Boys Will Be Boys


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Smiling as politely as she could in response Holly closed her eyes and tried to ignore Casey walking passed her towards the other side of the pool. The only problem was that that meant her imagination could play images of his body and face in front of her eyes from before she had realised who he was and Holly couldn't help but notice how attractive he was. And how well-endowed. His bathing shorts had almost been straining at the seams!

Letting out a deep breath Holly tried to push the images from her mind and remind herself that he was her son. The problem was that when she opened her eyes to peek at what he was doing, just to see how he was, Holly couldn't help but notice the taut way his stomach flexed over his muscles and the way his arms bulged as Casey strained to lift some weights that his father had left by the pool. The tenseness and defined look of every inch of Casey's body as he worked out, lifted weights, stretched, did pull ups and press ups, amongst other exercises, all served to shock Holly's senses. He was stunningly attractive. She had never really seen him as a guy, but only as her son, and now she saw what other women must see in him and realised that he was not only a really good-looking guy but also that he had the whole package.

Holly didn't, of course, see him as other women did. She wasn't attracted to him. He was her son after all. But she could see how attractive he was. And what she saw of him objectively made her stomach flutter a little. He was definitely the kind of guy she would have gone for.

Shaking her head as she realised her thoughts Holly closed her eyes once again and tried to focus on anything except the images flitting through her mind. After vainly trying and failing Holly rolled over onto her stomach and told herself to stop being silly. Ok, so she could recognise that her son was objectively attractive and that taken aside from him being her son there were things that she would have liked on another guy. But she knew he was her son and she wasn't attracted to him, so there was nothing to worry about. She was just over-thinking about it all and had been surprised so it was perfectly natural for her to not stop thinking about it. She just had to get over it. She was not a prude and didn't need to think it meant anything.

Feeling slightly better about herself Holly let her mind wander as she enjoyed the sun, even when it flitted images of Casey into her mind. Finally she began to relax once more and rolled back over onto her back. A few minutes later she heard a splash. The sound caused Holly to open her eyes and once more the glare of the sun shone in her face, glinting off the water, as she looked towards the pool. There, coming out of the water like some kind of Greek Adonis, was Casey. Rising up out of the surface of the water with water running down over his rippled body Holly's son threw his head back before running his hands through his hair and brushing the water from his face. And all Holly could do was stare.

At least for a heartbeat that seemed to stretch on forever. The image however was burned into her brain as she saw everything she liked about a man drenched in cool water and sparkling in the early afternoon sun. Her heart almost skipped a beat as it raced a little faster before she could catch herself but it was when Casey stepped out of the pool to turn around to jump back in again that Holly's breath really caught. The tightness of his shorts had grown tighter in the water and now hugged the large swelling that they hid. And all Holly could do was gape at the size of what she saw. He must be almost twice the size of his father, she thought before she realised what had flicked into her mind. When she did rosy cheeks weren't all the hot brunette felt. Her pussy hummed for a second before she realised that this was her son she was thinking about.

Taking a deep swallow from her lemonade Holly squeezed her eyes shut and tried not to think of her son as she heard yet another splash into the pool. It turned out that trying not to think of something was the worst way of forgetting it, as Holly's mind wouldn't stop flashing the impressive image in front of her eyes. However finally as she felt her heart racing out of desperation this time Holly was finally able to get a hold of herself.

She was just seeing snippets of what she would normally like. It was not that she found her own son attractive or anything. And she couldn't be held responsible for noticing things she would usually find attractive. That was all. And she was just winding herself up and freaking out about it. It was all very normal and ok. She didn't need to get herself in a state about it. At least, that is what she kept telling herself. Her heart and mind wouldn't stop reeling at first, however, and neither would her heart and stomach at what she had seen. Maybe she just missed Chris and needed some of his attention, she thought. That would settle her down soon enough.

After what seemed like an eternity Holly managed to calm down and just enjoy the sun, even if every now and then her mind would flash images in front of her. She was calm. She was. There was really nothing to think about. And so Holly drifted off once more as she lay in the heat, the sound of her son in the pool becoming a soothing background noise as she finally settled down.

That was why, a little while later, the sound of Casey's voice made Holly jump a little.

"Hey, mom, how's the sun?" Her son asked and once Holly had come back down from where her heart had jumped she leaned up on her elbows and looked at him as he stood neck deep in the pool, swirling his arms around.

He really was a good-looking guy.

"It's pretty and hot. You should think of catching some sun yourself." She replied and then felt her cheeks heat a little at the thought of him -- or at least a guy with his body -- tanned and baking in the sun beside her.

"I would but the pool is nice and cool. You should come in." Casey said in response, Holly oblivious to the desirous tone in his voice as he ogled her almost naked body from where he stood.

"I'm working on my tan. Maybe later." Holly replied with a warm smile

"You look great as you are." Casey responded, as charming as his father and Holly felt her smile take on a more pleased edge as she looked down at him. "You sure you don't want to come in? I could beat you at laps if you did." He added, playing up to her competitive nature.

This time though Holly didn't rise up to it. She was too busy trying to ignore the way that the water outlined his body, especially his bathing shorts.

"Aw thank you, honey." She replied to his compliment, trying hard to focus on the fact that this was her son and not some guy to ogle. "But I'm fine where I am. You just enjoy the water. I may come in a little later."

Holly was proud of how calm and collected she had sounded, and so with a maternal smile the beautiful mother lay back down and proudly took in the rays. Casey wasn't quite finished, however. Hearing him haul himself out of the pool, Holly heard the water dripping as he made his way over towards her.

"Come on. Are you sure?" He asked trying to be as suavely convincing as he could as he came to kneel beside her lounger.

Holly glanced over at his attractive face and smiled.

"Are you that bored that you want your mother to play in the swimming pool with you?" She asked sounding amused.

"Yeah. It'll be fun. Like when we played games yesterday." He replied with a glint in his eye that Holly mistook for mischievous playfulness. It was, only the stunning brunette mother had no idea that Casey was thinking of how he had ogled her body and how he had enjoyed how close they had been, and just how he wanted to do both while she was wearing her bikini and they were in the water.

"Maybe later. I really do just want to relax in the sun now. You can find something else fun to do." Holly replied and once again mistook the cheeky gleam in his eye for joking playfulness.

"There isn't much else for me to do. And you did say that you wanted me to have a fun weekend." Casey almost pleaded and Holly looked at him from beneath her sunglasses as he threw her words back at her. She had said that, hadn't she. Before she could acquiesce however Casey spoke up before he thought she could say no again. "I know! You want to relax, I'll help"

Before she could ask what he meant Holly's son was up and moving behind the lounger and then she suddenly felt his hands rest on shoulders. Opening her mouth to ask what he was doing all that came out was a shuddering sigh as she felt his fingers squeeze her muscles just perfectly before they rotated around and pushed down, massaging her shoulders in a shower of bliss.

Fuck! She hadn't realised she was so tense! It must have been from all of that over-thinking earlier because she hadn't felt tense before that, but now Casey's fingers seemed to work some kind of magic on her.

"Mmmm." Was all Holly managed to get out as she felt her whole world melt beneath her son's fingers. "Ok, that's nice."

"See, I told you I'd help you relax." Casey replied and Holly could only smile shakily in gratitude as her whole body seemed to turn to liquid.

Over and over Casey's hands squeezed and rubbed her shoulders, massaging out every drop of her energy and tension. How he had gotten so good at it Holly had no idea but she was like putty in his hands. She almost fell asleep twice! Relaxing in the feel of his fingers working their magic on her shoulders Holly paid little attention to the way that Casey's fingers occasionally ran a little further down towards her heaving, barely covered breasts. Moaning softly as she breathed she rolled her head from side to side before sitting up a little more so that he could run his hands down her back.

The feeling was like bliss and Holly just rolled along with everything Casey did. Right then she may not have noticed his hands slipping down to cup her tits she was so lost in what he was doing. And Casey, the eighteen-year-old relished the feel of his mother's skin beneath his fingers and the perfect sight he had down her cleavage. Intermittently he let his fingers work a little closer towards those luscious mounds but he didn't dare getting too close lest she catch him. But fuck did he want to just run his hands down and roughly maul those two beauties!

As Casey continued to work his magic Holly gently brought one of her legs up to run her foot down her other leg as pleasure suffused her before she once again sat flat on the lounger, breathing deeper and giving her son a wondrous view of her heaving tits.

"Mmmm, you're really good at this." She barely stopped herself from moaning as she spoke breathily. Fuck but she felt like all of her bones had melted!

"Thanks. You're enjoying it then?" Casey asked in soft tones that sounded hypnotic as he worked his fingers.

"Mm-hmm." Holly purred, "You can do this all day if you want."

"I would if I could get to the rest of you. I think you need a full body massage you're so tense." Her son replied and Holly felt a thrill pass through her. She really could do with that, he was right.

"Maybe later." She promised and missed Casey's triumphant grin as he redoubled his efforts and began working in the tops of her arms as he rubbed her gently.

For a while all was silent as Casey focused on his mother's luscious body, both in what he could feel and what he could see, and Holly lost herself in the heat of the sun and her son's ministrations. After a short while however Casey spoke into Holly's dream-like stupor.

"You're really beautiful, mom." He said with softness and warmth and Holly smiled.

"Thank you, son." She replied lovingly as her body swam in pleasure.

"I hope I wasn't in the sun when I was working out earlier." He added and Holly felt her whole body flush as memory of how he had looked flooded through her. Only this time with how relaxed she was feeling nothing but warmth and a slight racing of her heart accompanied it.

"No, you were perfect." She replied honestly, then moaned softly though whether because of her thoughts or how Casey rubbed her neck she had no idea. Right then she didn't care much either.

"You're perfect, mom. Dad's a lucky guy." Casey said honestly in return and Holly felt her whole body flush.

"Thank you, sweetheart." She sighed in response as she leaned her head forward, letting him massage her neck deeply before he returned to her shoulders.

"Seriously, I've never seen any woman as beautiful as you. You're a knockout." Casey went on and Holly felt her heart fill with love. At the same time that her whole body hummed at the similarity in what she had thought of him.

"So are you, honey. Any girl would be very lucky to have you." Holly replied before she could think, and in the muddle that her mind was in from the massage and pleasure surging through her Holly had no idea if she had meant they would be very lucky because he was a great guy or they would be very lucky because of how he looked and what he was packing.

Once again the two of them fell into silence as Casey massaged her neck and shoulders deeply. His fingers brushed against the hook of her bikini top as they drifted down her back and almost sank down over her breasts as they rubbed down her chest, and right then Holly wouldn't have been able to stop him if she had tried. She was so lost in how good she felt.

Finally, after a good half an hour Casey straightened behind her and Holly felt his fingers reluctantly leave her.

"That's the best I can do for now. If you let me massage you properly later I will be able to do it much better." He said as Holly felt like she were whirling in air she felt so fluttery.

"That was amazing." She replied honestly, forcing herself to half turn to glance up at him and smile sweetly, "If you can do better than that I'll be putty in your hands. Even your dad can't massage as well as that."

Casey swelled with pride and Holly felt herself smile a little broader. The guys in the family were so competitive with each other that Casey must have thought he had just scored one over his father...which he had, actually. He really was better at that than Chris. The feeling must have been doubly intensive with how Chris had left Casey behind and all. Holly could only find that a little cute as she looked at the adorable expression on her son's handsome face and once more felt a flutter through her stomach. He looked like a rogue. Like his father. And Holly couldn't help but think that that was attractive.

Suddenly another thought flipped into her mind, only this time Holly was much too relaxed and calm around Casey to freak out about it. If Casey was that good with his hands in a massage just how good was he with his hands for other things? Holly felt her cheeks heat a little at that but she knew it was an errant thought brought on by how attractive her son really was. So she paid it no more mind.

"So do you think you're ready for the pool now?" Casey suddenly asked as he stared down at her wantonly, though Holly had no idea that that was what his expression was.

Laughing melodiously Holly smiled up at her son.

"Was that what the massage was for? To get me to come into the pool with you?" She asked humorously and Casey gave her a guilty look as he shook his head.

"No, of course not. I did that because I wanted to." The honesty in his voice was the only reason Holly believed that. But still Casey grinned roguishly, "But would it have worked if it was?"

For a moment all Holly could do was look up at him, dazzled by how attractive he actually was and by his cheekiness, before she could reply.

"Fine. Fine. You'll never give in if I don't. But not for long. I have a tan to work on." Holly said as she turned around and took off her sunglasses.

Before she could do any more however Casey walked around and reached down to slip his arms beneath her and with one strong lift hauled her up into the air. All Holly could do was throw her arms around his neck as he carried her over to the pool and then his intentions became perfectly clear.

"Oh no, don't you dare..." Holly warned before Casey grinned at her and tossed her into the water.

Holly splashed into the relatively cool water like a cannonball and water ran into her mouth as she tried to scream. Splashing about she resurfaced and spat the water out. Pushing her hair back from her face she stared with playful indignation at Casey as he stood chuckling at the side of the pool.

"Oh you little..." Was all Holly could get out before Casey dove into the pool, splashing more water over her before he came up beside her, brushing his hair from his eyes as he did.

"Sorry, I couldn't resist." He said in his defence, and Holly splashed him with water.

"Pig." She declared with a laugh and splashed him some more to which Casey splashed her back.

For a moment the two of them splashed water at each other before once more Casey's hands found her sides and began tickling her beneath the water. Laughing hysterically Holly tried her best to fend him off before she too tried to tickle him back only to feel her fingers rub against the tautness of his torso.

Instantly Holly pulled her hands back as if burnt and her cheeks went bright red. Grabbing his hands as he tickled her she smiled at her son and tried to ignore the images of his toned body from her mind.

"That's enough from you, mister." She declared as she tried to catch her breath.

Casey smiled mischievously as he let her pull his fingers from her body.

"Well you did promise me a fun weekend, so I was just enjoying myself." Her son said playfully.

"I thought you wanted to do laps?" She asked as she pushed herself to arm's length away from him.

"I did, but it's much more fun watching you squirm." He replied as his hand once more darted to her side briefly.

Holly swatted his hand away no problem before she ran her own hand over her face and hair.

"You're being a naughty boy today." She said playfully warning him, and Casey just grinned at her roguishly. The expression sent a flutter through Holly's body as she looked at his wet handsome face.

"You said I'd have fun this weekend, so I'm having what fun I would have if I was away with everyone else." Casey replied with boyish charm that made Holly smile amusedly. He really was a lot like his father. "Besides, you're having fun too, aren't you?" He asked as he stepped closer to her.

Holly felt another flush pass through her as she felt him move closer until he stood right in front of her. He really was too charming and good looking for his own good.

"Maybe." She replied honestly and laughed softly as Casey grinned proudly before cinching her waist beneath the water.

The feel of his hands on her, so strong and masculine, made a shiver pass through Holly's body.

"Are you cold now?" Her son asked concerned and Holly shook her head.

"Just ticklish." She replied, covering herself.

"Well I won't tickle you. I promise." Casey said as he moved closer, and Holly suddenly felt his bulging shorts rub against her stomach.

Instantly the beautiful brunette felt her pussy and stomach flutter in unison with unwanted attention. Before she could do anything more all she could think of was how big Casey felt against her and Holly was shocked at both the thought and feeling.

Before she could do anymore, however, Casey continued with what he was saying.

"I won't tickle you." He said with quiet cockiness, then added, "But I will dunk you!"

Before she could say anything Holly screamed as Casey easily lifted her up and spun her around sideways so that he could dunk her into the water. Once more water rushed into her open mouth and she slapped at her son before resurfacing as he backed away laughing. Spluttering and wiping water from her face she splashed water over him again.
