Beyond Hell and Back Ch. 04


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Holly smoothed her fingers over one of her wife's rosy cheeks. "No matter; okay, strap-on it is!"

She went into their toy box and rummaged about till she located the large beige-orange artificial cock, nice and sturdy, trusty and dependable—virtually the exact words on the box when they bought it. Back and ass to her wifey on the bed, she fastened it on and turned around, but unfortunately, she bumped it against the corner of the dresser.

"Ooooh!" Holly exclaimed with a wince, rubbing the end of the dildo where she whacked it on the bureau. "I hurt my dick!" she chuckled. "That's a definite ouch."

"And it stayed hard!" Rachel joked along. "It's a miracle! It's the cock of the gods!"

They laughed for a second before Holly became serious again.

"All right, you," barked Holly, turning strict. "That'll be enough of that. Now get on your back and prepare to be rampaged."

Rachel almost came right on the spot.


October 30th, 7:01 p.m.

Wearing only her protruding rubber dick, Holly roughly shoved Rachel's legs to either side of the bed, leering down at her where she stood. Her sinister eyes wordlessly ordered Rachel to keep her feet still and her legs wide open while she climbed atop and ravaged the living hell from her. Holding and gripping her by the thighs, Holly growled—

"A'right, my wanted it, you got it. Don't say I didn't warn you.

"And here's another warning: by the time I'm ready to have my way with you...

"That pussy'd better fucking be wet.

"'Cause if it's have no idea how much, and how dearly you're gonna regret it."

Rachel was already flared so wildly stoat-randy by Holly's ominous but mischievous threats and taunts, she didn't think she could wait for her to climb on top of her and rock her world. She was dying to plunge her hands to her nether-regions and kick-start herself on her jolly way, but she held off. Impatient as she was, it'd be far more rewarding relinquishing control to Holly.

Finally on top, Holly sneered down on her, planting her fists firmly in the mattress.

"I had a bad day at work today..." she ominously started, staring directly into Rachel's eyes.

"Uh-oh," Rachel murmured back, stifling a giggle.

"...Do you know what that means?"


"I've only you to take it out on..." Holly laid it out for her, now turning their earlier unfortunate reality into a fun game.

"...So too bad for're gonna pay for it."

"Oh, dear," whimpered Rachel, feigning fear, trying to hide her smile.

"And another thing: if you think I'm gonna go easy on you just 'cause you're my wife...

"You are gonna be sorely disappointed."

Rachel couldn't hold back her grin any longer. "Oh, no," she chuckled, trying to keep playing along but clearly feigning. She was too excited to act convincingly. She could hardly be blamed, what with Holly's captivating aura being given off right now.

Holly crawled further up on the bed, slowly and feline-like, wearing only her strap-on and a leering smirk. She ceased moving once she got in ideal position.

"All right, sugar buns," Holly purred. "Open wide."

A smiling Rachel reached between her thighs and parted her labia.

"Oh, if these lips could talk...the stories they could tell."

Holly's narrow, piercing eye slits bore laceratingly into Rachel's, deftly gripping her dick. She had the coordinates in mind to sightlessly direct it right into the soaked, dripping pussy waiting for it. Even if Holly slightly missed, Rachel's autolube would help it easily slide in. Holly leaned forward, still holding her cock in one hand. Rachel patiently held her eyes closed, pussy open and lips pursed. Holly's own plushy hot lips made contact with Rachel's just as the head of her dick nosed into Rachel's cunt.

"MMMMM!" Rachel groaned desperately through the kiss. Oh, how she had been waiting for this. It had only been for a couple of hours, but she supposed it all depended on how one looked at it. The anticipation could build up in a person's mind the same amount whether he or she thought about the prize before them sporadically over a long period of time, or continually over a short period of time. And once Rachel got her thoughts hooked on something—especially should that something be anything remotely related to sex—it was hard to scrape it off her mind.

Once Holly made her way as far inside Rachel as she could penetrate, Rachel let go of her cunt and squeezed Holly in her arms, moaning perpetually in utter ecstasy. This was what made life worth living: her sweet baby in her arms, legs entwined, thrusting inside, fucking her with exquisite, thorough, sublime strokes. Eyes glued shut, lips glued together, Holly felt the lovely tingles continue to dance over her sweaty skin, maintaining intense contact between as many as their body parts as would connect at any one time. Rachel was being driven out of her mind both interiorly and exteriorly, too feeling the aforementioned tingles prancing over their sticky flesh, as well as the internal sensations firing off inside her pussy. Holly's rubber cock felt like a real cock shooting off hot doses of heaven throughout her whole 5'6" figure.

Eventually, Holly broke from their long-lasting kiss and brushed her lips downwards along Rachel's face, jaw, chin and neck, with hot, steamy breaths. Concentrating on her pelvis-to-mind coordination, steadily pumping inside her wife's cunt, Holly dotted Rachel's ripe hide with a series of what were more than kisses, but less than hickeys. She enjoyed keeping Rachel on her proverbial toes, always making her wonder what was going to happen next. Holly loved retaining excitement in their marriage this way, keeping an air of mystery always floating about.

Holly sifted her hands through Rachel's golden mane, rubbing her nape and shoulder blades, burrowing her face in her lady's torso. Rachel's dazed eyes fluttered open just a bit, then shut again, contorting her anxious face in a grimace of exhilaration. She howled in famished desire as Holly sank predatory teeth into her heaving breasts. Lightning shot through her as Holly tongued her nipples. Every time they had sex and Rachel thought it could get no better, Holly always proceeded to prove her wrong.

Rachel also massively turned herself on with the pretense that Holly was invading her, taking control and having her way with her against her will, flooding her mind with delicious kinkiness. She was always up for kink, satisfying fetishes, fantasies, anything consenting adults wished to try with one another. She felt everyone on Earth should essentially fuck their brains out. She didn't personally understand how anyone could not want to, but she was willing to concede, to each his or her own.

Holly, meanwhile, gave her wife the time of her life each time they made love, but her purposes could be self-interested as well. She'd learned to make Rachel happier than the clam she'd been earlier, basically anytime she wanted, after discovering just what her bride really liked and just how she really liked it done. To say nothing of the aforementioned evaluation that Holly really controlled things in the bedroom. She seriously did relish essentially owning her wife. The bottom line was, their sex sessions normally lasted about as long as Holly liked. Holly came when Holly wanted; and Rachel came...when Holly wanted.

And things had just about progressed this evening to the point where Holly was ready to make her wife scream for orgasmic mercy. So she did.


Rachel ferociously blew her come all over Holly's artificial dick, the bedspread, and both of their thighs. Holly smiled, slowly extracting the come-soaked dildo from her wifey's spent, swollen, drained pussy. Trying to spread as little discharge to the rest of the bed as she could, she got up, leaving her ravaged wife gasping for breath on the mattress, about to fall dead asleep.

"You're welcome, honey," Holly said calmly.


October 31st, 2:37 p.m.

The bell rang.

"All right, young ladies and gents!" Holly called over the bustle of her students getting their things together and vacating their desks. "Happy Halloween, have a nice weekend, and remember," she added, quipping with them, "I do not wanna see any of your faces for at least forty-eight hours!"

She waited as the kids filed out. None of them seemed to have anything to post-class discuss with her this special Friday—understandable, with a single thing on their one-track minds right now—so she erased the material du jour from the board and sat at her desk to go through her things, ascertaining how much homework she herself had this upcoming All Saints' weekend.

She went through her mental checklist for the evening. She and Rachel had plenty of candy, they had witch and Dracula costumes to welcome the kids...

Actually, there wasn't much more to it than that.

It looked like they were all set.

"Hol-lo there, Hol-ly..."

She looked up, and immediately regretted doing so.

Leaning in the doorway, regular smug look playing about her face, stood Miss Simona Herrington. The daughter of a bitch herself. A dismayed Holly returned to her papers, blowing out her breath with a sigh.

"What can I do for ya, Simona?" she asked flatly.

Simona sauntered in, clapping her hands a single time.

"Oh...nothing, really...I just thought we might have a little chat..."



"Yeah! I mean, good golly, Miss Holly, you and I've never really gotten to know each other."

Oh, there are reasons for that...

"Well, first of all, it's 'Mrs.'...and to tell you the truth, I'm not totally interested in getting to know someone who gets her kicks by tossing my messages in the trash."

"Oh, now, come on, Holly!" Simona laughed, tossing it off with a wave of the hand. "You know a good prank when ya see one, don't'cha? Although, I suppose it's not funny 'cause it happened to you, right?"

Holly didn't feel like explaining to her that what she had done was not a prank, it was simply stupid—as "prank" implied there was at least some imagination, humor and constructiveness involved—but she didn't get the chance anyway.

"But enough about that; you're married? I don't think I ever knew!"

"I am," Holly nodded, focusing on the papers on her desk, flashing her a quick ring finger wave. "Over a year now. To a wonderful woman. I love her very much." You, by contrast, I could frankly do without...

Simona smacked her own thigh. "Oh, y'know, that's right! Now I remember, someone told me you were a 'dyke-ski'!"

Holly's eyes narrowed and burned. Oh, how she hated that derogatory word. It was as if Simona were some sort of fury-seeking missile who knew just exactly how to press her buttons. Holly clenched her teeth.

"The 'lesbian,' Simona..." ...You fucking cunt-bag.

"Eh, 'lesbian,' 'dyke,' 'potato,' 'potahto'..."

Holly's voice abruptly rose and sharpened.

"Yes, well, anyway," she barked, pushing herself up from the desk clapping a palm down on it, making a sheet of paper blow away. "Just come in here to screw with me, did'ya? Or do you actually have something informative to say?" ...Before I kill you?

When Holly was describing this girl to her wife the day before, it wasn't as if she was exaggerating. The girl was a gigantic pain in the ass. She was annoying and irritating as hell...although, well, Holly thought, at least she wasn't harmful. She aggravated everyone, but she didn't do any serious damage to their lives. Holly had one idea of something evil to do to her for retribution, an idea she considered fairly often...but she didn't. It was too extreme for someone who was merely annoying—even Simona. She did need to be taught a lesson, but not this way.

"Ah, thanks for reminding me. Yes, I've come to let you know that Aunt Betsy is going on vacation for one month, during which time I shall be in charge, as acting principal," she cooed, grinning ear to ear.

Holly whirled on her.

"You what??"

"That's right. I would've announced it sooner, but the PA system doesn't work in all the classrooms."

A sick feeling invaded Holly's body. Oh, you have got to be shitting me... she thought in panic. The maggot's in charge? For God's sake! This cannot fucking happen! She's gonna make our entire November a living hell!

"Uh, let me concretely understand this, Simona...Principal Betsy is going on a month-long vacation, and she left you in charge?...Of her own volition and free will?? She expressly said, 'Simona, you're in charge while I'm gone'??"

"You catch on amazingly fast, Hollywood," Simona teased her. is not happening. Someone's playing a sick joke here...this is not real.

"Well, Simona, if it's all the same to you, I think I'd like to have a word with Betsy about this anyhow. Where is she?"

"Well, I believe she just caught her flight."

"She's gone already?!"

"Nothin' gets by you," Simona grinned.


Holly sighed in exasperation.

"Just out of curiosity, Simona, what did everyone else say when you delivered them this delightful news?"

"He-ey! C'mon, Hollyoaks, everybody loves me!"

Wow...delusional and a giant douche. Nice combo.

Holly sighed in frustration, starting to resign herself to the fact that she'd likely just have to go home, come back on Monday, bond with everybody else for strength and support and find some way to survive the next month. She sulked back to her desk and started to get her stuff together to depart. Well, at least she could enjoy this weekend first.

The next thing she knew, something very strange happened.

Holly suddenly felt a disturbing sensation behind her. She warily turned to see...

...That Simona had approached...was now standing two inches from her...

...And...rubbing her back??


"...What...the hell are you doing?"

Simona chuckled smarmily.

"What's it feel like?"

Before Holly could say anything else, Simona moved in closer and started to grope her in a spot no one was allowed to touch.

"Whoa—HEY. I'm warning you, Sim—"

Holly tried to jerk out of her grasp but Simona moved in on her again. These abrupt advances freaked Holly right out. She wouldn't have guessed this girl was gay in the first place, but...what the hell was going on?? What was this??!

"Come on, Hollyhocks. You told me you were a lesbian...and you're a sex teacher...I thought you oughta like this, huh??"

"WHA—" With barely ample time to process whatever this was supposed to mean, Holly was about to let loose another outburst when she felt Simona grab her ass. Holly gasped.

"Fucking bitch!"

This time Holly successfully wrenched herself from Simona's slimy hands, whipped around, and smacked her in the face.

"You sick slime ball! What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Holly exclaimed, only half-conscious to lower her voice while dropping the 'f'-bombs. Simona reflexively covered her cheek where Holly'd struck her. The slap seemed to make her back off...for about three whole seconds. Simona removed her hand from her pink-reddened face, stared her down, turned her expression sultry on her, and reapproached.

Standing by her blackboard, Holly instinctively grabbed her yardstick off the slate.

"Get away from me, you whore," she warned in a low, quiet voice. "I'll hit you again."

Simona ignored her. Already flipped out as she was by whatever the little worm was on about here, Holly's mind was positively blown by what happened next. Her reflexes betrayed her as before her eyes, Simona seized her face with two hands and forced a horrifyingly perturbing kiss upon her.

"MMM!" Holly shrieked through the belly-churning smooch. She tried to push Simona off. She tried to smack her away again with the yardstick. But somehow, it seemed Simona was intent on whatever the devil she was up to, and would not be shaken.

Finally, Holly's objection persevered. She shoved her off, but Simona was persistent.

"C'mon, Miss Greentree," Simona taunted, intentionally using the nonmarried title. "You know you want it."

Holly was so incredulous she was having trouble finding the words she was trying to locate to tell this psycho what was up.

But she didn't get a chance this time.


Simona and Holly both turned to the doorway whence the sound of her name came from a third voice. Even though she was being innocently molested, Holly's blood froze.


"R—...Rachel?" Holly met her wife's consternated eyes. "What are you doing here?"

"...My shift ended, and...I ended up in the neighborhood, so I thought I would come over, and...just see you..."

Apparently, Rachel planned to surprise Holly with her presence, but she was the one who had ended up being surprised.

"...But I think the better question is..." Rachel's voice shook.

"What are you doing here??"

Just at the moment she'd seen her, it had only sunk in a little, but as Holly heard Rachel ask her this, the enormity of this ill-fated situation loomed over her in its entirety like the shadow of a dark, dark cloud. Holly's eyes widened as she realized.

"Whoa..." Holly held up a hand. "No, no, no...Rache, wait a minute, honey, this is not what it looks l—"

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, she knew she should have rephrased. She should have led with the fact that this was Simona, the woman she'd told her about the day before, and that she had put the moves on Holly. But she didn't. She was too flustered. To her horror, Rachel's face started to break into tears, right before she turned from the doorway and ran.

Holly panicked. She started to follow her out. "NO! No, Rachel, wait! Please!"

Rachel's footsteps rapidly echoed away. Holly thought she noticed Rachel had her sneakers on today. And she was a fast runner to begin with. Holly was in heels, but it didn't matter; Rachel could outrun her for miles in her bare feet. By the time she got to the doorway she already knew it was no use.

"Oh, shit!" she lamented, whapping the doorway with the side of her fist.

"Well, someone sure got up on the wrong side of the bed," came the voice behind her.

As much as it had frozen to ice before, Holly's blood burned black. She spun around and marched back on Simona.

"I am gonna fucking KILL YOU!!" she hollered past the top of her lungs. "No court in the world would convict me!"

To her astonishment, Simona had the nerve to actually put her hands up in front of her and turn surprised at this tirade.

"Hey, whoa, whoa!" said Simona. "Where'd this come from?"

Holly's fiery bloodshot eyes popped wide open. This...person had just deliberately thrown a giant cleaver through the fabric of Holly's marriage, and subsequently was acting as if nothing was going on. This was too much. This was extreme.