Blackmailed Bride Ch. 02


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"I'm not letting anyone tie me down," Donna said, "though I wouldn't mind going the other way."

Yvonne added, "I've not yet let anyone spank me or paddle me, but I do like being tied up and helpless."

"Once you're helpless, they could do anything they want to you," I said. "What's to stop someone from really hurting you."

"This is where the trust comes in," Suki said. "You have to really trust someone to enter this type of relationship. You must know they have your best interests at heart and would never do anything to harm you. You also have a safe word to use, which if you use it, will cause the other person to stop whatever they are doing."

"And you gave this to me so I could let Tanner use it on me?" I asked.

"Or perhaps for you to use on him," Suki answered. "It could go either way."

"Okay," I said. "I'm not sure about this, but thank you."

Yvonne handed me her gift. I opened it up and pulled out an article of clothing. It was white with lilac ribbons and lace in a few places. Again, my confusion must have shown on my face.

"It's a corset," Yvonne said. "It makes your assets look even better. You'll see when you try it on."

"Thanks, Yvonne."

Maria handed me her gift next. Opening it, I found several pair of lovely stockings and a garter belt. Some of the stockings were nude, some colored, some with little patterns on them. They were lovely and a far cry from the pantyhose I usually wore when dressing up to go out.

"These are lovely, Maria. I can see wearing these out on dates with Tanner. I'm sure he'll love them."

"You're welcome."

I accepted Donna's gift next. Inside were several pair of panties.

"Those babies are crotchless," Donna said. "Don't even have to take them off to let Tanner slip you his big dick."

I laughed. "I'm sure that will be quite convenient for him."

Taylor's gift was two of the most scandalously brief swimsuits I've ever seen. I held them up to show everyone.

"You are going to the Sandals Resort in Saint Lucia for your honeymoon, aren't you?" Taylor asked.

"Yes we are," I replied.

"These suits will be perfect for it. It's an adults only resort and a lot of women go topless, but if you want some covering, these will do the trick."

I pointed to the minuscule triangles of turquoise fabric for my breasts. "I'm not sure these are large enough to cover my areolae," I said.

"They will cover your nipples, though" Taylor laughed.

"And look at these bottoms," I said. "I'm not sure it's big enough to cover my vaginal slit. This other suit is thin and white, plunges down in the front past my belly button and has dental floss in the back. If it gets wet, I'm sure it will be clear. I might as well be naked."

"To be honest, I bought them more for Tanner than I did you. I'm sure he'll love them," Taylor said, smiling. Everyone else started laughing.

Cheyenne got me two fine mesh bodysuits, one red and one black. "Something more for Tanner to enjoy," I said, holding them up.

"Honey, if those things give Tanner a boner," Donna said, "you going to enjoy it too."

Everyone laughed again.

"Before I give you my gift," Taylor said, "does everyone need a refill?"

Everyone held up their glass. "That's four martinis, one red wine, two whites, two Black Jack's over ice, and a rum and coke." Tiffany brought the drinks in, adding ice from an ice bucket to the three mixed drinks, pouring the wines and martinis in the empty glasses. She finished, put the bottles back in the kitchen and folded herself back on the couch beside me. She handed me a fairly small package.

"This is for both you and Tanner."

"What do you mean?"

"Open it up and I'll explain."

I ripped off the wrapping paper and looked at the box. "What's a We/Vibe personal pleasure device?"

"Open the box."

I opened it and inside was a small plastic box and a USB cord, I pulled off the top of the box and there was a U shaped device sitting in depressions on the bottom. I pulled it out.

"It's a vibrator," Tiffany said. "You put this end inside of your vagina with this arm against your g-spot. The other side goes against your clitoris. You push this little knob on the front, and control it with this remote." She pulled another piece out of the base. "The base is a charging stand, charging both the vibrator and the remote, although you can also get an app that controls the device as well. You can charge it in any USB port, including a laptop or where you charge your phone. As you can see, it's not big and it won't break your hymen, so your virginity will still be safe for Tanner."

The other women gathered around closer and Taylor exclaimed, "I've heard about this thing and it's supposed to be to die for."

"I've got one and it is to die for," Sydney said. "I love mine."

"Hold on, Tiffany" I said. "You said this is for both me and Tanner. He doesn't have a vagina. How is it for him?"

"You'll notice how thin it is right here where it passes through your vagina. Tanner can put his cock in you while you're wearing it and it can vibrate both of you at once. It's also waterproof. You can wear it in the tub or shower. Tanner will enjoy it as much as you do, I promise. I charged it up so you can try it out later."

"My gift is coming later," Sydney said. "You have time to model your other gifts for us."

"I did promise, didn't I."

"Yes you did," Sydney said.

I carried all the clothing items into Tiffany's bedroom. I removed my shorts and blouse and put on the negligee and robe. It didn't look right with my bra and panties on, so I took off the set and stripped off the bra and panties as well. I'd been naked in front of most of them before, mostly in a locker room, and I'd shared a dorm or apartment with three of them. About the only one I'd never been nude in front of, was Sydney, and she was about to be family. I went into the living room with the outfit on. Erin whistled, a long wolf whistle and I blushed.

"Oh, honey, you have to whack the weeds before your wedding," Donna said. "Your man shouldn't have to beat the bushes to find your treasure."

"I don't want to look like an underage girl," I protested. "I want to look like a grown woman."

"You can leave some hair there," Taylor said. "A landing strip or something similar."

"Maybe a heart," Tiffany said. "Even if you just use a hair trimmer on it to shorten it to a buzz cut, but honestly, no one is going to confuse you as an underage girl with those boobs. If you want, I'll be happy to pay for a Brazilian wax for you. It really is a little much right now, especially if you want Tanner to lick you down there. Licking long hair can be pretty gross. Think about it, but you'll need to get it done sooner rather than later, because you want the soreness to be gone before you party with Tanner."

"Okay. What should I try on next?"

Yvonne said, "You can try on the corset with the garter belt and stockings and the crotchless panties. Get a lot done at once."

"Do you want to help me get the corset on?" I asked Yvonne. "I notice it needs to laced up in back."

"Sure, I'd be happy to."

She followed me into the bedroom and told me to start with the stockings. I picked out some white ones with a flirty lace pattern to them. Yvonne was looking at another pair.

"These will stay up by themselves if you want them to. They have a nice stretchiness to them, but go ahead and put the garter belt on so you can try it on." So after I pulled up the stockings, I put on the garter belt and fasten the straps to my stockings. I look at myself in the mirror, naked but for the stockings and belt. I had to admit I looked pretty good. Yvonne picked up the corset and handed it to me. "You need to step into it," she said.

I pulled it up over my hips and adjusted it around my waist. When I did so, I found my breasts would be on a shelf and not covered by the corset at all.

"This is very daring, isn't it Yvonne?"

"You're perfect for it though. It's going to look incredible on you. Tanner will love it."

"Might as well tighten it up so I can see if I'm able to breathe."

Yvonne got behind me and started pulling on the laces. The corset snugged tightly around my waist, pushing my breasts up higher and making my hips look great.

"That's enough, Yvonne. I'm starting to have trouble breathing."

"You'll get used to wearing one and have an easier time breathing the next time."

"The question is; do I want to get used to wearing one?" I turned slightly left and right. Yvonne was right, Tanner was going to love this.

"Now put on Donna's panties and we'll show it to the others."

I tried bending over and picking up a pair from the bed and realized I couldn't bend at the waist.

"Uh, I think you need to help me put these on. I can't bend over," I said.

"No, problem. I can help with that. I guess this all needs to go on in a certain order."

"Yes. Corset last."

"What color panty do you want to wear?" Yvonne asked.

"I seem to have white going as a theme here. Let's go with white."

Yvonne grabbed the white pair and knelt down on the floor in front of me. It felt odd to have her so close to my vagina, but as far as I could tell, she wasn't paying all that much attention to it.

"Left leg up please." I put my hands on her shoulders for balance and lifted my leg and she slid one side over my left leg. "Now the right." I lifted my other leg and she slipped it over my sandal and drew it up my legs over my hips.

Stepping back, I looked in the mirror again, studying myself in the glass with a critical eye. Donna was right. I had to trim my pubic hair. Dark brown tufts of hair were peaking out of the crotchless area of the panties, but oh, did I look good.

"Let's go show the others," Yvonne said. "You look great."

Yvonne led me out the door, then stepped aside to show me off. Basically, everyone was speechless. I smiled at them.

"This outfit does make me realize I need to trim my pubic hair. I hate it just sticks out like that, but I think this outfit looks spectacular on me, don't you?"

"If I had a dick," Donna said, "you'd be on your knees sucking it right now. You look super fine, girl!"

"I think I can make her look better," Suki said.

"How's that?" Taylor asked.

"Watch," Suki replied. "Erin stand behind her and keep her from losing her balance." Erin got behind me and put her hands on my shoulder. Shizuko picked up her box of toys and brought them to me. "She picked up the blindfold. "Close your eyes, Brooke." Now I know why Erin was helping me balance. With the alcohol I'd had already, I was slightly dizzy anyway. Closing my eyes made it worse. Suki fastened the mask around my eyes. I was nervous losing my sight. Next came the collar and the leash, which dangled between my breasts. "Put your hands behind your back," she whispered in my ear. I put them behind me and realized my breasts were even more prominently displayed on my chest. I heard the handcuffs lock on my wrists.

"Do you feel helpless?" Erin whispered. "Without any control?"

"Yes," I replied. "Very much so."

"Spread your legs a little farther," Erin said. "About a shoulder widths apart."

I spread them and stood there waiting.

"Oh, My, God!" Taylor said. "If I didn't love cock so much, I would totally fuck her."

"I concur," Maria said. "She is very hot."

"Do you feel yourself getting aroused?" Erin whispered. "Are your nipples getting harder right now? Do you feel your sex getting wet?"

Actually, my nipples felt like they wanted to pop off my chest they were so hard. Wet might not even to begin to describe my sex at that moment. Soggy might work better. Hopefully, I wasn't dripping and it was only a sensation of being this damp.

"I am aroused," I admitted.

"That's why people like bondage," Suki said. "Wait a moment. I'm going to add the nipple clamps."

I heard a chain jingling and then a finger and thumb on my left nipple. Suki tugged on it, pulling it out and cold metal touched it and started tightening down. Just before I was ready to tell her to stop, it was too painful, she ceased. Then she did the same thing to my right nipple, stopping right before it became too painful. She tugged on the chain a little, then I sensed her stepping away.

"How does she look now?"

"Good enough to eat," Maria said. "She's perfect."

"Stand her in front of the mirror in the entry," Tiffany said, "then remove her mask so she can see herself."

Erin and Suki each grabbed and arm and led me in front of the entry mirror. When they stopped, Erin had me spread my legs again. Suki removed my mask and I blinked a couple times in the light, then looked in the mirror. My nipples were squeezed between the little clamps on the chain, almost like a miniature vise. The tips were purple. My breasts were sticking out from my hands being cuffed behind my back and with my legs spread, I looked like I was on display. Maybe I fell in love with my body for the first time. I'd always found things to criticize about myself. I think all women do, but at that moment, I looked like something brought to life by Michelangelo or Boticelli. I stared at myself for almost thirty seconds, taking it all in.

"Do you like what you see?" Erin said.

"I do."

"If you want," Suki said, "Erin can demonstrate the whip on you. A couple swats, nothing to worry about, but it will give you an idea of what it feels like."

I thought about it hard. I'd never considered doing anything like this before, but I had to admit to myself I had enjoyed the bondage and clamps so far. It might be something Tanner and I could explore at a later time. Gosh, this was weird, but I did want to try it.

"Okay, but no more than five. I still have to try on the other things."

"Of course," Suki said. "I want to put the blindfold back so you cannot see. The anticipation is half the fun."

"All right."

They brought me back to the living room. Erin picked up the whip and Suki covered my eyes again. I waited, wondering how it would feel, but nothing happened. I was about to say something when I felt the strands of the whip lightly touch my bottom. I started to anticipate the pain again, but nothing happened. Then the strands lightly tickled my breasts and nipples and they got even harder if it was possible, but again, nothing. I felt the strands brush my arms and I got goose bumps. Suddenly, a light snick over my butt and it was a couple seconds before I realized it actually stung, though not badly. The next one landed across my nipples, already a little sore from the clamp. The actual sting didn't arrive until moments later. Perhaps it was because I could not anticipate as I could not see, but there always seemed a delay from the sound of the whip striking me and when I actually felt the sudden burn. Erin also did a flick on my upper thighs, another to my bottom and one more to my breasts.

Suki removed the blindfold and I stood blinking in the sudden light.

"How was it?" Taylor asked. "Did it hurt?"

"A little, but it wasn't that bad," I said. "Is this how hard you use it on Shizuko?"

"I strike her about twice as hard as I did you," Erin responded, "but she's used to it and can tolerate more now."

"This might hurt a little more," Suki said. "I need to remove your clamps." She paused a moment before touching my nipples. "May I?"

"You put them on. Why not take them off."

Suki nodded and unscrewed one clamp. The blood started rushing back into my nipple and I groaned. It definitely hurt, but she quickly covered my nipple with her palm and rubbed it around a few seconds and the pain quickly subsided to a lingering but rapidly decreasing soreness. She did the same to the other one.

"It's time to try on my other things. Yvonne, if you could help me get the corset off again."

"Of course."

We went back into the bedroom and Yvonne unlaced the corset so I could squeeze it over my hips. It felt good to take a few deep breaths. Yvonne left me alone to dress and joined the others in the living room. Before I tried I on one of Cheyenne's mesh body stockings, the red one, I used some tissues to wipe my vagina. I was feeling more excited than I wanted to around my girlfriends. Putting it on and seeing my pubic hair poke out of all the little holes in the mesh made me realize once more Donna was right. I needed to whack the weeds as she so quaintly put it. I went out and showed off this outfit and got some more complements on my appearance. I told Tiffany I'd be happy to take her up on her offer of a wax job and she told me she'd get an appointment for tomorrow; rush job for a wedding. I thanked her and went back to try on Taylor's two bathing suits, the white one first.

As expected, the thin material of the white suit showed the shadow of my bush and areolae and my nipples were eraser sized bumps on my breasts. The plunge in the front went even farther down my stomach than I'd expected and dark brown hair was peaking over the top. The dental floss back showed all of my ass and I was glad I kept it toned with swimming and volleyball.

I went into the living room and did a pirouette for my audience.

"Something more to drive Tanner crazy, Taylor. Thank you again. I guess you don't want me doing anything outside the bedroom on our honeymoon."

"Oh, no," Donna said. "You can do it in the kitchen, in the living room, in the car, in the pool. You don't have to confine yourself to the bedroom, honey. The whole house is made for fucking. You might even get a quick shag on the beach if you come out of the water wearing that suit."

Everyone laughed again. She wasn't wrong. I tried on the other suit, too, since it was so different from the white one. It was pretty much all string with a couple wider patches of cloth at the crotch and nipples. I was right. The breast pieces were so small, they didn't quite cover my areolae. My areolae were on the large side and stuck out on all sides of the fabric. My nipples were so pronounced right now, it tented the little triangles to the point they barely covered the base of my nipples. The cloth on the bottom was so abbreviated, even if I had no hair at all, it might barely cover my cleft. I felt around with my finger and there was no more than a fingers width of space between being covered and showing it all. I don't know how anyone expected me to actually wear this on the beach or at the pool. I stepped out in the living room and twirled around. Tiffany handed me another glass of wine.

"Mama likes," Erin said, giggling. "You sure you don't want to join us instead of marrying Tanner? There's two of us and one of us can show you more pleasure than a man can, let alone two of us."

"Sorry, but I'm pretty sure I'm more into guys than girls."

"How do you know?" Maria asked. "You haven't been with either one. I have and I like both."

"Let's just say I get all melty inside looking at a hot dude, and I don't get near the tingle looking at a woman," I answered.

"If you ever change your mind, Brooke, you know where to find us," Suki said.

"When you go put your regular clothes back on," Tiffany said, "put this on." She handed me the Vibe she'd given me as a gift. "It will stay put and you can try it out. One of the advantages of this little gadget is it can be used anywhere. It's very quiet. Just make sure you push on this little bump after you have it inserted. It's what turns it on and allows the remote to work."

"I don't know if I should, Tiffany. It almost breaks my no sex rule."

"Nonsense. You'll be dressed. No one will be touching you and you won't be losing your cherry, so give it a try."

I pondered for a moment. "Okay. I'll give it a shot." I hugged her. "Thanks for the party. This was really sweet of you."

"That's what BFF's are for," Tiffany said, hugging me back.

I went into the bedroom again and took off the swimsuit. Looking at the little vibrator again, I almost reconsidered putting it on, then decided I was amongst friends, so what the hell. I sat down on the bed and I thought I might need some lube or something to get the one end in my vagina, but upon touching myself, I was still remarkably wet from earlier and it slipped in rather easily. I adjusted the other side over my clit. It wasn't uncomfortable being inside me. I found the bump and depressed it. Nothing happened and I wondered if I'd pressed it hard enough when I remembered the remote control probably turned it off and on once the button was pressed, so I left it alone and put on the rest of my clothes. I joined everyone else and took another sip of wine.