Big Old Daddy Ch. 02

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Jenny loves Dave - or does she?
2.9k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/26/2022
Created 05/14/2001
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Folks many of you read the first part of this story and asked for more. I had started writing a follow-up soon after submitting "Big Old Daddy" as I really liked the characters and thought there was more of a story to tell. But I got discouraged when I thought I had deleted Part 2 by mistake. I was so upset I didn't write anything about Jenny and Brian until tonight nearly 4 years later. As chance would have it I looked in an old folder on a rarely used hard drive and found the nearly completed part 2. I've just completed it and am submitting it so please enjoy. Part 3 and perhaps more to cum shortly.

Big Old Daddy – Part 2

Brian got up early that morning. He was angry with himself for treating Jenny as he had hours earlier. He was not a violent man nor abusive but his affair with Jenny had driven him to brutalize her. It wasn't sexual or erotic it was rape. The word filled his head with a heavy sense of regret. She was a willing participant in the sex but not the violence nor the assault on her psyche. Jenny was a good woman and he was bastard. Brian washed and dressed as quickly as he could. He wanted to go for a walk before anyone got up.

"Dad, you're up early everything okay?" Dave, Brian's son, was coming out of his and Jenny's bedroom and caught Brian in the hallway between their rooms.

Brian was a little surprised and didn't how to respond.

"Sorry Dad I didn't mean to startle you. Jenny's not feeling well so she's going to sleep in this morning. I was going to see if you needed help getting dressed. But I can see you managed that just fine yourself."

"Is... Is Jenny okay?" Brian was extremely nervous; he was hoping Jenny wasn't too badly hurt.

"Oh she's fine. I think taking care of you these past weeks has been harder on her than she thought." Dave said with a smile. "To tell you truth Dad it's just female trouble."

"Dave, you know your mother wouldn't like you saying that."

"I remember Dad... it's no trouble to be female."

They both shared a little laugh. But Brian was still nervous. It wasn't like Jenny to stay in bed he had done more damage than he thought.

"I was going to go for a walk but I could help you get breakfast together for the kids." Brian reluctantly offered.

"It's okay Dad, the kids get their own meals and lunches. I'll make sure they don't disturb Jenny. You go for your walk."

"Are you sure, I could keep you company. I wouldn't want you to be out numbered or anything."

"I can handle the kids. They hardly ever see me in the mornings so they will think I'm a guest and that means they have to be their best behaviour."

"That's a good system you got there."

"I learned it from my Dad." Dave said with a smirk.

"You still have your mother's cheekiness. I'll see you in a bit." Brian started walking towards the stairs. He felt a little better obviously Jenny hadn't told Dave anything.

"Okay, have a good walk." Dave went into the washroom.

Brian walked around the park at least three times before finally deciding to go home. It was the first time in seventy-two years he felt he didn't have a home to go to or a family. He wished Alice were waiting for him. She had always been there for him through think and thin. But even she couldn't have forgiven this escapade. Brian wished he hadn't asked Jenny for the hand job that led to their affair and his brutal sodomy of her.

Brian walked in the door expecting to see Jenny in the living room but she wasn't there or anywhere on the main floor of the house. Dave and the children had left hours ago. Brian figured Jenny must still be in her bedroom. So he went up stairs to watch some TV and have a nap. Brian wasn't one to feel bad for too long there was nothing he could do about what had happened. He could only control what he did from now on. And that was to leave Jenny alone.

Jenny heard Brian climb the stairs and was scared that he might come into her room. But she heard his door close and then the lock engage and felt relieved. Her bum was still sore and her heart was aching. In the last six weeks she had gone from being a good Christian mother of three, Sunday school teacher at her parish and a faithful wife to being an adulteress. She was a fornicator and according to her father-in-law 'a slut and fucking whore'. The words hurt more than the anal sex. But not as much as the fact she agreed to have sex with her son. Jenny couldn't believe that an affair could make her become so vile. She said she would lick her son's balls and suck his cock. That she would fuck him and let Brian watch. Worse, so much worse than that was the fact that she meant it. She would have done all those things and more and she wasn't sure why. She knew that when she was begging Brian to fuck her up the ass she would have done anything he asked. She wanted to go back in time, she wanted to cry but mostly she wanted to know why she felt like masturbating. She fell asleep crying and rubbing her pussy.

Brian didn't see Jenny that evening at supper but Dave wasn't as worried as he was. He told the kids their mother wasn't feeling well and not to bother her. Chrissie wanted to talk to her mother about something but Dave gave her the "what did I just say" speech. Brian offered to take the kids out for ice cream if Matt wouldn't mind driving. Dave was happy to been alone in the house with his wife and went to check on Jenny.

"Hey sleepy head feeling any better?" Dave popped his head into the room and saw Jenny reading her Bible.

"I'm doing okay but I think bed rest was needed. How are you managing with the kids and Brian?"

"Dad's been a great help he just took the kids for ice cream. He was telling them stories about you and me when we were Matt and Chrissie's age. The kids are eating it up." Dave walked into the room.

"Your Dad was always a good story teller." Jenny propped herself up on her pillows and motioned for Dave to come into the room.

"So we have the house to ourselves for a little while... Do you want to make out like we use to?" Dave sat on the edge of the bed and patted Jenny's knee.

"No, I'm not up to it. Besides I haven't been out of this bed all day. I must look a mess."

"Honey, you are gorgeous, you've always been gorgeous and you always will be." Dave lent forward to kiss her and met Jenny's hand.

"Dave your Dad is the charming one. You're the nice polite one. Stick to what you're good at."

"It's true. You are gorgeous. I mean here I am enthralled by your dazzlingly beauty and you spurn my compliments." Dave feigned injury and hurt.

"Well maybe I'll let you hung me and kiss my hand. However, if you're really my knight in shinning armour you'll get me a bite to eat."

"Oh sure, now you're hungry."

"Well if you feed me now I might be hungry for love later." Jenny retorted with a wry smile.

"I'll make you a chicken sandwich and some fresh orange juice, how does that sound?"

"That would be wonderful." Jenny leaned over and kissed his cheek.

Dave was a little shocked. His wife wasn't usually this playful or suggestive. Lately he'd been getting more sex than he was use to and he was worried that his father was to blame. Dave didn't like his father too much mainly because Dave remembered all the nights his mother cried. Dave knew that his father had cheated on his mother many times. He mother always forgave him but Dave knew his father was a womanizer and that his father wasn't concerned who he slept with or who he hurt. Now that the casts were of his father's hands and arms Dave was concerned that he might get up to his old tricks. He'd be keeping a closer watch on him to make sure Jenny or God forbid Chrissie fell victim to his father's charms.

Dave appeared ten minutes later with a sandwich and some juice. Jenny put down her Bible and smoothed out the covers so Dave could put the tray down.

"Thank you Dave, this is wonderful. You even brought me a flower. Perhaps you are the charming one after all." Jenny kissed Dave on the cheek as he put down the tray on the bed.

"Well nothings too good for my girl." Dave smiled at Jenny.

Jenny nearly started crying again but held back the tears and quickly grabbed the glass of juice and slowly sipped out of it. "This is really good Dave." The tears were welling up in her eyes. His father had called her "girl" during their sexual liaisons; Dave had never called her girl before. She thought, "What he if suspects Brian and I?"

Dave noticed her tears, "Now don't tell me I've been neglecting you as well? First the kids were surprised to see me this morning. Now you're so surprised I actually made you something to eat you're reduced to tears." Dave wiped away her tears with his finger as gentle as a feather on her cheek. Maybe he didn't know anything about Brian and her after all.

"Oh, you! I'm not crying I'm just a little emotional. It's not everyday you realize how much your husband loves you." Dave and Jenny shared a kiss that was more passionate than either of them could remember and they didn't fight it.

Dave slipped onto the bed beside Jenny and continued kissing her. Jenny wasn't stopping him she wasn't stopping herself either despite her soreness. She moved the tray out of the way and helped Dave out of his shirt.

They each fumbled with their clothes, the bed covers and each other. Not wanting to break the spontaneity of the moment they both tried in earnest to let their passion engulf them. Jenny wanted desperately for Dave to make love to her, to please her, to take away those awful memories of last night with Brian.

Dave couldn't remember the last time he had been this excited to be with his wife. He was trying to remember all the things she liked, trying to keep her interest and let her know he loved her all at the same time.

They kissed like the first time, they touched each other as if for the first time: delicate touches to test just how soft they could caress each other. Their eyes fluttered and their voices murmured. They shared a love redefined and renewed. Jenny felt Dave's hardness with her hand and guided him to her. When did their clothes come off she wondered. How long have we been kissing? Had an eternity passed by while she and Dave were too busy getting to know one another again? Dave felt his head spinning like the first time he ever kissed Jenny. He hadn't been this hard in a long time if ever. Was there anyone in the world but them?

Jenny was moist sooner then usual and Dave couldn't wait to be inside of her. He almost didn't notice her hand guiding him home. His thumb gently slide passed her left nipple and she exhaled into his mouth. He swore that last breath was a mixture of his name with a call for more. With ardor he entered her and she accepted him completely. Sometime between being inside her and his actually moving Jenny lifted her hips and pushed forward to meet his thrusts. Dave could not recall the last time his wife had moved beneath him; perhaps it had been before their children were born. He said something about her eyes and something about how lovely she was but it sounded like grunts to his ears. Jenny responded by kissing him harder and using her tongue to find and encircle his. She got the sentiment if not the words.

Dave's left hand was moving slowly from breast to shoulder to gain purchase. Dave had only stroked within her a few times and Jenny's passion though intense was still gaining momentum. She grabbed his bum and pulled him into her to slow his pace, to get the most for both of them from his thrusts. Dave grabbed her wrists and placed them over her head and kissed her deeply as she lay further prone beneath him. Jenny felt a twinge as pushed her into the mattress reminding her of last night's sodomy. But she ignored the pain and reached up to her husband with her hips and vagina.

With his free hand Dave caressed her face running his thumb over her lips before pinching her nipples and moving his hand to her sex. Jenny didn't know what had come over Dave. Generally he was cautious and polite in bed. He didn't touch her pussy when his penis was in her in fact he didn't usually hold her arms above her head. That's when she felt it, the warm circle of electricity forming somewhere between her legs. Dave had stopped caressing her pussy and had slipped his hand under her lifting her at the small of her back. Dave wasn't a big man perhaps not even average but this helped him go deeper than Jenny could recall. They were panting in unison now. Jenny could feel her heart beating in time with Dave's; she could feel the throbbing in her sex. She implored Dave to continue not with words but with her thrusts, her kisses and her begging tongue and by bringing her chest up to his.

Dave had never seen his wife like this nor himself. Had he done this to her? Had they done this to each other? He felt he could stay inside her forever. He wanted to stay inside her forever. Her chest met his and he let go of her hands and brought both his hands up to her shoulders and pulled her to him. He heard Jenny say his name and he thrust, he heard her say "Oh God" and he thrust he felt her hot breath on the side of his face and thrust. Jenny met his thrusts and was so close Dave was going to make her cum. She was crying, Dave loved her and she felt him thrust, my husband can make me cum, and she felt his thrust, she was getting closer and she felt him thrust. "Oh please keep fucking me" she said out loud as Dave thrust into her again. Jenny was nearly there, so very close when she felt him stiffen, Dave came and before he fell on her Jenny yelled "Not yet!"

They both heard it but Dave exhausted and now deflated collapsed onto her. Jenny feigned a spasm and a contraction and did her best to be convincing when she said "I'm cumming, I'm cumming... oh baby that was the best ever." But Dave knew. Jenny's fake orgasm was an insult: he had tried and failed and he knew it. What was worse was that he now knew he had always failed her. Jenny's own orgasm arrived as Dave rolled off of her but it was small and fleeting. Not much more excitement than riding a horse or a motorcycle and no where near the heights of passion she had shared with Brian.

She searched his eyes for the love and passion they had just shared but Dave was a beaten man. She tried to kiss him...

"The kids will be back soon I should get dressed." He said looking away from her.

"Oh Dave please don't go, stay with me. Brian can take care of the kids. We've just had a wonderful time together please let's just share this for a moment longer." Jenny reached up to him as he was already seating on the edge of the bed.

"I love you Dave. I love you very much" she started crying.

"Honey it's alright please don't cry. I love you very much too."

"But you want to leave me so soon after what just happen and I've missed it being just us two for so long. Please stay with me." Jenny's big blue eyes were deep sapphire and Dave though dejected couldn't help but feel empathy for his wife. He may be lousy in bed but he was still her husband and a good man. They embraced but Jenny knew her husband could never fully satisfy her and that was why she was crying. She wished she was crying because she had hurt this wonderful, her wonderful, man's feelings but it wasn't the case. Jenny's pussy was aching more than her heart and she would visit Brian again even if it meant more degradation. She just hoped her son had a big cock like his grandfather.

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not_a_viking_honestnot_a_viking_honestover 2 years ago

what a pathetic woman. i realize it's fictional, but somewhere out there, there truly are women of filth just like this.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

more please

Justgr8Justgr8over 7 years ago
True garbage

Just a truly pathetic woman who deserves to be alone, while the father gets his ass whipped by the son.....

ErotFanErotFanover 8 years ago
@off the top of my hear

In all my years of perusing Literotica stories I have never seen such a comment.

First, you might have taken your own advice and applied spellcheck to your 'comment' as below.

Second, what in the hell was that writing someone elses story???

ramonbrookramonbrookabout 10 years ago
Why did you stop?

Loved chapter 1 and chapter 2 was a good lead Into to why She would continue her affair with Brian but there was no chapter 3!

Would love for you to pick this story back up!

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