Beyond Hell and Back Ch. 04


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"Oh...this isn't ever gonna it?"

"Well, I'm glad you're finally catching on, my little lamb," Farrah smiled, scratching her nails from Simona's thigh to her ribs, as she repalmed the electrode remote and turned its dial straight to setting ten and held down the button. "Get used to it; it's just gonna be more fun for me from here on out...and far worse for you.

"Have a pleasant eternity, my dear...






October 31st, 5:46 p.m.

"Honey, I swear! You've gotta believe me, she came on to me! I did nothing to provoke her! I told you she was a total bitch!"

Holly desperately paced about the living room in her witch costume, trying not to step on the ever-underfoot Hobbie as she labored to convince Rachel of what truthfully happened in the classroom. Rachel sat grumpily on the couch, arms crossed, still having trouble wrapping her head around it all. Holly couldn't say she totally blamed her—after all, Rachel had never met Simona before, and showing up randomly on a one-time visit to the school, she'd walked in on her own wife kissing—being kissed by—another woman. But at the same time, Holly was her wife. They had pledged to spend the rest of their lives together, to eternally love, honor and trust one another. Rachel had to believe her!

As always, she'd kept concealed from her the part about Farrah. Holly had always to keep Farrah's presence a grave secret in order to protect their relationship. After two and a half years as girlfriends and a little over one more as wives, Holly knew Rachel pretty well, and the last thing she wanted to do was frighten her away.


Up until the end of the school day, she and Rachel had still planned to dress up in their respective grown-up witch and Dracula costumes, but the little wrench Simona'd thrown into their schedule and dual disposition had half-allayed this plot. Holly was still dressed as her evening's wicked witch alter-ego—into which she'd changed when she'd gotten home and found that Rachel was in the bathroom—but the very upset Rachel refused to go along until she could allow herself to at least settle down a little. Holly sighed and paused for what was now the third time, told Rachel she'd be right back, trotted to the door, changed the demeanor in her face, took a breath, and opened.

"Greetings, my children! EE-HEE-HEE-HEE-HEE!" she laughed like her character.

A pirate, a ghost and a Young Frankenstein held up their pumpkin baskets.

"Trick or treat!"

The Greentrees' house at 637 Rosebud Avenue was one of the neighborhood favorites to come to for Halloween night. Holly always found cute costumes for them to wear to greet the children. Being a teacher, she'd always been pretty good with kids.

"Well, look at you guys!" said Holly, returning to her normal voice, grabbing three pawfuls of candy from their enormous bowl and depositing them in the kids' receptacles. "Don't you look great!"

"Thank you!" the children chorused as they turned to hit their next house.

"You're welcome!" waved Holly. "Hope you get lots of good stuff!" She shut the door, sighed, dropped her metaphorical mask of Halloween merriment, put down the candy bowl and returned to the living room.

"Rachel, honest to God!" she continued. "What the hell can I do to convince you?? I would never think of doing anything like this to you! I'm a faithful and committed wife! I couldn't betray you if my life depended on it!"

Rachel sighed. Her arms dropped from their crossed position on her chest, landing her hands on her thighs. Holly saw this as possible progress. It was the most Rachel had moved since Holly'd come out of the bedroom in her costume and found her sitting stock-still on the couch. Hobbie hopped up on the couch and began loving Rachel with his tactile head. She idly laid a hand on Hobbie and stroked his fur.

"Does...does this mean you're starting to believe me?"

Still no answer.

"...All right, well, would you please at least tell me if you're gonna cook something or if I should order out?"

Another few moments passed, and finally, Rachel's mouth opened. She started to speak.



"Damn it!" groused Holly. She stomped back to the front door, seized the candy bowl, let out a frustrated growl, sighed, shut her eyes, took a breath, smiled again, and opened the door.

"HelLO there, my pretties! HEE-HEE-HEE-HEE!"

A Tigger and a Ninja Turtle held up their baggies.

"Trick or treat!"

"Wow, you two look awesome!" said Holly. She treated them, waved them off, closed the door and tossed down the bowl.

"Sweetheart, you have my word!" she said, sitting back down on the couch with Rachel, taking her hand. "I love you more than anything in the entire world. We can't let one stupid thing this slimy little snake did to me ruin everything we have! Honest to God, if I'm lying, strike me dead. I told you yesterday how much of an asshole she's been to us. It was all her."

The conviction finally penetrated. Rachel let the love come through in her eyes.

"Oh," she gushed, taking Holly in her arms, "I'm sorry, sweetie. I know you love me. And I you."

"Oh, thank you, babe!" rejoiced a relieved Holly, hugging her wife back good and tight. "I promise to the heavens above, nothing could ever change the way I feel for you."

"Me neither." They began to share a passionate make-up kiss.

"Ooh!" giggled Rachel. "Your nose got in my way!"

"Sorry." Holly took off her fake witch nose. "Come here."


"Oh!" Holly jumped up with a wry chuckle and put her nose back on. "Honey, why don't you go get in costume!" She ran back to the door, grinning now effortlessly, and opened up.

"HEE-HEE-HEE! Who dares come to this haunted house tonight?!" she cackled at them.

A junior witch, a Care Bear, a fairy princess and a bunny rabbit—as well as their pet dog, who was clad in a superhero cape—presented their sacks. "Trick or treat!"

"Well! Look at that! Forest creatures, a canine hero and a tiny version of me!" said Holly, doling out their goodies.

"Thank you!" they harmonized.

"I'll get you, my pretties!" Holly mock-threatened. "And your little dog too! EE-HEE-HEE-HEE!" The children half-laughed, half-screamed and ran away, taking their barking super-pup with them.

Holly giggled as she set the bowl down. She hadn't wanted the kids or their parents to see her and Rachel fighting, and now that they weren't anymore, she left the front door open. She peered out the transparent exterior door to watch the droves of kids, parents, babysitters and the occasional additional dog patrolling the sidewalks. Her thoughts wandered to Simona and what Farrah must be doing to her right now. She almost felt bad for her until she again reminded herself of the motivation of what happened that afternoon. She suddenly had a worried thought as she wondered if anyone was expecting Simona back home today, but she was pretty certain she'd never heard the woman mention kids, a spouse or other roommate. Besides, she had brought this punishment upon herself. Holly was positive she hadn't actually killed her, or she would have heard back from Farrah about it by now. She had dumped her off at Farrah's feet, she just had to let the Mistress of the Underworld handle it.

Her distractions vanished as she noticed more kids prancing up to the door.

Ding-dong! A punk rock star, a goblin, a space alien and a zombie were their next visitors. Once Holly gave them their candy and bid them adieu, she turned around and reflexively yelped. Back out of the bedroom now stood the grinning Rachula, in her suit, cape, gloves, bow tie, makeup, short black wig and bloody fangs.

"Oh! Honey, you scared me!" laughed Holly.

"But of courth I did," Rache lisped through her fangs in a deep, more masculine-sounding voice. "It ith I, Dr-r-r-racula! Now let uth thcare the daylightth from thothe little moppetth! Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Rachel's awaited partnership in the fright game paid off. They took the candy and waited for the remaining kids together outside, as it grew completely dark. They urged the children to take candy from the bowl themselves, and then proceeded to indeed scare the tots—as well as a few of the meeker parents—silly.

Funnily enough, they didn't end up giving away so much more candy that evening.


November 3rd, 7:38 a.m.

"...And that's why I've called together this little meeting this morning," said Holly. She was addressing the assembled body of administration and faculty in the multipurpose room of the school's main offices, shortly before the students were to arrive. "As you all know by now, our principal, Betsy Herrington, has taken to vacation for the month of November, at first logically leaving her niece, our dear friend Simona, in charge."

Half of the staff chuckled dryly and ironically. Half of the other half booed. The rest hissed.

"Yes, yes..." Holly raised a hand to settle them down. "...My sentiments exactly. In the meantime, however, another development has arisen of which I'm obligated at this time to inform you." She turned to one of the side curtains. "Simona?"

Some of the crowd turned back and forth to one another. Murmurs were exchanged. No one joined Holly at the podium.

Holly stepped down and held up a single finger. "Just-just one moment, please."

She marched to the curtain, stepped behind it, and for a moment, all that was visible on the other side of the drape were the signs of a miniature struggle. Finally, Mrs. Greentree succeeded in dragging out Ms. Herrington by the elbow. Quite a raucous reaction was earned by the assembly of teachers and admins at what transpired and was seen next as Holly yanked her out.

The girl was stark naked.

What was more, her wrists and ankles were (again) connected by twelve-inch-chained cuffs, allowing her only to separate her hands and take her steps both at a foot-long distance, limping and emitting small "Ow"s holding on to her tender vagina. She reddened at the collection of laughs and taunts she was met with in front of the assembly. A few weren't very amused, but most applauded in voyeuristic enjoyment. Most of the men—and a couple of the women—whistled. She'd tried to cover up her genitals as Holly pulled her out into full view, which required a little bending down. Once Holly let go of her, she turned her back—and bare ass—on them and covered her embarrassed face.

"I suppose you're wondering what our Miss Herrington here is doing in such a, uh...compromising situation," Holly grinned at them. "Well, I'll tell you. An incident occurred Friday, after classes let out, when, while visiting my classroom—and I won't go into details, but—during said visit, Miss Simona Herrington presented me with a series of improper sexual advances."

The surprised assembly muttered a cacophony of angry and indignant remarks in response.

"Her body is rather battered this morning, as you can see, but not courtesy of myself. It seems over the weekend she was taking a little, eh...bicycle ride...and had a bit of an unfortunate accident. But don't worry, she's not seriously harmed or injured, just a little banged up." Holly turned back to her.

"Isn't that...right, Simona?"

Simona nodded her head visibly with her back turned.

The girl was truly bruised, singed, sore, aching, scared and humiliated. Once Farrah had finally let her go several hours later and explained to her that she wasn't actually dead, she was relieved, but furious to have been tricked and terrorized like this. She would have attempted to kick Farrah's ass had she the energy. Per Holly's request, Farrah commanded her to meet Holly extra early at the school Monday morning to discuss what was to happen now. One of the first things Simona asked was why Holly and her Devil friend had done this horrible thing to her. Holly's response?

"Oh, now, come on, Simona; you know a good prank when you see one, don't'cha?...although, I suppose it's not funny 'cause it happened to you, right?"

While discussing Simona's debacle with the admin body, Holly intentionally left out the Farrah chapter—just as she had with Rachel—substituting for it this bike accident story. She'd prematurely told Simona what she now told the assembly.

"I have spoken with the superintendent of schools, the county sexual harassment board, and a lawyer," Holly informed them. "All are intent upon me pressing charges." The assembly expressed agreement.

"After giving it some thought, and having had a little chat with Simona, I've decided not to press charges just immediately," Holly said, holding up a finger for emphasis. "Instead, unbeknownst to these three parties, I've elected to make a little deal with Miss Herrington. In exchange for at least postponing said charges..." Holly turned to Simona and flashed her smirk.

"...Until her aunt returns...Simona has agreed to spend the next month not performing as acting principal, but relinquishing that post to our chief administrator, Marion Lemore, right now," Holly announced, gesturing to her. "Students sent to the office will report to her, during which time Simona will be confined to Marion's office. Any time a student comes to the office for this or any other reason, Simona? Marion's office. And at all times, Miss Simona Herrington will be on her best professional office behavior. These are the conditions to which she has easily agreed.

"Now for the terms Simona was reluctant to accept. While working with us in the confines of the offices, Simona will arrive in the mornings, remove her clothing and perform her daily duties naked in her shackles, as you see before you...and when the school days end, she'll be allowed to uncuff herself, dress and leave. The rest of the time, she'll be coerced into interacting with us all her nude our disposal...on display for our entertainment and, eh..."

Oh, was Holly enjoying this. She stroked a fingertip down one of Simona's tush cheeks, making her wriggle uncomfortably.

"...Vengeance, so to speak..."

Simona had indeed made enough of an impression on most of her workmates that their karmic sides welcomed these possibilities. She was hoping they'd veto the ideas of tormenting and humiliating her all day every day, but her hope was in vain.

Holly went on. "This way, she'll effectively be prescribed a healthy dose of her own medicine over the next few weeks. I reckon after everything we will undoubtedly have put her through, by the time December rolls around, Simona will learn a great deal about proper basic human etiquette and civility, and practically even become a whole new person! Don't you think, Simona?"

Simona only squirmed. The assembly contributed audible approval.

"When her aunt returns, her punishment will be over. Between now and then, Miss Herrington has expressly agreed to each of these terms, and if any is violated by the slightest infraction, she understands that charges will be pressed without hesitation. For this period of time, her leave's out the window. If at any point between now and then she attempts to resign or induce termination, charges. If on any day she tries to arrive late or depart early, charges. If she claims sickness, that's you, Laura."

She pointed to Ms. Laura Hoskins, the school nurse, who nodded in response.

"Finally, something tells me that our Miss Simona already grasps the gravity of the situation, and will be shaping up and conforming to our standards of decency sooner than later." Holly turned to her and patted her arm. "In the meantime, Simona," she grinned, "Congratulations, on basically setting yourself up for a lifetime's worth...of blackmail."

The assembly cheered and laughed.

"All right, well!" Holly clapped her hands. "Classes are going to let in pretty soon, so we'd better get to work. I believe we do have time for one initial disciplinary measure to take upon Miss Herrington first, however."

Holly called the meeting to a close, and led the lot of them back to Mrs. Marion Lemore's office, where Simona was bent forwards over her desk. Holly temporarily took one of the cuffs off to connect them under the desk, so Simona couldn't move. Her ass was right up in the air. She was now in perfect position, as each teacher and administrator took a turn quoting a mistreatment Simona had imposed upon him or her, and avenging vindication with a sharp, humbling spank! on the ass.

An ear-to-ear smiling Holly went first, showing them just what she had in mind.

"This, then, to start with, Simona Herrington, is for throwing my messages in the trash." SPANK!

"OUCH!" exclaimed Simona. The force of the smack wasn't incredibly great, but the humiliation was indescribable. The assembly of admin and faculty applauded gleefully and lined up to enjoy their turns at bat, as it were.

Holly could have stayed to witness the further degradation of the (former) office brat, but she had another idea. She adjourned to the principal's office and picked up a memo Betsy Herrington had left for everyone's edification.

" and so and so and...ah! Here we go: 'If you have any urgent questions or concerns, I can be reached long distance at 34-13-672-555-8814.' Awesome." She picked up the phone and dialed.

"Hi, Betsy?...Hey! It's Holly Greentree...yes! Yes...well—no, no, things are going fine, actually!...Yeah! Yeah, I'd hate for something to have gone wrong in the first week of your vacation too," she giggled. "...Yeah, no, actually, just the opposite. I just wanted to call and say we all wish you well, we hope you're having a super-great time, and so much so, in fact, eh...we were thinking..." Holly paused. "...We weren't sure if we really adequately showed you our appreciation on Boss Day last month.

"And...well, we'd each be willing to pitch in a little from our salaries to help, if, uh..."

She could faintly hear the intervals of spankings coming from Mrs. Lemore's office. Some of them packed quite a wallop.

..."And this is for putting a cockroach in my briefcase!" Spank! "OW!"

..."And this is for spitting in my latte!" Smack! "OUCH! I'm sorry!"

..."And this is for calling me a Chink!" Spank! "OWWW! I'm sorry!!"

Holly felt her grin spread.

"...Betsy?...How would you feel about rebooking your trip and staying another month?"

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GayKatGayKat6 months ago

🌹 Brilliant, Farrah Is Hot!!!


Hallo Smokey!


Your Farrah character is very hot, and personally I think she would make a wonderful main character. ... I can see where she could be a lot of fun at certain kinds of BDSM parties, that is if you kicked her character up 3 or 4 notches, and change her victims from women to men... making Farrah the cruel, mean she-devil 😈 that your claiming she is!


Speaking for myself I find reading stories about women taking revenge on men... much-much hotter,,, yes!


Thank-you... Another 5&5, 5-Stars and 5-Hot Wet Orgasms!


From your two kinky dyke friends,

The Black Queen 👩🏿 and Gay kat 👩🏼‍!

👿 💋 💋 💋🌹 🌹 🌹

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
🤔 Farrah Is Definitely Interesting,,, yes!

Hallo Smokey!

WOW BRILLIANT!... Your character Farrah is very interesting, and personally I think she would make a wonderful main character, although I would change her victims from women to men!... Speaking for myself I find reading stories about women taking revenge on men... much hotter!

Thank-you... 5-Stars and 5-Hot Wet Orgasms!

Gay Kat..

germanchocolate4ugermanchocolate4uabout 9 years ago

Smokey, this is an awesome story. They say payback is a mother--cker. And for once, good triumphs over evil. This story had me on a rollercoaster of emotions but in the end, laughter and satisfaction prevailed. I'd like to have Farrah's number, I know a few people who need to go beyond hell and back - Lol. Keep up the good work.

LcnmdLcnmdabout 9 years ago
Vengeance is sweet!

A lovely story!

Great writing through and through!

I hope there's more to this...


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