Brothers In (her) Arms Ch. 02


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You've helped me to grow in many ways. I was very disturbed by Grant pushing me to have sex with another man but you were the perfect one to do it with. I've learned things about myself that I wouldn't have learned if we hadn't become lovers. I discovered that it's wonderful to love more than one person. Now I have Grant and you and Annika to love and play with. You've stretched my boundaries and made me more confident as a woman and a sexual partner. You've shown me how to deal with things that would have previously made me hysterical but now I can take a deep breath, step back and think before I do something. Am I making any sense?"

"I think you expressed our relationship perfectly. I'm sure you must know that I feel exactly the same way about you. You are my lover, my daughter, my friend and in a way my wife. But you know what? We don't have to define what we feel for each other in words. We know what is in each other's heart and that's all that matters. I was only half alive before I met you. Part of me was in a coma of grief and being with you has healed me. You and Chucky gave me the opportunity to express the joy and happiness that was bottled up inside me because the person I used to give that to was gone. This is how it's supposed to work Alicia. You can't ride a seesaw by yourself. It takes two people who love each other enough to never even think about who is helping whom. You just do it because you know it's the right thing to do. A big part of love is being considerate and not always putting yourself first."

"Oh Walter you're so right. You were living in the past, longing for your dead wife. I was living in the future constantly worrying and trying desperately to hold my life together until Grant returned, not knowing what I would do if he didn't. We were both stuck and incomplete. Now we know that you can only live in the present. Yesterday is but a memory and tomorrow is promised to no one. We are that's exactly the way it should be."

We took Chucky with us out on the deck and put him in his jump up seat so he could bounce up and down while we soaked and played in the hot tub. Alicia fed him while I fixed us a mixed salad with some left over chicken we'd had the night before. After putting Chucky to bed we turned on the closed circuit TV camera in his room and activated the baby monitor. Then we headed for our bedroom. Our sex was hot and nasty, we both wanted to fuck instead of making love so after eating her pussy until she came twice I turned her over and put a pillow under hips to elevate them. My hard cock pushed into her vagina in one strong stroke then without pausing I began to pound her at a fevered pace.

"Oh god Walter yes, yes, yes, fuck my pussy! Fuck it hard! Let me hear your hips slap against my ass each time you push that hard cock all the way inside me."

We continued like rutting dogs until we were both covered in sweat and she was grunting loudly with each stroke. We were celebrating our love for each other with no inhibitions or guilt about anything that had happened since that day we met. There was no shame, no recriminations, and no reservations about who we were and what we were doing. Finally I slammed against her, burying my cock deep inside her and came like a racehorse. Spurt after spurt of hot semen shot into her depths while she pushed back hard against me and let out a wail that signaled her own orgasm. I'd never seen her look more beautiful. This orgasm came from deep within her and was a release of pure joy.

Annika didn't wait to take me up on my offer and quit her job before the salon was sold. The woman who owned it wasn't happy about that but Annika knew it was time to move on. Now we were four. I discovered how much I liked sleeping between two sexy women and wondered what I had ever done to deserve such a wonderful treat.

Two months later Alicia came home from work with incredible news. The city we lived in had an area near downtown that needed to be revitalized. It used to be a very upscale neighborhood but had fallen into disrepair over the years. Alicia had attended a seminar regarding the city's plans to restore the neighborhood back to its original glory. They were going to allow private companies to do much of the work and were willing to spend some grant money to help them out. One of the properties was a grand hotel built back in the nineteen fifties. It was still in fairly good shape structurally but needed some repairs and updating. Alicia told me we could buy it for 3.5 million and the city would give us half a million in grant money to help with the restoration.

She showed me a website with some drawings by an architectural firm of what the area might look like when the project was finished. I could see why she was so excited and we met for lunch the next day at the hotel to take a look around. Even abandoned the Cumberland Hotel still looked regal and classy. We spent three hours inspecting the place and when we had finished I had made my decision. I was going to buy it and renovate it. I had six million sitting in stocks and bonds so 3.5 million seemed like an unbelievable opportunity for us. One of the things we discovered was an outdated, very large banquet kitchen that could be converted into a luxury spa for Annika to design and operate. We were all very excited about doing this and Alicia called the city to tell them she had found a buyer. The city even agreed to pay her a commission on the sale.

We called an architect to begin drawing up plans and were very pleased with what they came up with. We would transform the Cumberland into a luxury boutique hotel that would be the centerpiece of the revitalization project. We estimated it would take at least a year to complete the entire project but there were many things we could begin doing in order to stay ahead and be ready for a grand opening.

Three months later we got even better news. Grant was coming home. He still had some issues but he was well enough to travel and the doctors agreed he would be better off with his family and could continue treatment at the VA. We received a packet of information about Grant's condition and the date of his return. He was to arrive at the nearest airport at eleven thirty and would be accompanied by a marine medical attendant. I asked Alicia if she wanted to meet him by herself but she said she wanted me there because Grant already knew who I was and she thought it would be better if Grant could see that I was going to be there for him just as I had been there for her. She also wanted to sit beside him on the drive home because she would be too emotional to drive.

Grant and his aide were the last to disembark the plane and it was easy to spot him sitting in a wheelchair. Alicia ran toward him and started to put her arms around him when the aide said, "Mrs. Carpenter Grant is a little shy about being touched so why don't you start with just holding his hand."

Tears began to run down her face as she reached slowly for his hand. "Grant, it's me, Alicia. Do you remember me? Oh Grant I've been so worried about you but you'll soon be home and get everything you need to get completely well again. Oh darling I've missed you so much."

"A...A...Alicia? Yes I remember you now. You're my wife. I got hurt and I'm still a little shaky about things but I do know I love you."

"That's the best thing I could have heard you say baby. I love you too and we are going to get you healthy and happy again real soon."

The aide accompanied us to baggage claim to retrieve Grant's bags. I went to get the car and brought it around to the pick up area. A uniformed attendant came over and said, "You can't stay here for more than five minutes."

"I'm here to pick up a wounded Marine Corps veteran returning from Afghanistan. I intend to stay here as long as it takes and I expect you to lend a hand in whatever he needs to have done."

"You will have my full cooperation sir. Thank you for letting me know."

The attendant helped me get Grant's bags in the trunk while Alicia went over some papers with Grant's aide. Once we were all in the car the attendant stopped traffic so we could pull out onto the ramp that led to the exit. Alicia sat in back with Grant and talked to him about all the good things that had happened since he had been away. Hearing her voice again seemed to soothe his anxiety and she was able to sit close to him and occasionally give him little kisses.

When we returned to the house it was almost four o'clock so while Alicia gave him a tour I fixed some snacks to have before dinner. We sat out on the deck and Chucky sat in Grant's lap. Being with his son really had a positive effect on him. He was smiling and talking to him like a proud father. When Alicia asked him if he remembered me he said I looked familiar but he couldn't place me or know my name. Alicia explained that I had helped her restore the house she had bought and had been a second father to Chucky so she could go back to work at the realtor's office. She didn't mention the videos or the Skype sessions.

Grant was still sitting in his wheelchair. The report the aide had given Alicia indicated that his physical therapy had concentrated on getting him mobile and able to walk normally but he still complained that standing upright and walking gave him vertigo and made him afraid. The doctors concluded that this was more of a psychological issue than a physical problem. They said it would take time for him to regain his confidence and feel secure.

A few weeks passed and Grant seemed to be making progress in his recovery but he was still apprehensive and lethargic. Alicia and Grant slept in the master bedroom while Annika and I moved into the bedroom across the hall from Chucky's room. Alicia told me that Grant had lost all interest in sex. She didn't know why or how to help him recover his desire and ability to enjoy sex the way he once did. Whenever she tried to initiate sex he moved away from her and told her he didn't feel like doing anything.

Grant was still going to physical therapy at the VA and one day after I had accompanied him to his appointment he told me that he didn't like the way the therapists treated him. I thought it was a good sign that he felt comfortable enough to talk to me about it and I asked him what they were doing that made him dislike his sessions.

"They are too rough and they speak to me like they are giving me orders. Whenever I tell them that they are hurting me they ignore me and say 'no pain, no gain'. They aren't very nice and I don't like to be treated this way."

"Grant it sounds like they're just going through the motions and doing their job. I think you need a therapist who is not associated with the military. How would you feel about letting me help you find someone you feel more at ease with to do your sessions?"

"Gosh Walter that would be very nice of you to do. Do you know somebody that could do this?"

"No, but I bet I know somebody who does."

"Who would that be?"

"Annika. She's met lots of women and could probably recommend somebody for you. Maybe they could even come to the house to do it. You could use the spa room; that would be perfect for you."

"That sounds like a great idea Walter. I like Annika. She's pretty and very nice."

When we returned home I told Annika about my conversation with Grant and she smiled and said she knew the perfect person to do Grant's therapy.

"Do you remember the night we met at the club?"

"How could I ever forget the night I met you my love."

Do you remember that I was sitting at the bar surrounded by some very pretty women, one of whom was tall with black hair and a fantastic figure?"

"Was she wearing a silver dress that had a low cut back?"

"You have a good memory Walter. Her name is Vanessa Velasquez. We call her VV for short. She did massages at the salon where I used to work. She's got a Bachelor's degree in physical therapy and wants to get her master so she can work full time as a licensed therapist. I'll send her a text and ask her to call me so I can tell her what Grant needs."

VV called back and Annika put her on speakerphone so we could both discuss Grant's situation. She said she could come over for a meeting on Sunday afternoon so we set a time and told Grant he was to have a new therapist if he approved of her. When she arrived on Sunday she was dressed in blue scrubs, but even dressed like this she was stunningly attractive. We showed her around the house and asked her if the spa room would be sufficient for her needs. She said it should be just fine for treating Grant. We told Grant it was time to meet his new therapist and escorted him to the spa room in his wheel chair. His initial reaction to VV was quite positive so we left them alone so she could do some diagnostic work to ascertain the kind of treatment she felt he would need.

Annika and I watched on one of the big screens so we could see how they were getting along. She worked on him for about thirty minutes and then pushed him in his wheelchair to return to the living room.

"Walter I believe I can get Grant back to his old normal self in about six weeks. We can make Sunday a regular weekly appointment if it is convenient for Grant."

Grant told her that would be much better than the monthly sessions he got at the VA and he liked her a lot more than any of the therapists he had before."

"Walter can you get a device that Grant can use to walk that has pipes or railings so he can hold on to them with his hands?"

"Sure, I can arrange to have that in place by your next visit. I also want to discuss your fee for your services."

"I'm not sure I want to charge for helping Grant. He didn't ask to be hurt while serving his country so I feel like I should make a contribution to helping him get his life back."

That's very sweet and noble of you VV but you are good at what you do and your time is valuable. I know what a massage costs and what you will be doing goes far beyond a basic massage. I'm thinking three hundred per session. Does that sound fair to you?"

"More than fair Walter. Thank you for being so kind."

Alicia was thrilled that Grant liked his new therapist. It was a big relief to her to hear that he would be making greater progress in a few weeks. I got to work on the railings VV asked for and made some out of two by fours with foam wrapped around them so they wouldn't make his hands sore. When VV came for his next visit she was pleased with what I had constructed for Grant and spent the first half of his therapy making him walk between the railings. He was still hesitant to walk but at least he was making an effort. The second half of his routine was to do some basic exercises that were a combination of strength building and yoga. VV had developed these techniques and despite the fact that they seemed very simple they were actually quite effective. She told him to practice them twice a day between her visits.

After the fourth visit VV told us she was convinced Grant's problems were no longer physical but psychological and emotional.

"What do you mean Vanessa?"

"I mean his body has healed but something else was damaged by the trauma he incurred."

"What kind of damage?"

"His ability to trust. He is slowly gaining it back but there is still a lot of fear and uncertainty in him. This lack of trust is not just in others but also in himself. I think I have a way to help him regain his trust and confidence. Have either of you seen any signs of his being more comfortable when he's around you?"

"He has started to let me snuggle with him in bed which is a big step forward. He lets me put my arms around him and hold him now where he was pushing me away before. He seems to be the most at ease when he's playing with Chucky. He's very happy to be with him and watch him play."

"Those are very positive signs. Chucky poses no threat to Grant so it's easier for him to trust Chucky. It gives him strength to know he has a son who is his friend. What about you Walter?

"He has begun to talk to me more and I think I'm slowly convincing him that I will do anything to help him. I wonder though if he harbors any resentment about my having had sex with his wife. I hope he remembers that he asked for me to be his replacement with Alicia in the bedroom. He certainly seemed to enjoy the videos we made."

"That's a very tricky subject. Remember he was different when he made that request of Alicia. He may feel like he's inadequate now to resume his position as the alpha male in Alicia's life. This is an aspect of his therapy that needs to be worked on. I've got an idea I'd like to try if it's alright with you."

"What do you have in mind?"

"Do you remember the song 'Sexual Healing?"

"Yes we do. Do you think it's time for that?"

"I've worn scrubs to our sessions and I have noticed Grant taking more interest in looking down the front of my blouse."

"Who could blame him? You have beautiful tits. I have to admit I've taken a peek or two at them myself."

"Thank you Walter. The next time I come for his session I'd like to try to get his attention kicked up a notch. I've got this tight fitting nurse's costume that buttons up the front. I'd like to wear that next time if it's OK with you Alicia."

"If it will help Grant progress you can wear anything you want or nothing at all if you don't mind."

"I'm glad to hear you say that Alicia. Sex is a very important aspect of his life and must be addressed. He needs to feel like he's still desirable and can rise to the occasion when presented with the opportunity."

"You have my full permission to wear and do anything that will get him back to normal. If someone as beautiful as you can't get him going then we really do have a serious problem. Go for it girl!"

During the week, Grant became noticeably more at ease with the daily routine although he continued to use his wheelchair for all activities. His appetite improved and his interaction with all of us seemed much more pleasant. When Sunday rolled around he seemed anxious for VV to arrive. When she did she was dressed in her usual blue scrubs but also had a small suitcase with her. When her session with Grant started we went to the other bedroom and turned on the TV so we could see and hear what transpired in the spa room.

The first half hour was pretty much the usual routine but right after she had Grant walk between the railings and back to his wheelchair she excused herself and said she needed to use the bathroom. When she returned she was dressed in a very tight nurse's uniform complete with a small white hat with a red cross on it. The entire front of the outfit down to well below her knees was held together with buttons.

The spa room was really another master bedroom and was twenty feet by sixteen feet. She wheeled him over against the wall on one side with his back against another wall so he was facing the full length of the room. "Grant, I'm going to walk to the other end of the room and when I get there I want you to stand up nice and straight. Then I want you to walk toward me taking one step at a time. Each step you take earns you one button undone on my uniform. There are only twelve buttons so when they're all undone I'll take it off and the next step will get my bra off. If you make it all the way to me, you'll get a very nice treat."

She turned and walked to the other end of the room and turned around to face him. "Go ahead now Grant, stand up."

He did and he seemed a little shaky so he put his hand against the wall.

"Don't wobble Grant and don't put your hand on the wall, that's cheating. Now take that first step! Only you can prevent yourself from doing this. Don't let fear keep you from taking a step. You're a healthy young man and you are also a marine. You can do this Grant."

He moved his left foot forward then slowly brought his right foot up beside it.