Blackmailed for Party


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The drink orders faded, but it looks like most of the partygoers had paired off. It wasn't quite boy-girl. He saw two guys entertaining a girl he was introduced to as Mandy and Christina was having her own little sorority meeting in the corner with several girls. A few guys were watching appreciatively, but sooner or later someone would come for one of girls. Greg thought about leaving, but as he leaned against the bar his legs weren't cooperating the way he thought they should. He was feeling a little drunk, but he hadn't had anything to drink. It dawned on him that they had managed to feed him something when Bree and Beck came by, neither wearing any clothing anymore. "Come on Greg, time to have some fun yourself."

The positioned him on his knees outside the bar and Bree pressed her pussy to his face as Beck slid under his ass and took his cock in her mouth. He wasn't hard right away and vaguely added that to why he was feeling off-kilter. He almost balked at Bree's cunt until she grabbed his head and pulled him to her. "Remember the pictures Greg!"

The reason he tried to back away was that her cunt was already full of cum, and not his! Some other guy had spunked in her and she wanted him to eat it. The mouth on his cock and the hand squeezing his balls multiplied his confusion. He ate her, but not to orgasm, just enough to suck down the cum from her pussy. When he was done she kissed him and thanked him. "Now I can go back for more and not worry about getting all sloppy with cum!"

Behind her was Glenda, her pussy inflamed from sex and another load of cum for him. He heard the word spreading, "He loves cream pie!" Some of the girls got excited, but some of the guys weren't. He got pulled into the center of the large living room and kept getting wet, creamy cunts put to his mouth. Each cunt licked ended with a kiss that got messier as the night went on. He got dizzier and soon needed help staying on his knees. At that point they just laid him on his back and kept up putting cummy cunts on his face. He felt a pussy wrap around his own cock and there seemed to be a break in the action he looked and saw Denise fucking him through his blurry vision.

Beck was kneeling next to him. "She is a real slut as she showed me all fucking afternoon. I thought she would be the perfect person to help relive your own frustrations."

Denise came on his cock just as he came into her. It was too late, he was to far gone. She fucked like a woman possessed and he responded as best he could. In the background he could hear clicks and see flashes of light, but whatever they had given him was interfering with his thought processes. Denise even kissed and licked his cum covered face.

After than the night was a blur. Pussy was all there was, but it was all he could do to keep up with it. He had no idea how many times he had swallowed but he felt full and a little sick to his stomach. He was left for a while on the floor, exhausted and covered in cum while the party continued around him.

Then nearing 3 he felt something near his mouth and he opened it by reflex. A cock pushed it and he found himself sucking his first cock.

He got pulled up onto his hands and knees and he heard chanting. "Go, Go, Go." Like he was at a football game, he opened his eyes, barely able to see because of the combination of dried and wet come on his face. Denise cleaned his face and he could see she had done her own share of eating cock and pussy tonight. She smiled and kissed his cheek, and then he saw what was in front of him. A young, of course, athletic guy with a very large cock whose head was already in his mouth and the guy was pushing to put more in. Greg tried to pull back but there were people on each side of him holding him in place. He just didn't have the will to resist after so many hours of oral service. The cock pushed in, almost making him gag and the chant changed, "Suck it, Suck it, Suck it."

Denise got under him and took his cock in her mouth. She was also playing with his balls and worked a slippery finger into his ass. He felt like it wasn't really happening to him, like he was watching from the outside. Denise kept fucking his asshole with a finger in time with the guy pushing his cock in and out of his mouth. Glenda knelt down. "You have no fucking idea how hot you look like that. I promised you a little guy on guy action. I did lie a little bit, there are no gay guys in the frat, but several are bi because they know how hot it makes us."

He should have expected it when the chant changed again. "Fuck him, Fuck him, Fuck him" and he felt something larger than Denise's finger pressed against his asshole. Denise was still swallowing his cock and the one in his mouth was getting bigger. He knew exactly what was about to happen, but was powerless to stop it. His mind was muddled, but not enough so he didn't know that he was about to swallow cum right from the source. The guy came with surprising force, making him gag, some dripped down onto Denise's belly. "Swallow, Swallow, Swallow" filled the air as he tried to handle the volume of cum hitting his mouth.

As the cock pulled out, spraying his face, he collapsed down on Denise's belly; mindless of putting his face in the sperm he had missed swallowing. He tried to collapse completely, but he was still supported below the waist and the cock in his ass was going faster and faster, it hurt, but no one seemed to care.

He was lifted back up and another cock was presented to him. Without any argument he opened his mouth and sucked it quickly. He never saw the look of victory on Bree's face as she high-fived Glenda, Beck, and Christina.

Denise got back up and a guy replaced her under Greg. After the next cock in his mouth came, his face was pushed down into a 69 with another guy as his ass was still being punished. Denise went over the kissed Beck and then the others. Christina took her upstairs to spend the night. At the top of the stairs Christina took one last picture of the scene below her. Greg was locking into 69 with one guy, 4 more were standing over then puling on their cocks, three more had already cum on them, while Jake, the largest cock on campus was oiling his meat to finish breaking in poor Greg. Christina shuddered for a second, remembering her own initiation and having Jake in her pussy. She couldn't imagine having him up her ass. Bree waved a kiss at the departing girls while the rest stood on the outside taking pictures.

Party Aftermath

Greg woke up on the kitchen floor. He had no idea how he got there, but someone tossed a cold pan of water on him, forcing him to wake up. Sitting in front of him were his 4 judges. It was morning, fairly early. They were still naked, but much cleaner than they had been last night. He was a fucking wreck. He could barely stand, his stomach was hurting, his jaw felt dislocated, the burning in his ass made hemorrhoids downright pleasant.

"Time to get up Greg," Bree said in a tired voice.

Greg sat on the floor. Glenda handed him another pan and a cloth. "I suggest you clean up a little before you go back to your hotel. It's early on a Sunday, so you probably won't get much notice, still you can't be too careful.

"Careful--after last night?"

"Oh relax. We are all clean, that's the only requirement to come to one of our parties. The other girls were amazed at your stamina. You impressed a lot of people last night! And Jake, the captain of our football team thinks you have a hot ass!"

Greg flushed and started to get up.

"Don't get crappy now, Greg. You fulfilled your part of the bargain. Each of the girls was holding their phones and pulled out the batteries." "As you can see, all memories erased."

"What about the stuff taken last night?"

"Oh I don't think you have to worry about that. In the crush of the bodies, I am sure some people have a keepsake, but nothing that would hurt you. By the way, Beck, I told you to take her home yesterday."

"I tried, but like Greg discovered, she is a real sexy little slut."

"If Debbie finds out, you are a dead girl!"

Throughout this discussion, Glenda just smiled at him. "Go on girls, I'll see he gets off OK.

She got down on the floor with him and sponged off the physical remains from last night. His hair was matted and no amount of cold water was going to do much. But she got it off his skin and even tenderly cleaned his ass and cock. She took him in her mouth one last time, but it hurt to bad; he was totally raw,

"You were great last night, Greg! You really should be proud of yourself."

"It's over, right?"

"As long as you want it to be, you will always be welcome back for another round if you want." She helped him get dressed, in clothes that smelled of beer and whatever else. Here is my email address, if you need it. Just try and remember the fun stuff. You got to eat so much pussy! I know Bree really figured you for the four of us, but once the other girls saw how much you liked it, they wouldn't leave you be. To a woman they were complimenting you on your tongue!"

"And the guys?"

"OK, that one did take me off guard, but you seemed into it. Well anyway, it happened and we all had fun. Now you get to go home and be a straight family man, but you have one hell of a memory for the rest of your life!"

She helped him out to his car, making sure he had his wallet, keys, and everything else. She kissed him again and sent him on his way.

He tried to forget, but the image of a smiling Glenda kept interrupting his dreams. While some aspects were painful, Glenda was sweet! He spent another week in Alabama before going home. On his last night he came back up to his hotel and found Glenda in his bed.

"I forgot to mention it; I stole one of your card keys."

She was naked and in his bed. "Come on, I know you are leaving tomorrow. I thought I could leave you with one last taste of Alabama."

"Does Bree know you are here?"

"Fuck no! This is just for me! Now come here and let me check and see if you are all healed from your little adventure."

He hesitated.

"I could call Jake and see if he wants to 'see' you again? He has been over twice and asked about you. He really liked your ass!"

Greg stood there, not sure what he should do. He did lock the door and check the bathroom. Yes, they were alone. He stripped and got into bed with her. She was gentle as she took him in her mouth. The raw feeling was gone and her warm mouth instantly reminded him of the other night. She sucked him hard but then surprised him by rolling over."

"Doggie again?"

"No," she said handing him a small tube. "Do my ass, only lube it up good!"

His cock throbbed as he kissed her beautiful ass again and complied with her desires. Her ass felt tighter than Denise's pussy, the pussy that got him into all this. "No, that's not true; my own cock got me in trouble, at my age I should have been able to walk away." He dropped that thought as he enjoyed Glenda one final time.

Home, finally

Greg flew home and for the next couple of weeks pretended to be suffering a cold, knowing his family would keep their distance. This gave the last few marks on his body time to heal, particularly the fucking hicky Glenda left on his ass. He also was terribly afraid that something else might have been there so he picked a new doctor and got checked out for anything unusual, fortunately Bree's comment about being clean was correct. So after 3 or so weeks things had returned to pretty normal, well for the most part. Greg was still troubled by dreams of a smiling Glenda and a frowning Bree and the mental image of a huge cock moving toward his face that just wouldn't let go.

For the most part it was OK because he had sex on the brain more than he had in recent years. The immediate recipient was his wife who found little to complain about. It wasn't their sex life was bad, but for some reason he couldn't stop thinking about what happened, the good and the bad parts.

The good parts made him horny and the bad parts made him mad, not necessarily the best combination. The fact they slipped him something really ticked him off! He never considered himself a dirty old man, but now every girl he looked at made him think of someone he tasted at Bree's party.

After the clean bill of health and some time and space he relaxed more and fell back into a routine of life. He was still a bit obsessed with sex and started spending more time on the computer in the late evenings. His wife might have seen it as a relief after a while because she couldn't even bend over to pick something up and not find him pushing against her ass.

One day an email popped in from Glenda. Just a little 'hi and how are you doing' type of email. It was sweet. He thought about not responding, but she was still on his mind a lot. They started an email or two a week and then met in chat once in a while. She shared with him some of the photos other people had taken a the party and there was one super clear one of him laying on the floor, cum drenched face and chest, Denise riding his cock, and another cock coming on her. If it wasn't for how clearly his face could be seen it would have been arousing, as it was it frightened him. Glenda seemed to mean well and no mention of blackmail or other threats. She sent a few more, but of other people at the party. He did get a laugh at seeing Bree stuffed in three holes; he just wished she had choked on it. There were two of Glenda, one of her riding him and another of her smiling face. He was so out of it for most of the party he didn't even realize she had gotten on him.

It brought back the nervousness, but it also made him feel . . . different. As awful and expensive as much of the party was, there were parts he had to admit he enjoyed. Eating his own cum out of a pussy was a particular pleasure because the girl who took his virginity did that with him. He just had never tasted another male sperm, at least not knowingly. At college he might have, but again, never knowingly.

Glenda and he would run into each other about once a week on chat and he always left those sessions with a smile and a woody.

Greg gets mad

Three months after his trip to Alabama Greg found something very unusual. There was a website someone told him about,, an erotica website for people to post and read stories of all types. He added it to his bookmarks and one evening he went there and was reading all sorts of stories. Much of the writing was perfunctory sex, but a lot of it was quality. Stories that made him excited, sometimes sad, sometimes left him shaking his head in disbelief.

Once section caught his eye, Reluctance/Non-Consent And he was looking down the list of newly posted stories and saw one called "Sorority Party" It was described as "Older man gets coerced into putting on a party for a whole sorority and ends up doing things he never dreamt of."

Intrigued he clicked the link and was absolutely horrified. It was to close a description of what happened to him. He scanned the story and realized that some of the names were all different and some of the high-level details were changed, but everything else was there.

He read the story partly though and almost lost his lunch at the descriptions of what the main character had gone through. In many ways it came across as much more brutal than what he remembered. The cruelty was more on display and there was very little about the kindness of Glenda.

He read it carefully and realized there were a lot of differences as well as similarities. Some could be explained by someone trying to hide details, but others were glaringly different. The physical descriptions of the girls were dead on, easily bringing to his mind Denise, Bree, Christina, Beck and Glenda. But the description of him was miles off. This guy was shorter in all aspects, a swimmer not a runner, and sounded like he had a pretty belligerent attitude. This story took place not at the track but at the college pool. A very young girl, seduces a businessman there for a seminar. They are busted by camera wielding sorority sisters. The party took place at a remote lake cabin and went a full three days. The man apparently fought back more than Greg had and needed to be restrained. It cost him a lot more money too, alcohol and food for three days, plus more in the drug department. And the things they had him do made Greg's party a walk in the park. The more he read those descriptions the more real the party had become and on one hand he realized how much worse it could have been for him. On the other hand, had they done this before or since his trip? At least in the sorority house near a street he could have made some sort of escape. But thinking harder, he was more compliant than the guy described in the story. He didn't fight back hard, Glenda being decent helped there. By the time the more objectionable stuff happened during the party, he was drugged and a bunch of pics of him screwing Denise had been taken so if he had tried anything they would have either blackmailed him more, or even tied him up. He was in no shape to fight back and the story clearly describes how the athletes of the brother fraternity made sure the guy didn't go anywhere. Greg shivered as he realized how bad it could have become.

The story also told of much more abuse of Denise, called Debbie here. It looked like they tried to use the threat of rape of the young girl to control him, but he didn't seem to care, so they took much stronger measures. No bartending, He spent the first part of the party tied to a table and was pretty much ignored.

Shit, a needle! They injected him with something rather than feeding it in food or drink, or at least that's how Greg thought they drugged him.

The sex was rougher and dirtier; they really seemed to enjoy degrading him with more than just cum filled pussy and cocks. God, if Bree had gone shopping with him, he might have found himself in a similar situation because Glenda seemed to be a calming influence!

The author's profile was for a male in the Southwest. For just a second Greg thought maybe it was really one of the sorority girls posting a fictional account of how she saw the party. If still could be fiction, but re-reading the physical descriptions of the 5 girls made him think not. They were too close, and it included Denise's outie of a belly button and Bree's sardonic comments. This guy has been where I thought I had thought I been the only one.

The Literotica site didn't show his email address, but it did give his Chat user id. Greg checked out the chat profile and saw a picture of the guy. He was just what the story described! Greg also sent a chat request, an offline, from his blank chat account with a hotmail e-mail address,, the nearest thing to anonymous he could come up with on the spur of the moment.

Greg actually had two chat ID's one he used personally, it included his picture and a brief bio. The other was a secondary ID, but no pic or details. This is the one he used for more risqué chat rooms. Several days later while in the middle of a chat session with Glenda; Greg received an email from the stories author. They arranged a chat session for the next evening.

He said goodnight early to Glenda, too afraid of revealing something he had learned. She shared a few more pics, but nothing of him in a compromising position. She was keeping things very light and easy with him. How could such a sweet person get roped into all of this? He kept trying to ask, but she would evade every question on those lines. She did talk about sex and sex with him in particular. She shared a little of herself, but not enough to really get to know her better. Some days it felt like a real conversation, other days it felt like she was just . . . not really there. It was hard to explain.