"Blank Paper"


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He picked up his knife and fork and proceeded to cut up his sausage. So, he thought, I better make sure she gets home alive. He looked over at Candace as he popped a piece of sausage in his mouth.

"Spfie," said Justin. "Nach dem Frühstück. Lassen Sie uns zu unserer Kabine Gegenleistung für ein Nickerchen." (Sophie, after breakfast. Let us return to our cabin for a nap.)

Candice looked up at him. There was a slight smile upon her lips. Her eyes were soft. "Danke, Karl"


Justin glanced up and down the passage. Empty! It was lunchtime and most of the passengers would be eating. Candace was meeting with Major Gustav Striner for a private lunch, while her husband had an early afternoon nap.

He quickly moved to the door with 340 on it. Using another of the keys he had manufactured from the blocks of wax, which Candace had provided, Justin had several new keys. He tried one of two keys, which looked similar to his own cabin key. No luck. He quickly fitted the second key into the lock and it turned.

He opened the door and quickly slipped inside closing the door behind him and then locked it. He reached for the light switch and in the sudden brilliance he found himself looking down at a blood soaked corpse.

He backed up against the door. He had his gun drawn and pointed towards the far door, which he knew led to a bedroom and bath. "Crap!" he muttered, taking a deep breath.

He listened carefully. Yet he heard nothing. He carefully stepped around the body and checked first the bedroom then the bath. The bed was neatly made and the bathroom was perfectly set with clean towels.

He tucked the gun away. Then moved back to the front room.

After a few moments he took another look at the body. The bare chested man was sprawled on the floor in the middle of a very large bloodstain. Justin carefully moved to stand by the body, staying away from the bloodstain. He knelt down on one knee.

Even with the several cuts to the face and neck Justin recognized Striner. The silver handled SS Dagger was stuck prominently into his lower chest. "Some jealous husband, Gustav?" questioned Justin. "Huh?"

Yet from the angle and the placement of the dagger, Justin doubted that it was a jealous husband. The wound was too precise. It had been a killing strike.

He touched the man's neck. The skin was cold. "Hum. Herr SS Officer. Seems you've been dead for some time. Who would want you dead?" wondered Justin. He snorted. "A lot of people."

The sound of the lock being turned caught his ear. He reached for his weapon.

He turned as the door opened. All he saw was the outline of a large man framed by the doorway. "Vat ist dis?"

Justin never had time to get up before the man knocked him to the floor. He began to get up when he was kicked in the ribs and he was flipped onto his back. As the man advanced on him, Justin pulled out the handgun.

A well-aimed kick numbed his wrist and the gun flew across the room.

With a hard kick of his own, Justin caught the advancing man straight on to the man's right knee. It gave with a resounding crunching sound and the man collapsed to the floor half on him. The German grabbed Justin by the neck in a powerful grip and squeezed.

Justin could not breath and grabbed at the other man's hands. He could not break free. The German was too strong. He struggled and thrashed about looking for his gun. It was out of reach.

He could feel a darkness beginning to creep upon him.

In desperation Justin looked the other way.

There! he thought.

The cabin door opened behind them.

The big German turned his head to see who had entered.

It was enough for Justin who threw out his arm and grabbed the silver handled dagger. It slid out easily.

The big German looked back in time to see the flash of steel as Justin plunged the dagger deeply into the side of the German's neck. The long blade went through the neck. It's bloody point sticking out the far side.

The hands released Justin and he drew in a ragged breath as he rolled and pushed his opponent off of him to the floor as the wide-eyed German fumbled at the knife and his neck. Justin moved and got to his feet, watching the German.

The German stared up at him. In moments there was a long rattle exhale of breath. The German's eyes rolled into the back of his head and his struggles ceased.

"Damn it, Haywood!" came an angry female voice.

Justin tensed as he looked over and saw Candace glaring at him.

"I can't leave you alone for a moment." She planted her fists on her hips and tapped her foot. "Do you have to kill everyone?"

The End

Chapter Three

"Blank Paper"




"Blank Paper"



Chapter Four of Six

"Blank Paper"

"Damn it, Haywood," came an angry female voice.

Justin tensed as he looked over and saw Candace glaring at him.

"I can't leave you alone for a moment." She planted her fists on her hips and tapped her foot. "Do you have to kill everyone?"

Justin slowly relaxed and sat down at the small desk and looked down at the two dead Germans. Breathing heavy, he sighed. "Candace."

With her purse Candace angrily gestured at the bodies. "I never had a chance to talk with him." She crossed her arms in front of her. "Gustav was late and his Aide went looking for him. I followed." She looked back at Justin. "So why kill him?"

"He was trying to kill me," muttered Justin, rubbing his throat.

"Not his Aide. Striner!"

"He was dead when I got here," explained Justin.

Candace tilted her head and just looked at him.

"He was dead," insisted Justin.

Candace moved over and sat beside him on the edge of the desk. "Really? He was at breakfast."

"He's been dead for some time," stated Justin.

"How long?" asked Candace.

"He is cold," replied Justin. "And very dead."

Candace nodded. "More than three hours then." She turned to him. "So who do you think killed him?"

"Someone who is good with a knife," replied Justin as he rubbed a hand across his face. "Someone whom he would not be dressed for."

Candace suggested, "Caught in the act. Perhaps a jealous husband."

Justin sighed, shaking his head. "He never had a chance. And he was stabbed with his own dagger." He could feel his strength returning as he pointed at the dead SS officer. "Look at him. He was carved up before he was stabbed."

"Someone well skilled with a knife," offered Candace.

Justin nodded. "Yes."

"Who then?" demanded Candace.

"Berta," muttered Justin, thinking of his last rendezvous with the lovely German Agent. "She's very good with the blade."

Candace looked at Stiener then at Justin and scowled. "Hillgarde! She hardly seems the type."

"You've seen her?"

"She was at the tea yesterday. A perfect lady."

"A perfect bitch," muttered Justin.

Candace slapped his arm.

"Well she is."

Candace slapped his arm again.

Justin sighed heavily, blocking out past memories. He looked up at her. "She's more than capable."

"With a knife?" asked Candace.

Still looking at her, Justin said, "She is quite skilled with a blade. And very fast."

Candace looked at him questionably.

"Trust me," said Justin. "I know." He looked at her for a long moment. "She's the one who gave me the scars on my back."

Nodding slowly, "Oh!" Candace stated, "I will not underestimate her. At Tea she appeared to be a Lady of High Class."

"I thought so at first."

Candace again looked at him questionably.

Justin asked, "What?"

"When and where?"

"Last year in Berlin," explained Justin. "I was looking for the stolen helium plans. Somehow she tracked me down. Then she introduced me to her blade."

Candace asked softly, "How did you get away?"

Justin snorted. "I kicked her ... in the crotch."

Candace stood up and stared down at him. "Justin! Ouch!"

Justin smirked. "Caught her by surprise.

"Then you got away," prompted Candace.

"Then I belted her a good one," stated Justin. "Then I got away."

"Justin! You punched her?"

"I wanted to get away. Besides, the bitch deserved it." Justin then added, "That was when I missed the Hindenburg."

"The Hindenburg."

"Their last flight," explained Justin. "They were booked. No cabins."

Candace repeated herself. "The Hindenburg!"

"So I spent two days in hiding while trying to get out of Berlin," stated Justin. "Then another three days getting to Italy and on to a Turkish cargo ship. Then home."

Looking at him, Candace shook her head. "Let's search the room."

Justin turned to the desk and began to go through the drawers as Candace moved to the bedroom.

He opened the bottom drawer and came upon a small box. He smiled and was taking it out when Candace called from the other room.

"It's not here."


She joined him. "A large briefcase. Heavy and double locked. Black in color. With heavy metal trim. It was here ... earlier."

"Sounds like a courier pouch," suggested Justin. "Or a security box."

"It did have the single cuff attached near the handle," supplied Candace.

Justin moved to stand near the two bodies. He examined the wrists on both men. "Chaffing on both of them." He looked up at her.

Candace nodded. "They must have taken turns watching it."

"I bet that's what we are looking for." suggested Justin.

Candace nodded her agreement. "So what now?"

"We get out of here and mingle with the rest of the passengers."

Candace glanced at her watch. "There is still time for us to make an appearance at lunch."

"Good," stated Justin.

Pointing at the bodies with her purse, Candace asked, "What about them?"

Justin looked at the two bodies. Frowning he suggested, "It does look like they killed each other." He looked at her.

"How long do you think it will be before they are discovered?" questioned Candace.

"They don't turn down the rooms until mid morning," stated Justin.

"The bed is made and the bath set up," supplied Candace.

Justin closed the desk drawer. "So this room is already done."

Candace nodded as she went to the door. "So some time tomorrow."

"Both will be very cold and stiff by then," stated Justin, as he moved to the desk and picked up the small box he found.

"You're taking them?"

Justin snorted. "Why not?" He gestured with the box towards Striner. "He won't miss them."


Justin smiled at her as he tucked the box under his arm.

Candace exited the room and in a moment she waved for him.

Justin followed and locked the door behind them. He noted that the passageway was empty. Then Candace slipped her left arm in his right and they walked towards the main lounge.

Another couple turned into the passageway ahead of them, also heading towards the main lounge.

"Also, Karl", said Candace, "wie kommt es, dass Sie Frauline Berta Hillgarde wissen?" ("So, Karl, just how is it that you know Frauline Berta Hillgarde?")

Justin reached up with his left hand and gently touched Candace's left hand. "Es war während meiner Reise nach Berlin im letzten Jahr kurz nach Deutschland Spanien angegriffen." (It was during my trip to Berlin last year just after Germany attacked Spain.)

"Ja, Berlin," stated Candace softly as she squeezed his hand. "Berlin. Eine harte Zeit." (Yes, Berlin. Berlin. A hard time.)

The End

Chapter Four

"Blank Paper"




"Blank Paper"



Chapter Five

"Ja, Berlin," stated Candace softly as she squeezed his hand. "Berlin. Eine harte Zeit." (Yes, Berlin. Berlin. A hard time.)

Justin remembered the warmth of Candace's hand in his as they walked to the dinning room for a light lunch. The dinning room was crowded and they could have been easily be overheard, so they made small talk about their trip to the United States. After lunch they both returned to their cabin. And they both slept for several hours

Candace fell asleep fairly quickly. It took Justin a long time to fall asleep with Candace lying beside him. Eventually she had curled up against him. Which made it even more difficult for him to find sleep. So he relaxed his body and let his thoughts drift where they may.

Eventually he admitted to himself that he had fallen for Candace. He was unsure what it was he felt or if it was even indeed love that he felt. But he was sure that it was not lust for her beautiful body. Or was it that of a lover or that of a brother looking out for a danger bound sister. All he knew is that he would remain her partner.

He knew that another agent would walk away if required, leaving her to fend for herself or to whatever fate would hand her.

Justin knew that he would not be able to just walk away from her.

Eventually he rolled on his side away from Candace and slipped his free hand beneath the pillow and rested it upon the gun. Just in case they had some unwanted visitors while they slept.

Then, just as he was falling asleep, he felt Candace snuggle up behind him and then drape an arm around him, holding him.

Her body was so very warm. And for the moment, he was content.


A ringing woke Justin. His hand gripped the gun beneath his pillow. It was then he recognized that it was the room phone He rolled over to answer the phone.

But Candace answered the phone first. "Hallo" (Hello.)

Justin enjoyed watching Candace standing there in her long silk nightgown.

"Bitte. ... Wir werden dort in einer Stunde. ... Danke." (Please. We will be there in one hour. Thank you.)

"Our wake up call," stated Candace, hanging up the phone. She turned to him. "I said we would be there in an hour."

Justin yawned. "Good. Enough time for us to shower."

"I'm first," stated Candace, moving towards the bath.

Justin looked up at her. "Want me to wash your back?"

Candace stopped in the doorway to the bathroom. She slowly turned to look at him. Slowly she stepped back to her side of the bed. She bent over toward him. Then she picked up her pillow and threw it at his face.

Justin laughed and by the time he got the pillow off his face he caught a fleeting glance of Candace closing the bathroom door.

Hours later, Justin was again sitting alone at their table with a glass of brandy. He was staring out at the dark sky, which was just showing the hint of the approaching dawn.


Earlier, after dinner, Frau Krupp had stopped at their table and had requested Spfie's presence for a light tea in an hour's time. Candace had gracefully accepted. Thus the two of them had lingered over dessert Staying out in the public eye. Then Justin had escorted her to the Tea with a promise to collect her afterwards, for a late night snack.

After some wonderful pastries, ha had escorted Candace back to their cabin and there he gave her the small pistol he was carrying.

"Sleep with it," he had directed. "I'll get the Purser to take me to our luggage to get my other one." I will see if I can find out where Striner's stuff is stowed."

Candace has agreed. She would get him up at about 5:00 am so they could search his belongings. Candace closed their cabin door behind him and he waited to hear the lock click into place.

Then he made his way back to the main lounge, which always seemed to be staffed.

There he settled in for a long and hopefully quiet night of strong coffee and reading the latest magazines from Germany.


Sometime about his fourth cup of coffee the Maitre'D approached the table and placed a small tray down. There was an envelope resting on it. "Excuse me, Sir. Your wife had this sent from your cabin."

"Danke," said Justin, picking up the envelope and turning it over. It was still sealed, a bit of dark auburn hair was stuck across the flap he noted opening it. He quickly read the note, which was in German.

"Come to the cabin, this is twice I have been sick with a migraine today. Spfie." He dropped the small paper on the tray and he rose. He mumbled to the Maitre'D, "My wife is sick, I must go."

The Maitre'D displayed the proper amount of concern. "Do you wish to have the Doctor summoned?"

Justin rose. "That should not be necessary. The Countess is ensuring I am were I should be."

The Maitre'D showed his understanding.

He glanced at his watch. It was 4:33 AM. "We will have breakfast in our cabin."

"What time would be convent?"

"Nine o'clock would be fine," replied Justin. "A light breakfast. Coffee, pastries and some fruit. And perhaps a bit of cheese."

"As you wish, Sir."

"Danke," muttered Justin.

Justin walked across the nearly empty dinning room and down the main passage towards the stairs that would take him to the lower sections of the airship. He was thinking of the note. Cabin meant Candace was heading towards the cargo area. And twice was for their second suspect. Berta Hillgarde. And Migraine meant she had found what they were looking for. He reached the stairway and noted that he was not being followed and then descended quickly. At this time of day he doubted that any of the passengers would be up, nor many of the crew. He descended down past the passenger area and entered the areas reserved for the crew. At the bottom he turned aft towards the cargo hold.

He trotted down the empty passage. Today, the message had said. That meant Candace was already heading there. He knew Candace could handle herself. But he also knew from hard painful experience their primary adversary: Berta Hillgarde.

Justin picked up his pace.


Heywood pulled out his small Italian automatic, which he had retrieved earlier, and stepped through the open hatchway, which according the German sign; was the "Loading Dock." He had only taken one step and froze when he saw the flowing mass of golden blond curls on the statuesque Valkerie figure, which he knew was the unmistakable SS Officer, Berta Hillgarde. Under the harsh glare of the flood lamps she was still beautiful. He would recognize her anywhere.

She was on a railed catwalk, which extended across the wide expanse of the loading dock. It was cold and the wind blew up through the open doors below. Her evening gown swirled in the wind making her look even more like the Valkerie she wished to be.

Justin then spotted the figure kneeling at her feet. A figure dressed in a red silk gown. Berta had a hand full of the woman's hair. The kneeling figure had a hand on a dark briefcase. Berta leaned over and spoke too softly for Justin to hear. The German jerked the head up and the long auburn hair fell from the face.

It was Candace!

Suddenly, Berta threw Candace forward, face first to the deck.

Justin watched as Candace's head bounced on the matting of the catwalk. Her slim figure, still in the red silk gown, lay limp. A long splash of auburn hair flowed across the decking. She still held on to the briefcase.

Justin began to quickly descend the stairway.

Berta moved and was then standing over Candace. The left-handed German brought her hand into view. There was a flash of light. Light glinting off polished steel.

The End




"Blank Paper"



Chapter Six of Six

Justin began to descend the stairway.

Berta moved and was then standing over her. The left-handed German brought her hand into view. There was a flash of light. Light glinting off polished steel.

Heywood had aimed and fired before he had a chance to think about what he saw. He already knew. For he had felt the terrible pain of Berta's favorite weapon, the slender bladed stiletto.