BIG BUTT CHINA - Mei Two Pt. 01


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"Wow, you're so sensitive all of a sudden about the pussy; I just ask question."

"Look, okay that's her; don't do anything silly."

"Bro, you're acting like fucking cherry; this is college, bro. There lot of girls horny for dick around here, you don't marry the first fuck you get on campus."

"Yeah, whatever Armin; please don't embarrass me."

"So, what, she got a magic pussy or something, bro?" He snatched some fries from my tray.

"Come on man, I'm just taking it slow."

"Bro, she left her panties on our floor; that what you call "Taking it slow", huh?"

"Hey, don't you have someplace to be, like class?"

"I pay nerds to take care of that stuff; she uh, Japanese or something? Don't look like much from here."

"Please Armin."

"Just saying, the other girl, that ginger bitch who cheat on you have one BIG FUCKING ASS; what you do with skinny Korean whore?" His frank nature went hand in hand with his Cro-Magnon sensibilities. He'd helped himself to some off my luggage while I was moving into the dorm finding the prom picture of Mylie. I was sitting down in the chair provided by the photographer while she turned her best asset towards the camera in her white, form fitting dress in dramatic fashion. I remember the photographer slobbering all over himself flattering Mylie before I stepped in asserting myself.

"She's Chinese; her name is Mei and PLEASE DON'T FUCK THIS SHIT UP FOR ME, ARMIN!" Our conversation was drowned out by other students and music wafting through the cafeteria from the P.A. System. I'm Falling by Comsat Angels provided an unlikely soundtrack to our conversation.

"Don't look like much; just saying, bro." He attempted to snatch a cookie from my tray but got his hand slapped away.

"Armin, we're cool, and I've never asked you anything before, but I'm calling a fucking audible man. Just let me have this and no one ever has to find out how you shit your pants last month after you passed out in front of our door. I mean, maybe one other person knows; the unknown male or female who left a posted on your butt saying simply "Stinky". I raised an eyebrow to emphasize my point.

"I go to AA after that happen."

"Paying someone to go to Alcoholics Anonymous for you, is not going, Armin."

"That's low. Real fucking low, bro; I go to class now." I watched Armin skulk away from the table. His assessment of Mei rubbed me the wrong way. I flipped out my phone looking at the phot Mei sent me earlier. There it was plain as day, right before my eyes currently hidden under the frock of the beautiful girl sitting across the cafeteria from me. I marveled at how her big butt was composed of two perfect oval shapes emerging from an extremely small waist with two model long legs under it. I kicked myself internally for not doing more when I had the chance before looking back over towards Mei and her friends.

"Oh shit; oh, fuck me..." Armin was standing a few feet behind Mei and her friends. I followed the trajectory of his gaze downward realizing that he'd found out what I already knew. He looked up meeting my worried countenance with this thumbs up gesture regarding the size of Mei's backporch. Several of the girls noticed Armin at the same time emitting a series of loud, shrill screams and protestations in their language. One of the girls was staring in my direction tapping Mei on the shoulder alerting her to my presence. I jumped up waving my hands in front of my torso as Armin tried to get a picture of Mei's butt with his phone. The girls swarmed him with their own phones and swatting hands as she stared daggers at me.

"Nǐ zhè ge hún dàn , gāi sǐ de sè láng!! wǒ huì bāng nǐ de , wǒ fā shì zài wǒ de shēng mìng!!" Mei was so angry that she was speaking in her language as her clique turned the phones towards me taking untold number of photos. Armin was pelted with food and items from their table until he bolted out the exit door sounding the fire alarm.

"I'M SORRY MEI; HE'S AN IDIOT!!" I yelled trying to explain things over the loud blare of the fire alarm. Mei just stood there burning a hole in me with her eyes; her pretty face flushed with anger.

"ASSHOLE, HENTAI, PERVERTED ANIMAL!!" Some petite Chinese girl with these thick, horn-rimmed glasses shouted as several other opted to simply give me the middle finger.

"No, it's a misunderstanding, Mei." I whimpered watching her gather up her belongings.

"Nǐ shì gè shī bài zhě!" Whatever she said, definitely wasn't nice. I took a few steps in her direction noticing that Mei looked frightened. Half of her friends cut me off yelling and jeering in a deafening cacophony of blurred shrieking that had my ears ringing. Security was already resetting the blaring alarm as the girls closed around Mei in a roman formation. This was presumably designed to keep me from getting a photo or good look at Mei's big butt as she scurried out of the cafeteria. Some other students were giving me the stink eye, mostly females.

"Fucking Armin." I wanted to pummel him senseless.

After receiving a warning from the security guards, I was on my way to the rest of my classes trying to stifle my anger at my roommate. Thirty minutes after that, I was chafing at the thought of Mei slipping through my fingers. It was almost like the night before didn't happen, but I had the photo on my phone to prove that it wasn't all in my head. My phone suddenly rang interrupting my thoughts; it was Armin.

"Bro, that bitch got one hell of big ass! Damn, man you are the shit!! I would make her wife, put hole in condom!!" He was clueless.

"Where are you Armin?"

"Why, bro?"

"I-I wanna talk to you; you know, talk about Mei." There was a long pause on the other side of the line. Maybe it was my tone or maybe Armin wasn't as dense as he seemed most of the time.

"I go now; we talk later."

"Come on man, don't you wanna hear about that big, big booty, huh motherfucker?!!" I'd lost my patience.

"I drive to city, come back in few days." The phone went dead as I snarled into it like some caged beast.

The day pressed on as I walked across campus towards the dorms content that I could leave my situation behind once I was safely inside my room. As I approached the building I noticed a large number of women congregating there with these pink t-shirts emblazoned with the gender sign. One face was recognizable amongst the throng of angry looking women.

"Irma, uh Irma Hersh, right?" My drunken hookup of many nights before stood in front of me in one of those t-shirts that did little to hide her exaggerated muffin top. Man, I was really drunk that night.

"Hello degenerate."

"What, excuse me?"

"GIRLS, HERE HE IS; THE LOSER THAT DOESN'T UNDERSTAND SIMPLE ENGLISH!!" A potion of the group crowded in on me looking like they intended to pummel me. I didn't want to appear intimidated, so I stood my ground staring all of them in the face. Most of the girls were of the Big and Tall variety, a few I recognized from the party where I'd hooked up with Irma.

"Oh, is that right; what don't I understand?"

"NO MEANS NO!!" They all screamed in my face at point blank range.

"Shit, man."

"We're watching you, asshole." Irma shoulder bumped me as she passed; it actually hurt a little. Mei and her friends had to be behind this sudden development.

"Get some popcorn; light on the butter, bitch." I retorted adding fuel to the fire with this militaristic contingent of campus feminism. Irma looked like she wanted to go a few rounds, but another student yanked on her arm convincing her otherwise.

"Fucking Armin." I thought about my troublesome roommate hoping he'd stay away longer. I was sure we'd end up slugging it out whenever he reared his barely there monobrow. There were a few more pink shirts in the corridor stapling something to the hall bulletin board. I stopped viewing a sheet of construction paper with the words "NO MEANS NO" stenciled on the surface. That was all for me as I got to my door noticing one of Armin's socks covering the doorknob. My body trembled slightly as visions of my roommate fucking up my budding thing with Mei clouded my mind with anger. Apparently, he hadn't taken me seriously at all. He'd picked up some skank and now she was gonna watch me put the beatdown on this fool. I paced in front of the door for a few minutes trying to decide how best to fuck up my idiotic roommate. Ultimately, I decided to just walk in and let violent nature take its course. Images of the primate battle from 2001: A Space Odyssey filled my subconscious as I opened the door walking into the darkened dorm room. Armin had another surprise waiting; the bastard was actually hooking up in my bed. I bit my lower lip grabbing my bedding as my finger flipped the light switch.

"GOT YO ASS NOW, BITCH!!" I yanked the bedding away from the bed with all my strength.

"What, the fuck?"

She was lying in my bed face down in her birthday suit other than a very thin brassiere visible from her back. Her long, shoulder length hair covered her face, but I was taking in the perfection of her nude body. Mei was a work of art, destined to be sculpted in marble at some point. Even now, my eyes were trained on the huge, teardrop shaped butt that looked like it belonged on some other woman's body. Mei roused from a silent slumber regarding me with a lazy smile.

"Oh, guess I dozed off in your bed; you don't mind, do you?"

"Fuck no; Mei, what are you doing here?"

"I made a promise I intend to keep; you do remember, don't you?" Sweat was beading up on my forehead at the sight of her.

"But, after what happened earlier..."

"Look, I'm sorry about that; so, I wanna make it up to you. By the way, did you lose a tooth or something?" The crease lines in her delicate skin presented a sensual outline of the underwear she'd been wearing.

"No, why?"

"Because the tooth fairy left something under your pillow; look at this." Mei reached under the pillow she'd been laying on pulling out a large box of condoms.

"Shit." I facepalmed.

"Oh, there's more, baby." A bottle of lube followed presenting both of us with all types of possibilities. Mei stared at the translucent gel in the cylinder, transfixed at its nature moving it from side to side watching the slow liquid movement before looking up at me licking her lips. This girl knew the power of her sexuality as I lost my shirt going for my pants before she stopped me.

"Don't, please."

"What-why?" I was starting to panic.

"I want to undress you myself; play with my ass first and then I'm going to empty your balls." Internally I did a doubletake at her admission as my senses spiked in a crackling electrical boost of lustful intent. Mei faced the wall at the head of my bed letting the narrow cylinder roll down to the small of her back where it rested in the acute curve just above the impressive swell of her huge, rounded butt. I trembled visibly as I gingerly took the lube in hand. This situation was just so surreal that I felt like I was dreaming.

"I can't believe this is happening." I admitted nervously.

"My either, I've been thinking about sucking your cock all day; I ran over here after my last class to fuck the piss out of you."

"I'm sorry about what happened earlier Mei; my roommate is an asshole." I unscrewed the narrow nozzle on top of the white cylinder aiming it at her big ass.


"My roommate, Armin; he was staring at your butt like an idiot."

"Honey, everybody stares at my fucking ass; did he take a picture?" I found it still hard to reconcile her self-assured nature with the angry creature flipping me the bird in the school cafeteria earlier.

"I hope not." Mei shuddered as I squirted a thick, oily rope perfectly across the middle of her ass cheeks. I instinctually hesitated a second before bringing my hand down to rub the lube into her left cheek. Just touching her skin made me almost cum as my fingers crossed the deep gluteal cleft working on the right cheek. Her teardrop shaped rear began to catch the light with a shiny glow that had me drooling from the sight alone.

"Think your roommate's jerking off to my ass right now?"

"Shit, don't give me the visual." Mei giggled at my answer, this mischievous sounding half snort that made me want to kiss her thin lips.

"It's okay, I'm sure a lot of guys jerk off to me around campus; you show Armin that picture I sent you?"

"No!" She chortled again making me feel stupid for internally judging her, comparing her to the stereotypical quiet, Chinese girl I'd seen in movies and media for the most part. More lube was squirted on her butt only to be intensely rubbed into her skin as I noticed it heating up.

"You can show him; go ahead, send him that picture of my booty."

"Fuck no; you're all-!" I caught myself thinking out loud.

"I'm flattered."

"Uhm, I know how it sounded, but..." Mei put a finger over my mouth silencing my fumbling attempt to explain my words. My fingers were tracing the under cuff of her left buttock dipping a little close to her virtue.

"Butt? Yeah, that's what I'm talking about right there! Keep playing with that fucking "BUTT" until you're ready to pop." Her ability to turn a phrase kept me on my toes unable to fully sink into my lust. Even though I had a handful, there was way more than I could touch at any given time.

"Luh-Look, I'm just trying to say that Armin is a douche and..."

"He loves my ass, it's okay, I get it. You think he'd like to watch you rub oil all over my big, fat ass, huh? Think he'd like to jerk off watching you get lucky? Perhaps, he'd like to rub one of my fucking cheeks while you rubbed the other, you think? H_HUUUUUHH, YEAAAAHHHH?!!" Mei's body had taken on a serpentine quality as she lay prone on my bed undulating and rolling her hips. My digits were taken along for the sensual ride dipping between the lips of her sex in brief intervals. Mei was steaming hot and sopping wet.

"We'd never get rid of em; you'd have to call the police." I answered absentmindedly.

"REALLY?!! FUH-FUCKER WOULD PROBABLY CUM IN HIS FUCKING PANTS, YOU THINK?!! SOIL HIS JOCK; PREMATURE EJACULATE AS YOU'RE RAILING ME, PUNISHING MY FUCKING PUSSY, HUH?!! THINK HE'D CRY IF I LET HIM JERK OFF ON MY BIG, FUCKING ASS?!!" Three of my fingers had slipped inside her tight, steaming confines as she ground her thighs together trapping me there.


"BOTH OF YOU COULD TAKE TURNS JERKING OFF ON MY BIG, FIFTY-SEVEN INCH ASS; MAKE A FUCKING MESS UNTIL-OH, OOH, OOOOOOHHHHH SHIT!! CUMMING!!" Mei lost it pumping wide hips violently as she loudly orgasmed burying her face in my pillow, screaming. I had to get one knee up on the bed to keep up with her as Mei basically "fucked" the shit out of my hand.

When it was over she lay still for a few moments with her face buried in my pillow. I was mentally addled with a mangled hand staring down at her amazing figure. I heard Mei mumble something into the pillow that sounded like it was in her native language. Mei was breathing heavily and wheezing as she came up for air.

"Nǐ xiǎng shā le wǒ wǒ hái méi ná dào lǎo èr ne." She blew an errant strand of hair out of her face with a satisfied smile.

"Mei, you okay?"

"No." She shook her head profusely, blowing even more hair away from her round face.


"No, I'm tired of talking; I want it so bad, I could scream." Mei slid, half fell from the bed going directly after my zipper, yanking, and pulling until my erection was exposed in all its thick, veined glory. Her almond shaped eyes widened going cross eyed for a few seconds with my member in her face. It was a miracle I hadn't cum in my pants as she ran the flat of her tongue along the underside of my cock before taking the whole thing in her mouth.

Mei took me halfway on the first stroke, following it up by taking me all the way to the base. Three of her fingers tightened around my shaft stroking with purpose as she took me hungrily. I wanted so much to cup the back of Mei's head, but hesitated worried I'd somehow offend her. She lurched forward letting herself throat me for an extended period before relenting with a half giggle of self-satisfaction.

"Like that, huh?"


"Like that shit, like getting your cock sucked, motherfucker?" Looking at her talking dirty was inspiring' one would never have assumed the uptight creature sitting across from me days earlier was this nasty. Mei buried my cock in her throat longer this time until her gag reflex forced her up for air. A thick web of saliva connected her thin lips to my cock.

"Wǒ yào bǎ tā xī diào!!" She gagged and coughed up a deluge of precum and saliva catching the concoction in her palm before applying it liberally to my shaft. Her hand became a blur on my cock for a few seconds before she went down again.

"OOOOHHHH FUCK, THAT SHIT FEELS SO GOOD!!" Mei did her best to bob her head on my raging tumescence before jerking her head away coughing profusely as she turned towards my bed. She continued coughing and retching prompting some concern on my behalf. She quickly turned back towards me throating my cock completely before quickly withdrawing. I found my member covered with a condom. There was an empty wrapper on my bed. Mei opened another one sliding it onto my cock while still coughing.

"Oh yeah, time's up baby; I'm gonna get some of that fucking dick, now!! I wanna feel that shit, hard. I want you to fuck me until I squirt all over your cock. Don't FUCKING make LOVE to me; just FUCK THE SHIT OUT OF ME, NOW!!" Mei stood placing her palms flat on the bed in a standing doggy position; she spread her legs wide with her feet planted, waiting. Her back was arched making her huge ass look even bigger than before.

"AAAAAAAWWWWWW, YEEEAAAAHHHHH; FUCK MEI, FUCK MEI, FUCK MEI, FUCK MEI, FUCK MEI, FUCK MEI, FUCK MEI, FUCK MEI!!" She was painfully narrow and tight but wet enough that I rammed into the back of her cunt with a pronounced thud. Her body shuddered as she orgasmed seconds after I'd entered her body. Her giant, oval shaped cheeks collided with my pelvis, changing shape with every impact.

Mei whined and gasped sounding like some weeping, distressed girl as I railed her liberally with only the slapping of our bodies providing counter noise in the dorm room. Her spine twisted away from me as she looked over her shoulder at our bodies mashing together. My cock was obscenely stretching the lips of her cunt as she twerked in the opposite direction clamping down on my member locking it into place.

"UUUHHHHH-OOOOHHHH, SHIT; wǒ ài zhè zhǐ gōng jī , tā ràng wǒ ài shàng le nǐ!! zuò wǒ gèng duō , 讓 wǒ nǐ de!!" Mei's head crashed into the top of my mattress as I struggled to hold her in place digging my fingers into the soft roundness of her hips. Her shapely legs quivered and shook taking everything I had to give. Her moans and girlish whimpering added to the moment. Every time I pushed inside, Mei would gasp loudly as if someone were stabbing into her. Her breath was uneven and erratic while wet, squelching sounds filled the room. She was rolling and bouncing her hips in time with me, finally catching my rhythm. I moved forward parting her pliant cheeks further until she barely had space to move. Mei ground her hips backward into my pelvis, snagging one of my hands to suck on three fingers. The suction and pursing of her cheeks on my digits in tandem with the serpentine nature of her rolling hips brought me to the edge. She was fellating my fingers deeply and moaning as we mashed viciously into one another. My heart was pounding, close to bursting while my inner thighs tightened up with the impending climax fast approaching.

"FUCK GIRL; FUUUUCK GIRL, YOU GOT MY FINNA-I'M FINNNAAA CUM MEI! I was overtaken with a full body tremor nearly losing control of myself as Mei bounced on the balls of her feet, rubbing her huge butt on my crotch and abdomen.