Blazing Glory Ch. 06


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"You rat-winged slut..." Rae spit venomously.

"Spider-fucking whore," Kendra countered angrily.

Slowly at the same time, the blade withdrew and hand loosened its grip. The next moment, both gorgeous women stepped back from each other with tempers barely checked. Rae rubbed her neck with a scowl before whipping around to stride out of the room. Kendra soon heard the door in their other room next over opening and slammed by the angry drowess.

Kendra leaned back against the wall and rubbed her own neck absentmindedly. She hadn't doubted the drowess's words on the poison. That was no bluff but a promise of death from the assassin. Kendra could see it in those red eyes. That was the first time in her existence she had to back down in consideration of her own life. Some part of her whispered that it had been the first time Rae had to do the same as well. Both women didn't take such feelings well and now silently thought the matter over by themselves.

The demoness lay on the bed after a few moments as she thought the whole event through again. No matter what she thought she could have said, the outcome would likely have remained the same. Frustrated about not resolving the problem, she felt the sudden need to get out of this inn and away from the close proximity to the pompous assassin. She needed to let off some steam. Emerald green eyes blinking, she sat up quickly as it hit her. The hot springs! There was no better way to relax and forget that bitch for a brief period.

Kendra moved silently out of her room and closed the door as softly as she could. She didn't want to let the drowess know she was leaving and find out where she was going. She wanted some alone time. Not needing to ask for directions, the succubus knew from memory where the nearest spring was. It was not even that far from the inn they were at. After a fifteen minute walk into the upper foothills near the base of the mountains, she could see the steamy vapors rising through the trees and high grass.

Crickets chirped softly now in increasing numbers as darkness settled in, the sun having set during her journey to this place. The demoness looked up to the stars making their individual appearances in the blackened sky. Breathing in the fresh mountain air, she could already feel the tension leaving her body and her mind easing into calm.

The succubus slipped off her leather coat, revealing the slender brown arms as she folded it neatly. After putting it aside, laces were undone and drawn away from the leather vest. It opened to let those heavy round breasts swing free. Kendra hummed softly as she felt her pale nipples capping those large brown orbs harden in the slight night chill. Soon following the vest were her boots and tight leather pants. Folding everything neatly, she hid them under the brush near a skinny oak tree.

Kendra now stood naked in the forest, her hands roaming gently up and down her beautiful body sensually. She moaned softly as she enjoyed the feel of them and wished it were Richard's hands on her body at this moment. By the Abyss, that man owed her a good plowing when he got back from his search and she intended to collect on that hot fuck!

It had only been a moment in making her way to the spring when she heard the splash. Kendra froze in midstep at the sound. There had been no mistaking what she had heard, but normally no one was out at the springs at this time of night for fear of nighttime predators and monsters. She stepped through the leafy brush into the open area of the spring and blinked at what she saw.

Red eyes blinked in surprise in return. A very naked drowess stared at her from within the hot waters. Long white hair dangled wetly about her as her obsidian skin glistened beautifully in the moonlight. Kendra had to grudgingly admit the sight was quite erotically breathtaking. She had seen Rae nude before, but in this light the drowess couldn't have looked any more sumptuous.

"You...." They both whispered at the same time.

The uncomfortable silence continued on for a few more moments until Kendra sighed. She had no idea why this had occurred, but to the Abyss if she was going to let Rae make her leave so she could enjoy the spring for herself. She came here to relax in this one and that was exactly what she was going to do. Stepping across the open ground, Kendra reached the water's edge and slipped down into its warm embrace. Her green eyes closed as she savored the wonderful feeling over her soft skin.

When she opened her eyes once again, she noticed Rae eyeing her suspiciously out of the corner of her eyes, but the drowess said nothing as she leaned back and lapped the water over her firm tits. Seeing the drowess keeping to herself, Kendra dipped her head below the surface before rising again. She hadn't realized how much she had missed these refreshing baths until now.

"Did you follow me here?" Rae suddenly asked.

Green eyes opening to look at the dark assassin, Kendra simply shook her head. "No. I was beginning to think the same of you. Obviously you were not. Still.... How did you know about this spring?"

"Well... After our little altercation in the room," Rae said with a snort and scowl before shrugging dismissively, "I decided to go to the springs to get away from you. I talked with the tavern owner and he gave me directions to this one."

Kendra nodded as she remained silent. The naked women stared quietly at each other once again, measuring the other up while considering what else to say if anything at all. "Why do you insist on keeping him?" Death's Mistress broke the silence with the question. "He is mortal and you immortal. He will be dead and you will continue on much long after."

The succubus winced slightly at that matter-of-fact statement. It was true and couldn't be helped. It had been something she had wondered with her first lover. Now it has resurfaced with Blaze. He would grow old and eventually pass away while she continued to remain eternally young. She had pondered the ideal of simply going without any more sex and dying from the lack of energy. It would be extremely painful as it was much akin to the suffering of starvation mortals faced with their food for sustenance.

The other problem was she wasn't sure if the gods and heavens above would permit her to join Richard wherever he went. It was a dire problem that constantly nagged at her. Then something occurred to her and she looked to the assassin. "And what about you as well, Rae? Drow that you are, you are still essentially an elf. Being as young as you look, you surely have many centuries of life left compared to the humans who only rarely surpass just one. Why do you want Blaze so badly then as well?"

The small drow frowned before raising a slender white brow, "I asked you first, Kendra."

"True," the busty demon sighed as she lapped water over her own heaving breasts, making them glisten wetly in the moonlight, "What you don't know is that I've taken many men to survive in this world. Not just hundreds, but thousands over the centuries I've existed. Every single one of them didn't care a damn bit about me. One did a long time ago but he was taken from me by a jealous whore! Now I've found this one who cares about me and not just my body. You cannot imagine what that means to someone who has dealt with such heartless bastards for ages."

"I see," Rae whispered softly as she looked down into the calm water. "Such understanding is what helps the drow women despise men so much. They think only with their penises when it comes to us. Such idiocy is disgusting. Even with my late Raviv, I could tell he desired just my body above anything else. Still I cared for him. But Blaze was so different. He endured all the belittling remarks from me and other drow about his worthlessness as a surface dweller and, even worse, a man. Yet he showed respect for me but not like as is demanded for a Matron Mother or a drowess. He respected me for who I am as a person. He cared for me as a woman and not some symbolic status notch in the social system of my race."

"A rarity in both our cases it seems," Kendra whispered to herself, brushing wetly hanging vanilla bangs away from her sight. Both women then met the other's eyes in shared understanding of each other now, whether they liked it or not. "I do know I may outlive him and consider my options in such a problem. But I also know that he is something special to hold onto regardless."

Rae raised a slender brow and looked to her in all seriousness. "Would you die for him?" The drowess chuckled when Kendra looked taken aback by the question raised. "It isn't an easy concept for your immortals is it? Death. Even though we elves live for a long time, we too eventually must pass from this world. Take it from someone who makes it their business. From someone who has seen the light slowly fade from the eyes as the shadow of death claims them. It is easy for anyone to boast such a claim, but only true love can say such with the true understanding of such a costly price."

Death's Mistress had seen the opening and struck quickly. Living was everything to her. It was why she had killed so many. To live. Would she throw such away for Richard? Would she toss immortality to the wind if it was the only option to be with him? She didn't know. Maybe time would tell. But the actual concept of her death unnerved the demoness.

"Now that we both see why he is so important to us," Kendra said, changing the issue, "are we still at odds about who will end up with him?"

A dark smirk crossed Rae's face before she shook her head, "Nau. I thought about those words I said to you at the inn. About making him forget you. It was a hopeless boast at best."

"Oh really? And why is that?"

"You weren't there that night. That night Blaze and I had the most amazing sex," she said with a sigh and sank further down into the water. Her glowing gaze looked to the heavens above in memory. "I awoke in the middle of the night. He was mumbling in his sleep and that was what roused me from slumber. I couldn't tell what he was saying, but these pointy ears did catch one thing he said many times. 'Kendra' was what he said. I knew then that you had a presence in his heart and soul I could never break through and destroy."

Kendra smiled softly at this information of his unspoken feelings for her. But that smile faded as she noticed Rae's sullen expression and a lone tear roll down her cheek. The sight of such startled Kendra greatly and left her speechless. Rae? Crying? Kendra was amazed at the sudden change in the dark elf as she opened up to her. The drowess continued on with an angry hiss.

"You can never know I much I hated you in that moment. How much I despised you for keeping him from me fully. Lloth curse me.. I was even foolish enough to believe I could still somehow win him away from you as I came along. Nariko was why I came along, but a small task compared to the real reason I came. But I could still see it in his eyes today when he looked at you and I knew I was doomed to fail. I could not hate you any more than I did at that moment, but I did not strike and kill you then for his sake. I am not sure if I could stand Blaze hating me as he would if I had...."

The succubus looked down into the water uncomfortably. She wondered if Tyra and Nadine bore such anger towards her as well briefly, but knew such was not true. This was a problem only she and Rae had to work out. Silently she swam over to the star-gazing drowess who continued to speak, as if simply voicing her hidden thoughts to herself now.

"Eilistraee was right.... She saw completely through my act and right into my heart. A drowess should never feel such in all her existence. It is just not proper. Let alone an assassin of my caliber. I should be able to maintain that cold calculating professionalism.... But..." she choked, "But.... Lloth help me... I love him.... The first man I have ever truly loved and I can't have him... and never hear him say the same words of love to me... all because of you!"

Rae's gaze returned to her surroundings and found the gorgeous succubus right next to her and gazing into her eyes. The drowess realized what she had done in horror. Never before had she poured herself out to someone. Let alone shed tears before them. It just wasn't proper as a drowess!

The assassin quickly wiped away the tears and snorted disdainfully, "Well what are you waiting for demon? Here's your chance to mock me. To rub your triumph over me in my face. Let's hear it then!"

Red eyes opened in shock when Kendra didn't but planted a full sensual kiss against her own dark lips. The shock soon faded away as she melted into the lush vanilla tiers of the succubus and kissed her in response. The two dangerous women who had been at each other's throats only hours before now shared an intimate kiss together in the steamy spring. Rae soon realized why Blaze could fall for a woman with such soft lips and passionate kisses.

When Kendra broke the lip locked embrace, she smiled softly to the confused looking drowess. "I understand exactly how you feel for him. Make no mistake, Rae. He loves all of us. While it is true he may love me on a different level, Blaze loves you as well. Or else he wouldn't have wanted you to come with us."

Rae didn't look quite as convinced as she sighed, "But he will always be yours Kendra...."

"Perhaps," the succubus smirked and winked, "But that doesn't mean I can't share. Wherever life leads us and if it even separates us, you are always welcome to come see Blaze and make love to him whenever you wish. Tyra and Nadine understand such and I don't see why you cannot be a part of this group as well."

The drowess silently let Kendra's words sink in and thought about it. A drowess was not used to having to share the things she desired. She simply took it. But if she took Blaze by force, he would not think much of her after such. Rae did not think she could stand knowing her Patron hated her for what she would have done. Perhaps the best option to always be with Blaze was to simply do as Kendra said. Sighing with acceptance, an idea popped into her head. The succubus wasn't always going to have the upper hand she determined!

Kendra's green eyes studied the drowess's expression and blinked when she saw those dark lips begin to smirk. The assassin suddenly seized the back of her head and crushed her dark lips to her full vanilla ones hungrily. Kendra blinked wide at the forwardness suddenly coming from the once indifferent drow but was soon returning the kiss with equal passion. Both formidable women swapped tongues instead of words now as they deeply kissed each other. Both their hands were busy roaming around those beautiful bodies in enticing caresses.

Rae broke the kiss with a pleased hiss before she shoved Kendra back against the hot spring's bank with a growl, "Let me at those beautiful tits!" The succubus gasped and then cooed in pleasure as dark hands seized those round melons roughly and squeezed them. She arched her back into those hands to better present the drowess her perfect rack. The demoness was soon moaning nonstop as her tits were worked over expertly, pale bright nipples hard and rolled about between the dark fingers of her assailant.

The assassin couldn't help but grope those tits with a burning hunger. They were soft yet firm. So big and round, perfectly capped by pale nipples. Rae had never seen a more beautiful pair of breasts other than her own in her long life. The soft brown skin called to her and she just had to taste. She heard Kendra groan her name loudly as she hungrily sucked one hard bud into her mouth. The drowess roughly tugged and nipped at her lover's tit-capping sensitive extension until Kendra was soon screaming passionately. Her red eyes glanced up evilly to see a flushed succubus looking back.

"My turn," the demoness gasped. Death's Mistress gave a startled cry at the strength the succubus possessed as she lifted her away and pushed her back. Kendra was right as the drowess was soon taking her turn to moan. Kendra's tongue was lavishing her firm obsidian orbs with hot wet caresses that nearly drove the drowess insane. Lloth curse her, why did her breasts have to be so damn sensitive? She hissed loudly as that tongue teased and circled about her areola before taken the hard purple nipple into her mouth. Rae screamed heatedly as the suction made her cunt wet and burn with desire. Kendra's free hand was kneading her free breast like no one ever had and only a woman knew how.

Rae put her hands frantically against Kendra's shoulders and gave a light shove. When the succubus didn't let go, she forcefully shoved her off and gasped heavily. Kendra smirked and moved up so they could kiss each other deeply again. The assassin knew what she wanted desperately now. Still kissing her female lover, she drew her out of the waters and shoved her on her back atop the soft grass. By Lloth's webs, she had to taste this beauty!

Kendra blinked as she was shoved back before the black skinned elf was all over her brown body. Her green eyes widened when she felt fingers part the lips of her pussy and a hot wet tongue flick across her sensitive clit. She couldn't help but moan as her pussy grew wetter with arousal as the drowess stimulated the precious nub. Not one to be left out on the action, she took up the offensive and moved Rae around so that her beautiful obsidian ass was above her.

Rae's red eyes opened wide when she felt Kendra's own tongue probing the dark wet folds of her cunt. With a hiss of pleasure, she rubbed the demoness's clit with her fingers as she delved deeply into Kendra's own twat. Both incredibly hot women were soon giving muffled moans as they orally pleasured each other and built towards the reward of explosive climax! Rae was the first to cave in when Kendra inserted two fingers to caress that special spot inside her pussy while she tongued the dark star of her ass.

"Oh! You fucking bitch!" Rae laughed and then screamed in orgasm. The black elf quaked and rewarded the succubus with a flood of white cream. Kendra drank greedily as her face became wet quickly. She was soon following Rae as the drowess drove two fingers into her. One for her cunt and the other her ass before rapidly thrusting in and out while sucking fiercely on her clit. Kendra groaned sensually as her cum rushed from her to the eager drowess's mouth. Moaning and shaking in orgasm, both women drank in the other's essence with relish. Finally they both came back down from the heights of ecstasy.

Rae moved off of Kendra, licking her lips. Kendra looked back to her as she cravingly sucked the juices off her cum-coated fingers. The drowess hissed and reached for her robe, pulling out a long object that looked to have two cockheads on each end.

"Why do you have one of those?" Kendra smirked knowingly.

Rae snorted softly and gave her lover an evil grin, "Some missions can be longer than expected. So when I didn't have my Patron nearby, I had my dear friend here to keep my pussy company."

Kendra didn't say another word and simply spread her legs open wide invitingly with a sensual smile that set the drowess burning with sexual hunger once again. She crawled between the succubus's legs and slowly pushed the black dildo deeply into her cunt. Kendra groaned softly and leaned her head back as it entered into her hot depths. Rae sat back with a pleased expression. The gorgeous demon sat there with her 'dick' sticking out her. Quickly whipping her hips around, Rae hissed as she lowered her dark pussy onto the toy until only a short span was visible between the two linked women.

Each gazed into the other's eyes lovingly before they began to roll their hips in unison. Cries of passion soon filled the forest. Kendra's large breasts heaved up and down as they glistened wetly. Rae's own firm black tits bobbed in same time. Both women threw their heads back and screamed as they fucked each other through the toy. Both now had their hips raised in the air as the butt naked babes humped their hips to the other more frantically. Such a pace was one they couldn't keep up forever, even though they wished they could at that moment.