Blazing Glory Ch. 05


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Blaze could only grind his teeth and hold on by a knife's edge as both women alternated sucking him off, passing the hard length back and forth between each other. Both women then shared and understanding look that made him wonder, like he had so many times, if they shared some mental ability of communication. At the same, both women assaulted the head of his cock with their tongues in rough, quick lapping strokes. He groaned as it was just too much for a man to withstand as he submitted in defeat!

His long cock twitched against their tongues before thick creamy cum erupted upwards from his cock to the ladies delight. Kendra quickly took him into her mouth to take a few big creamy loads to fill her mouth before passing his cock to Nadine as she swallowed his jizz with a savoring look of bliss on her face. The catwoman purred pleasantly like a kitten just having been given a saucer full of milk as she took in the rest of his cock's loads until he was finished with a pleasant groan. Nadine smiled up to him and swallowed her mouthful with a loud gulp.

"You have to finish what you started, Nadine!" Kendra laughed as she grabbed the startled dark furred feline and raised her up to standing. The succubus groped Nadine's furry tits roughly as her other hand expertly worked that aroused clit. Having been so close already with the hot excitement, it wasn't long before Nadine screamed as she shook with orgasm. Her juices poured out of her cunt to wet the ground over which she stood. Hating to see such sweet juices wasted, Blaze quickly sat up and moved to lick up that sweet feline cum from the source.

Nadine's golden eyes opened wide as she felt his tongue in her cunt and sent her into another screaming climax. In the beaming morning light, all three of them held themselves there enjoying the moment. Kendra firmly held the catwoman from behind as she groped those dark furry tits roughly while Nadine ground her hips back and forth to press her exposed pussy against Blaze's tongue as her juices poured out of her.

"Oh heavens that was great! I love you guys," moaned the happy lycan.

Kendra turned Nadine's head to the side so she could kiss her friend hotly on her lips for a few seconds, "Mmmm, we love you too sweet kitten." Blaze smiled and kissed those wet cunt lips in agreement with the leather wearing dancer. Nadine smiled brightly and left them to gather her things up before they set out.

Kendra knelt beside him as she looked deeply into his eyes. She raised a slender brow, "So.. Who is your real lover that you'll always come back to?"

"You, of course," Blaze chuckled. "I really appreciated the 'reminder', but know that I'll have and always will come home to your arms, Kendra Tansanee."

The demoness's green eyes blinked at that before that special smile she only gave to him revealed itself. Their arms wrapped about each other as they leaned forward and kissed each other deeply. From the edge of the small camp, Tyra watched them with a small smile as she leaned against a tree with her arms folded across her chest. She had seen all three of them enjoy each other emotionally as well as physically. She was glad she was now going to be able to become a part of this close fellowship.


Kendra's incredible blowjob wasn't the only morning surprise that happened. As all four of them were beginning to make preparations for the continued pursuit, Blaze happened to notice something odd about Nadine. The furry catwoman's tail swayed about in the air as she bent over to rummage through her pack, giving him the perfect view of her spectacular ass. He stared for a few male hormones induced moments before he noticed Nadine was pulling something out of her pack rather than putting things in like the rest of them.

"Nadine? Why are you unpacking?" he asked.

The others stopped what they were doing and looked over to the lycan. Nadine blinked and looked over her shoulder to them. She turned around and pulled something out of the pack with her as she did.

Nadine smiled as she held up the long white fabric in front of her, "Just getting my dress out."

Kendra looked at the catwoman as if she'd suddenly sprouted angel wings on her back and red horns on her forehead. "A dress? Your dress?"

The gorgeous feline nodded with a smile. Blaze himself was just as dumbfounded. This was Nadine they were talking about. The entire time they'd known her, she'd only worn the fur that was naturally on her.

"But why a dress? You've never worn it the entire time we've known you," Blaze said with his mind reeling in confusion.

Nadine scoffed at them and shook her head, "Well you all said we were heading into that big city today. You humans make such a big deal over clothing and 'decency' in public. We lycans always wander about without clothes because there really isn't any need. But I always carry this with me in case I am going into a village so as not to upset anyone."

Tyra laughed softly, "You've got a point. Even I have some clothing at least, even if it is only a little. It wouldn't be right to drag you in without a stitch on you. But won't you get very hot with that over your fur?"

"Oh, no. The fabric is very thin and light. It causes me no discomfort." The catwoman was already sliding the dress over her head and down her luscious body. It reached past her knees to the middle of her shins so as not to be too long and trip her feet up. The slits in the sides allowing for plenty of leg room to walk with. The dress had a low cut chest that revealed a dark furry valley of cleavage beautifully. Two thin straps held the dress up around her slender shoulders. Nadine wasn't jesting about the thickness of the fabric as her nipples, still excited and hard from her morning sexual experience, poked quite clearly out against the thin material.

"Well kitten, it's a beautiful dress and looks damn good on you!" Kendra remarked with a smirk. The succubus had a point as Blaze had noticed the dress hugged Nadine's curves tightly. Kendra laughed, "You'll start a bigger riot of horny men with that sexy thing than if you had walked in naked. I'll have to borrow it sometime for one of my dances. It would hint at much but leave the audience still aching to see more!"

The image of Kendra in that thin dress with her soft brown skin, curved ass, and full breasts straining against the fabric left Blaze walking with an aching erection the rest of the morning as they set out. The day before, Kendra had informed them that they were getting close to the capital city of the country of Shoushan. They had passed through the broad forested mountain pass between the Eskol Mountains in the north and the Tao Mountains to the south. The Tao Mountains served as a border line between eastern portions of Quinlan and the western territories of Shoushan as they ran from north to south before turning eastwards when they reached the coastline.

He had never been away from home before until recently. He'd never been out of his own country before and now that had come to pass. He had felt a sense of excitement as well as a bit of fear at being in a land not of his own. Kendra seemed to be knowledgeable about the Shoushan and its people because of her succubus feedings having led her through here a number of times in the past. He remembered that conversation well about the Shoushan people.

"So what is the name of this city and what is it like?" he had asked.

Kendra glanced to him as they walked along the cart-beaten road before she grinned at his genuine curiosity. "The city is called Seiko and is the largest port city in Shoushan. It sits on the eastern coast looking out to the Matsu Ocean. The Nessan River splits the city in half before it empties out into the Matsu. It is an immense city with a large population. So keep on guard as such big cities also have a larger number of cutthroats and pickpockets. Obviously Danika means to lose us in the massive city, but the confusing thing is that she sticks out just as much as we will."

The succubi's last statement confused him instantly, "But why would that be? I haven't heard much about Shoushan, but we've always been told it is a land largely inhabited by humans just like Quinlan."

"Well you are correct, but only half-correct," she said with a shake of her head. "The Shoushan citizen is human, but a different type. I remember a few of them referring to themselves as 'oriental'. It's an ancient word that I don't believe is used much anymore. Their skin isn't as light as yours is but more like a very light bronze if you can say. And their eyes have a distinct aspect about them. More oval than round like yours and mine. Quite unique and beautiful in its own way truly."

Blaze's mind reeled at this. He had always thought humans were, well, just human. Now he was being told that there were different kinds of his race? "I can see now why Danika has no hope of blending in."

"She has no chance. You haven't seen a female Shoushan yet. They have a very odd look to them. I've seen it with a few of the males, but it's almost all of the females. They all have oddly colored hair that is natural and is arrayed in the oddest fashions. I remember a woman with long blue hair while another had bright green hair that spiked out all over the place."

"But Danika had unnaturally red hair. It looked as if her hair was on fire."

"Yes, but the one thing that sets her apart from the rest is her eyes! While the Shoushan male have an ordinary look to them, the females eyes are unlike any other. You know my eyes are green, right? Expand the green twice as far and that's how large the colored eye part of a Shoushan female is. It's something you can't miss. Their eyes are also colored oddly as their hair. A Shoushan dancer I worked with in the city had a pair of large, pink eyes!"

The demoness then laughed at the complete look confusion at such revelations. How could such coloring in humans exist? It just didn't seem right. Maybe Kendra was pulling his leg in some kind of joke. When she saw him begin to obviously question the possibility of such, she simply gave him a wink. "You'll see what I mean when we get there."

As the young warrior walked along and thought it through again this morning, the land in the forest began to steadily decline. It was rough going at first down the mountainside. The angle of the decent was so sharp that they all had to walk down slowly with their feet planted at an angle to maintain their balance. All this while, Blaze and Nadine kept the lead as they followed the obvious trail of signs left in Danika's passage. They were the better out of the group at such tracking practices. Meanwhile, Kendra and Tyra brought up the rear of the traveling group acting as their eyes and muscle. He pitied any creature that encountered the wrath of the deadly succubus and powerful gargoyle.

For the better part of the morning, they all descended the slopes. When it seemed like they could take no more and their knees and feet burned with protest against any further exertion, they reached ground that slowly but surely leveled out. They all rested for a short moment at the foot of the mountain chain before once more moving out. Their bodies ached terribly in response, but their focus on getting back what was stolen and making Danika pay for her actions drove them on.

Nadine let out a surprised meow when she and Blaze stumbled onto a well beaten road. By how wide it was, it looked to be one of the main thoroughfares in Shoushan. Tyra and Kendra were soon to follow them onto the path. Kendra spit on the ground in angry disgust, "The arrogance of the bitch! Apparently she thinks she's well off away from us that she can take an open road!"

"Not only that, but this road is too well traveled. So many footprints and cart tracks it is impossible to track which is hers," Nadine mewed in frustration as she looked about the road. Kendra shook her head as she calmed down, "No worries. This road leads straight to Seiko. Apparently she's not completely confident she can lose us."

With that said, all four began to walk on the path leading them to the southeast. Soon they had left the wilderness and entered into some kind of marshland. It was an odd sight though. The sides of the road dipped away sharply into the marshes filled with short reeds as far as the eye could see. He could just make out the standing water in which the reeds resided. But what was so strange was how the marshes seemed set out in organized squares with small footpaths bisecting them all.

"Kendra, what is with these marshes?"

The gorgeous woman looked back to him over her shoulder with those green eyes and a smirk, "Marshes? No. These are farm fields. This is where they grow rice."

An odd country indeed. He shook his head as they continued on. With so many fields, they must grow enough rice to feed the whole world. The land sloped up and down gradually in the foothills of the mountains towards the coastline. By midafternoon, they ascended to the top of a large hill as he could smell the familiar scent of the sea on the wind. The sight that greeted him took his breath away. A city vaster than he could ever have imagined lay down below him. The slope they were on made its long steady decent towards the ocean. Though Seiko was still miles away, it filled most of his vision with its numerous buildings and palaces before it finally hugged the coastline with countless piers filled with all kinds of sea vessels.

He had heard Adelar, Quinlan's capital, was the only city that could rival Shoushan's capital in size. He would have to visit Adelar someday and find out for himself if that was true, he thought as he walked down towards the city with the others. Blaze saw many guards standing watch along the fortified walls, but they met no challenge as they passed through one of the many gates leading into the city. All four companions were immediately hit with a multitude of overwhelmed senses. A thousand conversations in both familiar and unfamiliar language filled the air as their eyes were filled with people filling the streets. Blaze thought it had to be magic to be able to put so many people in one place.

They made their way deeper into the city, their eyes open and searching for any black-armored red haired woman. But there was just too many people going about their business. Blaze was in a continual state of astonishment with the new sights and smells. Men pulled carts like horses on foot that carried people. Others wore odd straw hats that looked like a bowl, except upside down. Women in fine silks with their faces painted white and lips a bright red waved at him with fancy fans behind wooden bars of some building. Kendra slapped him upside the head when she caught him staring. Through the spinning stars, he heard her tell him those where whores for sale. And Kendra had not lied. A woman with long purple hair smiled to him as she passed. Another woman having spiky black hair with green streaks stepped out of a bar before looking to him with enormous fuchsia eyes.

For the next hour, they moved from street to street in a fruitless search. Perhaps Danika really could lose them in the oppressive city filled to the brim with Shoushan citizens. They had no problem making it through the city as many gave them a wide berth in the streets. Many stared in awe of Nadine's unique feline beauty while others scurried back in fear of Tyra's powerful stature. They regarded him a little less curiously as they recognized him being from Quinlan.

When Blaze glanced back, he saw the succubus standing in the middle of the road with her hand on hip and smirking sensually. Men all around stared hungrily at her voluptuous leather clad body, obviously not caring that she had her wings displayed for all to see and know what she was. Kendra saw him looking at her. The demoness gave him a sly smile and wink before she walked in a sensually suggestive manner up to him. She hooked her arm through his and leaned against him affectionately, sending out a clear signal that this succubus was taken. He heard the angry and jealous grumbles sent his way from a few men as they walked on.

Not too long after they continued on, Nadine halted suddenly and sniffed the air. Tyra stopped right next to her and glanced down to the shorter female. "Is it her?"

The catwoman's eyes grew very wide with realization. "No... It... It's... something better!" she exclaimed happily. Before any of them could ask, the furry feline disappeared in a blurred dash to their right. Startled by her sudden movement, Blaze and the others quickly ran after her. It wasn't very long before Blaze skidded to a halt in front of a building. Standing at an open counter was the lycan female. She was already eating something from the street side food place with her bushy tail waving behind her back and forth happily.

Kendra looked up to the sign above the food shop with weird symbols written across it before the demoness just cracked up in laughter. Not understanding what was so funny, Blaze stepped up next to Nadine. Eating? More like breathing it all in for lack of better terms was what she was doing! He glanced to the thin Shoushan man who wore a happy face.

"I'll have what she's having," he said. The chef nodded with pleased nod and was soon at quick work behind the solid counter. Blaze couldn't see what the man was doing, but heard the expert workmanship of a knife at work. Before he could glance back to the others, the man set a plate up on the counter before him. On it was pieces of a pale, pink like substance on top of some rice. He lifted up one piece with his fingers and looked at it curiously.

"Blaze! No!" Kendra suddenly said at his side right as he put it in his mouth and began chewing. The substance had an odd soft texture to it and tasted oddly familiar somehow. He looked to Kendra by his side. She put her hand over her mouth is shock as she saw him eating it and then swallow it.

Kendra closed her eyes for a moment before looking to him, "Men and their stomachs! By the Abyss, you didn't even know what that was and you ate it. That was sushi!"

"What is 'sushi'? I've never heard of that before," he asked, not understanding what the trouble was all about.

"Raw fish!" Nadine chirped in happily beside him, having finished her plate and paid the chef.

Blaze froze and blanched suddenly. His stomach did a somersault before taking a deep swan dive down into the pit of his guts. Oh shit! "Fish?...... Raw fish?....." he asked slowly as his mouth went dry. The chef nodded with a grin and held up the corpse of a dead fish by the tail. The fish had portions of it missing from where the chef had just cut out of it. Even Tyra turned a bit green at the sight.

"Oh dear heavens," he exclaimed as his stomach lurched! He needed something to get the taste out of his mouth now. By his plate was a cup at held a greenish paste. He grabbed the whole chunk and quickly tossed it into his mouth.

"BLAZE! NO!" Kendra yelled. Her beautiful green eyes grew wide as she looked at him with growing horror. She turned quickly to the chef. "Water! Now! He just ate all of the wasabi at once!"

The chef's smile vanished to a look of complete shock. Blaze didn't know what the big deal was as he finished swallowing. It didn't taste that bad.


The young warrior's vision exploded into flames as the searing hotness exploded from his mouth throughout his skull before burning all the way through his body. His tongue felt like it was a piece of meat in a pot of boiling water. He reeled with the hot pain, knowing if he stuck his tongue out that he would see flames all about it. He nodded rapidly for water as he was already sweating like he'd run twenty leagues.

The chef looked to Kendra with a concerned look and shook his head, "I have no water right now. My niece went to fetch some more from the well but hasn't come back yet. All I have is sake right now."