All Comments on 'But Love Is Blind....'

by Blue88

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wetapapwetapapover 18 years ago
good story,

but you cheated, took the easy way out. i was hanging on to every word to see how you were going to deal with his dilemma, and then you capitulated and jumped from the bridge. still a good story, a fan always.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Good work

Very nice. Managed to avoid most of the usual "cheating wife" cliches, though it veered dangerously close to the "husband can't stop loving his wife even though she's been out of his life for months" farce.

No doubt some people are going to blame her death on his actions with her contraceptive pills. To them I say: the pill is not guaranteed; she could have gotten pregnant even if they were untouched. Also, it was her choice to continue with the child and she knew all the risks involved (or should have if her Ob/Gyn was worth his/her fee), so if she died as a result then it was with both eyes open.

saw_man1saw_man1over 18 years ago
The same man again

There seems to be a common theme in al of your stories. Looking back on your well written offerings, the husband seems to be the same man in each of them. He starts off strong but by the end of the story he is quite often an emotional hand wringing wreck. In the one story where the husband took a strong stand, you felt compelled to revisit it and rewrite the husband’s character. At the end of ch. 6 of Karen the husband is firm in his conviction that the marriage is over. One year later in Jack Bell; Redux we listen in on him having the following conversation with himself; “Was my reaction too extreme?" he wondered. "Did I act too hastily? Do I actually still love her? Ahh, now that is the question." He knew that he did not have the answers to those questions.

I do not care at all how any of these stories end. I do not subject the stories here to my own little morality test, as so many other readers do. I make this minor critique simply because your characters and by extension your stories have become too predictable.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
I agree, same guy over and over!

How about in one of these stories, we have a husband who has no problem getting rid of an "unloving wife"! In the early part of the story, he practically has NO marriage. When he finally lowers the boom on the cheating slut, he then spends the rest of the story pineing away for her. What a load of B.S.! Is he a masocist? Based on the description of his married life the last six months, if he misses it and her, he must be! How about going out and finding a GOOD woman. If it takes 24.5 for her to get tired of him, he'll be so ald he won't care anymore.

Tim C.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
look good writing,but the plot is old

when somebody shit on you the way the wife shit on him why would he worry about the piece of shit.she carrying another man baby in her body,what up with you as a writer use common sense.he should've fuck over the doctor for he will do it again to someone else wife and its'lawyer fault.with the money the lawyer has,he should went and got two young ladies and had fun.what sense does it make a woman your wife cut you off and fucks you over because her lover tell her to do it and you sick are you brian dead.

Average-JoeAverage-Joeover 18 years ago
Agree with others

Based on the structure of the story, Im assuming you wanted something greyer than you got.

I found it more annoying than anything else that the husband had no other options but to take back a wife that didnt give a shit about him, or be alone and depressed. No matter how much time they were together, being treated like she treated him has got to kill some feelings. At the very least it would write over some of the grief with anger and make it easier for him to move on.

You also made the wife too bad for this story to work as a thought provoking piece. If it had been regular cheating without the denegration and withholding of sex, it would have been a bit more grey. As it was, how can you expect anyone to feel bad for the wife (not that she died) and debate forgiveness vs. moving on? If you had made her at least a bit sympathetic, then the husbands internal debate and the final outcome would have been worth thinking on. As it was, nobody would ever expect him to take her back (or even be so broken up over losing her).

I assume that her death was also meant to muddy the waters and get the reader thinking about whether he was justified in leaving her etc. Maybe a guy who had actually been married to her for 25 years would feel some guilt (mostly irrational imo) but we are just reading about it. We dont have the emotional attachment to the wife that comes with a long relationship and all we know about her is bad. She wasnt just satisified with cheating, she had to try to emasculate her husband and laugh at him with her lover. How is the reader supposed to be on-the-fence over the disolution of her marriage (or even that she died - not saying Im happy she died or anything but why would I care - lots of nice people die every day so why would I care about a not nice person dying?).

Even the husbands part in her getting pregnant isnt much of talking point imo. He didnt try to get her killed. He didnt even wish physical harm upon her. Even if he knew 100% for sure that she would get pregnant (he didnt), nobody expects pregnancy to result in the death of the mother in this day and age. It does happen but its not something a normal person even worries about. Doctors can usually tell if there is going to be a problem and either work around it, or terminate the pregnancy. Again, I can understand a husband blaming himself somewhat in this situation but its not enough for the average reader, who is looking at it from a more logical perspective, to rethink our position on who the victim was etc.

It was an ok story but it would have been better with a more symathetic wife and just normal cheating (assuming that you did indeed want this story to provoke some debate and self-analysis on the part of the reader). As it was, I couldnt find it in myself to feel too bad about the wife or even the husband. When viewed from the outside looking in, I find it more pathetic than sad that a guy would keep pining away over a woman who obviously had no feelings for him (except maybe hate and contempt). Its kinda like trying to identify with a guy who debates staying with a wife that keeps putting rat poison in his food. Sure he could say to himself 'She isnt putting in enough to kill me in one dose so she must have some feelings for me. I really do love her so much I can never be complete without her so Ill just be careful what I eat', but it would probably sound goofy to most readers.

Still a not bad story even if I thought it could have been better. Thanks for writing.

p.s. his friend wasnt much of one either. Seemed like another effort on your part to look at things from both sides but it seemed like she was always taking the wifes side against him. I guess its hard to make it seem any other way when you make the story so onesided.

p.p.s. wasnt the wife a bit old to get pregnant? I dont remember reading her exact age but she must have been pushing 50 like the husband was if they had been married for 25 years. Im not a doctor either but I always thought it was pretty long odds for a 50 year old woman to get pregnant.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

WOW! Kick ass story! And what a finish! I feel for the Jake, as he's gonna have to go to therapy to clear his head from this one! If Jenny hadn't died, what would the outcome have been? Would Jake take Jenny back? Could they have stayed together? Jenny didn't even try to contact Jake through their lawyers. Why? And hopefully Cheryl would have some answers: Why did Jenny do this? Could you write an ending were Jenny didn't die? Too many questions left unawsered! Not often a story here gets me to think beyond my boner!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Powerful Drama but...

the story gives a mix of messages. The husband took the honorable path to separate himself from a lying, deceitful woman. He should be telling himself that this woman is not the woman he married 25 years ago. She took special efforts to cut him off sexually (now going on a year) with that meeting with her lover and treated him for months like a stranger. She dressed erotically and treated her lover much better than her husband.

He should not have any guilt about his actions even about the birth control pills. The purpose of the birth control pills was to allow Brian to have unprotected sex with her. If she ever planned to have sex with her husband she should have been insisting that Brian use a condom (if Brian is fucking her why not others?).

Further, when Jake tried to solve the problems in his marriage she played up to him to allay his suspicions. Why should Jake seek a reconciliation with a woman who had no respect for him? I do not get this reasoning that because they have been married 2_+ years the innocent spouse should move heaven and earth to stay with the cheating spouse.

What Jake said to his kids is exactly right - a marriage is based on mutual trust and sole commitment to each other. The level of betrayal and deceit willing committed by Jenny in effect divorced or severed their relationship. The legal trappings of divorce only formalized the breakup.

I hope if there is a sequel that Jake does not agonize over Jenny's death and he stick with his original judgement that it was an accident.

Excellent writing and I can not wait for the next one!


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Too many holes

The story makes this lawyer seem an idiot.

1) Reason for suspending sex for so long is not credible.

2) Why wasn't he trying to fix his marriage? After all, he was supposedly in love with her.

3) Why didn't he want to know why his wife apparently fell out of love with him either before or after the divorce? Can't even assign blame much try to fix it.

4) Why did he not feel duty bound to protect the public and the doctor's family from the scumball? Wierd behavior for a lawyer to not litigate when it is so clearly called for.

5) Why was the wife, who apparently fell out of love with him, suddnly despondent over the breakup? Did she miss watching him suffer?

shangoshangoover 18 years ago
Why Blue?

Your male leads ALWAYS get humiliated, show strength and then (pardon the pun) peter out? "Jenny" deserves no pity. Her and her Lover went for maximum humiliation with the fake disease right in his face! However, being the typical lawyer, he said "Fuck everyone else, as long as this snake is out of my garden", and allows the good doctor to relocate. With this attitude, you barely allowed the Husband to remain a sympathetic character. Concerning the tampering of the birth control pills, so what? She was riding "Doc" bareback and wasn't overly concerned with STD's, was she? She didn't lose any sleep about totally punking her Husband. Please, no sequel, unless you give him balls and for him to tell his kids (if they are indeed his) to MYOB, fire Cheryl and under no circumstances, not attend the funeral.You're a very good, almost a great writer, IMO. Don't become just another Lit hack.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Pretty good

The weakest point I saw was his nuking the birth control pills. In most states any child concieved while the couple is married is legally the product of the couple, even if the child's father is another guy. That applies to this case since she's gotten pregnant before the divorce decree is finalized. So by nuking her pills, he's exposing himself to 18 years of child support payments, which is a pretty stupid for a supposed lawyer to do.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
A Better Ending Is Needed

Thanks for another great story, but the ending left too much guilt for the husband. Wouldn't it be great to see a sequel begin with Cheryl and Jenny faking Jenny's death to get him back. It would make for a more complete ending.

DG HearDG Hearover 18 years ago
Good one Blue

Your the author, it's your story, it's your ending. Believe me no one knows more about endings then me. Really powerful read Blue.

DG Hear

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
The Best Ever!!!

I cannot tell you how much I appreciated your story. I felt what he felt, and empathized with him throughout the entire story. It was not "over the top" concerning details, and the flow was great. You must have felt something similar to what he was feeling and experiencing to have portrayed him so realistic and life-like.

I figured out early on that it was the Doctor who was doing her, but that's not unusual. All the indicators pointed to him as soon as he prescribed 6 months of abstinence.

Keep up the good work. This kind of story may help others to truly see the devastation of infidelity. I've experienced it and I know the emotions and physical changes you defined throughout the story.

P.S. I so glad he did not take her back. Your explanation (in the dialogue between him and his son toward the end) was classic truth. Right on.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Very Good!!!

The only glitch that I see was Cheryl.

How could Cheryl be Jenny's best friend and not be told of the affair or even suspect it....or be told that hubby was not getting anything for six months or not hear about the illness that Jenny supposedly had...Cheryl's role was relevant but useless...

That doesn't make sense...and the good doctor was let off too easy...with Jenny's death all this is irrelevant just like her life...

sherlock40sherlock40over 18 years ago
I am not glad that Jenny is dead,

but, I am glad that he wasn't able to reconcile with her. She made a decision to cheat on him. She spent several months betraying his love for her. She obviously did not love him. And when it went to hell, she saw her easy meal ticket go down the drain. Too bad she didn't remember the meaning of the words her husband remembers so well from their wedding.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
How did he ever win a case?

How did he ever win a case if he can't even stand up for himself?

Let me summarize my understanding. For a very long time she has been distancing herself emotionally from him. Then she and her lover fake a disease so that he can be cut off completely. We don’t see it, but they must be having a great laugh on that one, that he is stupid enough to believe it and pathetic enough to let them get away with it. She also cuts him off emotionally, physically (as opposed to sexually, no touching, hugging, kissing). He asks if something is wrong and she fakes an effort for a week or 2 and then goes back to being completely unavailable. Her contact with him is less personal than if they were tenants in the same apartment building meeting occasionally in the elevator. He has no idea why she has done all this (author’s fault, probably not his), it could be that she hates him, revels in humiliating him, laughs over how smart they are and how stupid he is, maybe he is just the last in a long line over the entire 25 years and she’s been laughing at the pathetic loser the whole time, she may have cut him off not because it’s a great laugh, but because he disgusts her so much she has to pretend he is a rapist to get aroused at all because that would be better than the filthy, slimy pond scum that is her husband. We don’t know why.

But what we do discover, is that he still loves her so much, and I guess this treatment as well, because there is no evidence whatsoever that it would be different because we don’t know why she did it, that he seriously considers going back to her and working out whatever the hell it might be. He bases the possibility of working it out on, he loves her so much.

Even if he had not chosen the stupidity of not letting her at least try to give him a reason, though he wouldn’t have to believe it, she’s worked so hard to treat him so badly, how could he feel safe turning his back to her? I can accept him deciding to forgive if he feels he needs that to heal himself. But he didn’t heal. And he would like her back. She was right. He is a pathetic, slimy loser, worthy of no respect.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Very Sad

I guess the hero will have to live with his guilty feelings for the rest of his life.


Risq_001Risq_001over 18 years ago
Blue, why do I feel your trying to sneak.....

........a life lesson somwhere here?

I mean she cheats on him for months, cuts him off from sex, buy new outfits for her lover, meets him at hotels to be with him without her husband knowing, gets pregnant (with the husbands help), and all of it feels like an after school special to show everyone that:

-Life's too short

-Forgive soon as possible

-And you could be responsible for someones death if you take some wierd form of revenge.

I have to agree the majority of your male leads seem to have a problem with living life outside of cheating marriages. And if they somehow try, they never seem to get past the wife. You finally write a story where the husband "Says" he's moving on, you even throw in the "Don't you love her anymore" line to try and put them back together, then you make the husband pine away for her till she dies.

Oh well, it's your story. Kept me reading, but it felt like too much of a life lesson was hidden in it, and the male lead wasn't strong he needed something else in his life. =(

SalamisSalamisover 18 years ago
A Classic Tragedy

You had me hanging on every word. I loved the tone and style of this piece. The tension built page by page. I emphasized strongly with Jake and could understand his vacillation with the decision to leave or return to his wife. The man was all too human.

I still don’t understand why he would he have chosen to destroy his wife’s birth control pills. He knew she was 46 years old and that any pregnancy would likely be high risk. Did he gamble on her having an abortion, or was he as naïve about that aspect of her health as he was about the vaginitis treatments? In any event, you set him up perfectly.

You wrote a tragedy very much in the style of the ancient Greeks. So having the ending come as such a complete surprise fit very well with the story. I applaud you for a good read.

Nightowl22Nightowl22over 18 years ago
The story keeps your interest

but the ending seems to just make everyone suffer.

The idea already presented that Jenny and Cheryl made up the scenario of Jennies death sounds good. If the two were going to a counselor together just maybe he could discover what the hell went wrong. He doesn't sound like Mr. Perfect but nothing is mentioned about any major screwup on his part.

That he could be ambivalent about the breakup?? 25 years of marriage to someone you love can do that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Confused Bewildered And Wonder Why?

Author - the writing is first rate in an intriging theme and I realize the ending had to happen that way to jolt the readers as you intended.

However, perplexity upon purplexity - your rational and emotions were spot on when discussing with the son her long selfish contrived cuckolding of dear old Dad. Then - How could they logically be dismissed so carelessly - did they mean nothing? AGAIN - DID THEY MEAN NOTHING??? - If they meant something important to you and your son and us as you stated - why cheapen them??? Why change 180 degrees from a reasonable rational important considered position towards the end? Who's inappropriately and stupidly selfish now?

Do you intend to consistantly be preaching from the pulpit of the "It's Never Too Late Or Heinous Church of Love and Trust" - You just gotta gotta regardless of your own mental health love the whore so much - she changes due to the extreme punishment and position you took then threw away cuz yor lonely - gee grow up as 99.9% of us divorced folks did.

Sorry to be so harsh but you are trending towards almighty forgiveness even if she shoots you.

Lets say you grew up with a dog and loved it but all of a sudden you began biting the dog without reason - just for funnsies. Now the dog, while being confused by your radical change, can still feel the pain and so the next time you come up to it with your teeth showing the dog does what:: A) bites back B) bites back C) Bites back D) Holds out it's paw for you to bite again ???? Why cuz you feed it and give it a place to sleep. However, after the dog gets 26 bites requiring stitches and a human rabie shot over 4 months - the dog says this isn't gonna change is it? How difficult will it be to find someone else to love and care for me?

We love you but like the mother being beaten by her husband each Friday Night and Saturday Morning stop hitting us - it isn't right or reasonable is it??? Hit back or leave!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
One hello of an ending

Blue the way you've described Jake's frame of mind prior to and after the divorce, the news of his wife's death will probably trip him off the line. He'll probably end up in a wraparound suit being interviewed by a team of concerned shrinks. To all who expressed concern about our hero, don't. Keep this one thought in your mind and you'll feel better; He was a lawyer. Hell, someday he may even have run for political office. Feel better now? Thank You. Ronnie W.

K.K.K.K.over 18 years ago
Well Written But

I have a problem with this story. My problem is not with the ending. Women do die from complications during a pregnancy, not often but it does happen. My problem is that the husband struggles throughtout the second half of the story over whether he could ever forgive or forget what Jenny had done. He never once spends anytime thinking about why she did it. And why is she so busted up over the results of her affair.

I think she was sick because she got caught and not becasue she lost her husband. Her little world collapsed around her and now her children were going to know what she had done. No where in the story did we get a sense that Jenny loved her husband. If she did how could she cut him off sexually and emotionally for six months?

The description of the sex between the good doctor and Jenny wouldn't lead us to belive she was in love with him but their was nothing in the story to even hint at why she had chosen to carry on the affiar with him.

Without knowing why Jenny had cheated there would be no basis to even consider a reconciliition. And Cheryl was usless. Best friend to both and yet she didn't have a clue as to what was going on?

I have a hard time believing that the husband never confronted Jenny to demand a reason for her infedility but I guess that could happen but not if the husband was giving any real consideration to the possibility of a reconciliation.

This story was well written but lacked the insight into the reasons for Jenny's behavior that would have made the story much better IMO.

gizzmo301gizzmo301over 18 years ago

what a story so sad.. and the ending was sopmething else

charleybearcharleybearover 18 years ago
Good Story, Abrupt Ending

Blue, this was a very riveting story. I was sitting here being very anxious as to how it would play out. I didn't get any premonitions that it would end like it did. You got me.

I thouroughly expected you to work toward reconciliation which is pretty typcial of your stories, but this ending surprised me greatly.

In the ending you have presented poor Jake gets fucked over by his "loving wife" in his marriage AND he gets fucked over by her death as well. Now he can have both the bad memories of her fucking her lover plus he can know that his own actions (zapping the birth control pills) caused her to get pregnant and ultimately die.

What a great life for a guy who just loved his wife.

Man, sometimes life just sucks doesn't it?

Good story and I appreciate your efforts a great deal.


librarian_jimlibrarian_jimover 18 years ago
What was she thinking?

I really liked the story, but I couldn't quite reconcile

what we hear from Cheryl and Teddy about Jenny's

remorse with the way she acts towards Jake before

the affair is exposed. It sounds like she was devastated by the breakup of her marriage, but how does this square with faking the vaginitis? She's not hurting financially or professionally, so it's got to be her feelings for Jake that are causing her to suffer, but how could she do something like that to him if she cared so much?

FireFox59FireFox59over 18 years ago
Good BUT

Blue88 this was a good story but with a little more work it could have been a GREAT story. KK pretty much sums up the ways I'd liked to have seen added to. More character development for all, getting the why she did it, etc. I definitely don't get why she was all torn up when she was discovered. Other than her neat little world fall apart.

RandallRRandallRover 18 years ago
and Revenge is Sweet!

Or so they say. Good work Blue! You wrote an empathetic realistic plotline where even with the gravity of betrayal, deception, humiliation, and hurtful intent, Jake still wrestled with his feelings and emotions until the decision was made for him, literally at the end that is.

Skillfully you explored his deep seated sense of loss, humiliation, anger, and desire for vengeance. Well done, plausible and understandable. I for one loved the ultimatum you wrote for the hotel confrontation scene, it was complete, lawyer type methodical, and versed for finality. I did think though, in reality, and with the arsenal of defamatory evidence, it was even a bit light on pennance and retribution for the adulterers.

A good write and equally good read, thank you and don't be so long between submissions please.


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
I like your stories

but the problem with this one, as K.K. and other have noted, has to do with Jenny.

It is impossible to understand her behavior. Up until her affair is discovered, she treats her husband with utter contempt. There is no reason to believe she loves him, or has any desire even to remain married to him. Why not simply dump him?

Then, after the discovery of the adultery, she pines away without him.

As this character is written, there's no way to make sense of her behavior, and this greatly weakens the story. Why would he want her back?

I hope this will be seen as constructive criticism--that's how it's intended. I enjoy your work.


fdkmanfdkmanover 18 years ago
Good Story But Too Formulaic


"Teddy, a marriage is built on love, commitment and trust. I really don't think that anything is as sacred as the physical union between two loving, committed adults and I truly believe that that cannot be shared because sharing it minimizes that love, that bond. That which is shared becomes less valuable and less significant. When a man and

a wife join they become one, a union more significant that any partnership. When a spouse breaks those vows and shares him or her self with another, they in effect are saying that they really do not value their union with their partner. He or she is saying that the physical intimacy in a marriage is not all that important or significant, it can be shared. I cannot accept that. Etc.

End quote

This has to be one of the best, if not THE best, portrayal of what cheating does to the innocent spouse. It is logical and well thought out. It portrays the issues that are involved and how they eat away at the relationship. Jake is honest with his son and he's honest with himself. He did forget to mention something else to his son though. He forgot to mention how she'd treated him during the time she was cheating. She not only conspired with her lover to cut her dumb husband off for six months while he's being patient and supportive of her 'condition', but she treated him like he was bothering her, like he was not even worthy of her presence.

Teddy has the balls to ask if Jake loved his mother any more, maybe he should have been asking Jenny that while she was screwing her doctor. The only time Jenny even thought about Jake and that she 'loved' him was after she got caught with her lovers dick in her. Jake should have told his son that he loved her very much but was no longer IN love with her. Maybe that would have got through to his


I guess this is similar to the saying that there are no atheists in foxholes, though I've heard atheists argue against that. In this case there are no wives who don't love their husbands after they've been caught in the arms of their lover.

As is usual, it seems, Jake is made the villain. It is obvious to Teddy and his wife, to Cheryl, and of course to Jenny, that she's in the position she is, suffering and losing weight, all because of Jake. If he would just be a nice guy and forgive Jenny she'd be happy and be able to move back home again and start gaining weight. Of course she'd be SO sorry and promise abjectly that nothing like

this would ever happen again, until the next time, of course.

You see there would be a next time. Jenny wouldn't have learned anything except to be more careful and not make Jake so suspicious. She really was stupid when you think about it. She goes from Miss Sexy with them making love 4 to 5 times a week to Miss Witch and nothing but grudge sex in no time flat. Does Jake make a stink? No, he doesn't want to upset his wife. He even goes so far as to ask her if she's having an affair, if she is happy with the marriage. If that isn't a clue your husband is suspicious of your actions I don't know what is! But does Saint Jenny get a hint? For a few weeks then it is back to the same stuff different day baloney, only worse.

Through all this I'm amazed that Teddy wasn't aware of how badly his dad was treating his mother, accusing her of cheating, waiting for her 'condition' to clear up like a fool, and generally being in the way while his mother was trying to get laid by her lover. Jake really needs to be taken to task for his mistreatment of Jenny.


"Damn, Jake. You have really turned into one cold, heartless

bastard." she snapped at me and turned and walked out of my office.

I sat there, stunned. I'm the cold, heartless bastard? I'm the one who screwed around for months behind my wife's back? I'm the one that cut out all sex because of a made-up disease? I realized then that I'll never understand women. When push comes to shove, they band together. Well, that's good in a way. Jenny has someone upon which to lean. Good for them both, they deserve each other.

End quote

Jake is really on target here. It doesn't matter that Carol was supposed to be friends with both of them, had known Jake longer for that matter. It didn't matter, when push came to shove Carol took Jenny's side in this, even though she was the instigator of her own problems. It didn't matter that Jenny had an affair AND got caught with her pants down, literally. It didn't matter that Jenny had

lied about her medical condition to stop having sex with her husband. That kind of betrayal doesn't matter when the rubber meets the road. Her FEMALE friend was hurt because a MAN made her hurt and that was all there was to it. He was a cold-hearted person because he couldn't live with a woman who, based on her own actions, didn't want him anymore! He was being unreasonable, after all it was only sex, though that excuse was not used, by Jenny at least. No, Jake was wrong because he was a man who didn't want to forgive his cheating wife. Jenny was 'truly sorry' so why was Jake being a jerk? It is the same old song and the refrain is getting old too.

However I have to question Carol's friendship to Jenny. If she's truly a card-carrying member of the women's union why didn't she warn Jenny that Jake was more than a little suspicious? She doesn't seem to have a problem sticking her nose in now, after the damage is done but she's too afraid to stop her friend from screwing things up BEFORE Jake finds out for sure? I guess this another example of

'women's logic'. She was even stupid enough to tell Jake that the 'condition' Jenny had didn't take six months to clear up so why didn't she think she might need to pass that info along to Jenny? I guess we'll never know but I'd be interested in that answer.

While I didn't want Jenny to die I suppose this will finally force Jake to move on with his life. I was expecting this story to go the way of 99% of the others on this site. I was expecting that as more and more time passed Jake would yield to the pressure of his friends and children, and himself in some cases and reconcile with Jenny. No matter how much he protested his inability to forgive and forget I could see it coming. He wavered between his anger and his loneliness and loneliness was winning. Now with Jenny dead he has to do something.

What I see happening though is nothing good, for anyone. Jake is going to be made to take the blame for this death, anyone can see that. Carol and Teddy and Jake's daughter are going to blame Jake because if he had taken Jenny back she wouldn't have been in this position, it is as simple as that. Jake, too, will blame himself for his 'tampering' with her birth control pills and allowing her to become pregnant thereby leading her to her untimely death. Jake

will be roundly hated by all his former friends and family until he does the only thing he can and eats the business end of a pistol thus ending the pain he's caused everyone by his intransigence. Big word that, intransigence. If you haven't looked it up it means stubborn, narrow-minded, which is how everyone saw Jake.

Saint Jenny is now dead and her name will be submitted to the pope for beatification and Jake will take his rightful place next to Satan as the villain he is.

Sad, ain't it. But such is life for men who refuse to forgive their cheating wife for all the humiliation and disrespect they have heaped upon them. If a man ACTS like a man and not a wimp, if he stands up for his marriage AND his principles, he's vilified. If he takes her back then he's a great guy but at what price? Most of these stories never follow-up with the characters. We assume because the woman now realizes who she truly loves and how her cheating has injured that man and now that he's given her a second

chance she will NEVER do it again. I wonder how realistic this pie-in-the-sky attitude is. Do cheaters change? Sure, some of them. But what about the others. I feel they might be more careful next time around, or maybe not. I think that they might lose respect for a man who can allow his woman to treat him like that and go after a 'real man' this time. How many nice girls do you see with 'bad-boy' types? Lots. Women seem to be attracted to guys like that and though they want men who will be good providers and take care of the kids they also want 'excitement' and good old hubby doesn't provide that.

Once she's tasted that excitement she'll be more, not less, likely to go after it again. I truly feel the majority of these situations end badly if the wife is taken back. Maybe someday I'll look for statistics to support my theory.

This was a good story. I hope the author goes farther and shows what happens to Jake. I personally hope that things work out for him but I hold little hope. I'll read any follow-on story no matter what, since this author did a very nice job with a difficult subject.


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Good story but..

I thought this was another good story from you but, that was a really shitty ending!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

with the lengths she went to it was not harsh enough & for cheryl the first time she chose jennie's side would be the last time she EVER spoke to me about anything. I might not be much but when I got married 27 years ago I gave my bride my word to forsake ALL OTHERS I've kept it under some trying times & I require that she do the same.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
why so shock, dear hubby?

i mean, come on, why come up with such narcissistic and masochistic characters?

first he loves her to death; upon learning her fucking around, he hates her to death, not wanting to even talk to her (if my kid son came talk to me like Teddy here, I'd disown him, no, I'll give him a black eye, first, THEN disown the little bastard who tries to tell me I ought take back a woman who fucks around and gets pregnant by a doctor who, due to my stupidity, is still practicing elsewhere, likely fucking more women in his practice!); and finally learning of her death --- an, errr, side effect from her activities with the doc --- he drops the phone, all shocked?!

the Cheryl, the buddy comrade lawyer at the office? what's the deal with her? is she supposed to be as masochistic and narcissistic as this husband?

i guess unless the wifey had left any notes prior to her going into premature labor in her, what?, 40s'?, and DYING there,,, we'd never know how much "suffering" she went through being not only caught but caught pregnant with a doc's kid, wouldn't we?!

what a fuckin' unfair world here in Literoticaland! lol

(we can always hope other women in her situation will come forth, in one of these erotic stories, to tell us the extreme eroticism they have with their lovers and the deep physical/emotional pains their uncaring, unsupportive husband/former husband put them through, like this one, being pregnant and left all lone by her very own self!)

but now that the husband (former husband) had chased the good doc out of the state, with him not able to come to the wife's daily needs, including child and medical (if came to that), it's kind of a double wammy for the wife, ain't it?: no lover, no husband, with a kid she didn't want to keep/coudln't keep on the way,,,,

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Nicely done Blue!

An entertaining read.

His discussion with his son on what a marriage should be is classic! It says all that needs to be said clearly and concisely!

I wasn't crazy about the ending, but given the circumstances I can't figure out any happier ending.

I also liked his comments on "stale excuses". There should be a law foridding cheating spouses to use any of them!

Nice job, well written!

louguy35louguy35over 18 years ago
The Dirty Bastard!

Well, Jack finally managed to kill the long suffering, kind and loving Jenny. That dirty son-of-a-bitch! I mean, why in the world should she be held accountable for her own death just because she got herself pregnant by having a prolonged affair? Had she not had the affair it would not have mattered what Jack did with the pills, but we all know that the pills were the proximate cause of her death, don't we?

At least Blue88 concluded with an ending of sorts even though it was not a very good one. An epilogue or revisiting of "But Love is Blind" could go a long way toward modifying the notion that Jack was the perp rather than the victim.

Once again, I wonder if Blue88 sees the need for such a continuation.


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
One sick wife

Blue88 - please help use understand why the wife would do something like this to her husband... This story needs a follow up... Perhaps from the wifes POV via Cheryl?

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Not bad, but needs a follow up

This is a pretty good effort. Leaving it open-ended like that, especially with the obvious foreshadowing, demands a next chapter. Yes, some of us can see where you're taking it. It is all answered in the following question:

Why is it so important to Cheryl that he leave his cell phone on that evening?

Now, I'd like to answer some questions, from one who has been there, that were posted earlier.

1) Reason for suspending sex for so long is not credible.

Ans: For an infidel (one who commits an infidelity), their belief that they will never get caught precludes rational thinking. Oh, there may be cunning, but long term planning is usually threadbare.

2) Why wasn't he trying to fix his marriage? After all, he was supposedly in love with her.

Ans: Why should he try? Once trust is gone, it's gone. There is rarely a fix. Why wasn't SHE trying to fix the marriage? She was the one who was stepping out.

3) Why didn't he want to know why his wife apparently fell out of love with him either before or after the divorce? Can't even assign blame much try to fix it.

Ans: Again, why should he care about her. She obviously did NOT care about him.

4) Why did he not feel duty bound to protect the public and the doctor's family from the scumball? Wierd behavior for a lawyer to not litigate when it is so clearly called for.

Ans: He did so to preserve his own sense of moral decency. It is not in his personal interest to destroy her, as it was said that would bring him to her level.

5) Why was the wife, who apparently fell out of love with him, suddnly despondent over the breakup? Did she miss watching him suffer?

Ans: No, she missed her cozy little set up. She lost the stability in her life, and her world came crashing down. Nothing after that could make much sense to her.

This is from one who discovered his wife in a long term affair. When she was discovered, by me, she expected me to fight for her. I didn't play that game, though. There was nothing to fight for. When you love someone so completely, and they play you for a fool, that love can, and usually does, turn into hate. Then the hate dwindles, and you feel nothing. Oh, there might be a fleeting sadness or anger over what was taken away, but mostly you just stop thinking about it. That person comes to mean less to you than a casual acquaintance.

If this road is taken, it is unwittingly the best revenge one can have. After I got over my failed marriage, I met, courted, and married a wonderful woman. She and I have built a life together that is quite comfortable and happy. My ex-wife, on the other hand, cannot handle this. I have hear from former friends that my refusal to fight for her has destroyed her feelings of self-worth and self-esteem. This is years later, and she still asks our mutual friends the same question.

"Why was I so easy to throw away?"

I won't answer that, no matter how many times I'm asked by those people. But I will answer it here, because I am safe in my anonymity. She was so easy to throw away because I found out that the precious diamond I held close to my heart turned out to be a cubic zirconium. It turned out to be worthless.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

she got at least part of what she earned.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
sad story

I hate death story !!!

shangoshangoover 18 years ago
What happened to the baby?

Was it a miscarriage? Was the baby born dead? Learn about men and how to finish a story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Lovely story

I loved the story, it was very down to earth, most people try and drum up as much drama and tension as possible, you kept it simple enough that it didn't end up convoluted but still keeping a sense of urgency and despair in your characters.

I thought it was very well done...

Oh, the wife deserves what she got, she betrayed her husband, and lied to him when came and asked her straight out if she was having an affair... lies, infidelity, betrayal, I'm glad she dies in the story... although I hope the husband ends up happy somehow.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Just read it...

Such a good story. There are many things that the hero says that touched my heart. I understand this hero. I wish I could say the same of his heroine. We don't get her side of the story. We can't understand this character and why she did what she did. As it is, the ending leaves us hanging. We hope the hero isn't consumed by guilt--by something he has nothing to feel guilty about. Time does cures even the biggest wounds.

I hope you consider to give another round to this story and we can see this hero get the happiness that he deserves. Thank you for an emotional read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Good story

Glad to see things didnt turn out happily ever after here. Shit happens and she got what was coming to her although in the end a bit harsher than even scum like her deserved. Just hope for the kid eh? Ah well. Consequences of her cheating and all.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
I am VERY happy Jenny is dead

good story but I am sooooo very happy that she is dead...

god damn fucking lying whore

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
did he divorce her or what

after the divorce he whined like a bitch.why did he divorce her if he want to be a wimp hubby.jenny was a selfish whore who cares for can you trust or respect her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
the story was good the plots and remarks sucks

sometime being clever we become stupid.the doctor go and do it again,to somebody else family.if you cut the wife loose why the b/s and keep fucking around her.the worthless piece of shit of a whore wife got what was coming to her.look weak asshole of a hubby ,don't get it,they plotted and fuck you over.wife was a evil woman and i would trust her friend.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
hated the ending

I loed the story up to the end I hated the ending.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Excellent Story

Your writing has the ring of reality.You are ,especially, insightful in your observations on the disrespect,indifference,and disdain heaped upon the poor husband.An excellent read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Don't Understand Her Reaction

She had no respect for him during the time she was cheating on the spouse and after she gets caught she goes to peices. Was it for the spouse or because she had lost her lover.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
your story was good,but the plot and the ending

the hubby was not a hero,he was a weak and insecure man.nobody gave him respect,the doctor,the friend and the wife fuck him over royally.why author were you trying so hard for them to get back together.this woman lied,cheated and tricked her husband.what with you as a writer,making the male weak in your stories.human nature is to fight back,the doctor was let off the hook,without a ass whipping.was the hubby gay.

WordcutterWordcutteralmost 18 years ago
WHOA! Didn't see THAT one coming!

Quite a change on the ending! Pollyana-types that love those Hollyweird happiness endings will - and are - whining but hell, life happens, and sometimes, just when things are all placid and purdy, Jason pops out of the water or some alien blasts Crichton and Arin into a bazillion little balls.

Throughout the tale the narrator was kinda wimpy, constantantly picked on and at, treated with little or no respect by those that should have treated him better. And, while I agree with Dynamite Jack that the trite insincere professions of guilt, sorrow, remorse, ad nauseum from the wife make me want to hurl and scream things, their total absense makes me wonder if in fact she's feeling any guilt at all.

Honestly, I think Blue88 ended it PERFECTLY. All too often there's the feel-good 'and they lived happilly ever after' ending - that, if you looked real hard in about 5 years would be appended, '-in opposite corners of the universe'.

Nuttin like a little dose of ORIGINALITY!!!!


In an aside, who is this, 'anonymous' character and why the hell is he posting so many varied opinons? He/she/it puts Cybil to shame!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
It is good that this whore died!

Enough said, the whore should die!

zed0zed0almost 18 years ago
I LOVE a Happy Ending

Good thing she died before he could wimp out and get back with her. Now maybe he can get on with his life. (zed)

toesmantoesmanalmost 18 years ago
"Happy ending"

I have to agree w/ Zed0. Although in some minor respect, I didn't like that she was killed off in the end, that was better than our "hero" wimping out & going back to her. It was not just the sexual physical betrayal, it was the contempt, the disdain, the fact that she cut him off at the behest of her lover, all those factors that showed her absolute contempt for him, not only as her husband, but also as a man. A better ending would be him getting over her, finding a hot new lady, and then rubbing her face in what she so cavalierly gave up. good read, and good denouement.

Ken NitsuaKen Nitsuaalmost 18 years ago
Grim, grim, grim

I have to say the state of mind of the betrayed husband is limned very well in this piece--I really felt a lot of empathy for him. The big problems are the lack of motivation for the wife's adultery--"the marriage just went stale" seems to be a depressingly common reason for affairs getting started in these Loving Wives tales. I never find that quite a sufficient reason, but maybe that's just me.

The ending is a sort of deus ex machina in reverse--I guess it will satisfy some revenge-minded readers that the wife dies for her sins, but it's most unsatisfactory dramatically, mostly because we don't get the narrator's reaction. So how does hubby feel when he learns that he's, in effect, killed his wife off by doctoring the pills? That's the most important question and you leave it totally unanswered. Best, Ken

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
A nicely written story...

but the door slamming in the face ending didn't sit right. As for the earlier comment " It is good that this whore died!" isn't there some way that we can stop the brain dead from placing comments here?

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Thank God she died

I thought he was going to try to make things work with Jenny. Thank God she died and took the decision off his hands.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
why you let the doctor off the hook

mal practice and the law was broken.let him go and what he did to the hubby.that make no sense.the meek way you make the hubby sucked.that why people fuck him around.

Alvaron53Alvaron53over 17 years ago
Grim is an appropriate description

I've read this particular story a couple of times but haven't felt the urge to comment until now. I'll try to be brief.

The writing is good but is marred by some typographical errors and grammatical blunders. The devil is in the details and these details do annoy me.

The characterizations are pretty good though I thought Jenny's character was not adequately explored. As others have noted, the author never deigns to explain why she cheated on their marriage and I suppose, given his intended purpose in telling the tale, it wasn't important. I thought it would be.

Mark's character is also not explored. He's evidently just a cheater and a fairly stupid one at that. He apparently never considered the downsides to his career should the affair be discovered. Perhaps Blue is telling us that doctors are really stupid. Who knows? He didn't elaborate on Mark's character so it's just guesswork as to his motivations for the affair.

The husband's character was nicely developed and I appreciated the dialog with his son where he talks about the effect of infidelty on the cornerstones of marriage. That was superb, Blue, and you have my thanks for that. I have to say that the husband's continuing debate over the possible reconcilation left me a bit confused. He had acted as he thought proper so why the angst? I suppose "love is blind" but does it have to be stupid as well?

The haters all cheered when Jenny died and, frankly, I find that shameful. Their commentary that "he could now get on with his life" ignore the fact that he was miserable after the divorce. There's no need for a sequel because, in my mind, Jake succumbs to his guilt for causing her to get pregnant and kills himself. How's that for getting on with things, zed? That enough misery for you?

I can't say that I enjoyed the story very much. Oh, it's realistic enough I think but it's grim and full of despair. I like happy stories and this isn't one. Still, I applaud your effort, Blue, and you have my thanks. Pretty good fiction this is.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Tragic ending

I have to agree with alvaron 53 100%

My additional comment to those of you who appear to be women haters is Let he who has no sins cast the the first stone

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
I read this every few months

Just so I can laugh when Jenny dies. That's the best part.

And Alavaron53, for someone who hates mistakes so much, how come you keep calling the doctor Mark when his name is Brian?

And to the whiners, it's not woman-hating to enjoy reading a story where the bad person gets punished, whether it's a man or a woman. So stop your 'wah, you are all a bunch of woman haters!' crap.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
as it is

it doesnt have a happy ending and the husband should have went w/ his 2nd option. w/ that option, he might be able to prevent another marriage from breaking.

and for those who like happy endings (Alvaron53), write your own story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Perfect ending!

We agree with Zed's perspective on the whore's demise She got what she truly deserved. Now he can find someone who appreciates a good partner in a marriage. Well done Blue!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Again, Amateurs in Res Juridicii

In Res Juridicii: In Matters Legal. This author is an amateur, like so many others. DO YOUR FUCKING HOMEWORK! The divorce attorney has an absolute requirement in New York to report to the State Dept of Education/Div Licensing Services and to the State Health Dept any misconduct and all crimes committed by ANY Medical Practitioner. This includes MD's people.

The doctor/neighbor/cuckolder/paramour committed a 1st Degree Fraud/ Felony, in that he defrauded the hero and did so in collusion with the wife when he/they arranged to mislead about the cure time for vaginitis/1week to cure, 2weeks no sex. The doctor AND the wife committed the fraud and did so in collusion. They "Acted In Concert/Conspiracy 1st degree, in order to committ another crime: Adultery.

Yep! Still on the books in new York! Ya gotta love it! This law is pre-Revolutionary War, and it has survived the centuries! If you committ a crime in order to accomplish another one(fraud to committ adultery) then everything gets "bumped up" to 1st degree, the highest classification under the law, and in many cases triggers MANDATORY SENTENCING GUIDELINES!!! 7-12 years, probably, with no time off for time served, maybe out in 5yrs, but no less, if all sentences are served concurrently(together). The divorce attorney had no choice; They had to report these matters to the judge, who would've had to arrest them both.

And our hero was absolutely entitled to 50% of the gross proceeds from the sale of the medical practice, all taxes and other fees to be borne by the co-respondent, Dr Fellows. And hubster is entitled to spousal support, and to alimony as well! Up to 35% of the ex-wife's salary. AND! 20% permanent duties from the Doctor's new practice, as well as 20% going BACK to the very beginning of the affair. Sound like a lot?



AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
to the lawyers...

... I thought this was a STORY for entertainment, pleasure to for get about REAL life

What did I know all these stories are real.

Mike from Texas

Oh by the way, for the author , great story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Brain dead?

Look, the girl cheated and she is a whore who deserved quite a bit, but any guy who loved his wife like that is goig to feel remorse over that. You notice he was not a charcter that loved hearing about her pain and he didn't say when he was told she was pregnant that he was happy. Honestly, people need to view marriage as a sacred vow and I fully agree cheaters should be killed. anything less is not taking marriage as serious as it is and cheating IS murder. the world is just so fuckedoff they try to change that. also, as a private investigator I want to tell you every year I bust 100's of women... and nonnly a handful of men. many coming from a site we created to prove a point. the women who are married come in... sign up.. cheat... and we show video to their husbands and obviousy to the wife of the other guy (IF HE HAS ONE). entrapment. YEP! We bring theinner trth to light. if yu have doneit in your head then thats just about as bad. we bring the lies out. many women actually walk away and say they can not do it. To whcih case we show them the video and that gives them a reality check of how choices effect thier lives. Sorry for any typos. I speak 5 languges and it is hard to type all some time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Love isn't blind, it's hateful

Alvaron said this and I agree: "The haters all cheered when Jenny died and, frankly, I find that shameful. Their commentary that "he could now get on with his life" ignore the fact that he was miserable after the divorce. There's no need for a sequel because, in my mind, Jake succumbs to his guilt for causing her to get pregnant and kills himself. How's that for getting on with things, zed? That enough misery for you?"

I did not like this story. The characterization and introspection was one sided, I needed more from Jenny, and the story perse needed some editing. But it was a strong story that aroused strong emotions and for that you get high marks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
great story

the bitch got exactly what she deserved

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

The dialogue with the son concerning the effects of cheating on a marriage is the strongest I have ever read anywhere. It is so insightful and wise that it ought to be included in every wedding ceremony. "It's just sex" is such a common excuse today, perpetuated by Hollywood mores, that no one thinks of these consequences when straying in a marriage.

Thanks again Blue.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

we need to hear from jennys side. we need to hear how she got tired of jake putting his finger in her and his penis in her and she was so tired of him loving her gently. we need to hear how she wanted the good dr. to rub her g-spot and fuck her eyeballs out and really show her a good time. she should be forgiven because she wanted doc fucking her so bad she just had no control over it. it wasn't her fault her lust overcame her. she couldn't help shutting her husband off. he was a bastard. he was supposed to overcome his dispair and disgust over what she had done. afer all, isn't it easier to forgive and forget cheating than to refrain from fucking your spouse over. truth is, she didn't love jake. she loved her life, her home, her house,her job, etc. and, she loved fucking brian. and dumb-ass thinks she loved jake snd just made a mistake. truth is she probably wanted doc to leave his wife and kids for her. dummies think she was happy not sleeping with jake before divorce and unhappy not sleeping with him after divorce. i don't understand why jake wanted doc to move. i would have hurt him real bad in that hotel room and then sued and ruined his life as he ruined mine. if that happened more often there would be less adultery. good story. too bad adultery fucks up lives.

ralphcralphcabout 17 years ago

we need to hear from jennys side. we need to hear how she got tired of jake putting his finger in her and his penis in her and she was so tired of him loving her gently. we need to hear how she wanted the good dr. to rub her g-spot and fuck her eyeballs out and really show her a good time. she should be forgiven because she wanted doc fucking her so bad she just had no control over it. it wasn't her fault her lust overcame her. she couldn't help shutting her husband off. he was a bastard. he was supposed to overcome his dispair and disgust over what she had done. afer all, isn't it easier to forgive and forget cheating than to refrain from fucking your spouse over. truth is, she didn't love jake. she loved her life, her home, her house,her job, etc. and, she loved fucking brian. and dumb-ass thinks she loved jake snd just made a mistake. truth is she probably wanted doc to leave his wife and kids for her. dummies think she was happy not sleeping with jake before divorce and unhappy not sleeping with him after divorce. i don't understand why jake wanted doc to move. i would have hurt him real bad in that hotel room and then sued and ruined his life as he ruined mine. if that happened more often there would be less adultery. good story. too bad adultery fucks up lives.

ralphcralphcabout 17 years ago

oh, boo-hoo,we need to hear from jennys side. we need to hear how she got tired of jake putting his finger in her and his penis in her and she was so tired of him loving her gently. we need to hear from her just how bad she wanted the good dr. to rub her g-spot and fuck her eyeballs out and really show her a good time.jake probably even had bad breath and had put on a few around the middle and the dr. had a bigger dick. she should be forgiven because she wanted doc fucking her so bad she just had no control over it. it wasn't her fault her lust overcame her. she couldn't help shutting her husband off.but then, he was the bastard because her actions made him do unloving things. he was supposed to overcome his despair and disgust over what she had done. after all, isn't it easier to forgive and forget cheating than to refrain from fucking your spouse over. truth is, she didn't love jake. she loved her life, her home, her house,her job, etc. and, she loved fucking brian. and dumb-ass thinks she loved jake snd just made a mistake. truth is she probably wanted doc to leave his wife and kids for her. dummies think she was happy not sleeping with jake before divorce and unhappy not sleeping with him after divorce. i don't understand why jake wanted doc to move. i would have hurt him real bad in that hotel room and then sued and ruined his life as he ruined mine. if that happened more often there would be less adultery. good story. too bad adultery fucks up lives.

ralphcralphcabout 17 years ago

oh, boo-hoo,we need to hear from jennys side. we need to hear how she got tired of jake putting his finger in her and his penis in her and she was so tired of him loving her gently. we need to hear from her just how bad she wanted the good dr. to rub her g-spot and fuck her eyeballs out and really show her a good time.jake probably even had bad breath and had put on a few around the middle and the dr. had a bigger dick. she should be forgiven because she wanted doc fucking her so bad she just had no control over it. it wasn't her fault her lust overcame her. she couldn't help shutting her husband off.but then, he was the bastard because her actions made him do unloving things. he was supposed to overcome his despair and disgust over what she had done. after all, isn't it easier to forgive and forget cheating than to refrain from fucking your spouse over. truth is, she didn't love jake. she loved her life, her home, her house,her job, etc. and, she loved fucking brian. and dumb-ass thinks she loved jake snd just made a mistake. truth is she probably wanted doc to leave his wife and kids for her. dummies think she was happy not sleeping with jake before divorce and unhappy not sleeping with him after divorce. i don't understand why jake wanted doc to move. i would have hurt him real bad in that hotel room and then sued and ruined his life as he ruined mine. if that happened more often there would be less adultery. good story. too bad adultery fucks up lives.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Improper Consequences

Excellent Story and well written. The only problen I have is why Jake didn't stand up for himself when he finally had the proof of his wife's infidelity with the doctor. When people kept making him out to be the bad guy (even his own kids) for not reconciling, why didn't he let them know how she treated him like dirt, completely disrespecting him for months, being a real bitch or how the Dr. fabricated the medical treatment of 6 months of no sex, effectively freezing Jake out so he could have her all to himself? This was a calculated betrayl she had to consider the consequences and just not care besides everyone was on her side. He didn't even defend himself to Cheryl who was really getting down on Jake, yelling at him in his own office when he was dying from the betrayl and loss and she was supposed to be a valued partner and friend. Most importantly, Jake should have never spared the doctor. What he did was not only morally wrong but also against professional ethics but he allowed him to move to another state and probably do it all over again; cuckolding another husband, cheating on his own wife and kids again, preying on other women when their feet are up in the stirrups and making other husbands go through the same misery that he had to endure. For those others that wanted to know Jenny's side as to why she cheated in the first place, I really don't think that was relevent to the story. You did a good job of describing Jake's and Jenny's character and relationship at the beginning. Her affair was not a one time thing and she wasn't one of those wives that kept treating her man respectfully and having sex with him regulary because she truly loved her husband. She was contatntly talking down to him, giving him irratated looks, refused to even have a civil conversation with him. She was basically, a calculated conniving, cheating bitch that had no guilt or remorse until she got caught. Where as Jake was the loving husband that was aware of their problems and tried to talk to her to help the marriage. She would only give him grief. In fact, I don't understand why she had so much guilt, when she got caught, that she quit taking care of herself and endangered her health. That just doesn't fit with with her character. Unless she was just doing it to get sympathy. Nope, he had the ammo but failed to use it letting the perpetrators off easy and setting himself up to be the bad guy

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
this whole story the hubby begging forgiveness

for what the hubby begging forgiveness.the wife was fucking their doctorbecause the doctor said the husband and wife could have sex.the stop having sex wiith husband and get knockup by the why are we talking about getting back together,she wanted the doctor.why didn't the husband tell everybody about the doctor bedside manner.the writer got a lot of wimpy shit in this story.if the hubby say i'm sorry one more time i puke.the baby and the whore is dead,now where is the doctor,that what a man would do.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

why is the character so defensive? his married son couldnt understand what he is going through? all he have to say if "what if your wife is cheating, lying and humiliating you for a long time?".

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
I guess the reconciliation is off then?

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
the sorrow and the pity

jenny acted with such calculation and deceit. the loss was not imagined, yet she has consequences , duh. sometimes the price of something is not waht one thinks it will be.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Great and well thought out.

Life’s a bitch and then the judgment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
you know....

this story has got to have the stupidest characters created. a married son cant understand his father pain and stress? give me a break!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
He's a murderer!

His actions killed her! Now he will get to live with that for the remainder of his miserable life.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
At last some retribution :)

good riddance

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

What goes around....................

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Did not work.

I gave it a 75 because you are a very good writer, but the story did not work. The thoughts and feelings of your character early on did not fit with the character later on. This often happens in stories with revenge/reconciliation. The actions he took were not extreme but I can not see the man from early on reconciling because he was "lonely". You put him to far to one side to have such an easy time sliding back. Good story, not nearly your best work.

SingularMindSingularMindalmost 16 years ago
The Ending of the Story...

did not work at all. It was forced and sudden and far too short. Destroyed the story. In addition, why should he even consider reconciliation. She was not only unfaithful, she conspired with her lover to deceive him. That's quite a lot different than just going out and having an affair. That kind of behavior should never be tolerated, even in the spirit of foregiveness.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
The ending of the story at least prevented him

from doing something totally irrational. Being so in love and obcessed with a woman that treated you so is a sign of mental illness. He needed a shrink and very badly. He was almost at a point of taking back into his life a woman who had and showed absolutely no love nor reepect for him. I do find it interesting that a lawyer would consent of silence to the fact that a mother was going to have a child and then give it up for adoption without notifying the father of the child when he is known. Would the father find out and if he wanted to, the lawsuits that would flow would ruin the exwifes life and in all likelyhood the lawyers, ethics you know. Actually I found his fumbling around for so long to be totally inconsistent with his occupation and knowledge that something was going on. Put another way, could the lawyer husband have been painted any more stupid?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

I must say she got what she deserved--she was a cheating slut--I would have screwed the Doc. over real good.

bruce22bruce22almost 16 years ago
Good for many rereads....

I just read this one again and note that I never commented on it. My overwhelming reaction was that the poor guy did not deserve any part of these punishments, especially having her die due to a pregnancy that he imagines to be his fault. After looking at all the comments it is clear that the fact that we know nothing about her motivation is bothering everyone, but unless he managed to have her conversation with the Doc about why she wanted him taped he has very little chance of finding out. Even then she could have lied to her lover to justify herself. Certainly he could never believe any explanation that she gave him. At best, I would suggest asking Cheryl and his son to give an explanation to see if she was selling them anything useful. Of course, it is possible that neither were worried about anything other than how their friend/mother was feeling! She obviously had some sort of real problem in her perception of her marraige.

Great Story, Blue88. You've managed to keep people interested for years!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
S**T Happens

She absolutely deserved everything she got. He deserved only pure peace of mind in all of this. No man who has "been there" could ever say any different! And as for what Jenny did, there is NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING more aggressive and demeaning than to betray a husband and do it in the same way that Jenny did. That she took a stupid risk in having a baby so late in life is a given, and Jen shouldnt've. But women can be pig-headed, as evidenced by Jenny's rather poor choices. The moral of the story is that Shit happens. Frequently.

JamesMcIntyreJamesMcIntyreover 15 years ago

Only a redneck asshole wouldn't consider reconciliation. And the hero could speak using words of more than two syllables so he clearly wasn't one of them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Reconcillation - hell no!

There is no way the semi-wimp husband should even consider "reconciliation at any costs" bullshit. The slut wife got what she deserved - end of story!

CarlM69CarlM69over 15 years ago
The best

Easily your best work, and one of the all time best on this site. I've reread it many times and enjoyed it each time. Don't believe I've ever told you but noticed you haven't written lately and wanted to encourage you. Thanks so much for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
her fault!!!

Loved it! I really liked the ending Yes I am a one of the good men that was cheated on. Am I heartless well seeing as I would have given my life for her while we were married, I don't think so. I am going to write about my life and how everything turned out.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Appropriate ending?

I am normally a softy when it comes to reconciliation but not this time. When someone commits adultery in the stupid, unplanned heat of a particular moment, that may well be forgivable. When a spouse calculatingly plans to lie and deceive her mate in such a demeaning manner as this, it screams contempt and lack of respect. It doesn't ring true that someone would deliberately humiliate their spouse like this and then agonize over the break-up afterwards. I wouldn't necessarily condemn her to death but I would have to actually see the demon cast out of her body before I would think of reconciliation.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

She cheats everybody blames it on him,give me a break.I hope his kids get cheated on so they can do the forgiving thing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
good job

interesting story and ending. very well done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Good Ridance

He didn't have to take his vengeance, it 'just happened' anyway - she got her cumupannce big time for her cum slut cheatin ways.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Good now he can get on with his life.

Your obvious atteempts int he story to belittle the husband then the dramatic ending to make him feel sad, shame on your hypocritical PC ways. This woman was into a full fledged affair with their doctor and contrived with the doctor to prevent him from having sex with his wife by malpractice. Now the doctor needs to be sued and lose his license. The wife is gone so prior agreements dont count. I really liked the very stupid part where people try to make him feel guilty about the pregnancy without considering the child was a bastard. And to make the husband swallow backt he comment about the Doctor needing to know he had another child. Legally the doctor has every right to know about the child and it is the exwife's responsibility to tell him. He also has a voice in who raises the child, and whether she can put it up for adoption. So interesting a lawyer doesnt realize the doctor has a right as well as a vested interest. You tried to paint the poor man into a corner but just make your own agenda more obvious. You dont reconcile with cheaters unless you just want to go thru another cheating episode. You throw out the trash and this woman was one of the very worse cases of pure trash. Hidden clothes, betray, total humiliation at the doctors hands, weekly sexual bouts, no love or passion with the husband, hardly taking any part in the family. One can say she was punished by a greater being and let it be gone. Cheryl was divorced from a cheater ro was she the cheater? In this she comes across as a braindead high school girl.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
My goodness.....

Combine all the lengthy comments in this story and you have a story by itself. It was entertaining.

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