Bigger is Better

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Married woman falls for a big man.
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Watching the ball roll down the lane, knowing it was going to curve a bit too far to the right to pick up the spare, Rachel, turned around and slowly headed back to her seat. She was glad she joined the bowling league, but her game had suffered since she pretty much hadn't picked up a ball in almost three years.

But now that she and Rick had been married for almost a month, they decided to pick up their old hobbies again and not feel that they have to do everything together.

Both were runners, so they did that every morning together, but Rachel loved bowling while Rick was really into inline skating, so they decided to pursue their interests as "alone time", but either could join the other if they felt the inclination.

After their second game, a few of the women decided to go to the bar and get some drinks. Rachel rarely drank much, but whenever she bowled she got the craving for a beer or two. Standing at the counter, an extremely large man walked from the end of the bar to where the women stood. "What'll it be ladies?"

"Hey Harry," one of the women replied, "I'll take a beer."

The rest ordered likewise. When he handed Rachel hers, he gave her a smile and nod and took her money. Giving a small smile back, she couldn't help but shudder inside as the hefty man turned around to ring up the drinks. He had to be well over four hundred pounds, she just couldn't understand why some people would do that to themselves. Being a personal trainer, her inclination was to hand him a business card, but she didn't want to appear rude, besides, she was off duty.

"Oh well," she thought as she and her teammates walked back to their lane.

Over the next few weeks, Harry and Rachel would chat a little about bowling, life and mostly insignificant things as they got to know each other. As time went on, her opinion softened, but not by much. He did have a handsome face with nice eyes, but with the scraggly beard, unkempt hair and some fairly good sized tattoos on his arms and most likely on other parts, he was the antithesis of everything she found appealing.

A few weeks later, after getting two gutter balls in a row, Rachel decided to take a break and get something to drink. Approaching the bar, Harry saw her and had her bottle in front of him ready to go. Exchanging pleasantries, he handed her a small piece of paper. Looking at it, she immediately recognized it was a phone number. "Why doncha' give me a call sometime."

Stunned she looked at him and felt a little creeped out said, "Sorry, I'm married."

Shrugging as he turned around to deposit the money into the register, Rachel made her exit from the bar.

Surprised and oddly a little flattered at the attention, but dismayed because he seemed to actually think she might take him up on the offer seriously confused her. After all she was five feet one inch and about a hundred and twenty five pounds and was in excellent physical shape while he probably wasn't quite six feet and closer to four hundred and fifty pounds.

Dropping the number in her purse so she could take it and show Rick and have a good laugh, she immediately wiped it from her mind so she could focus on the game.

Arriving home and filling Rick in on the number, she dug in her purse but wasn't able to find it. After describing Harry, Rick was particularly amused. After that, Harry's name, as far as Rick was concerned was, "My Competition" and he would ask about him when Rachel returned from her weekly bowling game.

After a few weeks, Harry eventually asked, "Hey, how come you haven't called?"

"Already told you, I'm taken."

He just smiled, handed Rachel her drink and took her money, then waited on another customer.

Getting a little annoyed that he was continuing to hit on her, while she did enjoy the attention of men, she really wasn't sure want to think of Harry. Of course she'd have enjoyed more if the man in question was at least somewhat attractive to her.

This continued for the next several months, they would have some pleasant, light conversation, then sometimes he'd ask her to call him or ask for her number, other times would say nothing of the sort.

The more they got to know each other, the more she began to like him. He was very intelligent and seemed very confident and appeared to be the type who knew what he wanted and wouldn't back down, unlike Rick, who could be assertive if need be, but most of the time was a conciliator who often sought compromise, much like most of the men in her life.

Harry on the other hand was a "damn the torpedoes full speed ahead" type which she found strangely intriguing since she really hadn't been around this type of guy before very much.

Even so, if Harry was as hunky as Rick, and Rick was out of the picture, she still wouldn't be interested in him as anything more than an acquaintance. Sure, she really didn't know him, but he seemed to be the "old fashioned" type where the man is in charge and the woman is more of an accessory. Nothing like the partnership she shared with Rick.

Walking through the snow to the alley, Rachel just wanted to be out of the cold. Finishing her first game, she was annoyed with her performance, but to be honest, she did have a lot on her mind. The next two games went just as bad and she was extremely distressed that she couldn't focus on her game.

Afterwards, as everyone headed out to their cars, Rachel wasn't quite ready to go. Stopping in the bar she was met with a fresh bottle and a smiling Harry.

Sitting, Rachel appreciatively took the beer and nodded her thanks.

"So, how'd ya do today?"

"Awful" she replied. "I just wasn't able to focus today."

"Really? What was wrong?"

Not sure why, she told Harry about Rich having to attend some meeting for work at the last minute, out of town, and that he probably was about to land so he'd miss their anniversary on Friday. She didn't understand why it bothered her so much, but it did.

"Hey, I'm sorry to hear that. Have you considered just getting together with some of your friends that night and hanging out?"

"Nah. I think I'll just stay home and relax, maybe watch a movie or something. It's a shame, 'cause I made some nice dinner reservations downtown just before he found out and now I'll have to cancel them."

"Listen," Harry said, "I'll be happy to escort you, it's no fun to stay at home."

He looked sincere, and she agreed staying home would be lame, so she nodded her head and

reached for one of her business cards. "Give me your number again and I'll let you know Friday."

Looking at it, Harry remarked, "personal Personal trainer, huh?"


"Interesting," he said smiling, then moved over to help some other customers.

Friday arrived quickly, and Rachel was glad she decided to go out rather than stay at home. She had arranged her schedule so she wouldn't have any clients allowing her to devote the day to her husband. Since that didn't work out, she spent the time working out and cleaning the house.

The time dragged on and at about two she decided to call Harry to see if he was still willing to go out.

"Sure," Harry replied. "I traded off today, so you can come over whenever you like."

After getting the directions to his apartment, she showered, and then picked what cloths clothes to wear.

She decided she'd go with the short black dress with matching thong, see through bra, fishnet stockings and high heeled shoes she had bought for Rick for their anniversary dinner, and after. "No since letting go to waste," she said to herself as she got dressed.

She arrived at the apartment at almost five, as she parked and got out of her car, she noticed the dress had moved up quite high on her legs. Suddenly wondering if her outfit was too much, she decided it wasn't. After all the restaurant they were going to was very fancy, and she wouldn't stand out, other than being with someone as large as Harry.

Nervously, she knocked and was surprised to see Harry wearing sweat pants and a big t-shirt.

"I'm sorry ... am I too early?"

"Nah, no prob."

"Thanks," she hesitatingly said as she removed her coat. " Umm, you should know that the restaurant requires a jacket and tie."

"Sorry, the only jacket I have was when I was a hundred pounds smaller and I'm not sure where my tie is."

"You only have one tie?"

"Yup, don't really need one at a bowling alley."

"Well ... I guess we could go somewhere else?"

"I do have some left over pizza and beer."

For a second, Rachel considered just going home, but she realized that she felt a bit of a charge run through her. She felt a little naughty being at a strange man's home, dressed sexily on her six month wedding anniversary. Also, she liked that he wasn't fawning all over her. He hadn't even complimented her on her outfit yet. To be honest, she felt somewhat disappointed.

"Ok," she said as she walked over to the couch. Sitting down, she sank deep into the couch. Obviously Harry had had it for a long time. Moving to the other side wasn't much better because she still ended up in an awkward V position, and since she had a rather short dress on, it provided a better view of her than she really was comfortable with.

Scooting up to the edge so she was at a more comfortable angle, she watched Harry as he grabbed a pizza box out of the fridge and a couple of beers. Remembering similar scenes from when she was in college, she immediately felt awkward and nervous as if going to her latest boy friend's place for the first time. As she watched him looking around for a bottle opener, then open them and bring them to her, she felt a moistness in her panties, and after glancing down saw that her nipples were standing at full attention. Luckily, she had a dark dress and the lights were fairly low in the apartment, so Harry probably wouldn't notice. Trying to clear her mind, she wondered if it was the situation and memories that were affecting her. Surely it wasn't Harry?

When Harry sat beside her on the couch, Rachel fell back into the seat. Before she could push herself back to her former position, he handed her a slice and her beer. Giving up, she sat there, ate her pizza and sipped her beer.

After they finished, he picked up the plate and empty bottles, and took them back into the kitchen. Watching him move around, then bend over the sink she realized that she was so nervous that she was almost shaking. Also, the tingling between her legs was becoming more intense as she watched Harry. She could not recall a time she had felt like this before. She had never felt this nervous around a man before, even on her first dates or the first time she and Rick were intimate.

She was also starting to feel warm. Sure she wasn't a big drinker, but one beer didn't usually affect her like this, besides, she still had half a bottle left.

Hearing something fall on the floor in the kitchen, Rachel turned just in time to see his bulk bend down to pick whatever it was up. Transfixed, she couldn't help but stare at his huge ass snugly wrapped in grey sweats.

Glancing around, Harry caught her looking and a big smile appeared on his face. Blushing, she turned her head, looking towards the stereo cabinet hoping he wouldn't think she was in any way interested.

Walking towards her, he sat down and put his hand on her knee, sending a spark directly to the moist area between her legs. Before she was able to react, he looked at her and said, "I can't stop staring at you either."

He then leaned in and kissed her. Returning the kiss, she got lost as his huge proportions leaned onto her. Finding she enjoyed the sensations, it wasn't until his lips left hers that she tried to push him off her. He eventually relented and backed off of her. Wiggling off the couch, she now stood over him and said, "Don't ever try anything like that again!"

Looking confident, he replied, "You mean, you come over looking hot as hell, let me give you a good long kiss and suddenly you don't want it."

"I can't, my husband wouldn't like it."

"But would you?" he asked placing his hand on her shoulder.

Leaning into her, she found herself lifting her head to meet his. Kissing passionately, her legs suddenly felt like wet spaghetti. Sensing her weakness, Harry picked her up, threw her over his shoulder, carried her into his bedroom and forcefully tossed her on the bed. As he joined her, she pleaded with him again, "Please, I shouldn't do this, my husband ..."

"Ya' know, he could be doing this with someone else right now."

"No," she said defending him, "he wouldn't ever cheat on me, so I probably shouldn't on him."

"Are you trying to convince yourself? 'Cause you haven't convinced me you don't want to."

As he said that, he put his hands between her legs and felt her drenched panties. "Something tells me you want this."

She barely heard him as shock waves coursed through her body. Taking her lack of comment and the spreading of her legs as surrender, Harry grabbed the hem of her dress and violently ripped it from her quivering body."

Seeing her sexy panties and bra, Harry remarked, "Nice of you to wear that for me."

As her resistance faded away, she weakly replied, "I didn't wear it for you!"

"Yeah, you wore it for someone, didn't ya'?"

"Nooo," she moaned, " I ..."

Before she finished her thought, Harry was on top of her kissing her forcefully. Not understanding why she was responding, all she knew was she was incredibly horny and wanted this more than anything.

While their lips were locked, he reached with one hand to her panties and tore them from her body, gasping in surprise as his hand replaced the thin silk that had covered her womanhood. Shoving his finger inside her brought her to the brink of orgasm. Roughly thrusting his finger, then two into her shot waves of pleasure through her body that she had never felt before. As he withdrew his fingers, a disappointed moan escaped Rachel's throat.

Before she could do anything, Harry was laying between her legs eating her pussy as if it was the last one on earth. His tongue knew every place to hit and she never felt so stimulated. While Rick was very good in bed, Harry so far was ten times better. Harry knew exactly what to do. Feeling her pulse quicken she squealed as a massive orgasm swept through her body.

She was bucking into his mouth, and Harry didn't let up, and within only a couple of flicks of the tongue she was heading for her second orgasm. Rarely did Rachel have a single mild orgasm, but within the span of a minute with Harry she had two powerful climaxes, and thankfully, things were only just beginning.

As he continued to lap her already satisfied pussy, she felt his finger press against her virgin asshole. Before she knew it, she was ready for another orgasm. Ramming his finger deep inside her anal cavity, she lost count of the orgasms that ravaged her body. Out of breath and dazed she was completely helpless.

"Now ... I'm gonna fuck you, bitch" Harry said.

Not accustomed to hearing such language, especially in bed, gave her another thrill. As Harry slid off the bed, he positioned her legs so they were hanging over and spread for easy access. Squirting some lotion on her butt hole she wiggled her ass as he pressed his engorged dick against it.

Hesitating, she grunted out a nervous, "No ... wait, not there!"

Squirting more whatever it was, she felt him spreading her cheeks as he inserted his cock into the opening. "Ungggghh" she squealed as he eased himself into her. While she had never had anything other than a finger up there before, and even with the generous amount of lube it was still rather painful, yet it was also gave her the such a rush of pleasure she came again. On an really hot night with Rick, she would be lucky to have two modest orgasms. Tonight though, she almost felt like she'd been having one long climax with only a few breaks to catch her breath.

As Harry pushed deeper into her, the pain was replaced with a thrilling ecstasy nothing like anything she'd felt before. Unable to say anything other than a guttural moan, she pushed back against him. Feeling his balls slap against her burning pussy, she barely could make out what Harry had asked. After a few more thrusts he slapped her ass cheek hard and said, "Hey bitch, has anyone ever done this to you before?"

"Uugh ... uugh ... no!"

"Has Rick ever made you feel like this?"

"Nooo" she moaned.

"Keep it that way ... your ass is now mine."

"Yessss, my ass is yours."

Harry continued until he quickly pulled out, grabbed Rachel's waist and positioned his dirty cock against her saturated and waiting pussy. While his cock wasn't as large or as thick as Rick's, he seemed to know where to put it and how to use it.

On the brink of yet another strong orgasm, Harry pulled out again, flipped Rachel over onto her back in one quick motion. Holding her legs straight up, he put them against his big chest and quickly reinserted himself in her waiting cunt.

Gripping her hips, and digging into her thighs he thrust his cock inside her harder and harder. Coming down from yet another orgasm, she felt Harry's body jolt as he thrust violently once more into Rachel. Grunting unintelligibly Harry emptied the contents of his cock into Rachel's waiting pussy. He continued thrusting as each spurt exited his member. When it finally stopped, Harry climbed onto the bed, forcefully moved Rachel up he then collapsed beside her with his huge arm on top of her chest, Harry seemed to struggle to catch his breath.

Within a few minutes Harry was snoring. Rachel poked and pushed him to no effect. His massive arm and leg were over her body in a weird approximation of spooning.

The guilt that had been absent since they first kissed suddenly arrived in force. Feeling like the worst person on earth, she slunk out of bed. Looking at the night stand, she notice a pack of condoms sitting next to a clock and an old soda can. Seeing that and feeling his drying seed on her leg she felt the blood as it drained from her face.

As a mild queasy feeling in the pit of her stomach grew, she wasn't sure it was about the sex or the fact that they didn't use protection. As she crawled back into bed, and pressed against him, his huge arm returned to its position over her. As she drifted off to sleep all she knew was she felt very warm and secure. Part of her wanted to rush home, shower and try to forget what she did, but another part wanted to stay where she was warm and secure in the arms of her new lover.

A final thought appeared in her mind causing a little guffaw to escape her lips as she faded into sleep, 'Who knew bigger really was better!'

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

FTGDS or never write another one as to many writers abruptly ends their stories without a conclusion.

oldguy1oldguy19 months ago

Selfish woman hope she does the decent thing and divorces the little guy so she can move on with the big guy

RanDog025RanDog025over 2 years ago

Low score tells all!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Need another chapter to see the result of her cheating Rick .

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Jabba fill Pussy Plenty Hutt Slime Yah Yah YAh.

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