Burn Baby Burn Pt. 05


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Jess reached over, grabbed both her hands, and forcefully placed them on his hips, holding him against her. "Do it babe! Pound her now."

Jennifer screamed as he exploded into action, driving his shaft in and out of her like a piston. She instinctively tightened her grip on his waist and pulled her legs up to wrap her feet around him. She tried to push her own hips up to meet him, but he was too heavy and strong. She lay helplessly enraptured to his pounding; her cries reduced to gasping yelps with each thrust. He began grunting loudly as he felt his own orgasm approaching.

As if on queue she screamed, announcing her own imminent climax. Just like her sister she froze in place and tightened every muscle in her body as wave after wave of passion rolled over her. He thrust one final time and held himself as deep into her as he could before he began cumming in forceful bursts shooting his cum into her. After five incredible spurts he resumed his slow deep thrusts. Jennifer slowly came down from her euphoric rapture and collapsed beneath him. He rose off of her and lay beside her across from Jess.

Jennifer lay wide eyed and gasping as she struggled to catch her breath. She turned to her sister who touched her face tenderly. She turned to face Chad and her eyes narrowed with recognition. Tears began leaking from her eyes and she sobbed. He reached over and pulled her body gently atop his and held her as she suddenly clung to him and began crying. Her body shook and her sobs tore at his heart, but she held onto to him desperately as her grief flooded through her mind and heart. Jessica began crying softly as she leaned over and held her twin comfortingly. The remained clinging to each other for a long time as the tears flowed and the pain leeched away.


When Evie returned home with the boys, they were shocked to find both sisters sitting in the great room side by side on the couch, with Chad seated across from them on the love seat. When Jenn saw her beautiful red-haired son, she cried out and fell to her knees on the floor with her arms held wide. "Mama!" Spencer cried joyfully and launched himself into her arms. Even Bobby fought back tears as they all quietly watched the two hold each other fiercely. Finally, Gunner had enough and rudely pushed his way between the two, insisting that he was the best filling for their love sandwich. Both mom and son giggled as they wiped their tears away and scratched him appreciatively, without even realizing that the healing had begun.

Chapter Ten

"We need a vacation!" Jessica declared one evening out of the blue. Her and Chad were cuddled in their usual spot while Geegee and Bobby shared the couch and huddle together over a sketch pad. They whispered and mumbled to each other secretively as Evie's hands flew over the paper. She had an arsenal of colored pencils in her lap. Gunner lay sprawled across the center of the floor and Tappy lay on the couch next to Bobby with her legs splayed up in the air, for all intents and purposes, looking quite dead.

Jennifer had taken Spencer back to their home briefly and then signed them both up for a month-long Retreat aimed at helping survivors learn to deal with their grief.

Chad agreed. "I think I know just the spot for us to go." He said with a knowing wink at his bride to be.

"What have you got in mind babe?" She asked. Neither of the two doodlers across from them even looked up from their project.

Chad began whispering in her ear. Her eyes widened with delight, and she grinned. "Oh, I like it!"

Genevieve glimpsed up briefly at them with a raised eyebrow and then returned to her work.

Jess began whispering to Chad and he laughed out loud. "Oh yeah! Definitely." He agreed. "And while we are there..." his voice faded as he whispered again into her ear. She suddenly squealed with excitement and jumped into his lap hugging his neck tightly. "Oh, you know what that means?" She suggested.

Chad nodded sagely to the continued annoyance of his son and his beautiful nanny. "Of course, Jen and Spence will be coming." He answered. "He has his passport, doesn't he?"


"Then it's settled. We need to start making travel arrangements." He finished. They hugged each other and exchanged a long kiss.

"Oh, I can hardly wait!" Jess squeaked excitedly.

They paused and enjoyed the quiet for a moment before Bobby and Geegee both shared an approving grunt. They looked up at the two lovers and giggled to each other.

"What are you two chuckleheads giggling about?" Jess demanded.

"Nothing." They said simultaneously and promptly giggled again.

Jessica eased herself from Chad's lap and padded across the room bare foot. She held out her hand expectantly. "Hand it over!"

Bobby clutched the sketchpad possessively and closed it. "No way!" He retorted. "It's private."

"Give it up junior!" She growled at him. There was no mistaking the menace in her voice.

"Dad!" He whined.

"Uh huh." Chad shook his head. "That woman scares me when she growls like that. I'm out of this one."

Evie sighed and took the sketch pad back. "Its really nothing." She explained innocently. "We were just drawing a concept of your wedding."

Jessica's eye flew open. "What?" She exclaimed. "Lemme see. Lemme see." She cried eagerly and plopped herself onto the couch, forcing herself between them.

The euro-African woman obediently began flipping through the pages of her sketch book. Suddenly Jessica reached over. "Hold up a minute!" She turned back several pages and gaped at the image in front of her. "What is this?"

Bobby blushed furiously and Evie stammered. Chad curiously got up and walked over to stand behind the couch. The page revealed an impressive drawing of a female superhero like character. The form was exquisitely feminine with suggestive hips and breasts. The short red spiky hair spilled out from a dark hood while the rest of her body was poorly concealed by a form fitting black ninja outfit. The character was poised like Scarlett Johansen in Black Widow, crouching low with one arm raised and the other sweeping across her body. Three 4-pointed shuriken flew toward the viewer from her deadly hand.

There was a palpable silence about the room as Bobby gulped nervously.

"I'm waiting..." She said calmly. The artwork was actually very impressive to her, and she admired the detail and vibrant colors.

"Its umm... It's your Avatar." The boy replied weakly. "Ninjassasin."

"Avatar." She repeated. "Ninjassasin." She looked back at Chad with a smirk then turned to the other woman. "Were you part of this?"

"Oh no!" She replied with a grin. "That was all Bobby. He's quite gifted."

Jess continued staring at the drawing as she pursed her lips. "I like it." And with that she dismissed the page and gestured impatiently for them to continue.

The 'concept' was a detailed sketch of a wedding ceremony that was taking place on a sandy beach. The groom was a tall broad man with a Hawaiian shirt and long board shorts while the bride wore a simple white lacey skirt with a bikini top. Her bright red hair was ringed with a floral weave. Both were barefoot as they stood ankle deep in the ocean, before an elegantly dressed young woman (who also bore striking red locks) presiding over the ceremony. The guests were all gathered about the party standing at ease and holding drinks and bouquets. A pair of salt and pepper dogs sat together, watching with their tongues hanging out. A crimson sun was sinking beneath the horizon and the smoke from a ring of tiki torches wafted away with the offshore breeze.

Chad leaned over and exhaled with a near silent whistle. "Wow! That is crazy good!" He exclaimed. Jess was speechless as she took in the detail. "How did you know my sister was a licensed Marriage official?"

"She mentioned it during our dinner after the hearing when Chad proposed." Geegee explained. "She really wants to preside over her sister's wedding."

"Damn!" Chad muttered. "Either you are psychic, or we need to do a DNA test with you, Jess and Jen."


Eventually Molly was discharged from the hospital, but her arm was still splinted. At Bethany's request Chad and Jess came to help get her home and settled in. Despite her bitterness his ex-wife grudgingly accepted and even allowed him to assist her in and out of the vehicle. She wound up riding with Chad and Jessica because their car had more room than the rental.

"What am I supposed to do now Chad?" She asked her ex suddenly from the passenger's seat. Her voice was soft and broken. She seemed on the edge of tears.

"What do you mean Mol?" He asked as his eyes met Jess' through the rearview mirror.

"Frank left me with nothing. His assets were all frozen before he died and now, I am all alone and penniless." Her voice trembled.

It took a moment for Chad to center himself and set aside the spite and anger that rose up at her words. Naturally it was all about her again. He sighed and glanced back at Jess again before responding. She met his eyes and he read her thoughts. 'Just stay cool and let her have her pity party.'

"Mol you are not alone, and you are not penniless." He started. "The house is paid for, and I intend to transfer the deed to you alone. You could sell it for a nice sum and move into a smaller apartment if you wanted. It's far to big now that the kids are gone."

To her credit, Molly sniffed and considered his words with a nod.

"I have already set up a trust to make automatic alimony payments to you, so you are assured of at least that steady income." He paused at a traffic light. "You can always contact Matt to help you out with things if you ever do decide to sell. And if an emergency comes up he can help out there too."

"Thank you for that." She replied with some humility. "I guess I have a lot to think about. It's going to be so lonely when Billy and Bethany go back to school."

He didn't reply. He wasn't about to follow her down that rabbit hole. Not his monkey—not his circus.

Later when they were alone Jess remarked on his interaction with his ex. "You are having survivor's guilt." She said evenly. She once again sat right beside him in the big truck with her bare feet up on the dash.

"I don't follow." He replied as they headed home.

"You are feeling guilty because you are so much better off now and she is left essentially destitute and alone." She calmly noted.

"She made her bed." He snorted. "No one pushed her to give up on our family and marriage."

"I'm not disagreeing with you baby." She placed her cool fingers on his arm. "I just want to be sure that when you walk away, you feel like you have nothing to feel bad about. In fact, I want you to feel good about it, knowing she will be set up for life. She is the mother of your children."

He sighed quietly and reached over to grab her thigh. "How do you know these things?" He marveled. "I just feel like I could or should be doing something more for her."

His scarlet haired lover giggled beside him. "I can almost read you as well as my sister sweetheart." She admitted. "And I think we can do something more for her to assuage your guilt and set her up for a better future."

"I'm all ears." He replied.

With Matt's help they were able to set up an anonymous trust fund that paid out quarterly dividends to his ex-wife. It was initially valued at $1 mil and was invested into high yield REIT stocks that averaged 7-11% annual returns. She stood to earn an additional $65 to 100K per year in static income. He also helped establish smaller trusts for each of the two older siblings to help them get established in their careers and offer safety nets if the need arose.


After a week of preparation, flights were booked, bags were packed, and arrangements were made. Otis and Beulah gladly moved into the condo for the duration of their holiday, so that Gunner and Tappy would have company. Their destination was Grand Cayman Island via a few day stops in the Florida Keys, the Bahamas and Jamaica. Jennifer, Spencer, Jess, Chad, Genevieve, and Bobby travelled First Class all the way and took advantage of every amenity presented to them.

By the time they reached their final destination they needed several days just to rest and recover.

It turned out that Genevieve was not only an avid scuba diver; she was a certified dive master. Back at home, in the large pool, she began teaching them all the fundamentals for earning their basic open water PADI certifications. They were all required to undergo a medical examination prior to completing their dives, but by the time they reached their posh condominium in GC, they were eager and ready to begin swimming with the fishes. Some took to it better than others—Jen and Chad had the hardest time, while Jess and Spencer proved quick learners. Bobby was a natural, completing his 4 open water dives in a single day. Within a week he determined that he was ready to go cage diving with the great whites.

During their stay over in the Bahamas Evie took him for a personal tour of the Bimini Biological Field Station, specifically the Shark Lab. He met and spoke with many of the staff and several research scientists. He was regaled with lectures on their volunteer internship programs and by the time they left he knew he was going to dedicate his life to marine biology.

One afternoon the six of them were lying about on the beach near their condo. Jen and her sister had to slather on the SPF to prevent burning while Genevieve's skin darkened from her original mahogany tone to an alluring dark walnut. Chad, Spencer, and Bobby frequently ignored the suggestions, warnings, and reminders of their betters—and suffered the wrath of the sun for it. In the late afternoon, sheltered by the giant umbrellas, they enjoyed the cool gentle breeze from the ocean. It was Bobby who changed the course of their lives forever with 6 little words.

"I could just live here forever!" He intoned dreamily as he lay back on his lounge chair.

"Mmmhmm." Jennifer responded dreamily.

Jess casually looked over to her mate and they shared a look, silently communicating even through their darkly tinted sunglasses. With a single nod Chad let his head fall back onto his chair.

"So why don't we?" Jess asked meaningfully.


There was so much involved with relocating to a foreign territory like the British commonwealth. But Jess and Jenn were up to the task, and they quickly immersed themselves into learning all the steps and obstacles involved in expatriation. They researched the private schools, cost of living, taxation, and home ownership. A lot of Americans became permanent residents of Grand Cayman. It wasn't an easy process nor was it cheap. But when you had the financial resources, it was very straight forward and attainable.

Chad helped out by looking for a suitable home that would comfortably house them all and offer the amenities that they craved, namely the ocean. He found the perfect property overlooking the south end of the island near Beach Bay. It was a mansion truth be told, but they fell in love with it as soon as they pulled up to the property and got out to walk around. Despite the nearby beach front, it featured two large swimming pools, one indoor. There was also a private dock tucked safely behind a massive breakwater. Chad didn't even blink at the $2.5 million price tag. They retained the services of a local real estate attorney (litigator) and began the process immediately.

Jennifer took over an entire guest room in their condominium just to organize all the files and paperwork required for each of them to apply for residency. Of course, there was no question about bringing Gunner and Tappy and the quarantine requirements were minor. When the time came, they would relocate via a chartered flight to transport them in comfort.

Several evenings later found Chad seated on their massive bed, with his back against the headboard. Jess sat cozily on his right side likewise propped up—while her sister mirrored her position to his left. They were all naked and scrolling through their phones casually.

"Bobby and Spence will do really well in this school." Jen stated as she researched all of the mandatory private education institutions on the Island. There was never a doubt that Jennifer would join them with her son. Though recovered from her loss, for the most part, she still clung to her twin and welcomed the occasional 'servicing' from Chad. No one thought anything of them all sharing the same room and bed.

There was a quiet knock on the door. "Come on in Evie." Jess answered sweetly. It was late and the two boys were finally tucked in and sound asleep. The demure young woman entered the room and froze as she took in their naked bodies atop the bed. Chad blushed but didn't move as Jessica waved her into the room.

"Come in sweet girl." She said again and pulled her legs under herself cross legged. "Whassup?"

Evie closed the door quietly and walked up to the bed uncomfortably. Jess patted the mattress next to her and the black girl sat tentatively. "Um. I was just going to say that the boys are down hard."

Jen laughed bringing a smile to her uncertain face. "You wore their little butts out!"

An awkward silence fell over the room as everyone considered their close proximity. Finally, Jess broke the ice as she reached out and took the nanny's delicate hand. "Gee, I'd like to ask you a few questions."

Genevieve looked into the pixies bright green eyes and saw nothing but love and warmth, putting her at ease. "What do you need Jess?"

"I want to know if you will still live with us after we get settled down here permanently." She inquired gently as she squeezed the girl's hand. "You know how much we love you." Chad and Jen both nodded encouragingly. "I know the boys will be in private schools, but you have become such an incredible part of our lives...the thought of not having you here is..." she shrugged as her voice began to break.

"I would love nothing more." Genevieve replied with a whisper. "I don't want to impose though."

Jen scoffed and matched her twin's cross-legged position. "Dear one. You are a part of this family. We would be lost without you."

Another awkward pause filled the room as she tentatively nodded her head in agreement.

Jessica squealed and clapped her hands. Her breasts offered a provocative jiggle as she bounced excitedly. "Yay!" Then she calmed down and regarded the darker woman intently.

"Evie," she began with slight hesitation. "When was the last time you got laid?"

Genevieve started and gaped at the other girl. Her eyes nervously tracked over to Chad's flaccid penis as it lay down the crease of his legs. She pulled her eyes away blushing and found Jess grinning at her knowingly. "Well...I—uh." She stammered and forced herself to take a deep calming breath. "You mean like when we..." she indicated herself and the twins. ", fool around?" If her face wasn't so dark, it would have been glowing red.

Jess shook her head and reached over to grab Chad's penis in her tiny hand. It immediately began swelling at her touch and he gasped at her in astonishment. "No babe. I mean—when was the last time you had your innards basted by a thick hard cock?"

Jen choked back her laugh and felt embarrassed (though hardly shocked) by her brash sibling.

Genevieve was at a complete loss for words as her mouth opened and closed. She followed Jess' hand and couldn't take her eyes off of the growing erection as it was being gently stroked. Her face grew hot, and her throat became dry as she struggled to voice her thoughts.

"Genevieve." Jess called out, pulling the girls attention back to their conversation. "Take your clothes off." She ordered softly.

Chad moaned aloud as she worked his cock to full hardness. He stared in disbelief as the dark girl hesitantly stood and began tugging her skintight halter over her head. Her breasts were smaller than the twins' and stood firmly with perky upward nipples. She removed her cutoffs to reveal a neatly trimmed bush over her narrow slit. She stood before them anxiously and forced her trembling hands to her sides to keep from covering herself. Her eyes remained glued to Chads rigid pole, and she licked her lips nervously.