Blue Futanari: Neophyte


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I couldn't complete the thought. The notions battled in my mind. I am a goddess, I can do almost anything. I am Alexys, but more. Or have I left Alexys behind? Am I allowed to be...

Frustration replaced the sadness, it moved through my veins like poison until I sat up, angry. "What am I supposed to do?" I shouted the question at the ceiling as if Txao could somehow hear me. "You made me this way! You took everything I loved away!"

Even as I shouted the words, I wasn't sure they were true but I had no answers, only questions and I was too scared to actually do anything.

I threw myself back against the pillows and shut my eyes. Kim. I focused my thoughts on her. I needed to see her, needed to know that she was all right. I could do that, right? I could observe her without doing any damage. Sure, go quietly observe the woman you love while she mourns your death. That's a great idea.

I took a deep breath to calm myself and she came into view.

She stood at the window of our apartment and stared out at the street. It was the place she had held me only a few days before, the morning she had found me waiting for Pablo.

Her eyes were puffy and red. Her cheeks streaked with tears. I should have gone with her. I would have told James that I was going down there with them. He would have let me. I could have stopped her. She might not have listened to Chance, but she would have listened to me. I could have stopped her. I should have...

More tears fell until she put both hands over her face, suddenly frustrated. Stop it. She's gone. There's nothing... she didn't finish the thought.

The pain came off her in waves. But what if she's alive? She could be at the bottom of some pit waiting on the rescue crews. James says it's possible even though Chance said...

Tears filled my eyes. I wanted to hold her, wrap her in my arms and tell her it was all going to be okay, but then what?

I couldn't stand to see her in so much pain. I wanted to be there...and then I was - invisible but right beside her, no longer watching from my place halfway around the world.

Everything came rushing back like I had never left, the smell of our place, a mix of coffee, the scented soap that Kim loved, and Peru - a mix of jungle, flowers, and wet dirt that was Peru.

My sweater was still over the chair, my sandals sideways against hers next to the door, and she was close enough to touch. I wanted to touch her cheek and wipe away the tears...but what then?

Fear overcame me and I stepped away. There was no right answer. I was cable of doing more harm than good and destroying her with my best intentions - because no matter what happened. At the end of it all, I wasn't Alexys.

Kim sobbed. Why did you have to leave me? I loved you. I loved you so much.

My chest ached.

All I wanted was to appear in front of her, alter myself to Alexys, and wrap my arms around her, but I couldn't. How long could I hide in my human form? Would I starve? And if I became my futa self, what would become of Kim, would she run or worship me?

Worship. I considered the word. It was the last thing I wanted from Kim - humble, all-consuming adoration and devotion. No, I wanted to love and be loved. I wanted what was human.

Looking at Kim, overcome with grief, I had to get away. It was too risky; I was too close to changing things I didn't understand. I thought of the dig and was suddenly floating high above it, a bird's eye view of the entire thing, and I realized that I was exactly where the top of the temple had been in Txaollix's day - the place I worshipped.

From my vantage, I could see where the rescue crews had been instructed to dig counter shafts to the one I had slipped down. They were making headway but they were still days away from finding anything.

They must never find it.

From high above the site, I could hear the low growl. The earth obeyed and small tremor, just enough to send the workmen scattering across the site, collapsed the tunnel and Txaollix's tomb. In the space of a couple seconds, Alexys Sans was dead.

Within hours, rescue efforts would be called off. Closure would fall across those that had been part of my life. I thought of my mother. She would get the call and immediately think that she had been right, that the work I had chosen was too dangerous. James would probably cry. Chance would shake his head and probably wonder why he never made a move. But Kim would have at least one answer - I would be gone.

It felt right and, though it saddened me to think of all the sorrow that would befall those closest to me, it also felt like something a goddess would do. I wondered if, where ever Txao was, she could see me and, if so, was she happy.

The funeral would be in a couple days.


Now I was alone - truly, completely alone. The realization came quickly. Alexys was dead. But I am Alexys. I looked down at the long green robe that accompanied my true form. The golden letters and symbols, the signs of my divinity, moved and changed, disappearing and reappearing, spelling out different blessings and names. I was what humans referred to as magical.

There was little left of Alexys Sans. The twenty six year old brunette from Ohio who barely stood six foot six and had the body of a teenage boy with a slightly larger chest was gone. I could become her again with a thought, but she was no longer my natural form. The slope of my nose had changed, it was less aquiline and my chin less square. I was taller, at least three inches and my body was nothing like the one I had grown up.

I opened my robe and stared down at my new form. My breasts were almost as big as basketballs and were capped with nipples like the end of your pinkie finger. My belly was smoother and stronger than the belly I had been born with. My fingers seemed longer, my legs were somehow sexier.

As it was, my pussy was the only part of me that was largely unchanged. Of course it was hidden behind the enormous penis I had been given. And to top everything off, I had amazing skin, skin like an angel, like a newborn baby, slightly olive and milky - so perfect even I loved to touch it.

No, Alexys was gone. If I had appeared in front of Kim without altering myself, she wouldn't have known it was me. Even in New York, in the shower when Jessica was watching, I had changed my hair and made sure that my face matched my old form.

There was really very little left. I had been snatched from humanity by goddess and then abandoned.

A chill went through me not because of where I was floating, invisible and still high above the dig, but because I had never been so alone before. I looked down at the workmen who were gathered in small groups.

Few will mourn me. I left too soon. I left no mark.

What was left of my humanity, the small part that could never be erased, began to boil with rage. She robbed me of everything!

I wondered if it had been a trap. Had I given Txaollix her freedom by taking her place? Had what I thought was a blessing actually been a curse.

She took everything from me - my life, my love, everything...

I looked around. Suddenly, I wanted something to break, something to destroy.

And what did she give me? A giant dick and some magical powers? I never asked for this.

I looked over the sight and thought of summoning the earth. I wanted to bury it all, I wanted to crush everything in sight, but even that much destruction didn't feel like enough. Disappearing from the dig, I appeared in the center of the city's marketplace. There were hundreds of stalls and little plastic gazebos where people set up tables and piled them high with everything from leather goods to fruits and vegetables.

Hundreds of people roamed the alleyways between the stalls - some shopping, some browsing, some just tourists who came to see what all the fuss was about.

I took a breath and tried to calm myself. Revenge was all I could think of, all I wanted. I needed to destroy someone the way Alexys had been destroyed. I wanted to take everything away and leave another person where I was - holding onto nothing more than memories. But I wanted to remain a goddess and watch.

A woman with long dark hair and green eyes walked past where I was standing and without a thought, I slipped inside of her.

She stopped where she stood like a person who had suddenly been turned into a puppet.

What is happening? Her thoughts cried out, not in pain but in panic.

Her name was Anica, she was twenty-nine, married to a cabinet maker, and mother to a four year old girl. She was shopping for vegetables. She had a crush on the man who brought the mail and flirted with him occasionally.

I stepped free of her and watched as her mind took control of her body. She looked around the market like someone had just tried to steal her bags, but I knew she was looking for me. Even though I had said nothing, she had felt my presence. She knew I was inside her.

It was a demon, a dark spirit that took hold of me.

I grinned. A dark spirit? I can be the devil if I want. I erased the moment from her mind. The anger still boiled inside of me, but it was the thought of her daughter, a four year old girl that had stopped me. Two lives for Kim and I, not three.

A young man walked past and I considered him.

"Oh, Julia," he said in a low voice to a woman picking through a bin of apples. "You are my apple." His hand slid around belly and he leaned in to kiss her neck.

Julia laughed. "Carlos, you are so silly."

I eyed them. She was young, nineteen, and a virgin.

Carlos was twenty-two.

They weren't supposed to be together. Julia's parents forbade her from seeing Carlos, but young love was foolish and they stole away every chance they got.

Julia reached for a shiny red apple and I stepped into her.

She froze as Carlos' lips wandered across her neck. I felt the heat of his breath, the strength of the arm he had wrapped around us.

Instantly, I knew her. Julia was young but she wasn't dumb. She loved Carlos but wasn't sure he was honest. She had a foot in both worlds - she wanted to believe the strong, handsome young man that had stolen her heart, but she also believed her parents might be right.

Oh, my god. What is this? Who are you? What are you doing?

I am the goddess, I whispered the words through her thoughts.

Julia wanted to scream, but I possessed her body.

Blinded with rage, I knew what I was about to do could be considered wrong, but I also knew it didn't matter, that there was no one who could or would stop me - that I was alone and powerful and about to have my revenge on the universe for the trick it had played on me.

Carlos squeezed us tighter and we, despite Julia's protests, gave him a delicious little sigh and wriggled our ass into his crotch.

What is it you want? Leave us alone. Julia protested.

What do I want? I want to show you what loss feels like.

Carlos playfully bit our earlobe.

We both liked it.

"I can't wait until tonight," he whispered, "we've waited so long..."

"Mmmm..." I closed our eyes and gave him a little moan, " either."

What is happening? She is inside me? She's taken over? Loss? What is she going to do to me? To us?

I'm going to show you how cruel the universe can be...

"Your aunt is out of town. Let's go now." Carlos whispered.

Julia relaxed. As you wish.

I smiled. Giving in so easily? It will not temper my judgment.

She is a goddess. She has possessed me, I can do nothing but what she wishes. I am her servant.

Carlos let go and I turned to look into his eyes. He was handsome. A pair of beat up jeans, a plaid, long sleeve with the arms rolled up and three buttons undone revealed a wide chest that bore just a few wisps of hair. He was clean shaven which I liked but Julia thought he would look better with a beard.

As we stood facing each other, I slipped through his thoughts. Everyone has secrets. Julia's was that she was scared of having sex, that she was sure she wouldn't be able to do it well enough to keep anyone interested. Her sister seemed to be the expert.

It was a smaller secret than she thought. I thought the fact that she masturbated almost every day and loved the way her own juices tasted was bigger, but then...I'm just a futa goddess of pleasure.

Carlos smiled. He was excited. A few wisps of his energy had already reached me.

Julia did her best to stay calm but her thoughts were a like a runaway train. There are stories of people possessed by evil spirits, is that what this is? No, she said she was a goddess. A goddess like the Greeks? The ancient Aztecs or those that came before - the unnamed? I have been chosen by her.

I held onto my anger. Be as pliant as you wish.

We grinned up at the excited face in front of us and took a step closer.

Carlos' eyes grew wide.

"Let's not wait," we said - a little shy. "Let's do it now."

I felt Julia's fear, she was afraid but less so of me than what was about to happen.

"Yes," Carlos grabbed our hands and held them in his. "Yes, today, right now."

We smiled. "Yes."

The market was behind us in a minute. We walked through the eastern part of the city. Carlos already knew where we going so he held our hand and led the way. We were almost running through the side streets. Every once in a while, Carlos would look back and smile. "You are sure, Julia?"

"Yes," we smiled.

Meanwhile, Julia was still trying to make sense of the fact that she was simply watching everything. She had control only of her thoughts. If she can do this, she can do anything. She really is a goddess.

I ignored her. My rage was still boiling. As silly and immature as it was, Julia loved Carlos and it was a pure and innocent love - the same way I had loved Kim. But by the end of the day, she was going to be alone. I was going to see to it.

We reached the street Julia's aunt lived on. It was a nicer part of town where the houses were all built with wide garages below sprawling balconies and floor to ceiling windows. The congestion of the city was broken up with palm and saman trees.

Carlos entered the code on the garage and we slipped off the street and into the cool darkness.

Julia began to sweat. The moment she had been pushing off for weeks was quickly approaching.

In the kitchen, Carlos opened the fridge and pulled out a cold beer. "What do you want?"

Let's just leave. Let's just walk away. I will give you whatever you want.

"Wine," we smiled. "My aunt always has a blanco in there."

Carlos grinned. Drunk, Julia? This is going to be more fun than I thought.

He bent over to reach into the fridge and we slipped off our shoes while I admired his ass.

He is really sexy. I taunted.

Yes, he is isn't he?

I ignored her question. It had been miserably hot outside and we unbuttoned three buttons on our sun dress while Carlos poured the chilled wine into a coffee cup and handed it across. He glanced down at our chest and looked like a cat about to pounce. He was sure of himself. Sure that Julia and him would be fucking in a matter of minutes.

We swallowed the wine like it was water. "Let me have another," we said.

He took the cup with a smile and turned back to the fridge. Meanwhile, we slipped onto the large island counter behind him and the hem of the dress rode high onto our thighs. When he turned around, we were the same height. We spread our legs, reached out, and pulled him in.

We laid our lips against his and wrapped our calves around the small of his back.

Our lips parted and we sucked in Carlos' tongue. He tasted like cheap beer but Julia didn't seem to mind, her body buzzed with excitement and I basked in her pleasure.

We slid our arms around Carlos and pressed against him.

I liked it. The idea of her getting carried away - it was going to make the sundering that much sweeter.

Carlos' hands came around to the front of us. His fingertips found the next button in line and worked it open so he could stretch the fabric wide and expose the tops of our breasts.

We took a breath and they swelled in the little blue and white polka-dotted bra.

Do you think he likes them?

The question caught me off guard. Yes, he likes them.

They're not as big as my sisters. Everyone stares at her chest.

Carlos leaned down and kissed the soft flesh of one before moving to the top of the other - his mouth hot and wet.

We sighed and pulled our arms around to undo another button, but Carlos slipped it free.

I should have worn a different bra. I was going to change. He hates the bra, doesn't he? At least it clips in the front. This feels so right and wrong at the same time. I'm excited and afraid. Is this what you want for me, Goddess?

I couldn't believe what was happening. Julia suddenly didn't care that I possessed her, that I was in control. I might has well have been making her learn to ride a bike or throwing her in the deep end to teach her to swim. She accepted me as a teacher. I wondered if it was because I had become her, slipped inside of her, and taken her over. Maybe there was some weird shift that took place, some complicity.

My mind reeled for a moment or two. I was caught between my appetite and my lust for revenge. It was disappointing; she was supposed to be afraid, afraid of my power, my control. She was my slave, forced to do my will - how could she simply accept it? It was all supposed to be...different.

Carlos' rough fingers moved across the smooth flesh of our breasts as he worked the little clasp.

A shiver moved through us, goose bumps, and a little thrill of joy as our breasts burst free.

Carlos gripped them immediately and our kiss became passionate, urgent - our tongues danced between our lips.

Being inside of Julia, in absolute control, was different. I could feel my own body, incorporeal, but still there tucked inside of Julia's smaller frame. I absorbed her energy from inside. It was different, sharper somehow. But I wasn't there for that, I was there to tear them apart, to take my revenge on the universe.

I slipped our hand down between our bodies until I was clutching his swelling through his jeans. He sighed with pleasure.

It's so big! Oh, my god, I had no idea how big it was? Do you think it will fit?

My anger overcame my patience. I don't think you understand why I am here, Julia.

We pushed Carlos away, slid off the counter, and straight to our knees.

I do, Goddess. I am your servant.

We grinned up at Carlos while we worked his belt buckle, then the button, and finally the zipper. Julia's excitement was palpable. His cock was big and throbbing, eager for Julia's sweet little mouth, our sweet, little mouth.

A shiver ran through Julia. It was everything she wanted. Desire flowed through her veins.

I opened our mouth and dove onto the cock.

"Holy fuck!" Carlos flinched. "Julia!" He wasn't expecting her readiness - my skill or acumen.

We pressed further and took him to the back of our mouth.

Julia focused on the way he felt in her mouth, the hard muscles that throbbed on her tongue, until she realized that we couldn't breathe. She started to panic. Our body stiffened but I knew it could take more and so we swallowed and pressed until the brown curly hairs under Carlos' bellybutton touched our nose.

Oh, Julia sighed with pleasure. That does feel good.