Bffs or More?


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"I trust you," she smiled as she tossed her bag on the deck. "I need a break right now as well. So, let's share our advices."

They were quiet as he drove out onto the lake and anchored in small, deserted cove. A few dark clouds appeared suddenly and caught them in a downpour. They laughed and jumped into the water. After splashing and trying to dunk each other the sun came out and they climbed back on the boat. They grabbed towels and dried the other ones back. Afterwards, they took some beer and wine and moved to the soft cushions at the rear of the boat. "Who wants to go first?" She asked.

"I will," Tom sighed before leaning back onto the soft seat. For the next twenty minutes he told Gina everything that had occurred since he found his wife and Sam at the breakfast table. "I really want to believe her but she lied to me about the night of the prom."

"Well, she hid it from you that's true. And it sounds like Sam is more than just a BFF. But I can't believe she would cheat on you."

"Can a man and woman be so close as friends and if they crossed over the line once do it again? I mean his ex-wife felt there was a whole lot more there than just friends. There maybe is but I just don't know. I asked her to choose between us and she seemed to not want to."

"Umm...I don't know. I mean I was friends with you before marrying Greg and I have special feelings for you as well. When we had our recent blowup over money and me working you were the first person I wanted to talk to."

"Hey maybe that's it? She can't understand how I can think there's something else going on so how about we do the same. I mean as long as it doesn't mess you up with Greg."

"It might actually work for me as well. He takes me for granted and I haven't seen flowers or a date night out for months."

"Great, so what do you want to do tomorrow?"

"Well since we both like Tennis so how about I pick you up at your house tomorrow and we can spend the day at the club?"

"Also, the two of them seem to think that touching and wrestling together is ok."

"Sounds good but not too much because I've always had a thing for you."

"Yeah me too," he grinned glancing down at her nice firm tanned thighs.


Tammy was still teary-eyed and nervous as she watched the clock. When it got to be around 6PM she decided to call Gina and see where they were. When she didn't answer she called Greg.

"Hi Tammy, what's up?" He was sitting alone at home watching an NFL game.

She heard the noise of a football game in the background. "Are you back from the boat trip?"

"Didn't go. Decided to stay home. Aren't you on the boat?"

"Didn't go either. It's complicated."

"Same here complicated. I guess Gina and Tom went out alone."

"I guess so. Do you want to talk about it?" She asked slightly worried that Tom was alone with Gina for the day.

"She said I'm not paying any attention to her anymore and that I treat her as a maid and a cook. That she has no friends and no interests outside of our home." He hesitated.

"So, I told her to get off her ass and go do stuff. Evidently that was the wrong thing to say. She said she would go out on the boat and do stuff without me. So there."

Her phone buzzed and she saw Sam's name popup. "Gotta go good luck."

"Hi," she said sadly into the phone.

"Hey any word yet? What are you going to do? I understand if you say we must break all ties. We messed up with that letter and it's impossible to say we will never mess around when there is a history of it happening. Don't worry I have some other friends. It's too bad."

"I'm sorry Sam but Tom is everything to me and I can't lose him. Maybe he will one day understand about our friendship? Goodbye." She hung up and started crying again. Later that afternoon she decided to meet the boat at the docks.

Tom and Gina were heading into the docks when he saw his wife standing on the pier. "Look she's here, come and hug me."

"Gladly," she giggled and pressed her soft chest into his back and reached around him to find and touch his navel. "That should get to her."

"It's getting to me," he groaned as her pinkie finger slip down under his shorts and rubbed into his pubic hairs. She teased for a few seconds before moving away and stood there looking at his tight butt.

The boat was docked and tied down and Tom and Gina's hips were touching acted as if they hadn't seen Tammy.

"HELLO!" They heard Tammy's yell.

Gina quickly moved away looking guilty, "Hi Tam, we uh really missed you today. Greg couldn't make it, so it was just me and my old friend."

Gina climbed down from the bridge, left her tee shirt off and was wearing a tiny bikini top with her 34C boobs busting to get out. She had to hold back laughing when Tom turned and stared down from the bridge at her display. She laughed and waved her right index finger at him, "you dirty ol' man."

Tom could see from her body language that Tammy was very tense and upset. He looked at his watch. "It's only 7PM, so Gina and I will finish up here and meet you at home at 8PM for our meeting."

Tammy was pissed at what she saw and was ready to tell him that Sam would be in her life take it or leave it. But she realized that was about the same as Tom felt when he saw her wrestling on the sofa with Sam. Plus, she hid that Sam was moving back to town. If he insisted on her dumping Sam, then she would do the same about him dumping Gina. Except he had not fucked Gina at least that she knew of. She wasn't sure what she was going to do as she drove back to their home.


It was almost 8PM when she heard Tom coming into the house. She was angry about what she had seen on the boat between Gina and him. She acted bored and not caring as she sat back on the sofa and pretended to read a magazine.

"Hello, I'm home," he said loudly. "So, have you made a decision? Him or me?"

"Both, you as my husband and him as a best friend. Final answer." She said sharply while not looking up from Good Housekeeping.

"I told you that means you chose him. That tells me where I stand."

He quickly walked up the stairs and took a shower. As he was coming out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, he saw her lying on the bed in a sheer baby doll gown. "What's up?"

"This," she smiled waving both hands down over her visible hard nipples and down over her flat tummy and tender thighs. "This is yours and only yours."

He dropped the towel and walked towards her and bed. He was semihard. "I used to believe that but am not so sure now. You spent all day at his house today and it's obvious that he has a thing for you. Maybe not today but he will hit on you again. I can't be sure that you will say no."

"How about Gina and you alone on the boat today as well. I saw her hugging you and pushing her big soft boobs into your back. I wondered where her hands were around the front of your lower body. You two were friends long before we met so how do I know you didn't do anything?"

"First of all, I never knew Sam was a guy. I knew you were sending emails and texting and it never worried me. Then I hear when he shows up here in my house that he has moved here. Then you run to help him move in and drop our plan to go out in the boat. Only to later find out that you two were an item in high school kissing and fucking. Gina and I have only been friends. We've never kissed except on New Year's Eve and there were no tongues involved like in your yearbook.

"You can trust Sam and I...we don't feel that way between each other. Please Tom.... don't make me give up my best friend. I'll cut him out if it becomes a big deal that will come between us but give it a chance." She turned his way and reached over to grab onto his limp noodle. It didn't stay that way long and soon they were kissing, touching, sucking and fucking.

"DON'T STOP! I LOVE YOU!" She screamed when she exploded into bliss, but she didn't realize that he hadn't cum. The next morning, she slept in later than normal and after waking found him gone. She discovered a note on the small white erase board in the kitchen:


She was happy on one hand to have Sam back but on the other hand nervous about Tom and Gina getting together especially since Greg and she were having issues. She called Sam.

"I thought we were cutting it off," Sam said surprised to get a call from her.

"Things have changed. I'll be over to help you move in and will tell you all about it."


Gina was hesitant to walk into the house after she left Tom. She was still thinking about the tight hug and wet kiss from Tom before leaving the boat. Lately all Greg and she did was argue over stupid trivia things. She finally let her anger out about how much he took her for granted and wondered if he would change. "HELLO I'M HOME!" Nothing. "HELLO! GREG?" Nothing.

She walked into their bathroom and saw a note written on the mirror.


"That bastard," she whispered before picking up her phone to call him. When it went to voicemail she let go: "Typical cowardly action from you Greg. Don't solve any problems just tuck in your tail and run away. I hope you find yourself because I've given up."

She had hoped that her going on the boat without him would snap him out of it and start appreciating her again. Luckily, she still had Tom. She wondered what happened when he faced Tammy again. She smiled when she got a text from him:

'See you at the club at 10AM tomorrow. Court 4 reserved.'


For the next week things calmed down for everyone. Tammy continued to help Sam move in and Tom and Gina got together for lunches and playing tennis. No one seemed to be jealous or did anything to cross a line between being just a friend. But on Friday Greg's sister told Gina that Greg had gone on a cruise and not alone. Gina knew it was over and called Tom. "Would you come over? I need someone to be with me."

"What happened? Did Greg come home? Are you OK?"

"No and no, but I can't talk on the phone."

"Tammy and I will be there in a few minutes."

"Tom, I just want you to come. I think Greg and I are finished, and I need your company."

"Ok I understand." He hoped that Tammy would as well.

Tammy was putting on her PJs when Tom walked into the bedroom. She saw the concerned look on his face, "what's wrong?"

Gina just called and said something bad has happened and wants me to come over there. I'll call later and let you know what's going on."

"Uh it's 9 o'clock, can't it wait until tomorrow morning? If it's that bad, I'll go with you."

"She just wants me honey her best friend." He hurried into the bathroom and brushed his teeth.

"Maybe you should shave and put on some cologne as well?" she jabbed while watching him spit out the toothpaste. "And I think there are some condoms in the nightstand."

"Now, who is being an ass? You can't have it both ways. She needs me and I'm going."

She stormed away and sat at the kitchen table as he hurried out the door. "Call me."


Gina had figured that Greg just needed some down time away from his job and life in general. She figured he had gone to his family's lake cabin but was blown away when she discovered he went on a cruise with another woman. "No wonder he treated me as a cook and a maid. He got his sex somewhere else." A few minutes later Tom rang her doorbell. As soon as he stepped inside, she jumped into his arms. "I'm so glad you came." Her arms hung around his neck while her legs wrapped around his waist.

He stood upright and stiff. "Uh...uh...lets close the door, ok?" His hands moved down to hold her as they turned. She started slipping so he reached lower and cupped her soft buttocks. "Oops," he blushed while kicking the door closed. It was then he realized she was wearing a robe and was naked under it. His fingers were flesh to flesh with her wonderful ass. He let her go and felt her body flatten against his. Her fingers tried to hold on, but her weight pulled them away. But as she opened her legs the arms moved around him and caressed his hard bum as they passed by.

He did his best not to get hard but touching her bare butt and feeling her squeeze his was a big turn on. "Are you ok?"

" I...uh knew my marriage was in trouble but never expected him to skip town with another woman. What should I do?" Again, she tried to hug him into her soft body, but he slipped out and headed to the kitchen. "Do you have any beer?"

"Shit that's about all we have. Greg finished a six-pack most every night except his two bowling nights. Damn...he must have gone on the cruise with Elsie. She's a divorced woman on his bowling team. A few times when I stopped there, she was hanging all over him. He said it was just some flirting like I do with you."

He let that go by as he detoured his eyes away from her light blue silk robe. But not before he noticed her perky breasts were braless and well formed. "What do you want to do about it?"

"I'm done with him and have been for some time now. I've been hording money in a separate account and have enough if needed. The principle at my school has a. brother who is a lawyer and said he would help me get the paperwork started. Do you mind going into the den? It's more comfortable there.

As they were walking down the hall his phone buzzed. It was Tammy. He didn't answer it. "Is she going to be angry because you came over here alone?"

"I don't know. She's been in shithead Sam's house alone quite a bit since he moved back. What's good for the goose you know."

Do you think they've been intimate?"

"I don't think so because I think she wants to stay married to me but have him close by. I don't trust him. His wife divorced him for a reason, and I need to find out what it was."

"Well, I want to have you close by too. I feel so alone now. Even by being a cook and a maid I had someone I can talk to." Tears dropped from her cheeks as she fell over onto her side on the sofa. He couldn't handle her crying and dropped to his knees next to her and hugged her to him. "I'm here for you." Their eyes met and their lips pressed together.


Tammy tried to think about something else but was nervous that Tom would be seduced by that harlot. It sounded as if Greg and Gina's marriage was on the rocks, and she didn't want to be a casualty of it. She fell asleep at midnight and heard the door open sometime later.

"Tom! Is that you?" She cried out jumping up and looking around the doorway. "Who else would it be unless you gave Sam a key to the house." As soon as he said it, he wished he hadn't. "Sorry."

She looked at the clock and saw that it was 2AM. "It took you five hours to talk to her to calm her down. Maybe I should be asking what the hell is going on?"

"It's late and we are both stressed. I think we need to table this discussion until tomorrow morning." He sighed and struggled to walk up to their bedroom. When he walked out of the bathroom, he saw her in the bed looking at him. "I love you Tom."

"Me too." As tired as they both were they had trouble falling asleep.


Tom was wide awake the next morning when he walked downstairs. He heard her talking to someone on the phone and stayed back to listen.

"I can't.... I told you that we must take a break. I have no idea when or if we can see each other again. No and stop sending me texts and emails." She was angry because Sam had pushed her a little too far the last time, they were together. She knew her marriage was in trouble since Tom spent most of last night with Gina. She loved him and wasn't going to give him up so easily. She heard the shower upstairs come on and hurried to make his breakfast and get back into good graces with her husband.

"Good morning honey," She smiled as she moved around the table and into his arms. "I'm sorry about my comment about Gina last night. I trust you would never cross the line with another woman, and I absolutely won't either with any man."

"Tammy I...well last night...uh Gina was feeling so bad and so hurt that I uh....we...uh...uh..." He watched her smile turn up-side down and her eyes turn from honey to coal. "Wait....we..."

"Fuck you Tom. I haven't done anything serious with Sam and have been accused of all kinds of sins by you. Damn you for fucking someone else. Eat shit you asshole!"

"Tammy let me finish please....," but she turned, grabbed her purse and ran out the door. He tried to stop her, but her car was out of the drive and down the street as he stood in his boxer briefs on the front steps. He ran back into the house, grabbed his phone and sent her a verbal text:

"We didn't fuck....please let me explain and don't do what I think you are going to do. If you do it, we are finished so please come back."

She was steaming mad and flew down the road hurrying to Sam's place. She was only wearing her silky black pajamas with no undergarments. It didn't bother her because she would soon be rid of them and lying back naked with her legs open around her BFF's hips. A train was crossing the road and it slowed her down for a long time. It gave her time to calm down and collect herself. She took a deep breath and recognized the street name next to the tracks.


Gina was still thinking about what had happened last night with Tom and how he had come over to sooth the hurt done by her husband. He had always been her knight in shining armor and had rescued her many times since they met in the Freshman English class. After talking to him about how good it was to know now before they had kids, she had relaxed and moved over to allow him to snuggle up to her while lying on the sofa. Neither had planned on what happened next.

She was snapped out of her memory when her doorbell rang. She opened it expecting Tom and saw Tammy's angry face. She was about to say Good Morning when the woman's flat right hand smashed against her face. "YOU BITCH. YOU HAD TO GO AFTER MY MAN DIDN'T YOU?!"

Gina, being stout and heavier, put her head down and drove her body into Tammy's. The two women flew out the door onto the wet lawn that was being sprinkled with water. Gina, after landing on top of Tammy, quickly pinned her arms back next to her head. "Stop it....what do you think happened last night?"

Tammy growled and tried to lift and push her off, but Gina was too heavy. "OK I give...let me up and we can talk," Tammy said realizing she had no other choice. Both women were soaked to the skin and staggered to their hands and knees. They both looked like drowned rats with their hair on their heads were all matted and twisted.

"Are you two, ok?" a woman's voice asked. Tammy looked around and saw her elderly neighbor Elsie standing by her driveway next door.


Tom was worried that his wife would go and fuck her marriage away with Sam to get even with what she thought he had done with Gina. He hurried to get dressed and drove quickly to Sam's place. He was surprised not seeing Tammy's car but knocked on the man's door any way. "Open up Asshole...I know she's in there."

"What the hell is going on Tom?" Sam asked just before the angry man pushed him hard backwards. "Hey!" Sam shouted as he staggered back to his feet ready to defend himself. "She's not here."

'Where is she? Are you going to meet her somewhere?" Tom asked trying to calm down.

"I have no idea. She's your wife."

"Well, we need to talk. Don't give me any bullshit that you only want to be Tammy's best friend. I can see it in your eyes that you love her and want her in your bed."

Sam walked by him and closed the door. "Let's talk." He led Tom into the living room and sat across from him on the sofa. "You're right. I do and always have been in love with Tammy, but she hasn't felt the same about me. Believe me I've tried to get her to love me that way, but she would always laugh and stop any romance between us. I thought that getting married to a wonderful woman would cure me but I couldn't stop thinking of having one more chance at your wife. So, I broke it off with my wife and moved here for one last attempt. I knew I didn't have a chance when I met you until Gina came into the picture. Last week when you two were playing tennis I got Tammy to listen to some music we used to listen to in high school. We ended up dancing and...and kissing. I told her that Gina and you were probably doing the same and suddenly she was all over me."