Birthday Present For My Sister Ch. 01


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"I would like it to be like that."

I opened my eyes. Hers were still almost closed as she continued, almost as though she were just talking to herself, continuing:

"You know, not like a first time after a drunken party, or in his car after a hot date, maybe his first time too, both freshman - 'two seconds.' Don't you think?"

She wasn't just talking to herself; she had opened her eyes and was looking at me. I nodded, and she did, adding: "And it shouldn't be his first time."

I nodded again, and she smiled slightly. For a few more minutes, we were silent, almost dozing in the warm sun. Then she stirred me again, asking:

"When are you going to get the beer? I don't want to get drunk, but should know when I have had enough, well, I guess only after I have had one too many. I can make lunch while you get it."

"Yeah, the beer. What's for lunch?"

"Have to chuck Mother's plan."

We got up. It suddenly occurred to me that someone on the beach could see us - see her - when we were standing up. It wasn't likely, since there were few people around so early in the summer, and they would be more likely to be facing the sun, looking south, away from the houses. Oh, what had happened to that nice woman? Were she and her husband still renting the same house further down the beach? Be kind of funny to run into her again. Of course, she would also be discreet; still funny to think that it might happen.

Back in the house, I told my sister that she should always wear something going to and from the deck. Her nipples popped out again, as she nodded and agreed, unconsciously wiping a forearm over them, then remarking:

"Funny, didn't have to do that, just happened."

"Just as well, at the suggestion that someone else might see them."

"Um-hmm, but I like it when you do."

I didn't reply that I also did, just thought it, and went to my room to change. As I was pulling up my underpants, I heard her say: "Soup and sandwiches. Oh!"

She must be standing at the door to my room. I hoped that her "Oh!" meant that she had just looked up and seen me after looking at the plan for our meals. I glanced around and saw that she had it in her hand. She gave my a wry smile and said:

"Sorry. Should have thought of that. Didn't see anything."

"Didn't want to, I hope."

"Oh no! Hm-hmm! But if you ask ..."

"I didn't," I replied returning her grin - and enjoying the view of her.

She stood there, watching me put on a shirt and long pants, apparently also enjoying that I hardly needed to watch what my hands were doing.

Voyeur or exhibitionist? Same difference, both enjoying it, but since we were, could I be a voyeur if she were an exhibitionist; or could she be an exhibitionist if I were a voyeur? Didn't the one have to believe that the other didn't know? Surreptitious: secretly looking; secretly showing? Nothing secret about how I was enjoying looking at her and how she was enjoying that I was, exchanging smiles.

Maybe it was a good suggestion that I get out of the house and drive to buy beer. On the way, some of our conversation went through my mind. She was right, of course, that it would be better that her first time wasn't after a drunken party. We were going to do something to try to avoid that, despite parental rules, but it was really a good idea. A boy with more experience, not a freshman? She wouldn't have any trouble attracting the attention of sophomores or juniors, even seniors, but if they assumed that she also had more experience? She sure looked like she could have, should have, with her figure. Not "should have," of course, but guys could think that she was older, that, well, girls built like that had been cheerleaders, had done something with the captain of the football team.

I got the beer with no trouble, two six packs from the refrigerator. If I was going to let her experiment, might as well start at lunch, just a light meal, and I wanted one too, after all our talk.

On the way back, I thought about it some more, just wondering if I could suggest that she avoid freshmen - if that is what she wanted to do - and then wondering how, what I could suggest about avoiding a first time with some guy who assumed too much. Then I was wondering about my being a big brother and wanting to help my little sister have a good first time.

Back at the house, she called: "Get it?" and then appeared, still just in her bikini bottom! I could have been expecting that, but it was still a surprise. It must have been for her too, seeing me all dressed; her nipples popping out, and she looked a little abashed. She didn't have to ask, seeing the bag with two six packs. Did the little muscles that make nipples tighten like that get stronger with training, like those of athletes? She smiled with a nod, and then put her fingers over her nipples, rubbing them slightly. Why couldn't she have just brushed her forearm over them again? Why didn't she? She dropped her hands said:

"Go change; I'm staying like this. Beer with lunch?"

I nodded and followed her to the kitchen and put the beer in the fridge, seeing that she had made sandwiches and that the soup was on the stove. I went to change back into my trunks, wondering now about her so demonstrably touching her own breasts. Sure, I had seen her spread lotion on them, but that was only normal, just rubbing her hands over her nipples, even if they had popped out. I needed a beer; wasn't alcohol a relaxant?

She must have tasted beer before; most girls remark about the taste the first time; she didn't. The Campbell's soup was good, as were her sandwiches. She was obviously thinking this was her experiment about drinking, finishing her first beer quickly. I emptied my can and got us two more.

"If I'm going to," she remarked, raising it and drinking. I drank with her, and we finished eating, finishing our beers while we were cleaning up, just nice and relaxed. So she was half naked? No big deal; nudists don't think it is erotic. As she was hanging up the dishtowel, her thighs twitched, and she remarked:

"Ooh! Got to go," and hurried to the bathroom, not closing the door. She did. I did too, but waited till she returned. She could have finished pulling up her bikini bottom before I saw her. I hurried off. Maybe I didn't have to be so loud about letting it splash in the toilet bowl. I did pull my trunks back up before I left the bathroom. She grinned and said:

"You had to, too. Another beer, if I'm going to?"

I nodded, and she got two more cans, nodding towards the deck. "Shirt," I said. She handed me the cans with a grin and went and got her t-shirt, putting it on as she returned, letting me see her pull the shirt down over her breasts.

It came back off as soon as we were back down on the deck, moving our towels around to face the sun. We pulled the tabs of our beers. When I sank mine in my can, she also did. We hadn't done that at the kitchen table. We drank.

I knew that three cans of beer wouldn't make me drunk, just maybe a little - well, "relaxed." I had seen girls drink too much, but not intentionally. My sister wasn't petit, so three cans probably would not make her really drunk, but if she hadn't drunk that much before? She grinned at me and had another drink. She was serious about her experiment. She took a smaller drink and grinned at me. Did girls' nipples respond as much when they had been drinking - the little muscles more relaxed?

"This is just great! Thank you for coming out here with me, and being such a good sport about this."

She gestured at her breasts - and relaxed nipples - and took another sip. Yeah, I was being a real good sport, thinking about how her first time could be good. I took a sip. She grinned at me, maybe a little foolishly, different than before. She looked off in the distance, and I did, but then noticed that her nipples tightened again. Was she thinking about something that overcame their beery lethargy? Without looking at me, she said:

"I told you that this was really my nicest birthday present, but our sister's also was."

I couldn't remember that she had given her anything special.

"She also didn't know what to give me. Finally, I got up my nerve and asked her to tell me all about men, ... yeah, about sex. Oh, she was good about it, just a little surprised that I asked, but agreeing to. Oh, it was good; she just let me ask anything I wanted and answered. Hm-hmm! Told me some things that I didn't ask, that I hadn't dared ask. Mmmm, and some things that I didn't know to ask. Oh, it was great, and she said that it was good that I asked, like your telling me that my first time should be good. You know, not drunk ..." she raised her can and had a sip: "and hopefully not with a boy that also didn't know what it was all about."

She glanced over at me for my response. I nodded with a smile. She had talked long enough that I was no longer surprised by what she was saying, liking that my sisters could be so open with each other. She snickered and said:

"Did you know that they did it the weekend they met, she and our brother-in-law?"

"She told you that?"

Hm-hmm! She didn't recommend doing that, my thinking that I would marry a guy I wanted to jump into bed with. That was towards the end of her telling, maybe to mention that. We were really getting open about talking about it all. I had heard about that, but hadn't thought that she would do it, that any nice girls would."

I wasn't going to ask what she meant, just assuming ..., waiting for her to continue:

"Have girls done it with you?"

"If I know what you mean, yes."

"Oooh! And they liked it? She said it tastes funny, but that she wouldn't have it taste any other way. They did, liked it? She said that she hadn't before, just with him."

"A 'nice girl,' just doing it with her husband, or future husband."

"But those girls weren't. Maybe nice, but only one of them could be your future wife."

"None of them, but they did, and I know they liked it; didn't just do it once."

"Oooh! She said he just loved it."

"She was right."

"You do too? Heard that it tastes yucky."

"Listen to your sister. It does taste strange."

"You know? Oh, I guess you could taste it, if you wanted to."

"And wanted to kiss girls who did."

Maybe I was getting a little drunk. I sure hadn't expected to be telling my little sister all this.

"Oh, like that! Both of you? I mean, she and you, my brother and sister. He does too, the other way; do you? She likes that too."

"Anything she didn't tell you? Yes."

"Oooh! Have to think about this, hearing that you both do. I was wondering if they were ... like, 'special,' you know, that it was unusual."

"Don't know about guys; some girls don't want to do it, some didn't even want me to, but the ones who did - want to do it - admitted that they weren't so sure before, but then liked that they had dared to."

"Hmm?! Really? Well, I guess they would have to dare to, before they could know. And then they liked to, liked it?"

"Still admitted that it tasted funny, but like our sister told you, ..."

"Got to think about this; I wasn't sure I could believe her."

"You can."

She looked over at me with a funny expression, and we both drank. She wasn't going to have to ask me about what I did my first time. And our sister had jumped into bed - or wherever - with him, and hadn't sucked a cock before, but admitted that she could have. How many? Shouldn't ask; I had licked more pussies than I should have, not for moral reasons, more than I thought myself that I should have, all the ones I could. That wasn't a good thought; she asked:

"You like to do it too? Is it good? She likes it?"

She took another sip, and I did. Of course, I did, and she - all of them - had too, the ones who had let me. I nodded, murmuring:

"Yes, yes, yes."


We both looked off at the horizon. She took another sip, more than just a sip, having to tip her can up higher than I had to, when I also drank. Was she drunk? Or was she just using drinking as an excuse for being so direct? Was I? I sure had never thought that I would be talking about this with her. What was she going to ask next? I wasn't going to say anything. We continued to look off in the distance. She took another drink, obviously emptying her can. She glanced over at me, and I also drank, then both looking again at the horizon.

She took a deep breath, her breasts rising, her nipples popping out. She exhaled and took another deep breath, holding it, and then murmured:

"We could. ... I mean, you know all about it, and I want to. ... And we have all the time in the world, wouldn't be like in the back of a car or after a drunken party. Hmm? Well, maybe, right now! But I want to."

"Not with my sister."

"Why not? Oh, she also gave me some rubbers. Why not? You both want my first time to be good, and, of course, I do too. When could I be sure that he was as understand as you are? I couldn't, and you are. What better way?"

"You're my sister."

"And you're my brother. It wouldn't be like with some guy who thought that we loved each other, you know, thinking that it was - maybe I also thinking - that it was the start or confirmation of something more."

"It should be."

"But it hasn't been for you and all those girls."

"Just a few."

"Same difference. Hope they didn't think so."

"Still, you're my sister."

"And that's good; we know that won't change, that we know that it has nothing to do with our maybe falling in love with someone else. And just this week."

Did she have to look at me with that expression? Expectant, longing, her nipples all aroused?

"We shouldn't."

"We should. I want to, with you. The answer to all my questions: best first time, and everything else, like she told me. I'll do anything you want, that too."

"We shouldn't."

I hadn't said that I wouldn't; her arguments were too good. Didn't I want her first time to be as good as possible? But with me?! Her brother?! We shouldn't!

"I want to. That doesn't matter."

"It does; we shouldn't."

"If we don't, we're going to spend all week wishing we had."

How did she know that I also wanted to? Was she going to keep telling me that she wanted to, every day? One last word:

"We won't."

She frowned. I also wasn't happy, but I had said it. I emptied my beer can, thinking that she couldn't be really drunk, since she had mustered all the arguments why we should. We should?! We shouldn't!

We spent the rest of the afternoon in silence, very pregnant silence. It wasn't like her not to say anything for so long. Oh, we had laid down and dozed off - the beer - so we weren't so consciously silent for so long.

"Got to go again."

At least she didn't have beer-drinker's bladder. As she went back in the house - forgetting her t-shirt - I suddenly thought about her pussy, where she would be going. Did I have to think about that?! I shouldn't. Did she play with herself, her fingers rubbing it, in it? She must, if she was so interested in doing it. Her fingers in it, no "cherry"? Of course not; never knew a girl who was that much of a virgin. Did she give herself real orgasms? If she did - could - she didn't need to experiment with me. Or would she be more disappointed, more frustrated if some freshman didn't know what she needed? Worse than just being disappointed because it wasn't good, but not knowing how good it could be, should be?

"Should be?" Like she wanted me to do it?! And we were going to spend the whole week together, just the two of us, and with her telling me that she want to? Did she have any more arguments?

When I saw her return, I said "shirt." She grinned and stooped down, and returned to her towel.

Why had I rolled on my side towards her? To see her lying the same way, facing me?

"Sure, look," she remarked. I already had, did again, wishing I had studied more girls' boobs, seeing them sitting or standing, lying, or, like my sister, now lying on her side. I had seen them one way or the other, but not a pair each way. Oh, also lying over me, letting me suck them. That was good with the smaller ones, made them seem like a little more. Of course, they were all good to suck. Did I lick my lips? She smiled and murmured:

"She said that she liked him to suck them. No, she said that she liked guys to suck them, had liked guys to suck them."

"They did too. That must have been an interesting conversation."

"Oh, it was. They just kept popping out, like now."

She didn't have to tell me, and now my cock was enjoying it, trying to creep up from my thigh. Did she notice? Her eyes had darted down. What did she know about cocks? She smirked and said:

"Oh, she was real good. Drew me a picture, telling me where guys were most sensitive. Hm-hmm! A mugshot, front and in profile."

Damn! She must have seen it, reminding her of that, and probably now could see it even better, and knew where it was most sensitive! Our older sister was going to be responsible if we did. Had she told her about how to make it feel good, doing that? What had she told her about guys doing it? What was her pussy like? Lots of hair? Didn't matter; I had liked licking ones like that. But you're not going to lick your sister's! If she hadn't seen my cock before, she sure could now. I didn't have to look to know that it was pressing against my trunks. Her eyes darted down again. She didn't have to smile! What did our sister's picture show? Life-sized? She was getting an impression of that. Fair enough, since I had been looking at her nipples all day. But enough:

"Supper, dinner, showers first" I said.

"Okay, but it was just getting interesting."

"Why I said that. Shirt."

She sat up and looked out towards the beach, then with a grin stood up and let me watch her put on her t-shirt, again making a demonstration of pulling it down over her nipples. An exhibitionist, I thought to myself, so you're not a voyeur, just pleasing her by looking.

We went back in the house. I had to go to the bathroom, and "went" while taking my shower. With just my towel around me, I went to my room, calling that the shower was free. She hurried to the bathroom, taking off her shirt as she passed my open door. I was about to put a a pair of bermudas with nothing under them, but then did put on jockey shorts, making sure that my cock wouldn't be uncomfortable if it wanted to move. She also didn't use the toilet, no flush. Pulling on a polo shirt, I went towards the bathroom to tell her to wear clothes.

I almost went in. In the past, we had both been in it, while one was showering, but now I didn't thank was such a good idea. Oh, it could have been, she maybe pulling back the shower curtain, but I wasn't supposed to give her an excuse to show me more. I called to her, and she called back that she would. Maybe we could forget talking about sex, if we both had something on.

We did, enjoying preparing our dinner, she also in shorts and polo shirt. I was expecting her to suggest that we have more beer, but she didn't. While we ate, we talked about what else we could do the next days. Oh, we didn't say "what else we could do," just talked about going down on the beach, maybe going to dinner in a restaurant. She did kid me with the suggestion that we could get up early and go body surfing, but we only chuckled about that, despite the obvious implication that she was recalling that I had told that my first time had started like that.

I liked that, that we could still talk around the subject without getting back to her insistent "we should." We cleaned up in the kitchen. I was tempted to pat her bottom, but didn't. We agreed to watch TV again. When we had agreed on film, I sat down on the sofa again, a little surprised when she plumped down right next to me. That was nice, like a nice date in a movie, better, since there wasn't an armrest between us, and in the cooler evening air, it was nice to share our body warmth, our thigh in contact. Had I forgotten that she was my sister, when I put my arm around her? She liked that I had, leaning closer to me. Nice, but when she drew my hand down on her breast, I did remember. Did she, or didn't she, did she do that on movie dates? I managed just to leave it there, cupped around it. It was firm.