Candy From Strangers


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"You pick the next one," Laurel decided, thrusting the book toward Claudia. Faced with no other alternative (she simply couldn't put the truffle back in the box) she stuffed the chocolate into her mouth, chased it with the lemon alcohol, then grabbed the book to rifle through the list of movies.

In short order, the credits of Dracula had been replaced by Bauhaus and the unforgettable introduction of The Hunger. Laurel dimmed the lights and all three settled back in mutual anticipation of a movie they could all agree upon.

Small details captured Claudia's eye. From the media room's intricate crown molding to the way Catherine Deneuve's eyes seemed to hide a caged and feral tiger as she and David Bowie stalked their prey in the atmospheric thriller. When she turned to grab another candy, the light playing off Yves's hair mesmerized her into staring longer than she should. It looked to be several shades of gold, from tarnished to brilliant, and his subtle sideways glance in her direction confirmed that he was watching her as well. While he held her gaze, he deliberately took his left hand and placed it on Laurel's thigh. Laurel simply gazed at the television, her eyes heavy with too much drink and not enough activity. Seeing Claudia's eyes widen, he only cocked a beautifully arched brow, giving Laurel's thigh a squeeze before returning his hands to his lap and his attention to the screen ahead.

Claudia hiked up her jeans and tried to clear her head. All she could think about was the cousins and their hypnotic blue eyes. Laurel with her aloof sensuality and Yves with his overt desires. They were captivating, and she couldn't help but feel as if she'd only scratched the surface of their eccentricities.

Splashing some cool water on her face, she flicked the lights off and stepped out of the bathroom once again. Mildly disappointed that Yves didn't capture her in a rib-shattering embrace and haul her back in, she wobbled back into the media room, which was now lit only by the glow of the television.

As her eyes adjusted to the gloom, she came up short, almost walking into a moment she was clearly not meant to disturb.

They were laying on the sectional, Yves on top and Laurel on the bottom, and their lips were joined in a passionate kiss, Laurel's fingers in Yves's hair, his hands thrust up beneath her lavender sweater. Claudia hesitated, uncertain how to proceed. Should she go back to the bathroom and make more of a production of opening the door, turning out the light, and staggering back to them? Should she creep in and take a seat elsewhere? She wanted another drink and a few more truffles.

Before she could make up her mind however, Yves very deliberately looked up to meet her eye, offering that same arrogant and catlike smile.

"Come here, Claudia."

She offered only a moment's hesitation before doing as he'd asked, kicking off her shoes along the way since stocking feet just felt more appropriate for the intimate setting she was about to enter. "Another chocolate, chérie?"

Yves was at her side, proffering the box before she could even get close to the table. And as he removed one of the rich candies, his eyes captured hers while he pushed the sweet between her parted lips. "Laurel and I, we've been this close for years. She played naïve with me for a while, but we both knew it would happen. We French Oliviers indulge our appetites more than the American branch of the family."

The heady burst of absinthe and chocolate was a welcome taste in Claudia's mouth, for it had gone so dry that she couldn't speak, even if she wanted to or knew what she should say. Yves guided her to stand over Laurel, who lay apparently passed out, though she had seemed alert only a few moments earlier. What appeared to be a large hickey blossomed beneath her left ear, but the shadows were so profuse and the angle so bad that Claudia couldn't be certain of what she was seeing.

Warm hands slipped around her waist and cupped her full bosom. She began to tremble, her head spinning and her eyes fixed on Laurel's face as the hands slid beneath her shirt, squeezing her bare breasts as his lips settled against her neck. This time, she did swoon, and she fell back into his embrace. Laurel's eyes opened briefly. Within them, Claudia thought she saw concern and dismay, but they soon closed again, and the look was gone.

Cool air wrapped around Claudia's torso like silk, and when she felt her ass make contact with the carpet, she knew her desire for Yves's cock would be fulfilled. He knelt beside her, his figure in silhouette against the television screen, his hands going to work on her jeans. Next went her panties, and as he peeled each of her socks away, he showered the tip of each toe with delicate kisses that sent her heart pounding.

Claudia closed her eyes, unable to believe what was about to happen. She heard movement beside her and caught a strong whiff of his cologne. He was undoubtedly undressing. While her libido applauded this, her heavily hindered rational mind was voicing objections. He was a rich brat who saw no problem with fucking his cousin, or, for that matter, his cousin's best friend while Laurel lay right next to them? She surmised that even if Laurel had been awake and alert, Yves wouldn't be dissuaded from what he wanted. That had been made very clear by the blatant way he went about groping and handling his cousin. But there was something deliciously dirty about getting fucked with the chance of discovery. Even if Laurel was approximately ten sheets to the wind and oblivious to their actions.

Claudia's eyes opened just in time to see Yves rise to his knees, then straddle her shoulders, his desire clear as his very erect cock pointed directly at her face. It was of an average length, but very broad and almost ghostly pale in the low light. Without a word, she reached up, grasped his buttocks, and drew him forward into the wet suction of her eager mouth.

The taste of him was exquisite. She could taste a hint of soap mingled with the subtle flavor of his secretions, and it was an addictive flavor. He was absolutely silent, but the slow and steady thrust of his hips told her that he was enjoying himself. She drew back and forth over his length, occasionally tightening her lips to pull him entirely out of her mouth with a satisfying pop, his glans glistening with her saliva and his own pre-come. She wanted to take all of him, wanted to bury her nose in his golden nest of pubic hair. Wanted his balls to slap against her chin. But there was one small problem. She had never gotten a man's cock down her throat, and the last time she'd tried, she had been forced to lean over the edge of the bed and throw up the three slices of pizza and four beers she'd downed before they'd gotten started, only seconds from hitting her awkwardly understanding partner.

She was afraid, but also eager to get past her fear. When his cock nudged at her lips, she opened her mouth to accept it, her hands caressing his narrow hips and muscular backside. She opened her eyes, knowing how much eye contact was valued during such an intimate act.

Yves met her eyes with that clear blue gaze, and she forgot about everything. Forgot about her almost debilitating gag reflex. Forgot about Laurel lying nearly comatose a mere three feet away. All she thought about was pleasing Yves. Making his features change from that cool façade to a genuine configuration of ecstasy. The first time his cock-head nudged against her throat, her mouth watered and she tried to panic, but she couldn't. All she could do was stare back into Yves's eyes as he pushed her a little more with each thrust.

"Yes, Claudia," he purred, reaching down to stroke her cheek with his fingertips. "Now." With a brute shove and soft smile, he forced the head of his cock down her throat. But instead of ejecting her dinner as she'd feared, Claudia only longed for him to go deeper. Her tongue lapped the smooth, delicious skin of his cock, and his pendulous sac gently banged at her chin as he fucked her mouth, all the while maintaining eye contact. "Swallow, pretty girl," he breathed, and suddenly the organ in her mouth throbbed and warm sticky fluid poured down her throat. She swallowed with ease, sucking every last drop from him as he slid out of her throat.

The instant his cock slipped from between her lips, Claudia's mind whirled. She felt as if a glass of ice water had been dumped on her brain, and she began to shudder violently from head to toe as she turned her attention to the screen. That did not improve matters. One of the most famous lesbian scenes on film assailed her, and she turned her face back toward her lover, who was now appraising her as if longing to know precisely what she was thinking. The way he handled his orgasm was unbelievable. He took it like a seasoned porn veteran, his gaze never leaving hers, his eyes vibrant and focused the entire time. Something about it gnawed at her, but she wasn't able to place it.

The moment his lips closed over her left breast, all her concerns abandoned her, to be rapidly replaced with excruciating pleasure.

"What are you doing," she moaned, more to herself than Yves, who only chuckled softly as his weight settled on top of her. Every nerve in her body seemed to be alight. She felt the soft cushion of the carpet against her back, bottom, and legs. Felt the soft down of his arms against her sides, and most acutely felt the hot length of his already erect cock against her thigh as his lips released her nipple to burn a trail down her torso, inciting a hungry fire between her thighs.

Strong fingertips caressed the trimmed thatch of hair over her mound, and when he blew a warm breath over her slick inner lips, she shuddered in disconcerted anticipation. Yves's tongue flicked out, going directly for her clitoris, and she winced, unable to recover from this sensation before he hungrily burrowed into her vagina, fingers and tongue penetrating, rubbing, teasing, and driving breaths from her lips in a locomotion of gasps and panting, her body tense, her thigh muscles tightening against his shoulders.

A building pressure inside her vagina combined with sure sucking of her clit brought her to a silent, hard, messy orgasm, and at the height of her bliss, a small prick of pain from her left labia told her that he'd bitten her. What a kinky bastard! Rather than being put off by the gesture, she was aroused. Exhilarated at what was to come.

Yves sat up, taking Claudia in his arms and embracing her as he did, his lips seeking hers as his cock pressed hot and hard against her hip. His kiss was slow, deliberate, and tinged with the metallic edge of her own blood. One hand squeezed her left breast, pausing to flick her nipple before returning to gentle pressure. He pulled his lips away, took her chin in his fingertips, and turned her head toward Laurel, whose eyes were open and a little glazed.

"Come join us, Laurel."

Without hesitation, Laurel sat up, rubbed her eyes briefly, and began to strip out of her clothes. As she shrugged out of her sweater and wriggled out of the charming cream-colored lace brassiere, Claudia caught a glimpse of something dark against the left side of her throat in the vicinity of the possible love bite. When Laurel bent to unfasten her pants, her wheat-colored tresses obscured the distraction, but upon standing up to shove down her pants, Claudia saw it in plain sight and her eyes widened. A dried rivulet of blood decorated the blonde's fair throat, and the cause of the bleeding appeared to be a pair of bruised punctures. From just inches from her left ear, Yves's voice came in a silken whisper.

"Ah. The other family secret. I see you've noticed Laurel's neck."

Cold anxiety was stealing over her warm afterglow, and without thinking, Claudia plunged a hand into her lap to rub the place where Yves had bitten her, her fingertips coming back smeared with a fine streak of crimson.

"What the hell!"

"The truffles were his idea," Laurel sighed, her tone redolent with resignation. "I told him he could have me if he'd leave you alone. This isn't your life, Claudia. I didn't know he was going to do this to you, too." She softly added as an afterthought, "I thought the truffles would make it easier for me when I had to swallow—"

"Do what to me?" Claudia tried to keep the shrill panic out of her question. Yves's hand was between her thighs, those maddeningly skilled fingers distracting her with irresistible sensations. She didn't know what to say. What to do.

Claudia closed her eyes, unable to discern where reality stopped and dreams began, her body on fire and his touch fanning the flame.

"Make you one of us. It's expressly forbidden to bite an innocent human unless you're going to feed or..." Laurel looked at her long dainty fingers, fumbling for the right words. "Dispatch the one you've bitten. But Yves wanted you from the moment he saw you. I tried to talk him out of it, but he wouldn't listen."

"She worries so much, like a silly little goose," Yves's arms tightened around Claudia's waist as his lips played along the curve of her left earlobe. "Laurel is always following rules. I have to start all the fun with her."

"I hardly call being fucked by your cousin when you're barely in junior high fun." Laurel snapped, her eyes pinioning Yves with blazing fury. "Mother told you to leave me alone. She wanted me to have a normal life, but you and Father couldn't have that. You've always been jealous..."

Yves spat something in French at Laurel, who started to her feet. "Sit down!" he barked, and though the volume hadn't increased, the tone was chilling. Laurel sat. "Now it's All Hallows Eve, and we are going to have a fine time. Laurel, if you don't stop being so unpleasant, I shall leave you out. Do you want that?"

Laurel's eyes lowered and she contemplated her knees, slowly shaking her head.

"I need to go to the ladies' room." Claudia's head pounded and she felt as if she might be sick. "I don't know what you two are playing at, but your sense of humor sucks."

Laurel followed Claudia as she stumbled down the hall. Yves reclined back against the sofa, picked up Claudia's drink, and took a slow sip as he watched the film.

"What is this, Laurel?" Claudia's voice was bordering on hysterical as she slammed the door behind them. "What the fuck have you done?"

"I didn't want you to know. I tried to fight it for as long as I could." Laurel gazed forlorn into the mirror, her expression haunted. "Father told me what ran in our family when I was twelve. Shortly after, Yves attacked me while we were staying with them in France. He's wanted to make me one of them since that night in the barn when he forced himself on me, but Father heard me screaming and came to help before Yves was able to finish. Yves has spent the last seven years convincing Father of his contrition and that it wouldn't happen again, and I've spent the last seven years fending off his secret advances. He knows I won't hesitate to tell my parents if he gets out of line, but I don't know what's gotten into him tonight.

"Father said that Mother tried to keep the truth about our family a secret and hoped I'd never find out. I mean we were odd, but aren't all rich families? But it all made sense, and I told him I didn't want it. Mother conceived me before Father bit her, so I had the option of growing up typical and dying like everyone else." She turned to face her friend, a tear slipping down her cheek. "I'd never seen Yves the way he was with you tonight. He usually ignores every other girl but me, but it was clear that he saw something in you. He knew I knew, and he said that if I let him have me, he'd leave you alone. But he lied. He's got us both."

"This isn't happening." Claudia stumbled toward the toilet, clutching her belly. Laurel went after her, the two embracing as they shook like leaves. "We had garlic for dinner, for God's sake, and I can see your reflection in the mirror—"

"Old wives' tales," Laurel murmured, kissing Claudia's brow. "Yves loves going out during the day even though it hurts his eyes. He gets a perverse thrill out of bucking convention. The only absolute is that we need to ... to feed."

"But I didn't bite him ... I didn't draw blood ... Isn't that how it's supposed to work?"

"No. You did more than that." Laurel paused, her expression somber as she held her friend. "You swallowed, and then he bit you. The exchange was complete."

"Oh God..."

Laurel caught Claudia's chin, her eyes meeting the brunette's. Claudia felt her muscles immediately relax. She tried to break the gaze, but wasn't able.

"Don't fight me on this, Claudia. Just go with whatever happens, and we'll sort it out later, okay? Now let's get back before Yves gets suspicious."

They entered the large media room to find Yves still nude, beckoning to them from the other entrance. Laurel took Claudia's hand, and they followed him across the darkened hall and through to the salon, then up the broad stairs and into a sumptuously decorated bedroom.

"Here we are," Yves smiled, closing the door behind them. "And we have a new member of the family. My Claudia." Claudia frowned, stepping back. "Yes, yes. You're upset. But don't be. Laurel is so gloomy. It's quite fun being what we are."

"You've got a demented idea of fun," Claudia muttered, glancing at Laurel for moral support. Her friend only offered a glance that asked for total trust, and then stepped forward to embrace her cousin.

"You're right." Laurel said. Her lips traveled upward to Yves's jaw, and she nibbled playfully as his hands reached back to capture her perky bottom. "We're supposed to be having fun tonight, and I'm feeling pretty good thanks to Grandfather's truffles. Let's stop fighting."

Yves smiled satisfactorily, taking the girl's hands and pulling her up onto the immense bed with its burgundy duvet and ornately carved bedposts. Claudia, uncertain of what was really going on, went meekly to sit at the foot of the bed as Laurel capitulated to her cousin's every whim.

"It is so much better when I don't have to force you," Yves breathed as he flung Laurel onto her back. She mewed like a kitten, wrapping her long legs around his narrow ass and drawing him in deeper.

Cold was stealing over Claudia's flesh. Her head throbbed, and she felt as if the room had dropped twenty degrees. Yet in the pit of her stomach, a heat more scalding than anything produced by alcohol was blooming. A second but more needy fire was burning deep within her throbbing channel, and she knew that she could do nothing to quench either. She wasn't feeling like herself. She felt a strange new hunger. An appetite that couldn't be sated by mere food and drink or any common lover. She craved blood and fucking.

Watching Laurel, one would never suppose she was the most quiet and bookish girl in her class. One would also never suppose her first sexual experience had not been mutually desired, or that the assailant was the one she was now riding with tireless vigor.

A power shift was occurring between the cousins, and Claudia felt herself drawn inexorably closer as Yves's own gaze showed the first signs of drifting. He was transfixed beneath Laurel, and when Claudia stretched out beside him so she could see her, she understood why.

Every inch of Laurel exuded sex. Her tits, though petite, were perfectly proportioned, with areola that weren't too large or small. Her waist was narrow, and to Claudia's surprise, her pubis was totally free of hair. But the most sensual aspect was her eyes. Where Yves had an ability to calm and lull his intended target into a state of catatonia, Laurel's gaze whipped the blood to a frenzy. The bliss she experienced was transparent in those fathomless oceanic depths, and the slight smile playing at the corners of her mouth would have melted an average man.