Blasphemia Ch. 05


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He simply willed, and they obeyed, hands caressing his thighs as they nuzzled and licked his thick crimson shaft, his heavy balls hanging just below. Nico closed his eyes and let the sounds of moans and pleasure wash over him like a drug. This was what they had come here for.

He was going to enjoy every second of it.

The days that followed brought about a debauchery not seen upon God's Earth since the days of the Roman Empire, as Nico and Filia turned Saint Bethany's into their own personal Sodom and Gomorrah. Nico and Filia gave their thralls one command and one command only: Satiate your fill, and deny each other no pleasure, no matter how perverse.

Classes were cancelled - it was a little hard for the teachers to teach when they were balls deep in their students, or had students balls deep in them. Married men who had experience no pussies other than their nagging wives fucked their fill of young, nubile college women. Older women, widows and married, tore off their clothes and fell upon the virile men. And the students no longer had to hold themselves in check, suppress their longing for each other. The quad of Saint Bethany's was no longer filled with the quiet, tittering chatter of students on their way to and from classes, but rather moans of pleasure and groans of delight.

And at the center of it all were the Infernals.

Their minds were hazy with pleasure as the shocks of orgasms rippled along their connections to their thralls, and that was in addition to the ecstacy running hot through their own bodies. Nico and Filia satiated themselves in the way they'd craved since arriving, no longer making any pretenses with glamours as their humans licked, nibbled and caressed their naked, demonic forms. Nico's wings flared and he growled low in his throat as he spent himself inside another tight pussy, feeling it spasm along his thick length. He lingered there for a moment, showing his appreciation to his partner by running his forked tongue across her face as she cooed thanks to her Master. Nico hadn't even bothered to learn her name. It didn't matter. His mind was gone, drunk on the abject pleasure filling the air around them, reducing him to more of a bestial state of existence. There was no fighting it.

Near him, Filia arched her back as another of the students spent himself inside her. Her skin was glowing cherry red from all the power she was absorbing from the orgy around her. Succubi fed off orgasms, and there were quite a few to go around. In the space of a day, she'd grown full-figured, her body changing as she drank more and more power in. Her breasts were the size of ripe melons, her nipples hard and aching to be sucked on. As she rolled over to accept her next thrall, she felt the weight of her ass shift, now much more jiggly and padded. Her wings brushed along the ground as she lifted her head and sucked gently on the tip of a cock that had appeared in her vision. She felt so incredibly feminine, so nubile, her mouth tingling from the number of virgin orgasms she'd brought about with just her lips and tongue.

Lily sat on a bench nearby. She, unfortunately, didn't have the insane stamina that the Infernals did, and couldn't just keep going and going. Still, she got a kick out of being completely naked on the quad with her fellow students and teachers fucking each other's brains out around her. Especially that bitch Chastity finally getting a little payback.

Lily's 'special request' had been for Chastity to be made completely and utterly horny for all of the older, rougher around the edges men on campus, the professors and administrators who were a bit gray, a bit too thick around the middle. It had been... about three hours since they'd started, and Chastity, good, Miss Perfect Catholic Virgin Until Marriage Chastity, was now covered in jizz. It painted her face, splashed across her tits, and flowed from her red and puffy snatch because she always begged for them to cum in her. Dean MacGarvey grunted and spurted inside her, and she reached down and kneading his balls gently. "Every drop..." she mewled, her eyes unfocused. "Give me more..."

Lily grinned wickedly and leaned back on the bench, delighting in the feel of the warm wood against her bare butt and back. Over the sounds of debauchery, she could hear birds chirping. Across the quad, the cathedral in the center of campus loomed high, the sun partially obscured behind the steeple. For a brief moment, Lily thought she saw a shadow move along the top of the bell tower. But then she blinked, and it was gone.

"Having fun?" Filia asked her, sitting down on the bench next to her. She spread her legs, and a male student immediately came over and buried his face between her thighs.

"You're enjoying this way too much," Lily snickered at the sight.

"I'm allowed to," Filia countered. "Here, spread your legs a little."

Lily did, and Filia snapped her fingers. A female student broke away from a group and nuzzled the inside of Lily's thighs before diving in, her frantic tongue delving deep into Lily's labia. "Oh, that's..." Lily trailed off, leaning back and letting the girl work.

"Right?" Filia said, pulling the guy a little deeper into the cleft of her legs. "I never could've imagined the rune would make them so pliant."

Lily squirmed in her seat as her tired body came alive with pleasure again as the other woman suckled on her cunny. "So I had an idea."


"You mentioned a few days ago before we started re-enacting the last days of the Roman Empire here that you and Nico couldn't get into the church on campus," Lily said. Her legs hooked around the women's shoulders. "Can you guys get in there now, with all the power your building?"

"Hmm." Lily looked up the quad to the doors of the cathedral. "You know, I'm not sure. We can find out though."

The woman eating Lily out nipped at her clit, sending a bolt of pleasure up through her body. "Well... in a minute of course." Filia laughed. Her hand covered Lily's gently as the two rode their pleasure together.

Afterwards, they extricated Nico from underneath the pile of women atop him. The demon was breathing heavily, and Lily couldn't deny that seeing him in his true form - tall, buff and hung like a stallion - made her sex ache. But curiosity compelled her more than desire. Besides, she knew she was in no condition to get fucked by the Infernals... yet.

The three of them made their way through the orgy up the quad. As they drew nearer to the cathedral, Lily saw Nico and FIlia tense up a little. Filia straightened her back, and Nico's nostrils flared as if he smelled something unpleasant. "I think..." he said. He reached out a hand. "Filia, give me a hand with this."

The succubus laid her hand upon his, their fingers linking. They closed their eyes, and nothing happened for several long moments. Lily rocked back and forth, feeling the grass between her toes.

A loud crack echoed across the quad. Lily whipped around, searching for the source of the noise. It had sounded like a gunshot, but she couldn't see anything. Slowly, she turned back around. The Infernals were shaking their hands, arcs of white lightning zipping around their fingers.

"Well that was more painful than I thought it'd be," Filia said.

"Are you two okay?" Lily asked.

"Just fine," the succubus said. She took a long step forward and remained still for a moment. Then she grinned and flapped her wings, the motion taking her all the way to the steps of the cathedral. She bent over, thrusting her heart-shaped rear up in the air, and trailed her fingers along the stones. Slowly, she began to laugh.

Nico offered Lily a hand. "Come on, let's go see what's inside."

LIly felt like a bride being led to the altar as she took Nico's hand and walked with the demon up the steps of the church. Filia did a tidy pirouette, then kicked the church doors off their hinges. The two massive slabs of heavy oak came loose as if blown by a gale, falling onto the tiled floor of the church with an earth-shattering crash.

The church was a sizeable one, with enough seats to fit the whole student and faculty body for services. There were several rows of pews on either side of the main hall, leading to the altar at the back. The crucifix looming over the space was made of lacquered dark wood, with the Son hanging from it cast in shadow. Along the walls were carved reliefs depicting the Stations of the Cross, the spaces in between them decorated with mosaic tiles shaped like more crosses.

Lily felt a sense of wrongness, being completely buck naked inside the church. The air inside was chilly, and wrapped around her bare body like a curious caress. Goosebumps rose along her shoulders and arms. She loved the feeling.

Filia ran her hands along the ends of the pews, her nails leaving scratches in the wood. "Fires, it feels oppressive in here," she mused, slowly walking up to the altar. She inclined her head upwards at the crucifix. "But that's what you want, isn't it?" she hissed.

The wooden figure didn't answer.

Filia's lip curled. In a flash, her wings snapped out and she flapped up to the crucifix. A hard swipe of her arm sheared off the Son's head, and it landed on the carpeted altar with a loud thunk. Her fingers closed into a fist. "Always wanted to do that," she said.

"I think this place could use a little redecorating," Nico said, looking up at the succubus. "What about you?"

Filia smiled. She grabbed hold off the massive wooden cross with her hands and gave it a hearty tug. Lily heard metal groan and stone crack as the fasteners securing the icon to the wall groaned in protest. The succubus gleefully yanked again and again, until she wrenched the crucifix off the wall. She spun, and heaved the massive thing over Lily and Nico's heads. It crashed down on the pews, splitting into several pieces and buckling the wooden seats inwards.

"Oh, Nico, Nico, Nico," Filia purred, lighting down atop the altar. She sat down with her legs dangling off the edge and ran her hands up her body, cupping her supple tits and squeezing. "This is better than I ever could've imagined."

Nico let Lily's hand drop and stepped up in front of Filia. Lily could've cut the sexual tension between them with a knife. "Aye," he agreed, putting his hands on her thighs. "This is..." His nostrils flared. "Oh, Fires, Filia, you smell so good."

"Oh, do I?" the succubus said, her hands closing around Nico's cock.

Lily sensed that the two Infernals were having a moment. She didn't feel bad about being excluded. Her body was still tingling from being eaten out, so she turned and sat down on one of the pews, loving the way her butt fit neatly into the curve of the wooden seat. Sitting next to her was a hymnal, and underneath it, a King James Bible.

Filia giggled and Lily looked up. Nico was pinning Filia to the marble altar, ravaging her body with kisses. She blinked. It was the first time she'd ever seen them getting intimate with one another, and it was something to bare witness to. Filia's skin was a few shades of red lighter than Nico's, and there was something intensely erotic about the way the two colors complimented each other as Nico mounted FIlia, his torso pressing against hers as they ground together. He pinned her wrists to the marble, his thick cock sliding along her slick labia. "The spark is back," he murmured.

"Please, Nico," FIlia murmured. "Please fuck me."

Slowly, Lily spread her legs, keeping one hand on the BIble next to her as she did. Her tired body complained at first, but was then silenced by the noise of abject delight Filia made as Nico lined himself up and slammed into her, no foreplay needed. The impact made the marble slab underneath them crack a little from the force of his thrust. Filia grapevined her legs around her demon lover and gave him a ferocious kiss. Lily caught a glimpse of tongue in between their mouths, the soft pink visible for the briefest moment before their lips came together again. Her hands caressed between her legs, finding that heat again and coaxing it back to life with gentle strokes. The past few days were she'd been fucked more times than she had in years, and she'd gotten good at pleasuring herself during those long dry spells.

Plus, she had one Hell of a show in front of her.

Nico and Filia started slow, the demon rising and falling atop the succubus with careful, deliberate motions. His thrusts were heavy, his red balls slapping Filia's ass with gentle noises that echoed through the silent church. Lily watched them close, her fingers curling up inside her sex, rubbing the sweet spot there. Nico broke away from Filia's mouth, nipping down her body to suck on one of her breasts. His long tongue swirled around the perky bud of her nipple. There was tenderness between them, but also a ferocity held in check, Nico's hands tense but not tight on Filia's wrists, and her legs a little loose about his waist. They wanted to savor each instant of this moment, savor every bit of each other, and the sight made Lily feel warm. How could anyone claim that these beings had no compassion for each other, no kindness? All the Infernals had done was give everyone on the campus a release, knock the barriers of their indoctrination down and give them a chance to experience the world as they were supposed to. The Lord gave humankind bodies capable of experiencing indescribable pleasure, then commanded those who followed Him to deny themselves those needs?

And they said Satan was the cruel one.

The Infernals picked up their pace, the ferocity and animalistic need coming to the fore. Nico pinned FIlia down roughly, the succubus' body bent at an almost impossible angle, her legs hooked tight over Nico's shoulders. "Ah! Yes!" she cried. "Yes, Nico, yes!"

With each powerful thrust, Nico broke the altar underneath him more and more, until the marble split in twain and the two Infernals fell to the carpet beneath. They didn't falter in their rhythm, meeting and parting without pause. Filia's fingers scraped along the carpet on the alter, her nails carving furrows in the material as if flaying the very church itself. Nico gave a particularly vicious thrust and gasped, his wings flaring out as he strained against Filia. "So fucking tight..."

"Yes, baby," Filia cooed. "Fires, the humans are eager, but they can't match up to you."

Lily felt something stir in her gut, something that she'd never felt before. It felt... old. She couldn't wrap her mind around it. Then again, she was a little occupied by frantically pleasuring herself while watching the Infernals fuck. Her inner thighs and fingers were soaked through as she leaned her head back against the top of the pew behind her as her... oh, hundredth climax in the space of a few days rocked her body. Her toes curled in delight against the tile floor of the church.

"Filia," Nico panted. "I'm..."

"Yesssss," Filia hissed.

"Fuck!" Nico brought it home, driving himself into the succubus frantically until he stilled and sheathed himself in her fully. Lily saw his balls clench repeatedly as his passion poured into Filia. It filled her to the brim, then leaked out around Nico's still quivering cock to puddle on the altar beneath the two Infernals.

As it dripped down, Lily felt the temperature in the church drop a few degrees. She looked around curiously. "Huh. That's a bit weird."

"That was the last vestiges of holiness leaving," Filia murmured, nuzzling Nico's face. "This place is ours to do with what we please now."

"Like I said," Nico said, returning Filia's nuzzle. "Redecorating."

"Why don't we let Lily be our interior designer for the place?" Filia looked over at her, her eyes playful. "She seems to have good ideas."

Lily grinned. She reached over and wiped her wet, sticky hand on the front cover of the Bible next to her, her juices smearing along the cross embossed on the front cover. "Well," she said. "I do think we could use more black in here..."

Deep within the confines of her mind, Judith waited.

She knew what the cursed Infernals were doing with her body. She could still see through her eyes, as if she were sitting in a theatre watching a film. Currently, her mortal form was lying atop another woman, her face pressed to a pair of buttocks with her tongue probing... places she'd rather not think about.

There had been several occasions that she'd almost broken free, except that bitch of a succubus kept her on a close leash to rebrand her with that rune that stole her body from her. Breaking the rune's hold on her body taxed the free portion of her will considerably, and the gaps between attempts grew longer every time she tried. With every failure, she lost a little bit more of herself. Soon, there'd be nothing left.

But she wasn't done. Far from it.

Judith blocked out the sights of what her body was doing, focusing on a prayer in Latin. As she spoke the words, she felt the left side of her body warm, the words tattooed in black beginning to glow and itch. The sensation was easy to blot out as she reached out with her will to those she took orders from. She kept the message simple.

Saint Bethany's. One demon, one succubus.

Bring everyone.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
good use of spanner in the works

The way you had the pair not fully control Judith gave me a reason to keep reading this story. Keep it up!

P.S. hope light wins

P.S.S. if you wouldn't expand her further, pls kill Lily. I find her unlikeable so far (just a suggestion)

Deep SoakerDeep Soakerabout 6 years ago
Corruption or just debauchery

Your major characters seem to be developing nicely, although some are still two dimensional and minor characters are little more than brief and forgettable mentions.

Theologically, I wonder about branding innocents and then having them become sexual thralls. That seems more about mind control and not about corrupting, or changing them. Of course, Nico and Filia might say they were changing them for the better and opening them to new options, but that does not hold water if they have no choice in what happens.

Dean McGarvey was seduced and had choice before he was branded. So was Jennifer. Those were more interesting aspects of the story, although Judith is adding interest also.

Also, there is a small plot hole that the latest rune passes from one thrall to unbranded people by touch, and those thralls touch Lily, but Lily remains unmarked. This can be fixed through giving her some immunity not available to the others. Her interest in the occult may have provided an immunizing effect at some point, and she does have the pendant.

Please continue. I am interested in what will happen with/to your characters.

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