Brothers In (her) Arms Ch. 02


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I touched the END CALL icon on the phone and disconnected.

"Thank you sir for doing that."

"There was nothing said that you shouldn't hear. You're a part of this now both as a JAG officer and as a woman in the Marine Corps. I meant what I said about getting you transferred if it's something that appeals to you."

"It appeals to me very much Captain. I think we work well together. We'd better get out of here, we have a lot to do today."

"I want to make one more phone call first. Do you have the number for Mrs. Carpenter?"

"I can get it from Doris."

Erica called Doris and got the number for me to call. She answered with her name so I knew it was her I was speaking to. "Mrs. Carpenter please forgive the late hour where you are but I'm calling from Kabul Afghanistan and this is important. My name is David Goldberg; I'm an attorney with the Judge Advocate Generals Corps. I am looking into the recent incident involving your husband. Has anybody else called you to talk to you about what happened?"

"I received a phone call from a woman that told me he had been shot but she didn't give me much information about what happened. I also received official notice in a letter that arrived later."

"I suspected as much. The military can be rather tight lipped about things like this. I'd like to give you some more details about how he was shot."

I told her about the mission and then told her about what I had discovered about the shooting. She gasped when I told her it had been one of his comrades that shot him. "Mrs. Carpenter the man who shot him will pay for his crime, you can trust me on that. But he was also involved in blackmailing women in the Marines by taking clandestine pictures of them while they were undressed. In addition to that he tapped into the secure link that allowed you and your husband to see each other and talk to each other on your computer. He made a recording of your sexual exhibition with another man and has posted it on an Internet site along with many others. I wanted you to be aware of this so you would be prepared if anybody were to approach you with bad intentions of using this video against you."

"Who is the evil little son of a bitch that did this?"

I can't tell you that Mrs. Carpenter but you have my assurance that he will be punished severely for what he did to you and your husband. Do you have any questions you would like to ask me?"

"Yes, I do. How is Grant? All I've been told is that he's in the hospital and is slowly recovering."

"The wounds are not that serious and he is recuperating from them. However, he may have suffered from oxygen starvation to his brain from internal bleeding. The doctors are testing him and monitoring him constantly to insure that they can do anything that is needed to address any damage to his brain. It will take some time and soon he will be well enough to be transferred to a hospital in Germany that is better suited to deal with his medical needs.

Keep your eye on C-Span for senate hearings about the issue of sexual abuse and harassment of women in all branches of the military. If it hadn't been for somebody sounding the alarm about looking into the shooting of your husband this systemic problem would still be going on. Whoever you know that has enough pull to get this investigation started deserves a big thank you from a lot of women. You wouldn't happen to know who that was would you?"

"I can't tell you that Mr. Goldberg but you have my assurance that this person will be rewarded generously for doing it. Thank you very much for calling to tell me this. I was wondering if there was anybody in the Marines that still had a heart that would sympathize with what I've been going through and let me know how he is. I've been frantic since I received the first call."

"Both my parents were in a very bad car crash while I was in law school and are still badly damaged to the point of needing constant care so I do know what an ordeal this is for you. Hang in there and let the doctors do their work. These people are the best at what they do and you can relax in knowing everything is being taken care of. I will call you again as soon as I have something to tell you about your husband. Oh! and one more thing: I hope you don't mind if I say that your video is the best I've ever seen. Please don't tell anybody about this conversation. Goodbye Mrs. Carpenter."


"Alicia who was that on the phone? It's almost midnight."

"Oh Walter it was a Marine attorney and he told me all about what happened to Grant. One of his own men shot him."

"He was shot by a fellow Marine? That's incredible."

"Walter I have mixed emotions about that call. I'm relieved that somebody cared enough to tell me the truth and reassure me about Grant's condition but I'm also upset that you and I had something to do with why he was shot."

"What do you mean Alicia? What could we possibly have done to cause another Marine to attempt to murder Grant?"

"We acquiesced to Grant's badgering me to have sex and let him see videos of us doing it. The man who shot him was surreptitiously making copies of the videos and posting them on an Internet site along with pictures and videos of other women in the Marines. It sounds like Grant found out about this jerk and went ballistic on him but the asshole took drastic action before Grant could report him. I feel like this wouldn't have happened if we hadn't gotten involved."

"Alicia I learned a lot while I was in the Army but the most important thing I learned was that guilt and second guessing are counterproductive to achieving a desirable outcome. If it hadn't been Grant, somebody else would have eventually reported this bastard. Grant wasn't just defending your honor; he was standing up for all the other victims of this criminal. This guy is a disgrace to the Marine Corps, to women and to his country. Don't take this on yourself or blame what we have done. We have acted responsibly since the day I first met you and our relationship has benefited me, you, Chucky and Grant. We are not the villains in this piece. We have to deal with the situation as it is and not how we wish it were.

"You're right as usual Walter. The attorney told me he would do everything in his power to see that this weasel is prosecuted to the full extent of the law and I believe he will. He told me that Grant is getting constant attention in the hospital and that their best doctors are giving him excellent care. He may soon be well enough to be transferred to a facility in Germany where they have even better ways to treat him. We must stay optimistic that he will make a full recovery and eventually come home."

I rolled over in the bed and took her in my arms. "That's better Alicia. Life goes on. It could have been much worse but now there is every reason to hope that you will soon get Grant back in your arms where he belongs."

"Thank you Walter. I know you have been my guardian angel since I met you and now you're even protecting people that you don't even know who have been mistreated in a foreign land. Without your making that call this could have all been swept under the rug in order to hide a scandal that the armed services definitely do not want to confront. I love you Walter for so many reasons."

"I love you too Alicia. Do you think you can get back to sleep?"

"I could if you'd give me one of your wonderful massages."

"Lie on your back." As she was turning I pushed the duvet off of us and retrieved the moisturizing cream from my nightstand. This cream was great for massage and smelled delightful. After rubbing some on my hands I began to rub her feet one at a time. This always relaxed her and that's what she needed now. My hands proceeded up her calf to her knee then back down the other leg to massage her left foot. Her soft moans told me how much she was enjoying this.

Soon I was working on her thighs from her knees up to her crotch. The closer I got to her pussy the more her moaning intensified. Most of the cream was gone from my hands but there was a little left on my thumbs so I spread it on each of her outer lips and rubbed them in an upward direction with my thumbs. Once the cream had been absorbed my thumbs were replaced by my tongue so I could lick strongly up each of her puffy lips until I reached the top where I tickled her clit with the tip of my tongue.

"Yes Walter yes, just like that. Suck my clit and kiss my lips. Show my pussy how much you love it. Ohhhhhh Godddddd Walter yes. We can't stop living our lives because of what has happened. We can't waste a single moment of a single day. I feel sure now that Grant will recover and come home and we will be here to welcome him and show him that we love him. OHHHH keep licking me, eat my pussy Walter, suck my juices from me and make me cum.

It didn't take long to give her the orgasm she had asked for. Her hips rose up and she pressed her pussy hard against my mouth as I buried my tongue in her as far as I could reach while she shook in surrender to her climax. My hands cupped her ass cheeks as she slowly came down from orgasmic bliss.

"That was fantastic Walter. You make me feel so good. Now crawl up here and get your reward."

Knowing full well what she meant, I crept up the bed until my mouth encircled her nipple and I lay on my side. She turned towards me to push her breast into my mouth while I began to suck her. I felt her reach down and encircle my already stiffening cock to squeeze it gently to match the same rhythm as my mouth on her breast. Warm life-giving milk flowed over my tongue and I eagerly swallowed it.

"Ohhhh Walter I love the way your cock gets so hard in my hand while I feed you. I could cum just from the way you suck my tit while I squeeze your hot hard cock and feel it throb on my palm." Her other hand moved to fondle my balls. "I'll bet you could cum if I keep squeezing your hot cock while I massage your balls. I'm not going to let you do that though. I'm going to roll over on my back and you're going to climb between my legs and stick that beautiful hard cock in my sopping wet pussy. Then you're going to fuck me until I feel your hot cum spray all over my cervix while my vagina pulses and throbs to suck all of your cream out of those balls."

Reluctantly I removed my mouth from her breast and moved between her legs. She was right about how wet her pussy was. The head of my cock found her opening without my even having to lend it a hand and slid inside her like a knife into water. As I pulled back to begin stroking her she wrapped her arms around my torso and her legs around my hips. Her movements guided mine as she set the pace of our fucking. The warmth of our bodies radiated between us and all we could hear was the sound of my thighs slapping against hers with each insertion.

The way my cock felt as it slid into her made it feel so welcome that I didn't want to ever take it out of her. I loved feeling her squeezing it with her internal muscles like she wanted to imprison it. When I did pull back to take another stroke her vagina continued to throb all around it until only the head remained inside. Even then her hot pink hole continued to coat the head in her hot juice. My balls were covered in it when they slid against her puffy engorged lips. Damn she felt so good. We had become perfect lovers. Our bodies knew each other and used sex to communicate in a way I had never before experienced.

When we made love, nothing else existed. The world and all of its insanity, the lying, the cheating, the killing, the politics, the prejudice simply disappeared. For this all too brief time, only the love and we were real. All else vanished as in a faintly remembered dream.

"Ooooohh yessss, yessss, yessss do it... now." She softly whispered.

Our orgasms were not just simultaneous but symbiotic, they fed on each other passing blissful energy back and forth in an intimate exchange of hot gooey fluids and silent sexual communication. Nothing else was said. I rolled off her to lie beside her and we drifted off to sleep.

When she awoke in the morning she said, "Making love is the best sleep aid there is. I slept like a baby."

"I'm glad to hear that. You have a busy day ahead of you."

"Yes, I know but I feel so much better after talking to that attorney. He seemed to genuinely care about the situation with Grant and didn't just call because it was his duty. He asked if I knew who made the phone call that got the investigation started."

"You didn't tell him it was me did you?"

"No but I did tell him you would be richly rewarded for doing it."

"I think you fulfilled that promise last night. It's always a great joy to make love with you. Grant was right about not wanting you to live a chaste existence while he was away. You're just too good to waste."

"Thank you Walter. For everything you do for me, with me and to me. You spent too long living sexless as well. I think Donna would approve of our relationship."

After she left for work I took Chucky over to Alicia's house and walked around pretending to be a prospective buyer. We had really done a fantastic job on this house. Everything had been upgraded or replaced. The addition of the deck and the landscaping in the backyard were spectacular. The enlargement of the master bath had practically turned it into a luxury spa. The state of the art security system was a bonus no buyer could resist. It was the best work I had ever done and I was extremely happy for Alicia and Grant. I was truly thrilled to have been a part of doing this for her.

She called me around four and was excited to tell me she had listed it that morning with lots of pictures and already three buyers wanted to see it. The next day one of the buyers made a cash offer for the full asking price of three hundred and ten thousand dollars. They wanted an appraisal and an inspection but I was sure there would be no problem with them. A week later they were ready to close.

Alicia had taken over a seventy seven thousand dollar construction loan to get the house and I had loaned her forty five thousand for the improvements. This meant she would clear one hundred and eighty eight thousand dollars. As the listing agent she would also get a six percent sales commission. She was happier than I had ever seen anybody be. I told her to find us another house to fix up as soon as she could. I was really getting enthusiastic about flipping houses. Regardless of what might happen with Grant, she had a steady income as a realtor and a way to generate extra income when opportunities came along. If Grant recovered fully from his wounds he could help me do the work and if he couldn't do physical labor he could probably keep track of the appointments and expenses for each job.

We called Annika and went out to dinner at an upscale restaurant to celebrate. We were both getting very fond of Annika. She had an incredible sense of who she was and was always easy to be with. She was never pessimistic or catty. We were both comfortable in her presence. Her smile was genuine and her beauty was natural and easy to look at. She always asked about Grant and we kept her up to date on his progress.

When we returned to my house Alicia went across the street to get Chucky from the neighbors who were babysitting him. After putting him in his crib we all spent some time in the hot tub relaxing and catching up on what was going on in our lives. Being naked with each other had become as natural as breathing. After the tub we headed for the bedroom to make love. Annika seemed to somehow balance us out sexually. Both of us enjoyed what we did with her and I was ecstatic when they both ganged up on me. Their special treat for me was when both of them got between my legs when I was lying on my back. One of them would suck my cock while the other one would suck my balls. They would swap every so often and made a game out of who would get my cum sprayed into her mouth when I had my inevitable orgasm.

Annika had finally overcome her reluctance to spend the night with us and when we were having breakfast the next morning she told us the owner of the salon where she was working wanted to sell it. She was concerned that the people who seemed most interested in buying it already had all the staff they needed and she might be out of a job soon.

"Annika how long have you worked there?"

"Almost three years."

"So you know what you're doing when it comes to running a salon."

"Yes, I'm a licensed beautician and I've been the manager for as long as I've been there. The owner is Chinese and only cares about the money. She couldn't possibly run it by herself."

"Is it a good location? Do you get a lot of traffic?"

"It's OK but it's not as good as it could be. The owner won't spend any money on new services or fixing the place up or even advertising."

"Don't worry about losing your job. If the new owners can't see what an asset you are to the business then you probably wouldn't want to work there anyway. With your experience you need to be running your own business. If this deal goes through and you need work, then how would you feel about being Chucky's full time nanny? Alicia and I are going to continue to find houses that need to be revitalized and it would help us out tremendously if you could take care of him while I'm busy working on a house. Alicia is a real estate agent and I have a feeling she could find you a place to put a much better salon than the one you're in now. It might take a while but the idea of being a partner in a salon appeals to me. I can put up the money and you can run it. What do you say?"

"Does being a full time nanny mean living here with you so I wouldn't have to pay rent for an apartment?"

"It sure does. You know how we feel about you and until we've dealt with getting Grant back home and healthy we could sure use your help as well as the convenience of having you around to play with. This arrangement would be of benefit to all of us."

"Walter I've seen what you've done for Alicia and what you have done for Grant and I know you will continue to help them when he returns. You are a true Good Samaritan. I can't think of anybody I would rather be with than you and Alicia so if she's OK with it then so am I."

"Annika, Walter saved my life by helping me and I will be forever grateful to him. I'd love to have you around full time. I need a girlfriend and I can't think of a better one than you."

When Alicia got home from work she was beaming when she walked in the door. Dropping her briefcase and purse she ran to me and put her arms around me then kissed me like we had just gotten married.

"Walter I have great news. Grant is being moved to the medical facility in Germany. He has been classified as being in rehabilitation and will be getting counseling and physical therapy. They may let him come home in a few months."

"That's fantastic news Alicia. I've heard about that facility. They do great work there for injured military personnel. It won't be long now until you have him back. I'm so happy for you."

"It's an answered prayer Walter and I know I couldn't have gotten to this point alone. The stress of caring for Chucky and dealing with the house and trying to work at my job would have put me in worse shape than Grant's in. I don't even want to think about how I would have faced his being hurt by myself. I've been thinking about you while I was driving home. I've been trying to define how I feel about you and I'm not sure I can put it all into words. What I know for sure is that I love you. But my love for you is unlike anything I've ever encountered before. It's not just romantic love, it's fatherly love and best friends love and admiration and something that approaches divine love. When I'm with you I sometimes feel excited and sexual and other times I feel peaceful and so lucky and thankful for your presence in my life.