Birthday Present For My Sister Ch. 01


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That was all right for a while, but then her fingers encouraged mine to move. When they did, just a little, her nipple popped out. If that is what she wanted? My fingers did, playing with it. "Um-hmm," she agreed softly. I had been right to make sure my cock could move without my having to help it around. Her thigh twitched a couple of times, but she didn't do anything to suggest that we do more. Despite my cock's aroused twitches, I liked and respected her not letting it go further. Had I convinced her with my "We won't!" She must have been just as aroused, however. How could it be otherwise, my finger rubbing occasionally back and forth over her aroused nipple, acknowledged with soft hums. What would I do, if she just ignored my remark and started something?

I knew what could develop in our position: turning together, kissing, maybe sliding a hand up under her shirt, maybe she wanting to fondle my cock through my shorts, then inside them. It had happened before, not always going that far, but sometimes going even further - all the way. What would I do, if she - her thighs twitched together again - started something? I didn't know.

With these thoughts, I was ignoring the film, but my cock wasn't ignoring our situation, twitching in the confines of my jockey shorts, as I recalled similar situations and repeating my question. One thing was sure, when I went to bed I was going to do something about its being aroused for so long. Had our sister told her about that to, that it was a way to keep a guy from wanting to get in her pants? That thought didn't help, of course, just let me wonder more about what they had talked about - a big sister's seminar on everything about men and sex? It was going to be a relief to take the starch out of my cock, plenty of thick, white starch.

The film ended. Was she going to?! I still didn't have an answer to my question, at least not about how I could stop her. Did I really want to? My cock didn't want me to, but I could take care of that, would have to; not supposed to have lover's balls thinking about your sister.

Good girl! She just gave me a smile and patted my hand, remarking softly:

"That was nice. I've got to go."

"I'll go later," I replied, immediately wondering if she knew why I said that instead of something that suggested that I would as soon as she was finished. She just nodded and replied:

"Then good night, and thank you for a nice day."

"You too, both ways."

She got up and left. That was good, that she had accepted that it was "good night," that we wouldn't be seeing each other again. Maybe she did understand that a guy couldn't immediately go sometimes. Thanks, Sister, if you explained that. I turned off the TV and lights and went to my room, undressing in the dark, just the light from the bathroom down the hall was on.

Now, finally! With my shorts to wipe up with, I got under the sheet and light blanket. This was going to be good. Maybe one shouldn't have fantasies about one's sister, but it was less reprehensible than actually doing it with her - like she wanted. The light in the bathroom went out. As she passed my door, she repeated her "good night." Oh, it was going to be good, the first few minutes, at least.

I was torn between wanting to prolong the pleasure and wanting to finish it. Did I want to have my orgasm thinking about her - doing what? - or about the last girl that had made me come. How? In her mouth, or in my sister's mouth? Had her sister really told her how to do that? It had sounded like it. Shit! Crap! If she said again: "We should. I want to, with you," I was going to let her. She had better be as good as in my fantasies.

Just as I was reaching the point of no return, I felt edge of the covers move. I was holding them up, waiting for it to shoot up on my chest. Shit! Crap! (again) My hand froze, but my throbbing cock dribbled, and dribbled. What was she doing here? Getting in bed with me! Just like that!

I was still frozen stiff, too shocked to move or say anything, but she did:

"I have to, too."

She did know why I had said "later!" She knew too well, adding:

"Don't stop."

"Too late," I managed to mutter.

"Oh, sorry, if I disturbed you. I just had to."

"Hmm? What are you doing here?"

"She said we could do it together - not you - that it would shoot all over."

She was now under the covers, lying on her side, a bare breast touching me. Her hand slid over my chest and stomach. She murmured: "You said: 'too late.' Where is it?"

"She was right, but when you came, I stopped, and it just dribbled."

"Oh. Sorry. Then it wasn't as good?"

"Better than nothing."

"I should have come before - not like that, I didn't, yet - when I first thought about it, but it took a while for me to get up the nerve. Dribbled where?"

Her hand slid down and found the puddle, her fingers dabbling in it.

"A lot of dribbling. Sorry, if it would have been better. What do you do with it?"

"Wipe it up."

"With what?"

I let go of my cock to find my shorts. It dropped down on the back of her fingers. "Oh, wet too," she remarked softly. I found my shorts and slid them over my hip to her hand. As she wiped up the puddle, she remarked:

"Sorry, if it wasn't so good. Want me to wipe it too?"

"May as well, now that you've come this far. It won't be sensitive."

"Um-hmm, she told me that too. Didn't think my first cock would be all soft and floppy."

"Should have come sooner."

Hm-hmm! I was trying to, like you were, but then was aroused enough not to care what you would do if I came here."

"A lot of coming."

"Not yet enough. Can you again? She told me what to do. That would be fun."

"Not right now. She must have told you that too."

"Um-hmm, but later then, if you'll let me."

"Too late now to say no. Just to see if how well she told you."

"Oh, you're dear. I want to kiss you, wanted to all through the film."

"After you put my hand on your breast."

"Um-hmm. Haven't done that before, wanted to a couple of times. Oh, I was afraid you might jerk it away, but since you had put your arm around me ..."

"And I was wondering if you always did that in a movie."

"Just wanted to. Kiss! If we can do this, if you said I could do that ..."

She didn't finish her sentence or wait for me to reply, rolling half on me and finding my lips with hers in the dark, not just with her lips, her tongue too. It is easy to forget whose tongue is trying to get in your mouth. I didn't quite. Had she kissed other guys that eagerly, or had our sister told her how to? Then I did forget, my tongue just as eager, and my arm holding her naked body to mine. All naked, no panties, my hand discovered, no just confirmed; I had been pretty sure she didn't have anything on, since she had said that she had been playing with herself.

She hadn't been like this with anyone before, but she just naturally did what other girls had done. She rolled a little further, letting me get my other arm from under her to embrace her, and then her hands were holding my head, as we tried to devour each other's tongue. I was going to do anything she wanted, let her do anything she wanted to do. She? Who? My little sister, yeah, whatever she wanted.

Her thighs were straddling mine, holding it, and then her hips were rocking, trying to rub her pussy on my thigh. Anything she wanted: I drew my thigh up between hers. "Um-hmm!" she agreed with a nod, sucking my tongue, and then riding my thigh. It must have been feeling good, so good that she began to moan, forgetting about kissing, as her hips rocked, and my hands were trying to help. She spread her thighs and rocked her pussy down, squeezing my thigh again, her hips rocking again. Was her clitoris now in better contact with my thigh? I was going to do anything to help her have her orgasm. Oooh! My cock was stiff again, brushing her hip. If she wanted to go all the way, it was going to be very difficult to say no, but she could do anything else she wanted with it. And I would with her pussy, too.

She was moaning with each rock of her hips:

"Uhn! Uhn! Uhn! ..." I knew the sound. Then suddenly she rolled back and murmured:

"I've got to!"

Her hand shot down and began to rub. A moment later, she demanded softly:

"Help me! Fingers!"

How many? One first, in her slippery wet pussy, tight, contracting pussy.


Anything she wanted: two. Real tight, and she gave a surprised moan. My two fingers were bigger than her two, but she didn't complain. I knew something about finger-fucking. Had her sister told her about that too? And I knew something about sucking nipples and that girls liked that. I curled my head and shoulder down and found hers. Finally! Hadn't I been wanting to suck one since the first time I saw them?!

She gave a deeper moan in response, and then we were doing everything we could. Her hips began to buck against my fingers. Come! Come! Come! I was thinking, feeling almost as desperate as she seemed to be to have her orgasm.

She did, with even more aroused sounds, her body convulsing, as her pussy clutched my fingers and filled my palm with her warm pussy juice. God, she could come like that, spurting! Her fingers stilled, mine didn't, as another spasm wracked her body, but then she held my hand still. But her pussy was still clutching, as another spasm moved her.

I was so happy that it had been so good for her. Her pussy tightened again, and she gasped and moaned again, and again, before her hand urged mine to take my fingers out of her pussy - very wet fingers.

She sighed with more moans, now softer, and then rolled towards me, hugging me, my arm then around her, holding her hot body. We both sighed a few more times. Then she turned her head up and kissed me and murmured:

"God, that was good! Thank you! I just love you."

I did her too, at that moment, why it's called "making love." Of course, we loved each other as siblings, but this was something else. But I had to go, now much "later" than I had been thinking after the film. When I told her, she just nodded. I clambered over her, and put the covers back on her, that had slipped off the bed. When I returned, she had moved over. We embraced again, our thighs overlapping. She sighed and murmured:

"That was so good. I'll do it in the morning, anything you want."

"If you want to. Anything you want, too."

"Sleep tight."

"You too."

We did, before I could sort out my thoughts about what we had done and what we had promised each other we would do.

I had woken up before with a girl under my arm, usually awakened by an alarm clock to get her back to her dorm or to get me out of her room on time. My first thought, therefore, was the fear that we hadn't heard the alarm or had forgotten to set it. Then I recognized the lack of the background noise of the City and remembered that I - we - were on Fire Island, and then, finally, that it was my sister under my arm. That I had to think of all that before remembering I was with her in my bed, and then how we had gotten there and what we had done!

Chagrined, I rolled back, hoping not to wake her, chagrined that I could have confused her with some other girl, and then more disturbed by the recollection of what we had done. Oh, it had been good, but that made it only worse. Didn't it? It was supposed to. She hadn't seemed to think so; she had wanted us to. She sure had been, been very direct about telling me, and I must have then wanted to, too - my fantasies of her. Yeah, I had been telling myself that I would, if she would just ask me again. She had, and we had. Well, not really, of course; she had only wiped up the mess, and my cock too, and then I had only helped her have her orgasm, maybe not what a brother should do, but not really bad - but it sure had been good!

She stirred, then her hand touched me. "Um-hmm, there you are," she muttered sleepily, her fingers then stroking a little. Then she spoke more distinctly:

"That was nice; this is nice. Mind if I turn over?"

"Of course not, it was - is."

She did and murmured: "In the morning."

She had to remember that?! And I had agreed that it was nice, that it was being nice! And I had said I would do anything she wanted! Does a man's word still apply, when he has promised to do something he shouldn't, that the other person also knows he shouldn't, and that she shouldn't? Is just "helping" each other - say it - incest? Or, as one girl said: "If we've done all this, going all the way isn't much different." We did. Does that make just "helping" the same as going all the way; or would going all the way not be any worse that just "helping?" Confusing.

Confused, I also rolled on my other side, lying back to back with her, but having to think that my bed was just too inviting for doing anything. It was larger than a single bed, sometimes used by guest couples, when I wasn't there or had been asked to sleep on the sofa-bed. This was going to be the first time I slept all night with a girl. "In the morning?"

In the morning, I was awakened by her, feeling her arm slide over me and then that she was cuddling up behind me, holding me closer, feeling her breasts on my back before her hips and thighs touched me. I opened my eyes, seeing that it was light, but still very early. Could be a long morning, was my first thought, not sure whether I was thinking that was good or bad, but obviously recalling her last words. Her next ones were:

"Oh, this is nice. Hope you don't mind that I woke you. I'm going to like sleeping with someone. Better than waking up alone, isn't it?"

Why did she so cheerfully have to ask questions like that? She thought I would know, when I had gone to sleep thinking it was the first time I would spend all night with a girl in bed? Waking up before midnight with the others was a little less than nice. I couldn't tell her that, nor - especially - admit that she - my sister - was the first girl to awaken me at dawn like this. Only one answer, to agree, and it was nice, except for my other thoughts.

"A lot better," I replied, wondering why I hadn't just mumbled "yes."

"Oh, this is good. And last night. Wow! That was really good! Thank you! I was so horny. What was the movie about? With your fingers doing that, I was just thinking about what else could happen - not in a movie theater - if I could dare turn my face and pucker up, and you would kiss me, and then what could happen. I guess, what I would want to happen, your hand not just doing that through my shirt, what it could be like, if you pulled it up and sucked my nipple. Oh, that was good, that you later did! Better than I hoped, and just when I needed it. You're so great. What were you thinking about?"

Another one of those questions:

"About the same, some things that had happened."

"Oh, that's good. Like what?"

"Hmm? That she then also wanted to do something."

"Oooh! I did too, didn't want to tell. Oh, I was all wet. Like I was thinking, wanting to hold you there?"

"'fraid so."

"One did? After I saw yours yesterday, like that, I had to think about doing that. Oh, if you were thinking about that, too, I guess it was again."


"Oh, I like that, that you were too. Well, we know what happened."

Her hand had been rubbing my chest and now rubbed further down, just to the start of my pubic hair, but returning, to my relief. My early morning erection had disappeared during all her talking, a little to my surprise, but if she did that again, my cock might respond. After a moment she said:

"Oh, this is great, like she told me, that we shouldn't just jump into bed and do it, that we should get familiar with each other first, after we agreed to go all the way."

Our sister was right, but she wasn't talking about us siblings, but my little sister was:

"I want to do it, like I said last night. She said we should tell each other what we wanted, what felt good. Didn't have to tell you last night; your big fingers were just so good and already doing everything I wanted."

I could have told her that she had had about the best finger-fucking orgasm I could remember, but I didn't, and not just because I disliked that I had thought that word to describe it.

"Want to go to the bathroom first, see each other all naked?"

"Good idea."

Talk about being acquiescent! Just agree with anything she says, maybe does? Seemed like it.

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roveroneroverone8 months ago

VERY hard to follow...lot of innuendo, beating around the bush

ScottishTexanScottishTexanover 2 years ago

Extremely confusing to read. Your dialog is vague and stilted. That could have been okay if your narrative was filling in the blanks, but it wasn't. The narrative was just as horrible as the dialog! It could have been a really nice story about a brother educating his innocent little sister about sex, but your poor writing skills ruined it. 2/5

storycentralstorycentralalmost 5 years ago
half baked and confusing read

I find it really strange that in this entire chapter, not a one character has been given a proper name. Makes it impossible to endear the reader to the chracter. The only proper name mentioned was just a side reference to Ursula Andress. Also, just because people speak in that way, doesn't mean you should write that way. No author writes dialogue that way. Extremely difficult to know what they are speaking of when they are talking about the conversation between the sisters. just say oral sex, sperm, fucking, whatever. this is a porn story. No reason to make us guess. Be descriptive.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

He was driving me mad! Are all American boys like him? No, of course not. Of course it could be the way he was brought up. I'm really sorry, but I have read far better stories of siblings on Literotica. Better luck next time, and I really hope you do not stop. The stories should get better as you go along.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Very good writing

I want to contradict many of the previous comments. I think your writing is excellent. And I write for a living, selling about 60,000 words per year, and about 1.4 million over the last 20 years. Yes, the dialog is fragmentary as are most conversations. Yes, some times the references are a little unclear, was the sister talking about sucking her boyfriend's cock or him licking her pussy? But that is part of a natural flow where a younger woman and and older man with whom she has a deep non-sexual relationship gingerly feel their way into what may be a minefield. The guy who insists you should turn the first experience into a quasi-rape with the brother penetrating his sister bareback and ejaculating in her is just clueless about good sex and how tentative groping toward intimacy while not jeopardizing an existing important relationship is necessarily complex. Keep it up, you write some of the best stories on the site.

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