Bonded and Bred Ch. 11-12

Story Info
A shape shifter story.
3.6k words

Part 6 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/19/2015
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Chapter Eleven

She was so hot!

She felt like she was on fire, and every time he touched her she burned a little brighter, a little hotter.

She felt that she was melting, she felt like she would burn out, burn up and cease to exist.

But still he continued to stroke and caress, and kiss and taste her.

"Enough!" she finally gasped. "Please... enough... please,"

James could see the yellow speckles in her eyes, and they glowed and dimmed.

She was trying desperately to keep her identity, to not lose herself to the wolf's instincts, but as he ran his hand down her arm, a strip of red fur boiled to the surface.

Iris whimpered. "Please," she whispered again, and the fur retracted again, as she fought for control.

He ran a hand down her spine, and the fur reared up, only to retract again as she shivered.

He had never seen one of his kind who was so human, and yet so in tune with the old ones.

How she withstood the call of the moon so often - James could not understand.

He knew the battle it took to not succumb, and yet she had said she only did it every so often.

"Please, James," she whispered again, and as her hands came to his face, he could see the black claws slowly sliding over her nails.

"You have to stay in control, Iris. We are not animals, and we cannot succumb to our animal instincts."

It was the hardest thing he had ever done, to step away from her. But seeing her fur coming and going like that, had told him that mating with her now would be not only unwise, but it could be downright dangerous.

He could see the moment that she beat her inner instincts, and regained complete control - which just happened to be the moment when he stepped back and stopped influencing her.

Her look of embarrassment was bad enough, but the utter humiliation was just too much.

He clenched his fists a couple of times, and he beat back his own beast.

And only when he was sure that he was in complete control, did he step closer to her.

Iris had been standing with her arms wrapped around herself as she wallowed in her shame and misery.

To lose control like that! How could she?

James stood close, and waited for her to look up and meet his gaze.

"This is my shame, Iris," he told her gently. "I was the one who instigated this; I was the one who could not control myself. You begged me to stop but I refused."

"You, you did not force yourself on me," Iris stammered, as she saw the genuine remorse in his eyes. She sighed suddenly, and her shoulders slumped. "I guess that we were both still a little on edge from the weekend. But you see I have never met another of our kind, not in our animal form... not unless they were family."

"No, I cannot imagine that you have," James turned away from the temptation of her.

She was still naked from when he had let her robe slide from her shoulders, and fall to the ground, and he did not think that she even realised.

But she would soon enough, as her rationality returned, and her sense of modesty forced her to acknowledge how deep her humiliation ran.

He saw her movement from the corner of his eye, as she swooped down suddenly to scoop up her robe, and she half turned away from him as she pulled it back over her shoulders.

He saw the savage motion of her hands and she tugged the belt around her waist, and then tied it tightly.

He turned back to her, and smiled apologetically.

"Why don't you go and make us a pot of tea or something, and then we shall sit and talk for a little while."

His tone was firm as he became a dominant male, and Iris turned without comment, and pausing only long enough to collect the cups from earlier, she fled the room.


"Your father is the only male in your family; isn't he?" James asked as he sipped at the cup of tea.

"Yes... how did you know that?"

"Because he won't let you within ten feet of another male... because he was all set to rip me to pieces, on that first night, to protect you and your sister however he needed to."

He looked across at her. "That is how a sole male behaves in a pack; even the small packs that our kind, usually run to."

"It puts him under a lot of pressure," Iris murmured softly. "To always be the strong, dominant male, to show others that he can take care of his own."

She sat thinking about her father, about Laurie's concerns for him.

James watched as the worry came and went, and he realised that the females of her family were very vulnerable. Should anything ever happen to Greg Beaumont, then the neighbouring males would come down heavily on the pack, seeking to take from what they perceived as the weaker females.

"How many females are in your family?" he asked suddenly.

Iris looked across at him in surprise. "Three; myself and Laurie, of course; and then there is Aunt Trudy as well."

"And what does your aunt do with herself, has she never married?"

She shook her head. "Aunt Trudy pretty much despises all of the males of our kind... and the human kind a well for that matter." She blushed suddenly and looked awkward. "Sorry no offence was intended there."

James laughed shortly. "No offense taken, since she has never even met me. But surely she does not feel like that about your father?"

Iris gave a little sigh, and her face softened into an affection smile. "No, she loves dad. She sees him as different to everyone else."

"And what does she do for a living?" he asked as he tried to picture this judgmental woman.

"She's..." Iris hesitated for a moment. "She is a property developer." She finished quickly.

"Oh," that sounded innocent enough... suddenly his eyes widened. "You aunt Trudy is your father's actual sister... it is not her given name - she is formally known as, Rowena Beaumont... of R T Beaumont Property and development?"

"Plc," Iris nodded awkwardly.

"She is worth millions... billions even."

"Yes that would be Aunt Trudy," she glanced around her luxurious apartment. "She owns this building as a matter of fact," she grinned suddenly and her face lit up, giving her a playful look that James had never seen in her before. "You could say that she is my landlady."

He could feel his heartbeat kick up again, as the blood rushed around his body.

"God damned that moon!" he snarled as his voice thickened again with the desire for her that he could not seem to suppress, that seemed to want to flare up at the slightest provocation.

"I don't think that we are going to get any further tonight," Iris said a little anxiously. "I hate to have to do this Mr Atherton, but I am very tired and so please could you leave now."

She was kicking him out!

Of all the things that she could have said or done, at that moment this was the most offensive to his wolf.

The most challenging.

He stood up suddenly and his eyes, which had sparkled with gold flecks before, were now a solid gold. As he slowly moved across the room towards her, Iris could see the man leaving and the wolf taking dominance.

She could see the nails on his hands as they became thick claws.

"No, James!" she cried out urgently. "Don't leave me... stay with me, James!"

She reached out and her hands cupped his face. "Stay with me, James," she whispered again.

Her touch was enough though. Her fear and obvious submission was enough to pacify the wolf, and her touch was enough to bring back the man, as his eyes cleared and his black claws retracted.

"I should go," he finally nodded with a sigh of regret.

He had never wanted to dominate a woman in his life before, but there was just something about Iris that raised the hackles of his wolf.

He started to turn away but Iris's hand stayed on him.

"No, James. This thing between us, we need to face it, we need to get it out of our systems, once and for all."

Her hand moved away even as he turned back, and his eyes darkened with passion as she shrugged out of her robe.

"I want you, James... and you want me."

He did not need any further cajoling as he swept her up in one strong motion.

"Where's the bedroom," he demanded thickly.

Iris hooked one arm around his neck, and with the other she pointed towards the door.

"That way," she practically purred.

He carried her effortlessly to her bedroom, and once there he dropped her down onto the bed.

He had spent time before enjoying the touch and the taste of her, and sending her to the heights of passion, so much so she had almost lost control of her inner wolf.

James had been so mad with desire for her, that he had almost lost control of his inner wolf.

Now he did not want to risk that again. He pulled off his clothes with quick efficient motions, and joined her on the bed before she had even caught her breath.

He parted her thighs impatiently and positioned himself.

"You are sure that you want this?" he demanded urgently.

Iris nodded, and wrapped her arms around his neck.

As he thrust, she bucked her hips, and in one fluid motion they were joined.

James entered her, and filled her, and owned her.

He did not wait to enjoy the moment though, but began deep insistent thrusts, which Iris met and matched.

Their first meeting was short but no less sweet for its brevity. They had been burning for one another since... their very first meeting.

Now it was finally consummated, and as Iris cried out her release, James let go of his own restraint.

He filled her with his seed, and as he did so he cried out too.

"Joined!" he shouted out joyfully as he held himself deep inside her.

Finally as his climax finished, he slumped down to lie beside her.

"We are joined, now, Bonded and Bred," he murmured as he pulled her close, and fell into a light slumber.


Chapter Twelve


She did not move.

As James slept he held her tightly to him, and she dared not move for fear of disturbing him.

And then of course there was the fact that she did not want to move.

She could lie here forever, she thought drowsily.

Lie here and simply watch him as he slept; his dark hair and his strong jaw line. He was powerfully built too, but not over the top muscular. He was fit and strong, but lithe and agile with it.

He was classically handsome - a target for most females, be they single or claimed. He would always be attractive to other women.

But he was hers, now.

She smiled as she thought of his last comment before he had lost consciousness.

Bonded and Bred.

This was a formal pledge between two of their kind. A promise to one another, that they would always be as one; that there would be no others for either of them. A promise to their packs that there joining would produce the next generation of their kind.

She smiled softly, as the tiredness finally overwhelmed her and her eyes became heavy.

She gave a sigh, mixed with a yawn, and her lids covered her eyes, as she too slept.


James lay mesmerised by her. He had woken about an hour ago, as the sun was beginning to glow through the blinds. He watched her as she slept, unable and unwilling to move, in case he disturbed her.

She was stunning, even with her fabulous green eyes veiled by her eyelids; she was amazing, she was beautiful, sexy, intelligent, caring and kind... and most wondrous of all, she was his.

He frowned suddenly.

He had declared himself to her, but she had not responded. She had not confirmed his pledge.

Was she horrified by his words?

Mortified, disturbed, or maybe just troubled?

Or perhaps she did not feel about him, the way that he felt about her?

Her lids lifted suddenly, and her smile wiped away all of his doubts.

"Good morning," he greeted her huskily.

"Good morning," she yawned as she rolled onto her back and stretched out like a cat.

Everything she did she did competently, she did easily - she did elegantly.

"Beautiful," he murmured, and watched as she blushed, and smiled with pleasure.

He rolled over suddenly so that he was lying over her, but not on her.

He leaned down to kiss her on the mouth, and Iris's arms wound themselves around his neck.

The passion between them, simmered into life again, and James would have liked nothing better than to have stayed there - forever.

But life needed to continue, and his business would not survive for very long if he kept on giving in to his urges and cutting out.

"It's almost morning," he finally sighed regretfully. "The day will begin soon, and I need to get home and freshen up before I can go in to the office.

Iris sat up as he moved away from her.

"Stay, and share some breakfast with me first," she suggested. "I will go in and open up the office, and man the phones until you get in.

He smiled gratefully. "That sounds like a sound idea, but while you shower and get dressed I will make a start on coffee and breakfast."

She grinned playfully. "Now that is a really good idea!"


He was just buttering some toast, and the coffee was brewing happily, when Iris stepped into her kitchen, looking neat and tidy, and as fresh as a daisy.

She smiled across at him, as she sat down at her breakfast bar.

"I could so get used to this," she murmured happily as he placed a plate of toast on the table and then went to pour out the coffee.

James laughed lightly as he joined her at the bar, and put the two steaming mugs down in front of them.

Iris cast him a quick glance as she took her first bite of breakfast.

His dark hair was dishevelled but it looked like he had tried to restore some order, by running his fingers through it a few times.

His shirt was unbuttoned at the neck, whereas she was used to seeing him in suit and tie. He seemed much younger for some reason, and almost carefree.

His face had a good amount of stubble on it, and as she noticed she felt a couple of tell-tale burning patches on her skin.

"Do you need to be dropped off?" she asked suddenly. She hardly ever used her car when she was in London, but it was parked conveniently in the apartment building's underground car park.

James sipped at his coffee. "No, thank you, I can get a taxi easily enough, and I could really do with you being in the office for nine o'clock."

She nodded. "Yes, of course."

They washed the dishes together quickly, and then he waited whilst she gathered her bag and keys, and they rode down in the elevator together.

"I won't be too long," he told her as they stood on the curb together. He smiled down at her, and then bent to kiss her hard on the mouth. "I won't do that again, not until after the office is closed up for the day."

He turned and strode towards the row of taxis which were parked just down the road.

Iris gave a little sigh, and turned to walk quickly the other way to the office where she and James worked together.

She could not help but feel regret that she would spend the day with him, but not be able to touch him, or even smile at him.

But she knew that he was right, that if they were to continue to work together, then they had to set the boundaries. Private and working relationship had to be kept separate.

It was ten minutes to nine, when Iris stepped out of the elevator, and put the key in the lock, but even before the door was fully open, the telephone began to ring.

She flicked the light switch, since the blinds were still drawn, giving the room a dark and dreary feeling, and then leaned over her desk to grab the receiver.

"Good morning, Atherton Architects, can I help you?"

"Good morning... is James there please?" the young feminine voice sounded upset, and Iris frowned with concern.

"I am sorry; he is not at the moment, although I don't expect him to be very much longer. Can I take a message at all, or take a name and number?"

There was a long pause on the other end of the line, and for a moment Iris thought that they had been cut off.

"No," the young woman finally sighed. "That is, could you tell him Leila phoned, I tried his mobile but it cut straight to the answering service, could you just ask him to give me a call as soon as he can?"

There was something in the woman's voice that set Iris's nerves on alert, in a way that only ever happened with Laurie.

"Are you sure that there is nothing that I can tell him?" she pressed, but the other woman just refused again to offer any more details.

"I will make sure that he gets your message, just as soon as he gets in to the office," Iris promised.

"Thank you... goodbye."

The dial tone told Iris that this Leila had hung up her phone, and so with an unhappy little sigh, she replaced the handset, and then began moving through the office, opening up the blinds, and switching on the computers.

By the time that James came in carrying a wad of post which he had just collected from his personal mail slot down in the reception - where the mail slots were situated; there was the fragrant brew of fresh coffee in the air, and he inhaled appreciatively.

"Is there enough in the pot to share?" he asked hopefully with an almost playful grin.

Iris smiled back absently. "Yes, I'll just go and pour you one... there was a call for you not long ago, from Leila, she asked if you could phone her as soon as you could."

James sighed. "I'll just see to my mail, and then I will speak to her."

"She asked if you could call as soon as possible," Iris insisted.

"She's my younger step sister," James explained with another sigh, "And a little bit highly strung at the best of times... but with dad and Cindy - her mum, out of town..."

"It sounded important," Iris pressed the issue stubbornly, but she just could not shake the feeling of - if that was Laurie, she would not have wasted time with a phone call, she would already be round at her sisters. There had just been something in her voice.

James saw the unhappy tilt to her mouth, and the look of worry in her expressive green eyes.

"Alright, I give up... you get the coffee and I will call my sister."

She smiled a tight little smile. "Good decision," she muttered as she picked up her empty mug, and sailed off to the little kitchenette.

James grinned as he admired the sway of her hips as she sauntered out of the office, but the grin slowly dissolved as he thought of his step sister. With his father and his step mother out of town, he felt responsible for Leila and her little boy Toby, and the responsibility wore heavy on him.

He picked up the telephone and punched in her number.

"Hiya, it's me..."


James was pacing around his office looking concerned when Iris went back with their hot drinks.

"Is everything okay?" she asked as she put the two mugs down on his desk.

He ran his fingers through his hair several times, and then sank down into his chair with another one of those - 'the weight of the world is on my shoulders right now', sort of sighs.

"She has a little boy - Toby, he's five years old, and she is worried he might be running a temperature."

Iris clicked her tongue sympathetically. "There are a lot of bugs flying around at the moment, and I can only imagine the worry she must feel, since he is so young... is his father around at all?"

James grimaced. "Leila never did have very good taste in men, and Toby's father was probably worse than most... I suspect that she - they are both better off without him."

"And they have you, and your parents?"

"Yes, normally - I suppose that is why she is fretting now, normally a quick phone call and Cindy would have been around, handing out all sorts of opinions and reassurances."

"But they are away, leaving only you for support... so what will you do?"

He nursed his mug for a moment, and then fixed his beady eye on her. "What would you do?" he asked quietly. "If this was your sister - what would you be doing right now?"

She shrugged even as she answered. "I would already be on my way over to her, I would do just what you step mother would have done... just be there for them both, whether I could actually help them or not."