Blackmailed for Party


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Nervous, Greg booted up his machine in time for his chat session with John, the author of the Literotica story.

"Hi John, this is Greg, the guy who emailed you in Literotica."

"Hi. So you liked the story?"

"Not really, it is very similar to something that happened to me and it got me curious."

"Really? Well if it did, I wouldn't be surprised. I figured out a long time ago those bitches had done this before. Hang on, I want to make sure who I am talking to, do you have a web cam?

"No, sorry."

"OK, we need to talk on the phone. One of my worries is one of the bitches reads the story and starts hassling me again. They helped break up my marriage and forced me to move to get away from their harassment."

"John, I am not sure I am ready to talk too openly yet."

"Shit, OK, here is my cell. You can call me. I want to hear a male voice, but before I go into details, I want your land line to know you aren't in Alabama."

Crap, his story didn't mention the place. He had been there with the same girls! "Fuck it, my land line is ###-###-####. Call now. You mentioned Alabama, now I am convinced."

On the phone John gave Greg pretty much the same story as he had written.

"I still need to be sure before I tell you the things I left out. I'm going to send you a part if a pic, see if anyone looks familiar."

Greg downloads the file and sees instantly Bree kissing Denise. He sees John in the background, on a table. "John, that's Denise and Bree the ringleader."


"John, what? Did you think I was kidding you?"

"No, Greg, not you. The little girl was the one who suckered me at the pool with the same fucking story when she got me. Her older sister was a pledge; she was staying in the dorm with her. We got bullshitted really good, Greg!"


" Did they drug you?"

"Yea, slipped it into some food or my soft drink. I think this BBQ food server helped them."


I relayed my story in more detail. He disagreed with me about Bree's role, saying she tried to mediate when he fought back. This other girl was the bitch pushing things. He sent Greg another picture. "Glenda! She was the one trying to keep me calm and has acted like a real nice girl who just loved to fuck."

"She was the one who came up with the idea for the party. It was a Friday morning for me and the party went three nights. She was a stone cold bitch. Bree kept trying to calm things down until I was drugged. Bree even emails me today, I just refuse to respond.

"FUCK Me! John, ever hear good cop, bad cop?"


"I think we got played even more than we knew. Glenda had sex with me in my hotel before the party. She was the one who acted nice and sweet and emails and chats with me today. Bree tried to do that with you. I think they have refined their game plan to get guys more involved until it's too late. I didn't fight nearly as much as you did and one reason was Glenda. If you were more cooperative, I bet Bree would have been a real sweetheart to you."

"That makes sense. I bet they do this pretty regularly with the different girls playing the roles. All except for sweet little Denise who seems to be the hook."

Son-of-a-bitch! Greg's anger started burning.

Greg wants to get even

Greg took two weeks vacation time and told his wife it was another business trip. With all that happened he still had no idea how to tell her not only what happened, but how he, and some friends, were going to deal with it. He pulled some cash out of savings and headed south again. Luckily he remembered where the sorority house was, and in thinking about it, it was pretty far off campus. Maybe it wasn't a 'real' college house, but that didn't matter. He took a corner parking spot where he could watch the house. It was the middle of the AAMU semester and his view of the driveway paid off shortly. A small Honda with Bree and Glenda pulled in. Bree said something and Glenda smacked her arm in play. They looked like two perfectly ordinary college kids. Denise and several other girls came out a few minutes later.

He buried his anger deep and continued observing the house from behind heavily tinted windows. On his third day observing, his phone rang. It was time.

Greg watched from the corner as a white van pulled up in front of the house. It was early enough that most of the house was empty. He knew Glenda, Bree, and Denise were still inside. He watched two people get out of the van. He was surprised, only expecting one. Just as they got out, several girls left the house. He saw Bree and Denise with them. He lifted up his camera and zoomed in. Cydne, as expected, and Tracy, Rob's neighbor. "Interesting, I guess they changed plans after I headed down."

Cyd looked toward him and then she pulled a clipboard out and they went towards the door.

With the theme song for "Mission Impossible" playing in her mind, Cydne knocked on the door twice. Tracy was calmer than she was, but then nothing ever seemed to get her uptight. Cyd was nervous because what she was about to do was totally illegal. What she helped Rob with recently might have become against the law, but it turned out not to be necessary (Referencing Conversations with Amy story). This time she was in the thick of it. They planned well and premised it with an email to the whole sorority. If they spoofed things right they should be expecting us.

The door opened and a slightly sleepy looking girl, Cyd recognized her as Glenda, looked out at them and said hello. She saw Tracy and perked up just a touch.

"Hi, I'm Sue and this is Jan, we're here to do the network upgrade before the next semester?"

"Oh yea, I saw an email. You need access to the house?"

"Some of it is software on campus, but some of it are hardware upgrades for the hard-wire points."

"OK, about how long?"

"You are?"

"Oh, I'm Glenda. I'm playing den mother for the week with our usual one on vacation."

"Hi Glenda, Cyd shook her hand. I'm pleased to meet you." Tracy also stuck out her hand and Glenda held it a touch longer. Cyd thought to herself, "Rob is such a great student of human nature. Tracy was exactly what Glenda needed to be slightly off balance. I was worried about risking her, but Rob was right again. I better never play him in poker; he'd have me naked even if it wasn't a strip poker game."

Glenda opened the door wide and let them in. They stood in the foyer for a few minutes and went over the details.

"OK, the house is pretty empty, but there are a few girls here. So knock carefully before you go into a room. I'm so glad the IT department sent women, sometimes the guys get so stupid."

"I know how that feels."

"It's my first time in a sorority, I love this house!" Tracy gushed, a little too much for Cyd's taste. But it looked like Glenda ate it up.

"I'll give you a tour later, will you have time?"

"It should take just a couple of hours."

"Sue, we aren't due to the other house until 1, we have plenty of time."

"Good so you aren't rushed. So do your thing, I'm going to get cleaned up and when you get done I will show Jan here the rest of the house."

"Sounds good!"

Glenda left them to their own devices and they got quickly to work. Three devices in the main room and a quick scan told them which rooms they would put the rest. A quick trip to the attic, where they added some more equipment and they finished in only 20 minutes. The devices were set, now to test, but first.

"Glenda, there you are." Jan found her in the kitchen.

"Hi Jan, want some coffee?"

"I would love some!" She poured herself a cup and sat next to the college girl.

"What about your partner?"

"Sue is busy with a check. She didn't need me so I decided to do some exploring." She turned and her knee touched Glenda's thigh.

Glenda almost choked on her coffee, but caught herself. Jan was certainly sexy enough, but she had to leave shortly. Little did she know that Jan knew her schedule as well as she did, courtesy of Greg.

"Jan, I have to go in a bit, I'm afraid I won't be available for your tour. But you can come back anytime you want for it!"


"Really! So nothing between you and your partner there?"

"Oh she's great, but straight. I had a good feeling when I saw you looking at my boobs that you weren't as straight."

"Not me!"

As the words left her mouth, Tracy kissed her! Glenda's mind went twang as Tracy's tongue pushed in forcibly. In a few seconds Tracy had her lying on the kitchen table and was frenching her mouth while pushing her thigh up between the sorority girl's legs. Glenda wasn't resisting, in fact she was pushing back as hard as she could with her hips. She got close to an orgasm and Cyd walked into the kitchen.

"Why you little slut!" She exclaimed.

Tracy jumped up, now oblivious to a very excited Glenda on the table. "Sue, I can explain."

"I don't want to hear it. Look you want to be gay, fine, but you can get us both fired for screwing around on the job! Get your ass off that girl!"

She got down while Glenda got up on her elbows. "Sue, trust me, it was mutual."

"I guessed that from feeling the vibes at the door. But there is a time and place for everything and if one of your other sisters came in she might raise a ruckus and then Jan and I might be unemployed."

"So you work for IT?"

"Contractors actually for this job, we do good and we can be eligible for more work. But if this little slut gets busted it cooks my business."

"You call her a slut?"

"Hell yea, after what I caught her doing on another job, I don't really give a shit what she does, but she doesn't do it on my time!"

"How about off the clock? We're planning a party in a couple of weeks; I would like you both to attend?"

"Jan in a house full of horny women, no thanks!"

"Trust me; there will be enough cock for you."

"No thanks, I prefer my nights on the quieter side. Jan, you can go, just no front page stories. I will fire you if my business suffers."

"OK Sue."

"In the meantime, we have to scoot. Got a call from the help desk, we have to go check out a network issue. So long Glenda."

They shook hands very professionally, but Glenda feels the warmth of her hand and suddenly wished Sue had been the one kissing her. Jan hugs her goodbye and kisses her neck while Sue watches amused. Then Sue does a small thing out of character and purses her lips and blows Glenda a kiss. "Maybe Sue isn't as straight as Jan thinks?" She thought watching them go down the walk. "I wonder if the two of them . . . no, best not go there. But that would be a nice mental image the next time I'm alone and need to take things in my own hands. Sue was a knockout; I just don't think I saw her clearly after super-sexy and pushy Jan got my attention."

The deed is done

At the door of the van Cyd gave Greg a small thumbs-up sign that made him release a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. He waited several minutes and pulled away, heading for the airport and home.

Cyd and Tracy fell into bed in their hotel room. "She was such a sexy handful! It was hard remembering what a bitch she was to Greg."

"I know, I would have been tempted myself, but I saw the pics that guy John sent to Greg and read the online story. I don't feel much of anything for her and her friends."

"Well, she made me horny!"

"Everything makes you horny, you slut!"

"God, when you called me that, I thought I was going to cream all over her thigh. You came in at the right moment, another few minutes and she woulda been eating me, and interrupting would have been out of the question!" She said stripping off her top.

Cyd smiled, knowing sexual spontaneity was one of Tracy's attractions.

"Well, get naked, my little slut." She said swatting Tracy's hip. She pushed Tracy toward the bed while she got something out of her bag. Trace stripped and spun as she flew onto the bed, ending on her back. Her beautiful eyes opened wide as she saw what was in Cyd's hand.

"Where did you get that?"

"Amy lent it to me; she said it would keep you in line."

"It'll take more than Amy's favorite toy to keep me in line."

The bathroom door opened and a very sexy voice said, "Can I help?"

Trace practically levitated her body up and at Amy. "AMY!"

She hit Amy like a cruise missile, pushing an equally naked Amy back into the bathroom. Cydne heard a rattle of a shower curtain and a short cry telling her they fell into the tub. Tracy's sheer exuberance was another of her qualities that attracted Cydne so strongly.

She was tempted to go in and turn on the cold water, but she remembered the last time Amy and Tracy got revenge on her. She smiled a lascivious smile and headed to the bath sans clothing and holding a 9 inch toy attached to a harness.

She found pretty much what she expected. Amy bent over the side of the tub, Trace tonguing and kissing her from behind. Cyd closed the door and eyed Tracey's find behind as she strapped on Amy's toy.

Trace squealed into Amy's pussy as Cyd sank to toy in. The nub on the base hit her just right, explaining why Amy liked this toy so much. She slowly fucked Tracey with it, watching the black toy go in and out of that pink pussy, her asshole practically cried out for her wet thumb. In moments it was a race as to which one of them would cum first. Cyd wasn't sure who was first, but they went off pretty close as a group. She heard the shower come on as she got up from the floor and knew things were about to get nice and wet.

A tired, but happy trio came out of a bathroom where the only dry spot was under the toilet lid, and that wasn't because of a lack of trying!

Cyd called the desk for more towels and when she hung up the phone rang. "Hi Rob . . . yes, Tracy was surprised . . . all set . . . tomorrow . . . he's heading back now . . . IP is . . . no, we've been busy . . . hell yea . . .

There was a knock at the door. "Maid service with more towels." Amy opened the door and the maid stepped, the came to a halt when she realized that there were three naked ladies there.

Amy took the towels from her arms. "Thanks, we sorta got carried away in the bathroom." She turned and looked in and saw the water dripping.

"I guess you surely did."

"We'll mop it up."

"Thank you. My cart'll be outside, just toss 'em in the bin. Please don't leave 'em on the floor, if you don't mind."

"Thank you and we certainly shall."

She took one last look around the room. Tracy was laying across the bed, in her glory! Her hair still wet. Cydne, standing and talking on the phone, her nipples tightening in the cooler air from the air conditioner. Amy standing next to her. In all her years she had seen some wild things, but these three might be the wildest. Maybe her daughter telling her that she was gay wasn't nearly as bad as she thought?

She left and Amy smiled. She thought that the maid might freak a little, but that calm, very self-possessed lady took it all in stride.

" . . . We're going to log in and load up the web page. You'll be able to flick from cam to cam. Make sure the DVR is loaded to start recording. The only downside is the cams aren't motion sensitive and only one has low-light capability . . . OK, we'll see you tomorrow. Bye Robbie!"

Amy and Tracy added their goodbyes as Cyd hung up.

"So little more work and we can get some sleep." Tracy opened her legs and stroked her inner thigh while looking at Amy. Aim smiles at Cyd and says "Sleep?"

Revenge is a dish, best served cold

Glenda sat in her room, eyeing the sealed boxes that soon will be on there way back to her family. The rest of the house was already empty. Good because she couldn't face them again. They refused to believe that she was as lost and befuddled as they were. First the busted party! They might have been able to talk their way out of it if the cops hadn't found the E!

Glenda straddled the current victim while Denise emptied another cream pie on his face. She was glad she didn't have to see the asshole again after tonight. It was Beck's turn to play nice and Chis' to be the bitch. She got to spend her whole afternoon with Denise, and a whole afternoon with D was worth it, god that girl was hornier than any guy and much more depraved. All that deviltry in as sweet and innocent a package that existed on Earth!

A loud crash got her attention and suddenly there were uniforms in the room cops and campus security. Bree was talking fast and for a moment Glenda was sure it was over, that they had busted in on a private party and advertising that fact wouldn't do anyone any good! Then the lone lady cop found the bag of E and things spiraled out of control. If the mark had just kept his fucking mouth shut, but Beck's plan to blame the drugs on him backfired when he sobered up and blew the whole thing. That was the first time they made the news!

"In some ways I guess I can't blame him, they were threatening him with drug possession charges based on Beck's statements. I don't think they bought the whole story, until the drug test showed someone coked him and he wasn't on E. Beck got busted on lying in a statement." Then they found video on Denise's camera phone and we made the news for the second time, the national news!

Greg took his newly minted DVD of the CNN report over to Rob's to share. He joined a much larger group than he realized when he had asked Wit for his advice. He looked around the room at Rob and his wife Brenda, Amy and her husband Dave, Tracey sitting in Cydne's lap, Jessie sitting on Wit's, Donna and her girl friend Suzi snuggled together on the floor, Wit's friend Gem and three others introduced as Nadine, Ronnie, and Sue, who was who was pretty fuzzy, but he finally got the whole story about Joanie and John moving (chronicled in 'Conversations with Amy'), most of how Wit and Jessie got together ('What a man needs') -- although from the side glances there were parts of that story left out, and Donna's ex Frank getting busted ('Conversations with Donna'). There was cheering throughout the report, so without any further ado, he played it a second time.

The report started about the original complaint. Apparently an anonymous source called the cops and told them about the partying and drug in the house. Then the report got into the blackmail and drugging angle and really went to town. Many of the girls were identified by name and Greg got especially happy when he saw they got them all!

At the end of the report's third run through, Greg reached in his pocket for his newest purchase. A prepaid with cash cell phone, virtually untraceable. The room got quiet.

"Hello, I'd like to speak to whatever reporter is handling the stories on those sorority girls."

A pause.

"Yes, I have some information."

A longer pause.


"No, I'm not willing to answer questions. I came across something you need to see." He gave them the IP address. "You'll see what I mean."

When he hung up the group applauded him and he bowed. Cydne and Tracey also took a bow and so did Jessie who's thought up this little brainstorm.

Glenda looked down again, her anger and confusion evident to anyone who knew her. A website, a fucking website with live cameras showing everything in the house. Run off the school's network. Who did it? Who was making money off it? Her sisters, now her former sisters, blamed her. Then the school came down hard on them and that might have blown over, but that website! OMG, how long had someone been watching them? At first she didn't believe it, until she went to that site. She hit a few clicks and saw herself looking at herself in real-fucking-time. OMG! Then campus security came knocking and the University president wanted to talk to all the seniors about it. The evidence, all the evidence, the emails in her school account she never saw and the requests for membership -- complete with credit card information was the straw that drove her sisters away. Even Bree and Denise, who were involved from the start, turned their backs on her. No one would listen, they think she's been doing it for 3 years and pocketing a nice bankroll.