Body Swap with Sister's Boyfriend Ch. 06


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Cheryl had also rated her most embarrassing toilet experience of her life to date when she was at high school, her class going for a field trip for biology to the hills. There were toilet facilities at the site, but when Cheryl went into them she found no toilet paper and had to go and ask the teacher if they had any among the supplies. With quite a number of students and only half a roll of toilet tissue, the teacher realized that it had to be rationed to last the day, but all tact went out the window when the teacher in an attempt to gauge how much paper Cheryl would need did not lower her voice in asking Cheryl 'if she needed to go number one or number two' and also if Cheryl was on her period, the entire class including the boys hearing this, the petite blonde teenager wanting to vanish into thin air.

But farting loudly while giving birth and being embarrassed at school now seemed like pleasant memories compared to her nephew walking in on her while she was sitting on the toilet having diarrhea, seeing her knickers and her vagina and her actually wiping her bottom, and hearing and smelling her pooing and farting was something that Cheryl could not have envisioned in a million years.

"This lock seems fine to me," said Gary. He went into the bathroom, closed the door and pressed the locking button. Outside, Doug tried to turn the handle, which would not budge. Gary opened the door and emerged, puzzled.

"I know I locked this door," said Cheryl.

"I might get a locksmith to check it this week," said the perplexed Gary. Not he nor his wife nor brother wanted to think about the alternative theory -- that Richie had deliberately picked the lock to walk in on Cheryl while she was on the toilet.

Standing between the tall figures of her husband and brother-in-law, Cheryl felt her tummy rumbling and the urgency in her bowels returning. "Um, could you please excuse me? I need to go to the toilet again," said Cheryl.

"Sure honey," said Gary. He and Doug stepped away from the bathroom door as Cheryl closed and locked it. Doug and Gary exited the bedroom, Gary closing this door and standing guard outside it to guarantee his wife 100 percent privacy this time. Inside the bathroom, the barefoot Cheryl pulled her knickers down and sat down on the loo, farting loudly ahead of round two of her diarrhea, which like the first time went everywhere in the toilet with a terrible smell. Reaching for the toilet paper, Cheryl hoped her nephew this time would not see, hear or smell her in the most private situation imaginable.

Doug met Troy at the laundry, and handed him a plastic bin liner and cleaning supplies. "Get the toilet cleaned up now, Richie," he ordered.

Troy set to work on the unpleasant task of cleaning up all the sick that covered the toilet, walls and floor. His vomit smelled bad, and the smell of Ashley's shit that still lingered around the toilet obviously smelled bad too. But combining the smells of his vomit and Ashley's poo produced an odor that was out of this world for bad. Troy hoped he would not be sick again.


Up on the Sunshine Coast, like her sister-in-law Jodie Mitchell also had an embarrassing toilet experience with her nephew, but compared with Cheryl it was nothing.

Jodie sat barefoot on the toilet with her oversize tee-shirt hitched up and her knickers down around her ankles, emptying her bladder and bowels and changing her saturated overnight pad for a daytime sanitary napkin. Jodie spent her toilet time thinking about how odd her son was behaving lately and what her daughter and daughter's dickhead boyfriend were up to right now.

Jodie used the last piece of toilet paper during her lengthy session on the toilet and changed the roll over. As she finished wiping her bottom Jodie was so focused on thinking about her daughter and daughter's boyfriend no doubt having sex in her and Doug's marital bed at this very moment that when she stood up off the toilet, flushed it, then pulled up her knickers and adjusted her new napkin, she forgot to spray any toilet freshener around.

Emerging from the loo, the sound of the cistern still refilling, Jodie immediately walked into her nephew in Karen and Chris's younger kid, their 18-year-old son Liam, who immediately could see that his aunt had an empty toilet roll in one hand, a sanitary disposal bag containing her soiled and smelly overnight pad in the other and a packet of period pads under her arm. And of course the already embarrassed Liam walked right into the smell of his tall and attractive aunt's poo and her period that lingered from her lengthy session on the toilet.

Feeling most embarrassed, Jodie washed her hands and could only wish that she had run into her niece, Karen and Chris's daughter, 20-year-old Tegan rather than her nephew. She also worried about how long he had been standing there, because if he had been there a while in the quiet of the house he would without doubt heard his aunt proving that attractive women do fart. Taking the sanitary bag to the wheelie bin and the empty toilet roll to the recycling bin, Jodie's thoughts again returned to Brisbane and how pissed off she would be if she returned home to find Dakota and Troy half-dressed and in each other's arms like the time she and Doug came back from their long weekend down in Sydney.


While Jodie would have been pissed off had she known about what 'Richie' had been up to on the Gold Coast and what 'Troy' and Dakota were up to in Brisbane, she would have been completely freaked out if she had known that the bumbling skinny red-haired nerd who had thoroughly embarrassed himself this weekend was Troy masquerading as her son, and her real son pretending to be Troy at this stage was sitting on her marital bed waiting for her daughter to finish on the toilet.

In the ensuite bathroom, the tall attractive Dakota was barefoot on the toilet with her knickers around her ankles, the teenager having one of her marathon sessions on the loo. It was lucky that Richie had gotten her more toilet paper earlier as Dakota had soon gotten through the paper on the first roll, and had used plenty from the second as well.

Richie could hear Dakota using toilet paper, and was impatient for her to finish. But not because he needed to go himself -- there was another toilet anyway if he needed it -- but because he wanted to fuck her. Richie was dismayed himself that he wanted to fuck his own sister, but despite protests from his conscience he kept fantasizing about getting into her knickers when she finally finished on the toilet.

Dakota farted on the toilet, more poo coming out of her anus, and she unwound several lengths of toilet paper to finish wiping herself clean. She was hampered by her toilet paper sticking to her pussy as she wiped her bottom front to back. During her lengthy visit to the loo, Dakota had been day-dreaming of the sexy things she and her boyfriend would get up to, and given herself a damp and sticky pussy.

Now finally finished, Dakota stood up off the toilet and flushed it, Richie hearing his sister flush and anticipating her emerging, his erection getting bigger as he thought about her pussy. In the bathroom, Dakota did not pull her knickers up right away, but rather walked with them still around to her ankles to the sink, where she took a pink washcloth out of the cupboard, wet it and used it to wash first her vagina and then her bottom, not wanting her boyfriend to encounter any poo smells that might linger around her anal area after spending so long on the loo.

Drying herself between her legs, Dakota pulled up her knickers, rinsed out the washcloth and then washed her hands. However, Dakota became the third woman in the Mitchell family this morning to fail to remember to spray toilet freshener around after having a shit, joining her mother and cousin Ashley in this regard.

"Sorry I took so long," she apologized, jumping onto the bed beside her brother. "Fuck, it was like I ate a kilo of cheese." Dakota giggled. "I'm sure you really wanted to know that, Troy."

"It's okay," Richie assured her, putting his hand around his sister and fondling one of her tits through her tee-shirt. He went to kiss her, but Dakota gently held him off with a grin on her face.

"I've got a better idea. Why don't you have a shave and get dressed, and I'll get ready to show you something you really like? We are going to have so much fun."

"Really?" Richie's erection throbbed in anticipation.

"Really," Dakota promised him. Richie saw his sister's knickers as she got up and left the room, then headed towards her own bedroom, and Richie went into the ensuite bathroom.

In the bathroom, Richie found as was often the case that the smell of Dakota's excrement was very strong after she finished using the loo and forgotten to spray any toilet freshener around. But rather than being repulsed by Dakota's toilet smell as normal, for some reason Richie found the odor left by his sister's poo somewhat arousing evidenced by a rising erection and went even closer to the toilet so he could absorb even more odors of her shit. He knew it was weird and perverted and struggled to find an explanation, maybe because the smells that had come out of Dakota's bottom when she went to the toilet were so private and something he wasn't supposed to enjoy?

Richie didn't spend too long speculating on it, he had to shave before Dakota returned with whatever she had in mind. Shaving with Troy's heavier facial growth was more difficult for Richie as he had far lighter facial hair, but it was the third day since he and Troy had swapped bodies so he was more used to it now. Needing something to wash away the shaving foam from his face, Richie spied a pink washcloth nearby and obviously not knowing that his sister had used it a few minutes earlier to wash her smelly bottom, cleaned his face with it.

Returning to the bedroom and putting on undies, shorts and a tee-shirt, Richie waited for Dakota to get back.

Her voice was heard first. "Hey Troy, guess what?"

"I'm not sure Dakota," Richie called back, eagerly anticipating his teasing twin to come into the room.

"You're not going to believe this, but we slept for 24 whole hours! It's now Monday, not Sunday. You need to get to work, and I need to get to school."

"No way, it's still Sunday," Richie called back.

"Well if it's Sunday, why am I dressed like this?"

Dakota then stepped into the room, Richie's mouth dropping open at the sight of his sister's tall figure wearing her Catholic school uniform with her white ankle socks and black Mary-Jane shoes, her beautiful long hair in her most frequent style of a high pony tail, this time held in place with a hair bow. She carried her purse with her, placing it down next to a chair that sat opposite the bed.

Richie obviously saw his sister in her school uniform every day, but never had she looked this hot with her big tits pressing at the front of her dress, the hem well above the knees of her sensational long legs. Her hair bow that held her pony tail made her even cuter.

The tall teenager kept up with her pretense of it being Monday. "No Troy, it really is Monday. You need to get to work, and I had to dress really fast so I wouldn't be late for school. But I was in such a hurry that I think I've forgotten something. Now what is it I could have forgotten?"

Dakota sat in the chair opposite her brother and pretended to think about it. "Homework done, check. Uniform on, yes. Correct shoes and socks, definitely. Bra, yes, I'm wearing my bra." Dakota flicked at the elastic of her brassiere. "Now what is it I've forgotten, it's driving me crazy?"

Richie's eyes went to Dakota's knees, as the teasing teenager crossed and uncrossed her legs to allow slight glimpses up her dress and see that she wasn't wearing any panties. The sight of his knicker-less sister going commando under her school dress and flashing her snatch at him had Richie's penis throbbing in his undies to such an extent that he thought he might lose control and cream himself.

Dakota sat with her knees apart showing off her re-growing pubes and her pretty pink vagina, still pretending to have forgotten. "I still can't remember what it is I've forgotten," she said. "Do you have any idea, Troy?"

Richie said nothing, just kept staring at his twin sister's snatch up her school dress and salivating. Dakota looked down and pretended to notice her exposed genitals for the first time, and put a mock look of surprise on her pretty face, covering her cunt with her hands acting all coy and embarrassed.

"Oh, I know what it was now, my knickers!" she squealed. "How could I forget to put on my knickers? It would be really bad if I went to school wearing no panties, wouldn't it?"

"I think it would be a definite breach of the school's uniform policy and modesty standards, Dakota," said Richie.

Dakota smiled. "But you wouldn't be upset, would you Troy?" The teenager removed her hands from her crotch, and sat with her legs wide apart and her vulva on full display, showing off her girly parts to her brother with glee. "You like what you see, don't you Troy?" she teased. "Well don't just stare at it, it won't bite I promise."

Richie stared at his sister's fanny flaps, and was indeed keen to do more than perve on her pussy. Getting off the bed, Richie crawled along the floor to his waiting sister and his heart racing in anticipation, put his face between her knees.

Dakota's clitoris tingled as Richie's face moved closer to her cunt, and Richie got more and more aroused at the smell of teen pussy between his sister's legs. He moved closer and closer until his face was right up against Dakota's vagina, the smell of her vagina causing still more blood to flow to his groin.

The teasing Dakota closed her thighs, trapping her brother's head between her legs. Richie did not mind, there was no other place he wanted to be than with his face buried in his sister's crotch and his tongue soon eagerly went to work on her twat, young Dakota squirming and groaning in delight as her twin brother ate out her pussy. Richie's tongue went deep inside his sister's pussy, drinking the sticky dampness of arousal that flowed from her and teasing her clitoris with his tongue. Her prickly pubes tickling his nose was another turn on, as was her moaning and saying dirty things like, "Oh yeah Troy, lick my cunt harder."

Dakota moved positon a bit, opening her legs wider so Richie would have greater access to her most private and personal places. Richie feasted her eyes on Dakota's anus and the area of skin that separated her vulva and arsehole, and moved his tongue from his sister's front opening to her back opening, feeling so hot and dirty as he licked the personal place where his sister's poo came out of her bottom when she went to the toilet. His sister squirmed as her arsehole was licked, and squealed in delight as her lover's tongue traversed the sensitive skin between her vagina and anus.

"Oh, I wish the school had toilet paper that felt like your tongue Troy," squealed Dakota, as the feeling of her brother's tongue circling her perfect tight anus sent more waves of pleasure through her bowels and her reproductive system. "Troy, one good thing about wearing no knickers is that you have easy access to do that, but you know what else? No knickers kind of equals no fun."

Richie, his twin sister's pussy juice upon his lips, withdrew his mouth from her arsehole. "Yeah?" he grinned.

"Yeah," said Dakota, with a cheeky smile on her stunning face. She pointed at her bag. "Open up my bag Troy, I think you'll find something in there you like."

Richie went to the bag, opened it and immediately found the same knickers his sister had worn to bed, the white cotton panties with pretty blue flowers. He picked up Dakota's knickers, as his sister stood beside him.

"I'd best be wearing my proper school uniform, and that of course includes my knickers," giggled Dakota. "Hold them out nice and wide and close to the floor for me please Troy."

Richie did as his sister told him, holding out her knickers for her so she could step into them. Dakota did just this, it would have been easier had she been barefoot but she was wearing her Mary-Jane's and white ankle socks, but still got both feet through the leg holes with no problems.

"Pull my knickers up, Troy," Dakota urged. Richie was not going to refuse this simple but hot request. Taking a firm hold of Dakota's knickers, Richie pulled them up her long legs and to her crotch, lifting her school dress to show her pussy and her bare bottom and pulling the panties up and adjusting them into place around her buttocks and box, unable to resist tracing the indentation of Dakota's vagina in her panties. Putting his sister's knickers on for her felt so forbidden, so erotic.

With her underpants now on and up, Dakota flashed her panties at her brother. "I know you love me in my knickers Troy. Lay down and I'll thank you for helping me put them on."

Richie lay flat on his back, staring upwards as Dakota straddled him over his head, Richie looking up Dakota's skirt and perving on her pretty panties. Lowering bum down, Dakota sat her panty covered arse down on her brother's face and writhed around. Again, Richie worried he would cum prematurely as his sister sat on his face, and he smelled her vagina through her knickers.

Getting up off her brother, Dakota indicated for him to stand up too. "I feel like a good girl now I'm wearing my knickers like I should be," she smiled, flashing her flowery white bikini briefs at her brother, her high pony-tail with hair bow making her look prim, innocent and demure. However, her innocent smile soon turned to one of mischief. "But if I really was a good girl, would I do this?"

Dakota knelt down in front of her brother so her pretty face was level with Richie's groin. Richie knew what she was going to do, but still found it hard to believe when she undid his shorts and pulled them down along with his underpants, before opening her mouth and going down on him.

Richie's throbbing erection soon disappeared into Dakota's mouth, and the teenager moved her head back and forward putting her teasing tongue to good use as she gave her brother a blow job, stroking his balls and scrotum with her sensual hands as she did so. Sometimes his sister would take his dick out of her mouth, t-bag her brother by sucking on his balls, then return to giving fellatio once more.

Again, Richie felt he was about to lose control and ejaculate as his gorgeous sister gave him a head job while dressed in her school uniform, and the more experienced Dakota seemed to sense this and withdrew her head from her brother's groin.

"I think we're going to have a premature explosion here," laughed Dakota, teasing her brother's throbbing erection with her sensual hands. She stood up, took the condoms and rolled one onto Richie's erection, securing it in place, Richie in a state of absolute delight that again he and his sister were going to fuck.

Dakota sat on the edge of the bed, the teenager sitting with her knees slightly apart so her brother could see her knickers. "Now again, we need to respect at least one of Mum and Dad's rules of no shoes on the furniture," she said. She held out her feet to her brother. "You're okay Troy, but would you like to help me out?"

Removing Dakota's shiny black Mary-Jane school shoes and her cute white ankle socks wasn't quite as hot as helping Dakota put her knickers, but it was still pretty hot, especially when Richie took off Dakota's white cotton socks to reveal her pretty bare feet. Keeping in character with Troy's obvious foot fetish ways, Richie kissed Dakota's feet and sucked on some of his twin's perfect teenage toes, causing the young girl's panty saddle to get damper still.

The tall teenager then got onto the bed on all fours, her dress riding up to show her white floral-print knickers and thrusting her cute ass in the air. Richie thought his stunning sister looked absolutely perfect, barefoot in her school uniform, her perfect bum high in the air covered by pretty undies and the outline of her vulva visible in the crotch, her long blonde hair in a high pony-tail with a cute bow. His erection throbbed.