Blazing Glory Ch. 06


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Both wailed at the top of their lungs, bodies shaking and breasts bouncing as they went over the edge together and coated the entire dildo wetly with their juices combined. They collapsed onto their backs and breathed heavily as they recovered, staring up to the stars. When each was fine, they sat up and embraced each other and shared another lustful kiss. Both former adversaries released the other's supple lips and then shared wicked smiles. Things were going to work out well after all...


Nadine sniffed and wiped tears from her eyes. She had searched all night through the canyon for Blaze. Now, not only was the sun up but it was almost midday! And she had only been able to cover the beginning of the canyon so far. What had initially looked to be hopeless was now looking impossible. But she couldn't give up! Nothing was impossible! And nothing was impossible when it came to Blaze. Her Blaze....

Choking back a fearful sob as images of his corpse laying in a cave half eaten or being subjected to all kinds of magical tests entered her mind once again. Such thoughts had tormented the lycan all night. With an angry hiss, she shoved the mental images aside as she thought the matter over. She remembered seeing the small shadow appear against the backlight of the moon. Dismissal soon grew to apprehension as she watched it grow more and more massive until the fear of it coming had frozen her breathe in her lungs.

But why? Why else would the dragon kidnap Blaze but with something malicious in mind? If it had wanted Blaze simply dead, it could have killed him, Tyra and herself easily in that moment. That dragon had something in mind for him and she had to find him before Blaze found out what.

The dark furred catwoman stepped inside the darkness of a shadow to cool herself. The canyon had a nasty way of trapping the growing heat from the sun passing overhead. It would be a sunbathing paradise for any dragon. As she rested, her golden eyes scanned the rocky walls and pockets of caves and crevasses as far as she could see. Her ears perked and eyes blinked as she though she heard a distant sound.

Then the air came alive in a resounding explosion that sent her scurrying back against a tree and covering her ears. Whimpering, the catwoman looked down to herself. She gave a short meow in surprise that she was still there and alive. Cautiously stepping back out onto the path, she saw that nothing had changed with the canyon. No rockslides or caved-in mountainsides. Then what had the explosion been from?


Her ears perked at the panicked scream that was distinctively feminine. The catwoman couldn't ignore such a cry for help and scrambled up the path towards where the scream came from. Loping along with catlike grace, she reached the spot in less than a few minutes. The sight that greeted her in open terrace brought her to a skidding halt.

"C'mere luvvy an' let me kill ye!"

The deep booming voice came from a massive giant that stood easily twenty feet tall. He was obviously very much human in looks with dirty blond hair and beard. The obviously filthy giant was wearing only a loin cloth and wielding a massive wooden club. Across from him came such a dangerous hiss that her fur stood on end and made her almost bolt in fear. A dragon with blue scales huddled against the cliff, head swinging about in search of an escape. Clearly the dragon was young still as it was much smaller than the giant before it. Still, the dragon would tower above Nadine herself.

"Dun be like thut deary. I just wanna bludgin' ya with me club here," laughed the massive humanoid. "It'll only hurt for a few bloody moments. 'Ave to cave in ye noggin and all is dun."

"Stay back! I'm warning you!" cried the dragon, with the feminine voice to Nadine's surprise.

"Ah really now? An' how's ye in a position to stop me, eh?" The blonde giant roared in laughter again. "Ye just missed me with ya little trick. I dun and gone busted ya wing there already. Ye can't do shit to stop me!"

Blinking as she listened, Nadine looked to see one of the dragon's wings hung limply sure enough. The bigger giant was right. He had the advantage. Nadine looked and saw the dragon cowering fearfully with the same realization. Taking the situation in, Nadine wasn't sure what to do. A dragon had taken Blaze after all. Why should she help one of them?

Images flashed into her mind as she remembered. Iron bars cold and harsh. Pain! Such terrible pain as objects struck her as she lay helpless. She looked up to see a rock heading straight for her face. Then in the next moment a form stands in the way and doubles over in pain from taking the blow.

"Stop this! All of you! There is no honor is hurting someone who is helpless as she is! All of you should be ashamed!" the voice yelled at them with anger, "How would you feel if you were in her position!?"

Her memory blurred into that night as she gazed into Blaze's face. "Thank you for helping me today. You didn't have to but you put yourself in harms way anyway. You don't even know me," she said.

On the other side of the bars, Blaze simply shrugged as he leaned against the cage, "As I said before, what they were doing wasn't right. I wasn't going to stand for it and let it pass."

He always spoke of doing what was right in a world where so many did not. To act with honor and kindness. This dragon needed her like she had needed Blaze. Her fur stood on end as a low hiss escaped from her. She looked at the giant tormenting the dragon, just like she had been mocked and tortured. This wasn't right and she wasn't going to stand for it either!

There was a sharp click in the air as her claws sprung free instantly. Taking in the giant, she knew this was going to require more sharpness. Another click sounded as the claws on her feet appeared as well. Lowering herself to all fours, she hissed before taking off in a cloud of dust behind her. Meowing threateningly, she reached the massive man quickly just as he turned to see what the ruckus was about.

"Ah look! A cute' kitty! 'Ere kitty kitty! Come ta papAAAHH!!" the giant screamed after the catwoman leapt into the air and latched onto his bare leg with every single claw she had. His howls further increased while the female dragon watched in shock as the lycan clawed her way around that tree trunk of a leg. Great gashes in his flesh were soon visible and bleeding profusely as he continued to howl in pain. No matter how hard he tried to reach and grab her, the catwoman was always one step ahead as she hopped from one leg to another.

Nadine hissed in pleasure as she had his legs in bloody tatters. It serves him right! Looking up, those golden eyes spot a prize she could not ignore. With a feral grin, she climbed rapidly.

"Ye bloody furry bitch! Get off! Nuh! Get outta from unda thur!" the giant yelled before the mountains echoed his booming scream as Nadine sank fangs and claws into his free swinging balls! The catwoman swung back and forth on the pendulous nuts as her claws and fangs sank more deeply. The giant's voice went soprano!

"Miss Kitty, would you be so kind as to let go right at this moment?"

Hearing the dragon's voice, the lycan dropped out from beneath the loincloth and landed neatly on her feet. Looking up at the sounding of a grunt, she looked in time to witness the dragon heave the dropped club with her claws. "You dropped THIS!"

The giant himself now looked up in time to receive his own club into his own face. The impact above Nadine made her wince before she rolled away. The giant cried out in pain as several yellow teeth were sent flying from his mouth as his nose bent horribly from breaking. The blow sent the massive humanoid sprawling backwards and tumbling down the hill. Both catwoman and dragoness watched him rise and stumble away in defeat until he was out of sight.

Nadine shivered as the realization of what she had just done settled in. She had attacked a full-grown giant head on and could have easily been squished like a bug. Feeling something nuzzle the back of her neck, the catwoman yelped in surprise and whipped around to look face to face with the dragon.

"Thank you, 'Ms. Kitty' or do I have the honor to know the real name of my rescuer?" the dragoness said with a chuckle. Nadine could understand Blaze's awe in such creatures as she finally could see the dragon and appreciate her. In all her knowledge of them, she had never laid eyes on one before. Her scales shined brilliantly in the sun, her eyes such beautiful orbs of blue holding intelligence and kindness. Her voice was soft, not hissing in any manner like she would have thought.

"N-Nadine... Nadine Teigra," she stuttered shyly.

The dragoness gave her a fanged grin. "A pleasure, Nadine Teigra. I am Shandra Sheehan. You came in time to help and I would like to thank you."

Nadine swallowed audibly as she watched Shandra raise her head to its normal height as she eyed the lycan's body over. The lycan blinked and looked down. She yelped in surprise at the sight of her bright nipples poking out of her fur-covered breasts. The excitement of the fight and witnessing the dragon had not gone on ignored by her body.

Looking up again, she could see Shandra's eyes drawn to her large furry tits and erect nipples. Abashed by what was happening, Nadine was at a loss of words to try and explain. A slow smirk grew on the dragon's face as she moved closer. Sudden fear seizing her, Nadine shut her eyes and threw up her hands in a futile effort to protect herself. She whimpered fearfully when she felt her both her hands and upper arms grabbed by just one claw.

"Shhhh. Just relax, Nadine," Shandra whispered into her ear. "I'm not going to hurt you. I'm going to make sure to give you a really nice 'thank you'."

Her golden eyes blinked open in surprise as she felt something long and wet slide across her heaving breasts. Looking down, she watched that forked tongue teasingly flick across her hard nipple. With a moan as the feelings of arousal slowly began to rise within her, Nadine gave into the dragon and relaxed her tense body. A low purr escaped from her as that long tongue slid down the length of her body. Shandra used her other free claw to spread the lycan's strong legs apart to allow her agile tongue to access those sweet pussy lips.

"Oh gods... It's so hot.." Nadine meowed sensually as she squirmed about. That forked tongue had spread those outer lips to reveal her budding clit. It was rubbing and caressing the bud from every angle varying in control from softly to roughly. The lycan squealed and cooed in pleasure. Her legs were soon flailing about as she was lifted off the ground by her arms. "Wha.. What are you doing?"

A draconic grin was all that was given to her in answer. Nadine found out soon enough as that wet red tongue penetrated her wet quim. Golden eyes bolted wide open as the agile member snaked its way deeply into her hot cunt. With a loud squealing meow she thrust her hips into that invading tongue, driving it deeper into her. It felt so hot and moved about like no cock could ever do. Moving about as it was, the tongue rubbed against her sweet spot inside and sent her into a screaming climax.

Shandra chuckled beneath her as lycan cum flooded her tongue with its sweet taste. No one, not even Nadine, could have imagined her eyes could grow as wide as they did now with Shandra's tongue pushing more deeply into her now. The draconic tongue thickened with its increasing length. The result was the poor catwoman's twat being spread even further akin to like a really fat cock fucking her.

Nadine felt her back pressed up against the cliff wall right before her hands and arms were released. Her hands frantically sought out and found purchase in handholds on the rock wall as she grunted with her juicy cunt sinking further down upon that thick member.

"YES! YES!! HARDER! YEEESSSSS!!!!! FUCK ME WITH YOUR TONGUE HARDER!" came the screams echoing through the whole canyon.

Shandra was only too happy to give the lycan woman what she wanted. Soon that long tongue was sliding in and out of that wet tunnel rapidly and wriggling about. Nadine screamed in another crushing climax, hands scrambling to keep purchase on the wall as her big furry tits heaved up and down with the wild fucking thrusts of her hips. Screaming low and huskily with such a sexy glare, Nadine's hips ground back and forth as she eagerly fucked herself into a nonstop orgasm.

The dragoness purred at the steadily flow of sweet juices down her tongue into her awaiting maw. The glorious tongue-fuck continued with howling screams and shrieking meows until Nadine finally collapsed wearily against the wall. Shandra withdrew her tongue and quickly grabbed the lycan before she fell down fifteen feet to the ground. Nadine moaned softly as she was put down and slumped to sit on her beautiful firm butt. Breasts rising and falling with her heavy breathing, she purred blissfully as she took a good number of minutes to recover. All of this, the dragon took in silently with a knowing smile.

"Oh wow...." Nadine cooed softly as she got up to her feet on wobbly legs. Her eyes then saw something and she gasped. "Your wing! It's still broken! You did that for me while you were in pain?"

Shandra blinked at the innocent lycan who now looked both somber and guilty. Taken aback, she was quick to respond, "No, no! It aches, but the pain has long since gone. I just need to go have it set and wrapped so it can heal."

The catwoman gasped as she remembered why she was here to begin with. In the chaos of the fight and bliss of climax, she'd forgotten all about Blaze. "Shandra, have you happened to see a human man around here? He's taller than me, young, and cute. He was kidnapped last night by a dragon. Obviously that dragon was not you," she added quickly.

Shandra frowned and shook her head. "I haven't seen a human in the past few years, but for one of my kind to just kidnap one for no apparent reason is troubling. I know someone who may know what to do about finding him quickly." The furry woman gasped excitedly and nodded eagerly. Together, both dragon and lycan set out on the path back in the direction Nadine had come.

"You know... I ought to introduce you and that tongue to a few friends of mine!" the happy voice chirped as they disappeared from view.


The night simply continued to worsen as it progressed. Rising higher into the reaches of the mountains, the air grew chiller. Tyra had sighed, wishing she had more clothing than just her skimpy loincloth and top. It didn't help that her clothes were still wet and now very cold. While it took some time for her clothing to dry out, at least her skin was dry. But still her dark blue nipples on those mammoth jugs were hard in the open chill of night until she could put on the dried clothing..

The guardian had shrugged away the cold with iron hard determination. She would find Blaze. She must find Blaze! The fact that he had been taken from her right before her very eyes angered her greatly. Tyra wasn't going to lose another charge if she had anything to do about it. The fact that a powerful dragon had been the culprit still didn't change her mind from blaming this failure on herself. But she would get him back and face a dragon down to the death if need be.

Dark eyes searched all about the entire night and coming morning with no sign of her charge or the blasted winged-lizard. Frustration and mounting fear began to rise steadily within her as the time continued to slip away. Wearily she leaned against the wall. The gargoyle had gone without any sleep since the night prior and this search was already taking its toll on her. She remembered what her father had always reminded her as they watched over Nervei together. You could be the strongest in the world, but without proper rest the weakest can topple you easily.

"Excuse me, ma'am?"

Tyra jumped at the sound of the voice and whipped around to find herself staring face to face with a dragon. Her breath caught in her throat from the shock. Improper rest could also dampen your awareness, she thought in self-admonishment. Stepping back to put some space between them, she quickly ascertained the situation. Both of them were on a wide path leading up into the mountains further. To her left the mountain rose steeply while on her right it did vice versa. Trees surrounded them and let rays of bright light of the morning sun spill through.

The dragon was clearly a young blue one. Being only at eye level with her, the dragon was slightly bigger than your normal warhorse. Her tension eased quickly as well as she saw the look in those eyes. Innocence. This dragon was not here for trouble.

"Are you some kind of dragon?" the dragon with a young male voice asked her.

The question caught her off guard and her shoulders slumped. Putting her hand to her forehead, she shook her head in dismay. What was it with people thinking she was a dragon!? This was the second damn time. One more time and she will scream. The silent guardian shook her head in answer that she wasn't as she watched the powerful creature carefully.

The young dragon's head dipped in disappointment as he looked to her, "Oh..... Okay..... I'm sorry, ma'am."

Tyra couldn't help but notice how sad the young dragon looked now and felt horribly for him. Clearly something had upset him as a result from her response and she should do something to make him feel better.

"No. It's okay," she said with a warm smile. "In a way you could say I am, I suppose. Wings, a tail, and blue skin kind of set me up like a dragon doesn't it? I'm sorry about making you sad. Is there anything I can do to help you? You look like you're in need."

The youthful dragon nodded slightly, his gaze still down at the ground. "Uh huh.. I do need something. I was hoping you could maybe help me when I found you."

"Sure. I'll do anything within my power to help you," the sexy gargoyle said. She sighed inwardly at being delayed in finding Blaze. Perhaps in return for her help, the young one can help her.

"You'll do anything to help me? Really?.... You promise?"

"Yes. I promise I will."

The dragon's head lifted to gaze into hers shyly. His change in mood unsettled her and she wondered what was wrong. And his scales turning a deeper shade of blue before he spoke, "Will you mate with me?" She gasped and was taken aback as the blow of what he said sent her mind reeling! Mate? With HIM? A dragon!?

"It's that time of year we dragons mate," he broke into hurried explanation. "This is my first time and I've been unable to find a female dragon. I really like my friend Jewel, but I found her too late. She was already mounted by some older dragon. I guess she doesn't like me anymore."

His mood saddened again quickly like a sudden rainstorm moving in. Through her stunned mind, she barely registered that he must have strong feelings for this Jewel. Swallowing, she found her throat dry but worked up the nerve to step up to the youngling and pat his shoulder comfortingly.

"No. I'm sure she does like you... Maybe she just wasn't able to find you," she whispered comfortingly. Dear heavens, mate with this dragon? "Perhaps she worried that you found someone else instead and just wanted it over with?"

His head atop that long sinuous neck bobbed in slight agreement. The buxom guardian sighed, "Well a promise is a promise. Since we're about to get well acquainted with each other physically, we should at least introduce ourselves right? I'm Tyra Rohanna."

Seeing her kind smile, the young male's mood lightened quickly and gave her a shy fanged grin in return. "I'm Kalama, Miss Tyra."