All Comments on 'Cancer'

by StangStar06

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BigJohn601BigJohn601about 13 years ago
Thank God for StangStar06 Thursday's Postings.

I just "knewed" it would be a great story.

2ndThoughts2ndThoughtsabout 13 years ago

You did it again Stang!

Only trouble - you never really totally forget the first love, especially when you go through so much together.

Of course, Kelly was/is just the right medicine...lucky guy!


chytownchytownabout 13 years ago
You forgot???

To say at the beginning.( Once upon A time) Good Read Thanks.

TXanyTXanyabout 13 years ago
Gave you a 4 because you hurt me....

It hurt to read this. So much pain and I kept waiting for the soothing pats of mom's hands to make it all better. That never happened and it's your fault that I feel so emotionally drained. Yeah, it deserves a five, but the two of them deserved to live happily ever after too....

jiminabjiminababout 13 years ago
Thank you

I thought this was really good. A very tough read for me but that makes you a good writer. I have had several cancer deaths in my family and your story is very poignant. But she didn't get it. She forgot that she was married. Thanks for a tough one. Top points. Jim

jiminabjiminababout 13 years ago

I forgot, sorry. But thank you for the minimal mustang crap. I love your stories but the car....?????????? A Heally 3000 maybe

hodunkhodunkabout 13 years ago

Thank you for another great starstang06 story. It is fantastic! What an author you are. Thank You for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
The last good 'stang

was made in the mid '70s. I have not owned one since 1976 model. So please quit saying how good they ones in your stories are. Oh yes my first one was a 2yr old '68 model.

C_frommnC_frommnabout 13 years ago
Another Great Story

As far as Mustangs early 60's Models were kick ass 70's Sucked..

and until recently they just Limped along.

I agree with you they are back on the Prowl again.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Liked the story, enjoy any year of the mustang and "fuck-off" the wimp writers!

Great story, easy to read and how refreshing "not to have to read about" some absolute slut, some bullshit authentic wishful thinking want-to-be stud and some ball-less wimp or fag like shoe-no-IQ. Very appreciative to this author for taking the time & effort to submit his work.

oldwayneoldwayneabout 13 years ago
Definitely Five Stars!

I have gotten to the point that I eagerly await your next posting. As long as you keep writing the kind of "quality" stories that you have been submitting, your following can only increase. Thank you for having the courage to follow what you know is right, when it comes to your story lines.

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichabout 13 years ago
A sad story in a way

Even though he found someone to love in Kelly, he had to suffer in so many ways before that happened.

A good read though, Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
My wife has cancer

We were very active in life and had two young children when she came down with cancer. After surgery, radiation, and two chemos, it was under control, three years later she was ruled cancer free. Then a year ago it came back and again radiation and now on second round of Chemo. It was stage IV first time and is again. She fights it and we share life. She has me and two young children to keep her focused on living. And she never has anywhere along the way given up on our love and her marriage. It was a good story and I know people that have basically lived that story. Nicely done but the husband was a bit dense.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
1976 Mustang?

Owned a variety of Mustangs over my 30 year driving history and those feeble post-oil embargo mid 70's Mustangs were an abomination. A 4-cylinder Mustang is like miniature golf, men's tennis (there is an oxymoron for you) or non-alcoholic beer.

In fact, those models should have been called "geldings" instead of Mustangs. Great story, keep writing.

livnthechilifelivnthechilifeabout 13 years ago
Missed you last week,

but this was worth the wait. As a woman, I may be the only person who didn't care for Kelly. Getting married the same day Ramona died was in bad taste, & I bet Kelly was the one to push for it. She seems manipulative & controlling. If I had the talent to write, my version of your story would be, chapter 2, Kelly isn't what she seems. But, you created a great story as usual. Thank you for taking time out of your life to entertain us with your amazingly creative stories. Read you next week.

StangStar06StangStar06about 13 years agoAuthor
Hi folks

For the people who wrote that they missed me last week. First thanks for saying it. It's good to be appreciated. But really I was kind of here. I did put out a story last week, and I think it was far better than this one. It's called Iraq, I ran. It is available on the other website that I post on but didn't make it on this one. My intention is to put out a piece evey week so if you don't see one here just check the other site. It would be unethical of me to mention the other site by name, but if you email me i'll list it. Or maybe someone else will mention it in their comments. If you do read it, please feel free to comment on it here, or email me. I'm always interested in what you have to say. Good or bad. In other news last week I read a comment by one of my heroes, Rehnquist, he mentioned that he was writing something and had 64 pages done, that truly freaked me out and altered my thinking. Right now I'm working on a piece which you may see soon, that is also kind of long and I'm trying to decided whether or not to break it up into two pieces. let me know what you think. See you next week. And thanks for reading. StangStar06

bruce22bruce22about 13 years ago
Your Females are very dislikable in this story

Kelly did not win me over by seducing him or placing a new marriage on the day after the funeral. I suspect that it is another case of out of the frying pan and into to the fire...

The plot was 5+ and clearly understandable, but the execution was a bit stilted and had to much syrup. But I am looking forward to the larger work you mentioned. Iraq, I ran was much better in m view even thought it is obvious why many people would find it offensive.

LazylonerLazylonerabout 13 years ago
interesting comments

I liked this story. Its one of the better ones you've put out Stangstar. Your plotting is getting stronger and you are putting thought into the characters.

I do disagree with the two commenters who didn't like Kelly for pushing for the marriage on the day that Ramona died. It is a big macabre, but reading the story its pretty clear that the marriage was long over even before the cancer came back to attack Ramona again. the only reason Kelly and the hero weren't already married was that the divorce had not happened at the time that Ramona's cancer returned. It might have been a bit more "proper" to wait a day or two, but I can't say that they were wrong to have the marriage quickly.

And I like that you didn't overdo the Mustang references. I understand that you want to sneak in a push for the car in eveyr story, but sometimes it seems to take over the story. Here it was simply a bit of color to a story about people who were more than simple words on a page.

The NavigatorThe Navigatorabout 13 years ago

Your character development was awesome. We could not only see but feel what was happening. A literary gift few have.

"You did not have cancer."

. . . .

"We had cancer."

That really hit home for me. I had never thought of it in that sense when my wife had a severe stroke 10 years ago. But I drove an hour each morning to be with her during her seven hours of rehab each day. I made detailed notes, helped the therapists, arranged outside support, and more or less operated on autopilot in order to be able to do it all over again the next day.

When she was finally home, I had the responsibilities for meals, housework, and -- because she could not talk -- even trying to *think* for her when I was making choices.

So, your story opened my eyes. When severe trauma hits one of a team, the other team member(s) feel its effect equally strong, but maybe in a different way.

Thanks for your insight. Continue with your excellent writing.

grogers7grogers7about 13 years ago
Good concept. Rushed work ?

There were some messy 3rd /1st person transitions and some other technical bumps, as well as some character developments that did not seem to have a sufficient antecedent as predicate. It reads as though SS06 rushed to get this published and was not as careful and thoughtful as he can be. Good story concept that is too difficult to properly develop in a story this brief. Still, a good read.

Thanks. Glad the woman who was right for him drove a Mustang. The good guys in classic westerns wore white hats. The good folks in SS06 stories drive or appreciate Mustangs. Could there a Black Knight who drives a black mustang ?

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 13 years ago
what did Kelly DO that was so wrong?

she made NO move at all until Ramona was whoring her self out and shitting on him.

Um... so?

can some one explalin to me How is that is the least bit unethical?

size14shoesize14shoeabout 13 years ago
Up stat: The story, not the stang

Good stang mention, tho. The story was a little syrupy for my tastes. Kelly pushing to get married the day Mona died cost you a point (I gave it a 4). I suppose you were trying to show how much they were in love but it only showed her (and his) lack of taste and was So VERY out of character for both and cheapened their relationship IMNSHO.

estragonestragonabout 13 years ago
Stang, Love the Cars

And this was a good plot line, up to your usual high standard of concept and plot. The execution left a lot to be desired. Your writing has more mechanical errors than should be allowed for a writer at your level. I'll send you my quibbles on the feedback link if you want them, but there's nothing I would catch that you wouldn't have caught if you gave the story one last read-through before hitting the "submit" link.

One serious flaw--why the last two paragraphs? You told us the story, we got the point. You really beat up Ramona in that next-to-last paragraph, and it was gratuitous, a cheap cross-check after the whistle. She was dead, so why did Brad, this decent guy, keep punching a corpse? And why the "happily ever after" cliche? You are capable, and have shown you are capable again and again, of much better writing.

size14shoesize14shoeabout 13 years ago
To "Anonymous" from Size-no-IQ:

You start with no respect because you are a nut-less, gut-less Anonymous and add to it by letting the readers know I'm your Daddy. Every time you comment about me, you tell everyone who reads it how much I own you. Get a grip! Who gives a shit what an anonymous dickwad thinks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

I never guessed a Mustang had therapeuthic powers, something like a wide spectrum antibiotic, but in cases of distress. That´s very good PR though. I suppose you work there or have a product placement contract. In any case you are very successful as I start looking video´s on the web: a bit sloppy in the back suspension however and that´s fitting for literotica.

Thanks again for a topstory!


teh568teh568about 13 years ago

Kind of depressing, involving an important fact of life (the fact that cancer does destroy lives). This story may have changed the basic premiss but it was still a fight against cancer. It may have ended as a happy story for Brad, but we all know that no matter how much better well-off he is with Kelly (whether economically or with his soul) he will still think of her sometimes with a thought of what he lost out when she (as you correctly put it) became the cancer. Her pain ended right about the time they started to give her the morphine...his could go on for many years.

JustForPostingJustForPostingabout 13 years ago
Sloppy writing, unattractive characters

I didn't buy into the idea that a wife so well-treated in time of dire need would then turn around and become a roundheel slut (not to mention a harridan). That was the linchpin of the story, and without that it all falls apart, for me anyway.

Then there was the incredibly jarring non-transition from first-person to third-person POV. Let's not even go into the haphazard sentence construction and punctuation. An editor might have helped.

I thought all the women were dialed up from central casting. I didn't like a one of them, to be honest. (Well, maybe Kelly.)

Finally, Brad speaking eloquently at Ramona's funeral? After all that piss and vinegar?

Thumbs down on this one.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Well written

As usual the story was well written. Unfortunately it didn't have the zap that your stories usually have. It was still a good read

zed0zed0about 13 years ago

Nobody does a happy ending better than Stangstar!

bruce22bruce22about 13 years ago
To the Anon whose wife has Cancer

My mother reached Stage IV twice, the first time after chemo e radio therapy the cancer disappeared. The second time it was spread throughout her lymphatic ducts and the doctors gave up. Then, spontaneous remission came along and she died several year later of a leaky replacement heart valve..

Hang in there, you never know.

HarryHaversackersHarryHaversackersabout 13 years ago
Older Story?

Is this a story you wrote in the past and have just found again?. The reason I ask, is that it isn't anywhere as good as some of your recent ones. It's very sloppily written and pretty amateurish in the plot department as well.

Sandman55Sandman55about 13 years ago

Damn good story!!

CrownedSunCrownedSunabout 13 years ago

I really liked this story, honestly, right up until the last four paragraphs. They seemed to rush the story to its predetermined end and didn't really seem to fit the tone of the rest of the story. Just a cliche'd "cheating woman gets what she deserves" type thing, and for that reason, I personally found them quite uninteresting.

Personally, I'd have preferred to see Ramona and Brad have a final more peaceable conversation where she wishes him well in her life. Maybe, even, Ramona and Kelly getting over their issues with each other as well. After all, she is a Nurse in the Cancer Ward, so its quite likely that she'd see her again at some point and I could easily see a more introspective Ramona eventually coming to terms with what she gave up. Plus, it'd give you a chance to get Kelly a bit more character development and some insight into her thought processes.

That said, the story itself was really very well presented and it made me care enough about it that the last few paragraph's falling flat really meant something to me because they didn't live up to the promise of the preceding material. So, overall, good job. I very much enjoyed it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Needs some slight editing

Too many commas. Otherwise well written, thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
a step back

not as good. but still liked it. love the way you make a mustang part of your stories. not a Stangstar06 story w/o the Mustang :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
This was a lazy, half-assed effort.

Stanger has been making progress and is prolific, but the quality is really suffering. He lost all controlof the first person POV and began telling us through a narrator what other characters were thinking. Big mistake. He had many errors, as well, but the real problem? This story had no plot. His wife cheated even though he was a saint. Another woman realized he was a saint and grabbed him. His wife died. What the hell? Posting a story every week seems to be too much pressure as you are just putting words down and not bothering to create something with them. This was not very good at all.

xtremeddxtremeddabout 13 years ago
Life moves on


Poignant almost sad but life goes on. TGIT

Thanks for sharing on Lit.

BobNbobbiBobNbobbiabout 13 years ago

You done a fair job of capturing the pain of a fatal disease, Stang. You are right in one sense, everyone suffers with the disease, the whole family, the medical staff and most of all the patient. It is difficult; I spent the better part of last year at my daughter's side.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Actually the problem was there at the start

She was always selfish from the start. She didn't want him to give him happiness, she want to have him for her.

The cancer just enabled her to get slim and be noticed. Everything else was in her from the start and if she hadn't been a fat pig in school she would have been a cheap bimbo even then.

MissouriUSAMissouriUSAabout 13 years ago
Thanks for the story!

Thanks for the story! The ex wife really jumped off the deep end. It was a nice twist to have the new girlfriend looking out for him. At least he got a happy ending. His ex-wife, well, not so much.

RHinSCRHinSCabout 13 years ago

One woman who cares and a wife who didn't. People don't always do what they are supposed to do. It is not far out to say that this has happened at some point. I think you covered the range of female behavior well. I also read your other story last week, it was good too.

KenfromIndyKenfromIndyabout 13 years ago
Nicely written, well worth reading

I liked how you said with cancer and really any disease it is not just the person who has it. It is the whole family who are affected by a it. In some ways the person (as you said) with the disease has it the easiest since they can be medicated!

Well written and good use of my time as always to read your stories.

Thank you for posting here!!

I know where else you post so thanks for the heads up on your other story will check it out there ;-)

Mousse9Mousse9about 13 years ago

For some reason I found it very harsh. Not Ramona's cheating, or Brad's pain, but dealing with the cancer itself. Chemo, vomiting, etc. And then for Brad to get cheated on by Ramona, double whammy.

I guess Brad not wanting to see Ramona after her cancer returned, could be deemed harsh, but think about it. He's gone through that already, with sacrifice and pain, endured only because he loved Ramona. Now? When he knows she doesn't love him? And after her cheating, when he doesn't love her anymore? Why go through that again?

Besides, even if he DOES go sit by her side, what would she say? To get back together, ofcourse! And he'd have to deny her again and again and again. It'd only make both of them more miserable.

I think he did the right thing in cutting all ties, even with Ramona's cancer returning.

On the technical side, there seem to be a lot of unnecessary commas. The sudden jump in viewpoint (from Brad to Ramona to Brad to Kelly) is a little bit jarring, but not too bad.

Anyway, good story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

very bad story telling...sorry but it was. The end was a little better than most of the story (in the way it was told). You had a great theme (cancer and all) but the way you wrote was very bad, 1 star. You could have done wayyyyy better.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Sorry but that was a bad story how can u be so heartless he didnt give her a change and he cant get married without divoring first.he didnt care at all she had cancer again.

pogmapogmaabout 13 years ago
To BAD-----------

Please proof read your comments before you submit. Your writing sounds like you didn't go to school (skool ,sic - for you). The story was not heart warming but it was closer to the truth than you might believe. I've had two close friends go through similar situations. Sometimes life just sucks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
re: Nicely written, well worth reading

Did you bother reading this mess? A story that repeatedly changes POV is by definition poorly written.

OldHidekiOldHidekiabout 13 years ago

Does every one of your stories have a mustang in it? Why is that important?

jasonnhjasonnhabout 13 years ago
Solid story but pretty sad

Death for revenge is pretty harsh, even if it was by proxy. Ramona was incredibly stupid and ungrateful considering all he had done for her. He loved her unconditionally and helped her become a much more complete person. He stood by her in her illness. And she treats him like a dog, nice to have but kind of stupid. You can be out all day and the dog will still greet you with a wagging tail. She was massively inconsiderate. Still, she wasn't deliberately trying to hurt him and probably meant to stay with him. Did she deserve to die? Probably not. She created most of her own problems but it's sad that she died alone and unloved. A story that can make you feel sorry for the "villain" is pretty strong.

fausttusfausttusabout 13 years ago
hmmm....not your best but not your worst either

Both your female characters in this one generated little sympathy. I think if you flushed out Kelly's character more you might have a better story. She came off as a self centered conniving bitch.

And his character in the end came off as completely wimpy. He's like some puppy dog following after some woman's skirt. Come on man up!

You've definatly written better.

thanks for the story ---- well all of them.

Oh and I take it Ramonia was a blonde?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Sound idea & premise

I liked the notion of the story but it definitely needs a rewrite & editing. It went back & forth between points of view without any indications beforehand.

To those who gave this a bad review, not every story is suopposed to have a happy ending, some are bittersweet.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
shoulda posted Iraq, I ran

Went to another site and found your story that you didn't post here. I found it to be a great story and wished you had posted it here. This "Cancer" story was good, but the other was fare superior in my estimation. Keep up the good work. Keep those stories coming.

RePhilRePhilabout 13 years ago
Wow you pulled it off!

Writing a story with cancer and death prevalent throughout and not totally depress the reader is quite an art! Great job

demantoiddemantoidabout 13 years ago
I loved "Iraq, I Ran!"

Fantastic a good Capote story. There is something just so cool reading a coming home story and yours was the "bomb diggity". The tension was exquisite! I loved the quick cuts from flashbacks to the present..really propelled the story with an exciting rhythm. Further, your description of small town mores was both hilarious and poignant. Really, really neat story. I cannot stress how I appreciate your generosity in writing such wonderful stories for me and others. By the way, I discovered some other terrific stories of yours on that SOL (shit out of luck?) site! Nice discovery.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
and in the end

he got the beautiful Kelly, car and and happiness. Her, not all the sympathetic, duh

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Other site?

I searched, got nothing. Would love to ready Stang's other work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Good Story

Love it when the guy acts like a man, not a little gay boy. Thanks.

SELSTIMSELSTIMabout 13 years ago
Not Bad

Not your best but still good. As mentioned, it's hard to write about cancer and still have an upbeat story. Probably because cancer is so prevalent these days there is hardly anyone that hasn't been touched by it in some way. I think you partially succeeded. As always the story flowed nicely due to your exceptional writing skills. Making it a pleasure to read. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Good story and the slut got what she deserved!

Hopefully that whore in "Shattered 2" dies on the table & goes away also. But something is missing - where is that idiot shoe-no-IQ with his lame excuse why this whore is not at fault? Oh, that right, the idiot needs someone to read the stories to him because he's so frigging stupid.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Yes she was definitely in the wrong. But unless you've had cancer yourself you can't really judge. I have seen people change completely after battling death. Some want the excitement because they realize just how fast life passes you by. And it looks like Ramona was the same way.

I'd be more worried about the woman who took it upon herself to catalog his wife's affairs. She even called it step 2 of her plan.

greyfalcongreyfalconabout 13 years ago
how could she do this?

seriously, how can a person who was so well taken care of, actually do this whore act? the guy was like a saint. Kelly seemed to me like a little shark pouncing upon the poor guy and grabbing onto him.

The statement about Ramona being the cancer sufficiently surmises her whole character. I applaud you for writing such amazing lines.

3 stars for kick ass lines like the one i wrote about above.

RonRWoodRonRWoodalmost 13 years ago

I too think that she only cared for him because he gave her the life she really wanted. And that was to be a Bimbo, even though she professed to hate them. That he helped her through the first cancer mean't nothing to her other than that he was her rock when no-one else was. Surving that she lost weight and used her new appearance to become a real Bimbo and have fun as a married and cheating slut. She never regretted anything about what she had done to her loser husband until she had lost him. Kelly watched everything and realized that he was a saint and fell in love with him. Out of love she tried to tell him that the woman he loved disrespected him. He demanded proof and she furnished it after he had already found out that Ramona was indeed a lying slut. That Kelly claimed the man she loved does not make her a bad person. Ramona shit on him and her marriage and that makes her a bad person.

Getting cancer again and dying was unfair and not a good revenge per se, but shit happens in life and it is never fair. I lost a brother due to agent orange when I came back healthy with no Post Traumatic distress syndrome. I was actually in combat when he was a bridge-builder and I spent twice as long over there. What's fair about that? This story is not as sad as all that written. Newt divorced his cancer ridden wife and still thinks he is a good electable person. John McCain's wife waited years for him to get back from Hanoi and one of his first actions was to find a younger woman and divorce the one that suffered and waited for him for years. That did not seem to make him a bad person either. It's quite obvious that life-changing events create changes in marriages.Nice story though.

count2threecount2threealmost 13 years ago
Sorry only 2* this time.

The basic Idea was good, but for me you didn't evolve it good.


It is totally unbelievable that he falls in love with a bad looking girl because of her personality, but never even gets a hind at the borderline psychotic person you portrayed in the second half of this tale. Her totally fucked up value system is just not explainable as an effect of her weight loss or won cancer-battle. The partying ok, but not the rest.

The way you portrayed her postcancer was just WAY over the top.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

I had just recently found this story. Nice story. I haven't met any person who have faced death so I honestly can't say how such a person acts in the aftermath. But I highly doubt that they would act like Ramona. My only complain is why Brad and Kelly's daughter had to be named after Ramona. The poor girl didn't deserve that. I am talking about the daughter, not Ramona. And also, Kelly's character should have been better. At some points she seemed like a predator. And finally, no matter what you say, the bitch (Ramona) deserved it.

DWornockDWornockalmost 13 years ago
Sad but nice ending.

The story is worth the 5***** rating I gave it.

Ramona may be selfish but I can understand that she wanted to experience the thing she didn't have during high school and college. However, missing her birthday party that she know about was over the top.

huedogghuedoggalmost 13 years ago
like I have said in the past and will say it again

SStangStar06 can fucking write, another nice one. To bad it had to take death for him to get married to a loving wife but so be it.

tazz317tazz317almost 13 years ago

the good and the bad and the ugly, leaving devastation instead of love. TK U MLJ LV NV

SELSTIMSELSTIMover 12 years ago
Poor Little Fat Girl

Good writing, as usual. I especially liked your Polish phrase. I didn't know you knew how to speak Polish, cute. The behavioral assessment of Ramona at the end was a little shallow, completely inaccurate and harsh but I realize that it was just thrown in to please the "burn the bitch" crowd. I actually agree with DWornock (I know it surprised me, too) that the story was sad but I enjoyed the read and you can't beat the price. Thank you for all your hard work and the entertainment

DunaDunaover 12 years ago

In Hungary nobody could divorce a ill spouse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DunaDunaover 12 years ago
This is the second story from the USA, where........

I do not understand the USA states family law, there is divorce from a serious ill spouse????????????????

The judge does not give any divorce disolution if any spouse is serious ill in Hungary!!!! Moreover the mutual agreement is also the judge will not give any divorce disolution in Hungary!!!!!!!

DunaDunaover 12 years ago
There is something better in the USA states family law and there is not....

Moreover the death of his wife the husband could get prison punishment not to assist his wife struggle against the cancer in Hungary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I like in the USA family law, that a husband after the DNA test result (until 4 years old of the not DNA test proof child) he does not have to pay any children support for the exwife. After the 4 years old not DNA test proof children he could start a law suit against the biological father to get settlement. I like this thing in the USA family law!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In Hungary the exhusband must pay the children support for the not DNA test proof childre and nobody can start any law suit against the biological father.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Duna: Get A Life

Cold; Hard hitting story. But in America as should be everywhere; we should ALL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR OUR OWN ACTIONS. So you sow; so shall you reap. All that said, good story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Ridiculous. You'd honestly divorce you cancer-striken wife merely because she sleeps around a little? Taliban!

ACP45ACP45over 12 years ago

He didn't divorce her because she was sick. He divorced her because she was a promiscuous slut. Maybe you don’t have HIV in Hungary but fucking around indiscriminately is a pretty reasonable way to get it. Indiscriminate fucking is not only risking her life but his as well. Now if you’re married to a whore and you want to take the risk, fine but don’t expect anyone with enough brains to know better to do it.

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

more difficult to lose forever. TK U MLJ LV NV

DunaDunaover 12 years ago
2 law systems philosphy and the fable principles

1. The Hungarian and the family law philosophy of the USA states are different. You are right. According to the Hungarian family law if a spouse struggles a deadly illness the other spouse MUST HELP her/him and mutual agreement divorce is forbidden for them as well. In this case the judge does not account the cheating at all in Hungary.

Your states family law philosophy is found by the own responsibility of the people activity.

I think sometime our law philosophy is more human, but other case yours is much BETTER, than ours is. For example the not DNA test proof children were tested before they become 4 years old the exhusbands do not have to pay any child support against the Hungarian family law. In the USA the exhusband (or the husband) can start law suit against the biological father for settlement of the child child support and the emotional damage. In Hungary the modern science (DNA test) has not arrived yet in the FAMILY LAW.

2. I understand StangStar06,s stories better, when I had written my comment. SS06's story consist of fable principles. Some of his stories are less fable principle and others are more fable principle. His stories told us the consequens of the cheating, sometime the stories tell the plot exact as the true life in other stories there are more fable principle.

3. Those people who are absolute faithful they are a sexual minority of our Cultural World (Western Culture). However I count those spouses who were only 1 or 2 short time affairs or their second marriage keeps live they (I call them relative faithful spouses) and the absolute faithful spouses together are more than 50-55% of the spouses. They bring up the majority of the living in normal circumtensis CHILDREN!!!!

Somebody who has a little COMMON SENSE wants normal healthy mind children!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Are you for real,DW Duna??

Or are the asylums full up again? That said, it is an excellent story.Well written and entertaining.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Not Bad

I liked this story. It was fairly short for you. She was a big time skank and whore slut. What comes around goes around for her. OH YES, a lot of us don`t give a flying fuck about you fucking Mustangs.

BfreetorunBfreetorunover 11 years ago
Aptly titled...

And, in my humble opinion, those who don't like Mustangs have no taste (nothing personal). A good story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
... a bitof a mess. Needs proof reading.

"Does every one of your stories have a mustang in it? Why is that important?"

A Mustang is a poor man's sports car. Aspiring to a real car would be beyond the author's ken. Plus he changes its vintage towards the end. Is it a 2002 or a 2003?

No one seems to question the ethics of a nurse 'taking over' the spouse of a patient! In any State or civilised country she'd lose her license to practice! It's an absolute non no.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

You need to get a fucking mustang an shove it in your ass. lol

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Great story

with the exception of the part where you, unintentionally I'm sure, pissed on patients everywhere by suggesting that what their loving spouses go through is in any way comparable to the victim of cancer themselves. The spouse has to go through the emotional impact and devastation of watching their loved one wither and slowly become lost to them. The cancer victim not only has to go through that, but actually suffer the horrors of the cancer disease first hand. There is no comparison.

Of course, that doesn't excuse anything she did and had her husband left it at that, he'd have walked away free and clear. Instead, he just looks like an asshole. There's also the recurring theme of "you're beautiful to me and that should be enough" in your stories which is kind of insulting and shows a lack of empathy on the man's part. No woman ever wants to be seen as fat and ugly to everyone but her husband.

That said, Ramona's fat and ugly on the inside, and probably learned it from her mother. Not sure why the bitch turned into such a saint at the end, but she's as bad as her daughter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I love the story, It is a great fiction story , just write more, very entertaining read, Keep up the good work.

talldarkfellowtalldarkfellowabout 11 years ago
Deux-Ex-Author ?

While this story was technically fairly well written, to me it came off as unintentionally funny.

She cheats on him and her cancer comes back?

If you are going to go that far, why not just have a lightning bolt hit her out of the clear blue sky, accompanied by a thundering voice rumbling "Take that, you miserable bitch!!"

Seeker1107Seeker1107about 11 years ago
about the cancer

I think that you are wrong as far as cancer coming back but she might as well have been struck by lightening. yes she suffered but as a family member of someone who died of cancer let me tell you one thing. without the support there and the emotional trauma of seeing hI'm move on it can bring back the cancer. he tried and did his beat for her but she just shat on him with no regard for anything else. I have seen cancer patients run both gamuts. I've seen it bring couples closer and I've seen it tear them apart. the later is worse. while yes she had the disease let me tell you that it is as bad for the family if not worse.

I lost my mother to cancer and when the doctors took all hope away she lasted another 3 weeks. all through it we never gave up hope but we knew what the ultimate outcome was to be. my father still is going through it and he was there everyday with her. mnd nothing we did for her changed a damn thing. when they rook away her last hope that was it she hung on rill her affairs were in order and the next day she let go. so yes it can be just as hard on the spouse as the patient. should Kelly have jumped on him so fast? maybe yes and no. I think that she was so envious that when she saw Ramona shit on him she couldn't take it. remember this went on for months before she finally told him and what was her thought throughout? his mental well being. she could have been much bitchier about it but she tried to not kill his marriage. she even told him not to look if he still loved her. that he did was telling in and of itself. it was just confirmation of what he knew already. wonder what the relationship with the former in-law was like after she died

phil2213phil2213almost 11 years ago
Poor Ramona; why not go to the bar and drag her ass home?

The story allows a crisis to fester with a husband witnessing a Holocaust of his marriage while he sits like a mope. They fought cancer but not for their marriage? There are plausibility issues here!

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 11 years ago
Loved it

A great story. Well written and heartfelt. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Poor Ramona ???

Poor Ramona my left butt cheek.

She was married, she should have been faithful, without being dragged out of the bar away from the men she was cheating on the husband who loved her with.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

I hope your wife or girlfriend doesn't read your comments, because you just told her it's OK for her to pull train on a bar full of guys, and you'll forgive her(not to mention offer to lick her clean after). Poor Ramona my ass! Poor loving and cheated Brad.

By the way, where are all those honest, kind and faithful redhead babes with heavenly heart-shaped asses in real life? Mmm readheads:)

auhunter04auhunter04about 10 years ago
here I go again

Any remark by a person, good or bad, who cannot be identified deserves no consideration

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

or any long term illness can be life altering but not in the way Ramona acted.

I have an aunt who's a breast cancer survivor and younger brother who died of prostrate cancer which spread to other organs. Both respective spouses were extremely supportive for which I admire them, I'd like to think I helped prolong my mother's life in her waining years, Ramona's actions and disrespect showed she never deserved he husband's attention but if he hadn't it would always have haunted him probably more than the betrayal.

KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago

Where did it say he witnessed anything?

KELLY saw her in the bar, but at that time had no evidence.

The first time he "witnessed" anything was when Kelly showed him the pictures AFTER she lied to him on her birthday.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago





BfreetorunBfreetorunover 9 years ago
I read this before an am too lazy to see if I commented before.

The author was right, Ramona was a Cancer. There is a lesson for all of us in this story, I upgraded it to a Favorite this reading. The situation shown in this store happens more than you think it does, either Cancer or a recovery from some other severe illness or accidental injury seems to precipitate a personality change or maybe it can just be all the hidden bad traits coming out. As a nurse of over forty years and other experiences before I became a nurse I have seen this more than I like. I had an aunt who was wild as a youth for about twenty years then settled down with a good man for about fifteen years and then, following the death of her Mother, returned to her wild ways only much worse. She spent her last days living (if you could call it that) dragging her Oxygen tank to the door, leaving it inside and then having a smoke on the front porch, gasping for air the whole time. Then back to her "life" where she could barely get around for a few months until she died. So, Ramona always had that inner slut and the alcohol enabled her living it out. Sad story but at least Brad recovered and had Kelly for comfort and companionship. I would most certainly wish they would not name a child "Ramona". Yes, I know that is just a story, good job, Stang and Miko.

tazz317tazz317over 9 years ago

does the Duck really leave the nest, TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

KarenE is quick to nit pick, but I've not seen any stories written by her. Good writing and reading again, SS6. Thank you. I look forward to you work, and I do mean WORK. Cheers! c29

seekerazseekerazover 9 years ago
@ ***** Anonymous KarenE is an editor

authors should care about what she and every other reader has to say. Why write if there is no one to read?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
read it again

Someone made the comment that she had seen this before and the slut that was hiding inside Ramonia came out. It did not come out it ran out as fast and hard as it could.How can a person treat someone that she says she loves that way??? Good but kinda dark story. Any way Kelly healed him and got him in the end and Ramonia was it really worth it to just throw everything away like last nights TRASH??

P.S. Why would you want to name your child after her????

Ron Texas

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

this is a terrible story....u truly have no idea that cancer patients are not like that. To make ramona this,bad is awful and in very bad taste and so unrealistic. we cancer patients dont do thsee horrible things. So, u gave us all a bad name. fuck kelly who was out to destroy ramona. and stupid brad. i hope these two become miserable.

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