Burn Baby Burn Pt. 05


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"Come here sweetheart." Jess beckoned softly and both her and Jen reached out to her with a hand each. They pulled her up onto the bed so that her knees rested on either side of Chad's large calves. She felt her crotch getting warm as she began secreting vaginal fluid. Jess released her hand and Chad's cock at the same time, encouraging her to take over. With further gentle prodding from Jennifer, Evie placed both her hands around the wonderous shaft and lowered her face over it to lick the head tentatively. Chads response was a shudder and moan. She had to stretch her mouth just to take the head in, so she spent several minutes just running her lips and tongue up and down his length.

At a silent signal Chad shifted his body downward so that he was lying flat on the bed. The twins helped her rise and turn around so that when she knelt back down, she faced his feet. His rigid erection pointed straight up at her and she lowered her dripping pussy directly onto his waiting mouth. As soon as his tongue pressed into her, she arched her back and released a pent-up guttural moan. "Ohhh!" She cried out. Her pelvis began spasming involuntarily as she tried seating herself more firmly onto his face. Before she knew it her body was racked by an orgasmic seizure. She cried out and rocked her hips against his nose and mouth as the euphoria took her. When it passed, she fell forward over his legs with his cock pulsing against her abdomen.

"That didn't even take 2 minutes!" Jen declared with a grin.

"I guess it's been a while." Jess smirked.

Evie could only grunt in response as they helped her back up. With her pelvis raised up they guided her onto his erection and eased it into her tight little vagina. Sweat broke out on her forehead as she concentrated on relaxing her muscles to allow him easier access. With slow gentle thrusts he pushed his way into her depths until he was pressed against her cervical wall. Only half his length was inside her.

Moments later she was pounding herself desperately onto his pole by bouncing on her feet. She cried out in a ragged breath every time head slammed into her. He held her by her waist with both of his hands as he supported her weight. She felt Jessica's dainty fingers reaching beneath her and titillating her clitoris, while Jen knelt facing her licking and sucking her firm nipples. "Ohh!" she cried out over and over as she lost herself in rapture. When her legs began to tire, she felt herself supported by Chad's gorilla like arms. He continued her frenzied pace by lifting and lowering her entire body as he impaled her. His own thrusts added to their combined kinetic energy propelling her over the edge of her first coital orgasm ever. She hung helplessly in his firm grip as she gave in to the tidal wave of pleasure that swept through her mind and body. He joined her with a loud groan and pulled her down onto his lap holding her tightly as he came repeatedly into her.

For several moments they remained joined together as they recovered from their passion. Jess and Jen had both sat back to watch their frantic coupling with expressions of amazement. When they began to relax their bodies, the twins spoke out in synchrony.

"Wow!" They exclaimed.

"That was fucking amazing!" Jennifer breathed as she held out a supporting arm to assist Evie's shaking body to lay next to her panting lover.

"Ohh! Yo—you ha—have no...no idea!" Evie gasped as she placed an arm over Chad's chest. Jen snuggled up next to her while Jess lay next to Chad's heaving right side.

Chapter Eleven

"Jen and I need to travel back home to collect Matt and a few other things." Jess stated as they all sat around the dining table after feasting on the traditional Thanksgiving meal. "The Wedding will be in three weeks, and we need to bring our guests back along with Gunner and Tappy."

"Are you sure you two can handle all this?" Chad asked uncertainly.

Jen punched him in the shoulder. "Relax Bro. We got this." She added. "You need to get everything here cleared out and moved over our new home.

"And you will have Evie here to help out and take care of anything else..." Jess winked at the blushing woman. ", that pops up."

Chad looked around alarmed, but the boys were oblivious.

The next day he took the twins to the airport in Georgetown and began hiring the help to get things set up with their new residence. As he drove by the marina, he saw a beautiful sleek sailboat flying a banner advertising group diving charters. He continued his trip as he considered it. He had thought that a sailing vessel could be used for diving; it just didn't seem convenient or practical. The charters they had hired so far were all on motor vessels designed solely for diving. He made a mental note to check on it when he was next in town.

That proved to be the very next day when his old 89 Chevy pickup broke down and he had to go purchase a new water pump. He used the other car, a Subaru Outback to make the trip and took the boys with him to give Evie some alone time. While they were there he parked at the marina, and they walked down to check out the large single masted boat. It looked to be about 55 feet in length with nice sleek lines. As soon as they approached it, he noted the hinged portion directly on the stern that was open to reveal an inner well with its deck just inches above the waterline. There was a middle-aged couple seated in the cockpit area and they invited the trio aboard to examine her more closely. Brian and Sonja Davenport lived aboard Chelsea's Dream and operated the diving charter service on the side to earn their living. When he stepped over to the stern Chad saw how ingeniously they had arranged the space to accommodate the task. The hatch opened internally to provide access to the ocean yet sealed tightly when closed forming a solid stern panel.

Chelsea's Dream was named after their deceased daughter who lost her battle to breast cancer. The couple were British citizens and had lives in GC for the past 15 years. They gave Chad and the boys a full tour of the boat and the three were amazed at how much was packed into the space. She had a full galley with all the appliances, could sleep 8 in berths that were located all over the main cabin. There were two full bathrooms with showers, an inboard Lehman diesel engine, radar, and complete state-of-the-art NAV/autopilot system. The dive locker contained room and racks for 30 tanks as well as a built-in manifold system with compressor to refill bottles and provide continuous air through umbilical supply hoses.

Chad talked with them for over an hour and expressed his appreciation for their hospitality and their home. "If you ever dream of selling her, please give me a call." He said as they parted ways.


On the evening of the second day after the twins had departed Genevieve knocked and entered the Master Suite to find Chad sitting up on the bed reading. He was dressed casually in a tank top and shorts. He smiled at her. "What's up Evie?"

She smiled back and crawled onto the bed to join him. She had her tablet in hand. "I am hear on strict orders from your beautiful fiancé." She said as she snuggled up to him.


"She said she wants me to make sure and keep the 'PD' tuned up for when she returns." She had a curious expression. "What is the 'PD'?"

He coughed as he laughed and reached an arm around her. "I guess I will just have to show you."

30 minutes later they were laying side by side gasping for breath, their bodies covered in sweat. Genevieve had a vacant look of astonishment to her while Chad appeared completely fulfilled. They were interrupted by the persistent dinging on her tablet indicating an incoming Skype call. It was from Jessica. "Oh!" She sat up startled and looked at Chad uncertain what to do.

"Answer it." He said sitting up.

She hesitantly obeyed and both of the sisters appeared on her screen. "HI!" They both said excitedly at the same time. Then their eyes widened as Evie moved up closer to Chad, her breasts firmly jiggling with her movements. "Oh my!" Jessica exclaimed with wide knowing eyes.

"Um. Hi." Evie waved a delicate hand hesitantly.

"Hi Babe!" Chad boomed with a grin. "How was the trip?"

"Long." His bride-to-be snorted. "I see you two are getting on well." She smirked while her sister giggled.

Evie blushed. "The pile driver is working just fine." She declared.

Jennifer shoved her sister aside and bounced excitedly. "We have news!" She clapped her hands with a grin.

Jess shoved her back. "Let's just show them." She turned to the side, and they could hear her calling, "Tappy! C'mere girl!" She slapped her thighs. "Come say hi to yer mama!"

The picture bounced as two cream-colored paws appeared, standing over the table on the other end. Evie could hear her sloppy panting and clasped her hands together. "Tappy!" She cried. "Hi baby! Look at me." There was an excited bark followed by a whine and then the tablet fell over. Jess and Jen laughed, and they could hear a rustling.

"Oh jeez!" Jen's voice said. "Just a minute..." The image reappeared as she righted the tablet and the creamy Pitbull's bulky head took up the entire screen. "There we go. Back up Tappy, show your mommy what a naughty girl you've been."

The screen was pushed back unto the dog could be seen seated between the two red haired sisters. They each took a side and lifted her up so that they could easily see her swollen belly and large puffy nipples.

"Wow baby, you are getting chunky." Evie commented innocently causing Chad to burst out laughing. The twins joined him as Tappy shrugged out of their grasp and charged the tablet. Her snout knocked it over (screen up this time) and she whined as she smeared her face across it to everyone's delight.

"Oh, good heavens." Jess said as she rescued the tablet and propped it up again. "Congratulations mama." She winked.

Evie looked stunned. "You mean she's..."

"Preggers" the twins said together.


"Yeah." Jen laughed glaring at her future brother-in-law. "Chadwick! Your dog has been a very bad boy!"

"Oh my God!" Evie squeaked. "Tappy's gonna have babies!" She turned and grabbed Chad with a fierce hug, squeezing her breasts against his shoulder. The she turned back. "How soon?"

"We figure she's 4 or 5 weeks along." Jess said. "She's gonna see the vet tomorrow for a check up to make sure she's okay to travel."

"Oh, thank you so much for taking such good care of her." She sniffled and Chad hugged her tenderly. "I cant wait to see her again."

"Soon sweety." Jess reassured her. "Probably 3 or four days. We are still arranging the charter."

"So, what have you two been up to?" Jen smirked. "It's awful late here. Why don't you show us?"


The wedding occurred two weeks later on the shore before their home. The afternoon was pleasantly warm and the ocean calm. There were dozens of guests, many coming from far away. Chad's only living relative was his mother (his dad died the year before of pancreatic cancer.) but she made the trip with the twins, along with Mathew, Otis, Beulah, and several of their friends and acquaintances. Chad invited the Davenports who graciously accepted, and their daughter's Dream was moored to the dock in the background.

Billy and Bethany attended as well and were completely shocked to see the change in their little brother. Bobby was no longer the skinny pale 11-year-old dweeb they remembered. He had grown several inches over the last year and his skin was tanned to a bark bronze complexion. His hair was bleached out again from all the sun and he had developed a hard toned swimmers' physique. He greeted them both with friendly hugs but tended to keep to his own inner circle of friends. They also noticed the dark skinned exotic young woman who was never far from his side. The two were obviously close and completely indifferent to the stares they often received.

Jennifer insisted they be joined as they stood ankle deep in the sea, surrounded by ocean, land, air and the fiery torches that burned all around them. It was a touching ceremony and rather brief but no less profound in its scope. Afterwards there was an all-night celebration that incorporated a Hawaiian style luau, dancing, drinking, karaoke, and swimming. Gunner was all about being present for everything, but his expecting mate only made short appearances before returning to her bed to rest and grow.

Chad and Jessica decided to forego the traditional honeymoon since they couldn't imagine a better place to be already. So, Brian and Sonja treated them to a weeklong sailing trip around the south Caribbean. During the tour Brian brought up the topic of eventual retirement for him and his wife. They loved the lifestyle, but the charter business was exhausting and constant and necessary to afford their moorage fees. Chad made their day by offering them free moorage at their dock for as long as they wanted. He reasoned that they could cut back on the dive charters and enjoy living again, and he would get first rights of refusal to purchase 'Dream' when the time came. They graciously accepted his offer and even began teaching them all the technical aspects of sailing, diving, and fishing from her.

Eventually they did sell her to Chad and Jess, and he promptly re-christened her "Celtic Dreamer" in honor of his beloved wife and sister-in-law. Bobby and Genevieve spent every free moment aboard the vessel learning every inch of her and how to sail and navigate. They both earned their Advanced Coastal Navigator certifications from the US Power Squadron as well as their Master of Vessels qualifications. They began taking occasional dive charters just for an excuse to take her out.

Tappy delivered 8 amazing puppies one week after the wedding. They were a mixture of colors and hues from black and mahogany with cream strips down the chest, to pale cream merles with dark dots above their eyes. Gunner acted indifferent to the entire fiasco but seemed to always be nearby and made for an expert climbing and tumbling mat when they needed to play.

Bobby completed his high school education two years ahead of schedule and immediately enrolled with the University of the West Indies. When he turned 18 Genevieve took him on a two-week sailing cruise. Upon their return it was clear that their relationship had evolved. Chad and Jess quietly celebrated and were ecstatic when they moved into the same suite in the mansion.

Monica disappeared suddenly from public eye. Rumor trickled back that federal authorities intercepted an order for her assassination during the grand jury investigation into the Discarsio syndicate. Apparently the crime family felt she was a loose end and had to be dealt with. She was whisked away into protective custody and had no further contact with her friends or family. Billy and Bethany were kept under close scrutiny to insure their safety as well.

Jessica and Jennifer both became pregnant within days of each other. Nobody thought anything of it as they went about their lives as they always did. Nor did they make any attempt to disguise who the father of their children was.

I could go on but I think that this story is quite long enough.

The End

Okay I know many will complain that no one got 'burned' to their liking. Sorry, despite the title this story is categorized under novels and novellas—so the theme is pretty much irrelevant. So why didn't I change the title? Because I am lazy. Was it all a bunch of nonsense? Pure fantasy? Whimsical fiction? Yep, you are catching on...it's just a story.

Thanks for reading


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RanDog025RanDog0254 months ago

Damn I loved this series. Excellent writing skills. I wish the Author would come back and submit more stories. Too bad. 5 BIG ASS FUCKING HUGE FLAMING NOVA STARS once again! Thank you Dyspneiic, you are appreciated, greatly for you works or your fun? Whatever, Please write more!

LoejtcLoejtc6 months ago

Without rehashing what many other commenters have already stated, I think the story went off the rails with the introduction of the nanny. From there it went downhill. Initially I was thinking it rated a 4 or possibly a 5 depending on the ending. I finally gave it a 2. The ending was that poor.

mariverzmariverz8 months ago


en mi pais si no estas fornicando a los 12 años... a los 13 ya se te cataloga de marica :truehistory

in my country if you are not fornicating at the age of 12... at 13 you are considered a faggot :truehistory

noreladnorelad9 months ago

And what’s all this about Bobby waiting until his 18 to hookup with the nanny

It’s a British Commonwealth country legal age is 16

And drinking at 18

Schlouis57Schlouis57over 1 year ago

Celà avait bien commencé et cela finit en merde. Très déçu !

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