Bye Bi Secrets


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Perhaps we got carried away in this first moment of naked venerability — the water went from hot to warm and then to uncomfortably cool. So, next stop would be the hot pools. We each slip into our white cotton bathrobes and then our flip-flops and walk to the pools, explaining to Brett that nudity is only allowed in hot springs and soaking pools, being this is also a family friendly place. The crowd isn't as large as we've seen it on other trips here. But there's no shortage of nude bodies of all ages — grey haired grandparents to college aged beauties in the prime of life. We all sort of fit in the middle, but I'd say leaning toward the prime of life side. And the real beauty is; no one really gets worked up about it all. It's sort of odd why that's so. But flaccid or slightly puffed cocks are the norm — and we women keep our secrets unexposed between our legs. The three of us find a more open spot and settle in together to let the warm water work soothing miracles on us.

The thing about hot springs is, they're hot. It doesn't take long before one feels the need to cool off, and we're no exception. So after a thoroughly relaxing break to soak after the drive up here, we agree it's time to relax in our cabin.


The unsaid words we all have in our minds creates an awkward silence. We are now all naked in our cabin but it seems that nobody knows what to say. Knowing it is probably up to me, I walk to my husband and kneel before him. Brett stands silent a few feet from us. I look up to my husband and smile ... holding his eyes as I slowly lean my face toward his cock — when my nose touches him, I lick his cock from head to pubic hair — again and again I lick him, lapping my tongue up his hardening shaft. When he puts his hand on the back of my head, I stop, open my mouth and let him put his now really hard flesh in. With Brett's eyes on us, I suck my husband — soon he's gently moving his hips and I stop my movements so he can fuck my mouth. It's one of the wildest, most erotic moments of my life — to be watched by a close friend as I service my husband's need. I can't see Brett, but know he can see me and it all just ramps my arousal up even higher.

I don't notice when it happens, my mouth being busy and my eyes closed, and it's Kris' voice that brings me back.

"Sam, Brett's right here too. I think he needs you."

I open my eyes, and indeed he is right here — just inches from my face. It's the first time I've seen his cock, and I'm not disappointed. To my surprise, it's Kris' hand that urges my head closer — urges my lips closer. When I'm close enough to smell his scent, Kris says, "It's time. We've tortured him enough."

His words reverberate in my head — it's time. Two simple words that hold such power to change so much. I ask myself one more time; are you sure this is the path forward? The answer is too hard to conjure up but instinct leads my lips closer and closer to Brett's beautiful cock. Fully aware that my husband is watching, I lean a little closer — Brett's hand comes into my view. As he guides his full and wonderful cock to my lips, I let him paint my lips with his slick pre-cum ... then part my lips for more. As he slowly fills my mouth, I have to squeeze my legs tighter, trying to temper my own arousal. Kris takes his hand away and I know; it's now me alone who is giving another man a blowjob — on my knees with my husband only a foot away. I close my eyes and suck him to the best of my ability. I feel Brett shift slightly and open my eyes. The first thing I see is Brett's hand slowly — softly jerking my husband's cock. Overwhelmed by lust and desire, I let Brett's cock fall from my mouth — "Let's take this to bed — I can't wait any longer. Please Kris, let's do it."

As always, he's my hero and a gentleman. "Brett, let's do as Sam asks, eh. I'm ready if you are."

Together they help me to my feet, my knees are a bit sore and the skin is red, but I know it's not going to last long. Kris pulls the bedding open to the foot of the bed. Then he surprises me; "Sam, you've done so much for all of us. Without you, none of us would have explored this part of ourselves. I think, if Brett agrees, that it's your turn to watch. Hop up on the bed, and I'll ask Brett to get on his knees, if he's up for it."

I know I'm shocked by my husband's words, I looked to Brett and he just has a Cheshire cat smile on his face — clearly he's having a nice time. I do as Kris asked, and watch transfixed as Brett closes the space between him and my husband. With a definite sexual thrill, I watch him kneel — kneel like I knelt — before my husband. My fingers find my moist need and I tease myself along as Kris holds his hard cock in one hand, and with the other guides Brett's mouth to it ... just like he did mine. I swallow in anticipation — my fingers are tempting me too close to my release. I force myself to stop so I can concentrate on the scene right in front of me. I watch as Brett's lips encircle my man, Kris urges him forward with a hand on the back of his head -- his hips softly hump as he starts fucking Brett's mouth. I blink my eyes hard together to somehow prove that this is really happening — it's definitely not a dream — it most definitely is happening just like we all hoped it would.

I lose track of time — I think we all have. But time becomes unimportant for all of us. It all focuses in on moments — mere seconds. Second, by second we watch our lives transforming into something more free — something more unburdened — something more liberating. Somehow, I know this is a big moment — a moment embracing honesty and empathetic understanding of each other. A moment when our flaws can be seen, yet go un-judged. Yes, freedom seems such a perfect word for this moment. Kris is free, Brett is free and I am free. Free to be who and what we are.

But, thinking I've seen it all now quickly proves to be very wrong. Kris steps to the bed, "Sam, I'm gonna sit behind you here on the edge of the bed — I want you to lean against me so Brett can get to you."

I know instantly what he's thinking — I pause, but just a moment to truly take in that Kris want's Brett to do me. I teeter back and forth in hesitation ... but jump the way Kris asks. He scoots back with his legs spread and I settle in like in a big easy chair, my eager cunt right at the edge of the bed waiting. Brett and I lock eyes as he walks closer — my husband helps me hold my legs up and watches over my shoulder as Brett's hard cock slowly disappears into my body. I lay my head back against him as Brett begins to pleasure me — begins to pleasure all of us in our own unique way. It's a dream I never had that fills me with a sexual thrill unlike any I have ever experienced — I love that Kris is sharing it with me — I love that both of these men desire me — when Brett reaches out to tease my nipples, I know I can't hold back very long — but oh, how I want to hold back — how I want his cock to be in me for hours! In the end, I can't even say how long Brett was inside of me — it seems like eternity — it sees like only moments — it seems like the most slutty thing I've ever done. As his thrusts get harder and faster, it seems I can feel him swell inside of me — bigger and bigger — harder and harder — I surrender and let my pent up orgasm run wild through every part of my body. As I slowly melt back into Kris; Brett seeds me —fills me with himself — his cum, as another shudder of pleasure consumes my feminine core.

As we slowly succumb to exhaustion, it's Kris who says, "Whew! What you guys say to getting cleaned up and getting something to eat. I'm totally spent."

Even I have the strength left to softly chuckle. Our chuckles grow to some silliness. We all pile onto the bed and lay exhausted. For the first time all day, I take stock of our path in getting here. Getting all packed in the truck, a not so short drive, a dip in the hot springs and — and what just happened? An orgy? A getting acquainted fuck fest? "Yeh, babe we've been going strong for hours. Let's take a food break." We all agree and after some much needed showering and cleaning up, we get our clothes back on and walk to the dinning room.


After a nice, if late, lunch of smoked salmon, organic salad and steamed organic vegetables, we all agree that a bit of down time would do us good. So back to our hideaway we go. I feel like everyone must know what we're doing behind our closed door, but my higher brain denies that. I realize it'll take some time to get adjusted to this new ... what — this new 'us'? Whatever, I'm still a bit dizzy by how fast we all blended into one another. It's a really weird feeling just thinking about the fact that; I just let another man fuck me while Kris watched. And it's equally as weird that I just watched him get his dick sucked by our new friend. The words; I'm too old for this, almost take over my thoughts — but I push them away. We're not too old — we're old enough to damn well do whatever we want ... so long as no one gets hurt. As I reassure myself, my thoughts drift to tonight .... But the thought of a short nap seems like a timely option. I know I'm tired and both my guys look a little bushed too.

After awhile back in our room, I get up from where I'm sitting and begin to remove my clothes again before getting in our somewhat well used bed — Kris and I have always enjoyed nudity in the outdoors, but it has mostly been just us or a few strangers in a hot spring somewhere. The nudity was fun but not overtly sexual. Having Brett with us fuels a completely different atmosphere and dynamic — it's a change I'm enjoying way more than I expected to. It all started out to lead to a bi thing for Kris — now it's clearly that and more.

Brett and I stand close to each other and begin to follow Samantha's lead ... but his undressing stalls about the same time mine does as we both watch her casually remove her clothes again. Being in the hot-spring nude together was already titillating, but being here in the privacy of our cabin adds so many options to where this nudity might lead. I know it's going to lead us all into the same bed again ... beyond that the details elude me, but I know it'll be nice and very enjoyable.

She makes it onto the bed before either of us — one reason for our delay is because she used the simple act of crawling onto the bed to entrap our eyes — and our cocks — with an intentional display of her wide open and exposed butt and pussy. We both stop our own undressing to stare at her feminine secrets — secrets I know she very intentionally revealed to us. Our undressing picks up speed and we both follow where our cocks guide us — into our shared bed. I crawl over Sam and Brett settles on the other side of her. We all are pretty tired and washed out, and that softens our cuddles and exploratory touches. It's a slower and more gentle time of comforting and tenderly caressing each other. When Brett puts his hand between her legs, my cock jumps when she spreads for him. As he fingers her, I reach across her to fondle and stroke Brett. As we continue it becomes like a menagerie of hands and then tongues and then kisses floating over the surfaces of our exposed flesh. Soon that pushes away any thought of a restful nap — it's Brett who rolls between Sam's spread legs first. I watch my wife's reaction as she lifts her knees up and wraps her arms around him. Without much of a pause, Brett begins. I slowly pull on my cock as he pleasures her. Her eyes are closed and she's softly raking her fingernails up and down Brett's back — she dips as far down as she can to the top of his butt crack, then uses both hands on his butt cheeks to pull him deeper inside of her body.

My cock can't get much harder — I want to breed her too — but it's all too much — I can't hold it back! As Brett pleasures my wife, I shoot spunk over my belly, my chest and some even on my face. With a big sigh, I sink into the soft mattress. I can't stand up even if I tried. And still he pleasures my wife as I watch — fingers of both hands tweaking my aroused nipples, milking out the last tingling self-gratification possible. As Sam and Brett lay quietly still joined, I drift into a light nap. I know they are there, but in a floating misty way — a very enjoyable and comforting way.

How long I was drifting in and out of sleep, I don't know. I only remember waking up to a warm cloth bathing my mess from my body. Opening my eyes, I expect to see Sam, but it's Brett who is taking care of me. "How long have I been asleep?"

"Not long, Samantha's still in the shower. I've already showered — wanna go rinse off before she uses all the hot water?"

His tenderness is what struck me first. It could have just as easily been Sam doing what he did and saying what he said. Without thinking about it, I put my hand behind his neck and urged him closer — our eyes lock and I urge him closer until his lips touch mine. Our eyes close as our kiss lingers and any awkwardness dissipates in the warmth we share. I know, and probably he does too, that this is a breakthrough moment — a turning point where sexual desires evolved into something more solid — something more stable.

It isn't what I thought would happen, but I don't resist when Brett encourages me to roll over onto my stomach. I know what's on his mind — I accept that he's going to fuck me and I open my legs wider so he can take his place. He takes the KY bottle from the beside table and prepares me with first one finger and then another — scissoring and slowly rotating so my ring of resistance relaxes and opens up. I feel the bed shift when he gets on his knees and push my bottom up in invitation — I close my eyes when I feel him lightly rubbing the head of his cock around my hole — then a slight push into me — and back out. Again and again he works his way into my body until he senses that he can fully bury himself into my warm softness. I relax under him as he breeds me — images of him doing this same thing with Samantha float into my thoughts. I always thought it would be me who topped on our first go ... but this is wonderful and I no longer care who does what to who. It's all us, and it's all good. I hear his breath coming in shorter gasps — I sense his urgency and intuitively somehow know he's about to come — he's about to plant his seed — his cum deep into my body ... just like he did to my wife. I close my eyes tighter as my butt clinches his cock tighter — I push my ass back at him with each thrust — on his last dive into me, he stays and knowing he is emptying himself in me is wonderfully enlightening. I know this is who I am and always will be. The weight of his body laying on mine tells me that he's spent. I lay there with him growing soft inside me and his weight strangely comforting and pressing me into the soft mattress.

It's Samantha's return that pulls us out of that moment — pulls our entwined souls apart. Once again, I feel a twinge of embarrassment at she caught us doing. Why, I ask myself, is sucking his cock more acceptable to me than kissing him? Is him fucking Sam more acceptable than him doing the same to me? Why can't I have affection for him too? Love and sexual intimacy are like linked steel — two links in a chain that can't be uncoupled. As my thoughts and doubts rumble around in my head, Samantha crawls back onto the bed. I feel her lips now, then her soft words — "This is so beautiful. I didn't think you would be able to embrace the fullness of the three of us being together. I'm so glad I was wrong."

Turning to Brett, she encourages him too; "Same goes for you too Brett. I didn't know, but I doubted you could join in the love Kris and I share. Don't get me wrong, all of this sexual pleasure we've discovered is great. But I think that if we can embrace something deeper — it draws us even closer and makes our intimacy even sweeter. At least it does for me. I hope you both think about what I've just said — there's no shame in love.

Epilogue — Saying Bye to Bi Secrets

After the pause to rest awhile in our cabin, we get dressed and wander around the extensive grounds of this wonderful place. We all agree that we'll be back.

The tone and tempo of our relationship takes a turn after that weekend. I think Samantha's feminine energy and wisdom does two things; First it gives Brett and I permission to be softer and more vulnerable in all of this. But the biggest take-away is; We've all taken a giant step forward in — not only acceptance of our bisexuality — but embracing it as a normal human experience. We don't push it on anyone — and we don't let anyone push their personal opinions on us. We have no reason to flaunt or shout our views to others, but we don't sit passive when someone pushes their nonsense on us.

That weekend spent together — and all the times spent together since then — has given us the confidence to say; "Bye to Bi secrets". It's a good thing to clean the garbage outa the house — it's even better to clean it out of our thoughts. For us, we think life is too short to waste it trying to live up to someone else's opinions.


Thanks to all who read this to the end. As you know, you're rating and your comments are the only way for me to know what you think. The honest critiques help guide me on the next story.

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SexecclecticSexecclectic6 months ago

I absolutely love this piece. And I will get to why, but first, I do want to comment about the narrative viewpoint switching so often. It is enjoyable to get inside the head of each person within the story, but it took me a while to catch on to the rhythm, or the way it was executed. Using dialogue tags would indeed have been a momentum killer. Or even beginning a section with “Sam” or “Kris:” might have done the same. Maybe just a word for the reader in your prologue as to your method/technique. I did have to stop a couple of times and wonder why the character was using the wrong name, I thought it was a typo, until I realized what you were doing. That being said, it ultimately does not detract from an awesome story.

What makes this story so wonderful, are the thoughts, the conversation topics and the discussion of human nature, in regards to love and sexuality. For me, just describing a sex scene without knowing why the characters do what they do, what motivates them, and how they respond to their circumstances is what makes a story. You’ve done a wonderful job with all of that. Fleshing out a character’s emotional content is what separates a great story from written porno. Authors who engage the reader’s mind on Literotica are far and few between. Finding new authors I hadn’t known about, such as yourself, is what keeps me coming back to Literotica even when I get exasperated with all the poorly written stories. It makes the search worth the time invested. Kudos yukonnights. Keep up the good work, write on…

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Very good great read fantasy dream

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Thank you for the beautiful amd loving exploration. This story I know touches on so many of us with thoughts amd fantastically of the readers of bi literotica. So many society taboos surrounding bi and gay men. It is writing like yours that help those of us that have not been able to open up to our spouse, or been unable to convince a spouse, or been unable to explore our bisexual fantasies. Thank you. Hopefully some day my spouse will open up to the idea of another man in our life. One can hope for her enlightenment as the three of you discovered. .

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Fantastically done! I will read more of you work!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I loved your story. I feel like you tapped into my life, emotionally and physically.

Keep writing please.

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