Can He Trust His Wife Ch. 02

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The truth comes out, did his wife cheat on him?
2.7k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 11/30/2021
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Can he trust his wife Ch.02


(Writers Note: Okay here is Chapter.02. Once again just a warning if you are looking for a sexfest or cuckolding or wife swapping look elsewhere.)

I woke up still sitting in my chair. My throat was dry from the amount of alcohol I had drunk. I stood up and stretched, I heard something make a cracking sound, I hoped it wasn't anything important.

I looked around and saw my phone flashing at me, I looked and saw it was my wife wishing me good morning saying she was once again sorry and that she was driving home to talk about our marriage.

I went into the bathroom showered, shaved and took two paracetamol to help my head, I made myself a coffee and then closed my eyes, okay time to sort this shit out.

I picked up my phone and dialed my brother's number after two rings, he picked up.

"Darren, did you fuck my wife? Think carefully before you answer." I said in a calm but cold voice.

"Umm yes, yes I did, and she loved it, she kept telling me how much better than you I was, and how she will never be satisfied with you ever again." He almost shouted out that last part.

"Darren, listen to me carefully, have you any proof of you fucking my wife?" again in the same cold voice.

"Yes, yes I have, she wanted to film it so I can show it to you later. Gary, she is one hot fuck, I should have nailed her before." He was getting excited.

"Okay, Darren two thing's, I don't believe you and I am going to give you a head start. It will take me 30 minutes to get to our parent's house. If you are there I will beat the shit out of you, if you are not there I will find you and beat the shit out of you, your choice."

I heard a sharp intake of breath, "Come on Gary, she is just a bitch in heat, you didn't satisfy her and I did, you can still have her I don't mind sharing."

"I'm in my car now and will be at the house in 25 minutes, I hope you stay where you are and you make my life easy." I was in my car and was making good time on the motorway.

I disconnected and dialed my wife's number, she picked up immediately on her hands free.

"Gary, my love I'm halfway home we need to sort this out. I should have never run away, I'm so sorry my love." I heard sobbing as she spoke.

"Carrie, I want you to try and focus on that night, what was the last thing you remember." I said still in my cold voice mode.

"I remember getting to the house, I remember greeting your parents and the other members of your family, I remember giving your parents a present, then helping your Mother with the cooking."

She paused obviously thinking about that day.

"We had dinner, I had a couple of beers, then I remember sitting on the sofa, then that's it, until the next morning." I could hear her sobs as she drove.

"So, that's it? Nothing more? No other recollection of the night?"

"Gary, honestly if I could remember anything I would tell you I promise you."

I could tell she was being honest, at least as much as I could through the phone.

"Carrie, I'm driving to my parents house why don't you join me?"

"Are you sure about this? What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to sort this shit out once and for all. Anyway, I'm almost there join me as soon as you can."

"Okay, Gary I'm on my way. Gary, take care of yourself be safe, I love you and don't want anything to happen to you."

We both disconnected so we could drive our cars and meet up at my parents house. I got there in record time and was pleased to see Darren's car still there. I parked outside the house in front of Darren's car.

I Sat in the car composing myself. And waited for my wife to turn up. Twenty minutes later her car pulled up behind mine. She climbed out of her Mazda Mx5 and waited for me to get out of my Ford Escort. She was dressed casually in a jumper and jeans and boots, but even so she looked beautiful.

She started to walk towards me with open arms, but I stopped her.

"Carrie, until I sort things out let's not hug or kiss or touch, if I get the answers I want then we can kiss and hug and do everything couple's do."

Carrie stepped backed and looked upset, but she accepted my idea.

"Okay Gary, just remember no matter what happens I love you and always will." She said this with conviction, and yes I believed she loves me.

"Carrie, I love you too, but if I get the wrong answers we are finished."

She nodded but had tears in her eyes. I turned and walked up the Path with her following me. As I got to the door my Mother, Rose, opened the door.

"Gary, don't do anything stupid, you don't want to hurt your brother." She said obviously trying to protect my brother.

"Mother, you have a choice, stand there and protect my arsehole brother or stand aside and let me speak to him. I promise I won't hurt him, much." I said in a calm voice.

For a moment I thought she would stop me. But she stepped aside, I sensed my wife following me. Darren was in an armchair watching TV he didn't take my threat seriously. I walked up to him grabbed his arm and threw him to the floor. I then used his arm to turn him so he was on his front.

"Now, Darren, let's play the question and answer game. I ask the questions you give me the answers, do you understand?"

He squeaked out a "Yes" as I pulled his arm.

"Good, now I asked you a question earlier about you fucking my wife, is the answer still yes?"

I kept up the pressure on his arm, I could feel his body starting to shake with the pain.

"Yes, yes I fucked your wife, and she loved it...."

He didn't finish the sentence as I stood up and pulled his arm with me, what I didn't expect was Carrie charging towards Darren and kicking him as hard as she could in the stomach, she did it three times. I'm sure I heard something break.

"Same question Darren, did you fuck my wife...?"

With tears in his eyes he shouted "No, I didn't, I wanted too and should have done, but NO I didn't fuck your wife, I just wanted you to split up and then maybe I would get a shot at her."

I let him go and as soon as I did Carrie again kicked him in the stomach then his balls.

"Carrie, enough, save your energy for later."

She stopped and looked at me with tears of relief, and anger.

"Gary, that piece of shit nearly succeeded in splitting us up, he deserves everything he gets."

"Yes he does, but I am done with this family."

I Looked at my former brother and then looked up at my ex Mother and ex Father, David, they were looking at Darren with shocked faces.

He was just laying there with his arm twisted at a funny angle and he was holding his stomach with his other arm where my wife had kicked him. My Father recovered first.

"Gary, get out of this house never ever come back, and take this slut with you."

I took two steps towards him and started to raise my fist. I was beyond angry now, all those years of put downs and disrespect from him in favour of Darren.

My Father could see my eyes were red and angry my Mother saw it too as did my wife. Between them they grabbed my arm and pulled me away.

"Okay, just before we leave, one last question, Darren, did you drug my wife's drink?"

He gingerly sat up against the sofa, he then briefly looked at our Father, then looked at me, "No, I didn't, the thought hadn't occurred to me I just thought she was drunk and passed out when I carried her upstairs."

Carrie and I looked at each other.

Carrie spoke first, "So, if you didn't drug me who did?"

Darren looked at my Father then quickly looked away, then looked at the floor. Something snapped in my head. No one could stop me as I punched my Father on the chin knocking him flat. He tried getting up again but surprisingly my Mother got to him first and slapped him so hard he fell back and just lay there stunned.

"You fucking son of a bitch, you have fucked up for the last time. You persuaded me to treat Darren better than Gary, I stupidly went along with it, all these years, no more. And now I find out you drugged our daughter in law just so our good for nothing son could fuck up Gary's marriage."

She slapped my Father again and shouted, "I have suffered enough in this marriage I might be too old to find a man again but I would rather be alone."

She then walked over to Darren and slapped him around the face. She then turned to me and went down on her knees, "Gary, please forgive me for treating you badly, I have been so stupid, I let my husband dictate my marriage and he convinced me you were not the son I wanted or the son to be proud of."

She looked up at me with tears in her eyes, to be fair to my Mother she never personally put me down, at least not to my face. She also didn't really deny me any affection she just gave Darren more affection.

Did she treat me badly? Not as much as my Father did. Hell, I'm a grown man I am who I am regardless of which parent liked me and which one didn't.

"Mum, get up and hug your son." I bent down and helped her up.

She maybe approaching 65 years of age, but she is still a striking woman and she appears stronger than I thought. She jumped up and hugged me. Then she let go and walked over to Carrie.

"Carrie I'm so sorry for all the shit we caused you, I can only imagine the stress we caused you. I do hope you and Gary can patch things up, he might not show it but he loves you very much and he would be lost without you. And just for the record he is the best son for me and I would think a good husband too."

She then turned to my Father and Darren.

"That's it, I have had enough of you two arseholes. Darren you can live anywhere but here get your stuff packed and leave this house. As for you David, this house was given to me by my parents its in my name. And I own this house, so tomorrow with Gary's help I will go to see a solicitor and start divorce proceedings. Our marriage is over, your good for nothing son can help you pack."

David, pulled himself up and was about to say something when me, my wife, and my Mother stepped towards him. He thought better of it and turned and walked upstairs Darren soon followed.

My Mother then flung herself at me and my wife and we hugged her. I looked at my wife and she looked back at me, something passed between us. All the fights and snipes and arguments were over, time for us to be a couple again.


Things moved quickly after that family meeting. My Mother moved out of her house and moved into a housing association for elderly people, it was near where my wife and I lived. Apparently she was having a great time. David and Darren are renting a cheap apartment in the north of the country, I don't know exactly where they live and I don't care they are both dead to me.

My Mother sold her house and split everything three ways, yes me, my wife and herself. Because the house sold at a decent price both Carrie and I could cut back on the hours we worked.

We stopped going out separately, if we ever went out we were a couple, even when her friends asked her out for a girls night out, Carrie made it clear I would be going too. The other husbands soon did the same and so it became couples nights out, marriages got better during those nights out.

Carrie and I worked out at the gym together and ran around the park and on the beach together. I cut back on my sport watching and spent quality time with my wife, we did things we both liked but also did things we each liked.

We went to watch the odd football game together, then we went to a play or a film we both liked, the bottom line was we talked to each other. We still argued occasionally and we still had passionate sex in the house and sometimes out of the house.

We went on holiday in hot places and Carrie did get hit on, hell I would be surprised if she didn't, she liked to wear sexy clothes and I didn't stop her, her clothes were never slutty and never showed too much. Of course her bikini showed off her body, but then every woman on the beach looked good in their bikinis.

But every time someone approached her she told them she was not interested in talking to them, when several men got too persistent we both made sure they got the message, Carrie has taken up kick boxing and unfortunately had to use her training when we went out to a nightclub in Greece. Even though I was there several young men tried their luck.

We continued to be a couple as much as we could, some of our friends joked we were too close, but honestly I did say to Carrie if she wanted her own space she could, but she declined saying she was having the best time of her life, I agreed with her.

Our marriage was back on track, our lives were back on track, I have a beautiful sexy wife who loves me and is happy to be with me. We still have fun having sex outside, once even got caught, and yes Carrie likes showing herself off, but its only for me and generally amongst our oldest and trusted friends.

Yes we are living well. My ex Father and ex Brother have not done well and are apparently struggling to pay the rent and live decent lives.

After the divorce most of my Mother's friends chose her side and now Darren and David are lonely bitter men. My Mother? Well she is having fun dating some of the men where she lives.

Life goes on but it's good for me and my wife. Yes I trust her, yes I believe she was faithful to me. Unbeknown to Carrie and my Mother I did eventually have a serious talk with Darren and David, my ex Father.

I asked them one simple question did either of them touch or fuck my wife, they both said no apart from when Darren undressed Carrie, they did plan too, both of them, but for some reason didn't do it that night, I couldn't help it I made sure both men had to go to the Dentist and have false teeth, after the swelling around their faces had gone down also Darren will never bother any woman again, his balls got damaged during our "discussion".

The end.

(Writers note: thank you for reading my story. Just in case there is speculation about Carrie getting fucked by Darren that night, its my story and in this story Darren did NOT fuck her. So in the context of the story I would trust her. There night be speculation that David and Darren could press charges against Gary, they could have but didn't. Equally Carrie could have pressed charges, but there would not be enough evidence.)

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RanDog025RanDog025almost 2 years ago

Good story! The kind I like, lol. Don't understand why your scores are so low. I'm working on that! 5 BIG FUCKING STARS!

Rancher46Rancher46almost 2 years ago

Again I love the story and the ending. 5/5

orion2bear2orion2bear2about 2 years ago

Wouldn't matter if woman was drugged it's rape her ability to say no taken away as surely as if she were helddown or tied up

AmbivalenceAmbivalenceabout 2 years ago

"Okay, just before we leave, one last question, Darren, did you drug my wife's drink?"

He gingerly sat up against the sofa, he then briefly looked at our Father, then looked at me, "No, I didn't, the thought hadn't occurred to me I just thought she was drunk and passed out when I carried her upstairs."

If he "just thought" she was drunk and didn't drug her, it meant he didn't *know* she was drugged...

But he gave his father a look... that didn't make sense unless he knew his father had planned to drug her at *some* point or knew his father had previously drugged women.

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