Brianna Goes Wild at Bachelorette!


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"The combination of alcohol and my ridiculous situation made it hard to stop giggling and concentrate on what should have been my top priority, keeping the tiny bit of clothing I was still wearing in place, on my body. I had been on the stage for, what, maybe 10 minutes at most, counting the early, tame portion of my dance with Yuri? Somehow I had managed to go from being nicely, you could even say conservatively dressed to being practically naked, sharing a stage with three similarly dressed hunks, with a raucous audience enjoying my increasing exposure.

"In a moment of vodka fueled logic, I began to dance again, thinking the activity might clear my head, and also that it would be more difficult for Yuri and his assistants to get any more of my clothing off me if I was a moving target. It wasn't like they had many options by that point, all I still had on was my heels, a pair of nude thigh-high stockings, and my lacy black thong. Looking back, why I didn't think of just getting the hell off the stage right then is a mystery to me, but I swear it never crossed my mind!

"My return to dancing around the stage seemed to please the crowd; the newly arrived male portion of the audience was particularly enthusiastic. All the applause and shouted compliments began to make me actually enjoy my situation, and I stopped worrying about whether Yuri and his gang were going to finish stripping me. I noticed they were now standing shoulder to shoulder near the back of the stage, clapping rhythmically. After a minute or two of leaving me to dance by myself without any interference, it began to look like they were done trying to get me naked. The audience had clearly not given up on that idea, clapping in time with the dancers as a three-syllable chant came from the world beyond the stage lighting, 'PAN-TIES-OFF!', my admirers repeated again and again.

"Mom, if this is more than you want to hear, I can stop right now," Brianna told Karen.

"I have to admit being surprised, but I'm not going to judge you," replied Karen, "Go on."

"That the audience was hoping to see me in the nude was no surprise, but the fact I was beginning to think it might be a good idea definitely was," Brianna continued, pausing to see if her Mother looked upset, "Somehow my mission had flipped from concealing what I still could to revealing, well, everything. So far I hadn't actually been the one to remove my clothing, so it seemed to me that if this was going to happen, it was a job for Yuri and his boys. I looked back over my shoulder and saw that besides being as deft an assistant as any novice stripper could want, Yuri could apparently read minds; he, Dancer Left, and Dancer Right were already approaching my spot at the front edge of the stage. Yuri was carrying a well-filled shot glass and the other two men were carrying a small bench.

"Yuri handed me the shot glass, saying, " Daring lady, you have earned another drink!' He motioned for the other two to set the bench down a few feet back from the edge of the stage. I sat down and set my glass down on the bench next to me. When I looked up I shuddered, as being lower let me see beyond the glare of the stage lighting; I was facing a cluster of men who had gathered at the end of the stage, no more than 8 feet away!

"Yuri knelt in front of me, surprising me yet again by not reaching for my thong, but gently cradling my left ankle and unbuckling the strap of that shoe. He repeated the process at my right foot and handed both shoes to Dancer Left, who brought them to Toni. Yuri slid both hands up from my toes to my upper left thigh, pausing to massage several spots along the way, then grasped the top of my stocking and rolled it down my leg and off my foot. His removal of the stocking from my right leg was just as exciting, as I could look forward to everything he was going to do. By the time he finished getting the stockings off, I was breathing hard; with everything else I'd been wearing when I left my seat a few minutes ago already removed, everyone in the bar knew what was going to happen next.

"Seeing how aroused I was, Yuri toyed with me, whispering in my ear, 'You really want I take off your panties in front of these people? You want all these men can see your pussy?' I blushed and was shaking, but, my God, telling you this is so embarrassing, I nodded my head and downed my shot. With permission to get me naked granted, he stood up and pulled me to my feet. He stood in front of the bench and pulled me close, with my back facing him. I felt his fingers slip inside the waistband of my thong, stretching it out slightly as his palms followed his fingers between the lace-trimmed waistband and my ass. I jumped a bit when he gave both cheeks a firm squeeze just before tugging the waistband all the way down to the point where my legs meet my ass. Looking down, I saw that the thong was still covering my pussy. Barely.

"Still keeping his hands inside the waistband, Yuri slid each hand forward around the outside of each leg, slowly passing my hips and coming to rest on the fronts of my thighs. He kept his hands still for at least ten seconds, maybe the longest ten seconds of my life. My pulse was making a pounding sound in my head, but the audience was even louder, urging Yuri to finish what he'd started. If I'd been capable of speaking I'd have been begging for the same thing. He finally gave us all what we wanted, slowly dragging his hands, with his thumbs hooked over the waistband, down the inside of my thighs. My audience made more noise than ever as my pussy came into view. I stepped out of the tiny piece of lace, improbably but unmistakably naked.

"With no clothes left to get me out of, Yuri took my hand and escorted me on a tour around the stage, showing me off in all my exposed glory and helping me look for any bits of my discarded clothing still on the stage. He helped me off the stage to my seat next to Mona and Toni, but only after he'd made sure everyone at the edge of the stage had an opportunity to have a look at me, up close.

"Toni handed me my blouse and shoes; other than one of my stockings, they were all that was left of the outfit I'd been wearing when I first stepped on the stage. I never saw my bra, skirt, or panties again. Toni leaned over in front of Mona and said, 'Wow, I had no idea you were such a wild girl, you're always so quiet at work!'

"I'm as surprised as you, believe me," I said as I put my blouse on. I saw Mikhail approaching with a shot glass in each hand and started to wave him off, but then realized they were meant for Mona and Toni; my time in the spotlight was over, but theirs was just about to start!

An insistent chirping caused Briana to interrupt her story. "I'd better answer, it's Andy," Brianna said as she picked up her phone. A minute later she ended the call and told Karen, "He's almost here, so I don't really have enough time to tell you what Mona and Toni got up to. If you want I can skip ahead to the end of my night out, I should have enough time to cover that."

"I'm way more interested in my daughter's night out than whatever those other women did anyway, please go on," Karen replied.

"We closed the place down, not so hard to do when closing time is 11:00 PM. After being allowed to hang out in the closed bar for a while to have one last round of drinks, then another last round of drinks, we disappointed the owner of the bar by thanking him for his hospitality and leaving. He clearly had other ideas about what one or maybe more than one of us should do next, but we said goodnight and stumbled into the limo. Mona and Toni insisted on going to a diner for a bite to eat.

"Wearing only my blouse, I felt almost as exposed in the harsh light of the diner as I had during most of my time on the stage. I was lucky, at least, that I had decided to wear one of my longer blouses, just long enough to cover my butt as long as I didn't bend over or encounter any wind stronger than a light breeze. I buttoned my blouse all the way up and made sure to slide into our booth first, keeping the respectably dressed Toni between my legs and the world. By the time we finished eating it was almost 2 AM. We all agreed that having our blowout night out a week before the wedding had been a good idea.

"Toni, Mona, and I had all agreed that what happened at the club was our secret, never to be spoken of, but if I knew that our pact wouldn't matter if I was to show up at home after Andy did, wearing nothing but my blouse! He'd have a lot of questions, ones for which I didn't have any good answers. Since I didn't want to have to explain to Andy how I'd lost the rest of my clothes, I was starting to worry about making it home before he did. The diner was farther from our condo than either the hotel where Mona was staying or Toni's apartment, but they were kind enough to agree to bring me home first.

"I had our chauffeur drop me off at the back entrance to our complex, figuring it was less busy than the main entrance at the traffic signal on a four-lane road; I also thought a lone person on foot, quietly walking through the complex, would attract less attention than a limo pulling up near the entrance to our building."

"Even if the lone person is a scantily clad young woman?" Karen asked, shaking her head.

"Okay, maybe I was still a wee bit tipsy, but I thought it made sense at the time," Briana replied. "Anyway, it was all working out fine, the limo dropped me off around 2:30; I checked the 'find my friends' app on my phone, and based on Andy's location according to the app, I was sure he wouldn't arrive for at least another 25 minutes. Since I knew it would take me a lot less time than that to walk between where the limo dropped me off and our condo, I relaxed and checked my messages and voicemail as I walked through the silent streets. That was when I got your voicemail and texted you. As late as it was, I didn't expect a response before you got up in the morning. What had you up in the middle of the night?"

"I did fall asleep for a while earlier that night, but I woke up after a couple of hours and didn't feel the least bit sleepy when I finally noticed your text," Karen replied, telling the truth, if not the whole truth.

"The night was pretty warm and humid, so even though I was only wearing one thing I began to get sweaty. The polyester my blouse was made of is easy to clean and I probably couldn't get it to wrinkle if I tried, but it's really only wearable in cool weather or in an air-conditioned space. With another 10 or 15 minutes left in my walk and our neighborhood being utterly silent at that hour, I figured undoing a few buttons couldn't hurt. After quickly scanning my surroundings for any sign of life and finding none, I unbuttoned the top four buttons, leaving just the lower three fastened. The increase in ventilation helped a little, but with almost half of the blouse still buttoned, the airflow still left a lot to be desired, particularly at my back, which had sweat so much the blouse was stuck to me.

"With no sign that a soul was awake anywhere near me, I figured there wouldn't be any harm in undoing a few more buttons, so that's exactly what I did. I had buttons five and six loose in a few seconds and would have stopped there, but thought that having the tails loose would let a lot more air through to cool my back, so I unbuttoned the final button. I continued looking around and listening for any sign of life, but the only vehicle I had heard since the limo drove away was way off in the distance, and it shut off soon after I heard it.

"Having my blouse wide open definitely was more comfortable, allowing even the faint breeze to do a fair job of cooling me off. I would never have strolled through the neighborhood with the entire front of my body exposed this way if I hadn't been sure I would hear any car approaching long before its occupants could possibly see me. I was sure I'd have plenty of time to get at least a few buttons back in place in the unlikely event any vehicle were to come along. Since I was all but certain I wasn't going to be seen, I decided my still sweaty shoulders deserved to be as comfortable as the rest of me, so I slipped the blouse back off my shoulders and let it slide down my arms a few inches, then down to my elbows.

"Having the blouse practically off felt great, the temperature and humidity were perfect for wearing nothing at all, but having it hanging at my elbows made walking a little bit awkward. I stopped and looked around; I still couldn't see or hear any sign a soul was stirring, and I still had to walk at least another eight minutes before I'd reach home. It didn't seem like the few extra seconds I would need to get it back on quickly would make much difference if I suddenly needed to cover up. I'd be lying if I didn't admit the idea of walking around my neighborhood completely naked was kind of exciting, even if the odds were against anyone but me ever knowing I had done it! The air was still warm, but I felt a sudden chill as I let my blouse slip off my left arm, then shivered even more when I pulled it completely off my right arm. I folded it up and put it away in my purse.

"I felt oddly proud of having dared to strip out of my only piece of clothing, and had a sudden urge to document my achievement. Even though I doubted I would ever show them to anyone, I decided to take a few selfies to prove I had walked the streets of my neighborhood in the nude. 'Maybe I'll give them to Andy for his birthday,' I thought, smiling as I imagined his reaction. I fished my phone out of my purse and took at least a dozen shots, mostly NSFW, but also did one or two showing only my face, shoulders, and part of my arms and chest.

"I put my phone away and resumed my walk home, planning on covering most of the remaining distance as I was, wearing only my heels and my purse. Things were going along so well I decided to challenge myself with a new goal, to get all the way inside our condo without breaking down and putting my blouse back on. To make it all the way into our unit, I'd need to unlock and open the exterior door, walk through the small lobby and choose a route to our third-floor condo. I could take the elevator or go up the stairs. Either option had at least a small risk of me finding a surprised neighbor standing at the other side of a door as it opened!

"By now I was both too confident and too worried. Too confident that having made it this far without encountering anyone somehow meant I could be sure that I wouldn't, and too worried that I would chicken out and get dressed, needlessly missing out on the satisfaction of achieving my goal. The odd combination of overconfidence and fear led me to my riskiest move yet.

"I looked through my purse for my blouse, pulling it out along with a hairbrush, my keys, a couple of pens, and one or two other items the blouse had become entangled with during its short stay in my purse. I shook it out and looked at it for a minute, finally deciding that being able to guarantee that I would complete my crazy goal was worth the $16.50 the top had cost me. My heartbeat sped up noticeably as I walked up to the place where I could either take a step back or pass the point of no return. I hesitated, but only for a moment. The metallic scraping sound the mailbox made as it swallowed my blouse confirmed my commitment to go ALL the way home naked!

"By now I was on familiar territory, within a block of home, and began focusing on how best to get from my building's front door to safety on the private side of our unit's door, preferably without having any neighbors see me naked.

"I must have been a bit too focused on planning my route inside the building, because by the time I finally noticed the voices, they were close enough for me to clearly make out two distinct speakers, both male, neither one familiar. They both were talking to a third man, who eventually answered them, mumbling and slurring his words. The third man's voice was thoroughly familiar to me, though I hadn't heard him sounding this drunk since we were in college.

"Once I'd heard the third man speak, my situation became clear. Two men I didn't know, but might be about to meet in just a few seconds, were helping my poor inebriated husband find his way home. Their voices were coming from just around the corner of our building, meaning they were much closer to the entrance now than I was. I couldn't possibly get to the door before them, and there was nowhere for me to hide for at least 60 yards back behind me. One way or another, these three men were about to get a big surprise!

"I thought if the other two men were anywhere near as loaded as Andy sounded, I might be able to bluff my way through, giving them some bullshit reason why I was walking around our neighborhood in the nude. Since they were talking with each other, I thought they might be distracted enough that I'd see them before they noticed me, but I hadn't considered the sound of my shoes on the concrete sidewalk; I was no more than 30 feet away from the three men as they rounded the corner, and even if my heels clicking on the sidewalk hadn't tipped them off to my presence, the loud gasp I couldn't hold in probably would have. I already had swung my purse around to hide my pussy and held my right arm across my boobs, but the look on the faces of the two men supporting Andy made it clear they could see I was naked.

"Thinking it best to steer the conversation to anything at all besides my nudity, I asked, 'What have you guys done to my husband?', in what I hoped was a light enough tone to set them at ease. As we approached the entrance, and each other, I was mortified to realize that I did know one of Andy's helpers, at least a little. I'd only met Kevin once before, on the night Toni had asked me to be a bridesmaid. We'd be seeing a lot more of each other before the wedding was over, but he was already seeing about as much of me as was even possible. He recognized me, but still seemed unsure, asking, 'Brianna? Is that you? Wow!' I could have done without the 'wow', but considering my appearance I couldn't object.

"I stepped within a couple of feet of the three men, and bent over to talk to Andy, reaching out with both hands to cradle his face as I spoke. As I bent over, my purse swung away from my body, and by reaching out with both hands my boobs were exposed as well. I swear, I wasn't thinking about the close-up view of my body I was treating them to, at least not until I glanced up at Kevin. The stunned look on his face gave me a pretty good idea of what he was seeing. Maybe I should have straightened up and done what I could to avoid exposing myself any more than I already had, but it seemed pointless, Kevin had already seen way more of me than any Groom should ever see of a Bridesmaid, and there was no way covering up now could undo that. I stayed bent over, talking to Andy while the other two men quietly enjoyed the view!"

"Wait, did you say the guy getting married is named Kevin?" Karen asked.

"Yes, Kevin, why do you ask?" Brianna answered, "I don't think he was in town that time you and I bumped into Toni at the mall, so I don't think you've met him."

"No reason really; you're right, I'm sure you never introduced us," Karen replied, suddenly relieved to not have been invited to the wedding.

Brianna checked her phone again and saw Andy would be arriving any minute now. "I should probably wrap up soon, I don't want Andy to hear any part of this," she said, continuing, "When we reached the door, Kevin asked, 'So, what brings you out so late? I know you were out with Toni and Mona earlier, but I'm assuming you were wearing a little more than you are now when you all were out partying,' Not wanting to explain, especially within earshot of Andy, how I had managed to lose most of my clothes on stage at the bar, and then had given up my last bit of cover on purpose, I decided to make up something more innocuous. Unfortunately, my imagination failed me; the best excuse I could come up with at that moment for walking around my neighborhood in the nude was pretty weak."