BIG BUTT CHINA - Mei Two Pt. 01


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"DO IT, DO IT; I WANNA FEEL YOU CUM!! FUCK ME UP, BABY!! Zuò wǒ gèng duō , ràng wǒ nǐ de nǚ rén!! ràng wǒ chéng wéi nǐ de!! bǎ tā 給 wǒ !! bǎ suǒ yǒu de dōu gěi wǒ!!" She went into her natural Chinese language sending me over the edge as I exploded inside the condom as our lower regions mashed together, staying wedged together tightly. Her cunt locked around the base of my cock almost at the precise moment I began to cum, squeezing tightly. Her face froze in an ugly mask as her eyes screwed tightly shut with her mouth agape. My hands shot up to her small breasts cupping, squeezing and pinching her erect nipples.

"YEEAHHHH, I'M CUMMMING, I'M CUMMING ON YOUR FUCKING DICK!! AAAAWWWW, SHIT!!" Bursts of liquid lust drenched my crotch, running down my thighs to pool on the carpet beneath us. Mei was a serious squirter even leaving a puddle in the crotch of my jeans. I hadn't taken the time to remove my pants. The tremors and electricity running through her curvy body increased in intensity as Mei went into a full blown melt down with tears running down her face smearing the little bit of mascara around her narrow eyes as she shrieked in a high pitched falsetto whining cry. I was affected wondering if perhaps she had a heart murmur or something resolving to disengage our connection.

"NO, LEAVE IT IN; PLEASE, DON'T TAKE IT OUT!!" Mei sounded panicked.


"Kiss me." I wrapped my arms around her torso as our mouths merged. We made out as she straightened her spine as much as her posture would allow. The feel of her voluminous cheeks cradling the base of my cock was heavenly. My jeans were completely drenched and uncomfortably positioned around my knees.

"You know, I would like to eventually get my pants off, Mei."

"Sorry." Mei broke into nervous laughter as she looked down between her shapely legs at our situation. I slowly used every bit of agility I possessed to kick off my pants and step out of my soiled underwear. The frayed carpet on my dorm room floor was wet from Mei's orgasm. Somehow my cock managed to stay mostly wedged between her cheeks providing a scintillating sensation for us both.

"Push it back inside." Mei moaned.

We spent the rest of the too short evening finding new kinds of way to merge our bodies together. Mei was insatiable taking the lead whenever I faltered. In the brief intervals between sex, this beautiful Chinese woman continually sucked or jerked on my cock until I cried out for mercy. I couldn't keep my hands off her large ass, squeezing and pinching until my fingers went numb. There were hickeys all over her chest and small boobs. She rode me into the mattress giving credence to an old saying that Asian women were "Bedroom Generals". I talked her into sitting on my face just so that my cock could have a rest, later regretting my words as she ground her cunt into my face. This woman was an out an out animal between the sheets. I literally couldn't tell where I began, and she ended after a while; Mei had made me her bitch in no uncertain terms. I was so grateful when my cock failed to react to her, hanging limply over her small fist. Mei planted a kiss on the depleted shaft before snuggling up next to me in our destroyed bed.

"Hold me." She begged, barely above a whisper.

My body was uncooperative necessitating Mei's involvement as she slung my dead arm around her shoulder draping a leg across my adjacent leg. Her head rest on my chest listening to my heart thump as she traced a finger between my pecks.

"I could get used to this." She admitted in the darkness.


"Yeah, you made me cum so many times; I'm all fucked up over you, babe." Mei coughed a little bit as I attempted to move finding the aborted action futile. My body felt like a lead weight, completely immobile. Her sentiment was cute, and I was happy that we'd found some common ground after Armin had nearly trashed our budding relationship. We shared the moment together in the darkness with only the orange glow of the streetlight filtering in through my window.

"What are you thinking?" Mei asked, draping an arm across my torso so that she could look at my face.

"You first." I replied coyly, maneuvering so that I wouldn't have a chance to put my foot in my mouth with a wrong answer.

"I wish my dumb sister could see me, now; you?" It was the first time she'd ever mentioned a family member outside of herself. I was perplexed.

"I was thinking that I need a gym membership to keep up with you." Mei laughed loudly twisting one of my nipples making me yelp. We jostled a little bit before our lips found one another again. I struggled with the sandman, losing this battle as well.



"OOOUCH!! Hey, what gives?!!" My vision returned finding the dorm RA, Stanley standing five feet away from my bed brandishing a broom. He'd been poking it into my side until I was jostled awake. I noticed a football helmet on his small round head. His thick, glasses fought to stay on his face in the visor of the helmet. A pillow was locked in the grasp of his other hand. Armin was standing directly behind our geeky, resident advisor with a hand on his shoulder.


"I DON'T WANT FIGHT WITH YOU; YOU ARE FRIEND!!" He looked agitated and stressed out as I looked down finding myself nude save for another text book covering my crotch. Mei had struck again leaving me in a compromising position once more.

"Sir, fighting is not allowed in the dorms; perhaps you gentlemen could board separately to avoid the specter of adversity in this-Wow, that odor is really strong, sir. Also, several other students have complained about the orgy you had here, last night. You must take into consideration others who require a night's sleep if you want to remain in residence here." His name was Stanley Mutheki, although he was known as Mr. Roboto around campus. The robotic monotone delivery had much to do with the near constant heckling he received from peers. The Utah native dressed in flannel shirts and fifties styled cuffed jeans all the time and was strictly religious.

"I did not have an orgy here, last night." I sat up stretching my limbs, loudly cracking my sore joints making sure the book stayed in place.

"BRO, YOU HAD AN ORGY LAST NIGHT?!! YOU DIDN'T CALL YOUR FRIEND, ARMIN?!!" My roommate quickly forgot our mutual animosity the day prior.

"There was no fucking orgy here last night you nimrod."

"You need to calm down sir, I don't want to have security notified. This is an accredited university of the highest order, not the mean streets of the hood or some such. Civilized people solve their problems without the need for fisticuffs." Stanley's bland racism was annoying, but I was thinking only of the person missing from my room at the moment.

"Stanley-Stanley, everything's cool, all right?"

"BRO, YOU'RE SO SELFISH!!" Armin flushed red looking as if he would explode from the imagined images in his thick head.

"THERE WAS NO ORGY HERE LAST NIGHT; FUCK MAN, YOU'RE SO GOD DAMN DENSE!!" I felt like I had a hangover from the excessive sex last night and didn't want him ruining my well-deserved afterglow.

"Settle down gentlemen; I assume everything is okay here, so I'll take my leave. By the way, I run a bible study over the weekend. You two could benefit from the lord's teachings, think about it."

"Fuck off Stanley." I didn't want religious guilt coloring my experience either as Stanley rushed out of the room into the busy hallway leaving me alone with Armin.

"Sorry about yesterday in cafeteria." Armin apologized.

"It's cool, thought you were gonna be gone for a few days?"

"Parents kick me out of house." He shrugged his shoulders looking embarrassed as I chuckled. I found a note from Mei inside the book. She wanted to have lunch near the school pavilion.

"Shit." I grabbed a towel covering myself running to the communal showers, receiving a round of sustained applause from my neighbors. I figured we really were loud enough to wake the dead last night. There were butterflies in my stomach and my head was in the clouds with thoughts of Mei's beautiful face. I was smitten in the worst way and giddy about the whole affair as I pulled on a jersey and sweat pants. I could barely get my sneakers on before running across campus like a mad man to my rendezvous with Mei.

The campus grounds were filed with students and faculty milling about. The sun bore down on me making me wish I'd worn some shades as I rushed to catch up with Mei. I'd made up my mind to ask her out on a proper date. I was nervous and over anxious to move things forward as I made it over to the area near the pavilion. The first thing I noticed were scores of women milling about in now familiar pink t-shirts and one particularly annoying female. Irma Hersh appeared to be leading some sort of rally with a small audience gathering. I wondered if our horrible, drunken hookup had something to do with her current situation. Her legions were handing out flyers to anyone who would take them. I managed to be handed one reading the simple message "NO MEANS NO!!" I started to ball up the flyer when I noticed a familiar set of cheeks ten feet away from me.

She was talking with some of Irma's feminist troops along with a few girls I recognized from her clique days earlier when we'd first met. A chubby blonde with a dated hairstyle was holding court and I noticed some of the girls nodding in agreement with whatever she was spewing. Mei was wearing a large shapeless sundress, covering her torso with a beige sweater. She seemed so demure and lady-like in contrast with the sexual creature who'd visited my room last night. There was no way Mei could hide the swell of her prodigious backside. The pale, yellow pallor of the material caught the sunlight making the thin material see through enough to get a good sense of her shapely legs. From my vantage point, I could make out her exposed calves, taking in her beauty. I'd decided to hang back until she was done talking when my phone rang.

"Where are you?" I noticed Mei was on her phone after looking at the face of my own.

"Close; in fact, I'm right behind you." The butterflies were fluttering in my stomach again. Mei was talking into her phone as I watched the subtle sway of her backside.

"That's impossible."

"Oh yeah, why is that, beautiful?" Mei giggled a girlish chuckle at my compliment. I was smiling ear to ear as she answered.

"I don't feel a hand on my ass."

"Your wish is my command, baby." She said something else, but I had already pocketed my phone closing the distance between us in as few steps as possible. My heart was pounding in my chest something awful while everything other than Mei ceased to exist. My left hand ended up flatly palming the center of her impossibly wide butt. I could feel the crease between her cheeks as Mei turned to me flushed red.

"Hey Sexy." Our lips merged for the briefest of moments...

Everything sudden went sideways as I collapsed on the pavement clutching at my crotch, screaming. The pain was excruciating as I rolled into a fetal position. The world lost its cohesion as everyone in my field of vision twisted right or left like rubbery mannequins. A guttural scream escaped my lips as more of the strange people crowded around phones at the ready taking photo after photo. My eyes were hit with some sort of irritating spray. I thought it was mace at first, but it was perfume as some of the female hooligans pushed inward with feet and fists drowning me in a sea of pink t-shirts. At the center of it all, Mei stood tall staring down at me surrounded by a crimson corona that I'm sure was in my mind. Her face was a mask of pure, intense rage as her finger pointed down at me while the deafening cries of the women sent me into a further screaming fit.

...Mei had kicked me in the balls.

"NO MEANS NO!!" I was inundated with scores of those obnoxious flyers as security fought their way through the crowd to take me into custody. I was pelted by rocks, discarded food and other items as the security guards shoved me into their patrol car. The pink shirts rushed the vehicle just as it was pulling off. I was a mess of emotion realizing the girl I'd spent the night with was a nut case, classifying her as a dissociative identity personality by the time I was placed in front of the Dean Brennan.

"Well, you've had quite the day, haven't you, young man?" Dean Brennan was a large woman in her early fifties who was quite popular with the student body.

"You could say that, ma'am; look, I'm really sorry about everything that happened today. It was a mistake and it'll never happen again. She was crazy, but now I know all about it!" I was stammering and anxious not knowing what would happen next.

"Oh, she was crazy; is that what you're telling me about Mei-Hua? One of our bright shining stars of the mathematics and science department, as well as an academic celebrity, is as you say, crazy?"

"I know how it sounds Dean Brennan, but she on to me, first. Well, she was mean to me when we met but later, it changed."


"Yeah, she uhm, came over to my dorm and we-studied, but then she started changing and then-then we did it. But not right away, we just fooled around, but last night she fucked the shit out of me!!" I was completely panicked not realizing what I was saying.


"Sorry." I lost my voice, realizing I was probably going to be expelled. I wondered what my parents would think. My father warned me repeatedly about getting "distracted" and I knew this wouldn't sit well with him.

"Look, you probably were a little overwhelmed by the curriculum here; it's not the first time something like this has happened. Maybe a small sabbatical is in order; you can come back next semester." Dean Brennan tried to look sympathetic, but I knew it was over for me. I wished I had never met Mei-Hua.

"WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE HERE; HOLD IT UP!!" Mei suddenly shoved the office door open staring at me desperately. She'd taken the time to change into her workout clothes.

"I'm expelling him right now, Mei." Dean Brennan dropped all pretense of fairness.

"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND, THERE'S BEEN A BIG MISTAKE DEAN!!" She was breathing heavily as if she'd run across campus. She was holding onto the double door frame of the office and gasping for air.

"What's going on here; what is it Mei?"

"THIS!!" Mei suddenly shoved the other side of the double door open.

"What-the-fuck?" I found myself staring at two identical women, similar down to the slightest hair. The other one was dressed as I remembered her from the pavilion albeit a little disheveled and winded as well. Both girls seemed to move in unison glancing over at one another.

"Shuì chǔn lǘ , gào sù tā men nǐ shì shuí , bù rán wǒ jiù tī nǐ de pì gu!! "The Mei in the track suit harshly slapped the other in the back of the head. Both girls argued in their native language for a few seconds before the one in the sundress bowed her head finally speaking in English.

"Dean Brennan, I am Mei-Hua, and this is my sister, Mei-Zhen. She has been visiting me on campus for the past week and a half. There has been, some misunderstanding between myself and the gentleman sitting there." Both Dean Brennan and myself sat there staring at them matching sisters, dumbfounded. Mei-Zhen viciously slapped the back of her sister's head once more prompting her to continue.

"We, are identical twins." Mei-Hua shrugged looking flushed and embarrassed.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

made me jizz

mondotokenmondotokenalmost 6 years agoAuthor
Thankz Too old to enjoy Mei ( put me in cardiac arrest) but DAYM Id love to try , gotta luv a phat azz white girl !!!

The girls are Chinese...just saying.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Too old to enjoy Mei ( put me in cardiac arrest) but DAYM Id love to try , gotta luv a phat azz white girl !!!

JRALynchJRALynchabout 6 years ago

Thoroughly entertaining! I thought Mei was mental until that ending! Please, PLEASE, drop part two!

BlackRexxxBlackRexxxabout 6 years ago

Talk About Cliffhanger!!!!!!! THIS WAS GREAT....

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