"Blank Paper"


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Berta's figure twisted from the shot. The stiletto fell from her suddenly nerveless fingers. It bounced and slid towards the edge of the catwalk.

Justin watched the blood begin to stain the left shoulder of Hillgarde's evening gown. Right where I aimed, he thought with satisfaction.

Frauline Hillgarde only glanced at the growing stain and then slowly turned towards him. She was back-lit by the now pale opening of the cargo hatch as the airship cruised towards the approaching dawn.

At her feet, Candace was stirring.

The fury upon her features melted away and she smiled at him. "Justin." Her smile was seductive and her voice was soft and gentle on his ears as her curves were a treat to his eyes. She took a step towards the knife.

Justin was not fooled and began to descend down the last few steps, keeping his gun aimed at her. The muscles in his back twitched in remembered pain. "Don't!"

The German Agent gave up all pretense of civility spitting on the deck. "Herr Heywood!" she snarled. "I should have finished carving you into pieces." She again made to move towards the fallen knife.

He had the gun up and pointed squarely at her forehead. "Halt!"

"You would not kill a woman," stated Hillgarde continuing to move.

Justin, knowing she was right, shifted his aim and fired again.

Hillgarde's upper body spun slightly. She slowly turned back to face him as Candace quickly scrambled away and got to her feet.

Justin saw that he had hit Hillgarde slightly lower in her left shoulder. More blood began to stain her gown.

Hillgarde spat at him. "Weak man."

One tough broad, thought Justin. He reached the bottom of the stairway. "I am not against shooting you though. Maybe your kneecap. Now give up."

Suddenly Candace rushed at Hillgarde, swinging the large briefcase at her.

The German spun and kicked the case and it spun hard.

Candace held on and the case hit the railing and popped open. Paper exploded out of it in a storm and sailed upon the wind blowing through the loading dock and two block shaped objects fell heavily on the catwalk. The white, blank sheets of paper fluttered about them with most falling down through the open doors below them while a few landed on the catwalk.

Hillgarde spouted an angry stream of German.

Justin still had his gun aimed at Hillgarde but his partner was in the way.

He watched as Candace threw the empty briefcase at Hillgarde who easily blocked it with her good arm. The briefcase went sailing over the railing.

Candace was suddenly there in front of Hillgarde and punched her square in the face. "Bitch!"

There was more than enough force in Candace's punch to knock the German against the low railing of the catwalk. She flailed about wildly as she tottered on the brink of loosing her balance. She grabbed at the railing with her right hand.

Candace quickly moved in and gave the German woman a good push.

Frauline Berta Hillgarde went over the railing and spun, hanging by her right hand. Her left arm hung uselessly at her side.

Candace wiped the blood from her split lip from when Hillgarde had slammed her face into the steel deck.

"Get me up!" ordered Hillgarde.

Candace raised her fist.

"Candace!" yelled Justin as he moved towards them.

Her fist moved and came down upon Hillgarde's right hand.

Justin got closer.

The SS Officer grunted in pain but held on.

Candace then peeled the fingers from the railing one by one. There was the sharp crack of breaking bone.

Justin got to the railing just as the German lost her grip and she slipped from the railing. He grabbed for her. But she was out of reach.

Hillgarde fell spouting a string of German obscenities.

Justin watched the woman fall. Down though the open cargo door and out into the early morning sunlight of the long fall to the still dark and cold Atlantic Ocean over seven thousand feet below. She quickly shrunk in size and was lost to view.

He sighed heavily and muttered, "Candace."

"Damn witch!" was all that Candace said in reply. She turned and moved to where the two objects were and bent down to pick them up.

Justin picked up one of the few remaining sheets of paper. "Why would they go to all this trouble for paper?"

Candace was looking at the metal objects she held. "Plates. Treasury plates."

Justin stepped over to her looking closely at the paper. It had a lot of small colored fibers in the paper. He rubbed it between his fingers. "Currency paper."

Candace held out one of the metal plates to him. "One hundred dollar plates."

Turning to Candace, Justin saw the raw scrape on her forehead and blood still dripped from her split lip.

"Let's get you to the Doctor."

Candace suddenly turned to him and threw her arms around him. Justin was unprepared for her reaction, but instinctively wrapped his arms about her and held her close. He could feel her shudder. It was then that he knew just how close it had been, as he felt another shudder course through her. He reached up and touched the back of her head, which rested upon his shoulder.

Her auburn hair felt as fine as it looked as it cascaded over his fingers. Her body felt warm and comfortable against him.

He repeated softly, "Let's get you to the Doctor."

She stiffened. "No Doctor." Her voice was muffled as she continued to lean against him.

"Your face," said Justin.

He felt her take a deep breath and let it out slowly. She then stepped back from him. Candace's face was calm. Her lip had stopped bleeding, yet her forehead was beginning to ooze. Her eyes still displayed a touch of fear.

He held out his handkerchief.

She handed him the plates and accepted the handkerchief. Candace dabbed her lip and then winced as she touched her forehead. She glanced at the fresh blood on the handkerchief.

Justin wrapped the plates in the sheet of paper he held.

Candace looked at him. "No Doctors. We have everything I need in our cabin."

"Okay," replied Justin, as he slipped the wrapped plates into his inner jacket pocket. He gestured towards the stairway leading back up into the ship.

Candace stepped up to him and slipped her arm into his. "I had too much to drink," she stated. "I slipped and fell."

"Agreed," replied Justin, knowing she was back in control, yet wishing the moment of her weakness could have lasted a few moments longer.

As they left the loading dock she said, "I'll need a bucket of ice and a bottle of good German schnapps. And some napkins."


She turned to and flashed him a smile. "Of course."


A few hours later they were once again seated at their reserved table by the windows. Lunch had been simple and wonderful.

"Well another case solved," stated Justin.

Candace lifted her champagne glass to him and they tapped glasses. "Yes, well done." She looked at him across her glass. Her eyes again showed a brief moment of remembered fear. "Thank you, Justin."

He looked at her and there was only a slight bruise showing on her forehead. Mostly the other scrapes and bruises were covered up with makeup.

Justin nodded and tapped his glass to hers again. He took a gulp of his champagne while she sipped at hers.

"Why did she kill him?" asked Candace, "They had their prize."

"According to the papers I saw, they were in different sections of the SS," explained Justin. "In the SS the sections have no love for each other, or respect and only marginal cooperation." Justin refilled their glasses from the bottle as he continued to speak. "The arrogance of the Superior Race."

"So what does she get?"

Justin shrugged his shoulders. "She brings the prize home and she is rewarded and he is ... deemed a failure."

He looked at her. "So! How shall we celebrate?" asked Justin, picking up his glass again.

Her face showed a brief moment of something and then it was gone before he could actually decide what it was.

"I am sorry," said Candace, putting the glass down and then gracefully rose to stand. "I already have plans."

Justin Heywood remained seated as he watched Candace sashay her way towards the waiting Purser.

He turned not wanting to watch his partner join the young man and focused his attention on the box before him. He could not resist the temptation to acquire them for himself. He smiled. It was not as if the late Herr Striner would have any desire for them now.

With a smirk Justin broke the seal, opened the box and selected one of the Cuban cigars. He held it beneath his nose and savored the fine scent.

The evening was not a total loss, he thought.

Just then the Maitre'D approached the table, he held a small tray. There was an envelope resting on it. "Excuse me, Sir. The Countess asked me to give this to you." He set the tray down next to his glass of champagne.

Justin glanced at the tray and a small envelope. He then looked up at him. "Danke."

"Ein weiterer Brandy. Sir?" asked the Maitre'D. (Another Brandy. Sir?)


The Maitre'D bowed slightly then turned and walked away.

Justin picked up the small envelope; there was a strand of hair across the seal. Justin looked over toward the main doors of the lounge, wondering what was up. He opened the envelope and removed the folded piece of paper. Unfolding it he read Candace's elegant hand written note:

"Nach dem Schnaps und Zigarre. in die Kabine kommen. Sie können mir den Rücken waschen"

A smile slowly spread across Justin's face as he refolded the note and placed it back into the envelope. Then he slipped it into his jacket's inner pocket. This one he would keep.

Justin then picked up his cigar and proceeded to light it while taking several puffs to get it going. The flavor was as good as he had expected. He decided to save most of the cigars for his father.

Hans came by and placed the glass of brandy near by.

"Danke, Hans."

Justin knew then that the evening was not going to be a loss at all. As he sipped at his brandy he thought of Candace's handwritten note:

"After your brandy and cigar.

Come to the cabin.

You can wash my back."

End Chapter Six

The End

"Blank Paper"

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