Camp Natural


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During high school, when things would get to be too much, Haley would look up different nudist communities and fantasize about what it would be like to live like that all the time, just being completely free. It was during one of these searches in the middle of senior year that Haley discovered Camp Natural. Her parents were hounding her again about her body and what she wanted to go to school for. They wanted her to go to the same religious college that they had met at. Haley's mom always pointed out how she needed to meet a good Christian man, and going to that college would lead to that. Haley had gotten a scholarship to the college near Camp Natural, it had a fantastic science department. When Haley said that she was going to be going to that college, her parents wouldn't stop yelling. If Haley didn't go to the college that they wanted, then they wouldn't help her at all to pay for school. Haley said, 'fine then' and stormed up to her room and slammed her door. Haley went to her computer and did her usual searches and fantasies, and this time she found Camp Natural. Haley couldn't imagine staying the entire summer at home if this was how it was going to be. She signed up for Camp Natural and then cried herself to sleep. When Haley woke up, she saw that she had been accepted.

"Hello, Earth to Haley," Elena said as she jumped onto the bed.

Haley stirred from her thoughts. "Yeah, sorry, I was just lost in my thoughts," Haley said.

"Geeze, I guess that is going around," Elena joked.

Haley smiled at Elena. Haley was loving her time at Camp Natural, but especially since she had met Cameron and Elena. Haley gazed at Elena's body. "What?" Elena asked.

"Nothing. Come on, let's get ready."

They sat side by side on the bench in front of Elena's vanity mirror as they got ready. It was a tight squeeze, but they were able to make it work since Haley was left-handed, and Elena was a righty.

Haley got that warm feeling in her lower stomach that she always got when she was around Cameron and Elena. Haley would have to be blind to not find Elena attractive, her skin was flawless, and she loved her light brown skin. Back home, there weren't a lot of Hispanic people, and Haley loved her exotic look and the way she had a slight accent. Haley was jealous of Elena's curves. It seemed like Haley spent so much time waiting on the puberty fairy to give her a bigger set of tits, but it never happened. Haley even loved the way Elena smelled. Then Haley remembered how Cameron had smelled different earlier when she had hugged him.

"Elena, Can I ask you a question?" Haley asked.

"You just did," Elena said smugly as she curled up her eyelashes.

"Real mature," Haley said. "I noticed earlier that Cameron smelled different."

"Different how?" Elena asked.

"He smelled like you," Haley said. Haley felt guilty about saying the words, but also weird. She didn't want to ask her if anything happened between them, or to accuse Elena of something. As much as she liked Cameron, they had just had their first kiss the night before.

Elena tensed up. She thought about lying for a moment but realized she had nothing to lie about. "This morning, I happened to go and take a shower at the same time as Cameron, and I asked him if he could wash my back, one thing lead to another and we ended up fooling around in there. We didn't do much, but after, he stayed and took a shower with me, and I wouldn't let him leave me to go grab his shower stuff, and I just let him use mine," Elena said.

"Oh," Haley said and then got quiet.

Elena knew that Haley was upset. "Look, I like him, I know you guys might have some kind of will-they-or-won't-they thing building up. After it happened, he got quiet, I think he feels bad about it. I told him that if the two of you end up being together, then I don't mind stepping back from trying to be with him. I love spending time with the both of you," Elena said. She put her hand over Haley's balled up one that she had been resting on her thigh. "I think I might be the reason why he is so upset, so I wanted us to try and cheer him up tonight."

"Last night, Cameron and I went to the place out on the hiking trail that we went to our first night here, and it was so perfect. We were looking up at the constellations, and then there was a meteor shower overhead. He said I was beautiful, and he kissed me," Haley said.

"That sounds perfect," Elena said, wishing that she had been in Haley's place, or maybe even in Cameron's.

"Yeah. But I guess it wasn't enough for him. He was upset today, and I thought it was from last night, maybe he regretted kissing me or something. And then I found out he did 'stuff' with you this morning, I guess now he is regretting it when he could be with you instead," Haley said with tears in her eyes.

"What do you mean by that?" Elena asked.

"Elena, you are so beautiful and perfect, any guy would die to be with you. You have seen how often Cameron checks you out, even after a week of constantly seeing your naked body, he still can't get enough of you. Why would he want to be with a flat-chested pale girl like me, when he could be with you?"

"Haley, the boy likes you a lot. I wish that he would look at me with the same look in his eyes that he looks at you with. And you have spent more time with him then I have, and I still catch him checking you out because you are beautiful," Elena said.

"I'm not, I am awkward looking, and no one would want-"

Elena interrupted Haley with a kiss. It was a quick one, and then Elena pulled back.

"Why, why did you do that," Haley said barely above a whisper.

"Because you are beautiful, and I have wanted to do that since we met," Elena confessed.

"You have?" Haley asked.

"Of course I have. My teasing wasn't just towards Cameron," Elena said.

"I thought you just liked to flaunt your body a little bit more than others," Haley said.

"I do, but only for the people who I like," Elena said.

"So, are you bisexual?" Haley asked.

"I kind of don't like labels, but I do find both some women and some men attractive, so yeah, if you had to, you could say that," Elena said.

"Last night with Cameron, that was my first kiss," Haley confessed.

Elena was surprised by this. She would have thought that such a cute girl like Haley would have had at least a few boyfriends. "Wait, so this was your first time kissing a girl?" Elena asked.

"Yeah, back home, my parents are kind of super religious, and they never let me date, so the thought of being with a girl was even more out of the picture," Haley said.

"But you like girls too," Elena asked.

"I wasn't sure. I would notice when a girl was cute or dressed in a revealing way, and I was curious, but I never got to experiment," Haley said.

"Did kissing Cameron feel good?" Elena asked.


"Did kissing me feel good?"

"Yeah," Haley said.

Elena squeezed her hand, "See, as long as it feels good and you are comfortable with it, then you shouldn't be afraid to explore your sexuality. Your parents aren't going to always be around you, so you should start trying to figure out who you are," Elena said. "I had doubts about my sexuality, so I experimented to see what I liked rather than suppressing my feelings."

"But," Haley said.

"But what? Elena asked.

"Cameron and I kissed a lot last night, and our kiss was short, so it is kind of hard for me to compare them," Haley said coolly.

"Ok, so how do we make it even so that you can compare them better?" Elena asked.

"We could kiss some more," Haley suggested.

"I'm game," Elena said. Haley slowly leaned forward for the kiss. At the last moment, Elena leaned back, forcing Haley to chase for the kiss. As Haley leaned forward, Elena decided to stop being mean and pressed her lips to Haley's. At first, the kiss was a little awkward, but Haley got such a thrill out of it. Haley couldn't believe that she was kissing another girl, especially one that was so beautiful and amazing. Their kiss deepened, allowing Haley to feel even more of Elena's warm, soft lips.

Haley moaned into their kiss as the warmth from her arousal spread from their kiss down to her pussy. The heat then seemed to radiate throughout her body, causing her whole body to hum with pleasure. They wrapped their arms around each other as the kiss continued to intensify. Elena bit at Haley's lower lip and then sucked on it, causing her to moan again. Haley tried to do it back, but she was much too gentle about it. Elena did it again, this time sucking harder on her lip. Haley was a fast learner, and she got the hint. The next time Haley sucked on Elena's lip, she did it harder, just like how Elena liked it. Elena broke the kiss, and the two sat with their heads tilted and were resting their foreheads against each other. They were both breathing heavily as they gazed into each other's arousal-glazed eyes.

"So, what did you think?" Elena asked.

"It felt good in different ways. Your lips are a lot softer than Cameron's are, and you were gentler," Haley said.

"For now," Elena said. Elena stood up from the bench. Haley's eyes widened; Elena's pussy was right in front of her face. Haley could see the slight parting of her cleft and her light brown outer lips. She could see some moisture coating her lips. For a second, Haley was both thrilled and scared that Elena planned on thrusting forward so that Haley could kiss Elena's other set of lips for the first time. Haley could smell the intoxicating scent of Elena's sex. She imagined what it would be like to have her mouth pressed against Elena's womanhood, how would it feel and taste to kiss and lick along Elena's tight pussy. Haley wanted to see how accurate her imagination was, and she started to slowly lean forward. Elena must not have seen Haley's subtle movement, because Elena lead Haley to her bed instead. Haley was both relieved and saddened that she hadn't been able to do what she had been building up the courage to do. Maybe that might be too much too soon, Haley thought, but she still wanted it.

They fell into the bed beside each other; Elena was already kissing Haley before they could settle onto the bed from their bouncing onto it. They held each other tightly as they continued to make out. Elena started to run her hands up and down Haley's body. Elena left quakes of pleasure in the wake of her touch. Haley started to do the same thing as she hesitantly explored another girl's body for the first time. Elena trailed a hand up the back of Haley's thighs, causing Haley to tremble with anticipation. When Elena finally grabbed Haley's ass, Haley let out a loud moan into their kiss. With Haley's mouth parted, Elena pressed her tongue into Haley's mouth. Haley clumsily tried to meet Elena's tongue with her own, but she couldn't focus with how much was going on.

Haley had a hand pressed on Elena's hip, and she slowly inched it upward. Elena decided to speed things along and grabbed Haley's hand, guiding it up and pressing Haley's hand against her tit. Haley lightly probed Elena's tit. Elena pressed Haley's hand more firmly against her, but Haley didn't get the hint.

"You can touch me harder, I won't break," Elena said. Haley tried, but it was still too gentle for how turned on Elena was. Elena decided to show Haley how to do it on her. While Elena cupped Haley's tit, Elena started to touch Haley's tits too but was cupping them more confidently, and she started to roll Haley's nipple between her fingers and then pull on it. Haley moaned and pressed her body against Elena. Haley started to play with Elena's tits with more force and confidence.

Elena positioned her thigh so that it was against Haley's pussy, and then she started to rub against it. Haley let out a moan and shuddered in pleasure at the contact. Haley shifted her thigh and then started to press it against Elena's pussy. Elena let out a moan, this time Haley pushed her tongue into Elena's mouth. Elena pressed again against Haley, and her thigh pressed right up against Haley's clit. Haley cried out at the sudden bolt of pleasure.

Haley's whole body felt like a raging fire as she was turned on from so many points of pleasure at once. Haley reached the point of no return, each sensation brought her closer to her orgasm. Elena was panting heavily too. With a loud gasp, Haley's orgasm hit her, causing her whole body to stiffen. Elena started to grind even harder against Haley.

"Oh fuck," Elena called out as she rapidly humped Haley's thigh. Haley's body relaxed, and she lay sprawled out on the bed. Elena tried to continue to ride Haley's thigh as her orgasm hit, but it became too much, and Elena collapsed into the bed beside Haley. Haley was looking up at the wall as she enjoyed the euphoric release of her orgasm. Haley couldn't believe it, she just had her first sexual encounter, and it was with a girl. Haley knew thinking of it as a sexual encounter was weird, but that was the best way she could think of it at the time.

Elena rested her hand on Haley's stomach and gently traced a finger along her chest and breasts. Haley turned towards Elena and wrapped her arms around her waist so that there was still some space between them.

Elena grabbed one of Haley's hands and brought it up to her mouth for a kiss. "So, how was it?" Elena asked as she trailed light kisses along Haley's fingers.

"It felt amazing. You felt amazing," Haley said. Elena was about to say something to tease Haley about how she seduced her, but Haley interrupted her by kissing her. The kiss was earnest and sensual, and while it was missing the sexual charge from before, Elena was surprised by how passionately Haley was kissing her. It was Elena who was left breathless by their kiss this time. Haley smiled. "Come on, we have to finish getting ready to meet up with Cameron," Haley said as she got out of bed.

"Yeah, you're right," Elena said. As Haley moved back to the bench, Elena couldn't take her eyes off of the petite girl. Elena had always thought that Haley was beautiful, but she looked even more alluring now that her hair was messy, she was a little sweaty, and her skin had a lovely flush to it. Elena liked both guys and girls, but there was just something more enticing to her about being around a girl who she had just been intimate with. Elena climbed out of bed and took her spot beside Haley on the bench. They took a little longer to get ready because they kept on caressing and kissing each other.


Cameron went to Elena's cabin as the sun was setting. He still felt conflicted about his two possible relationships, but at the same time, he told himself he should be happy to have this problem. Cameron did briefly think about trying to get with both girls at the same time, but he knew how dumb that would be to try. Cameron knocked on the door and repeated the mantra that had been playing on repeat the entire walk from his cabin to Elena's. Give it another day or so, get to know both of them a little better, make a choice, and try to keep them all friends after. When broken down into steps like this, it made Cameron feel a bit better about his situation. All I am going to have to do is pick one of them, Cameron thought.

The door opened, and Elena and Haley stood in the doorway. Cameron's jaw dropped, Elena and Haley both looked amazing with their hair done and makeup. Cameron always thought of Haley as cute and beautiful, but now with how she looked, the words hot and sexy popped into his head. Haley never wore much makeup before this around Cameron, so he wasn't expecting this. Elena looked even more sexy than usual. Cameron was worried; he already had a hard enough time before when being around her.

"So, what do you think?" Haley asked. Cameron fumbled for words.

"I think that means he likes your makeover," Elena said,

Cameron told himself to hurry up and say something. "You look great," he said to Haley. A smile lit up Haley's face. Cameron turned to Elena. "Both of you look beautiful." Elena smiled at his compliment. Cameron felt a thrill at making both of them smile.

Haley hugged Cameron. Cameron felt that same sexual thrill and comfort when he was pressed against her. Cameron wished that he could ask Haley for more hugs to help calm him down more. Elena handed Cameron the rolled blankets to carry while she carried the small basket of snacks for the movie. They walked down the path towards the large grass clearing that was used for outdoor gatherings. There was a big tarp set up at the end of the clearing. There were about twenty minutes until the movie started. They found a spot to sit in the back of the clearing. They set up their area and sat down to wait. Cameron sat down, and the girls sat down on either side of him. Being stuck in the middle of them as they talked, and Elena teased both of them felt normal to Cameron, and he found his stress melting away again. Seeing how close the three of them had become, Cameron started to lose his fear that if he started dating one of them, it would cause a rift in their friendship if he was honest and upfront about his feelings.

Cameron didn't think it was the best time to say this, but he didn't think that there would ever be a perfect time for saying something like this. Cameron scooted back a little so he could see both of them better. "Hey guys," Cameron said to them to get their attention. Both girls turned to look at Cameron.

"I don't know the best way to say this, so I'm just going to try my best. I like both of you, I enjoy the time we spend together. I know we haven't known each other for a long time, but I am more comfortable with you two than with anyone back home. The last thing I would want to do is something that would hurt you and break up our friendship," Cameron said.

"We know that," Haley said and reassuringly held onto Cameron's hand.

"While I think I did do exactly that. Elena, last night Haley and I had our first kiss, and Haley, this morning, Elena and I ended up in the shower together, and some things happened between us. I really like both of you, but I feel terrible about doing something with both of you. It isn't fair if I'm intimate one moment with one of you, and then, later, I'm with the other one," Cameron said.

"None of us are dating," Elena said.

"I know, but what if I want to date one of you if you would date me? I don't want to be in the habit of doing things behind your back if I am trying to work up to being in a relationship," Cameron said.

"Who would you want to go out with?" Haley asked.

"I like both of you a lot, so I honestly don't know right now, I was going to give myself a couple of days to think about it, but I didn't want to keep on trying to keep this secret inside of me, it was tearing me apart," Cameron said.

"We knew about it," Haley said.

"Know about what?" Cameron asked.

"The kiss," Elena said.

"About what happened in the shower," Haley said.

"Oh," Cameron said.

"You know how close Haley and I are. We talk, and sometimes we talk about you, and we already talked to each other about it," Elena said.

Cameron's mind snagged on that point for a moment, they talk about him? "So, you aren't mad?" Cameron asked.

"I was at first," Haley said, "but I had to remember that we are not dating, and we never talked about being exclusive. While I was a bit jealous, I can see how you could have fallen to Elena's charms, she is hard to resist." A smile passed between them. "Better her than with some random girl from the camp."

"Can you give us a few minutes alone so that we can talk?" Elena asked Cameron.

"Sure," Cameron said and got up. Cameron realized that he had to use the restroom, so he walked deep into the woods to take a piss. Cameron didn't need to go as deep into the woods as he did, but he liked the extra bit of privacy and needed the extra time to think. Him confessing had gone a lot better than he had expected, Cameron thought that he would have been pelted with hits or at the very least some harsh words from one or both of them. They had both known about Cameron having an intimate moment with the other girl, yet they had been trying to cheer him up all day. Cameron felt a bit selfish that he had been wallowing in his guilt and self-pity and that he had let that get in the way of him having a good day with his friends. Haley was the one that Cameron was the most worried about hurting. While she seemed confident in her nudist lifestyle, she seemed vulnerable when it came to dating. Elena seemed strong all around, but sometimes Cameron wondered if that was just an act.
