Blazing Glory Ch. 05


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She gasped and tightly reigned in her fury as quick as she could. The foxwoman nodded that she would comply. The fear of displeasing Koas solidly on her mind. Calhoun snapped his fingers and both guard hounds rose. Swallowing, her grey eyes looked at them before back to Calhoun. He simply gave her a cruel smile as the guards bowled her over. The agent of Koas gave a startled cry as the savage demons proceeded to tear her gypsy dress to shreds.

Within seconds, the foxwoman's slender body was revealed and covered completely in glistening sweat. Amazingly there wasn't a scratch on her from the whole ordeal. Brushing her silvery hair aside, her fox ears twitched nervously as she looked up to Calhoun. She shook visibly from the attack as she rose to her hands and knees.

"Now fuck my guards," he ordered with a growl. "Know what it is like to be screwed by such 'inferior' creatures and know that you will hate the fact that you love it!"

Aurora gawked at him in complete disbelief. This couldn't be happening. But when she felt the broad tongue lapping at the lips of her cunt, she realized with horror that it was. And she had to go through with this willingly or else face the torturous wrath of her goddess. With great will to force herself, she lifted her foxtail high to grant the hound better access to her cunt. The foxwoman whimpered audibly as the hound continued to lap at her pussy lips eagerly. The first signs of her body's betrayal formed in the small spark of arousal deep within her cunt.

Powerful hands were planted firmly on her shoulders and when she looked up, all she saw was the red stomach of the second guard hound. The red tip of its cockhead already poked out of its sheath right towards her face. With a groan of frustration, the foxwoman reluctantly leaned forward to lick the cock head. The demon hell hound growled approvingly above her as more and more cock slid out of the sheath. The sorceress moaned now as her cunt was really wet with her juices now and the other hound was licking it all up.

The cock tasted foul to her, but she knew she had to continue on. The lips of the foxwoman opened wide to take in that thick cock. Wet slurps were soon heard as the nude lycan bobbed her head up and down willing on that demonic cock. Her tongue caressed all about the flared head as her cheeks hallowed with the suction. Her grey eyes had been closed to try and imagine this being one of her human's dicks, but they opened wide when she felt something poking her pussy repeatedly.

The guard's thick cock rammed into her pussy with such vengeance that the foxwoman's muffled scream about the rod in her mouth could be heard from where Calhoun sat watching. It continued to get worse and worse for the poor lycan sorceress. She felt something big nudge her lips. These disgusting demons resembled their animal counterparts in another horrible physicality. The realization sank it fast, but not quick enough as the knot of the demon hound's dick forced its way into her mouth. Her jaw strained as it opened wide to allow access to the thick knot before it popped in finally.

The sorceress whimpered about the thick member now behind her teeth. Her nose flared wide to take breaths in as that thick demon cock had slid down her convulsing throat forcibly. The burning heat of shame grew more intensely as she felt pleasure coursing through her. Even with the painful stretching of the knot pushing into her battered demon cock filled cunt, she felt the burning pleasure and ache for more. Both demons were now locked in her and began to rapidly hump their hips as they laughed at her in their demonic tongue and growled with pleasure at this new bitch servicing them.

Aurora could only moan as she was rocked back and forth between the two guards as the sweat poured off her body. Their great bodies giving them such power that she was helpless with her small slender body. She looked like a piece of beautiful pale meat skewered on both ends by two hard throbbing rods. For minutes that seemed like hours, they fucked her twat and mouth relentlessly with heavy panting. Soon she felt their bodies tense soundlessly. The pure disgust and shame made her body tremble as she came hard.

Demonic cum erupted from both cocks as her body shook with the humiliating orgasm. Her throat gulped frantically to try and keep up as she felt her hot wet cunt filled to the brim. Her lithe body continued to shiver with her climax as she screamed nonstop about that invading hunk of cock. Aurora was forced to suffer this humiliation further as their cocks had to slowly soften and shrink before the knots locking them into her beautiful naked body let them slid out wetly.

Both hounds left her lying there exhaustedly as the disgust filled her every thought. She couldn't believe she had fucked two hell hound demons willingly like some cheap whore! So lost in these thoughts was she that she didn't notice until too late. Calhoun had seized the smaller and lighter foxwoman and positioned her right over his mammoth erection. Aurora looked down too late to protest but just in time to see that rod that was as thick as her wrist push into her wet quim.

The foxwoman howled as her tight twat was stretched to new levels. Calhoun sneered down to the smaller woman as he literally impaled her on that huge weapon. Aurora couldn't stop screaming as she was pushed further down upon that violating demon cock. But the pack leader gave the sorceress something to really scream about when he pressed that massive knot against her pussy lips. Aurora's shrieks echoed through the caverns and tunnels as that battering ram of a knot pushed forcibly into her.

With her twat spread to unimagined limits and firmly locked together with the pack leader, Aurora simply gazed upwards with a far off look. Her mind didn't seem to comprehend what was happening. It didn't seem to feel that harsh banging strokes of the hell hound demon fucking or understanding her body thrashing about in a never-ending orgasm. The only thing she did know is that she didn't want it to stop. To never cease. Without shame or disgust, the sorceress was lost to the throes of lust as she screamed at him for more!

Sweat beaded all over her body. Rivulets trickled down her pert breasts and erect silvery nipples before being flung off with the powerful up stroke of him hammering into her as Calhoun came with a howl. She screamed with him in her own titanic climax as she felt her cunt filled to overflowing with his seed before it leaked down her thighs.

But it was far from over for Aurora. There was a whole pack of hell hounds just outside waiting for their turn now. The foxwoman's blissful orgasmic screams filled the mountain all that day and into the night as she serviced the whole pack of demon hell hounds like an eager whore. Long after she was done and had left, she would remember that it was all Nadine Teigra's fault for such a horrible event to have happened in her life. She swore she would have her revenge on that filthy furball!


Earlier that very night, a dark figure moved among the rocks at the base of the cliffs that jutted straight up from the beach. Along the sandy beach, it walked with deliberate purpose and confidence in its lone stride. Without the city lights of Seiko illuminating the figure from the back, it would have been impossible to see let alone make out the distinct attractive feminine shape. The figure paused and looked up to the moonless night sky. The lights of Seiko were not bright enough to outshine the brilliance of countless stars above her before her gaze dropped to the ocean. Its waves gently lapped at the shoreline in such a soothing rhythm.

Standing there, one could see that the woman stood there naked. The short woman stood only five feet high with two inches atop that. Her breasts were visible from the side against the backlight. They were not large like the heroines so far in this tale. But there were perfectly proportioned to her small stature. Blaze, being the expert in such areas, would be the first to tell you her breasts were a solid c-cup in size. Even in the dim illumination, you would expect to be able to make out the details of her body. But no one could on this dark night. For the woman's skin was as dark as a moonless evening at midnight. Soft skin as pure black as onyx.

Such skin was unusual for Shoushan. But this woman was no Shoushan. Her long waist length hair contrasted her skin in a brilliant soft white very much like that of the glittering stars above her. If there was any doubt left, any observer would see the steady gaze of those eyes glowing red. Shaking her head, the dark elf, known to the world as a drow, walked directly towards the cliff face before sliding into the well-hidden entrance of a cave. Inside, a drow male waited expectantly and jumped to his feet as soon as the naked drowess stepped inside. Her eyes regarded him with disdain at first before she shook her head again.

The male drow kept his gaze lowered to the ground as he offered her clothing. "Vendui'. I trust your hunt was a successful one this evening, Mistress Nitara?" he asked timidly.

Rae Nitara took her clothes from him as she simply smiled coldly to him in answer. She hadn't been fully naked. A thin cord circled her slender waist with a small dagger in its sheath. It had been another successful kill for Death's Mistress this night. That was her notorious nickname the world had come to know her as and fear. None knew that she was a drow from the Underworld. Only the fact that she was a woman was known. Assassin guilds all over the world knew they could count on Death's Mistress. No matter how elusive or protected the target was, the contract was always fulfilled when Rae was on the task.

Only a few guild masters knew her for what she really was, but did not divulge such secrets unless they wished her wrath to visit them silently in the night. They contacted her through rare magical items and left payments upon the doorsteps into the world beneath them as agreed. But she could care less for such gold. She was one of the best assassins the world had ever seen and she wished to not leave her expertise. Not even now that she was the Matron Mother of her house. Rae hated how her duties tried to interfere with the joyous feeling of the hunt and the merciless kill.

She thought about this now as she started to put her clothing back on. She pulled up the tight dark pants that hugged her curves like a second layer of skin before pulling the white blouse on. She laced the front up, but left the top few undone to reveal the dark valley of cleavage for any to see. Rae tucked the shirt into her pants before pulling metal gauntlets over the lengthy blouse sleeves. The drowess dearly loved those dark metal gauntlets so beautifully decorated with the images of deadly spiders. Lastly, she grabbed her cloak that drow called a 'piwafwi' and wrapped it about her.

Looking to the male, she smirked as she eyed his form. A worthless male like all the rest, but she didn't mind his company too much. Raviv was her Patron and all of her house knew that the Matron Mother could favor her current lover as she saw fit. Raviv was one of the best lovers she'd ever had. The others had been disappointing in performance. They'd been sacrificed or, if they were lucky enough, traded as slaves.

"Vendui' Raviv. It was an easy assignment this night. Not much of a challenge to kill these Shoushan. But the kill did excite me," she hummed softly as she eyed his toned warrior body. She then started walking into the pitch black cave with him walking beside her. "We will head back now so you can service your mistress. I need a good fucking and you'd better rise to the challenge."

Raviv nodded obediently and couldn't hide the obvious bulge that had arisen in his leggings. The dark assassin smirked to herself in amusement. Clearly he was eager to get to the task that he enjoyed doing so well. Rae was without a doubt one of the most beautiful dark elves in the underworld. Even females had begged for the chance to roll around the bed sheets with Death's Mistress. Her tightly toned assassin body was a sight to behold.

Her little hobby, as some saw it, was the very reason she kept her body in shape and very desirable. Many that knew quickly disapproved of it. She could care less what they said or thought. They were old and out of shape because they would rather deal with the intrigue and backstabbing among the drow houses. That was fundamental in a drow's life. Knock off the house higher ranking than you so your own can move up in rank and become closer with the goddess Lloth.

Rae had always been somewhat of a renegade when it came to drow customs. She loved the thrill of open battle and the feeling of the kill. Her mother, who was even far crueler than she, approved because Lloth encouraged such bloodletting. Who was she to deny her goddess such pleasantry? She kept Raviv as Patron much longer than others would. They called him useless because he hadn't sired a child with her yet, but she refused. Death's Mistress had spent more time on the surface than any drow of her generation. On and on, they continuously disapproved. The surface world was to be shunned and all those on it cursed.

Utter foolishness, she thought with disgust. Her mother was the only one who understood her. Rae broke with drow tradition in that regards to. Unlike other daughters, she didn't want to murder her mother to achieve personal gain. She blinked as she then realized how far in the cavernous deep they had come already. There she went again in getting lost in thought! Time in length had to have passed then as they grew closer to her home in the drow city.

Her dark pointed ear twitched slightly as she heard a quick approach of footsteps on the hard rock surface. Rae glanced about quickly, the cavernous walls and stalactites standing out red with her natural infravision. It was then she heard the gasp of surprise behind her before it was choked with a wet garble. A shiver ran up her spine as she whipped around to the sound. Had one of the houses chosen this moment to remove her while she was away from the city and her house guards?

The sight that greeted her red eyes shocked her. Raviv had fallen to his knees as blood frothed upon his dark lips. He clutched at his throat that had been quite visibly torn out savagely. She didn't understand why, but seeing Raviv dying before her pained her heart. She hadn't a moment to try and help him before a powerful blow sent her crashing into the nearby stone wall. Her head struck and bounced off the stone wall with such force that it nauseated her instantly.

With a groan, the stunned drowess slumped before falling to the floor. She leaned her back up against the wall as she tried to regain her senses properly. How could she, Death's Mistress, let herself be caught off guard so easily? A dark clothed figure stepped up in front of her with an arrogant confidence. Her anger rose as she realized the attacker thought of her no longer a serious threat.

"I hadn't planned to run into anyone in my retreat, but it's always so fun killing you worthless drow," that feminine voice spoke to her.

Worthless? How dare she! She was drow and the deadliest assassin in the known world! Fury boiled up in her as she further realized that this was no drow that had attacked her. It was a damned ninja! A filthy disgusting human? Rae cursed herself as the revelation added more salt onto her wounded pride.

"How? How can you see in the darkness?"

The woman glanced over to Raviv's dead body, clearly seeing where he lay, "A gift from the one I serve. You drow are so pathetic it is amazing you know. We ninja will always be the superior assassins."

"Before you kill me, I want to know the name and face of my murderer," Rae gasped as she tried to buy more time.

"I suppose I could since it won't really matter," the female ninja laughed mockingly. Rae's fist tightened angrily as she slowly regained herself as she watched. The ninja pulled her hood off her head to reveal that she was a Shoushan woman. She was oddly colored like all her kind was with short blue hair and bright orange colored eyes. "My name Nariko Miakoda of the Miakoda ninja clan. I am also the personal assassin of the true goddess of evil, Koas."

Koas? That bitch? She almost laughed at the idea of Koas being the most evil god of all.

"Nariko lueth Koas, olot dos!" Death's Mistress cursed the ninja and spat in her face defiantly.

Rae then noticed the bloody hands of the ninja woman as she wiped the spit from her face with the back of one. She was wearing what looked to be metal claws on her fingers. The ninja crouched before the drowess and seized her slender dark throat. Rae could feel the sharp ends press firmly against the flesh. She closed her eyes as she readied herself, maintaining her pride of having served Lloth well in this life.

When Rae opened those glowing red eyes, she witnessed a sight she would never forget for the rest of her days and would cherish the memory always. Nariko was focused solely on her and never saw it coming, but Rae did a split second before. From her left, a foot came screaming out of the darkness. As if she were watching it all in slow motion, she watched the look of surprise flashing in those once cocky orange eyes as Nariko's face caved inwards. Then everything rapidly sped back up as the ferocious kick sent the ninja woman spiraling away from her to crash brutally into the stone wall.

Death's Mistress looked back to the newcomer and was surprised to see another human there. Only this one was of the lesser sex, a man. He trembled with such unbridled fury that she immediately felt pity for the one whose drew his ire. But the young human glanced about searchingly for the one he sought. In this darkness, with no drow sight or magical gift, he could not see a thing. Then how had he managed to land that blow?

"Give me the antidote," he called out angrily in the darkness, "NOW!"

Rae glanced over to where Nariko had landed and saw the ninja woman staggering to her feet. The woman clutched the right side of her face in pain from the tremendous hit as she looked to him in shock. Rae silently stood now herself and faced the other assassin. When Nariko looked her way and saw the look in the drowess's eyes, the woman knew she was outnumbered and bolted into another tunnel quickly.

Death's Mistress turned to regard the human silently. She pondered the thought of killing him for daring to trespass into the world of the drow beneath the surface. It would be an easy kill with his back turned to her. She watched as he felt about the walls in search of the ninja he hit. In silent stealth, she moved up behind him...


Blaze's legs ached in protest as he ran after the ninja. They had already been walking for so long the entire day. He reminded himself that they should invest in some horses. In and out of darkened streets he dashed past as he pursed the ninja woman. The dark figure in front of him was light on her feet and incredibly fast. It required him to run as fast as he could just to keep up with her. When she looked back and saw him still closely pursuing, her speed even further increased.

The young warrior gasped for breath as he nearly gave up at the sight of her pulling away from him. But the image of Tyra laying on the ground in agony was there every time he closed his eyes. He had to get that antidote information from the source. Desperation and anger rose within him to give him his second wind. It sustained him as he began to catch up to the ninja once again. He rounded a corner just in time to see the ninja leap down a hole in the middle of a street.

He skidded to a halt as he wondered why the hell someone would put a hole in the middle of a street. The heavy metal lid that had covered it had been removed and swiftly tossed aside. The smell that wafted up from the hole was awful. He had no idea what in Stavros's name was down there and was sure he didn't want to know. His muscles tightened as he jumped down through the hole. It wasn't as long a drop as he imagined it would be before his feet hit solid ground. Still, the force made his knees tremble and his teeth chatter.