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Mikayla choked a gasp, catching saliva in her throat. She threw her head back, overwhelmed by the sizzle. Her pussy again leaked, dripping and seeping down her thighs, though it now received no direct attention. She started seeing things under her blindfold she'd never seen before. Things she couldn't identify. Things only accented by the incredible sensations her pussy and clit relished. Mikayla's brain may not have known how to feel, but her cunt was in teenage erotic heaven.

Lorraine took hold of the band connecting the clips on Mikayla's nipples, and tugged. Repeatedly.

"AAAAhhhhh..." Mikayla grimaced, her erogenous zones flushing pinkish-red. The woman clearly knew what she was doing, as while it ached, the pulling on her pinched nipples somehow enhanced her pleasure. Soon, up went the magic wand another setting. Mikayla began to lose it, going nuts while stuck in place. With every new surge of passion, she couldn't believe the intensity. Lorraine gingerly shook and massaged the Hitachi up and down, coaxing her engorged, hardened clit from under its hood.

"FUCK!..." croaked Mikayla, sweat raining off her flushed flesh. She couldn't describe how goddamned amazing it felt. She wished she was able to achieve these hidden plateaus on her own. Minute after minute crawled on, drawing her further along the way. Mikayla's poor dizzy head flung back and forth, to and fro just as before, but yet more adamantly. She wrenched on her bonds out of reflex, but with no clue what she'd do if she actually broke free.

The experience remained unfathomable, only in exponential increase. Mikayla could swear she'd been swallowed by fire. She began unleashing steady, powerful shrieks, one after another after another, unable to do anything else. She lost feel of everything: the twine on her joints, the cloth on her eyes, the clips on her heaving girls, the bath towels on her soles. Nothing existed anymore. Not her surroundings, her company, the outside world; nothing. Just her...and this truly magic wand.

She was about to erupt, like the upside-down volcano she essentially was. She did not, however, realize the physical form which this orgasm would take. Having put down the towels, Lorraine hoped to get this result, and it looked like she would, reading the reactions and signs Mikayla was giving her. The girl couldn't take another minute. She wouldn't be able to hold back for fifteen more seconds, let alone sixty. She veritably departed the Earth and its atmosphere. Lorraine could count her down in her head. It radiated through every inch of Mikayla's body, making her rumble and quake in wild anticipation. Finally...at last...at long last...

Boom. Fireworks blew everywhere in the girl's eyes. The last, fiercest flames ran rampant, stoked on by vicious orgasmic lightning. Mikayla was awestruck, dumbstruck, thunderstruck. She shrieked, she bellowed, she howled, she bawled. As Lorraine watched, she indeed got her desired product. Mikayla's pussy floodgates shattered. Gravity took over, and she gushed loose. She sprayed and squirted all the excess her cunt could hold. Her screams raged on until her lungs went hoarse. Her voice suddenly cut off.

Once satisfied—both herself, and that Mikayla was as well—Lorraine released her from the Hitachi's spellbinding hold. Mikayla promptly relinquished what stamina she had left, and let her frame go limp and slump in place. Letting her rest, Lorraine removed the nipple clips, unplugged the Hitachi, wandered the house a bit till she located one of the Wagners' bathrooms, and cleaned it off. This taken care of, she returned to the living room, slipped the Hitachi back into her bag and swapped it out for one more item.

Mikayla, reduced to a perspiring, sopping mess, stood half-asleep by only her wrists. But Lorraine wasn't done with her yet. She picked up the spray bottle and misted her awake a second time. It took a few moments, but Mikayla got her bearings back.

"A'right, young lady," Lorraine addressed her. "We're gonna play one more little...torture game together."

"OH!...Oh, for fuck's sake!" Mikayla laryngitically rasped. "Haven't you done enough to me already??"

"Almost," said Lorraine, twirling the long stiff gray feather she'd brought for last. "We're just gonna review our lessons."

Sigh. "Lady, I'm sorry. I mean it. I'm really really sorry. I hate myself, but I'm not gonna act like that anymore. Okay?"

Lorraine nodded. "I appreciate that, Mikayla. And I don't disbelieve you. I just feel it's important you understand the severity of your actions. And how vital it is that you do stop behaving this way, and that you do commit."

With that, she slipped the feather beneath Mikayla's still red, swollen pussy, and sawed the blade between her labia in one slow glide.

Mikayla jumped. "Yaaaaahh!"

She tried to recover, but Lorraine immediately repeated the action.


Lorraine arched an eyebrow. "Tickle?"

Mikayla winced, inhaled, and shook her head.

"Hm." Another saw of the feather. Fffffffflick. "Feel good?"


Mikayla vehemently shook her head again. It did not feel good. At all. It hurt! It stung, ached and even sort of...pinched. Mikayla's young, fragile, virgin pussy had been thoroughly put through the wringer. After two orgasms—the latter a huge, cunt-wrecking gusher—it was spent, drained, and very tender. It was in no shape for any more activity this evening. It now needed rest, and if deprived that rest, would become grumpy and cause its owner pain. But Lorraine still had a bit more of a score to settle with her.

"Well, that's too bad. Lucky for you, I'm a nice lady, and I do feel you've learned a few things tonight. So I won't do this for too long."

"OW! Ooh! Ouch!"

"Now...where's your phone?"

Mikayla exhaled. "...If I tell you, will you quit it and lemme outta here?"

Ffffffffffflick. "Aaaaaah! Fuck!"

"Tell me. Where is it?"

"Fine...it's in my purse. In my room. Upstairs."

"Well, I don't imagine I'll have too much trouble finding it. If you'll excuse me..."

Mikayla listened as Lorraine ascended the steps. As the sound of her footsteps faded, Mikayla resumed quietly sobbing. She felt terrible. Not just because of what this girl's Mom had done to her, but because she'd also summoned Mikayla's conscience. She was a bully. She'd picked on and mistreated this poor girl Regan for so long, out of petty, immature jealousy. And insecurity. It was to feel better about herself. To feel like she was truly good at something. And it was out of anger at being scholastically inferior.

...She's right. ...I'm a bad person. ...I'm a creep.

Eventually, Lorraine found the room, the purse, the phone, and returned downstairs with it.

"Here we are. Now, let's find your pictures...ah, right there...mm. Yep. There she is. Nice angle, Mikayla. Quite the photographer."

Mikayla abashedly dropped her head.

"Options...and...delete. Sure? Damn straight. I'd think twice before trying that again, kiddo."

She put down the phone, and picked the damp-bladed feather back up. Mikayla attempted to speak, but wasn't granted the chance.

"It's not online, right?"


Ffffffffflick. "You sure about that?"

"Oooch! Yes! Yes."

Fffffflick. "Still hurt?"

"MMMM! Yeah."

"Hm. Want it on your armpits? Backs of your knees, bottoms of your feet? People're actually a little more ticklish after orgasm."

Mikayla nodded. She'd take forced laughter over forced agony any day. Lorraine chuckled.

"Heh! Maybe next time." Fffffffflick. "How 'bout under the nose? Tell me what your vagina smells like."

She wiggled and twirled the feather in her nostrils. Mikayla didn't like that. She wordlessly twitched and whipped her head away.

"Fine, fine." Lorraine took a deep breath, and let out a long, satisfied sigh.

"Just remember a few things, Mikayla," she told her, letting the artificial nails glide across her belly.

"First of all..." Lorraine slowly encircled her. "...You mess with the daughter...you mess with the Mom.

"And you mess with the Mom...you lose."

Mikayla felt Mrs. Knowles give her a poke in the spine.

"...And..." And spank her tush. "...You pay. Not a great idea to challenge or test ol' Mom."

She grazed Mikayla's underarm, torso, side and ribs, making her titter. She completed the 360° and again regarded her face to face.

"Think about that. Smart, clever, shrewd grown woman, versus simple, dimwitted flunky teenager?...No, contest."

Yeah, you don't have to keep reminding me I flunked, lady.

"See what happened? I win, you lose. Say it."


"I win, you lose." Ffffflick. "Say it."

"Ooooh!...Okay. You win, I lose."

"Very good. Say bullies are losers."

"Bullies're losers."

"Say no means no."

"No means no."

"'Atta girl. Remember that. Mom wins every time. She'll getcha every single damn time. Moms always win, you see, against silly..."

Fffffffffffflick. "...Insecure...foolish..."

Fffffflick. "...Scared...susceptible...

"...Little naked girls."

As her pussy recovered, the feather blade didn't sting as much anymore, but remained unpleasant. Fortunately for her, Lorraine was done. She dropped it with the rest of her belongings in the bag, slipped her nails under the blindfold, and allowed Mikayla to see for the first time since her visit. She bored into the girl's eyes with her own. Mikayla gazed back, her eyes frightened, shamed, and teary.

"Got it?"

A nod. "Yeah...yes ma'am. Yes, Mrs...uh...I-I forgot your name."

"Knowles. Mrs. Knowles. Like Beyoncé. No relation."

"Yeah. Uh-huh. Got it."

"Wonderful! So then. This...is what's going to happen." She reached up to begin untying Mikayla's hands from the ceiling hook.

"First of all, obviously, as we established, no one is to hear of this. At any point. You got that?"

Mikayla nodded adamantly. "Yeah."

"Well, make sure you mean it. I don't want you thinking when I leave you can just run and squeal. If you try it, you'll be very sorry. That is a promise. Now. Aside from that, when you go back to school Tuesday, you're gonna apologize to my daughter. And all this harassment stops. For good. Any questions? Didn't think so. Gonna be a good girl now, and do as I say, once I'm done untying you?"

More nodding. "Uh-huh. Definitely. Please untie me. I really gotta go to the bathroom."

"Very well. Y—oh. Just one more little thing."

Lorraine took Mikayla's chin in her hand. Her expression and tone abruptly turned very hostile.

"If I ever...EVER...hear that you've been treating my daughter, or anyone else, like such dirt or slime again...next time, I won't be so nice. You mark my words, young lady. I can make life quite difficult for you. I would think you'd know something about that, hmm?"

Mikayla suddenly had to keep from peeing herself. She nodded, on the verge of another dread-induced cry.

"Good." Lorraine let go. "Go to the bathroom."

Mikayla gathered her discarded clothes and staggered up the stairs to the second-floor john. Mrs. Knowles called up to her.

"When you come back out, I'll be gone. Just remember our agreement. You know what'll happen if you don't. I'll see you around."

Back went the twine, the bars, the towels...and the lesson was concluded. And onto the hook hanger went the innocent wind chime.



Afternoon Aftermath

Tuesday, November 12th, 2013, 3:11 p.m.

Autumn was two months into reverse-bloom. Also in swing was the new year at Juniper High. Proud Mom and community leader Lorraine Knowles multitasked at home, watching TV and networking online. She heard the key click and unlock the door. Inside came Regan. She was free of stains, cuts and bruises, and seemed in much better spirits today than she had last week.

"Mom!" Slam! "Mom, you're not gonna believe this," she announced. "The weirdest thing happened today."

"Oh? What's that?"

"Mikayla apologized to me!" exclaimed Regan. "She said she's really really sorry, and she's never gonna bully me again!"

"You're kidding!"

"No, I swear!"

"Wow. Well, that's fantastic! Good for you, sweetie!"

"Mom, what happened? Mr. Garver couldn't have just...made her like that!"

Lorraine shrugged. "...The world's an elusive, enigmatic place, Regan. There's a lot we'll never understand. Sometimes people change, almost inexplicably so...under the most improbable circumstances. Whether less than mature teenagers, or the elderly. Epiphany? Conscience? Change of heart due to any number of things?...Who can say, really?"

Regan took off her backpack, tossed it on the couch and plopped down herself.

"Well, I still can't believe it!"

Hmmm... Lorraine returned to her networking, a subtle smile playing up her lips. Funny; somehow, I can.

...I wonder why?

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kbone1kbone14 months ago

This story of Mikayla is awesome. She got what she deserved!!

Smokey125Smokey125over 1 year agoAuthor


Thank you very very much, my friend! I was taking a hiatus from writing for a while, and as you can see, I've not answered a lot of comments of late. But I'm trying to make a point of changing that. If you see this one, thanks once more, and here are some suggestions/recommendations: if you'd like to read more like this from me, you can check these stories out—

"Beyond Hell And Back" (specifically chapters 3 and 4)

"Fatal Edge"


"How To Greet An Unwelcome Visitor"

"How To Punish A Vindictive Boss"

"Step-Mommie Dearest"

"Top To Bottom"

"Who's Teaching Whom?"

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

very, very, well done little story my friend. Please do more like this because it was such a pleasure to read I have to honestly say. Take care and have a fantastic week my friend!!!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Very erotic and glad the bully got punished, though I don’t understand why you keep using paws instead of hands it’s very off putting

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I would have tortured the bully’s parents instead, and let them know why.

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