All Comments on 'Burn the Bastard Pt. 03'

by Farmers_Son

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

That was just awful. Getting her boob tattooed? That's supposed to prove she's not a skank?

Please FS, stop doing stories until you get your head straight. All of your multi chapter stories are just terrible. In the first chapter you have the spouse unforgivable things. Then you go through illogical gymnastics to make it RAAC.

If you going to make a person so terrible then burn him or her. You did it well at one time. If you want reconciliation, then either make transgression less egregious or make the reconciliation be earned over time.

Face it. RAAC is not your forte, so stop it. The BDSM approach in this story is just ridiculous.

enderlocke27enderlocke27over 4 years ago

sorry i tried just nothing to like for me here but wont stop reading ur stories some i like

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Didn't finish it

Stopped reading once the neighbour was introduced.

miedsalmiedsalover 4 years ago
Mike or Mark

I'm guessing that at some stage Mike was called Mark and that all marks were changed to mikes but it resulted in some interesting texts like "pinch Mikes".

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Maybe it's because . . .

I move my lips when I read, but June always seems to have . . .

'Mikes' all over her bum and her boobs.

So I'm trying to work out the BDSM how this can possibly happen,

but have decided it must be in the dictaphone.

andyinozandyinozover 4 years ago
This does not belong in LW

It's starting to get rather warped.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
An error that distracts me from the story

"Mike never did anything to hurt me at any time. The bindings were soft and didn't even leave a Mike."

Take a good look at these two sentences from Page 2. Notice how the bindings "didn't even leave a Mike." I noticed this same thing in earlier chapters. The bindings should not have left a "mark". I suppose during editing someone saw the work "mark", assumed it was a name and did a global change to "Mike".

This is a small thing, but it totally disrupted the flow of the story for me. I gave you 4 *s for chapter 3, but it could have been 5.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago


"This friend, though, is no dummy. She voted for Trump and hates welfare."

means she is a total idiot. If she ain't on welfare, welfare ain't her business. As for voting for that douchebag, that makes her a class A idiot. A monumental idiot actually.

Maybe she should co-author a book with him on how the USA made it through Normandy although the Germans and Japanese didn't help. And then sever ties with them.

In the end, we all get what we pay for. This is a free site.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Political Analyst of the Century.

You wrote:

"I sure as hell didn't support Hillary as I didn't feel she was right for the job. I am not trying to gouge anybody but expect a day's pay for a day's work. It is how the world works. Socialism is a failed attempt at Utopia."

You didn't support Hillary? Fine.

You expect a day's pay for a day's work? Ok. So next time you are sick, don't get payed. You didn't work.

It is how the world works? No. There are people out there that haven't worked one hour in their life and have billions. THAT is how the world works.

"Socialism is a failed attempt at Utopia.". So what are you saying? That Hillary is a socialist? You are THAT ignorant about politics? Hillary is like Lenin?

You are so ignorant about politics that it wheezes out of every pore. That's a shame.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Have a thing

For Mike, don't you?

OPrimeOPrimeover 4 years ago

I'll give you high "Mikes" so far.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

You killed the story with the mention of that name.

Reader121Reader121over 4 years ago
Why insert politics?

You should really avoid politics because you'll alienate half your readers with two sentences that don't help your story. Also, "she's no dummy"/"She voted for Trump". Pick one, because those statements are mutually exclusive at this point.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Lost me early

If you want to espouse your political views, take it to a forum that is built for that. I don't know about others, but I come here to get away from that BS.

So, that now disqualifies you from any future reading.

It now makes sense why your spelling/grammar is off and your thoughts lean towards Draconian and incoherence.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Why do you need to put politics in your story ? You just lost me....

breville1breville1over 4 years ago

It's all about BDSM now. How would that make a man forgive his wife? Forgiveness and trust return over time. To allow his wife to go through this while he watches makes his agreement implicit, that it would lead to forgiveness. Mixed in with this we have loving kisses. We have been told he has no desire to physically punish her, that that kind of punishment or other humiliation (tattoo on her breast) would not lead to forgiveness per se. Just continuing with the Coventry treatment alone would make both of them desperate to get back together because the author has emphasized that despite what happened, they both love each other

So we have a story simply riddled with BDSM. Oh well, that is the writer's prerogative.

MybadlandsMybadlandsover 4 years ago
Russian Troll?

Politics and a good story do NOT mix well. I quit reading after your political diatribe.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Example: "marks" are not spelled MIKES. What fetish do you have with Mike and Mikes? They are throughout the three chapters.

hindsight2020hindsight2020over 4 years ago

You were doing so well. I gave 4* to the first two chapters, but this was moronic!

The homophobic attitudes of the two main characters was beyond belief. Obviously she has issues as laid out. But where does he come by the idiotic stereotypes that allow him to never question that Les would know how to administer the treatment? There is nothing presented that would indicate that she would know any more about this than anyone else in the neighborhood. The only reason he would not question this is that he holds bigoted homophobic ideas. And why has wifey not been ostracized by the neighbors given her disrespectful treatment of Les over time? If I had a neighbor like June, I would stay as far as possible from her. She certainly would never be invited to my home.

In a realistic portrayal Les would have ripped both of them new holes for their behavior.


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Does not add up.

Hero is great to gay people and is very conservative. Wife is bleeding heart liberal who will not tolerate gays. That is not how it works.

AMerryman 2.0

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
You need an editor

Then you need a better story line. This was simply awful. How does she think a tattoo will help? Every time her husband sees it he will be reminded of her actions. Every time she looks in the mirror she will see it and be reminded of her transgressions. The tattoo would have ended their marriage then and there. One of the dumbest ideas I've ever read. Trying to get past her stupidity and she puts a permanent reminder that they will both see all the time. Just a god-awful idea. Then you turn this mess into a BDSM story with the slave/master crap, bringing Les into their marriage and abusing her. Instead of getting better, this story is getting worse.

1 star

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
This turning into a train wreck

I know FS can write. This is uncharacteristically bad.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
So the guy so upset at his wife cheating

agrees that as punishment he will watch his wife cheating, but with a girl, as homos are something they both dispise?

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I am also done. No wonder your characters are so messed up.

katibkatibover 4 years ago
Humiliation is the cure

I actually like this story, and I also like a few comments from the anons. Since when is a welt a "mike"? And I sure as hell would prefer Hillary to the human Dreck now in the WH. As for the lengthy dialogues, I find them too correct, somewhat elevated in tone, and perhaps verging on being stilted. Editing is very good: only one typo; and one double negative in a dialogue. June has concluded that she must undergo great humiliation at the hands of someone whose lifestyle she abhors so that the humiliation suffered by her husband will be cancelled. Make sense? Perhaps.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
this went from bad to absurd

I like a lot of the stories you write, but this is not one of them. The first chapter could have gone under Gay Male, the second under LW, but this third one would have been a better fit under BDSM or Fetish.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
a trump fan? really?

I thought your hero didn't like lies. He's pissed when his wife lied to him. Is he not pissed when his president lies to him?

UndrApprctdUndrApprctdover 4 years ago
Oddly, Once You Added Your Ridiculously Ignorant Political Opinion, This One Fell Off The Rails

I'm guessing even you saw how sophomoric it was.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Delayed ... comment

It was decided to wait out the story to post a comment and score, but decided to bail out and yank the ripcord like

Really, what a pot of crock with suggested contriteness etc. Punishment?....? Outcome? ? ?.....fec.s ! And added the underlying FEAR of retribution in earlier chapters? Perhaps rather apprehension?

Wandering minds could well dish up this ridiculous plot. Envisaging perhaps as the next 'Greatest(american) Novel. Naw!

Such a turn-down compared to previous submissions. So, 'bye bye baby' (re Bay City Rollers in the previous millennium), hasta la vista.


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Wife Deserves Pity Perhaps but not yet Forgiveness

How can the wife be so clueless about her pennance? Any ongoing reminders of her betrayal and disrespect are obviously going to make it harder for the husband to stay with her.

The tattoo was an idiotic gesture. Why would he ever want to be seen, much less have sex, with a woman advertising her prior cuckolding of him? He should have told her to get the damn tattoo lasered off before she ever came around him or appeared in public again. If laser wouldn't work there's always excision and skin flaps.

She knows he is pained by even the sight of their bedroom. She should empty and gut the room immediately then rebuild and refurnish it to his specifications as a man's retreat and sleep space. She should then be grateful for any amount of time he allows her to spend with him there. Of course he would do nothing but supervise that work since she would plead for him to refrain from even lifting a hammer.

She should pay for both the tattoo removal and the bedroom renovations by getting a second job or by selling personal posessions that are important to her. Her normal salary should continue to pay her share of their joint expenses and savings contributions so that he does not in any way subsidise her acts of contrition.

As you might suspect I have some painful experience in groveling for forgiveness. It sucks but can be truly cathartic.

njlaurennjlaurenover 4 years ago
I loved the line

'she was smart and voted for Trump's, given who Trump's supporters are that is hysterical on many grounds.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Trump telling the truth?

Your stories would be better off without your politics since you seem to support a pathological liar.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 4 years ago

"This friend, though, is no dummy. She voted for Trump and hates welfare" - Just what does this have to do with the story? Unlike some others, I don't have a problem with politics in a story, IF it is pertinent to the story. THIS isn't.

"I am not trying to gouge anybody but expect a day's pay for a day's work. It is how the world works. Socialism is a failed attempt at Utopia." - Socialism has nothing to do with Utopia, and also expects a day's pay for a day's work, but also expects a LIVING wage.

He can't be "MORE right than wrong," yet also me "completely wrong"!

Please learn how to punctuate dialog. During her long dialog about how they met and how things changed, there were close quotes while she was still speaking, no open quotes on new paragraphs during her dialog.

I was beginning to have some sympathy for June until her homophobia was exposed. That was bad enough, but criticizing outfits that June herself had?

Given the office culture, if the boss fires everyone that doesn't obey marital vows, he's going to be losing a lot of people!

The owner knows that his employees are "hellbent on creating a hostile work environment," and his only response is to allow her to leave without notice, no actions or warnings to the other employees?

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
I read essays, stories & articles by people With whom I do not agree.

For example, the horrendous stories recently posted in which right wingers gleefully shoot, burn, bomb, torture and otherwise exterminate all the liberals. Great fun and well written even though I wish for the writer’s sake that her life had not resulted in the burden of so much hate and rage.

So, vote for/against whoever you like. I’ll read you anyway. My concerns are less political than about the tenor of your character’s relationships.

For a regular reader of LW, this may come as a shock—but spouses, cheating or otherwise, are not going to sit patiently while the husband/hero delivers a speech on morality. Unless she is recording the rant for her lawyer to prove what a fucking idiot her husband is, she’s going to be walking out the door about ten seconds into your diatribe. She doesn’t have to listen—and you can’t make her—and despite your vision of yourself as the greatest orator since Shakespeare put “Friends, Romans, Countrymen,” in the mouth of his Mark Antony—she’s not going to put up with your shit. Save it for the dark nights when you can rehearse what you would have said if only anybody had been willing to listen.

You’re not the only writer in LW who does this. Obviously, it makes you feel good—and it makes a lot of the readers feel good—and they’re sitting there thinking, “Yeah! Tell off that bitch!” But trust me. The bitches would not be listening. They would have already backed out of the driveway and be halfway to the shopping center while you were still getting warmed up.

Sorry, guys. Nobody gives a big rat’s ass about your pain, your outrage, your sacrifice, your sterling qualities or her betrayal. Least of all, her. And they definitely don’t give a shit about your thoughts on marriage, monogamy and the sanctity of the family.

Get over yourself.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
why alienate potential readers

not a dummy and voted for trump is so wrong and so laughable-but why go there-i didnt read much past that stupidity-it was polarising and unnecessary

BuzzCzarBuzzCzarover 4 years ago
Oh good grief

This awful parody of a BDSM story coupled with your exceedingly uninformed political rant all balled up and shoved into LW. This stinks.

moralcompassmoralcompassover 4 years ago
Off the rails

I got as far as page 3 of this chapter and could go no further. I care very little about American politics. They say we get the politicians we deserve and I believe this to be especially true in the case of the current USA president. If you vote for a moron then your country is going to look like a moronic joke. So unlike many others this was not the cause of my stopping.

This story went right off the rails when he fucked the interloper up the arse. No and I repeat under NO circumstances could a true Heterosexual male have sex with another man. But I got through that and continued on.

I gave up when I came to the wife's punishment. This is just total stupidity. Either forgive her and get on with life or better leave her and get on with life. Action seek louder than words and her actions displayed her love and respect or the lack there of for her husband.

CumminginsiderherCumminginsiderherover 4 years ago
It looks like you pissed off

All the Beta Male Trump Hating Cucks Lol I love it.

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 4 years ago
stop while your behind

this was as dumb as trumps last speech

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
This friend, though, is no dummy. She voted for Trump and hates welfare. I think I could easily fit in with her and the other three accountants."

So over writers using their stories for political bullshit. I'm done with this rambling long winded idiot of an author. Clearly has never seen videos of Trump and other world leaders, they won't even look at him when shaking hands and thinks he's an idiot like the rest of the world.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
2 Stars is being generous

Gave this 2 stars and that is being generous. It is not very good.

The political rants add nothing --- if I want such, I can find much better sources and would certainly not come here looking for them.

Stopped reading at intro / explanation of Les. On a cumulative basis, just multiple layers of over the top that added up to not worth the effort to read it.

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago

Ridiculous political position? Not thinking "Unhinged Hillary" was good for the country made me leave my party and vote for Trump. Nothing has happened since that has made me regret it. I might come back for Major Tulsi Gabbert, although her chances aren't much better than Beto's. No way that I would ever vote for one of the other ten dwarves. The debates have shown just how pathetic they are. I'm staying home anyway , waiting for Beto to come for my AR15.

I'm staying with the story, although I don't care for BDSM. I've read three chapters and will stay to the end.

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 4 years ago
No No

If an author wishes to address a current political issue, it should, by itself, go into Non-Erotic. Such issues do not belong in a story ... especially when it does not promote the theme* of said story. Actually, you can scratch the ‘current’ in the first sentence. Taking cheap shots on controversial topics has never changed a firmly held belief, no matter how little thought went into that belief. Au contraire, even well-documented facts presented with faultless logic generally fail to influence change of such beliefs.

* Hubby’s comparisons with Sweetie’s co-workers are adequately covered by his clothing and ‘adult beverage’ choices, as well as his being a ‘builder’ instead of a ‘user!’ Oh yeah ... and his working strength compared to gym strength.

bhill8671bhill8671over 4 years ago
Some people might like to treat women like that

But I don't. I will not be reading the next chapter!

meucimeuciover 4 years ago
Tired of the politics

I usually like this author but I would much rather his wife to have to deal with the slights and disrespect she forced upon her husband than her politics. I quit using facebook because I got tired of hearing political rants You vote your way and I will vote mine, enough said. Getting to the story I am still interested but a little less now then I was after chapter 2. I am hoping for a big finish (In all fairness I don't think this author will let us down)

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
No logic

I couldn't get over the contrasts that you throw in. A hard working blue collar mans man then wimps out. She is a horrible wife and explains in great detail how anal sex with Pete is the best sex ever yet he still stays with her. She wants to be punished and he says no and then she says if you won't beat me and fuck my ass I will get someone who will only because I love you? And he agrees to a lesbian neighbor to dominate her? Thats when I quit and I won't bother with the next installment. Thanks for writing but this was all over the place.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Sick of Racism and politics of some Authors, supporting Trump is supporting adultery, perversion and pedophilia, interesting in sex stories but not in politics.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I don’t understand why he would take her back. She cheating and said she would continue to cheat if he would n’t do her in the ass. If they cheated once they will cheat again. You see if someone lies they will lie again. Cheating is a lie. I would throw her out on her ass. She is just sorry she got caught. She was demeaning him while having sex with her partner. The story just doesn’t make any good sense so you add bdsm not well thought out. I won’t waste my time on any more with forgiving of slut whores. I do like that he likes Trump. He was the only real chose in the last election. I also like the way you stirred up the liberals.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 4 years ago

It was good. Then you had him let a third person, Les, into the middle of their relationship and it just got stupid

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Is there a flaw in this software

The possessive of you is your with an r at the end.

But many authors just use you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Decent story at times, but the political blather and fatuous pronouncements about "the way the world really works" ruins it. Despite what the author appears to think, it adds absolutely nothing to the story, is simply annoying, and undermines the authority of the narrator.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 4 years ago

Another reason to leave politics out of a story: These stories are going to be here for years. How is someone reading this story, 5, 10, 15 years from now going to get anything out of Trump/Hillary references?

dwhit48988dwhit48988over 4 years ago
Story did not hold my interest.

Not sure why you thought injecting politics into the story was necessary, but it detracts from the plot line.

ForensicFossilForensicFossilover 4 years ago
Trump and Accountants

Going to work for an accountant who voted for Trump is very foolish. They will lie, fiddle the books, and ultimately go to prison.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
only socialists

looking for hand out would vote against TRUMP

C_frommnC_frommnover 4 years ago
So Far?

But with everything said he still doesn't trust her. somewhere he either trusts or she gets the message and leaves knowing it was All her Fault.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Enough with the Drumpf politics

Sick of Trumpsters. Gave it a 1 and won't bother reading you anymore.... except to always give you a 1.

chytownchytownover 4 years ago

It got boring it's to long. Sorry

Grimjack01Grimjack01over 4 years ago

Interesting, wonder if she's going to end up a total sub.

CaOldDogCaOldDogover 4 years ago
Got to the point where she gets home and talks about the person at work that voted for Trump - thats all I can take 1*


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Trumpster. Ugg

Is this some way to try and justify the biggest mistake in American history? Don't try to push your political views on us. The story rambles on to much, is unrealistic and has a lot of nonsense. Tattoo a scarlet letter A on her tit? Garbage story. Started out good but then took a right turn someplace in fantasy land. If someone took out the politics and over the top retribution and shortened the story to a more manageable read it might be worth reading.

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitabout 4 years ago

The general storyline is good. In general, it’s well written, but I suspect there’s a major cut/p@ste oversight: after striking exposed skin, what shows is a ‘mark’, not a ‘Mike’ - coincidentally the main character’s name. Otherwise the plot and story are good. That said, I sadly have to agree with some Anon comments that the politics should have been much less specific. Go ahead and harp on the socialists, but leave out the names - just say they voted as fiscal conservatives.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Mike on her breasts?

Proofread, ffs.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Her and Pete both seem like a Trump supporters to me. If you are going to bring politics into it for fucks sake learn what Socialism is. Also get a proof reader way to many mistakes. Nowhere near you best story.

NitpicNitpicover 3 years ago

Once again,he proved himself to be a first class arsehole.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Not bad

Okay I read some of the comments on this story. I must say you Americans have no idea what true socialism is. I was born and raised in Poland which is a true socialist Nation I'm here are some of the facts 70% of every dollar you make goes to the government. True you have free healthcare and free education. The government owns 80% of all businesses and or companies. You have two classes in socialist societies be filthy rich which are the leaders of the Socialist parties and the poor which is everybody else. I know this should not be about politics but I read the comments So Into You Americans really vote for socialism you should get your head out of your butt

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
I'm amused by the comments

on socialism. For those who think they understand that it's some sort of economic arrangement, I can only say you really know nothing: Socialism is death. It's language is just a modern rhetorical disguise for the age-old impulse of narcissistic sociopaths seeking power so that they can vindicate their exaggerated feelings of self importance by laying the lash on those who must be treated as "less than". For those who are what Lenin called "useful idiots" (whom he ultimately liquidated), I hope you enjoy the gulag you've helped build by allowing the media to create for you a false consciousness that has led you to embrace the pandemic hoax (yes, there's a virus, but that is about the only thing you believe about the pandemic that is actually true) and disregard massive election fraud that was done brazenly in front of your cable TV glazed eyes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
About socialism and introducing politics to these stories - dont do it

In the US the Democratic party is viewed as a socialist party by the right wing and Republicans - however as a point of reference to the rest of the world - the Democrats are quite right wing and the Republicans are equivalent to the most extreme radical right you can get without being a dictatorship. People like Trump and the Billionaires who use 99.9% of the population to create their wealth play on patriotism to light fires of individualism and freedom being the ultimate right of every American to defend their position not to pay tax - so why do those who have the right not to be infected, shot or otherwise discriminated against (which is also an individuals constitutional right) are treated by Republicans as if they were evil? Because then the Billionaires would have to pay their fair share of tax. All the Retrumplican sheeple in the US have shown is how gullible they are, how ill educated they are ad how they are now trying to justify their prior stupidity and demonstrate this is not the case by doubling down. Buying a gun and claiming you are a patriot does not make you some form of militia - it makes you a terrorist. Here are a couple of definitions - a military force that engages in rebel or terrorist activities in opposition to a regular army or a military force that is raised from the civil population to supplement a regular army in an emergency. Self creating by calling yourself a militia rather than being recruited into the army makes you a terrorist in these circumstances as defined by the constitution you are so keen to live by

MarkT63MarkT63over 3 years ago

While June deserves punishment., he should use her and divorce her in the end. No RAAC!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I'm a UK reader so really don't have any interest in US politics. As far as the story is concerned I am worried that he is turning his wife into a submissive rather than regaining her as a loving partner in their relationship.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

That was really terrible

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Stupid and unnecessary inclusion of politics.

MwestohioMwestohioabout 2 years ago

Please don't do global search and replace again. Marks to Mikes all through the story

NitpicNitpicalmost 2 years ago

What utter hogwash.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Nope, couldn't get 1/2 way through second page! Hell if my wife came home with a tattoo of any kind that would remind me of her cheating on me, I'd put her and all her shit out and be done with her FOREVER!!!

NitpicNitpic6 months ago

The longer this story goes on,the more ridiculous it gets.

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