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Mikayla nodded. She wasn't ready to fully cooperate, but she really did want this thing out of her mouth.

"Very well..." Lorraine plucked it loose, letting it drop to her neck. Mikayla threw out a desperate breath.

"Fuckin' bitch..." Lorraine believed she heard after just a second. She picked the bottle back up, returning it to squirt mode.

"Uh, I'm sorry? What was that now?"

Mikayla began to open her mouth to fib that she said nothing. But Lorraine squirted her soap water into it.

"I didn—errrggh! PTUH! Ptuh!" she spat. "Ugh! What the fuck!"

"If you're gonna be a potty mouth, you're gonna get it washed out...you little piss worm. Now you see, I am an adult, and I respect the situations I can and cannot use profanity, and so I shall not have my mouth soaped out. So! Learning our lessons thus far?"

Mikayla expelled another mouthful of soap and H2O, but said nil. Lorraine paused, scoffed at her, then returned to her bag of supplies. This time she took out a box of stick-on fingernails, which she popped open and began affixing.

"Fine, fine. In that case, we'll get on with the next portion of our evening. This'll be a particularly fun one..."

Mikayla didn't think she liked the sound of that.

"But before we do that," mused Lorraine, biding time as she applied the nails. "I'd like you to tell me where your phone is."

The girl furrowed her brows under the blindfold. "Why?"

"Because, we, my young friend, are going to erase and delete that picture you so crudely and putridly took, of my daughter on the john Friday. I'm sure you remember that, yes?"

All ten nails now nicely and firmly attached to her digits, Lorraine waited for a response she didn't expect. It did not come. She waggled her artificially nailed fingers before Mikayla's clamped, plump 36 boobs.

"...Unless, of course, you've already uploaded it online, in which case I might just have to fucking kill you, you little piece of rat shit!"

"Aaaaaaaaahhhhh!..." Mikayla cried out in agony, feeling Mrs. Knowles dig the nails into her fragile titties.

"I didn't! I didn't!" she insisted. Lorraine gave it another second and released her, leaving ten little red marks in her breasts.

"If I find out you're lying to me, you are gonna be one sorry puppy, young lady. And I will find out. I am much smarter than you. I've checked out your social media, and I know my way around the web. If it's there, I'll find it."

"It's not! I fuckin' swear!"

"Good. Then I'll choose to believe you. Now then: phone."

"I'm not tellin' you where my phone is."

A chuckle. "You really are a dunce, aren't you. Fine then..."

She returned to Mikayla's backside... "...We'll do it the hard way. Just remember—"

...Lowered herself to a squat...

"You brought this on yourself." ...And grazed the girl's pussy with her nails, through her soft, tufty bush.

Gasp. "AAAAAHHHHHEY! NO!!" Mikayla shrieked, jumping and kicking as best she could. "Don't touch me, you sick dyke freak!"

The next sounds she was forced to make were a hissing of air through her teeth, and another croaking moan of sickening pain...as Lorraine all but stabbed her, grasping, and sinking the nails into her cunt. Mikayla felt tears coerced to her eyes.

"I don't wanna hear that word outta you," Mrs. Knowles hollered. "Ever again. In fact, I don't wanna hear a lot of words outta you.

"Not that it's your beeswax, but f.y.i., I do not happen to be gay; only persuasive. I'm married to a lovely man, my daughter's father. And furthermore, my daughter has dated a number of times, all of which have been with boys. But if either of us did happen to be gay, it's no one's concern but our own. Now we can do this one of two ways. You can have the gag back, and I'll torture your ass..."

Mikayla felt the release once more, and the pain slowly went away. Mrs. Knowles' voice settled back to cordial again.

"Or...you can speak to me respectfully, like the grown-up you think you are...and I'll be a little nicer. By which I mean tease and mess with you, but not hurt you. Those're your choices, little girl. Wanna act like an adult? Or be admonished like a brat?"

As much as she absolutely hated to...Mikayla had no choice. She relinquished her tough-girl attitude, and began to cry. Lorraine stood up, just behind her, leaning close to whisper in her ear.

"That's what I thought."

"Please just lemme go," blubbered Mikayla.

"Not a chance. You've still got a lot to learn."

"Oh, come on! I'm...look, I'm sorry, okay? Is 'at what you wanna hear me say? I'm sorry! I won't be a bully anymore!"

"Oh no no no...'fraid not. Nice try, Mikayla. But see, pipsqueak...you don't get it. Here's the thing..."

She heard Mrs. Knowles' voice lower as she crouched behind her again. Another moment later, once more, she felt the overwhelming tingly sensation...of those nails gently scraping her pussy.

"When you take it upon yourself to be a bully...some people're gonna go along with it, and be submissive to you, 'cause they're scared. Some people, both kids and adults, don't like confrontation. Some're downright terrified of it. And so if you're gonna be a bully, you'll be more successful in pushing around these folks."

Mikayla only half-listened to Mrs. Knowles' words. She started to slowly, quietly whimper, and shiver. This woman and her infernal nails down there, gliding along and tickling her pussy and taint...were starting to do something to her. Something she didn't like.

...Something she hated, in fact.

"But then on the other hand..." came the strict voice, like a chill up her spine, "There'll also be people who won't stand for it. You see, there're two types of people in this regard: submissives, and dominants. Submissives'll kowtow and give in, and let you bully them."

Mikayla saw where this was going. But she failed to anticipate Mrs. Knowles start to burrow one of her long-nailed digits further up...slowly, very slowly making its way inside her. She gave a yelp, but forced herself to stay quiet. She still didn't want to seem frightened—sailed though this proverbial ship may already have—and also didn't want any more pain.

"Dominants won't, Mikayla. They'll give it back to you, and this is where you run into an altercation. When two or more 'alphas,' as they're sometimes called, come together. A battle of sorts ensues. Unless, that is, one alpha is far more shrewd, more clever, more intelligent than the other. Say, one is a sharp, cunning grown woman...and the other is a naïve, dumb little 18-year-old girl, who tries to act tough and thinks she knows it all, but really doesn't suspect a thing about the actually tough world out there waiting for her."

Mikayla lowly groaned, quivering a bit more, rattling the bars between her feet. She didn't know what some of these words meant that Mrs. Knowles was tossing at her, but she did know that she was getting the basic idea...and feeling the point made on her pussy as well—no pun intended. She clenched her cunt and her butt, trying to hold back from becoming excited.

"And when the grown-up alpha—or 'bully,' if you will—outwits and overpowers the teenage one...she doesn't know what to do. She's not used to this type of reaction. She likes to feel strong, and in control. But if she's not...then she's in over her head. So to speak. If someone turns the tables on her, and harasses and torments her for a change...

"...Not entirely unlike the way I'm harassing and tormenting you right now."

Mikayla struggled hard again, like when Lorraine first woke her after tying her up. She gasped, tried to breathe and let out a grunt of desperation. But Mrs. Knowles didn't let up...and the stimulation proved effective. Mikayla couldn't deny it. She was turned on, against her will...by another woman, to her horror...and her budding wetness seeped through the pores of her cunt. It was petrifying.

"Now, on a somewhat separate, but not unrelated issue," Lorraine matter-of-factly continued. "We've got one particular class of bullies in the world we're gonna focus on, who're known as homophobes. D'you know what a homophobe is?"

Mikayla cringed and grimaced, feeling one of the rogue nails slip back, behind, and up a bit...and toy with her asshole. She yelled.

Lorraine laughed. "Oops!" she feigned. "Little slip there! Forgot, that's exit only, huh? Girls don't like that, do they?"

She cleared her throat. "Anyway, as I was saying. A homophobe, Mikayla, is a person who hates gay people simply for being gay. And enjoys calling them hurtful names, like 'fag' and 'dyke.' Even unaware if they're actually gay or not. Sound familiar, kiddo?"

She let a nail of each hand give each of Mikayla's pussy lips a strong, deliberate stroke. The girl gasped out loud.

"OH fuck!..."

"It's very wrong, dear Mikayla, to hate a person because of a trait they've no control over...such as being gay," Lorraine told her, repeating the tantalizing nail stroke.

Mikayla leaked a bit of helpless cunt moisture into Lorraine's hands. "Oh god-fuckin'-fuck..." she reiterated.

"Well now, and THIS is interesting..." Lorraine loudly remarked, extra audibly to get Mikayla to process every word—and to strengthen her point. "It would seem that I, a female, am touching you, another female, in just such a way as to cause sexual arousal. A hypothesis confirmed, incidentally, by the wetness generating from your vagina."

Mikayla felt herself humiliated quite literally at the hands of Mrs. Knowles. She wanted to speak, but Lorraine forced her to keep groaning with her sensual nail scratches. Her legs shook, rapidly losing blood sucked magnetically to her pussy. She was powerless, and they both knew it. Just as surely as they knew Lorraine wasn't about to have a shred of mercy on her. She pushed up on her toes. Lorraine slid her nails up the soles of her feet, making her burst out laughing. "You can run, but you can't hide," she chided.

"You know, Mikayla, there's a theory..." Scritch. "...That certain homophobes, deep down, are actually repressedly gay themselves."

A blast of forced pleasure surged through Mikayla, as Lorraine culled her labia open, and fondled her inside.

"Hm," chuckled Lorraine. "Silly little fool. Giving my daughter such a helluva time because you think she's gay, only to find it turned back around on you. Appears as though you're gay, young Mikayla. Does that not strike you as a bit..."

She poked Mikayla inside her cunt, making her scream.


She shook her head, t'sking Mikayla as she slowly, methodically started to frig her.

"Shame on you, Mikayla. Such wretched, wretched shame."

Feeling sweat start dripping down her head and face, Mikayla was a bit too infused with unwanted lust to feel ashamed. Lorraine had her—again, quite literally—in the palm of her hand. And she wasn't going anywhere for a good while. Mikayla threw a new tantrum, lifting her feet the tiny bit she was able, stamping them in the floor and digging in her curling toes. She tried her best to wriggle and squirm free, but Lorraine held on—and in—tight, more forcefully pumping and thrusting her first two fingers, into Mikayla's now soaked cunt. Mikayla went on dropping desperate swear bombs left and right, being driven into oblivion.

"How 'bout it, young lady??" Lorraine hollered up at her. "Huh?? Gonna be a good girl and have an orgasm for Mrs. Knowles??"

Lorraine kept the jilling to a moderate pace, scratching her red hot on the inside, caressing and massaging her cuntal walls with her fingertips. She slid her other five nails down Mikayla's taint, back towards her asshole, keeping her on edge. But quite frankly, she'd shoved Mikayla far enough...that not even some rude, invasive assplay could dent the experience. Her head whipped back and forward, face trapped between ecstasy and agony. She couldn't describe the sensations overcoming her. She didn't know if she liked the taint tickling so much, but who cared, what with the insane pussy frigging mayhem rocking her world. And again, talking and acting tough, she'd have others believe she was already well-versed in the life of sex, at 18. But if the truth be told, she was a virgin.


Her eyes rolled back and crossed, as Mrs. Knowles jilled and thrust her on the fast track to climax. Mikayla roared like Katy Perry in her brand-new hit song. Finally, her breath caught in her throat, her limbs flexed, as each finger and toe knuckle turned white, and everything clenched. Lorraine felt her press in and contract on her fingers...and felt the release. Mikayla came. She threw out breath in puffs of relief, letting her eyes re-focus. So this was what being bullied felt like. An extreme example, of course, but Mikayla found herself having fallen all the way down, clinging to the business end. So now she had an idea how this lady's daughter must've felt.

"Well! There we are..."

Mrs. Knowles slowly extracted her fingers from Mikayla's pussy. Mikayla cringed and wept. The woman's digits now felt slimy, intrusive and very unwelcome. Mikayla couldn't help it; she felt violated. She cried.

"You...you raped me."

Lorraine shrugged. "Yes..." she agreed matter-of-factly. "A manual variation, if you will, but you got the basic gist."

Mikayla shook her wet head. "I don't fuckin' believe this...I hate you," she blubbered.

Mrs. Knowles nodded. "That's fine. My feelings aren't hurt. 'F it makes ya feel any better, I'm still not exactly crazy about you either."

Mikayla thought, You are so fucking dead, but thought better than to say it. Instead, she said—

"My parents ain't gonna be too happy to hear about this, lady."

Lorraine countered without a lost beat.

"Oh, I'd hardly think so. Of course, seeing as they're not gonna find out, that point's moot. Besides, I highly doubt they'd believe it."

Mikayla tried to process what the woman had just said.

"Wh—...what the...what the hell're you talkin' about, they're not gonna find out?! You really think I'm not gonna tell 'em?!"

Lorraine ambled up to her face, letting the girl feel her breath on it.

"Tell them what, Mikayla?..."

Something about the woman's tone haunted, taunted and daunted her. She paused. Lorraine went on.

"Hmm? Go on, tell them what, exactly? That one of the most beloved, respected, well-known pillars of the community came into your home, to strip you naked, tie you up and rape you...just to teach you a lesson? That she or anyone would risk the consequences? To say nothing of a person the entire town adores? A wife, a mother, a successful, upstanding citizen? Stack such credentials against those of a failed 18-year-old kid with a reputation for bullying, and, eh...just what do you think's gonna happen, Mikayla?... Huh?...

"You know, Friday, when you took that picture of Regan, she called and told me. Then she went to Mr. Garver, just as I told her to."

Mikayla's blinded eyes widened. She gulped.

"She was concerned to tell the principal, Mikayla. Besides feeling that you'd be even more of a bully to her, it was very simply her word against yours. Similarly, as to what's happened here tonight, it's your word against mine. You see where I'm going with this?..."

Silence fell over them like an abrupt shadow. Eventually, Mikayla spoke again.

"My parents love me, lady. And I l—...llllll—... I love them too. They'll believe me."

Lorraine returned to her bag.

"Well, that's very sweet. Though, I can't help but wonder how they'd react to these charming little messages and Tweets of yours."

She now retrieved a couple pages of paper she'd printed out, unfolded them and cleared her throat.

"April 3rd: 'my dads such a douche prick.. dipshit wont let me go clubbin w the girls.. go the fuck 2 hell pops'. Very nice.

"July 28th: 'fight w parents.. fuckin assholes.. cant stand em n cant wait 2 move out this shithole dump'. Lovely.

"September 4th: 'god is my mom a loser.. yells at me 4 doin the same shit she does.. gonna bitch slap her next time'. ...Hm."

She placed the printed pages down as Mikayla hung her head. Damn it, this woman really was good. She seemed able to rebuff and refute Mikayla at every turn. It made her so frustrated. Mrs. Knowles was right. Mikayla wasn't used to being controlled, pushed around and taken advantage of like this...and she hated it. She heard her own "bully" speak again.

"And more colorful doozies where those came from. Interesting way to show such alleged love for your parents, Mikayla."

Mikayla remained angry, but started to see that her anger wasn't getting her anywhere. Not in this situation...and maybe not so much out and about in real life either. The epiphany was gradually dawning on her that like all her fellow students...she herself was still just a kid. And that deep inside, she was insecure—and in fact terrified—that she wouldn't make anything of herself in life. That the kids she now picked on, like Mrs. Knowles' daughter, would grow up and surpass her in the successes and feasts of life. Maybe she actually was learning a lesson here. This still didn't make her like it any more. Mrs. Knowles spoke.

"...Nothing to say now, kiddo?...No tough remarks from the big talker?"

Mikayla replied with only further silence. Lorraine nodded, adjourning to her bag o' fun once more.

"Very well then, let's continue."

"We're not done?..."

"Oh, certainly not." Her next plaything was the Hitachi. Into a nearby socket it went, and Lorraine resumed post at Mikayla's side.

"What we're doing now, my friend, is discouraging you from sexual harassment. Such as taking a picture of someone while they're trying to use the bathroom. You wouldn't like that, would you? Of course not. Now. What I just did was take you through what in females is called a vaginal orgasm. Now I'm gonna show you how that is distinguished from what we refer to as a clitoral orgasm."

She licked her fingers. Mikayla did not like the sound of a single word in those sentences. But she didn't think she had much say in the matter either. She felt Lorraine reach down her front, below her waist, beneath her pelvis...and rub the top of her slit.

"Oh god, come on, quit molestin' me."

"Absolutely not. Why do you think I tied you up, silly? Now hush. I don't think either of us wants to have to put that gag back in your mouth. Just stand there and be...educated."

As Lorraine worked her up to rearousal, Mikayla whined and whimpered some more, again feeling herself get wet on Mrs. Knowles' fingers. The woman advised her that her clit was swelling, becoming erect, prepping them for phase two. When she felt Mikayla was ready, she parted the girl's cunt lips at the anterior, switched on the Hitachi to setting one, and placed it on her.

Gasp. "WHOOOOOAH!" Mikayla hollered, feeling her mind yanked in a drastically different direction. It was now much tougher to care or be upset what was being done to her. Electric hot goodness gripped and seized her in a binding hold. Lorraine made the executive decision to remain silent during this portion of their evening; there would be time to finish the verbal lesson later. The first minutes of clit play washed by. Mikayla's blood was re-rerouted, to her clit, filling it erect. Lorraine listened with satisfaction as the girl moaned and groaned, watching her body shake and lurch. After another moment, she upped the setting.