Camp Natural


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"All done," Elena said and walked away from Haley. Haley stood there for a few seconds with her eyes closed. Cameron wanted to ask her if she was ok, but he didn't want to intrude on whatever moment she was having. When she opened her eyes, Cameron saw a look in them that he hadn't seen before. "Let's get going," Elena called out and started to walk down the path.

As they walked, Elena told them about the various plants they passed, what kind of animals could be seen out here, and some more about the camp's history. Cameron and Haley were walking directly behind Elena, with the two girls and two guys in the middle, and the couple who seemed unable to detach from one another bringing up the rear. Cameron hung on every word that Elena said. He loved hearing her talk and how knowledgeable she was. He loved to see her walk too, the way her toned legs flexed, and how her ample ass bounced with each step. Cameron did his best to make sure that Haley didn't catch him checking Elena out. He wondered if she would care if she did notice him. They barely knew each other, so it wasn't like they were dating. Cameron remembered how quiet she had been earlier when she had first walked up to him, and Elena talking and decided it would be best to be cautious.

The couple in the back was in their own world, and once the two guys noticed that Elena was cold to their advances, they had started to try and flirt with the pair of girls, so Elena seemed to be only talking to Haley and Cameron. Haley would ask Elena questions occasionally about the animals and woods, and Elena would answer her. They started to get into discussions about different wildlife, and Cameron felt a little left out, the more advanced their conversations got. Still, it was nice seeing the two of them talk so animatedly about something that they cared about.

It seemed that Haley must have picked one of the most challenging hiking trails yesterday because this trail was wide and only had a slight incline to it. Cameron's legs started to protest when they were about halfway done, but by this point, he was beginning to get used to the pain, and if he didn't overdo it, he would be able to ignore it. Cameron jinxed himself because the last half of the trail started to slope downward. Each step jarred his knees, and Cameron cursed himself for being so out of shape. His metabolism had always kept him slim, but maybe he should try and pick up a weight now and then. He had seen that his college of choice had a state-of-the-art gym that was open to all students. At the time, he had thought he would never use it, but now he promised he would take advantage of it.

Elena turned them from the main path to a side one. The trail started to get smaller as the trees and overgrowth cluttered onto it, giving them shade but also obscuring their view. Cameron was beginning to feel claustrophobic as they continued to press in around him. From down in the direction of the path, Cameron started to hear flowing water. The sound grew louder with each step. They had to crouch as the tree's branches grew over the path. They came to a point where the trail was completely covered up with overhanging branches. Elena led the way and went first and then held a branch up for Haley to follow. Haley went under and then held it up for Cameron. Cameron stayed back to keep the branch to the side so that the others could pass under more easily. The others thanked him as they moved under. Cameron had to pass under a few more branches to catch up. Cameron ducked under one final one, and then suddenly, he found himself in the middle of a wide-open clearing with a swimming hole in the middle. To his right, the swimming hole was fed by a small waterfall that cascaded into the pool of water. Some of it escaped down into a narrow stream, but more water entered then what left. Since the water was continually flowing, it was nearly crystal clear.

Cameron took his place next to Haley as they all admired the beauty of this hidden place.

"The water is fed by the melting runoff from the mountains to the north that takes months to fully melt, so this pool is constantly being filled year-round. I hope you all brought your bathing suits," Elena joked.

They broke into the same groups that they had been walking in. Each group found their own side of the pool. The pool was around the size of a swimming pool, so they had enough room for each group to mostly be on its own. The pair of guys climbed up onto the edge where the waterfall was, which was about 15 feet up, and then they jumped. When they emerged, they were sputtering and cursing about how cold the water was. Everyone laughed.

"I told you guys that the water is snowmelt from the mountains, of course, it is cold," Elena said. While the guys swam in the pool, the pair of girls decided to suntan on the lush grass. The girl from the couple went to dip her toe into the water, and she squealed at how cold it was, her boyfriend saw his opportunity and went to push her in. She sensed what he was about to do a second before it happened. She didn't have enough time to avoid the shove, but she was able to grab onto her boyfriend and drag him in with her. The two emerged from the water and cried out about how cold the water was.

Haley saw Cameron watching what had just happened, and then how he looked at her. "Don't even think about it," she said.

Elena held out her hands for Haley and Cameron, "Lets jump in together?" They each took one of Elena's hands. "On three, we go," Elena said. They stood five feet away from the pool and counted. On three, they ran forward and jumped into the pool. Cameron had closed his eyes right before they hit the water, but the cold of it shocked them back open. Elena and Haley sunk into the water beside him, bubbles floating up with their bodies as the stretched upward and started to swim to the surface. Cameron wished that the icy water was cold enough to freeze time itself so that he could continue to take in the images of their nude bodies swimming up, and the sunlight shining down through the water on top of them. Cameron would have never been able to experience anything as surreal as this moment if he had stayed home, or if he had left earlier.

Haley and Elena made it up to the surface ahead of Cameron. He admired their legs kicking back and forth and the brief flashes of their pussies or asses as they turned in the water, and then he shot up to the surface too, exclaiming just like all the others about how cold the water was.

Once Cameron started to get used to the chilly water, he found that it was doing wonders to soothe the aching in his muscles. At first, everyone stayed in their little groups. Cameron had fun splashing around and horse playing with Elena and Haley. They got into water fights and took turns shoving each other under the water. At first, Cameron felt awkward touching them, but he started to relax the more they grabbed at him. Haley and Elena ended up making a secret alliance and worked together to dunk Cameron as often as possible. Cameron protested faintly as the two girls wrestled with him, their soft breasts and stiff nipples pressing against him.

Cameron was glad for how cold the water was, for a while his mind was still thinking sexual thoughts, the chill of the water stifled the growth of his erection, but there was a couple of times where he found himself getting hard, and it would press against the girls, so he had to break away from them to cool down. Of course, they didn't let him retreat and seemed to jump on him even more.

After about thirty minutes, the two girls that were sunbathing hopped into the water, and Elena managed to get everyone together to play some pool games. Cameron ended up being it first in a game of Marco Polo. Even though he promised not to peak, Elena still insisted on tying her camp counselor scarf over his face to blindfold him. Cameron couldn't remember the last time that he played this game. He did his best to tag someone, but every time he felt like he was closing in on someone, they would manage to get away from him. Cameron did his best to listen around him for splashing, but the constant dripping from the waterfall made it difficult at first, but the longer he was blindfolded, the better he was able to tune out the sound of the waterfall and listen around him for the splashes.

Cameron kept on coming up just a little short every time he went after someone. Ready to finally be free of being it, the next time Cameron heard a splash in the water, Cameron swam furiously and reached out. Knowing that some of them kept on ducking under the water and kicking off the sides to get past him, Cameron reached down under the water and finally touch someone. Cameron was ecstatic that he caught someone, but as they swam past him, he realized that he had fully groped someone. Cameron was mortified.

Cameron heard someone break onto the surface of the water, and then Elena said, "Well, looks like you finally got me." Her voice didn't sound upset at all. Cameron heard hear swim up to him, and then she started to untie his blindfold. When Cameron could finally see again, he saw just how close Elena was to him, a whole lot closer than what was needed to untie it. Elena smiled at him and then turned around. She looked over her shoulder at him. "Can you blindfold me?" Elena asked.

Cameron took the blindfold from Elena and started to tie it around her eyes. Elena drifted back against him, pressing her ass against his *semi-erection. Cameron fumbled with tying the knot. Elena pressed harder against him.

"Having trouble?" she asked in a husky voice. Cameron finished tying the knot, and then they resumed playing the game. They played Marco Polo for a bit and then switched over to sharks in the water, allowing Cameron to get a good look at the different girl's asses as they stood at the edge of the water facing away. Cameron couldn't remember the last time he had this much fun doing something as simple yet pleasurable as playing pool games with others.

After an hour of swimming, they all lay in the grass to dry. The warmth of the sun after the cold of the water relaxed Cameron and nearly caused him to doze off as he lay with Elena and Haley, talking about their lives back in the world with clothing and what they planned on doing after summer ended. Cameron found himself talking more and more, becoming almost as comfortable with Elena as he was with Haley. On the walk back to camp, everyone seemed closer, talking to each other and joking about how the games had gone in the pool. Cameron felt bad for being so judgmental about the two jocks. The more time he spent near them, he realized that yeah, they were a bit loud, but they were not that bad. They made it back to camp a little after two pm. Elena asked if Haley and Cameron wanted to go and get lunch with her in the mess hall. Haley answered yes for both of them.

Lunch was burgers, hot dogs, and fries, and it was delicious. After all of the swimming and hiking, Cameron was famished, and he heaped his plate full of food twice. When Haley gave him a look at his second helping Cameron shrugged. "What? I'm hungry," he said. As Cameron ate, the girls mostly talked to one another, occasionally whispering. Sometimes Cameron would catch one or both of them staring, and then they would quickly avert their eyes. Under their gaze, Cameron felt even more exposed than when he first walked out of his cabin in the nude.

As Cameron ate, he realized how comfortable he was becoming with being naked in front of others like this. He hadn't even had any anxiety when he had gone to get his second plate of food. Normally in class, it would have taken him minutes to work up the courage to walk across the room to sharpen his pencil or throw away some trash, yet here he was able to walk across a full mess hall while being naked without half of the anxiety. Cameron hadn't expected to get into the nudist lifestyle, he had just been curious, but now he could see the appeal to it.

Cameron was glad that the first thing they did after their hike and all that swimming with Elena was to attend a bracelet making class. Cameron wasn't super interested in making bracelets, but he was just happy to be doing something that let him sit down for once. The camp counselor showed the group several different ways to make the knots and how to weave the string, making it look straightforward, but once they picked out their colored strings and started to try it out, Cameron had trouble even getting it started. Haley scooted closer to him and showed him how to do it, her fingers moving deftly. After a couple more poor starts that lead to the whole thing coming unraveled, Cameron was finally able to get his bracelet started. If he could get over the frustration of his hands not being able to do the movements correctly, he could see the appeal in doing crafts like this. It did allow him to calm his mind as he focused on the threads. Haley finished her bracelet in almost half the time that it took Cameron to get his done. Cameron compared his bracelet to Haley's. Hers was perfectly made, while he had numerous irregular patches where he hadn't tightened the string down correctly.

"Let's trade," Haley said.

"What, why?" Cameron asked.

"I think it would be kind of nice, you know if we made them for each other. Plus, I tried to warn you that you weren't making your bracelet big enough. I doubt it could fit on your wrist," Haley said. To prove her wrong, Cameron tied it around his wrist. It was painful and dug into his skin.

"I was able to get it to fit," Cameron said and held his wrist in front of her face.

"Are you really going to risk losing circulation to your hand and having your hand amputated just to prove me wrong?"

"Maybe," Cameron said, but even though he had just put the bracelet on a few seconds ago, he could already feel his fingers tingling. With Haley's help, he was able to remove his bracelet. Haley tied hers around his wrist. It was a perfect fit, and Cameron tied his around her wrist. Cameron doubted that the bracelet would survive until the end of camp.


Over the next week, Cameron fell into a nice routine at Camp Natural with Haley and Elena. From the moment they woke up, they would get ready, go to breakfast, and then do different camp activities together. They did numerous activities that Elena oversaw and hung out with her during meals and her downtime. Every day Cameron became increasingly comfortable with being nude and being around the two girls. Cameron knew that he was crushing hard on Haley; every day he spent with her, he found himself liking her more and more, but he was feeling conflicted. Cameron found himself being increasingly drawn to Elena too. He loved her fiery attitude and how confident she was. She seemed to be flirting with Cameron increasingly, but it was hard for him to tell if it was genuine or was just how her personality was. She loved to tease him and see him squirm.

Sometimes when Haley joined in, Cameron felt like he had the world's most attractive bullies. He thought that maybe one or both girls liked him, but he had misread signs before. Cameron didn't want to try and make a move, only to realize that he was misreading things and end up making things awkward between them. Cameron was enjoying Haley's company so much that he didn't want to do anything to cause him to lose his camp buddy. Cameron still worried about what he was going to do but decided to try and not dwell on it like he usually would and to just try and enjoy his time with the girls.

Friday, he went on a late-night hike with Haley again. Haley and Cameron had spent every day together. With how much time they had spent together and all that they had talked about, Cameron felt like he was closer with Haley then any of his friends back home. He had never been able to talk about his problems with anyone else before.

The hike seemed easier this time after a week full of physical activity. Cameron's body was still sore and repairing itself from all of the activities that he was doing with Haley, but it also felt stronger now. Cameron could work through the pain better, and he breathed the woody mountain air easier.

They made it to their secret overlook spot above the lake and camp. They had thought ahead this time, and Cameron had a backpack full of supplies. They laid a blanket down on the broad flat rock where they had sat together on their first night. Cameron had also packed them dinner and some drinks since they had planned on missing dinner tonight. They ate together. Cameron felt the tension between them. Haley had been acting weird all day, frequently looking lost in thought and distracted. She seemed nervous around Cameron, which was odd since she had always seemed so confident around him. Cameron wondered if it was something he did and hoped that if it was his fault, he could fix it and make sure that this night between them went smoothly.

They ate their dinner and then stared up at the stars. Cameron had been reading online about astronomy. Now Cameron knew a good amount more of the names of the constellation and their star configurations, but that knowledge didn't translate too well yet to spotting them in the sky. Haley seemed impressed with the small amount that he had learned since they were last up there.

There was a cold breeze, and Haley shivered. Cameron scooted close to Haley and wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer. Haley rested her head on Cameron's shoulder and then reached over to hold Cameron's hand. Their hands were clasped on her thigh. They sat in silence, enjoying the stars and moonlight, and the way that they reflected on the lake below. Cameron started to feel nervous. He had been waiting for the perfect time to make his move on Haley. Cameron had several other opportunities where it seemed perfect to tell her how he was starting to feel about her and how he wanted her. At every one of those past opportunities, he had kept his mouth shut.

Cameron was scared to do something to push away Haley because he valued her friendship too much. He always told himself that there would be plenty of time to try and make his move later. If they got to know each other better, it would hopefully increase her chances of liking him even more. Cameron knew this was true, but he also knew that he was just using that as an excuse to wait for the perfect time. He knew that there was no such thing, it was now, or he would procrastinate the rest of their time at the camp.

Cameron looked down at Haley's moonlit face. "Haley, I..."

"Look," Haley said and pointed up. Above them was a meteor shower streaking through the beautiful sky. "Wow, it's so beautiful," Haley said.

Cameron looked down from the stars at Haley. Now, Cameron thought. "Not as beautiful as you," Cameron said.

Haley looked at him with surprise. Cameron put a finger under her chin and gently guided her to arch her mouth up, and then he lowered slowly for a kiss. Haley quickly closed the distance. It felt amazing but was a little awkward at first for both of them. When the topic of dating had come up before, Haley had confessed that she had never dated anyone before. Cameron had confessed the same thing, but not that he had never been kissed before. Their first kiss was sweet and tender, and they continued to hold hands during it. Haley parted her lips a little, and their kiss deepened. When Haley broke off the kiss, they were both panting. Haley had that smoldering look in her eyes. Cameron had seen that look a couple of times when they had been in contact a lot, or when Elena teased them with her body.

Cameron was about to say something, but when he opened his mouth, she kissed him again. They sat there under the stars making out for a lost amount of time. Cameron had a raging erection the whole time, and he wanted to relieve himself desperately. The urge to try and explore Haley's body was overwhelming, but Cameron forced himself to be content with these first kisses. They still had weeks left together, and Cameron wanted to make sure he enjoyed every moment with Haley. When they were done kissing, Haley let out a contented sigh, and they cuddled for a bit longer on the rock, looking up at the stars. Cameron wished that they could stay all night at their spot, and after the fact, he realized that they could have done exactly that. All Cameron had to do was get one of the tents loaned out from the camp supplies. Next time, Cameron told himself, we are going to stay here all night.
