Brainy Teen Ch. 14


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In her mind, Wendy reviewed the secret plan. She was going to seduce Madelynn in order to free her from Lauren's influence. Hidden her backpack was a battery-powered bullet dildo and a vibrating egg, which Sarah had advised her to bring in case the afternoon meeting became sexual. However, Sarah warned Wendy not to seduce Madelynn too fast or else it would be counterproductive to their plan.

Madelynn's bedroom felt different than the last time Wendy visited it. The teddy bears, stuffed animals, and other cute things were gone. In place of them were strange trinkets, statuettes, and abstract novelties. Dark, moody artwork hung on the wall.

A smile appeared on Madelynn's face after noticing the toys and sexual materials that she had intentionally left exposed in the opened drawer were discovered and put away by her mom. The confrontation in the evening with her mom was inevitable.

"Before we start, I'm going to change my clothes first."

Madelynn immediately began undressing, starting with her black mesh top. Wendy's eyes traced the naked curves of Madelynn's body. Her friend definitely looked sexier. It was the first time Wendy saw Madelynn dressed only in PVC lingerie. The feeling was entirely different than when she last saw her friend in this state of undress, which was when they swam together at the local pool last summer. Madelynn changed into a black PVC mini jacket, PVC microskirt, and 6.5 inch Mary Jane platform stiletto black heels. Once Madelynn finished, she stood facing Wendy and with her fingers slowly traced upwards her bodily curves starting from her knees. Wendy intentionally made her lewd ogling obvious to her friend and emphasized it with a brief lick of her lips.

"Wendy, I'll say again that I have nothing against your sexual orientation and your relationship with Sarah, but I'm concerned about you as a friend."

"I understand why you're worried about me, Maddy, but I'm confident in what I am and my relationship with Sarah."

"Wendy, can you promise me you won't get mad in what I'm about to say?"

"Okay, I can promise that."

"There's a possibility that you're not really a lesbian. What you're going through might be a phase, a part of growing up."

Wendy tried to speak, but Madelynn stopped her.

"Let me finish, Wendy. According to Freudian psychology, lesbianism happens when a female's psychosexual development doesn't occur properly.

"Okay," said Wendy, not quite understanding what her friend meant.

"This is due to penis envy, Oedipal crisis, and lack of proper male parenting. Tell me, Wendy, when did you first discovered that guys have penises?"

"Well, when I first heard guys joke about it."

"Did you want one too?"

"No, of course not! I'm a girl!"

"Come on, you must have felt little envious over guys having something that you don't."

"Maybe a little."

"I take that as a yes. You do have penis envy."

"If you put that way, then I guess you're right."

"When you're were a baby, who held and took care of you most of the time?"

"I think... it was my Mom. She quit her job to spend more time raising me and my sister."

"How often is your dad home?" asked Madelynn even though Wendy had told her about it before.

"He's always comes home late. Right now he's working overseas."

"So that means your mom spends more time with you than your dad, am I right?"

"Yes, but I know my Dad wants to spend time with me too. It's just that his work--"

"Whatever your dad's intention isn't the issue. It's that he spends less time with you. That means your Mom is the more dominant and better parent in your life."

"Madelynn, I think my dad is a good parent too."

"Wendy, I'm just stating the facts."

"I know, but I love my Dad."

"I'm not judging your dad or anything, Wendy. If I don't help you resolve your psychological issues now, your lesbianism will become permanent. One last question: do you find men or boys disgusting?"

"Well, just because I'm a lesbian doesn't mean that I find males disgusting."

"Let me put it this way, would you rather have a gynecological exam from a male or female doctor?"

"A female doctor."

"That means you have a latent disgust for males, Wendy. This, and the previous factors that I've mentioned are responsible for your lesbianism."

Wendy was incredulous of her friend's amateur diagnosis, but could see some logic in it. Regardless, she maintained her act for the sake of the seduction.

"So, how are you going to help me?"

"Your lesbian desires and experiences needs to be matched with heterosexual ones. The safest and most effective way is to have pretend heterosexual activities."


"Yes, I'll pretend to be guy and you'll pretend to be my girlfriend."

"But you're obviously a girl."

"There's a way to make it more believable," said Madelynn as she held up a blindfold. "I'll act like your boyfriend and do what guys would do to a girl. This would help you get the closest heterosexual experience possible without the associated risks."

"If that's going to help me, then I guess I have to try it."

"Imagine me as Daniel or any other hot guy you can think of, Wendy."

"I'll try that."

"Now put on the blindfold, and we'll start with a kiss. Remember that we're role-playing."

After putting on the blindfold, Wendy pursed her lips and awaited the kiss. Madelynn's heart was beating rapidly. Despite telling herself that she's only helping Wendy, Madelynn had been waiting for this moment for a long time. Squeaking sounds came from the mattress when she shifted her body forward to kiss Wendy sexy lips. The two pairs of glossy purple lips mashed together tightly. When Wendy pulled her lips away slightly, Madelynn wrapped her arms around Wendy's upper body and maintained the pressure between their lips. It wasn't the experimental kiss Wendy had expected from her friend, who she thought had no prior sexual experience. Wendy wondered how far had Madelynn gone with Lauren. Feeling Madelynn's tongue pressing desperately against her closed lips, Wendy parted her mouth and allowed the tongue to go in. It rubbed against the rows of her teeth and wet interior of her mouth, squirming and writhing wildly to reach all corners of her mouth. Wendy felt Madelynn's kissing and embrace was rough. It was different than what she had experienced with Sarah. Is this really what she should expect from a guy?

Wendy broke out from her laid back stance and countered Madelynn's oral assault with a forceful joust of her own tongue. But Madelynn didn't allow her friend to take control of the kiss. She pushed back even harder against Wendy's tongue, causing it to retreat. Saliva seeped from the corners of their mouths as the oral dueling continued. Wendy took off the blindfold after the kiss ended, feeling that it was pretty much useless to begin with because no matter how hard she tried, it was hard for her to imagine herself kissing a guy with her friend's breasts pressing against hers and the feminine moaning sounds. Nevertheless, she pretended that it was useful.

"You kiss like a slut."

"Maddy, why are you saying that?"

"Why not, slutty skank?!" Madelynn put on a mean look.

Wendy turned her face away from her friend and loosened herself from the embrace.

"Wendy, I didn't mean it. Didn't I say before that we're role-playing? Guys like to say those things."

"Really?" A smile returned to Wendy's face.

"Yes, sexual name calling turns them on."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to overreact."

"It alright, let's continue."

Madelynn tackled Wendy and pushed her down in the bed, putting herself on top of Wendy's warm body. She planted a forceful kiss on Wendy's lips and manipulated her breast through the blue tube top, squeezing it softly then tightly.

"You're mine... You're mine... You're mine..." repeated Madelynn in her head.

"That hurts," said Wendy after she suddenly broke the kiss.

"Guys like to do it rough sometimes. You need to get used to it." Madelynn kissed Wendy without letting her answer back.

Wendy grunted in pain from the forceful squeezing of her breasts, but she suppressed them as much as she could, wanting to satisfy Madelynn as much as possible in order to make the seduction easier.

"Now you're going learn how to pleasure a guy's dick."

From a locked drawer, Madelynn retrieved a neon red colored strap-on dildo and a black leather harness.

"Guys really like getting blowjobs from girls, but has to be done the right way. Now put that blindfold on again, bitch."

Wendy tied the blindfold around her head.

"Kneel down on the floor."

Madelynn slowly aimed her strap-on until it's tip barely touched Wendy's glossy purple lips.

"Start licking it now, slut!"

Wendy began licking the tip of the strap-on. Her brief experience of watching heterosexual porn combined with her much larger experience of lesbian porn meant that the task won't be totally alien to her. Directed by Madelynn, Wendy kissed the strap-on, slid her tongue repeatedly along it's length and around its girth, lubricating it thoroughly with her sweet saliva. Remembering Sarah's emphasis on maintaining physical contact, Wendy held onto Madelynn's buttocks and clenched them with her painted nails.

Madelynn grasped a handful of Wendy's hair once the latex cock went into Wendy's wet mouth. "Fucking whore... Moan louder, bitch... Skanks like you are a dime a dozen..."

The loud moans of Wendy were muffled by the latex dildo, which went sometimes went as far as her throat, causing her to gag. It would take time for Wendy to get use to giving blowjobs.

Suddenly, Madelynn's arousal level surged to intense heights. For several moments, she lost control of herself. She knelt down while holding tightly onto Wendy's shoulders, looking at her friend with dilated eyes. Madelynn wanted to fuck Wendy desperately. Right when she was about to mount a frightful Wendy after forcing her down on the carpet, self-control came back to her. She hugged herself and pressed her knees to her chest.

"Wendy, get the bondage cuffs! Hurry!" shouted Madelynn with urgency.

"Where are they?" Wendy quickly undid her blindfold.

"In the second drawer of the desk! Uggghhhh!" Madelynn felt like she was about to explode.

Wendy randomly grabbed some cuffs.

"Put the smaller one on my wrist and the larger one on my ankles. Do it now!" exclaimed as she held out her shaking arms.

After Wendy finished putting on the cuffs on her friend, Madelynn asked for relief.

"Unbuckle the strap-on harness and put your fingers inside my pussy!"

Since her friend was so desperate about it, Wendy didn't even question that order. She put her fingers inside Madelynn's pussy, pleasuring it a similar fashion she would on herself. Madelynn's juices flowed copiously down Wendy's fingers, soaking her whole hand, as she pumped them in and out vigorously.

"Faster! Harder!"

Wendy picked up the pace and moved her fingers in even deeper until it reached her base knuckles.

"Squeeze my breasts!"

Again, Wendy obeyed without question. Using her free hand, she manipulated her friend's breasts, moving them in wide circles and squeezing them softly.

"Ahhhhh!" Madelynn gave loud cry at the onset of orgasm.

In front of her friend's face, Wendy seductively licked off her friend's pussy juice from her fingers.

"Madelynn, what happened?" asked Wendy after taking off the cuffs.

Madelynn was confused herself, thinking that the red pills should be working, but she quickly made up with a story for Wendy.

"I was just acting. Guys like to be tied up sometimes, you know, to spice up the sex. It's kinky for them."

"Do girls enjoyed being tied up too?"

"Yes, it goes both ways."

"Maddy, I want to ask you about something."

"Okay, what is it?"

"Have you been hanging out with Lauren recently?"

"Yeah, so?"

"What do you think of her?"

"I think she's a pretty nice person. The gossip about her being a mean girl is just, you know, gossip. People always like to believe in these convenient stereotypes about girls like Lauren, who happens to be pretty and come from a upper middle class family. Don't you worry, Wendy. You're still and will always be my best friend."

Wendy no longer had any doubts about Madelynn's cooperation with Lauren.

Before Wendy left Madelynn's house, she went to the bathroom. After finishing her business, Wendy pressed the handle of the toilet but it failed to flush. She had no idea that Madelynn had secretly disabled the flushing mechanism beforehand so the water won't flow out of the tank.

"Hey, the toilet won't flush. What should I do?"

"It's been like that lately. I think something's broken inside the tank. Just leave it like that. I'll take care of it later."

After saying their goodbyes, Wendy surprised Madelynn with a quick kiss on the lips, an action that made Madelynn's heart froze. Once Wendy had completely walked out of sight, Madelynn quickly ran up the stairs to the second floor bathroom with a cup in hand.

During her walk back home, Wendy thought about Madelynn's eagerness during their intimacy. She had no more doubt about the sexual orientation of her friend and her friend's amorous interest in her. This meant that the seduction was going to be much easier that she initially thought. She suspected Lauren was just using Madelynn to expose her act and vowed not to fall for Lauren's trickery. At the same time, she didn't want to hurt Madelynn's feelings but felt that she had no choice. Wendy promised to herself to apologize to Madelynn in the future for deceiving her into thinking that she was a lesbian.

As Wendy was about to cross the street, she was intercepted by Sarah's vehicle as it turned around the corner.

"Wendy, we're going clubbing tonight!"

"Aren't we a bit... too young to go there? My Mom might object to it."

"It's fine. They know me there. We don't have to drink alcohol, but it won't hurt if we try a little. As for your mom, we can just tell them we're doing some night time studying."

"I have to lie to my Mom."

"It's not the first time, is it?"

"No, but--"

"And besides, it's for our plan. Lauren's going to be there."

"Rebecca told you?"

"Actually, Melanie. She heard it from Rebecca. It's a great chance for you, Wendy. You can convince Lauren, and you'll get clubbing experience."

"Okay, I'll go," said Wendy with a conspiratorial smile. "If it means beating Lauren in the game, then I'll do it."

"Wendy, I'm glad you're going. You'll definitely have a blast!"

In the late evening, after telling her mom that she was doing some late night studying with Sarah, she went to Melanie's house in Sarah's car. There, they began dressing up for club attendance. Melanie had a huge collection of sexy clothing, shoes, purses, and makeup, and was more than eager to share them with Sarah and Wendy.

Going for a simple, yet sexy look, Melanie put on a green sequined mini-dress with a risque hemline. Her lipstick was glossy green and eye colors in shades of yellow, black, and green. Sparkly green heels and emerald bracelets completed the look. She spun around on her stilettos to show off her look, causing the dress to shimmer in shades of blue and green. Sarah chose a long black sequined halter gown with a plunging neckline that went all the way to the navel, revealing the dangling diamond jewelry. A long side slit ran along the full length of the ankle-length skirt. Rhinestones ran along the edges of neckline and thickly around the waist. Red lipstick and dark eye colors adorned Sarah's face. Advised by Sarah to dress as sexy as possible, Wendy chose a backless white silk halter dress with a frontal slit and with the waists and a large portion of the belly exposed. There was a snowflake pattern of sequins and rhinestones right below the center of the breast area. Every strap and edge of the dress were lined with similar sequins and rhinestones. For the footwear, she chose a pair of silver high platform heels with multiple straps and studded with rhinestones.

Sarah gave Wendy a crash course on club dancing and dirty dancing. Wendy had some dancing experience so she picked the basics of both pretty fast. Melanie provided some assistance in coaching Wendy and used the opportunity to feel Wendy up. The trio then hopped into Sarah's car and went to one of the most popular night clubs in town. On the way, Melanie babbled on about makeup, music, and popstars like Justin Bieber. Strangely, Wendy found herself losing interest in male pop stars that most teen girls adore.

Large multi-color animated neon signs hung in front of the night club in the busy downtown district. A long queue of people lined up before the main entrance. The trio of girls went to the VIP door, and the burly bouncer promptly allowed them in after exchanging cheerful greetings. A fresh set of sensations assaulted Wendy. Her eyes wandered around the place. The whole interior had a futuristic feel to it. Strategically placed lights made the walls appear to glow. The furnishings were of quirky post-modern design. Their transparent components dispersed light in dazzling arrays. Animated abstract art enliven the background.

Someone in the crowd waved at Melanie. "Oh, my friend's here! I'm heading over to that table. You two have fun!"

The two girls went to the nearby bar and sat on the stools. Wendy was awed by how the whole bar table looked like huge glowing blue crystal.

"Hello, Tara."

"Hey, Sarah, and who's this hot chick here?"

"Wendy, my girlfriend." Sarah emphasized the last word with a sultry tone.

Tara looked at Wendy. "You sure are something, to be able to seduce a goddess like Sarah."

"Well, actually it was kind of mutual."

Sarah's hand slid on the side Wendy's thigh and reached around to give Wendy's ass a soft squeeze.

"Wendy is always being modest. Seducing is as easy as breathing for her."

Wendy's face reddened.

"Woah, I better watch out then or else I'll be part of Wendy's harem without knowing it! Just playing with you, sweetie!"

"It's alright. I'm used to these kinds of jokes."

Tara asked, "Anyway, what would you two like to drink?"

"I would like a B&B on the rocks, please."

"And how about you?"

Wendy looked around and saw a pair of girls sipping with straws from the same frothy pink drink. "I would like whatever they're drinking, please."

"That's the Mystery Fruit Cocktail, one of our house specials."

"What's in it?"

"It's a surprise!"

After drinking themselves silly, Sarah and Wendy took the dance floor. They went to a spot beneath the center of a wide chandelier. Dynamic lights passed through the overhanging miniature crystals, creating a ever changing starry panorama on the immaculate dance floor. Sarah immediately danced to the beat. Wendy amazed at the grace of Sarah's dancing. The motions of Sarah were so sinuous, so sexy.

"Come on, Wendy, dance!"

Exhorted by Sarah, Wendy did her best to imitate her. Imagining herself as a jointless entity, Wendy her body in the smoothest way possible. She made measured steps, gyrated her ass, extending her arms and retracting them, and did her best to go with the beat of the music.

Sarah was always within her vision. The shimmering sequins on Sarah's dress dazzled Wendy's eyes. Even though there were hot guys around, Wendy found her eyes focusing only on Sarah. Out of the corner of her eye, Wendy saw a sexy lesbian couple dancing together, then kissing while roaming their hands on each others body. Watching them turned her on, and Wendy had an urge to do the same with Sarah.

When the music changed, many couples began changing their dance moves. Wendy immediately recognized it as dirty dancing. Goosebumps crawled on Wendy's skin when she felt a warm body pressing onto her. Turning her face around, Wendy saw Sarah spooning and writhing against her body like a snake. It was impossible for Wendy to resist the doe-eyed look on Sarah's face. She pressed back against Sarah's body and gyrated her hips. Without stopping her dancing motions, Wendy spread her knees apart to accommodate Sarah's protruding knee, causing the slit of her dress to widen enough to reveal the silver thong beneath. Sarah's naked thigh teased Wendy's pussy. Wendy tossed her hair and emitted an inaudible moan. Once Sarah retracted her leg, Wendy gyrated her ass against Sarah's crotch while bending forward at the waist. Thrusting her hips in repeating motions, Sarah dry humped Wendy.