Black Power Virus - Side Story

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A man finds happiness in the new world.
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This is a side story inspired by amb anonymous' Black Power Virus, mixed with my own style. I asked and got the original authors input before uploading.


It started before the civil war and a slave name Daryl. He was the biggest black man any one had ever seen! At 8 feet tall he towered above his white slave masters, but a strange twist of fate made him the most gentle man of any race. He never spoke ill of the master, never raised a fuss, and he always worked with a smile.

The other slaves knew why of course, he was special. Daryl wasn't magic, not was he stupid, he just knew that some day his descendants would live happy and free, and that's what kept him going... Well that and the Master's Daughter. Marry Lou was the ideal woman, blond hair, marble white skin, piercing blue eyes, and a body that could start and end wars. She had plenty of suitors, wealthy and poor alike, but none would have her except Daryl.

Marry Lou's first encounter was when she was 18 years old, Daryl had just started at the plantation and they caught each others eyes instantly. Later in the evening she sneaked into the slave quarters and found Daryl's cabin. She lightly tapped the door, hoping he would answer. He did and at first he was nervous, he'd hared of slaves getting castrated for even LOOKING at a white woman the wrong way but here she was, in her night gown no less. She told him she had wanted to speak to him as soon as she saw him, that he made her feel a fire between her legs and that she didn't know or care why she felt that way. Daryl, the big softy he was, couldn't help but melt, he took her in his arms and kissed her gently.

This took Marry by surprise, she had expected him to tear her gown off and take her hard like a savage, not tenderly kiss and caress her body. But this wasn't unpleasant for her so she kissed him back, their tongues wrestling each other for control, though Daryl won of course. She found herself on her back next, her gowns buttons slowly undone to reveal the creamy flesh of her soft pillowy breasts and stomach. She asked him to be gentle, like a good girl should and he couldn't say no to that face, like an angel come to give his hard life some meaning, so he took his time undressing.

Soon though they were both naked. Marry gasped at the massive python in his trousers. It had to be as long as a ruler and as wide as her wrist, much bigger then she'd heard the white farm hands had to be. Daryl was careful, having had a few women in his past he knew to make her wet before entering her, so he gently rubbed her swollen pink pussy lips with his rough fingers. The feeling aroused Marry Lou so much she nearly screamed, it was unlike anything she ever felt before, and his massive black cock was drooling clear stuff so she decided to touch him to.

Now it was Daryl's turn, he groaned in surprise as her soft hands stroked his cock. She smiled at his reaction, happy she could please this big man. Now it was time for the main event, Daryl warned Marry it would hurt so she took his belt and bit the thick cord tight to keep from screaming. It was slow going, she was so tiny and tight he couldn't get the head in at first, but after a few gentle pushes his head popped in! This caused Marry to moan into her gag, this feeling was equally painful and pleasant. Daryl slid in slowly, letting her adjust to his size, even making her hymen tearing quick so she wouldn't be in pain too long.

After several minutes of pushing Daryl's cock head was finally kissing Marry Lou's womb, both of them sweaty and breathing hard. He asked his white lover if she was ready and she nodded to her black stud, his cock slowly withdrawing until only the head remained. Once he was almost all the way out he pushed back in, harder this time, pulling out once fully in and repeating this over and over. This caused Marry to scream into her gag, the sound almost too loud as Daryl covered her mouth with his hand. He trusted faster and harder, the tight cunt wrapped around his dick was too good to take slow, he had to fuck this girl he couldn't stop even if he wanted to. And he did NOT want to stop.

Hours of fucking and kissing and fondling lead to Daryl's explosive climax after giving Marry Lou more then she could count, her womb flooded with potent black sperm. Neither of them knew but she had been very fertile since coming off her period and was now fertilized with his seed. But a strange thing happened, the offspring, which Marry blamed on a particularly cruel slave hand, was a healthy white boy! The child, named Matthew, was blond like his Mamma with dark eyes, but pink as could be when born and white as snow his entire life. Matthew never knew the truth, but once the well educated young man inherited his grandfathers land he never once allowed his slaves to be treated unkindly, he would go down in history as one of the kindest slave owners in the south.

Daryl's fate after that night was a sad one, after 30 years of faithful service he was done in by a blow to the head from one of the horses when his son was only 12 years old. IT was hard for Matthew to understand why he and his mother were so sad, but they were over the loss. Matthew would move on to become a very wealthy man, investing in new inventions that would revolutionize the world, and married a beautiful mixed race girl. Matthew never understood his fascination with black girls, but he didn't care, they were beautiful, exotic yet familiar. His wife gave him many beautiful children who moved on to become respected members of the community, frontier settlers, and even a few soldiers.

-present day, 7 years after exposure of the BPV-

To say Malcolm's life was hell would be an understatement. Malcolm was short, chubby, nerdy, generally plain looking, and worst of all white. Since the BPV had almost wiped out the white male population he had been in hiding up in the mountains, his only link to the world being the internet and television. Ever since the facility that housed the best scientists trying to cure the virus had fallen to sabotage he knew he'd be infected eventually but he was smart. Really smart! He'd found copies of the viruses makeup and had been experimenting with it, trying to alter it to give HIM the positive effects. So far though, no success... He'd need a blood sample, next to impossible without the risk of exposure, and he wanted to live damn it!

So he toiled still, trying to make the virus work for him, soon though he was getting desperate, and the news from the outside was that very few uninfected people remained. He needed a miracle, he needed a breakthrough. What he didn't expect was a knock at his secluded cabin door, he was up in the mountains, away from the paths, no one even knew this place existed. Malcolm looked at the camera feed at his front door, AND WAS SURPRISED to see an old friend, especially his best friend from collage Jamal and some woman Both showed signs of infection so he had to talk to them through the intercom.

"Jamal? How the hell did you find me?" He asked in a wary tone.

"Dr.Leblanc came to give you something old buddy." Jamal said in a slightly snarky tone.

Malcolm pondered the reason for them coming, he knew Leblanc was responsible for the outbreak, and he surmised she knew about his attempts at bending her virus to make himself part of the new world order, but were they there to kill him, or worse infect him so he dies slow? He decided to air on the side of caution and only let them into the front of the house, it was a spacious place and Malcolm had a section reserved since before the outbreak for those he didn't trust. He spoke to them from a monitor in the room, Jamal seemed worried when he saw the state of his friend, Malcolm was pale, his eyes had dark circles around them from lack of sleep, and he looked like he hadn't shaved in years.

"Malcolm, there's something you need to know, you gotta trust me though, cuz it's gonna sound crazy."

"I'm listening." Malcolm's voice sounded bad too, like he'd been smoking again.

Vanessa spoke, her tone was flat and methodical as she spoke.

"I stumbled upon your research Mr.Miller, interesting stuff. In theory you've found a veritable "Cure" for my virus... Not that you need it."

"What is she saying Jamal?" Malcolm said, his confusion was clear, he was too tired and scared to hide.

"Well, I've been looking into the affect the virus has on White men with Black ancestors and came upon something startling after testing the DNA strands of yours you put in your research. I'm surprised you didn't see this, you have a massive amount of Recessive black traits, more then enough to trick the virus into thinking it needs to improve instead of destroy!" Jamal stated excitedly, one of the downsides of the virus was watching a lot of his old friends break down, but his collage room-mate and best friend just happened to have some STRONG black ancestors, but were hidden somehow, since He'd seen Malcolm's family, the only pattern he saw was insanely beautiful white women, like Malcolm's sister Ellen.

"I... I don't know if I can trust you... How can I be sure?" Malcolm was clearly paranoid so Vanessa decided to put all her cards on the table.

"Look: I don't CARE what you think, the science is right here, clear as day. Just look over the papers, I'll leave them and a sealed sample of the virus here with you. So it's your choice, join us in the new world or die in the old." With that she stood, and with Jamal, left Malcolm's residence.

Malcolm stayed in his lab for hours after taking the data and the sample. He'd studied and checked his own findings, sure enough they were right... He would, in theory, be transformed like Jamal. His old friend looked like a new man, strong and fit... He wanted that, so badly... He was sick of being weak. After recording a last will and testament on his computer and setting it to email it in 24 hours he took the needle containing the concentrated virus and, with a gulp, injected it into his blood-stream. At first nothing seemed to happen, then all at once every nerve in his body screamed in pain causing him pass out. A few hours later he awoke and got up, groggy from the longest amount of sleep he'd had in years.

He walked to the bathroom and nearly passed out from shock at what he sat in the mirror. He was BLACK, TALL, and best of all HANDSOME! He spent almost 10 minutes making sure it wasn't a dream, pinching himself, reading the all the labels of his medications, and sure enough it was all REAL! His face had changed, his skin was clear of blemishes, his features were strong and his eyes were now blue for some reason. Not just blue but VERY blue. He looked over his new body, he was taller, and stronger too. His once flabby and out-of-shape body was now toned and fit, he looked tough. His clothes were a bit stretched and he knew his shoes were ruined so he'd have to make some calls. But for now he was content with his new body, he felt... Right, like he had found peace.

He was shook out of his stupor when the doorbell rang, he went to the camera feed and was stunned to see a woman he'd never seen before, she was covered in a heavy coat but he could tell she wasn't infected, he decided to let her into the main house instead of the monitor room, the main living space was nicely furnished, a soft couch positioned in front of a big screen television and entertainment system.

The woman, named Kelly, was actually someone who lived on the next ridge over, her house had lost power so she braved the cold to see if he'd let her stay. She was thin, with red hair and freckles all over her white skin. She nearly screamed when she saw the barley clothed black man stumble down the stairs.

"S-Stay back! I-I don't want to be infected!" She stammered, her timid form trembling.

This made Malcolm laugh, it was funny how now a moderately attractive woman was afraid of HIM instead of the other way around. He decided to toy with her by removing his shirt and flexing his new muscles.

"Don't be scared, it's not like you have much choice. You're breathing infected air, you'll start changing as soon as I touch you..." He moved closer to the stunned woman, his now 7 foot tall form towered over her as she gasped.

"N-No... Please, I don't want to be a bimbo... I worked hard to become a successful business woman, I don't want to lose that." She had begun crying and Malcolm realized he'd gone too far. He sat across from her and sighed.

I'm sorry Miss, I didn't mean to make you cry." His voice was smooth now, like silk, and deep too. He smiled at her and explained how the virus wouldn't affect her unless some of his fluids, saliva, blood, and semen, entered her body she'd be safe.This calmed her down plenty.

"Oh thank God, no offence! It's not that I'm not attracted to you it's just... I don't want to end up like the presidents daughter, she was so intelligent and now... She was defiled in front of national television, and she enjoyed it... I just want to stay me, you know?"

"I can see your point" He responded, "But if you'd seen the old me you'd of been disgusted, recently I was told my unique DNA structure meant I would receive the benefits of the virus instead of the harmful side effects. To be honest I hate dumb women, I need someone to talk to damn it!"

They shared a laugh and he made her coffee, making sure it wasn't contaminated. They talked about everything from her business, she was the owner of a multinational corporation, to what kind of movies they liked. They had much in common, and eventually they went from coffee to soda with lunch, where they discussed current events over some burgers Kelly grilled.

"I'm just saying, if the virus didn't make women so dumb it wouldn't be so bad. I wouldn't mind looking 20 years younger with a hotter body, but I don't wanna lose my intelligence."

"I hear you, I was worried when I was told I would become like this. So far I don't seem to be a deviant, looking to rape every woman I see into submission, maybe it effects different people differently... Dr.Leblanc Didn't seem like a Bimbo..."

They sat, eating and lost in thought, they decided to go outside for fresh air, even if it was cold in the mountains at least it wasn't snowing. They continued to talk about what life was like before the virus and how life had changed, they both agreed that it seemed like the infected women were happy, and that a lot of conflicts seem to vanish now that everything was different. As the hours ticked by the went inside, watched some movies, talked more and little by little Malcolm realized he liked Kelly. She was smart, funny, cute, adorkable. Basically his perfect woman.

She had noticed he was very kind, even if he was a bit brash and abrasive, it was a part of his charm. She didn't know if she liked him or she was infected but she found herself moving closer as they watched, her hand brushing his. He turned to look at her, their eyes meeting for a long time. Without thinking Kelly Kissed Malcolm's soft dark lips, her body giving into what her mind tried to fight. Malcolm only took a moment before he was kissing her back, his tongue in her mouth, sealing her transformation.

They both pulled back as Kelly stumbled to get up, she was already changing. Her skin smoothed and stretched as she swelled in the right places, her lips plumped, her hair growing longer and becoming silky smooth. Soon her breasts grew to what must have been DD's and her ass plumping to match, her waist shrunk a bit to give her a voluptuous figure.

Malcolm was impressed to say the least, her stood and helped her to her feet, as she had fallen to her knees during her transformation.

"Kelly, are you okay?" He asked, the concern in his voice touching her.

"Y-Yeah, I feel... Better then I have in years actually!" She said with a laugh.

Relief filled Malcolm as he kissed her deeply, she returned the passionate kiss happily. Her arms went around his neck as they made out there in the living room for over an hour. Soon He picked her up and carried her to his bedroom, which was admittedly messy but neither party was paying attention as he laid her on the bed. he removed his pants and boxers as she removed her top, boots, and pants. She had to gasp at his massive shaft, at least 16 inches long and as thick as a soda can, it was the biggest cock she had ever seen, but something inside told her she could take it.

As he laid next to her she took hold of his shaft, stroking it as best she could. It felt amazing to Malcolm, her hand was soft as it stroked his throbbing manhood. Noticing the head emanating from between her legs he gently rubbed her pussy lips up and down, occasionally teasing her clit, enticing little moans from her as they both played with each other, looking into one another's eyes.

"M-Malcolm, please... Fuck me, I can take it!" Kelly cried out, her pussy dripping with arousal as he pulled his hand away to lick it clean, enjoying her taste. He spread her legs as he stood on his keens on the bed between her legs. She spread her pussy lips open for his mushroom head, he pushed in slowly, wanting to ease into her. Slowly but surely he pushed the head into her, making her cry out in lust.

"Ohh fuck Kelly, you're so fuckin' tight!" Malcolm grunted as he slid deeper into her vice-like snatch. Inch after inch pushed into her, she thought he'd never run out of dick but he manged to push all but 2 inches into her when his cock poked her womb. He stopped and looked into her eyes, her beautiful emerald eyes. They both stayed like that for a while, just enjoying the sensation of being one. The beauty of the moment brought a tear to Kelly's eye as she spoke to her lover.

"Malcolm, I... I think I love you, and not just for your cock, you're like a perfect match to me... We complete each other." Kelly then wrapped her legs around Malcolm's waist as he responded.

"I feel the same way Kelly, I love you! I want to be with you forever!" He groaned more then spoke, the tightness was effecting him and he finally couldn't take it anymore. He thrust deep and slow, moving out until only the head remained and pushing in until his head hit her womb. Coincidentally her G-Spot was in such a spot that his head rubbed it on the way inside her. This drove the Red-head crazy as her Black Stallion fucked her like a man should, she lost count how many times she came, but it was glorious.

They made love like this for hours, both cumming and moving to a new position, first missionary, then cowgirl, then reverse cowgirl, then with him standing and holding her ass as he bounced her on his cock, then finishing with him standing, holding her bottom half up as he fucked down into her, her head and shoulders on the ground. This last position make it possible to thrust all 16 inches into her, making her scream as the head popped into her womb. The final climax of the night spent them both as the collapsed on the bed for the night, both smiling content at the love they shared, like Malcolm's Ancestor Daryl.

The End?

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

where you can find the original series of Black Power Virus?

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

They can still be found, just need to know where to look

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

What happened to the originals? Is there anyway to find them?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Honestly I loved the original series, was shocked to see this existed and more so when i found the originals were just gone. THANK YOU for keeping this idea alive!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

are there going to be more side stories? love the universe you guys re creating

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