her hair. As she shampooed, I took a soft wash cloth and went over her body very carefully and very thoroughly. After she finished rinsing her hair, she turned to me.

"I see I've got you interested again," she chortled as she gently held my growing erection.

"Something about the company I keep that causes it."

She had one hand on my cock while she wrapped the other arm around my neck and treated me to another of her wonderful, deep kisses.

"I don't think I can handle any more right now," she admitted, but then dropped her haunches and looking up at me mischievously, took me in her mouth and proceeded to give me a world-class blow job.

I had very little left in the tank, but she accepted it before rising and renewing her kiss.

"Happy Birthday, my Valentine."

"Very happy birthday. The best ever."

Sunday, February 14th, 9:05pm

"I think this might be the best day I've ever had," Doreen said into my chest.

"That's a pretty big statement. But I know what you mean. We still have a lot to learn about each other."

"Like what?"

"Oh ... like ... favorite foods, or music, or movies, or how I can beat you at golf.

"That's going to be tough. You got a little closer today, but ... ha-ha ... I still beat you," she boasted.

"It was close enough it could have gone either way."

"I'll be disappointed if you don't keep trying. If I know you ... you will. It's one of those things I love about you."

"Oh, oh. You've used the "L" word. Be careful now, girl."

She rolled toward me, pushing the bed sheet down. "No! No more careful. I've been careful for too long. I know what I want ... and it's you. You've spent the last few months seducing me. I surrender. You win. I win. I'm in love with you."

"Do you suppose we'll remember this day for a very long time?"

"Don't change the subject. I just told you I love you. Don't you have anything to say?"

"Well ... when you put it that way .... I love you too. I'm not sure when that happened, but it was definitely before last night. You probably have guessed that some things can get in the way of clear thinking when you've just gone through a divorce."

"I'm sorry. That was thoughtless of me. I don't want to pressure you. I just want to know that you care about me the way I care about you. You are the man I've always wanted. I didn't know it until you came along. I never had anything to compare it to. Now I know better."

"You're making me out to be some kind of superstar. I'm just a guy. I have my faults, just like any other guy. Don't put me on a pedestal and expect miracles. I just want to be who I am. Monica always wanted me to be something more. I was always a disappointment to her. I don't want you to have unrealistic expectations of me."

"Val, I've worked with you for the last seven months. I think I've seen enough to know who you are. Don't denigrate yourself; it doesn't look good on you. Warren Senior respects you. To me, that says something."

"I think that's the second most surprising thing that's happened."

"What's the first?"

"You. I wondered if we'd ever find a way to have even a close, friendly relationship. Then, all of a sudden, here we are."

"I hope you think it's a nice surprise."

"You already know the answer to that, babe. It seems to me we've spent the last twenty-four hours confirming it."

"Let's confirm it some more."

Monday, February 15th, 12:20pm

"Hello, Val. Long time no see," my ex-wife said as she approached. I had been sitting in the food court at the mall, reading a collector magazine when she approached out of the crowd, surprising me.

"Monica. How are you?" I didn't put any enthusiasm into my question.

"Fine. And you?"


"That's not what I hear. I hear you're expanding."

"Who told you that?"

"Does it matter?"

"You should learn to get your facts straight. If I expand, it will be with the best wishes of my bank manager. Which brings up another subject. What will it take to buy back my 15%? The last person I want involved in my business is you."

"Oh ... you're really pissed at me, aren't you?" she smirked.

"You could say that. How much?"

"Ten percent above assessed value."

"Where the hell did that come from?"

"My lawyer. She figured I should at least show a profit from the sale."

"Your lawyer is way up there on the list of people I'd most like to see struck by lightning."

"I'll bet I'm high up on that list too," she snorted.

"Good guess. Now, how do want this done. Certified check, I imagine."

"That'll do nicely."

"Last year's tax evaluation alright?"


"You still working for Trip?"


"I'll send it to you there."

"Fine. I hear you stole a couple of Trip's employees. Is this a way to get even with him?"

"Nope. Just coincidence. They couldn't wait to get out of there."

"Well, I've moved on. Too bad you can't."

"Don't go gettin' all weepy and sorry for me now, Monica. That just wouldn't be like you."

"Don't worry, I haven't shed any tears over you. You're part of my past. My future looks a lot better."

"We'll see. You never know how things are going to turn out. Anyway, I'll get the money to you as soon as I can."

"Goodbye, Val. I'll probably see you around."

With that she turned and strolled off down the mall. I had a hard time coming to terms with just how cold she was. Absolutely no feeling whatsoever for the eight years we were together. I was just another piece of used luggage that she tossed aside when it suited her.

When I thought about it, I was relieved. I didn't have an ounce of forgiveness for her, and looking back, I could see that I was so much better off it wasn't worth worrying about. However my life turned out, I would never look back with regret.

To be continued

Editing by ErikThread and DaveT with my thanks for their thoroughness and helpful suggestions. Any errors are mine.

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Gott mit uns was german and preceded and superceded the nazis. They had their own emblems.

flarebel2327flarebel2327over 5 years ago

Gary Cooper & Clark Gable each had 1 of those cars the frame a lone cost over 12,000 $ way back when

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago

I hope he gets a Bill of Sale before he sends her the check!

fanfarefanfareover 9 years ago
Bruce is right

We all had the experience in school of having to read Moby Dick. Honestly, what we all did was watch a video of the movie and crib from the Cliff Notes.

Many, many years later, I received as a gift a reprint of the original uncensored edition of Moby Dick.

After all my mature life experience I was surprised to discover how vulgar and raunchy hilarious is Melville's masterpiece.

bruce22bruce22over 13 years ago
Fine story

To the anon,

Dialogue is often very open to misinterpretation. It is one of the high points of the present text. Work at it, it will reward you. When poetry does not easily transpose into prose I often broke my head on it. Then one day I discovered that you have to read it out loud in order to feel the poetry! There are some texts that we thought were great and when you reread them, they are not what we remembered. One interesting observation that I read some place, was that Don Quixote should be read for the first time when you are 15, then again in your early twenties, again after turning 40. Each time it will appear to be a different book, what seemed absurd before will become heartbreaking. Now that I am in my seventies I have been thinking about rereading it. The question is should I pull down the copy in English I read at the university or should I go looking for it in the original language. Many times I have read a book translated to English, then picked up a copy in French or Portuguese and discovered a whole new world....

thanks Coaster 2 for yet another fine sensitive story!

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